About drive give wrong info about space

Google drive space not refreshing with, it showing 15GB used, but it total free
rclone about drive:

rclone version

rclone v1.69.0

  • os/version: ubuntu 22.04 (64 bit)
  • os/kernel: 6.8.0-51-generic (x86_64)
  • os/type: linux
  • os/arch: amd64
  • go/version: go1.23.4
  • go/linking: static
  • go/tags: none

Google drive

echo "Test File" > testfile.txt
rclone copy testfile.txt drive:

it working and copying file

type = drive
scope = drive
service_account_file = /root/bscript/key.json
team_drive =
root_folder_id = XXX

root@rebit ~ # rclone about drive: -vv
2025/02/09 09:10:42 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.69.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "about" "drive:" "-vv"]
2025/02/09 09:10:42 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "drive:"
2025/02/09 09:10:42 DEBUG : Using config file from "/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
Total: 15 GiB
Used: 14.774 GiB
Free: 231.877 MiB
Trashed: 10 B
Other: 0 B
2025/02/09 09:10:42 DEBUG : 7 go routines active

root@rebit ~ # rclone size drive: -vv
2025/02/09 09:10:51 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.69.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "size" "drive:" "-vv"]
2025/02/09 09:10:51 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "drive:"
2025/02/09 09:10:51 DEBUG : Using config file from "/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
Total objects: 0
Total size: 0 B (0 Byte)
2025/02/09 09:10:52 DEBUG : 7 go routines active

rclone about does not calculate these numbers (rclone size does) but only prints what is provided by Google Drive API.

Have you maybe deleted a lot of files recently? Gdrive is known to reflect such changes only after some time - can be days.

Yes, I'm delete the files, but it was almost 10 hours ago. Why is the size recalculation still delayed like this?. Days :frowning: ?

As I said - it is known to take even many days.

You get what you pay for... I am afraid.

Plenty of stories about it:

Once emptied, storage space used should decrease in about 24 hours. However, if you have deleted a significant amount of data, it may take two or more days for Google to accurately report your new storage usage.

Personally I've seen even almost one week..

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OK thank you very much !

Hello, it's been 8 days, and the total size hasn't updated. However, I noticed that small files, like a 2MB trash file, update after a few hours. If some files are updating but the total size hasn't changed for nearly 8 days, could the issue be elsewhere?

Sure it could. But it has nothing to do with rclone. You should be talking to your provider support. Which means good luck in case of Google:)

Thanks for contacting Google Drive Support. My name is Isabella.

I am experiencing an issue where Google Drive is providing incorrect storage information to rclone. My Google Drive account has plenty of free space, but when I try to upload files using rclone copy, I receive errors indicating that there is not enough storage available.

Here’s what I have checked so far:

In the Google Drive web interface, it shows that I have enough free space.
When running rclone about drive:, the reported total and free space are incorrect.
I have tried refreshing rclone's token and re-authenticating, but the issue persists.
It seems like Google Drive is not providing the correct storage details to rclone. Could you please check if there is a delay or issue in how storage availability is being reported via the API?

Hi, It’s great to connect with you, Leonid!

rclone about drive:
Total: 15 GiB
Used: [14.774]GiB
Free: [231.877] MiB
Trashed: 0 B
Other: 0 B

But it shows total free space, and rclone support says it's an issue with how it connects to your API.

I see. Thanks for the information.

I can see here that you need help with your storage.

I'd be happy to check this for you.

Is this the account associated with the issue: [xxx@gmail.com?]


Thanks for confirming your account.

May I know what is "rclone"?

Rclone is a command-line tool used for managing files on cloud storage services. It allows users to sync, copy, move, and delete files across various cloud platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and more. It is often used for backups, automation, and large-scale file transfers.

I see. Thanks for the information.

Let me pull up your account details.

Please give me 1-3 minutes.

This topic discusses my issue in the rclone forum, where I am experiencing incorrect storage information on Google Drive. (link)

I see. Thanks for that.

I took the liberty to check your account's storage usage and can see that you are currently using 0 B out of 15 GB.

In other words, you do not have any data on your Google Account storage.

Thank you for checking the storage usage. However, when I use rclone, it still reports the wrong size. The storage information provided by Google Drive seems to be inconsistent with what rclone is showing. Could you please assist in understanding why the storage size is not updating correctly when accessed via rclone?

I really want to help you with rclone. However, we do not have any access to this third party app.

We are Google Drive support and we can have our own tool that we use to check your storage details.

But their support mentioned the issue is related to a connection problem with Google, which is causing the wrong size to be reported through the API.

Please be advised that your Google Accounts storage is shared across three products.

These are Gmail, Google Drive and Google Photos.

I only can provide you with answers based on our tool.

As mentioned above, you do not have any data on your Google Account storage.

Okay, I will try to get the information with the API and see what the problem is. Thanks!

I’ve checked with the Google API directly, and it’s showing the correct storage quota size. However, rclone seems to be providing incorrect size information. It looks like there might be a problem on rclone's side when interacting with Google’s API

I spoke with Google support as well, and they confirmed that the problem is not on their side but rather on rclone's side.

And what rclone about drive: -vv shows now?

As what it does is displaying results of the same API call you tested:

root@rebit ~/bscript # rclone about drive: -vv
2025/02/16 09:08:50 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.69.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "about" "drive:" "-vv"]
2025/02/16 09:08:50 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "drive:"
2025/02/16 09:08:50 DEBUG : Using config file from "/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
Total: 15 GiB
Used: 14.774 GiB
Free: 231.877 MiB
Trashed: 0 B
Other: 0 B
2025/02/16 09:08:50 DEBUG : 7 go routines active

api call result: drive/v3/about?fields=storageQuota
"storageQuota": {
"limit": "16106127360",
"usage": "0",
"usageInDrive": "0",
"usageInDriveTrash": "0"

Could it be a caching issue on your side?

Are you sure you are comparing the same drives? As it does not make sense. There is no any cache involved when you run rclone about. It triggers API call to Gdrive.

Yes, I'm sure. I was able to successfully upload smaller files to my Drive.

I just uploaded a small file with rclone, and it appeared in Google Drive. The API call also updated the size information accordingly.

"storageQuota": {
"limit": "16106127360",
"usage": "1024",
"usageInDrive": "1024",
"usageInDriveTrash": "0"

does rclone about drive: --full also show this upload? --full flag prints the bytes in full


root@rebit ~/bscript # rclone about drive: --full
Total: 16106127360
Used: 15862986884
Free: 243140476
Trashed: 0
Other: 0
root@rebit ~/bscript # rclone copy testfile.txt drive:
root@rebit ~/bscript # rclone about drive: --full
Total: 16106127360
Used: 15862986915
Free: 243140445
Trashed: 0
Other: 0
root@rebit ~/bscript #

Good. We know that it is the same account and that no cache is used.

So only explanation is that Google API returns different values depending on how it is authorised...

Could you create new remote and this time do not use service_account_file ? And try rclone about with it?

I understood that the issue might be related to the file owner. The file owner is currently rclone-service-account@xxx.iam.gserviceaccount.com. The file appears in Google Drive, but the API still returns the following response:

"storageQuota": {
"limit": "16106127360",
"usage": "0",
"usageInDrive": "0",
"usageInDriveTrash": "0"

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