ACD oauth proxy broken!

Hmm so at roughly 4pm Tuesday I hit my 750GB daily quota. At 6am Wednesday it had still not refreshed. At 6pm Wednesday it had refreshed. This seems to indicate my daily reset timer is between 6am and 3pm (because if it had reset at 3:30… when I was halfway through using it… in theory I should’ve gotten another 300gb or so that day? or can it only reset if it’s full?)…

Odd thing though is that this account’s hello your account was just created email was at Sat, Feb 3, 2018 at 1:42 AM
.Maybe it’s not at google account creation time, but the time that is whatever the first time that google account specifically used drive for the first time? (Which is a time I don’t know).

nevermind my quota just reset at 6:20am ish roughly despite me using my entire 750GB around 4am.
nevernevermind this quota refresh seems “fake” as after only 12GB I’ve been throttled down to the point I cannot upload anymore at all and rclone is trying each file 10times then erroring out. Maybe I do need a 24hour wait function built into rclone. The too many api requests error has a different text message than the 750GB quota error. So in theory rclone could treat them differently. If I had a 24hour wait function, I might actually get to leave the house this month.

I think too many api requests causes: “Error 403: Rate Limit Exceeded, rateLimitExceeded”
and 750gb daily quota causes: “Error 403: User rate limit exceeded, userRateLimitExceeded”
although I might be wrong.

Just snuck another 1GB through, still super confused, totally wish I knew what time of day my reset was.