30 seconds to start playback - 100mbps download speed

Well the current stable seems to be 2019.1
So I guess these are the beta-version in development and there is a 2019.2 already presumably.
Time to go changelog-hunting to see what new features there are :slight_smile:

EDIT: here we go...

Yes, a new (third) beta. He's made like 43 commits since the last one, so there are a bunch of changes/additions/fixes. Looking forward to it.

WIndows 10 monitors all disks/folders by default if you have Windows Security turned on

I had to add the mounted drive to the exclusions list.

Rclone runs much better now!

That third beta of WinFSP is out as of this morning. Installed and testing now...

I got a tip from asdffdsa that now it's possible to mount in folders (which is pretty huge IMO).

Apparently this was already in the latest stable version - but the main download link is for some reason NOT the latest stable but a version behind, so that has apparently been available for a while already.

Seems like a lot of interesting stuff in the new version. @VBB We really ought to make a dedicated thread to discuss the new winfsp and what new possibilities this gives un in rclone spesifically (as the changenotes can be hard to interpret easily).

yeah, good idea, create a new thread

This probably needs to be in the docs as I think it says you can only mount on a drive letter at the moment. Anyone fancy proposing a pull request? The docs are here: https://github.com/rclone/rclone/blob/18c029e0f0c3a5dd0c925e285ce39071cb8728ff/cmd/mountlib/mount.go#L116

I will give this a try - I really need to figure out these simple edits, and hopefully find a way to do it via the web.

If I can't figure it out I'll just mail you the edited document instead.

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I can confirm that for me, excluding the mount from Windows Real-time Protection significantly cuts down initial access time - running "ffprobe" on a typical file goes from 4-6 secs to 0.5-1.5 secs.
Thanks for finding that out!

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