Any reason rclone does not use S3 DeleteObjects when deleting multiple objects?

I can file an issue but thought I'd check first if there's a reason rclone does not use the DeleteObjects (DeleteObjects - Amazon Simple Storage Service) api when deleting multiple objects, e.g. with rclone purge.

A single POST, with an xml body containing the list of keys/versions to delete, should be more efficient than making multiple individual DELETE requests.

The s3 backend should definitely be using that in its Purge implementation (which recursively deletes a directory).

Elsewhere the s3 backend could be doing that, but it would have to use lib/batcher which is reasonably complicated but not impossible.

What is your use case @jamshid ?

Thanks. No specific use case, just trying to improve performance of big delete jobs. I guess I'll file an issue.

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Filed the improvement request: