Hi @asdffdsa
I reviewed the links you have provided but I couldn't understand if there is anything we should do.
I use rclone 1.57 with Goggle Drive. Does upgrade to 1.58 will solve the issue with Goggle new Auth method?
Thanks for replying.
Not sure I understand what you mean about the problem persistent.
I have like 10 clients connected to gDrive at the moment, no issues.
But I also received this email saying they will deprecate the OOB.
So I'm not sure If there is anything I need to do in order to keep my clients working after Oct-2nd.
I think the above thread answers any and all questions.
You don't have to do anything if you use 1.58 or newer. You also don't have to do anything if you use 1.57 or older and don't plan on reconfiguring Rclone remotely.
I never received this email, btw. Is this because I never used remote authentication?
It's not so much a fix as it simply doesn't allow you to use this Google-deprecated feature any longer. Any version older than 1.58 would still allow you to do it, thereby running into issues. 1.58 and newer will prevent you from doing so.