BackUp Folder and Files kept At same path

Hi All,
so i did some testing.
root = /data/

  1. created destination folder called dest at path -> /data/
  2. created a dummy file called test.txt at path -> /data/

now i triggered rclone.


  1. Rclone did not move file /data/test.txt to /data/dest/

can anyone please help me understand this?

Sure. Start with posting all details. As per template you ignores when creating this post.

Okay yeah sorry,
so i;m using rclones move ednpoint:
below is dev endpoint

request is :

    "srcFs": "demo:/data/",
    "srcRemote": "/data/",
    "dstFs": "demo:/data/dest/",
    "dstRemote": "/data/dest/",
    "_async": false,
    "_filter": {
        "IncludeRule": [

Now as you can see both my file and the destination folder are present at the same level. file is not moving but if i keep my file inside a source folder at the same path /data/source/ then its moving the file from source to the dest folder.

please let me know if my question is clear.

You can not move files on overlapping remotes. To do this exclude destination.

Something like this:

 rclone move data/ data/dest/ --filter "- dest/**" --filter "+ *.txt"

Okay thanks, i will try this!