Automatically OneDrive config/set up for headless Docker

I've been happily using rclone as an user, but now a new task I'm working on seems like a very good fit for rclone.

Basically, we have a Docker image set up for teaching. We distribute the image to students, but we want to provide a way of storing all their work remotely on each students' OneDrive storage space provided by our organisation.

In principle, we could just install rclone, do a configuration file and drop it in place. However, due to the need to get authorization tokens and so on, this can end up requiring a lot of man power, and possibly access to remote installs.

I was just wondering whether someone has come across this, and has some notes that I can follow on setting it up with the least amount of user interaction (I guess other than authorize/get tokens), and that will constantly run.

In the Google World, you can't automate oAuth unless you are going to share premade keys with everyone which feels like a security nightmare to me.

If each person is using there own, they'd have to authorize somehow as you'd have to instruct them to do that as I don't think there is another way to my knowledge.

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