Add support for scloud (SkyCloud) by API

Hello to everyone!!!
I have found this cloud storage: is possibile to add support for this?

Previously this product had the FTP access function but they have confirmed to me from the support itself that it is disabled and discontinued that function will only be accessible through the API

Best Regards

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welcome to the forum,

there is a backlog of 21 requests to add new small cloud providers.

perhaps you or skycloud can sponsor rclone?

just curious, seems like a scam to me, to offer unlimited storage from unlimited devices, for less than $1.00 per
-- why use skycloud, what makes it unique?
-- how many TiB do you have stored?
-- how many years have you been using skycloud?

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500 TB for free? Come on... :smirk:

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yeah, for that, i use --magic Come on... :smirk:

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Hi, the free mode only allows photos, and is extremely slow, in the premium mode it allows any content and with a high transfer rate. I currently have more than 50Tb stored in the last 2 years and without any problem, I used the FTP method. Until a few days ago they removed it and implemented the API method.

The issue of cost is more now they have launched a promotion that is cheaper, but normally it is double, when I hired it the first time I thought the same thing that it couldn't be but... they don't deceive at least for now in the time that I have it In use.

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wow, without prior notice, they stop supporting FTP and locked users into a new API that is not supported by any third-party.

i created an skycloud account, tried to use the api, but found out that api documentation is just terrible and documenation has not been updated in over four years.
"API Documentation March 28, 2020"

all the more reason, not to trust skycloud!

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Hi, the free mode only allows photos, and is extremely slow, in the premium mode it allows any content and with a high transfer rate. I currently have more than 50Tb stored in the last 2 years and without any problem,

Thanks for the info!

most definetly a scam mr. jojo.

Its like hoping one day Ronald Mcdonalds will give us all free burguers with fries in a UNLIMITED basis :smiley:

API is far from perfect, but actually, the methods I've needed worked well with no problems.

For now I am unable to judge if it is a scam or not. Without rclone support it's kinda unusable for me. Only upload using browser and mobile app...

£2.91 / month for unlimited storage... sure impossible to judge. It would be actually unethical to include something like this in rclone IMO. Good that there are some adults around this project and I doubt anybody approves such integration even if somebody submits PR.

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