Bad response: 403: 403 Forbidden - Please help me get out of my ban cycle

Hey Guys,

I recently moved over to cache from Plexdrive. I’ve gotten the abovementioned error for the last week. Full disclosure, my setup was wrong but I fixed it on Monday. I thought that would resolve the issue and the ban would be lifted, but alas. I’m still getting the error. Logs below:

2018/05/23 09:23:38 INFO  : ment3n800p1sftsi1ej926utfc/cccfhdtitf0no0o36ud4rbq1qifd8r05q900vbu689k1dtrrag6g/4h0uj91u4j9iirncdqbs8qdm54/m1r91btsi77gd2hpcv7pjq7k06db2lv667fn9mt4vjabvil727cimha00a6j7c4c0a216jaui8fhh3lt8qh2ge481inufhjapo4k96b0ukfqdmaddsvaero25617p3t5: background upload: uploaded entry
2018/05/23 09:23:38 INFO  : ment3n800p1sftsi1ej926utfc/cccfhdtitf0no0o36ud4rbq1qifd8r05q900vbu689k1dtrrag6g/4h0uj91u4j9iirncdqbs8qdm54/m1r91btsi77gd2hpcv7pjq7k06db2lv667fn9mt4vjabvil727cimha00a6j7c4c0a216jaui8fhh3lt8qh2ge481inufhjapo4k96b0ukfqdmaddsvaero25617p3t5: finished background upload
2018/05/23 09:24:24 INFO  : cache-cleanup: chunks 10, est. size: 49.842M
2018/05/23 09:25:14 ERROR : worker-0 <96vguoai9tr971up2lbt4l9phr3o3g4lf6dttk2fhvl77a6gaght1ggruh1c9h73649bt2ic02hu3d05ucu9nfnoo8p9fmq8c7j55po>: object open failed 1017118720: bad response: 403: 403 Forbidden
2018/05/23 09:25:24 INFO  : cache-cleanup: chunks 5, est. size: 24.842M
2018/05/23 09:26:25 INFO  : cache-cleanup: chunks 6, est. size: 29.842M
2018/05/23 09:27:25 INFO  : cache-cleanup: chunks 9, est. size: 44.842M
2018/05/23 09:28:25 INFO  : cache-cleanup: chunks 8, est. size: 39.842M
2018/05/23 09:29:25 INFO  : cache-cleanup: chunks 5, est. size: 24.842M
2018/05/23 09:30:25 INFO  : cache-cleanup: chunks 4, est. size: 19.842M
2018/05/23 09:30:36 ERROR : worker-0 <96vguoai9tr971up2lbt4l9phr3o3g4lf6dttk2fhvl77a6gaght1ggruh1c9h73649bt2ic02hu3d05ucu9nfnoo8p9fmq8c7j55po>: object open failed 1116733440: bad response: 403: 403 Forbidden
2018/05/23 09:31:17 ERROR : worker-0 <34dfkso10bthfcf66r5v1hdhva5e2eq8hl21bspaoasu8av7mvqbtqofcfj4ea1sr8edn46f1mf8pt6pkqu08rngj11bj3dudifhim0>: object open failed 1368391680: bad response: 403: 403 Forbidden
2018/05/23 09:31:21 ERROR : worker-0 <34dfkso10bthfcf66r5v1hdhva5e2eq8hl21bspaoasu8av7mvqbtqofcfj4ea1sr8edn46f1mf8pt6pkqu08rngj11bj3dudifhim0>: object open failed 1368391680: bad response: 403: 403 Forbidden

My remotes:

type = crypt
remote = cache:
filename_encryption = standard
password = [redacted]
password2 = [redacted]

type = crypt
remote = gsuite:crypt
filename_encryption = standard
password = [redacted]
password2 = [redacted]

type = drive
client_id = [redacted]
client_secret = [redacted]
token = {"access_token":"[redacted]","token_type":"Bearer","refresh_token":"[redacted]","expiry":"2018-05-23T10:42:40.179038299+02:00"}

type = cache
remote = gsuite:crypt
plex_url =
plex_username = [redacted]
plex_password = [redacted]
chunk_size =
info_age =
chunk_total_size = 100G
plex_token = [redacted]

My mount:

Description=Google Drive (rclone)

ExecStart=/usr/bin/rclone mount media: /home/kamos/media \
 --uid=1000 \
 --gid=1000 \
 --config /home/kamos/.rclone.conf \
 --allow-other \
 --cache-chunk-path=/home/kamos/.cache/rclone/cache-backend/drive_cache \
 --cache-db-path=/home/kamos/.cache/rclone/cache-backend/drive_cache.db \
 --dir-cache-time=160h \
 --cache-chunk-size=5M \
 --cache-info-age=168h \
 --cache-workers=5 \
 --cache-tmp-upload-path /home/kamos/temp_upload \
 --cache-tmp-wait-time 10m \
 --buffer-size 0M \
 --attr-timeout=1s \
 --rc \
 --log-level INFO \
ExecStop=/bin/fusermount -u /home/kamos/media/


Output of ps -ef | grep rclone
root 731 1 9 May21 ? 03:20:00 /usr/bin/rclone mount media: /home/kamos/media --uid=1000 --gid=1000 --config /home/kamos/.rclone.conf --allow-other --cache-chunk-path=/home/kamos/.cache/rclone/cache-backend/drive_cache --cache-db-path=/home/kamos/.cache/rclone/cache-backend/drive_cache.db --dir-cache-time=160h --cache-chunk-size=5M --cache-info-age=168h --cache-workers=5 --cache-tmp-upload-path /home/kamos/temp_upload --cache-tmp-wait-time 10m --buffer-size 0M --attr-timeout=1s --rc --log-level INFO --log-file=/home/kamos/logs/mount.log

Is there a way to see what’s causing the ban? Please help.

I had a look at the API console, here’s some more information:

So GSuite is your GD.

Your Cache is “cache” and that’s a folder in your GD called crypt which links back up to gsuite.

and your mount should be the crypt which is called media and mounts “cache”

The order looks good as it’s GD->Cache->Crypt

Did you play around with chunk sizes? If so, clean up the chunk tmp folder by just doing a rm on where the chunk storage is. Usually in the cache-backend named after the “cache” in your config.

That’s correct, my config is gsuite: -> cache: -> media: and I mount media: to /home/kamos/media. Previously I used boxee: for media uploads but now Radarr and Sonarr write directly to the media mount.

Is there any way I can check what is causing the high number of of requests? I wish I could see the unencrypted file values in the log :confused:

I cleared the “cache” folder, as recommended but left the chunk size as is. Let’s see if that helps. I’ll keep looking to see if there is anything I missed.

I don’t think you missed anything as it looks right as it’s identical to my config.

403s are not always bans but if you changed the chunk size as an example, it generates a lot of 403s. If you had a very old version of rclone and updated, it is best to clear out everything and start fresh.

From my side, it normally takes 15-20 minutes to have plex do a cold scan of everything with ~45TB on my GD.

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Ok, I’ll try that. Thanks for the help.

So I started from scratch and re-installed and reconfigured rclone from scratch and that seemed to solve the problem.

Thanks for the help.