500 internal error all of a sudden

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I'm getting 500 internal error

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Drive

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone copy /opt/Tautulli crypt:tautulli_backup -v --include={tautulli.db,config.ini}

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

Paste config here

A log from the command with the -vv flag

2020/06/19 18:01:11 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  121.703k / 136.869 kBytes, 89%, 2.049 kBytes/s, ETA 7s
Checks:                 2 / 2, 100%
Transferred:            0 / 1, 0%
Elapsed time:        59.3s
 *                                    config.ini:  0% /15.166k, 0/s, -

2020/06/19 18:01:36 ERROR : config.ini: Failed to copy: googleapi: Error 500: Internal Error, internalError
2020/06/19 18:01:36 INFO  : There was nothing to transfer
2020/06/19 18:01:36 ERROR : Attempt 1/3 failed with 1 errors and: googleapi: Error 500: Internal Error, internalError
2020/06/19 18:02:11 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  182.555k / 182.508 kBytes, 100%, 1.753 kBytes/s, ETA -
Checks:                 4 / 4, 100%
Transferred:            0 / 1, 0%
Elapsed time:      1m44.1s
 *                                    config.ini:100% /15.166k, 15.210k/s, -

2020/06/19 18:03:11 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  273.832k / 288.998 kBytes, 95%, 1.668 kBytes/s, ETA 9s
Checks:                 4 / 4, 100%
Transferred:            0 / 1, 0%
Elapsed time:      2m44.1s
 *                                    config.ini:  0% /15.166k, 0/s, -

2020/06/19 18:03:35 ERROR : config.ini: Failed to copy: googleapi: Error 500: Internal Error, internalError
2020/06/19 18:03:35 INFO  : There was nothing to transfer
2020/06/19 18:03:35 ERROR : Attempt 2/3 failed with 1 errors and: googleapi: Error 500: Internal Error, internalError
2020/06/19 18:04:11 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  349.896k / 349.850 kBytes, 100%, 1.680 kBytes/s, ETA -
Checks:                 6 / 6, 100%
Transferred:            0 / 1, 0%
Elapsed time:      3m28.3s
 *                                    config.ini:100% /15.166k, 0/s, -

2020/06/19 18:05:11 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  425.961k / 441.127 kBytes, 97%, 1.587 kBytes/s, ETA 9s
Checks:                 6 / 6, 100%
Transferred:            0 / 1, 0%
Elapsed time:      4m28.3s
 *                                    config.ini:  0% /15.166k, 0/s, -

2020/06/19 18:05:32 ERROR : config.ini: Failed to copy: googleapi: Error 500: Internal Error, internalError
2020/06/19 18:05:32 INFO  : There was nothing to transfer
2020/06/19 18:05:32 ERROR : Attempt 3/3 failed with 1 errors and: googleapi: Error 500: Internal Error, internalError
2020/06/19 18:05:32 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	  456.387k / 456.387 kBytes, 100%, 1.575 kBytes/s, ETA 0s
Errors:                 1 (retrying may help)
Checks:                 6 / 6, 100%
Elapsed time:      4m49.6s

2020/06/19 18:05:32 Failed to copy: googleapi: Error 500: Internal Error, internalError

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version )

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

Can you post a log with

-vv --dump responses --retries 1

That should give some idea what is going on


Here you go.

After I emptied the dest dir and retried it, the transfer was successful.

Looking at your log, those 500 internal server errors look like a problem at Dropbox - nothing rclone is doing looks unusual.

So I guess, whatever it was, they fixed it?

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Google Drive actually. The log was only uploaded to Dropbox.

Sorry! Same conclusion though.

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