I backup important stuff from my server to OneDrive with rclone-crypt. Should my server fail, I want to be able to retrieve specific files from that encrypted OneDrive folder, but on Windows (typically, server conf and backups that will help me troubleshoot/fix server problems themselves).
How can I do it? I read through many threads and similar questions but not 100% quite like mine. If I missed any, please do point me to the right direction. I would love to learn from past experiences.
Some things I read that might work, though? Rclone browser, nssm?
Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.
rclone v1.59.0
os/version: slackware 14.2+ (64 bit)
os/kernel: 5.10.28-Unraid (x86_64)
os/type: linux
os/arch: amd64
go/version: go1.18.3
go/linking: static
go/tags: none
Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)
OneDrive (encrypted folder, so everything I see from the Windows side w/o rclone is random names )
The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)
The rclone config contents with secrets removed.
So my crypt-rclone routine is working fine, I need to learn how to use it backwards i.e. to unencrypt stuff from OneDrive locally on Windows
Yes, thanks. I should add to my original post, is there any way I can mount but not necessarily download everything in it, but only what I need? Kinda like browsing and picking what I need instead of download all to unencrypt.
I already do this through unraid with the script below, smb, so I can browse all my encrypted content from OneDrive in a readable way through Windows. But if my server fails, I lose it. So I need to replicate this in Windows, somehow!
path = /mnt/disks/crypt-onedrive
comment =
browseable = no
public = no
valid users = timmyx, root
write list = timmyx, root
writeable = yes
vfs objects =
Thanks! I got it working and successfully mounted as a network drive with this .cmd idea from another post:
c:\rclone\rclone mount --vfs-cache-mode full --max-read-ahead 1024k crypt-onedrive: Y: --network-mode --log-level=DEBUG --log-file=c:\rclone\rclone.log --no-console --rc
But I can't seem to be able to unmount it with these instructions, I'm getting this error:
C:\rclone>rclone rc core/quit
2022/07/27 21:34:04 Failed to rc: connection failed: Post "http://localhost:5572/core/quit": dial tcp [::1]:5572: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
code c:\rclone\rclone mount --vfs-cache-mode full --max-read-ahead 1024k crypt-onedrive: Y: --network-mode --log-level=DEBUG --log-file=c:\rclone\rclone.log --no-console --rc-addr= (tried also :5552)
c:\rclone>rclone rc core/quit
2022/07/27 22:25:44 Failed to rc: connection failed: Post "http://localhost:5572/core/quit": dial tcp [::1]:5572: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
well, it's not working... any chance I can "disconnect" the drive another way?
cmd file c:\rclone\rclone mount --vfs-cache-mode full --max-read-ahead 1024k crypt-onedrive: Z: --volname \\onedrive --log-level=DEBUG --log-file=c:\rclone\rclone.log --no-console --rc-addr=
cmd command rclone rc core/quit
C:\rclone>rclone rc core/quit
2022/07/29 11:51:43 Failed to rc: connection failed: Post "http://localhost:5572/core/quit": dial tcp [::1]:5572: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.