Backup from ACD to GDrive keeping encryption

I would like to copy my crypted ACD to GDrive keeping encryption, with the possibility to map a network drive using GDrive, showing the real folder and file names like happens with ACD. Which one should be the correct way? My current scenario is something like this:

ACD contains 2 folders: decrypt, with decrypted files, and crypt, with all the crypted files
ACD contains 2 folders: decrypt, empty right now, and crypt which will be the crypted files folder

rclone config contains:

acd: (Amazon Cloud Drive) -> ACD main folder (decrypt and crypt)
acdcrypt: (Crypt option) -> This one is acd:crypt
gd: (Google Drive) -> GDrive main folder (decrypt and crypt)
gdcrypt: (Crypt option) -> This one is gd:crypt

Can someone help me with this?


i have just migrate my data from ACD to Gdrive

On my way
4 folders
A : Movies ==> Crypted on ACD side but mounted on my server side to be seen decrypted
B : TV shows ==> Crypted on ACD side but mounted on my server side to be seen decrypted
C : Movies ==> mounted crypted on Gdrive
D : TV shows ==> mounted crypted on Gdrive

I just made a “rclone copy A C” “rclone copy B D” and it download everything from ACD decrypted on the fly et reencrypted on Gdrive side

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Ahh okay! That’s a good idea. Thanks a lot!

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Let’s put it this way.

rclone crypt : enACD (ACD:crypt)
You can create as many directories as you wish under enACD:

for backup you will have GDRIIVE
rclone crypt : enGDRIVE (GDRIVE:crypt)
(remember to use same password and salt you used for enACD)

rclone sync ACD:crypt GDRIVE:crypt
this way you can do backup without decrpyting and encrypting again.

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I was doing this way but I forgot to use the same passwords. That’s the reason why I couldn’t decrypt once it was in GDrive. Thanks for the suggestion!