Currently use rclone through Truenas Scale, but want to sync with a path that requires a proxy to reach but cant due to not being able to set env variables for the job.
My only options are to either set extra args to be used in the command or modify the config file in a script run before rclone.
So my question/request is a way to specifically set the proxy via config file or flags or to tell rclone to set env variables from args or inside the config file.
Saw some of the old topics but wasnt sure if there was a way to to specify env vars from the config file, to make the config self contain all configuration settings.
I am not able to modify the way the command is called just provide extra args or run a pre and post init script.
As your issue is TrueNAS Scale specific you might try to suggest adding setting rclone runtime env variables to TrueNAS interface. It would solve many more cases that just http_proxy one.
In the meantime you can use your own rclone script wrapper instead of built in rclone functionality.
In my case, I just want to proxy one side of the connection. for instance:
rclone src:file dest:file
where the proxy is only used when pulling from the src. I'm just not sure that's possible? or can I add the proxy env vars to the config under the src config?