Another way to upgrade docker volume... is it a correct way?

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I am very happy with rclone :partying_face:
I want to share an easier way to upgrade the docker volume plugin... :slight_smile:

The problem is not related to rclone, but I think it could help other people.

The upgrade of docker plugin is ... horrible. So is upgrading the docker image for the plugin.

But wait, we can upgrade... the rclone inside the docker:

rclone selfupgrade

But remain: how to restart the current exec of rclone?

Is this a good idea or not?

Commands would be

PLUGID=$(docker plugin list --no-trunc | awk '/rclone/{print$1}')
sudo runc --root /run/docker/runtime-runc/plugins.moby exec $PLUGID rclone selfupdate

Still, need to restart the main rclone

I don't see the point of running rclone in a docker, but if you update something in the container and the container gets pulled agian, any changes like that get lost so it's not a great idea to mess with binaries inside the container.

I use quite a bit of dockers for other things but rclone is a single binary for me and very simple to use as a docker over complicates it (for my use cases anyway).

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It is the beauty of the docker volume plugin... In a docker compose, it handle volumes beautifully...