2022/01/25 16:48:42 INFO : Starting transaction limiter: max 12 transactions/s with burst 12 2022/01/25 16:48:42 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.57.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "-vv" "copy" "/homenas3/" "UNISISRS-BKP-DROPBOX:NAS04/homenas3/" "--transfers" "20" "--auto-confirm" "--progress" "--exclude" "Thumbs.*" "--exclude" "~" "--exclude" "desktop.ini" "--tpslimit" "12" "--tpslimit-burst" "12" "--log-file=/homenas6/arquivos/logfile.log"] 2022/01/25 16:48:42 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/homenas3/" 2022/01/25 16:48:42 DEBUG : Using config file from "/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf" 2022/01/25 16:48:42 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "UNISISRS-BKP-DROPBOX:NAS04/homenas3/" 2022/01/25 16:48:42 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "UNISISRS-BKP-DROPBOX:NAS04/homenas3/" to be canonical "UNISISRS-BKP-DROPBOX:NAS04/homenas3" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : tsfhn.zr: Size and modification time the same (differ by -39.573091ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : tsfhn.zr: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/gal\xf5es d'\xe1gua.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/RC540 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL INTERNA - BICA TORNEIRA BEBEDOURO (Salvo Automaticamente).docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/A360 Drive - Atalho.lnk: Size and modification time the same (differ by 67.737035ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/A360 Drive - Atalho.lnk: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/console.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by 114.695229ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/console.log: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Fotos Posto.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -122.6998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/MARCO/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/galões d'água.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -53.8823ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/galões d'água.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/larescanner (nas04.unipam.edu.br) (Y) - Atalho.lnk: Size and modification time the same (differ by 174.426237ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/larescanner (nas04.unipam.edu.br) (Y) - Atalho.lnk: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/RC540 - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL INTERNA - BICA TORNEIRA BEBEDOURO (Salvo Automaticamente).docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -276.239ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/RC540 - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL INTERNA - BICA TORNEIRA BEBEDOURO (Salvo Automaticamente).docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Rede - Atalho.lnk: Size and modification time the same (differ by -75.100502ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Rede - Atalho.lnk: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Unidade de CD - Atalho.lnk: Size and modification time the same (differ by 88.280316ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Unidade de CD - Atalho.lnk: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Fotos Posto.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES UNIPAM" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/03 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES CCE" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/CENTROS DE CUSTO - Programa\xe7\xe3o de Verba 2021 RV01.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/02 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES SESMT" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/Downloads/1601-ARQ-DT-01_Divis\xf3rias_Gesso_Pav_T\xe9cnico_R2_24-07.dwl" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/Downloads/RC54 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - TONER.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/Downloads/1601-ARQ-DT-01_Divis\xf3rias_Gesso_Pav_T\xe9cnico_R2_24-07.dwl2" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/Downloads/PSCIP N\xba 354_2017_CCE.dwl2" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/Downloads/PSCIP N\xba 354_2017_CCE.dwl" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/Downloads/BAGUN\xc7A" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ GUILHERME GON\xc7ALVES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/desktop.ini: Excluded 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ Jo\xe3o Lucas.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ Jo\xe3o Lucas.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/I\xe7amento" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/~$540 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL INTERNA - BICA TORNEIRA BEBEDOURO (Salvo Automaticamente).docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/Infiltra\xe7\xe3o" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/GUARDIAO/Atualiza\xe7\xf5es" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/GUARDIAO/Guardi\xe3o" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/Infiltra\xe7\xe3o/Ja lan\xe7adas" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/MARCO/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/00_LEVANTAMENTO/06_SERVI\xc7OS DE VIGILANCIA" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/00_LEVANTAMENTO/04_ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/00_LEVANTAMENTO/09_CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/Downloads/BAGUN\xc7A" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/MARCO/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO 2022 - EXEC - PL - RV00" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/00_LEVANTAMENTO/04_ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/arquivos_removidos_20220112.txt: Size and modification time the same (differ by 305.369703ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/arquivos_removidos_20220112.txt: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES UNIPAM" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/03 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES CCE" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/Tela+de+proje\xe7\xe3o.skp" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/02 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES SESMT" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/10 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/DILENE LA\xcdS LARA RODRIGO" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/INSPIRA\xc7\xd5ES ARM\xc1RIO" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/- MATERIAL CD CETAS/FINANCEIRO/- FECHAMENTO FINANCEIRO CETAS/RELAT\xd3RIO" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/- MATERIAL CD CETAS/FINANCEIRO/2018/03 - MAR\xc7O - 2018" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/- MATERIAL CD CETAS/FINANCEIRO/2019/03 - MAR\xc7O - 2019" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/09 - APRESENTA\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O TAREFAS" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVAR\xc1 DE LICEN\xc7A PARA LOCALIZA\xc7\xc3O E FUNCIONAMENTO" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONV\xcaNIO PREFEITURA" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVAR\xc1 PARA REGULARIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O IMOV\xc9IS" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- LAN\xc7AMENTO PLACA INAUGURA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHAN\xc7A - EIV" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/1601-ARQ-DT-01_CCE_Detalhameto_R2_Cortina_de_Acantonamento_24-07-18.dwl: Size and modification time the same (differ by 150.7684ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/CETAS.incendioagosto2018a.dwl: Size and modification time the same (differ by -195.2768ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/CETAS.incendioagosto2018a.dwl: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/1601-ARQ-DT-01_CCE_Detalhameto_R2_Cortina_de_Acantonamento_24-07-18.dwl: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/1601-ARQ-DT-01_Divisórias_Gesso_Pav_Técnico_R2_24-07.dwl: Size and modification time the same (differ by 307.5025ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/1601-ARQ-DT-01_Divisórias_Gesso_Pav_Técnico_R2_24-07.dwl: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/1601-ARQ-DT-01_Divisórias_Gesso_Pav_Técnico_R2_24-07.dwl2: Size and modification time the same (differ by 276.3024ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/1601-ARQ-DT-01_Divisórias_Gesso_Pav_Técnico_R2_24-07.dwl2: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/Boleto0624608_14000000002275204.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -46.028ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/Boleto0624608_14000000002275204.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/1601-ARQ-DT-01_CCE_Detalhameto_R2_Cortina_de_Acantonamento_24-07-18.dwl2: Size and modification time the same (differ by 107.7659ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/1601-ARQ-DT-01_CCE_Detalhameto_R2_Cortina_de_Acantonamento_24-07-18.dwl2: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/CETAS.incendioagosto2018a.dwl2: Size and modification time the same (differ by -246.2797ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/CETAS.incendioagosto2018a.dwl2: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/LARA KAROLYNE ALCANTARA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 15.8856ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/LARA KAROLYNE ALCANTARA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/PSCIP Nº 354_2017_CCE.dwl: Size and modification time the same (differ by -86.1779ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/PSCIP Nº 354_2017_CCE.dwl: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/PSCIP Nº 354_2017_CCE.dwl2: Size and modification time the same (differ by -123.18ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/PSCIP Nº 354_2017_CCE.dwl2: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/RC54 - CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES E EVENTOS - CCE - TONER.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -195.3433ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/RC54 - CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES E EVENTOS - CCE - TONER.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ ALEXANDRE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 439.9088ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ ALEXANDRE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ CAIQUE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 299.2298ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ CAIQUE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ DIOGO_ALMEIDA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 466.2775ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ DIOGO_ALMEIDA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ DIOGO_LORRAN.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -413.8142ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ DIOGO_LORRAN.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ GUILHERME.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -450.7456ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ GUILHERME.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ Jair.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 316.5995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ Jair.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ MARCILIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 414.8884ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/~$CONTROLE DE ADEQUA\xc7\xd5ES.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ MARCILIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/~$CONTROLE DE ADEQUA\xc7\xd5ES - 13012022.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ João Lucas.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 297.8085ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/2 - CONTROLE DE EXECU\xc7\xc3O DE INSPE\xc7\xd5ES - SVN" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ João Lucas.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/CONTROLE DE ADEQUA\xc7\xd5ES - 13012022.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/CONTROLE DE ADEQUA\xc7\xd5ES.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ TULIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 271.6427ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ TULIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/CENTROS DE CUSTO - Programação de Verba 2021 RV01.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 257.8327ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/CENTROS DE CUSTO - Programação de Verba 2021 RV01.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/DA_851_23_05_relacao_de_centros_de_custos_R4.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 317.5779ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/DA_851_23_05_relacao_de_centros_de_custos_R4.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/plano de contas gerencial-centro de custos.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 210.915ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/plano de contas gerencial-centro de custos.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/242DCB50.tmp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -413.8142ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/242DCB50.tmp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/7CA9405F.tmp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -306.8767ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/7CA9405F.tmp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/AD1BDD9E.tmp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -441.5578ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/AD1BDD9E.tmp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/AEF9B169.tmp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -441.5578ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/AEF9B169.tmp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/BCBF08C5.tmp: Size and modification time the same (differ by 9.5631ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/BCBF08C5.tmp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/E23C021F.tmp: Size and modification time the same (differ by 271.6427ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/E23C021F.tmp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/F7B37B5C.tmp: Size and modification time the same (differ by 331.5289ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/Copy #1 of ~$RRAMENTAS_ GUILHERME.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 336.388821ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/Copy #1 of ~$RRAMENTAS_ GUILHERME.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/F7B37B5C.tmp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FE9A3AB6.tmp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -353.8805ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FE9A3AB6.tmp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ GUILHERME.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -347.8001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/FERRAMENTAS_ GUILHERME.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/Componente_7.skp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -131.7744ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/Componente_7.skp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/Gran+engenharia.skp: Size and modification time the same (differ by 170.2914ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/Grupo_11.skp: Size and modification time the same (differ by 68.3553ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/PLAY+STATION+NEON.skp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -374.5785ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/Grupo_11.skp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/PLAY+STATION+NEON.skp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/Grupo_11 (1).skp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -408.7497ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/Grupo_11 (1).skp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/Tela+de+projeção.skp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -365.9291ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/Tela+de+projeção.skp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/Gran+engenharia.skp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/Planilha deprecia\xe7\xe3o.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIM\xd4NIO" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/3 - EMPR\xc9STIMO DE FERRAMENTAS" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/4 - ESCALA PLANT\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIA\xc7\xd5ES E INSPE\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANIT\xc1RIOS" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA" 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/LARE/.backup_mark: Size and modification time the same (differ by -29.490108ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/LARE/.backup_mark.sha512sum: Size and modification time the same (differ by -296.700704ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/LARE/.backup_mark.sha512sum: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/LARE/.backup_mark: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE" 2022/01/25 16:48:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/CONTROLE DE NOTAS 2022 - LARE UNIPAM.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 199.8399ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/CONTROLE DE NOTAS 2022 - LARE UNIPAM.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/CONTROLE DE ADEQUAÇÕES - 13012022.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 222.7998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/CONTROLE DE ADEQUAÇÕES - 13012022.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/CONTROLE DE ADEQUAÇÕES.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -78.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/CONTROLE DE ADEQUAÇÕES.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO DE SEGURAN\xc7A CONTRA INC\xcaNDIO E P\xc2NICO" 2022/01/25 16:48:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/- CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:48:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/- CENTRO CLI\x8dNICO VETERINARIO" 2022/01/25 16:48:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/- TERRENO MARAB\xc1" 2022/01/25 16:48:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS" 2022/01/25 16:48:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO CONV\xcaNIOS" 2022/01/25 16:48:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/- CENTRO CLÍNICO ODONTOL\xd3GICO" 2022/01/25 16:48:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/- 01 CONTROLE DE ADEQUA\xc7\xd5ES-OBRAS" 2022/01/25 16:48:44 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/~$exo-a-it-33 (1).doc: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:44 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/~$540 - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL INTERNA - BICA TORNEIRA BEBEDOURO (Salvo Automaticamente).docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:44 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ ALEXANDRE.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:44 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/~$ITAL DE CREDENCIAMENTO SGF 02.2018 - Abertura 15.08.2018 pdf-convertido.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:44 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ CAIQUE.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:44 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ DIOGO_ALMEIDA.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:44 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ GUILHERME GONÇALVES.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/- BACKUP/00 - N\xdaMEROS CENTRO DE CUSTO.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:44 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ DIOGO_LORRAN.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:44 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ João Lucas.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES UNIPAM/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES 2021 - UNIPAM RV06.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES UNIPAM/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES 2020 - UNIPAM RV05.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:44 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ Jair.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:45 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ GUILHERME.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:45 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ ALEXANDRE.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:45 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ MARCILIO.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:45 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ TULIO.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:45 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/Planilha depreciação.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 237.3948ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:45 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/Planilha depreciação.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/02 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES SESMT/02 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES 2021 - SESMT RV02.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/02 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES SESMT/02 - FECHADAS 2020 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES 2020 - SESMT RV01.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/02 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES SESMT/02 - ABERTAS 2020 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES 2020 - SESMT RV01.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ GUILHERME.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/RNC - 01 - PAVIMENTA\xc7\xc3O ASF\xc1LTICA 2020.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/05 - C\xd3PIAS PARA TERCEIROS" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/03 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES CCE/03 - FECHADAS 2020 - CCE CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES 2020 - RV05.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/03 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES CCE/03 - ABERTAS 2020 - CCE CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES 2020 - RV05.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/03 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES CCE/03 - CCE CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES 2021 - RV06.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESCRITURAS IM\xd3VEIS" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVAR\xc1 DE LICEN\xc7A PARA LOCALIZA\xc7\xc3O E FUNCIONAMENTO" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/CONTROLE DE EXECU\xc7\xc3O DE INSPE\xc7\xd5ES - SVN" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O IMOV\xc9IS" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- LAN\xc7AMENTO PLACA INAUGURA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHAN\xc7A - EIV" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTROLE RCS (ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O-OBRA)" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVAR\xc1 DE LICEN\xc7A PARA LOCALIZA\xc7\xc3O E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM Matriz-Alvar\xe1 2021-2022.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVAR\xc1 DE LICEN\xc7A PARA LOCALIZA\xc7\xc3O E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM CCE-Alvar\xe1 2021-2022.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVAR\xc1 DE LICEN\xc7A PARA LOCALIZA\xc7\xc3O E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM Farm\xe1cia Universit\xe1ria - Alvar\xe1 2021-2022.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVAR\xc1 DE LICEN\xc7A PARA LOCALIZA\xc7\xc3O E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM CCO-Alvar\xe1 2021-2022.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVAR\xc1 DE LICEN\xc7A PARA LOCALIZA\xc7\xc3O E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM CCV-Alvar\xe1 2021-2022.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVAR\xc1 DE LICEN\xc7A PARA LOCALIZA\xc7\xc3O E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM Lab Mat Const-Alvar\xe1 2021-2022.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:48:45 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/Fenamilho.skp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -423.041254ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:45 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/Fenamilho.skp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:45 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/~$CONTROLE DE ADEQUAÇÕES.xlsx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:45 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/~$CONTROLE DE ADEQUAÇÕES - 13012022.xlsx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:46 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/~$exo-a-it-33 (1).doc: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:46 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ ALEXANDRE.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:46 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/~$540 - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL INTERNA - BICA TORNEIRA BEBEDOURO (Salvo Automaticamente).docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:46 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/- BACKUP/00 - NÚMEROS CENTRO DE CUSTO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -482.4225ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:46 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/- BACKUP/00 - NÚMEROS CENTRO DE CUSTO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:46 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O TAREFAS/PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O EST\xc1GIO" 2022/01/25 16:48:46 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ CAIQUE.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:46 DEBUG : lare/Downloads/~$ITAL DE CREDENCIAMENTO SGF 02.2018 - Abertura 15.08.2018 pdf-convertido.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:46 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES UNIPAM/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2020 - UNIPAM RV05.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 127.589ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:46 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES UNIPAM/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2020 - UNIPAM RV05.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:46 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES UNIPAM/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2021 - UNIPAM RV06.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -364.3838ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:46 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES UNIPAM/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2021 - UNIPAM RV06.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:46 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS" 2022/01/25 16:48:46 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/04 - CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xd5ES DE ENTREGAS" 2022/01/25 16:48:46 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/00 - BALAN\xc7OS" 2022/01/25 16:48:46 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ DIOGO_ALMEIDA.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:46 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ DIOGO_LORRAN.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:46 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ GUILHERME GONÇALVES.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ João Lucas.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/02 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES SESMT/02 - ABERTAS 2020 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2020 - SESMT RV01.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 282.0889ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/02 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES SESMT/02 - ABERTAS 2020 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2020 - SESMT RV01.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/01 - LARE-SESMT-OCUPA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/02 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES SESMT/02 - FECHADAS 2020 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2020 - SESMT RV01.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -185.7682ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/02 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES SESMT/02 - FECHADAS 2020 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2020 - SESMT RV01.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/01 - LARE-CCE-SESMT-OCUPA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/02 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES SESMT/02 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2021 - SESMT RV02.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -165.9254ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/02 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES SESMT/02 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2021 - SESMT RV02.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/5 - RELAT\xd3RIOS INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES ELET" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/0 - PLANO DE A\xc7\xc3O - ATUALIZA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/2 - RELAT\xd3RIO SPDA" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/3 - LAUDOS DE ISOLA\xc7\xc3O DE FERRAMENTAS, EPIs e EPCs" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/4 - QUALIFICA\xc7\xc3O. HABILT. NRS" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ GUILHERME.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ Jair.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ ALEXANDRE.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/RNC - 01 - PAVIMENTAÇÃO ASFÁLTICA 2020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 142.9469ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/RNC - 01 - PAVIMENTAÇÃO ASFÁLTICA 2020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/BP36 - CONSTRU\xc7\xd5ES EM ANDAMENTO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/BP01 - LABORAT\xd3RIO DE ARQUITETURA E ENGENHARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/BP42 - INFORMATICA - DESCARTE N\xc3O REALIZADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/BP03 - CL\xcdNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/BP04 - CL\xcdNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/BP35 - CONSTRU\xc7\xd5ES EM ANDAMENTO 2019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/BP07 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/BP32 - CONSTRU\xc7\xd5ES EM ANDAMENTO 2019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/BP43 - LARE - DESCARTE N\xc3O REALIZADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/BP33 - CONSTRU\xc7\xd5ES EM ANDAMENTO 2019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/BP05 - CL\xcdNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/BP02 - CL\xcdNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/BP34 - CONSTRU\xc7\xd5ES EM ANDAMENTO 2018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/03 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES CCE/03 - ABERTAS 2020 - CCE CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2020 - RV05.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -27.5732ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/03 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES CCE/03 - ABERTAS 2020 - CCE CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2020 - RV05.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/03 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES CCE/03 - CCE CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2021 - RV06.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 319.3856ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/03 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES CCE/03 - CCE CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2021 - RV06.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/03 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES CCE/03 - FECHADAS 2020 - CCE CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2020 - RV05.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -348.3647ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/ACOMPANHAMENTO CHECK-LIST/03 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES CCE/03 - FECHADAS 2020 - CCE CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2020 - RV05.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PREDIAL" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ MARCILIO.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ TULIO.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ GUILHERME.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVARÁ DE LICENÇA PARA LOCALIZAÇÃO E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM CCE-Alvará 2021-2022.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 10.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVARÁ DE LICENÇA PARA LOCALIZAÇÃO E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM CCE-Alvará 2021-2022.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVARÁ DE LICENÇA PARA LOCALIZAÇÃO E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM CCO-Alvará 2021-2022.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -183.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVARÁ DE LICENÇA PARA LOCALIZAÇÃO E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM CCO-Alvará 2021-2022.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVARÁ DE LICENÇA PARA LOCALIZAÇÃO E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM Farmácia Universitária - Alvará 2021-2022.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -440.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVARÁ DE LICENÇA PARA LOCALIZAÇÃO E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM Farmácia Universitária - Alvará 2021-2022.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVARÁ DE LICENÇA PARA LOCALIZAÇÃO E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM CCV-Alvará 2021-2022.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -435.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVARÁ DE LICENÇA PARA LOCALIZAÇÃO E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM Matriz-Alvará 2021-2022.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -327.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVARÁ DE LICENÇA PARA LOCALIZAÇÃO E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM CCV-Alvará 2021-2022.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVARÁ DE LICENÇA PARA LOCALIZAÇÃO E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM-DADOS CADASTRAIS MATRIZ E FILIAIS 2020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 224.1908ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVARÁ DE LICENÇA PARA LOCALIZAÇÃO E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM-DADOS CADASTRAIS MATRIZ E FILIAIS 2020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVARÁ DE LICENÇA PARA LOCALIZAÇÃO E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM Matriz-Alvará 2021-2022.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVARÁ DE LICENÇA PARA LOCALIZAÇÃO E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM Lab Mat Const-Alvará 2021-2022.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -94.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVARÁ DE LICENÇA PARA LOCALIZAÇÃO E FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM Lab Mat Const-Alvará 2021-2022.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES PARA EQUIPE" 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/BACKUP/CONTROLE DE NOTAS 2021 - LARE UNIPAM - RV 00.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -257.206ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/BACKUP/CONTROLE DE NOTAS 2021 - LARE UNIPAM - RV 00.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/BACKUP/CONTROLE DE NOTAS 2021 - LARE UNIPAM - RV02.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 479.5997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/BACKUP/CONTROLE DE NOTAS 2021 - LARE UNIPAM.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 457.714ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/BACKUP/CONTROLE DE NOTAS 2021 - LARE UNIPAM.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/BACKUP/CONTROLE DE NOTAS 2021 - LARE UNIPAM - RV02.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ ALEXANDRE.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV08 - 18012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -44.7181ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV08 - 18012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV09 - 21012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 275.9828ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV09 - 21012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV10 - 22012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -26.7252ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV10 - 22012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV12 - 01022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -460.8774ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV11 - 26012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -138.0465ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV14 - 08022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 413.1284ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV14 - 08022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV15 - 10022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 184.9629ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV16 - 16022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -81.4504ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV16 - 16022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV17 - 17022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 136.0194ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV17 - 17022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV18 - 18022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -422.3259ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV18 - 18022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV19 - 23022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -303.3105ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV19 - 23022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV20 - 24022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 439.5334ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV20 - 24022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV20 - 26022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 54.4885ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV20 - 26022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV21 - 02032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 339.4547ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV21 - 02032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV22 - 15032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -266.9888ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV22 - 15032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV23 - 05042021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 200.2282ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV23 - 05042021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV24 - 06042021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 80.0854ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV24 - 06042021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV25 - 14042021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 151.6792ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV25 - 14042021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV26 - 16042021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 232.9039ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV26 - 16042021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV27 - 22042021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -175.8472ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV27 - 22042021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV28 - 30042021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -182.9523ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV28 - 30042021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV29 - 07052021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -150.2262ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV29 - 07052021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV30 - 19052021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -162.5151ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV30 - 19052021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV31 - 23062021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 40.501ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV31 - 23062021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV33 - 13072021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 122.7954ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV33 - 13072021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV34 - 28072021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 210.2321ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV34 - 28072021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV35 - 10082021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 318.5637ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV15 - 10022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV11 - 26012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA" 2022/01/25 16:48:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- CHECKLIST AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:48:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- RELAT\xd3RIO DE DESVIO" 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV32 - 29062021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 264.5191ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV32 - 29062021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV12 - 01022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV13 - 04022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -62.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV13 - 04022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV35 - 10082021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- COMUNICADO DE INTEGRA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/18 - JARDINAGEM E ORNAMENTA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/19 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA" 2022/01/25 16:48:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/04 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO UNIVERSIT\xc1RIO" 2022/01/25 16:48:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO" 2022/01/25 16:48:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/03 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO ODONTOL\xd3GICO" 2022/01/25 16:48:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS" 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/~$CONTROLE DE ADEQUAÇÕES - 13012022.xlsx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xc3O ADMINISTRATIVA" 2022/01/25 16:48:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/.lixeira/~$540 - MANUTEN‛C7‛C3O GERAL INTERNA - BICA TORNEIRA BEBEDOURO (Salvo Automaticamente).docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/Downloads/~$exo-a-it-33 (1).doc" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ CAIQUE.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/Downloads/~$ITAL DE CREDENCIAMENTO SGF 02.2018 - Abertura 15.08.2018 pdf-convertido.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ DIOGO_ALMEIDA.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/00 - BALAN\xc7OS" 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ DIOGO_LORRAN.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:48 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ GUILHERME GON‛C7ALVES.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ Jo‛E3o Lucas.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ Jair.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/~$CONTROLE DE ADEQUAÇÕES.xlsx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP01 - LABORATÓRIO DE ARQUITETURA E ENGENHARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 269.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP02 - CLÍNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 451.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP02 - CLÍNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP03 - CLÍNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 175.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP03 - CLÍNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP04 - CLÍNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -391.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP05 - CLÍNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -175.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP05 - CLÍNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP06 - EPAMIG.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -135.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP06 - EPAMIG.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP09 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -496.8007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP09 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP11 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -107.8007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP11 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP12 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -299.8007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP12 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP13 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -357.8007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP13 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP14 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -226.8007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP14 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP15 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 310.1993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP15 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP16 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -445.8007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP16 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/06 - RELAT\xd3RIOS" 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP18 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 97.1993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP18 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP19 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -342.8007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP19 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP21 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 273.1993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP21 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP22 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 216.1993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP22 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP23 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -105.8007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP23 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP07 - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 85.7998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP07 - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP25 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -450.8007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP25 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP26 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -287.8007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP26 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP27 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 345.1993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP27 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP28 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 181.1993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP28 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP29 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 183.1993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP29 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP30 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 77.1993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP30 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP31 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -186.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP31 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP32 - CONSTRUÇÕES EM ANDAMENTO 2019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -124.2151ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP32 - CONSTRUÇÕES EM ANDAMENTO 2019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP33 - CONSTRUÇÕES EM ANDAMENTO 2019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 80.1026ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP33 - CONSTRUÇÕES EM ANDAMENTO 2019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP34 - CONSTRUÇÕES EM ANDAMENTO 2018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 97.9014ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP34 - CONSTRUÇÕES EM ANDAMENTO 2018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP35 - CONSTRUÇÕES EM ANDAMENTO 2019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 442.3253ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP35 - CONSTRUÇÕES EM ANDAMENTO 2019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP36 - CONSTRUÇÕES EM ANDAMENTO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 301.7069ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP36 - CONSTRUÇÕES EM ANDAMENTO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP37 - SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 113.3612ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP37 - SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP38 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -472.2466ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP38 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP39 - VEICULO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 454.4358ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP39 - VEICULO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP40 - SALA POP - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 300.3509ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP40 - SALA POP - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP41 - INFORMATICA - DESCARTE ANTIGO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 26.1432ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP41 - INFORMATICA - DESCARTE ANTIGO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP42 - INFORMATICA - DESCARTE NÃO REALIZADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 219.6799ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP42 - INFORMATICA - DESCARTE NÃO REALIZADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP43 - LARE - DESCARTE NÃO REALIZADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -408.8044ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP43 - LARE - DESCARTE NÃO REALIZADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP44 - CCE - ELEVADOR PANTOGRAFICO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -5.6902ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP44 - CCE - ELEVADOR PANTOGRAFICO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP45 - LEQ - PLACA AQUECEDORA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -54.3827ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP45 - LEQ - PLACA AQUECEDORA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP46 - AR CONDICIONADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 264.0464ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP46 - AR CONDICIONADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP47 - AR CONDICIONADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 378.9385ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP47 - AR CONDICIONADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP20 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -349.8007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP20 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP49 - AR CONDICIONADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -429.256ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP49 - AR CONDICIONADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP50 - SMARTPHONE SAMSUNG GALAXY.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -348.2263ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP50 - SMARTPHONE SAMSUNG GALAXY.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP04 - CLÍNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP52 - RH.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -381.9442ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP52 - RH.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP53 - MICROONDAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 446.6768ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP53 - MICROONDAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP54 - BEBEDOUROS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 100.2045ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP54 - BEBEDOUROS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP08 - EPAMIG.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 384.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP55 - TV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 447.9724ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP08 - EPAMIG.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/03 - MATERIAL - MAPA DE LOCALIZA\xc7\xc3O DOS SETORES" 2022/01/25 16:48:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/05 - DOCUMENTOS DE ATUALIZA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O, OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE" 2022/01/25 16:48:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/11 - TRANSFER\xcaNCIAS PATRIM\xd4NIO" 2022/01/25 16:48:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/10 - PLANILHA DE AN\xc1LISES" 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP17 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -24.8007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP55 - TV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP57 - AUTOCLAVE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 298.5392ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP57 - AUTOCLAVE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP58 - QUADRO E MARMITEIROS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -170.0736ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP58 - QUADRO E MARMITEIROS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP59 - ARMARIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 30.3383ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP56 - BEBEDOUROS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 419.5141ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP56 - BEBEDOUROS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP10 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -196.8007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP01 - LABORATÓRIO DE ARQUITETURA E ENGENHARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP24 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -317.8007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP24 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP60 - AR CONDICIONADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -306.999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP60 - AR CONDICIONADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP61 - ARMARIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -71.2987ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP61 - ARMARIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP10 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP62 - AR CONDICIONADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -424.0303ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP62 - AR CONDICIONADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP63 - MESA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -215.3456ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP63 - MESA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP64 - SMARTPHONE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -284.228ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP64 - SMARTPHONE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP51 - MESA GIOBEL DELTA 1,20X1,40 COM DUAS GAVETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 158.8173ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP51 - MESA GIOBEL DELTA 1,20X1,40 COM DUAS GAVETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP65 - AR CONDICIONADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 52.2132ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP65 - AR CONDICIONADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP66 - DIREITOS AUTORIAIS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 245.2897ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP66 - DIREITOS AUTORIAIS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP67 - ARMARIOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 240.533ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP67 - ARMARIOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP68 - ARMARIOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -296.5106ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP68 - ARMARIOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP69 - MOVEIS GARAGEM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -157.6745ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP69 - MOVEIS GARAGEM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP70 - VEICULOS CETRAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 88.0879ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP70 - VEICULOS CETRAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP59 - ARMARIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP17 - CONTROLADORIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP71 - ITENS DA GARAGEM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 109.0636ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP71 - ITENS DA GARAGEM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP48 - CELULAR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -335.6597ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/BP48 - CELULAR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ GUILHERME.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/03 - UNIPAM/01 - AUDIT\xd3RIA" 2022/01/25 16:48:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/CONTROLE DE FATURAS ENERGIA EL\xc9TRICA.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/5-CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO - CCV" 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVARÁ PARA REGULARIZAÇÃO DE CONSTRUÇÃO/CCE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 91.8074ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ALVARÁ PARA REGULARIZAÇÃO DE CONSTRUÇÃO/CCE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - DOA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/03 - DA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/09 - TRANSFER\xcaNCIAS" 2022/01/25 16:48:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/06 - CESS\xc3O DE USO" 2022/01/25 16:48:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ ALEXANDRE.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ MARCILIO.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/2 - CONTROLE DE EXECU\xc7\xc3O DE INSPE\xc7\xd5ES - SVN/CONTROLE DE EXECU\xc7\xc3O DE INSPE\xc7\xd5ES - LARE.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ TULIO.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ GUILHERME.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC857 - NF 148.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 109.5687ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC857 - NF 148.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC859 - NF 18161.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -415.6327ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC859 - NF 18161.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC860 - NF 31232.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 365.9626ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC860 - NF 31232.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC858 - NF 165.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -446.4313ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC858 - NF 165.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC861 - NF 31615 31709 31613 31611 31499.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 387.1552ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC861 - NF 31615 31709 31613 31611 31499.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC862 - NF 31498 31559.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 26.9523ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC862 - NF 31498 31559.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC863 - NF 31609.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 324.7466ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC863 - NF 31609.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC864 - NF 47714.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -341.464ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC864 - NF 47714.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC865 - NF 24853 4832.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -307.2662ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC866 - NF 50058.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -214.8694ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC866 - NF 50058.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC870 - NF 144234.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -252.5989ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC869 - NF 514.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -160.1048ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC871 - NF 319.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 352.1098ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC869 - NF 514.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC872 - NF 197590.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 413.5791ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC872 - NF 197590.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC873 - NF 62125.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 321.946ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC873 - NF 62125.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC874 - NF 18702.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -104.4319ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC874 - NF 18702.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC875 - NF 31482572.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 192.2378ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC875 - NF 31482572.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC868 - NF 976 979 978 985 988 981.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 344.6765ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC868 - NF 976 979 978 985 988 981.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC877 - NF 18704.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 393.2393ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC877 - NF 18704.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC871 - NF 319.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC876 - NF 18703.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 492.7587ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC876 - NF 18703.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC879 - NF 47282.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -267.9039ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC879 - NF 47282.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC867 - NF 950 955 983 986 977 987 982 984.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 415.7296ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC867 - NF 950 955 983 986 977 987 982 984.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC865 - NF 24853 4832.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC870 - NF 144234.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC878 - NF 21809 21770.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 331.6725ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC882 - NF 3551.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -242.7519ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC882 - NF 3551.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC883 - NF 70095971.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -481.1489ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC883 - NF 70095971.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC885 - NF 31630 31631.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -239.5482ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC885 - NF 31630 31631.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC886 - NF 31054.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -191.2688ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC889 - NF 245 247.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 435.729ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC889 - NF 245 247.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC890 - NF 12569 12624.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -338.0778ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC890 - NF 12569 12624.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC878 - NF 21809 21770.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC892 - NF 915 916.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 55.4628ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC892 - NF 915 916.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC893 - NF 639827.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 158.9721ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC893 - NF 639827.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC894 - NF 55335 55333.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 107.1069ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC894 - NF 55335 55333.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC887 - NF 36412 36736.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 76.9677ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC887 - NF 36412 36736.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC896 - NF 1445.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 445.5724ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC896 - NF 1445.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC886 - NF 31054.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC897 - NF 55336.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 275.9429ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC897 - NF 55336.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC898 - NF 69333449.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -489.9281ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC898 - NF 69333449.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC884 - NF 70601196 70841734 70669145 70650832 70888708 198433.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 4.6056ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC884 - NF 70601196 70841734 70669145 70650832 70888708 198433.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC881 - NF 954.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -214.1525ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC881 - NF 954.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC899 - NF 47675.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -221.3775ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC899 - NF 47675.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC880 - NF 61998.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 424.4769ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC901 - NF 259.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 314.3802ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC901 - NF 259.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC880 - NF 61998.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC891 - NF 9542 9534.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 280.6696ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC891 - NF 9542 9534.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC895 - NF 24975.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -17.595ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC895 - NF 24975.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC902 - NF 950 949.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 437.8196ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC902 - NF 950 949.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC900 - NF 5745.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 149.6492ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC900 - NF 5745.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC904 - NF 806.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -67.9594ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC904 - NF 806.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC888 - NF 001.22.00470600-2 001.22.00470707-6 001.22.00470706-8 001.22.00470705-0 001.22.00470708-4 001.22.00470704-1 001.22.00470703-3 001.22.00470702-5 001.22.00470599-5 001.22.00470590-1 001.22.00470589-8.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 252.704ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC888 - NF 001.22.00470600-2 001.22.00470707-6 001.22.00470706-8 001.22.00470705-0 001.22.00470708-4 001.22.00470704-1 001.22.00470703-3 001.22.00470702-5 001.22.00470599-5 001.22.00470590-1 001.22.00470589-8.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC903 - NF 2208.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 18.9316ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC903 - NF 2208.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC905 - NF 1701.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 422.457ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC905 - NF 1701.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC907 - NF 2743.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -434.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC907 - NF 2743.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC909 - NF 5533.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -19.5561ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC910 - NF 21809.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 89.2057ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC911 - NF 9213.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -110.5234ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC911 - NF 9213.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC913 - NF 389.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -205.0723ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC913 - NF 389.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC914 - NF 326 325 323 324 322.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 231.3699ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC914 - NF 326 325 323 324 322.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC915 - NF 321 320 317 318 316 319.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -41.3273ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC915 - NF 321 320 317 318 316 319.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC916 - NF 70656309 70650832 70888708 71114850.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 432.5971ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC916 - NF 70656309 70650832 70888708 71114850.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC908 - NF 1402.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 353.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC908 - NF 1402.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC906 - NF 24990.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 265.1075ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC906 - NF 24990.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC917 - NF 103520161-1.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -141.4022ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC917 - NF 103520161-1.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC912 - NF 390.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 131.0635ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC919 - NF 2572 2571 2570 2569 2568 2567 2566.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 411.5101ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC919 - NF 2572 2571 2570 2569 2568 2567 2566.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC910 - NF 21809.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC920 - NF 21770.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 455.8057ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC920 - NF 21770.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC909 - NF 5533.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC921 - NF 144483 144482.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -71.1045ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC921 - NF 144483 144482.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC922 - NF 1184 1186.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 59.2505ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC922 - NF 1184 1186.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC923 - NF 36640.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -267.4231ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC923 - NF 36640.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC918 - NF 3246.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -180.1274ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC918 - NF 3246.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC912 - NF 390.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC925 - NF 170.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 235.4673ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC925 - NF 170.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC924 - NF 119381 119378.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 343.6709ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC924 - NF 119381 119378.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC926 - NF 171.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 386.5728ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC926 - NF 171.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC927 - NF 2216.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -96.5183ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC927 - NF 2216.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC928 - NF 188 189.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -268.1963ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC928 - NF 188 189.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC929 - NF 169.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -199.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC929 - NF 169.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC930 - NF 533.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -238.7574ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC930 - NF 533.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC931 - NF 351.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -131.5406ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC931 - NF 351.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC933 - NF 352.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 320.2627ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC933 - NF 352.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC934 - NF 172.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -463.1733ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC935 - NF 3176.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -72.4098ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC936 - NF 327 328 329 330.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -311.693ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC936 - NF 327 328 329 330.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC935 - NF 3176.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC937 - NF 31737.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 231.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC937 - NF 31737.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC938 - NF 11720.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 280.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC932 - NF 353.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 334.8167ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC940 - NF 11747.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 179.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC940 - NF 11747.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC939 - NF 11803.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 490.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC939 - NF 11803.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC941 - NF 16585.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -28.6575ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC941 - NF 16585.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC932 - NF 353.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC938 - NF 11720.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC934 - NF 172.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC942 - NF 18110.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -108.5395ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC942 - NF 18110.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC943 - NF 354.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -19.9362ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC943 - NF 354.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC944 - NF 844.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -231.0249ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC944 - NF 844.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC946 - NF 19.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -339.6673ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC948 - NF 358 357.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 210.4349ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC948 - NF 358 357.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC949 - NF 145295.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 207.8631ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC949 - NF 145295.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC951 - NF 145338.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -318.2075ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC951 - NF 145338.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC952 - NF 356 2123.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 313.4374ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC952 - NF 356 2123.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC953 - NF 1585.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -297.1258ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC953 - NF 1585.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC954 - NF 21834.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -349.5681ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC954 - NF 21834.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC947 - NF 409.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 63.8671ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC947 - NF 409.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC955 - NF 7966.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 491.0653ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC955 - NF 7966.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC956 - NF 32395350.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -232.6753ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC956 - NF 32395350.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC946 - NF 19.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC950 - NF 145132.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -442.9193ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC950 - NF 145132.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC958 - NF 31552764 31578545 31583237 31517681 31571311 31556365 31536518 31571097.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 457.9317ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC958 - NF 31552764 31578545 31583237 31517681 31571311 31556365 31536518 31571097.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC959 - NF 31593022 31597179 31601989 31516759 31567693 31596075 31571086 31567600.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -333.559ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC961 - NF 31567.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 446.8103ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC961 - NF 31567.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC957 - NF 71556801 71608242.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 322.9358ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC962 - NF 21873.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 171.4174ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC962 - NF 21873.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC957 - NF 71556801 71608242.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC960 - NF 414.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 472.1197ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC963 - NF 145387.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -66.1833ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC963 - NF 145387.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC964 - NF 201.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -366.1621ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC964 - NF 201.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC966 - NF 145387.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -484.2611ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC967 - NF 5580.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 442.7335ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC967 - NF 5580.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC965 - NF 9555 9556 9557 9558.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 215.6405ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC965 - NF 9555 9556 9557 9558.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC968 - NF 68.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 147.1723ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC968 - NF 68.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC960 - NF 414.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC966 - NF 145387.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC959 - NF 31593022 31597179 31601989 31516759 31567693 31596075 31571086 31567600.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC970 - NF 298.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 40.6119ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC970 - NF 298.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC971 - NF 1221.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -417.3691ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC971 - NF 1221.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC969 - NF 67.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -345.5718ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC969 - NF 67.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC972 - NF 272015.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -245ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC972 - NF 272015.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC973 - NF 31817 31816.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -104.5537ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC973 - NF 31817 31816.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC974 - NF 223.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 112.8068ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC974 - NF 223.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC975 - NF 9.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 318.1575ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC975 - NF 9.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC976 - NF 10.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 40.5905ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC976 - NF 10.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC977 - NF 62410.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -385.0462ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/MC977 - NF 62410.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CENTRO CLÃNICO VETERIN\xc1\x81RIO - CCV" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANIT\xc1RIOS/02 - INSTRU\xc7\xd5ES DE INDICA\xc7\xc3O DE USO" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANIT\xc1RIOS/03 - DECLARA\xc7\xc3O DE CREDENCIAMENTO" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/03 - GEST\xc3O DE RISCOS LARE" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 15 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ ALEXANDRE.docx 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/~$CONTROLE DE ADEQUA‛C7‛D5ES - 13012022.xlsx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/~$56 - BEBEDOUROS.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/~$CONTROLE DE ADEQUA‛C7‛D5ES.xlsx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/~$08 - EPAMIG.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/CONTROLE DE FATURAS ENERGIA ELÉTRICA.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -312.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/CONTROLE DE FATURAS ENERGIA ELÉTRICA.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/02 - OBRA/01 - MISCEL\xc2NEAS" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/CONTROLE DE TERMOS DE PATRIMONIO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -440.5327ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/CONTROLE DE TERMOS DE PATRIMONIO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/TERMOS DE PATRIMONIO (ASSESSORIA JURIDICA).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -88.8932ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO 2018 - EXEC - PL - RV01" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO 2015 - EXEC - PL - RV00" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO 2021 - EXEC - PL - RV00" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO 2022 - EXEC - PL - RV00" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO 2012 - EXEC - PL - RV00" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/TERMOS DE PATRIMONIO (ASSESSORIA JURIDICA).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO 2017 - EXEC - PL - RV00" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO 2020 - EXEC - PL - RV00" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO 2019 - EXEC - PL - RV00" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS 2012 \xe1 2015" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PRE\xc7O MEDIO" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO 2016 - EXEC - PL - RV00" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO 2008 \xe1 2011 - EXEC - PL - RV00" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/RELAT\xd3RIO DE PONTO - MANUT. DE INFRAESTRUTURA.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE PER\xcdODO DE EXPERI\xcaNCIA" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/2 - CONTROLE DE EXECUÇÃO DE INSPEÇÕES - SVN/CONTROLE DE EXECUÇÃO DE INSPEÇÕES - LARE.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 284.202ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/2 - CONTROLE DE EXECUÇÃO DE INSPEÇÕES - SVN/CONTROLE DE EXECUÇÃO DE INSPEÇÕES - LARE.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTROLE DE FATURAS TELEFONIA.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 173.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTROLE DE FATURAS TELEFONIA.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/1 - LARE. SESMT/02 - PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O TAREFAS" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/1 - LARE. SESMT/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- AVCB/CCE (Revisado).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 7.077ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- AVCB/CCE (Revisado).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- AVCB/CCE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- AVCB/CCE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- AVCB/CCO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 67.689ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- AVCB/CCO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- AVCB/CCU.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- AVCB/CCU.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- AVCB/CCV.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO" 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- AVCB/POLO PARACATU.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 184.4221ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- AVCB/POLO PARACATU.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- AVCB/CCV.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- AVCB/POLO PATROCINIO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -239.396ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- AVCB/POLO PATROCINIO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- AVCB/UNIPAM.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- AVCB/UNIPAM.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- AVCB/CETRAS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 495.5371ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- AVCB/CETRAS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFER\xcaNCIA" 2022/01/25 16:48:51 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$867 - NF 950 955 983 986 977 987 982 984.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/CONTROLE DE ATIVIDADES-17122020 - C\xf3pia.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/02 - PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O TAREFAS" 2022/01/25 16:48:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/CONTROLE DE ATIVIDADES-01122020 - C\xf3pia.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/3 - IDENTIFICA\xc7\xc3O DE QUADROS PABX" 2022/01/25 16:48:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/2 - AUTORIZA\xc7\xd5ES _ PERMISS\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:48:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERA\xc7\xd5ES DE PERMISS\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/5 - RAMAIS LIBERADOS PARA NOVAS INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:48:51 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/CONTROLE INTERNO - LARE.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -60.1787ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:51 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/CONTROLE INTERNO - LARE.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:51 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/RELATÓRIO DE PONTO - MANUT. DE INFRAESTRUTURA.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 387.0517ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:51 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/RELATÓRIO DE PONTO - MANUT. DE INFRAESTRUTURA.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:51 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/Thumbs.db: Excluded 2022/01/25 16:48:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/0 - PLANO DE A\xc7\xc3O - ATUALIZA\xc7\xc3O/~$PLANO DE A\xc7\xc3O GERAL PIE FEPAM.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/0 - PLANO DE A\xc7\xc3O - ATUALIZA\xc7\xc3O/PLANO DE A\xc7\xc3O GERAL PIE FEPAM.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:51 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/~$08 - EPAMIG.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:51 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/3 - EMPRÉSTIMO DE FERRAMENTAS/Emprestimo de ferramentas.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -269.5731ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:51 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/3 - EMPRÉSTIMO DE FERRAMENTAS/Emprestimo de ferramentas.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONV\xcaNIO PREFEITURA/REGULARIZA\xc7\xc3O FUNDI\xc1RIA URBANA" 2022/01/25 16:48:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O HIDR\xc1ULICA" 2022/01/25 16:48:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL" 2022/01/25 16:48:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:51 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/~$56 - BEBEDOUROS.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:51 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/ATIVO IMOBILIZADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -469.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:51 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/ATIVO IMOBILIZADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:51 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS PARA CONTROLE PATRIMONIAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 100.7994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:51 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS PARA CONTROLE PATRIMONIAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTA" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/CONTROLE DE ATIVIDADES - 23122020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 286.066386ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/CONTROLE DE ATIVIDADES - 23122020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/CONTROLE DE ATIVIDADES - 28122020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 286.066386ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/CONTROLE DE ATIVIDADES - 28122020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/CONTROLE DE ATIVIDADES-01122020 - Cópia.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 274.0661ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/CONTROLE DE ATIVIDADES-01122020 - Cópia.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/CONTROLE DE ATIVIDADES-17122020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 210.064572ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/CONTROLE DE ATIVIDADES-17122020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV00 - 29122020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -207.969281ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV00 - 29122020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV01 - 31122020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -226.969734ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV01 - 31122020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV02 - 04012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -254.970403ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV03 - 05012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -254.970403ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV03 - 05012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV04 - 07012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -254.970403ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV04 - 07012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV06 - 14012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -254.970403ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV06 - 14012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/CONTROLE DE ATIVIDADES-01122020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 267.065932ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/CONTROLE DE ATIVIDADES-01122020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV02 - 04012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/CONTROLE DE ATIVIDADES-17122020 - Cópia.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 238.06524ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/CONTROLE DE ATIVIDADES-17122020 - Cópia.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV05 - 11012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -254.970403ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV05 - 11012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV07 - 15012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -277.970952ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV07 - 15012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV08 - 18012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -278.970976ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV08 - 18012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV09 - 21012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -278.970976ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV09 - 21012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV10 - 22012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -26.7252ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV10 - 22012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV11 - 26012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -278.970976ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV11 - 26012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV12 - 01022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -460.8774ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV12 - 01022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV13 - 04022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -62.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/RV13 - 04022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 893.104621ms 2022/01/25 16:48:52 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 15: batch had 15 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:48:52 ERROR : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ GUILHERME.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:48:52 ERROR : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ ALEXANDRE.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:48:52 ERROR : lare/Downloads/~$exo-a-it-33 (1).doc: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:48:52 ERROR : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ João Lucas.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:48:52 ERROR : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ Jair.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:48:52 ERROR : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ DIOGO_ALMEIDA.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:48:52 ERROR : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ MARCILIO.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:48:52 ERROR : lare/.lixeira/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ ALEXANDRE.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:48:52 ERROR : lare/.lixeira/~$540 - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL INTERNA - BICA TORNEIRA BEBEDOURO (Salvo Automaticamente).docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:48:52 ERROR : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ GUILHERME.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:48:52 ERROR : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ DIOGO_LORRAN.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:48:52 ERROR : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ CAIQUE.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:48:52 ERROR : lare/Downloads/~$ITAL DE CREDENCIAMENTO SGF 02.2018 - Abertura 15.08.2018 pdf-convertido.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:48:52 ERROR : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ TULIO.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:48:52 ERROR : lare/EMPRESTIMO FERRAMENTAS/~$RRAMENTAS_ GUILHERME GONÇALVES.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$867 - NF 950 955 983 986 977 987 982 984.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$740 - NF 47053 20934 - C\xf3pia.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC294 - NF 364822649 - C\xf3pia.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC570 - NF 67207736 - C\xf3pia.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/0 - PLANO DE AÇÃO - ATUALIZAÇÃO/ART PIE .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 305.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/0 - PLANO DE AÇÃO - ATUALIZAÇÃO/ART PIE .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/0 - PLANO DE AÇÃO - ATUALIZAÇÃO/PLANO DE AÇÃO GERAL PIE FEPAM.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 10.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/0 - PLANO DE AÇÃO - ATUALIZAÇÃO/PLANO DE AÇÃO GERAL PIE FEPAM.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/08 - CCV - BANCADAS OBSERVA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/07 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO (CCV)" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/02 - CCV - AM EXAUST\xc3O LAB. HISTOLOGIA" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVA\xc7\xc3O DE AR" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTA\xc7\xc3O PMOC" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/03 - ESTUDOS/CUSTO CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O DC-SALASPOPS" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 2 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/~$CONTROLE DE ADEQUA‛C7‛D5ES - 13012022.xlsx 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/TRA\xc7OS PARA CONCRETO PARA 01 SACO DE CIMENTO.doc" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/TRA\xc7OS DE CONCRETO.xls" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/PORTARIA RUA DIIACU\xcd" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/10 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/10 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/11 - ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES PARA EQUIPE" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/10 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/02 - ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES PARA EQUIPE" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xc3O ADMINISTRATIVA/04 - ALVAR\xc1 DE FUNCIONAMENTO" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xc3O ADMINISTRATIVA/01 - ATA DE CRIA\xc7\xc3O DA FILIAL" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xc3O ADMINISTRATIVA/05 - ALVAR\xc1 SANIT\xc1RIO" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xc3O ADMINISTRATIVA/09 - RELAT\xd3RIO DE RU\xcdDO" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xc3O ADMINISTRATIVA/03 - ALVAR\xc1 DE REGULARIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xc3O ADMINISTRATIVA/11 - TRAMITA\xc7\xc3O ACESSO" 2022/01/25 16:48:52 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM‛D4NIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIM‛D4NIO/~$08 - EPAMIG.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/4 - ESCALA PLANT\xc3O/ESCALA PLANT\xc3O ELETRICISTAS.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTROLE RCS (ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O-OBRA)/CONTROLE DE RCS - ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O MORFOS.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:53 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM‛D4NIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIM‛D4NIO/~$56 - BEBEDOUROS.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$869 - NF 514.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$871 - NF 319.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$870 - NF 144234.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$873 - NF 62125.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$872 - NF 197590.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$874 - NF 18702.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$877 - NF 18704.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$876 - NF 18703.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$875 - NF 31482572.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/CONTROLE JARDINAGEM.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 185.0579ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/CONTROLE JARDINAGEM.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/UNIPAM - PSG - RV02 - 14052019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 53.8513ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/UNIPAM - PSG - RV02 - 14052019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O, OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE -RV01-12012021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:48:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O, OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/ART - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O - RT ROGERIO TAVOLONE SILVA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:48:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O, OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/ART - PMOC UNIPAM - RT JANA\xcdNA APARECIDA PEREIRA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:48:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O, OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE -RV01-12012021.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O, OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE -RV01-17092021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:48:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O, OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/~$ANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE -RV01-12012021.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$879 - NF 47282.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$868 - NF 976 979 978 985 988 981.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$880 - NF 61998.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$878 - NF 21809 21770.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$882 - NF 3551.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:54 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$867 - NF 950 955 983 986 977 987 982 984.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$881 - NF 954.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/2- BALAN\xc7OS" 2022/01/25 16:48:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA" 2022/01/25 16:48:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2021 - 2\xba SEMESTRE" 2022/01/25 16:48:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 1\xba SEMESTRE" 2022/01/25 16:48:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE" 2022/01/25 16:48:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/Apresenta\xe7\xe3o" 2022/01/25 16:48:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2021 - 1\xba SEMESTRE" 2022/01/25 16:48:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 2\xba SEMESTRE" 2022/01/25 16:48:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 2\xba SEMESTRE" 2022/01/25 16:48:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O TAREFAS/PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O EST\xc1GIO/PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O DE EST\xc1GIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:48:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/4 - ESCALA PLANTÃO/ESCALA PLANTÃO ELETRICISTAS.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 61.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/4 - ESCALA PLANTÃO/ESCALA PLANTÃO ELETRICISTAS.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO DE PERMISS\xd5ES DOS RAMAIS" 2022/01/25 16:48:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERA\xc7\xc3O DE OPERADORA UNIPAM" 2022/01/25 16:48:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/MUDAN\xc7A DE PLANO" 2022/01/25 16:48:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/EXCLUS\xc3O DE LINHAS" 2022/01/25 16:48:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTROLE RCS (ADEQUAÇÃO-OBRA)/CONTROLE DE RCS - ADEQUAÇÃO MORFOS.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 324.5525ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTROLE RCS (ADEQUAÇÃO-OBRA)/CONTROLE DE RCS - ADEQUAÇÃO MORFOS.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$869 - NF 514.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$871 - NF 319.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$870 - NF 144234.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$873 - NF 62125.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/ART - INSTALAÇÃO - RT ROGERIO TAVOLONE SILVA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/ART - INSTALAÇÃO - RT ROGERIO TAVOLONE SILVA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/ART - PMOC UNIPAM - RT JANAÍNA APARECIDA PEREIRA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/ART - PMOC UNIPAM - RT JANAÍNA APARECIDA PEREIRA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS" 2022/01/25 16:48:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV01-12012021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -309.365969ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV01-12012021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO CAIXA D'\xc1\x81GUA" 2022/01/25 16:48:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV01-17092021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 351.664186ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV01-17092021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV01-12012021.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 113.0601ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV01-12012021.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$872 - NF 197590.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$874 - NF 18702.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$876 - NF 18703.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$877 - NF 18704.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$879 - NF 47282.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$875 - NF 31482572.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$868 - NF 976 979 978 985 988 981.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$880 - NF 61998.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$878 - NF 21809 21770.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$881 - NF 954.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:56 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 1.897732379s 2022/01/25 16:48:56 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 2: batch had 2 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:48:56 ERROR : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/~$CONTROLE DE ADEQUAÇÕES - 13012022.xlsx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:48:56 ERROR : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/~$CONTROLE DE ADEQUAÇÕES.xlsx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:48:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/PROGRAMAÇÃO ESTÁGIO/PROGRAMAÇÃO DE ESTÁGIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 213.244ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/PROGRAMAÇÃO ESTÁGIO/PROGRAMAÇÃO DE ESTÁGIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIA\xc7\xd5ES E INSPE\xc7\xd5ES/01 - AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE RISCO DE QUEDA" 2022/01/25 16:48:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$882 - NF 3551.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/backup/CONTROLE DE FATURAS.xls: Size and modification time the same (differ by 30.5998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/backup/CONTROLE DE FATURAS.xls: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS/OR\xc7AMENTOS" 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 3 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM‛D4NIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIM‛D4NIO/~$08 - EPAMIG.docx 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$869 - NF 514.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC01 - NF 2035 15971.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -378ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC01 - NF 2035 15971.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC02 - NF 62525998.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 240ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC02 - NF 62525998.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$871 - NF 319.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC03 - NF 62528064.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 277ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC03 - NF 62528064.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC10 - NF 496 1764.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 182.0689ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC10 - NF 496 1764.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC100 - NF 52397.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 376.7043ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC100 - NF 52397.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC06 - NF 44747.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 234.1986ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC06 - NF 44747.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC08 - NF 4717.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -319.114ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC08 - NF 4717.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC09 - NF 28529.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -64.3486ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC09 - NF 28529.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC101 - NF 27778.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 125.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC101 - NF 27778.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC103 - NF 2556.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -157.5442ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC103 - NF 2556.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC07 - NF 2068 2069 2070.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -176.9357ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC07 - NF 2068 2069 2070.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC104 - NF 10146.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -461.7325ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC104 - NF 10146.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC102 - NF 418.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -273.1826ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC102 - NF 418.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC04 - NF 181.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 434.9706ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC04 - NF 181.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC05 - NF 9166.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -443.0997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC05 - NF 9166.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC105 - NF 2548.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -229.2692ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC105 - NF 2548.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC106 - NF 2547.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 408.0067ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC106 - NF 2547.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC107 - NF 60093.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 121.6541ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC109 - NF 60050.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 47.4261ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC109 - NF 60050.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC11 - NF 2071.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 305.5233ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC11 - NF 2071.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC110 - NF 101084.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -258.8139ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC110 - NF 101084.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC111 - NF 20.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -331.539ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC111 - NF 20.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC112 - NF 18.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -366.5523ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC112 - NF 18.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC113 - NF 45206.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 494.7748ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC113 - NF 45206.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/AVALIA\xc7\xd5ES CPA" 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC116 - NF 2556.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -439.6986ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC116 - NF 2556.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTA\xc7\xc3O INFRAESTRUTURA" 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC117 - NF 52444.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 191.5494ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC117 - NF 52444.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALA\xc7Õ•ES" 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC119 - NF 001.21.49917520-3.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 406.5076ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC119 - NF 001.21.49917520-3.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC118 - NF 001.21.49917559-9.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -454.5027ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC118 - NF 001.21.49917559-9.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC12 - NF 255.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -194.9721ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC12 - NF 255.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MAPAS DE SITUA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC120 - NF 10438.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 442.72ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC120 - NF 10438.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC121 - NF 1880539.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -310.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC121 - NF 1880539.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC108 - NF 22900.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -292.2093ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC122 - NF 63355290.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 160.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC108 - NF 22900.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC107 - NF 60093.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC114 - NF 28766.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -261.9612ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC114 - NF 28766.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC123 - NF 63300903.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 206.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC123 - NF 63300903.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC124 - NF 63328333.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 297.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC124 - NF 63328333.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC125 - NF 27973.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -418.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC125 - NF 27973.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC126 - NF 14245.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -380.9802ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC126 - NF 14245.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC127 - NF 112.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 279.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC127 - NF 112.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC128 - NF 113.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -400.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC128 - NF 113.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC129 - NF 111.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 58.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC129 - NF 111.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC115 - NF 28767.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -325.2288ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC115 - NF 28767.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC130 - NF 1216.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -200.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC131 - NF 235760.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -20.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC13 - NF 203.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -485.9173ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC13 - NF 203.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC133 - NF 57795.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -71.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC133 - NF 57795.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC134 - NF 235539.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 129.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC134 - NF 235539.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC130 - NF 1216.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC136 - NF 62993142.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -410.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC136 - NF 62993142.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC132 - NF 235867.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -66.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC132 - NF 235867.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC138 - NF 240 241 242 243 244 246 247 248 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -88.4598ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC138 - NF 240 241 242 243 244 246 247 248 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC131 - NF 235760.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC135 - NF 27794.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 377.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC135 - NF 27794.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC139 - NF 244.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -344.4749ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC139 - NF 244.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC122 - NF 63355290.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC140 - NF 245.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -437.8498ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC140 - NF 245.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC141 - NF 3120.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -300.2027ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC141 - NF 3120.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC143 - NF 2253.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 53.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC143 - NF 2253.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC142 - NF 296.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -23.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC144 - NF 93265 6314.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -303.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC144 - NF 93265 6314.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC145 - NF 92799 6254.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -137.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC146 - NF 305.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 307.7016ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC146 - NF 305.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC147 - NF 306.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -481.155ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC147 - NF 306.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC150 - NF 316.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 53.105ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC137 - NF 45016.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 50.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC137 - NF 45016.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC151 - NF 311.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 466.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC151 - NF 311.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC152 - NF 45378.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -225.4986ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC152 - NF 45378.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC145 - NF 92799 6254.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC154 - NF 6.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -72.0314ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC154 - NF 6.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC155 - NF 929.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -496.298ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC155 - NF 929.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC156 - NF 24411.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 122.928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC156 - NF 24411.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC157 - NF 3123.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 489.7843ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC157 - NF 3123.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC158 - NF 45402.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -266.7222ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC158 - NF 45402.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC159 - NF 146593.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -494.9709ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC159 - NF 146593.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC148 - NF 307.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 380.477ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC148 - NF 307.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC160 - NF 10146.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -484.7346ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC160 - NF 10146.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC161 - NF 52507.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -462.0105ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC161 - NF 52507.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC16 - NF 2414.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 142.0789ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC16 - NF 2414.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC163 - NF 317.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 423.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC163 - NF 317.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC164 - NF 302.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 251.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC142 - NF 296.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC165 - NF 28251.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -256.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC165 - NF 28251.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC166 - NF 27962.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 48.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC166 - NF 27962.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC162 - NF 8849.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 334.5372ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC167 - NF 5254.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 282.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC167 - NF 5254.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC168 - NF 64026180.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 1.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC168 - NF 64026180.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC162 - NF 8849.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC169 - NF 64038694.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 51.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC169 - NF 64038694.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC15 - NF 374.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -358.3897ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC15 - NF 374.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC17 - NF 7670.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -140.452ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC17 - NF 7670.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC170 - NF 64089021.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 436.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC170 - NF 64089021.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC171 - NF 64072073.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -410.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC171 - NF 64072073.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC149 - NF 312.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -367.1843ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC149 - NF 312.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC173 - NF 001.21.50819505-4.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 396.6228ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC173 - NF 001.21.50819505-4.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC174 - NF 35083.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 357.19ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC174 - NF 35083.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC175 - NF 029422650.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -354.2742ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC175 - NF 029422650.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC177 - NF 136.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -406.0811ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC177 - NF 136.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC153 - NF 7699 7700.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 495.9833ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC153 - NF 7699 7700.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC178 - NF 315.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -163.5134ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC164 - NF 302.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC178 - NF 315.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC18 - NF 309.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 207.6829ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC18 - NF 309.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC179 - NF 86 87.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 342.8038ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC179 - NF 86 87.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC181 - NF 60459.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -279.1902ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC181 - NF 60459.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC182 - NF 378.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -392.9572ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC182 - NF 378.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC183 - NF 142871.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 216.363ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC183 - NF 142871.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC184 - NF 2084 2085.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -243.1058ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC185 - NF 3299 3300 3301 3302.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -132.2534ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC185 - NF 3299 3300 3301 3302.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC180 - NF 323.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 424.5731ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC180 - NF 323.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC186 - NF 001.21.52199145-4.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -426.2897ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC186 - NF 001.21.52199145-4.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC188 - NF 001.21.52199144-6.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -391.3801ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC188 - NF 001.21.52199144-6.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC187 - NF 001.21.52199137-3.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -3.4113ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC187 - NF 001.21.52199137-3.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC189 - NF 001.21.52199143-8.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -143.4218ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC189 - NF 001.21.52199143-8.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC14 - NF 44890.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 207.3546ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC14 - NF 44890.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC184 - NF 2084 2085.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC172 - NF 147496.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -449.4011ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC172 - NF 147496.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC150 - NF 316.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC19 - NF 191.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -399.2788ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC19 - NF 191.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC190 - NF 001.21.52199142-0.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 430.5312ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC190 - NF 001.21.52199142-0.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC191 - NF 001.21.52199141-1.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 335.0549ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC191 - NF 001.21.52199141-1.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC193 - NF 001.21.52199139-0.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 220.9724ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC193 - NF 001.21.52199139-0.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC192 - NF 001.21.52199140-3.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 246.7212ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC192 - NF 001.21.52199140-3.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC194 - NF 001.21.521991138-1.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -404.4713ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC194 - NF 001.21.521991138-1.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC195 - NF 001.21.521991107-1.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 66.6046ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC195 - NF 001.21.521991107-1.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC196 - NF 001.21.52199136-5.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -141.1577ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC196 - NF 001.21.52199136-5.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC197 - NF 001.21.52199106-3.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -182.9301ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC197 - NF 001.21.52199106-3.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC198 - NF 24335.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 163.4638ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC198 - NF 24335.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC20 - NF 192.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -403.7423ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC20 - NF 192.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC200 - NF 21023.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 352.1711ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC201 - NF 48127.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 322.8261ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC202 - NF 10188.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -125.6722ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC202 - NF 10188.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC199 - NF 52532.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -48.7608ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC199 - NF 52532.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC200 - NF 21023.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC203 - NF 379.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -411.537ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC203 - NF 379.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC206 - NF 24411.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 456.3655ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC201 - NF 48127.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC205 - NF 10193.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -377.3201ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC204 - NF 10190.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 119.8064ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC205 - NF 10193.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC207 - NF 7707.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 434.7194ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC207 - NF 7707.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC208 - NF 60472.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 352.5777ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC208 - NF 60472.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC209 - NF 9249.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -442.2446ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC209 - NF 9249.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC204 - NF 10190.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC206 - NF 24411.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC21 - DOC 240211.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 379ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC21 - DOC 240211.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC210 - NF 184437.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 135.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC212 - NF 64246396.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 340.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC212 - NF 64246396.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC210 - NF 184437.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC214 - NF 115.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -401.4956ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC214 - NF 115.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC213 - NF 52692.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -311.8104ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC213 - NF 52692.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC211 - NF 64289503.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -386.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC211 - NF 64289503.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC215 - NF 28885.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 331.3232ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC216 - NF 60485.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 270.4228ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC216 - NF 60485.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC219 - NF 1.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -363.1859ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC219 - NF 1.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC22 - DOC 240201.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -330ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC22 - DOC 240201.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC220 - NF 7697.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 80.738ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC220 - NF 7697.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC217 - NF 60444.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 306.7455ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC217 - NF 60444.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC222 - NF 2791.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 262.634ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC223 - NF 2786.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 410.6589ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC223 - NF 2786.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC224 - NF 931 932.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 332.7847ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC224 - NF 931 932.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC225 - NF 144.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 296.5588ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC225 - NF 144.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC215 - NF 28885.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC226 - NF 1145.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 328.6301ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC226 - NF 1145.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC221 - NF 2787.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -302.6987ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC221 - NF 2787.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC222 - NF 2791.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC218 - NF 4853.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -352.7266ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC218 - NF 4853.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC228 - NF 45542.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -438.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC228 - NF 45542.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC229 - NF 7076.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 65.1836ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC230 - NF 45599.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 200.6043ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC23 - DOC 240221.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -177ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC23 - DOC 240221.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC232 - NF 7713.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 297.8092ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC232 - NF 7713.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC231 - NF 45609.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 417.1221ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC231 - NF 45609.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC233 - NF 17.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -406.8324ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC233 - NF 17.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC230 - NF 45599.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC227 - NF 61540053.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 338ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC227 - NF 61540053.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC235 - NF 12074.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -283.2125ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC235 - NF 12074.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC236 - NF 2672.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 105.3144ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC236 - NF 2672.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC237 - NF 114219.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 475.0087ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC237 - NF 114219.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC238 - NF 114215.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -379.2488ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC238 - NF 114215.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC239 - NF 212775.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 427.5856ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC239 - NF 212775.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC24 - NF 1855.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -36.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC24 - NF 1855.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC240 - DOC 276531.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 317.0218ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC240 - DOC 276531.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC241 - DOC 276541.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -67.485ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC241 - DOC 276541.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC243 - NF 64246396.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -390.2067ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC243 - NF 64246396.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC245 - NF 125.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 68.6812ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC245 - NF 125.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC246 - NF 124.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -75.4546ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC246 - NF 124.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC247 - NF 28409454.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -6.6801ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC247 - NF 28409454.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC248 - NF 5176.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 491.6539ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC248 - NF 5176.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC25 - DOC 1526365.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 307ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC25 - DOC 1526365.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC250 - NF 22.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -418.3089ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC250 - NF 22.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC251 - NF 31244.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -135.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC251 - NF 31244.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC252 - NF 31245.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -475.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC252 - NF 31245.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC253 - NF 295 293.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -297.9473ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC253 - NF 295 293.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC242 - DOC 240221.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 70.4685ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC242 - DOC 240221.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC255 - NF 235457.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 341.871ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC255 - NF 235457.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC256 - NF 28333.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -357.8902ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC257 - NF 17299.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 177.6224ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC229 - NF 7076.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC254 - NF 225607.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 393.8514ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC254 - NF 225607.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC234 - NF 12073.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 91.2483ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC234 - NF 12073.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC26 - DOC 12800.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 420.4969ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC26 - DOC 12800.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC249 - NF 14930.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -306.1378ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC259 - NF 17 18.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 266.7504ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC259 - NF 17 18.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC256 - NF 28333.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC249 - NF 14930.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC261 - NF 364822649.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 202.6344ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC261 - NF 364822649.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC262 - NF 364865642.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -425.4945ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC262 - NF 364865642.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC264 - NF 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -492.7802ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC264 - NF 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC265 - NF 292 294.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -170.8167ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC265 - NF 292 294.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC244 - NF 126.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -276.2235ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC266 - NF 145 147 148.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 312.028ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC244 - NF 126.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC263 - DOC 120171.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -444.5258ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC263 - DOC 120171.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC267 - NF 257.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -451.3613ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC267 - NF 257.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC269 - NF 25.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -188.5859ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC269 - NF 25.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC260 - NF 311.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -386.3754ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC260 - NF 311.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC27 - DOC 12799.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 224.6535ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC27 - DOC 12799.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC266 - NF 145 147 148.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC258 - NF 1415.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -89.4424ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC258 - NF 1415.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC271 - NF 16.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -257.1265ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC272 - NF 24.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -160.236ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC272 - NF 24.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC273 - NF 88.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 174.7156ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC274 - NF 001.21.55239941-7.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 128.4113ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC268 - NF 2476.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 423.5975ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC268 - NF 2476.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC275 - NF 10671.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -232.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC275 - NF 10671.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC270 - NF 192.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 107.1246ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC270 - NF 192.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC276 - NF 23430.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -93.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC276 - NF 23430.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC277 - NF 23435.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -217.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC278 - NF 3128.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 55.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC271 - NF 16.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC279 - NF 39986.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 289.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC279 - NF 39986.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC28 - DOC 12802.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -436.2039ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC28 - DOC 12802.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC280 - NF 43992.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -452.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC280 - NF 43992.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC281 - NF 3562.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -102.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC282 - NF 44257.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -480.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC282 - NF 44257.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC283 - NF 1523.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -409.8001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC283 - NF 1523.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC277 - NF 23435.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC281 - NF 3562.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC273 - NF 88.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC285 - NF 505.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -64.4642ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC285 - NF 505.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC284 - NF 57420.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -336.7149ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC284 - NF 57420.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC257 - NF 17299.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC274 - NF 001.21.55239941-7.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC278 - NF 3128.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC287 - NF 855159.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -487.5208ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC287 - NF 855159.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC288 - NF 2092.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -312.0127ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC288 - NF 2092.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC289 - NF 29088.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -244.444ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC289 - NF 29088.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC290 - NF 2483.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 233.9052ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC290 - NF 2483.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC29 - 28528.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 358.1909ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC286 - NF 4667.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 476.1999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC286 - NF 4667.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC292 - NF 72151.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 273.9407ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC292 - NF 72151.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC29 - 28528.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC291 - NF 52989.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 53.6026ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC291 - NF 52989.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC294 - NF 364822649 - Cópia.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 202.6344ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC294 - NF 364822649 - Cópia.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC295 - NF 364743185.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -315.5736ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC295 - NF 364743185.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC296 - NF 364747787.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 141.7523ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC296 - NF 364747787.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC297 - NF 139.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 130.7787ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC297 - NF 139.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC298 - NF 45815.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 309.7972ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC298 - NF 45815.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC299 - NF 193.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 420.4052ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC30 - 3108.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 479.7913ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC30 - 3108.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC299 - NF 193.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC300 - NF 200.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 364.2826ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC300 - NF 200.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC301 - NF 317.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -249.3997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC302 - NF 365874963.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 212.0189ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC302 - NF 365874963.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC301 - NF 317.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC293 - NF 151.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -196.6444ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC293 - NF 151.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC303 - NF 365654764.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 185.6315ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC303 - NF 365654764.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC305 - NF 365762259.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -27.5102ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC305 - NF 365762259.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC306 - NF 365703373.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 94.4541ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC307 - NF 365636369.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 227.0519ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC307 - NF 365636369.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC306 - NF 365703373.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC308 - NF 366625896.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 281.5195ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC308 - NF 366625896.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC309 - NF 365879426.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -102.2869ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC309 - NF 365879426.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC310 - NF 365678586.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 261.3555ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC310 - NF 365678586.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC311 - NF 365661208.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -285.7575ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC311 - NF 365661208.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC312 - NF 365743793.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 108.7956ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC312 - NF 365743793.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC313 - NF 365670737.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 138.2511ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC31 - NF 2455.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -104.3707ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC313 - NF 365670737.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC304 - NF 365759872.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -298.806ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC316 - NF 35459.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 96.8423ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC316 - NF 35459.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC317 - NF 936.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -250.5679ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC317 - NF 936.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC319 - NF 642314.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -299.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC32 - 3109.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 174.9932ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC32 - 3109.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC304 - NF 365759872.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC314 - NF 365800886.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -472.5978ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC314 - NF 365800886.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC320 - NF 17357.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 369.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC320 - NF 17357.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC322 - NF 17365.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -483.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC322 - NF 17365.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC323 - NF 1120.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 133.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC323 - NF 1120.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC324 - NF 150.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -78.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC324 - NF 150.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC325 - NF 146.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -99.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC325 - NF 146.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC318 - NF 935.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 196.1944ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC326 - NF 11361.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -51.6106ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC326 - NF 11361.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC327 - NF 001.21.57370495-2.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 47.3073ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC327 - NF 001.21.57370495-2.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC321 - NF 17384.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -438.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC328 - NF 001.21.56554786-0.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 60.0837ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC328 - NF 001.21.56554786-0.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC318 - NF 935.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC33 - NF 10380.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -426.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC33 - NF 10380.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC330 - NF 45905.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -105.6178ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC330 - NF 45905.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC331 - NF 200.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -378.2965ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC331 - NF 200.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC332 - NF 2745.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -177.5641ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC332 - NF 2745.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC329 - NF 001.21.56554841-6.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 408.9722ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC329 - NF 001.21.56554841-6.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC321 - NF 17384.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC315 - NF 365671937.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -391.2707ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC315 - NF 365671937.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC336 - NF 14386.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 92.7206ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC336 - NF 14386.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC319 - NF 642314.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC337 - NF 30.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 444.7627ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC337 - NF 30.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC338 - NF 9233.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -324.1253ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC338 - NF 9233.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC339 - NF 17953.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 35.8098ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC339 - NF 17953.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC34 - NF 2410.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 488.0554ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC34 - NF 2410.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC333 - NF 17952.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 277.0056ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC341 - NF 510.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 190.2436ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC341 - NF 510.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC334 - NF 14384.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -371.4376ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC334 - NF 14384.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC333 - NF 17952.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC335 - NF 14385.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 172.0324ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC335 - NF 14385.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC342 - NF 2490.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 219.4218ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC342 - NF 2490.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC343 - NF 2489.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 216.6907ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC343 - NF 2489.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC344 - NF 262.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 297.2981ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC344 - NF 262.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC31 - NF 2455.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC340 - NF 935.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -110.9861ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC340 - NF 935.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC345 - NF 263.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 352.0366ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC345 - NF 263.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC346 - NF 261.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 115.9835ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC346 - NF 261.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC347 - NF 63.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -408.1948ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC347 - NF 63.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC348 - NF 934.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -59.6243ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC348 - NF 934.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC35 - NF 31072.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 218.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC35 - NF 31072.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC350 - NF 5171.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 108.792ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC351 - NF 505.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -27.5998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC351 - NF 505.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC350 - NF 5171.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC349 - NF 149.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 64.1038ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC349 - NF 149.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC352 - NF 933.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -492.5164ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC352 - NF 933.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC354 - NF 10814.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -331.5663ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC354 - NF 10814.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC353 - NF 1988.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -1.3381ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC353 - NF 1988.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC357 - NF 272.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -208.1704ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC358 - NF 271.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 132.2491ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC358 - NF 271.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC359 - NF 270.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 189.1374ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC359 - NF 270.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC360 - NF 269.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -183.3121ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC360 - NF 269.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC356 - NF 273.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -115.0102ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC356 - NF 273.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC361 - NF 268.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 76.7129ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC363 - NF 265.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -172.2698ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC363 - NF 265.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC364 - NF 264.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 174.2706ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC364 - NF 264.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC365 - NF 31.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -218.7371ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC365 - NF 31.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC357 - NF 272.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC367 - NF 267.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 490.8964ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC367 - NF 267.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC368 - NF 2099 2100.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 472.1902ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC368 - NF 2099 2100.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC369 - NF 7840.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 65.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC369 - NF 7840.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC361 - NF 268.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC37 - NF 61373842.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 418.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC37 - NF 61373842.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC370 - NF 320.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -163.4923ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC370 - NF 320.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC362 - NF 266.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -248.2115ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC372 - NF 24931.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -167.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC372 - NF 24931.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC374 - NF 156.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -249.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC374 - NF 156.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC375 - NF 155.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -323.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC375 - NF 155.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC377 - NF 3366.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -222.6698ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC36 - NF 31073.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -479.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC36 - NF 31073.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC378 - NF 44803.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -401.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC378 - NF 44803.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC377 - NF 3366.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC38 - NF 63059622.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 368.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC38 - NF 63059622.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC373 - NF 44544.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 143.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC380 - NF 6735 97994.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 374.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC380 - NF 6735 97994.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC381 - NF 2314175.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -364.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC381 - NF 2314175.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC382 - NF 324.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -36.4252ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC382 - NF 324.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC383 - NF 238700.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 381.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC383 - NF 238700.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC384 - NF 143463.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -189.5531ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC384 - NF 143463.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC385 - NF 11675.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -413.5778ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC385 - NF 11675.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC386 - NF 11674.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -60.8631ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC379 - NF 325.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -12.6627ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC379 - NF 325.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC387 - NF 236618.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 155.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC387 - NF 236618.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC388 - NF 9296.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -108.1471ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC388 - NF 9296.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC389 - NF 64902290.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -144.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC389 - NF 64902290.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC39 - NF 14545.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -332.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC39 - NF 14545.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC373 - NF 44544.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC390 - NF 64913915.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 37.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC390 - NF 64913915.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC362 - NF 266.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC355 - NF 12138.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 81.5378ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC355 - NF 12138.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC376 - NF 9300.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -325.9921ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC376 - NF 9300.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC391 - NF 64974695.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -387.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC391 - NF 64974695.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC392 - NF 2123.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -381.6609ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC392 - NF 2123.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC366 - NF 2155.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -249.3284ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC366 - NF 2155.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC371 - NF 25008.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 413.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC371 - NF 25008.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC393 - NF 001.21.58798583-5.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -116.8837ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC393 - NF 001.21.58798583-5.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC386 - NF 11674.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC394 - NF 2490.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -433.24ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC394 - NF 2490.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC395 - NF 001.21.58798575-4.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 306.6245ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC395 - NF 001.21.58798575-4.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC396 - NF 2489.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -317.502ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC396 - NF 2489.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC397 - NF 001.21.58798582-7.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 316.7414ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC397 - NF 001.21.58798582-7.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC398 - NF 281.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 481.4527ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC398 - NF 281.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC399 - NF 001.21.58798581-9.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -290.7767ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC399 - NF 001.21.58798581-9.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC40 - NF 7682.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -112.1465ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC40 - NF 7682.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC400 - NF 001.21.58798580-1.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 161.7005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC401 - NF 001.21.58798579-7.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 462.6674ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC401 - NF 001.21.58798579-7.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC403 - NF 001.21.58798577-1.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -318.7104ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC403 - NF 001.21.58798577-1.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC404 - NF 001.21.58798576-2.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 394.4611ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC404 - NF 001.21.58798576-2.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC402 - NF 001.21.58798578-9.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 248.4446ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC402 - NF 001.21.58798578-9.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC405 - NF 001.21.58798565-7.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -66.1246ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC405 - NF 001.21.58798565-7.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC406 - NF 001.21.58798574-6.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -467.4135ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC406 - NF 001.21.58798574-6.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC407 - NF 001.21.58798564-9.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 90.6719ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC407 - NF 001.21.58798564-9.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC408 - NF 638.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -24.043ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC408 - NF 638.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC409 - NF 280.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 459.2322ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC409 - NF 280.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC400 - NF 001.21.58798580-1.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC41 - NF 161.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -143.3375ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC41 - NF 161.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC410 - NF 279.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -276.1119ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC410 - NF 279.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC411 - NF 278.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 165.5601ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC411 - NF 278.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC412 - NF 277.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 296.734ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC412 - NF 277.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC413 - NF 276.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -55.5528ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC413 - NF 276.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC414 - NF 275.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 49.2775ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC414 - NF 275.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC415 - NF 2106.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -464.9399ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC415 - NF 2106.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC416 - NF 2104.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -232.5925ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC416 - NF 2104.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC417 - NF 2103.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 206.3521ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC417 - NF 2103.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC418 - NF 2102.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 52.5584ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC418 - NF 2102.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC419 - NF 2101.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 460.6846ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC419 - NF 2101.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC420 - NF 914.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 295.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC420 - NF 914.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC421 - NF 915.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 403.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC421 - NF 915.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC422 - NF 973.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 365.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC422 - NF 973.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC424 - NF 452235.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -246.7521ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC424 - NF 452235.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC42 - NF 9198.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -260.4657ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC42 - NF 9198.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC425 - NF 48805.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -90.765ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC425 - NF 48805.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC426 - NF 7755.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 418.4439ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC427 - NF 17467.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 234.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC427 - NF 17467.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC429 - NF 380.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 85.8458ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC429 - NF 380.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC43 - NF 232 333 234 235 236 237 238 239 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 103.4374ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC430 - NF 372.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 3.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC430 - NF 372.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC428 - NF 29335.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -90.3081ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC428 - NF 29335.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC431 - NF 600064 98574.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 361.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC431 - NF 600064 98574.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC435 - NF 1092.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 66.3091ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC435 - NF 1092.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC423 - NF 972.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 217.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC423 - NF 972.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC436 - NF 2498.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 3.9924ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC437 - NF 2.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 106.227ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC437 - NF 2.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC436 - NF 2498.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC426 - NF 7755.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC43 - NF 232 333 234 235 236 237 238 239 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC432 - NF 187120.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -290.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC432 - NF 187120.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC438 - NF 5050.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -140.161ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC438 - NF 5050.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC44 - NF 60041.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 1.0339ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC44 - NF 60041.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC440 - NF 65777082.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -193.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC440 - NF 65777082.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC441 - NF 71819.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 149.8707ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC441 - NF 71819.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC433 - NF 2833.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -461.9501ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC433 - NF 2833.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC442 - NF 115497.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 235.249ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC442 - NF 115497.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC443 - NF 115493.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -67.2039ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC443 - NF 115493.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC439 - NF 65617257.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 54.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC445 - NF 46209.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -486.2423ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC445 - NF 46209.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC444 - NF 91920.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -67.8916ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC444 - NF 91920.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC446 - NF 111.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 369.5983ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC446 - NF 111.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC434 - NF 65612100.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -293.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC434 - NF 65612100.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC448 - NF 42 43.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 386.0661ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC448 - NF 42 43.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC449 - NF 10351.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -217.64ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC449 - NF 10351.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC450 - NF 46201.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 490.9467ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC450 - NF 46201.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC45 - NF 28625.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -274.9932ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC45 - NF 28625.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC451 - NF 5346.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -401.4025ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC451 - NF 5346.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC452 - NF 1972.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -482.323ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC452 - NF 1972.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC453 - NF 48872.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -384.6875ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC453 - NF 48872.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC454 - NF 21266.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -91.8089ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC454 - NF 21266.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC455 - NF 18045.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -22.2711ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC455 - NF 18045.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC457 - NF 1820535.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 339.5538ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC457 - NF 1820535.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC456 - 65780302.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 355.7142ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC456 - 65780302.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC458 - NF 29377400.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -183ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC458 - NF 29377400.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC46 - NF 28626.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 42.238ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC46 - NF 28626.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC439 - NF 65617257.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC447 - NF 29432.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -309.8917ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC447 - NF 29432.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC460 - NF 1730.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -128.4662ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC460 - NF 1730.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC461 - NF 147835.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -160.6173ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC462 - NF 12242.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -5.7454ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC462 - NF 12242.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC461 - NF 147835.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC463 - NF 9319.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -235.235ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC463 - NF 9319.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC464 - NF 9318.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -300.2833ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC464 - NF 9318.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC465 - NF 324.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -287.617ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC465 - NF 324.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC466 - NF 10933.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 325.5997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC466 - NF 10933.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC467 - NF 344121 344141 3444131.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -17.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC467 - NF 344121 344141 3444131.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC468 - NF 323732.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -11.4003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC468 - NF 323732.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC469 - NF 9311.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -421.3731ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC469 - NF 9311.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC470 - NF 9312.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -351.5755ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC470 - NF 9312.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC47 - NF 52273.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 184.0167ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC47 - NF 52273.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC459 - NF 17592.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 276.9342ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC459 - NF 17592.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC472 - NF 1019 1020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -286.7826ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC472 - NF 1019 1020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC473 - NF 12274.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -149.1666ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC473 - NF 12274.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC474 - NF 286.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 414.325ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC474 - NF 286.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC475 - NF 12247.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -65.294ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC475 - NF 12247.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC476 - NF 12225 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -91.0687ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC476 - NF 12225 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC477 - NF 285.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -175.4622ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC477 - NF 285.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC478 - NF 368505886 368471934 368421883 368615975 368471734 368382797 368551964 368558404 368366101 368475168 368620171 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 311.8112ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC478 - NF 368505886 368471934 368421883 368615975 368471734 368382797 368551964 368558404 368366101 368475168 368620171 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC479 - NF 7791.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -140.5204ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC479 - NF 7791.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC48 - NF 100989.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -109.6538ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC48 - NF 100989.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC471 - NF 9313.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -478.7423ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC471 - NF 9313.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC480 - NF 143740.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -421.7381ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC480 - NF 143740.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC481 - NF 15380.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 269.6553ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC481 - NF 15380.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC482 - NF 216.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -26.9111ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC482 - NF 216.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC483 - NF 29585.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 69.7456ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC483 - NF 29585.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC484 - NF 53788.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -34.7052ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC484 - NF 53788.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC485 - NF 148073.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -312.188ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC485 - NF 148073.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC486 - NF 329.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 431.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC486 - NF 329.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC487 - NF 330.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -492.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC487 - NF 330.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC488 - NF 46612.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -232.8409ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC488 - NF 46612.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC489 - NF 368347671 368342860 368514564 368387182 368529218.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -154.8225ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC489 - NF 368347671 368342860 368514564 368387182 368529218.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC491 - NF 2272.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -382.1203ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC491 - NF 2272.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC492 - NF 12187.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 116.9231ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC492 - NF 12187.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC493 - NF 1126.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 271.1461ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC493 - NF 1126.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC494 - NF 40401.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 205.2833ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC494 - NF 40401.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC495 - NF 31485 31484.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -356.9016ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC495 - NF 31485 31484.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC49 - NF 52282.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 385.8963ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC49 - NF 52282.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC497 - NF 227.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 91.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC498 - NF 7860.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 165.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC498 - NF 7860.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC490 - NF 895.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 399.6378ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC50 - NF 5588 4086.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 442.7034ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC50 - NF 5588 4086.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC500 - NF 556.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 485.2767ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC500 - NF 556.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC501 - NF 143758.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -79.3295ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC501 - NF 143758.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC497 - NF 227.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC499 - NF 240860.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -25.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC499 - NF 240860.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC502 - NF 31418.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 300.488ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC502 - NF 31418.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC505 - NF 240905.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -141.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC505 - NF 240905.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC507 - NF 1242.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 471.9555ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC507 - NF 1242.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC508 - NF 001.21.63129736-6 001.21.63129703-0.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -312.4718ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC508 - NF 001.21.63129736-6 001.21.63129703-0.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC509 - NF 241030.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 67.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC509 - NF 241030.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC51 - NF 863.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -55.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC51 - NF 863.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC510 - NF 590.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 259.3155ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC510 - NF 590.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC490 - NF 895.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC503 - NF 495.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 75.422ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC503 - NF 495.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC504 - NF 28869.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -8.7232ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC504 - NF 28869.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC496 - NF 28589.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -397.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC496 - NF 28589.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC511 - NF 29613 29720 29751.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 66.8473ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC511 - NF 29613 29720 29751.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC513 - NF 64567100.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 382.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC513 - NF 64567100.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC514 - NF 383.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 382.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC514 - NF 383.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC516 - NF 11088.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 13.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC516 - NF 11088.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC517 - NF 66482571.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 447.7957ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC517 - NF 66482571.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC506 - NF 1476.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -53.4565ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC506 - NF 1476.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC518 - NF 66762427.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -187.4ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC518 - NF 66762427.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC512 - NF 940 939.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 223.037ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC512 - NF 940 939.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC52 - NF 862.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -56.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC52 - NF 862.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC520 - NF 2732033.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -33.2043ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC520 - NF 2732033.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC521 - NF 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -245.3524ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC521 - NF 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC522 - NF 100854.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 317.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC522 - NF 100854.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC515 - NF 382 383.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -396.7682ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC515 - NF 382 383.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC519 - NF 66569452.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 108ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC519 - NF 66569452.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC523 - NF 100438.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -323.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC523 - NF 100438.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC524 - NF 161.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -185.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC524 - NF 161.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC525 - NF 29614.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -179.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC525 - NF 29614.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC526 - NF 106431.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -131.4708ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC526 - NF 106431.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC527 - NF 30386555.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 317.4488ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC527 - NF 30386555.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC528 - NF 91413.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 436.4234ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC528 - NF 91413.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC529 - NF 49121.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 266.6761ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC529 - NF 49121.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC53 - NF 333061.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 37.1215ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC53 - NF 333061.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC530 - NF 18418.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -142.3204ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC530 - NF 18418.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC531 - NF 28.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -475.6004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC531 - NF 28.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC532 - NF 27.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 79.3996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC532 - NF 27.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC533 - NF 2021215.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -54.6004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC533 - NF 2021215.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC535 - NF 9162001.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -127.6004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC535 - NF 9162001.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC536 - NF 4935001.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -82.6004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC536 - NF 4935001.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC534 - NF 101848.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -377.5346ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC534 - NF 101848.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC538 - NF 11766.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 239.3996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC538 - NF 11766.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC539 - NF 804.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 405.3996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC539 - NF 804.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC537 - NF 46383.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 173.3996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC537 - NF 46383.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC54 - NF 142.707.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 9.2727ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC54 - NF 142.707.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC540 - NF 2117 2118.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -111.9802ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC540 - NF 2117 2118.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC541 - NF 2515.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -280.1414ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC542 - NF 35683.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 172.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC544 - NF 241268.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 325.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC544 - NF 241268.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC542 - NF 35683.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC543 - NF 21464 21645.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -10.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC543 - NF 21464 21645.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC545 - NF 29748.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -227.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC545 - NF 29748.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC541 - NF 2515.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC546 - NF 53816.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -201.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC546 - NF 53816.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC547 - NF 8906009 701221.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 291.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC547 - NF 8906009 701221.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC548 - NF 658.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -201.511ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC548 - NF 658.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC549 - NF 54016 54015.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -409.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC549 - NF 54016 54015.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC55 - NF 2522.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -114.0031ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC55 - NF 2522.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC550 - NF 2235.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 74.1887ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC550 - NF 2235.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC552 - NF 001.21.65392800-8.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 31.6469ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC552 - NF 001.21.65392800-8.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC553 - NF 2537 977.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 456.5126ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC554 - NF 9374.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -336.1299ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC555 - NF 29732.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -93.1912ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC555 - NF 29732.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC553 - NF 2537 977.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC554 - NF 9374.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC556 - NF 5191.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 217.5489ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC556 - NF 5191.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC551 - NF 1377.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -392.0632ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC557 - NF 1547.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 451.0646ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC551 - NF 1377.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC558 - NF 335.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 271.4254ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC558 - NF 335.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC559 - NF 24479.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 33.7504ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC559 - NF 24479.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC557 - NF 1547.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC560 - NF 321.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -458.985ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC560 - NF 321.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC56 - NF 2524.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 35.5585ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC56 - NF 2524.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC561 - NF 336.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -473.1264ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC561 - NF 336.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC563 - NF 001.21.61869588-4.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -469.3494ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC563 - NF 001.21.61869588-4.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC562 - NF 334.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 23.2398ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC565 - NF001.21.63741418-6.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 382.4418ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC565 - NF001.21.63741418-6.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC562 - NF 334.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC566 - NF 830.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 385.6525ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC566 - NF 830.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC564 - NF 6998.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -482.3985ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC564 - NF 6998.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC568 - NF 2123.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -226.9064ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC568 - NF 2123.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC569 - NF 67229264.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -362ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC57 - NF 11916.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 387.4338ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC570 - NF 67207736 - Cópia.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -426ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC570 - NF 67207736 - Cópia.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC570 - NF 67207736.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -193.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC570 - NF 67207736.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC571 - NF 29774.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 294.7994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC571 - NF 29774.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC572 - NF 61395.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -137.3269ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC572 - NF 61395.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC575 - NF 30088.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -192.4572ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC575 - NF 30088.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC573 - NF 61128.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -333.7857ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC573 - NF 61128.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC57 - NF 11916.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC569 - NF 67229264.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC574 - NF 7.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -283.9993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC574 - NF 7.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC567 - NF 56842.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 16.6004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC567 - NF 56842.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC576 - NF 30088.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 62.849ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC576 - NF 30088.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC578 - NF 206.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -372.6161ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC578 - NF 206.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC579 - NF 3419.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -305.1598ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC579 - NF 3419.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC577 - NF 61220.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 434.4855ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC577 - NF 61220.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC58 - NF 690.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 272.4143ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC58 - NF 690.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC580 - NF 558.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 72.9964ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC580 - NF 558.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC581 - NF 54122.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 204.399ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC581 - NF 54122.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC582 - NF 23675.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 62.1118ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC582 - NF 23675.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC583 - NF 54123.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -59.1886ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC583 - NF 54123.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC584 - NF 116096.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 254.9444ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC584 - NF 116096.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC585 - NF 30089.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -61.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC585 - NF 30089.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC586 - NF 30111.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 460.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC588 - NF 192416 67572857.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -255.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC587 - 67235784 67256346 67455203.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 398.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC587 - 67235784 67256346 67455203.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC59 - NF 362.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -268.1077ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC59 - NF 362.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC589 - NF 001.21.63129703-0.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -405.0318ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC589 - NF 001.21.63129703-0.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC591 - NF 30081726.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 490.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC591 - NF 30081726.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC592 - NF 12348.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 153.9251ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC593 - NF 47.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -437.8008ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC586 - NF 30111.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC590 - NF 2053.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 451.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC590 - NF 2053.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC592 - NF 12348.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC594 - NF 12311.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 316.2252ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC594 - NF 12311.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC595 - NF 473.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -127.8008ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC595 - NF 473.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC593 - NF 47.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC597 - NF 204190.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 351.1992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC597 - NF 204190.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC598 - NF 46771.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 301.2088ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC588 - NF 192416 67572857.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC599 - NF 46772.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -63.3946ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC599 - NF 46772.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC60 - NF 878.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -36.9784ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC60 - NF 878.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC600 - NF 098.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -278.6034ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC600 - NF 098.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC601 - NF 14505.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -346.8005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC601 - NF 14505.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC596 - NF 2323024.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -443.8008ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC596 - NF 2323024.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC602 - NF 943.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -205.8005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC602 - NF 943.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC603 - NF 14504.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -347.8005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC603 - NF 14504.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC604 - NF 70.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -156.8005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC604 - NF 70.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC605 - NF 69.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -468.8005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC605 - NF 69.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC606 - NF 559.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -352.8005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC606 - NF 559.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC607 - NF 11157.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -95.8005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC607 - NF 11157.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC598 - NF 46771.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC608 - NF 9427.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -187.3673ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC608 - NF 9427.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC609 - NF 2987.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -5.3069ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC609 - NF 2987.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC61 - NF 879.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 242.1777ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC61 - NF 879.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC610 - NF 3.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -493.7078ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC610 - NF 3.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC611 - NF 1191.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -228.7136ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC611 - NF 1191.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC612 - NF 913.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -493.124ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC612 - NF 913.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC613 - NF 914.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 305.7158ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC613 - NF 914.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC614 - NF 911.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -310.7958ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC614 - NF 911.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC615 - NF 904.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 129.4021ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC615 - NF 904.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC618 - NF 909.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -278.1402ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC618 - NF 909.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC616 - NF 906.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 113.2439ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC616 - NF 906.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC619 - NF 908.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 465.906ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC619 - NF 908.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC617 - NF 907.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 329.3712ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC617 - NF 907.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC62 - NF 880.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 97.2486ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC62 - NF 880.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC620 - NF 912.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 25.7927ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC620 - NF 912.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC623 - NF 30088 30089 30090.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 165.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC623 - NF 30088 30089 30090.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC624 - NF 17774 17793.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -462.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC624 - NF 17774 17793.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC625 - NF 303.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 389.7983ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC625 - NF 303.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC621 - NF 32687.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -62.6281ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC621 - NF 32687.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC626 - NF 302.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 390.7983ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC626 - NF 302.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC627 - NF 3154 3155.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -299ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC627 - NF 3154 3155.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC629 - NF 60290.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -213.6016ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC629 - NF 60290.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC628 - NF 24568.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 147.3984ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC628 - NF 24568.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC622 - NF 1935338.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -160.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC622 - NF 1935338.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC63 - NF 001.21.48741490-9.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 206.5855ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC63 - NF 001.21.48741490-9.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC630 - NF 210.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 412.3984ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC630 - NF 210.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC631 - NF 29.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -491.6016ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC631 - NF 29.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC632 - NF 30.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 168.3984ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC632 - NF 30.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC633 - NF 2137.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 186.3984ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC633 - NF 2137.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC634 - NF 2138.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -134.6016ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC634 - NF 2138.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC635 - NF 3772910000 3784310000 3779710000.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -128.6016ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC635 - NF 3772910000 3784310000 3779710000.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC636 - NF 108.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -135.4005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC636 - NF 108.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC637 - NF 301.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 317.5995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC637 - NF 301.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC638 - NF 1073.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -362.4005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC638 - NF 1073.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC639 - NF 30336 30334 30215.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -101.4005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC639 - NF 30336 30334 30215.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC64 - NF 2405.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 354.2872ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC64 - NF 2405.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC640 - NF 116857 116861.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 119ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC640 - NF 116857 116861.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC641 - NF 12373.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 6.5995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC641 - NF 12373.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC642 - NF 42022.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 406.5995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC642 - NF 42022.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC643 - NF 15736.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 474.5995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC643 - NF 15736.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC644 - NF 366.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 145.5995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC644 - NF 366.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC645 - NF 067721717.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 160.5995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC645 - NF 067721717.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC646 - NF 339.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -109.4005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC646 - NF 339.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC647 - NF 11220.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -241.4005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC647 - NF 11220.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC648 - NF 4221 5767.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -241.4005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC648 - NF 4221 5767.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC65 - NF 2527.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -435.3129ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC65 - NF 2527.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC649 - NF 60173 60336.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -331.4005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC651 - NF 24456 4641.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -461.4006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC651 - NF 24456 4641.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC649 - NF 60173 60336.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC652 - NF 4446749.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -462.8136ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC652 - NF 4446749.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC650 - NF 24464 4644.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 237.5994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC650 - NF 24464 4644.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC654 - NF 2.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -224.4006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC654 - NF 2.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC653 - NF 102831.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -68.8136ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC653 - NF 102831.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC657 - NF 3945.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 272.5994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC657 - NF 3945.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC658 - NF 144277.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 497.5995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC659 - NF 001.21.68528982-5.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -219.4005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC659 - NF 001.21.68528982-5.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC655 - NF 30524283.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -458.4006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC655 - NF 30524283.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC661 - NF 46979.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -127.4005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC661 - NF 46979.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC656 - NF 3946.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 383.5994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC656 - NF 3946.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC662 - NF 9404.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -172.1679ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC662 - NF 9404.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC658 - NF 144277.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC66 - NF 162.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -123.5446ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC66 - NF 162.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC664 - NF 371289372 371579946 371345578 371428340 371347983 371434740 371180585 371209894 371504157 371448906 371572369 371365478 371327266 371253972 371197020 371209778.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -330.7668ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC664 - NF 371289372 371579946 371345578 371428340 371347983 371434740 371180585 371209894 371504157 371448906 371572369 371365478 371327266 371253972 371197020 371209778.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC665 - NF 145.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 461.8204ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC665 - NF 145.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC660 - NF 2486.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 79.5995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC660 - NF 2486.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC663 - NF 235 231 236 232 233.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 473.8643ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC663 - NF 235 231 236 232 233.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC666 - NF 241654.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 355.0865ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC666 - NF 241654.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC667 - NF 390.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -382.8021ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC667 - NF 390.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC668 - NF 68147384 68169270 6811022568146937.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 432.6393ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC668 - NF 68147384 68169270 6811022568146937.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC669 - NF 2191.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -74.0344ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC669 - NF 2191.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC67 - NF 402.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 166.802ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC67 - NF 402.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC670 - NF 5446.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -38.6518ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC670 - NF 5446.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC671 - NF 5427.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -47.4699ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC671 - NF 5427.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC672 - NF 47134.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 452.2435ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC672 - NF 47134.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC673 - NF 36299.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 402.2555ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC673 - NF 36299.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC674 - NF 23732.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -337.7854ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC674 - NF 23732.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC675 - NF 344.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -206.3889ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC675 - NF 344.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC676 - NF 47029.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -105.6276ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC676 - NF 47029.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC677 - NF 47084.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 345.6696ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC677 - NF 47084.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC678 - NF 4355.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 397.11ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC678 - NF 4355.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC679 - NF 1.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 32.7197ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC679 - NF 1.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC680 - NF 340.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 333.8229ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC680 - NF 340.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC681 - NF 342.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -210.8894ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC681 - NF 342.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC68 - NF 60081.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -163.1767ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC68 - NF 60081.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC682 - NF 231.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -295.4846ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC682 - NF 231.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC683 - NF 2485.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 401.2613ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC683 - NF 2485.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC684 - NF 345.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 354.2319ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC684 - NF 345.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC685 - NF 3251.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -402.4304ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC685 - NF 3251.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC687 - NF 2295.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 151.4447ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC687 - NF 2295.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC688 - NF 1132.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 413.6991ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC688 - NF 1132.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC689 - NF 926 927 928 929 930 931.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -97.6216ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC689 - NF 926 927 928 929 930 931.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC69 - NF 313.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 283.3932ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC69 - NF 313.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC686 - NF 30089.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 193.0855ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC686 - NF 30089.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC692 - NF 7852.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -366.5438ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC692 - NF 7852.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC693 - NF 30517.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 356.6339ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC693 - NF 30517.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC691 - NF 17915.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -181.5453ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC691 - NF 17915.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC690 - NF 001.21.69749905-6 001.21.69749940-4 001.21.70365868-8.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -111.6208ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC694 - NF 1466.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -60.344ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC694 - NF 1466.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC690 - NF 001.21.69749905-6 001.21.69749940-4 001.21.70365868-8.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC695 - NF 7658.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -465.3669ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC695 - NF 7658.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC696 - NF 326.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -407.1389ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC696 - NF 326.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC698 - NF 322.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 275.5455ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC697 - NF 324.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -497.6327ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC699 - NF 323.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -337.9028ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC699 - NF 323.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC70 - NF 312.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -493.1352ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC70 - NF 312.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC700 - NF 263.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 366.1142ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC700 - NF 263.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC697 - NF 324.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC702 - NF 321.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -302.3785ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC703 - NF 325.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 211.6213ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC703 - NF 325.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC705 - NF 27.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -18.9328ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC705 - NF 27.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC707 - NF 2482.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 327.7376ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC707 - NF 2482.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC702 - NF 321.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC708 - NF 230.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -145.1263ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC708 - NF 230.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC704 - NF 265.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -319.8325ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC704 - NF 265.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC709 - NF 242855 242892.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -276.0527ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC709 - NF 242855 242892.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC706 - NF 393.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 474.1392ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC71 - NF 19456.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 100.614ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC710 - NF 30788.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 284.4783ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC710 - NF 30788.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC711 - NF 1068 1069.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -418.9624ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC711 - NF 1068 1069.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC706 - NF 393.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC71 - NF 19456.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC698 - NF 322.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC701 - NF 264.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 294.8697ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC701 - NF 264.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC713 - NF 30006.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -313.2494ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC713 - NF 30006.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC714 - NF 2485 2486.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 70.3175ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC714 - NF 2485 2486.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC712 - NF 3135206.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 467.4058ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC712 - NF 3135206.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC715 - NF 7855.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -113.3234ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC715 - NF 7855.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC716 - NF 5457.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 110.0655ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC716 - NF 5457.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC718 - NF 1256.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -221.6938ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC718 - NF 1256.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC719 - NF 241.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -494.3044ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC719 - NF 241.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC72 - NF 2129.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -127.8446ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC72 - NF 2129.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC720 - NF 1577.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 307.9519ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC720 - NF 1577.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC717 - NF 11867 11868 11869 11870.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 195.8652ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC717 - NF 11867 11868 11869 11870.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC721 - NF 49731.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 98.6355ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC721 - NF 49731.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC722 - NF 3109.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -475.9308ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC722 - NF 3109.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC723 - NF 30771 30770 30772.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -304.0071ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC723 - NF 30771 30770 30772.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC724 - NF 49731.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -136.7727ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC724 - NF 49731.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC725 - NF 243757.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 240ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC725 - NF 243757.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC726 - NF 2465.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 207ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC726 - NF 2465.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC727 - NF 242549.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 217ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC727 - NF 242549.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC728 - NF 17688.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -25ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC728 - NF 17688.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC729 - NF 17914.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 105ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC730 - NF 11200.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 350ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC730 - NF 11200.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC729 - NF 17914.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC73 - NF 54335 54909.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 81.4901ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC73 - NF 54335 54909.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC731 - NF 11309.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 187ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC731 - NF 11309.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC732 - NF 61561.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -380ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC732 - NF 61561.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC733 - NF 46764.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -330ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC733 - NF 46764.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC734 - NF 3486.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -478.7414ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC734 - NF 3486.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC735 - NF 68863407 68882087 68902881.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 110.6925ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC735 - NF 68863407 68882087 68902881.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC736 - NF 1163.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -9.2494ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC736 - NF 1163.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC737 - NF 8047.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 267.0638ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC737 - NF 8047.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC738 - NF 342.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 225.1849ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC738 - NF 342.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC739 - NF 58749 243037 242966 242962.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 80.9322ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC739 - NF 58749 243037 242966 242962.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC74 - NF 028048629.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 244.2336ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC74 - NF 028048629.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC740 - NF 47053 20934.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 134.9731ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC740 - NF 47053 20934.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC741 - NF 142960.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 60.406ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC741 - NF 142960.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC742 - NF 1046.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 49.7146ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC742 - NF 1046.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC743 - NF 20.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 145.9671ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC743 - NF 20.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC744 - NF 345.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 322.308ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC744 - NF 345.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC745 - NF 344.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -466.6992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC745 - NF 344.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC746 - NF 21632.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 405.2915ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC746 - NF 21632.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC747 - NF 3981.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 341.129ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC748 - NF 833.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 355.3343ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC748 - NF 833.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC749 - NF 2190.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -310.5494ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC749 - NF 2190.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC750 - NF 340.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 34.8572ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC750 - NF 340.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC751 - NF 30792794.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 450.7676ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC751 - NF 30792794.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC752 - NF 4283110000 4283010000 4270510000.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 278.1086ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC752 - NF 4283110000 4283010000 4270510000.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC75 - NF 028056123.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 160.1106ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC75 - NF 028056123.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC747 - NF 3981.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC753 - NF 2147 2148.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -457.3213ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC753 - NF 2147 2148.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC754 - NF 1815.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -186.3319ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC754 - NF 1815.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC755 - NF 145.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 116.6481ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC755 - NF 145.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC756 - NF 343.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 493.2306ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC756 - NF 343.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC757 - NF 30836051.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -344.0173ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC757 - NF 30836051.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC758 - NF 30782457.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -152.3034ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC758 - NF 30782457.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC759 - NF 61694.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 367.5791ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC759 - NF 61694.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC76 - NF 027977850.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 329.5163ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC76 - NF 027977850.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC760 - NF 195908 69192376.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 458.695ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC760 - NF 195908 69192376.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC761 - NF 241.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -473.381ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC761 - NF 241.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC762 - NF 97.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 118.8881ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC762 - NF 97.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC763 - NF 96.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -293.6845ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC763 - NF 96.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC764 - NF 14621 14618.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -229.1076ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC764 - NF 14621 14618.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC766 - NF 77102.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -102.6095ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC766 - NF 77102.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC767 - NF 777.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -435.4749ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC767 - NF 777.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC768 - NF 001.21.72000836-0 001.21.72000843-2 001.21.72000842-4 001.21.72000841-6 001.21.72000840-8 001.21.72000843-2 001.21.72000839-4 001.21.72000838-6 001.21.72000837-8 001.21.72000835-1 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 155.3824ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC769 - NF 4362.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -131.4712ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC769 - NF 4362.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC770 - NF 2137 2138.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -99.6625ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC770 - NF 2137 2138.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC768 - NF 001.21.72000836-0 001.21.72000843-2 001.21.72000842-4 001.21.72000841-6 001.21.72000840-8 001.21.72000843-2 001.21.72000839-4 001.21.72000838-6 001.21.72000837-8 001.21.72000835-1 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC77 - NF 028029032.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -207.9077ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC77 - NF 028029032.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC771 - NF 102232281-1 1-21.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 358.6639ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC771 - NF 102232281-1 1-21.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC772 - NF 243664.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 470.888ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC772 - NF 243664.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC765 - NF 214.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 371.5629ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC773 - NF 504.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 440.0838ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC773 - NF 504.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC774 - NF 2155.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 275.5659ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC774 - NF 2155.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC765 - NF 214.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC776 - NF 47509.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 324.3273ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC776 - NF 47509.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC777 - NF 7896 7891.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 375.1226ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC777 - NF 7896 7891.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC775 - NF 2156.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -213.0049ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC778 - NF 9482.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -296.503ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC778 - NF 9482.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC779 - NF 001.21.73584522-0.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 315.8064ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC779 - NF 001.21.73584522-0.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC78 - NF 028043061.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 148.6676ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC78 - NF 028043061.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC775 - NF 2156.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC780 - NF 7891.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 52.1414ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC780 - NF 7891.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC781 - NF 5594.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 145.8354ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC781 - NF 5594.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC782 - NF 9625.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -150.6175ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC782 - NF 9625.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC783 - NF 4446.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 248.3073ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC783 - NF 4446.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC784 - NF 47285.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -234.1078ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC784 - NF 47285.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC787 - NF 5339.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 113.4143ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC787 - NF 5339.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC785 - NF 47386.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 23.9573ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC785 - NF 47386.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC786 - NF 31216.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -190.6873ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC786 - NF 31216.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC788 - NF 114.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -12.9542ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC788 - NF 114.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC789 - NF 61602.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 219.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC789 - NF 61602.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC79 - NF 028038453.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -458.9819ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC79 - NF 028038453.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC790 - NF 47050.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 43.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC790 - NF 47050.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC791 - NF 4022 185.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 409.8991ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC791 - NF 4022 185.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC792 - NF 5027.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 68.7608ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC792 - NF 5027.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC793 - NF 12491.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -314.0035ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC793 - NF 12491.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC794 - NF 11400.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 166.196ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC794 - NF 11400.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC795 - NF 11401.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 280.1724ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC795 - NF 11401.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC796 - NF 47449.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 392.1437ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC796 - NF 47449.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC797 - NF 107188.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 426.6957ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC797 - NF 107188.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC798 - NF 80486.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 9.6933ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC798 - NF 80486.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC800 - NF 16174.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -425.6032ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC800 - NF 16174.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC799 - NF 1433.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 394.2664ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC799 - NF 1433.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC80 - NF 028031277.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 319.16ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC801 - NF 030864452 030871879 030874527 030849325 030840139 030880475 030870185 030809118 030892994.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 374.5354ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC801 - NF 030864452 030871879 030874527 030849325 030840139 030880475 030870185 030809118 030892994.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC80 - NF 028031277.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC802 - NF 30841266 30858428 30858415 30902696 30892359 30809678 30896549.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -127.2533ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC802 - NF 30841266 30858428 30858415 30902696 30892359 30809678 30896549.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC803 - NF 210 211.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 187.7744ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC803 - NF 210 211.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC804 - NF 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -241.0577ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC804 - NF 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC806 - NF 675.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -83.1657ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC805 - NF 112.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 72.2578ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC807 - NF 834 825.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 87.7289ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC807 - NF 834 825.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC81 - NF 028031266.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -342.8634ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC81 - NF 028031266.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC805 - NF 112.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC809 - NF 67721717 69333449 69323544 68902881.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -178.5647ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC809 - NF 67721717 69333449 69323544 68902881.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC808 - NF 345.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -222.7959ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC808 - NF 345.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC806 - NF 675.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC810 - NF 69636675 69867188 69818363.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -461.7728ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC810 - NF 69636675 69867188 69818363.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC811 - NF 947 946 944.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -182.1861ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC811 - NF 947 946 944.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC812 - NF 346.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 159.8086ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC812 - NF 346.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC813 - NF 180.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 253.7143ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC813 - NF 180.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC814 - NF 213.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 471.0109ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC814 - NF 213.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC815 - NF 133.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 108.6859ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC815 - NF 133.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC816 - NF 500.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -418.0707ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC816 - NF 500.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC817 - NF 188.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -374.2114ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC817 - NF 188.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC818 - NF 100.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 296.5454ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC818 - NF 100.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC819 - NF 1212.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -327.0175ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC819 - NF 1212.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC820 - NF 349.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -22.1966ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC820 - NF 349.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC82 - NF 028083785.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 498.9924ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC82 - NF 028083785.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC821 - NF 1145 1146.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 12.7913ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC821 - NF 1145 1146.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC824 - NF 194.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -337.3978ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC824 - NF 194.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC822 - NF 266.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 220.5485ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC822 - NF 266.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC823 - NF 305.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 498.9435ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC823 - NF 305.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC825 - NF 1578.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 167.5274ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC825 - NF 1578.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC826 - NF 181 182 183 184.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 239.6261ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC826 - NF 181 182 183 184.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC827 - NF 30957 30958 30955.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -52.0534ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC827 - NF 30957 30958 30955.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC828 - NF 1251.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -350.2772ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC828 - NF 1251.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC829 - NF 118105 118476.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 275.6675ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC829 - NF 118105 118476.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC83 - NF 028026372.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -79.5139ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC83 - NF 028026372.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC830 - NF 385.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -354.0005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC830 - NF 385.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC831 - NF 49807.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -351.0005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC831 - NF 49807.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC832 - NF 5490.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -284.0005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC832 - NF 5490.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC833 - NF 12496.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 435.9995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC833 - NF 12496.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC834 - NF 30811 30808.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 493.631ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC834 - NF 30811 30808.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC835 - NF 47467.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -155.8249ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC835 - NF 47467.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC836 - NF 47238.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -332.8169ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC836 - NF 47238.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC837 - NF 21726.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -343.524ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC837 - NF 21726.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC838 - NF 54016.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 424.7569ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC838 - NF 54016.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC839 - NF 001.21.76285380-7 001.21.76285433-1 001.21.75091923-9 001.21.76770393-5.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -145.3684ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC839 - NF 001.21.76285380-7 001.21.76285433-1 001.21.75091923-9 001.21.76770393-5.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC84 - NF 028075188.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 439.9595ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC84 - NF 028075188.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC840 - NF 1357405-21.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -201.4532ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC840 - NF 1357405-21.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC844 - NF 2143 863.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 75.7349ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC844 - NF 2143 863.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC841 - NF 244406.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -211.2825ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC841 - NF 244406.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC843 - NF 4374 4375.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -461.6317ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC843 - NF 4374 4375.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC842 - NF 813.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 360.7493ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC842 - NF 813.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC845 - NF 47434.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 416.9672ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC845 - NF 47434.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC846 - NF 7828.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -29.3617ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC846 - NF 7828.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC847 - NF 3182.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 155.723ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC847 - NF 3182.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC848 - NF 9479.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 357.8176ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC848 - NF 9479.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC849 - NF 1979.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 382.8242ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC849 - NF 1979.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC85 - NF 028281601.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -397.9595ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC85 - NF 028281601.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC850 - NF 270735.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 375.5997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC850 - NF 270735.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC851 - NF 524.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -75.4087ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC851 - NF 524.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC852 - NF 30515.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 33.0009ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC852 - NF 30515.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC854 - NF 47482.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -451.9233ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC855 - NF 2557 2556 2555 2554 2553.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 173.2399ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC855 - NF 2557 2556 2555 2554 2553.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC854 - NF 47482.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC853 - NF 36412.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -103.702ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC853 - NF 36412.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC856 - NF 5524 5525.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -153.3447ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC856 - NF 5524 5525.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC86 - NF 112901.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -446.8624ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC86 - NF 112901.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC87 - NF 112906.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 142.8235ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC87 - NF 112906.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC89 - NF 634.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -464.8439ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC89 - NF 634.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC88 - NF 12809.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -350.1466ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC88 - NF 12809.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC92 - NF 7778.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 315.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC92 - NF 7778.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC90 - NF 553.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 121.5925ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC90 - NF 553.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC91 - NF 43511.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -94.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC91 - NF 43511.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC93 - NF 638164.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 119.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC93 - NF 638164.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC94 - NF 48025.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 217.6342ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC94 - NF 48025.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC95 - NF 28722.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -243.037ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC95 - NF 28722.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC97 - NF 10448.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -151.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC97 - NF 10448.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC98 - NF 28716.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 496.4459ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC98 - NF 28716.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC96 - NF 10430.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -495.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC96 - NF 10430.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC99 - NF 52405.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 99.9732ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/MC99 - NF 52405.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$870 - NF 144234.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$873 - NF 62125.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$872 - NF 197590.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$874 - NF 18702.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:57 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$877 - NF 18704.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:58 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$876 - NF 18703.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:58 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$879 - NF 47282.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/- BACKUPS/RELAT\xd3RIO DE PONTO - LARE 04012021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/- BACKUPS/RELAT\xd3RIO DE PONTO - MANUT. DE INFRAESTRUTURA 03112020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/- BACKUPS/RELAT\xd3RIO DE PONTO - LARE 03112020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/- BACKUPS/RELAT\xd3RIO DE PONTO - SESMT 03112020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/- BACKUPS/RELAT\xd3RIO DE PONTO - SESMT.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/00 - ESTOQUE/F_98_38_controle_de_defensivos_agricolas_estoque_e_devolucao_de_embalagens_R5.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -43.2121ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/00 - ESTOQUE/F_98_38_controle_de_defensivos_agricolas_estoque_e_devolucao_de_embalagens_R5.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:58 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$875 - NF 31482572.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:58 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$868 - NF 976 979 978 985 988 981.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:58 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$880 - NF 61998.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:58 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$878 - NF 21809 21770.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$882 - NF 70095971.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES PARA EQUIPE/REUNI\xc3O GERAL 02092020" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES PARA EQUIPE/REUNI\xc3O GERAL 21062021" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES PARA EQUIPE/REUNI\xc3O GERAL 27062019" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$881 - NF 954.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$883 - NF 3551.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/29 - APROPRIA\xc7\xc3O M\xc3O DE OBRA - NOVEMBRO - DEZEMBRO.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/28 - APROPRIA\xc7\xc3O M\xc3O DE OBRA - OUTUBRO - NOVEMBRO.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/32 - APROPRIA\xc7\xc3O M\xc3O DE OBRA - FEVEREIRO - MAR\xc7O.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/37 - APROPRIA\xc7\xc3O M\xc3O DE OBRA - OUTUBRO.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/~$28 - APROPRIA\xc7\xc3O M\xc3O DE OBRA - OUTUBRO - NOVEMBRO.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/34 - APROPRIA\xc7\xc3O M\xc3O DE OBRA - JULHO.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/25 - APROPRIA\xc7\xc3O M\xc3O DE OBRA - JULHO - AGOSTO.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/7 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Fevereiro - Mar\xe7o.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/21 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - MAR\xc7O - ABRIL.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/8 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Mar\xe7o - Abril .xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/30 - APROPRIA\xc7\xc3O M\xc3O DE OBRA - DEZEMBRO - JANEIRO.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/39 - APROPRIA\xc7\xc3O M\xc3O DE OBRA - DEZEMBRO.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/19 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - FEVEREIRO - MAR\xc7O.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/31 - APROPRIA\xc7\xc3O M\xc3O DE OBRA - JANEIRO - FEVEREIRO.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/33 - APROPRIA\xc7\xc3O M\xc3O DE OBRA - MAR\xc7O - ABRIL.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/40 - APROPRIA\xc7\xc3O M\xc3O DE OBRA - JANEIRO.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/26 - APROPRIA\xc7\xc3O M\xc3O DE OBRA - AGOSTO-SETEMBRO.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/24 - APROPRIA\xc7\xc3O M\xc3O DE OBRA - JUNHO - JULHO.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/3 - APROPRIA\xc7ÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Outubro - Novembro.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/36 - APROPRIA\xc7\xc3O M\xc3O DE OBRA - SETEMBRO.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/~$36 - APROPRIA\xc7\xc3O M\xc3O DE OBRA - SETEMBRO.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/35 - APROPRIA\xc7\xc3O M\xc3O DE OBRA - AGOSTO.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/27 - APROPRIA\xc7\xc3O M\xc3O DE OBRA - SETEMBRO - OUTUBRO.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/38 - APROPRIA\xc7\xc3O M\xc3O DE OBRA - NOVEMBRO.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/03 - CCE - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O E MELHORIAS" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - TREINAMENTO DE PESSOAL/09 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - TREINAMENTO DE PESSOAL/4 - EL\xc9TRICA" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - TREINAMENTO DE PESSOAL/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - TREINAMENTO DE PESSOAL/7 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/PASTA DO DRIVE DA GABRIELA -28012021.zip: Size and modification time the same (differ by -112.4355ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/PASTA DO DRIVE DA GABRIELA -28012021.zip: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/04 - MICROBIOLOGICO/00 - A\xc7\xc3O CORRETIVA" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/02 - OBRA/00 - HIDRAULICA/ESTOQUE OBRA HIDRAULICA - RV00 - 10122020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -272.4528ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/02 - OBRA/00 - HIDRAULICA/ESTOQUE OBRA HIDRAULICA - RV00 - 10122020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFER\xcaNCIA/ABNT NBR 14.653-1 - Avalia\xe7\xe3o de Bens - Parte 1 - Procedimentos Gerais.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFER\xcaNCIA/ABNT NBR 14.653-7 - Avalia\xe7\xe3o de Bens - Parte 7 - Bens de patrim\xf4nios hist\xf3ricos e Art\xedsticos.PDF" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFER\xcaNCIA/Especifica\xe7\xe3o Tecnica - Totvs Gest\xe3o Patrimonial.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFER\xcaNCIA/ABNT NBR 14.653-4 - Avalia\xe7\xe3o de Bens - Parte 4 - Empreendimentos.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFER\xcaNCIA/ABNT NBR 14.653-2 - Avalia\xe7\xe3o de Bens - Parte 2 - Im\xf3veis Urbanos.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFER\xcaNCIA/RESOLU\xc7\xc3O SEAP N\xba 572 DE 31 DE AGOSTO DE 2015 - MANUAL DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFER\xcaNCIA/ABNT NBR 14.653-3 - Avalia\xe7\xe3o de Bens - Parte 3 - Im\xf3veis Rurais.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/- BACKUPS/CONTROLE INTERNO - LARE - (BACKUP) 28122021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 487.1999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/- BACKUPS/CONTROLE INTERNO - LARE - (BACKUP) 28122021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/- BACKUPS/CONTROLE INTERNO - LARE.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 183.8749ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/- BACKUPS/CONTROLE INTERNO - LARE.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/- BACKUPS/RELATÓRIO DE PONTO - LARE 03112020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -25.9194ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/- BACKUPS/RELATÓRIO DE PONTO - LARE 03112020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/- BACKUPS/RELATÓRIO DE PONTO - LARE 04012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -311.9466ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/- BACKUPS/RELATÓRIO DE PONTO - LARE 04012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/- BACKUPS/RELATÓRIO DE PONTO - MANUT. DE INFRAESTRUTURA 03112020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 255.4481ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/- BACKUPS/RELATÓRIO DE PONTO - MANUT. DE INFRAESTRUTURA 03112020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/- BACKUPS/RELATÓRIO DE PONTO - SESMT 03112020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -119.5426ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/- BACKUPS/RELATÓRIO DE PONTO - SESMT 03112020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/- BACKUPS/RELATÓRIO DE PONTO - SESMT.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 379.912ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/- BACKUPS/RELATÓRIO DE PONTO - SESMT.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$882 - NF 3551.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/04 - JARDINAGEM/ESTOQUE JARDINAGEM - RV00 - 10122020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 382.3291ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/04 - JARDINAGEM/ESTOQUE JARDINAGEM - RV00 - 10122020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/03 - CONTROLE CAF\xc9-P\xc3ES" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/02 - CONTROLE \xc1GUA MINERAL" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/06 - OR\xc7AMENTO 2021" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/04 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/01 - PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTAS" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/03 - QUADRO DE HOR\xc1RIO" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/00 - PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O DE VERBA" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/00 - CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xc3O - RECURSOS ENERG\xc9TICOS" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/06 - TERMO DE EMPR\xc9STIMO" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/02 - PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O DE TAREFAS" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/01 - 01012019/COMPATIBILIZA\xc7\xc3O DE NOMENCLATURAS - LIMPEZA - RV01 - 24012019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/1 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Agosto - Setembro.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -208.9164ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/1 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Agosto - Setembro.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/10 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - MAIO-JUNHO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 242.5227ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/12 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA -JULHO - AGOSTO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 275.4616ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/12 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA -JULHO - AGOSTO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/14 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - SETEMBRO - OUTUBRO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 224.7392ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/14 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - SETEMBRO - OUTUBRO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/15 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - OUTUBRO - NOVEMBRO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -152.3297ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/15 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - OUTUBRO - NOVEMBRO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/13 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA -AGOSTO - SETEMBRO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -310.1706ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/13 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA -AGOSTO - SETEMBRO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/16 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - NOVEMBRO - DEZEMBRO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -366.1002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/16 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - NOVEMBRO - DEZEMBRO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/10 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - MAIO-JUNHO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/17 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - DEZEMBRO - JANEIRO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -148.6472ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/17 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - DEZEMBRO - JANEIRO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/18 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - JANEIRO - FEVEREIRO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 235.2382ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/18 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - JANEIRO - FEVEREIRO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/19 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - FEVEREIRO - MARÇO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -142.383ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/11 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA -JUNHO - JULHO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -10.8004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/20 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - ABRIL - MAIO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -73.0572ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/20 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - ABRIL - MAIO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/19 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - FEVEREIRO - MARÇO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/2 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Setembro - Outubro.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -469.4709ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/2 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Setembro - Outubro.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/21 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - MARÇO - ABRIL.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -34.1782ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/21 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - MARÇO - ABRIL.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/23 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - MAIO - JUNHO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 182.9851ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/24 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - JUNHO - JULHO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -355.9959ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/24 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - JUNHO - JULHO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/25 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - JULHO - AGOSTO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -278.8144ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/25 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - JULHO - AGOSTO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/26 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - AGOSTO-SETEMBRO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -84.1945ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/26 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - AGOSTO-SETEMBRO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/23 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - MAIO - JUNHO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/11 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA -JUNHO - JULHO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/22 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - ABRIL - MAIO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -328.8449ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/22 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - ABRIL - MAIO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/27 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - SETEMBRO - OUTUBRO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 315.3966ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/27 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - SETEMBRO - OUTUBRO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/28 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - OUTUBRO - NOVEMBRO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 358.1964ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/28 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - OUTUBRO - NOVEMBRO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/29 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - NOVEMBRO - DEZEMBRO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 86.1806ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/29 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - NOVEMBRO - DEZEMBRO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/3 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Outubro - Novembro.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -480.2715ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/3 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Outubro - Novembro.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/30 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - DEZEMBRO - JANEIRO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 100.1548ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/30 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - DEZEMBRO - JANEIRO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/31 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - JANEIRO - FEVEREIRO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 449.6767ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/31 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - JANEIRO - FEVEREIRO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/32 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - FEVEREIRO - MARÇO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -422.3577ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/32 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - FEVEREIRO - MARÇO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/33 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - MARÇO - ABRIL.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 444.3994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/33 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - MARÇO - ABRIL.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/34 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - JULHO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -122.04ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/34 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - JULHO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/35 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - AGOSTO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 32.7582ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/35 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - AGOSTO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/36 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - SETEMBRO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 251.1859ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/36 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - SETEMBRO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/37 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - OUTUBRO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 169.925ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/37 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - OUTUBRO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/38 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - NOVEMBRO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -494.015ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/38 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - NOVEMBRO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/39 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - DEZEMBRO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 294.2992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/39 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - DEZEMBRO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/40 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - JANEIRO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 94.729ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/40 - APROPRIAÇÃO MÃO DE OBRA - JANEIRO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/5 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Dezembro - Janeiro.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -464.1015ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/5 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Dezembro - Janeiro.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/6 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Janeiro - Fevereiro.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -488.5387ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/6 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Janeiro - Fevereiro.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/4 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Novembro - Dezembro.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -48.4022ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/4 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Novembro - Dezembro.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/7 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Fevereiro - Março.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -86.7963ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/7 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Fevereiro - Março.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/8 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Março - Abril .xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -333.1896ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/8 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Março - Abril .xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/9 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Abril - Maio.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 162.5272ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/9 - APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA - Abril - Maio.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/REV 02 - CHAMADA APONTADOR.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -424.2354ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/REV 02 - CHAMADA APONTADOR.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:48:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/1 - LISTA DE RAMAIS/REVIS\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:48:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$882 - NF 70095971.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$883 - NF 3551.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/ACESSO GUARITA SIS. INC\xcaNDIO" 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/CUSTO PLANT\xc3O ELETRICISTAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/INSTRU\xc7\xc3O CADASTRO CCEE" 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/PROBLEMA SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O CCO" 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O AMBIENTES" 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/AUTOMA\xc7\xc3O GMGs" 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/OR\xc7AMENTO" 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/ENERGIA INCIDENTE DETERMINA\xc7\xc3O UNIFORME" 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/RELAT\xd3RIO DE FALHA GERADOR" 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/RELAT\xd3RIO REDU\xc7\xc3O CUSTO AP\xd3S PANDEMIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/01 - LARE-CCE-SESMT-OCUPA\xc7\xc3O/2020/OCUPA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/CAL\xc7ADAS LOTES ALTO LIMOEIRO" 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/BASE OR\xc7AMENTO.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/- MODELOS PLANILHAS OR\xc7AMENTARIAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 880.369691ms 2022/01/25 16:49:00 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 3: batch had 3 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:00 ERROR : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/~$08 - EPAMIG.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:00 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$867 - NF 950 955 983 986 977 987 982 984.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:00 ERROR : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BAIXA DE PATRIMÔNIO/~$56 - BEBEDOUROS.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/ABNT NBR 14.653-1 - Avaliação de Bens - Parte 1 - Procedimentos Gerais.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 10.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/ABNT NBR 14.653-1 - Avaliação de Bens - Parte 1 - Procedimentos Gerais.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/ABNT NBR 14.653-2 - Avaliação de Bens - Parte 2 - Imóveis Urbanos.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 340.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/ABNT NBR 14.653-2 - Avaliação de Bens - Parte 2 - Imóveis Urbanos.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/ABNT NBR 14.653-3 - Avaliação de Bens - Parte 3 - Imóveis Rurais.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 233.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/ABNT NBR 14.653-3 - Avaliação de Bens - Parte 3 - Imóveis Rurais.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/ABNT NBR 14.653-4 - Avaliação de Bens - Parte 4 - Empreendimentos.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -123.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/ABNT NBR 14.653-4 - Avaliação de Bens - Parte 4 - Empreendimentos.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/ABNT NBR 14.653-5 e 14.653-6 e 14.653-7.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 384.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/ABNT NBR 14.653-5 e 14.653-6 e 14.653-7.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/ABNT NBR 14.653-7 - Avaliação de Bens - Parte 7 - Bens de patrimônios históricos e Artísticos.PDF: Size and modification time the same (differ by 41.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/Guia Completo sbore o Controle Patrimonial.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 264.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/ABNT NBR 14.653-7 - Avaliação de Bens - Parte 7 - Bens de patrimônios históricos e Artísticos.PDF: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/Manuais de procedimentos de patrimonio e almoxarifado.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -421.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/Manuais de procedimentos de patrimonio e almoxarifado.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/Especificação Tecnica - Totvs Gestão Patrimonial.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -398.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/Especificação Tecnica - Totvs Gestão Patrimonial.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/Guia Completo sbore o Controle Patrimonial.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/Manual Controle Patrimonial.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -101.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/Manual Controle Patrimonial.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/MANUAL-DE-DESFAZIMENTO-DE-BENS-IFPR.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 202.7998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/MANUAL-DE-DESFAZIMENTO-DE-BENS-IFPR.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/manual-de-gestao-de-materiais.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 85.7998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/manual-de-gestao-de-materiais.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/manual_do_sistema_de_inventrio_patrimonial.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -111.2002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/manual_do_sistema_de_inventrio_patrimonial.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/ORDEM DE SERVICO 73 2014 desfazimento bens patrimoniais.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -130.2002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/ORDEM DE SERVICO 73 2014 desfazimento bens patrimoniais.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/RESOLUÇÃO SEAP Nº 572 DE 31 DE AGOSTO DE 2015 - MANUAL DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 10.7998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/RESOLUÇÃO SEAP Nº 572 DE 31 DE AGOSTO DE 2015 - MANUAL DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/Transferencia de Responsabilidade de Bens Patrimoniais SC.doc.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -95ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/Transferencia de Responsabilidade de Bens Patrimoniais SC.doc.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV08 - 18012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -44.7181ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV08 - 18012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV12 - 01022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -460.8774ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/COPIA_RECUPERACAO/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO TAREFAS/RV12 - 01022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONV\xcaNIO PREFEITURA/MODELO/Modelo - Plano de Trabalho - Conv\xeanio (2).doc" 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONV\xcaNIO PREFEITURA/MODELO/PLANO DE TRABALHO - FEPAM - Termo de Colabora\xe7\xe3o 02-2017 - TI.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONV\xcaNIO PREFEITURA/MODELO/PLANO DE TRABALHO - FEPAM - Termo de Colabora\xe7\xe3o 01-2017 - Efici\xeancia Energ\xe9tica.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - LIMPEZA - RV01 - 24012019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -325.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - LIMPEZA - RV01 - 24012019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 15 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$869 - NF 514.docx 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/1 - LISTA DE RAMAIS/LISTA DE RAMAIS R07.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -62.5534ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/1 - LISTA DE RAMAIS/LISTA DE RAMAIS R07.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/10 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/4 - RELAT\xd3RIO DE ACOMPANHAMENTO DE ATIVIDADES" 2022/01/25 16:49:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/REFER\xcaNCIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- ORÇAMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/BASE ORÇAMENTO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 385.4308ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- ORÇAMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/BASE ORÇAMENTO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1440 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 68 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1347 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 66 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 15 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1391 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 80 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1356 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1210 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1400 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1238 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1493 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1268 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1204 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 35 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 44 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1464 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1224 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1324 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1352 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1354 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1519 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 88 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 11 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1252 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1202 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1289 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1549 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 89 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.png" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1393 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1494 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 52 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1360 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 20 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1477 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 24 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1492 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 19 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1241 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 53 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1387 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1482 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1282 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1212 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1190 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1307 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1349 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 74 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1418 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1457 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1459 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1205 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1413 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1392 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1211 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1213 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1217 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1314 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1414 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1234 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1404 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1450 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1447 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1222 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1169 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1227 1229 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1283 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1385 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1287 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1318 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS/NF 1269 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$883 - NF 3551.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$882 - NF 70095971.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$884 - NF 70601196 70841734 70669145 70650832 70888708 198433.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$885 - NF 31630 31631.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONVÊNIO PREFEITURA/MODELO/Modelo - Plano de Trabalho - Convênio (2).doc: Size and modification time the same (differ by -152.6189ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONVÊNIO PREFEITURA/MODELO/Modelo - Plano de Trabalho - Convênio (2).doc: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONVÊNIO PREFEITURA/MODELO/PLANO DE TRABALHO - FEPAM - Termo de Colaboração 01-2017 - Eficiência Energética.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 364.7519ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONVÊNIO PREFEITURA/MODELO/PLANO DE TRABALHO - FEPAM - Termo de Colaboração 01-2017 - Eficiência Energética.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O CARGO COPA E COZINHA RV00.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/~$_720_61_26_descricao_de_funcoes_Conserva\xe7\xe3o e Limpeza_RV01_26112019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONVÊNIO PREFEITURA/MODELO/PLANO DE TRABALHO - FEPAM - Termo de Colaboração 02-2017 - TI.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 81.1935ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONVÊNIO PREFEITURA/MODELO/PLANO DE TRABALHO - FEPAM - Termo de Colaboração 02-2017 - TI.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/DA_720_61_26_descricao_de_funcoes_Conserva\xe7\xe3o e Limpeza.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO PISCINEIRO_RV01_26112019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/~$SCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO PISCINEIRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO PISCINEIRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/~$_720_61_26_descricao_de_funcoes_Conserva\xe7\xe3o e Limpeza.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/DA_720_61_26_descricao_de_funcoes_Conserva\xe7\xe3o e Limpeza_RV01_26112019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O CARGO COPA E COZINHA RV01.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$886 - NF 31054.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/CLIMATIZAÇÃO/EOS 22.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 475.0402ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/CLIMATIZAÇÃO/EOS 22.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/CLIMATIZAÇÃO/EOS 410 A.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 143.9558ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/CLIMATIZAÇÃO/EOS 410 A.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/CLIMATIZAÇÃO/Freon 22 (R-22) Fluido Refrigerante.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 359.1401ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/CLIMATIZAÇÃO/Freon 22 (R-22) Fluido Refrigerante.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTRATOS/TERMO DE ADES\xc3O OI.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830500013744444.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -487.6298ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830500013744444.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830513913781689.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 457ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830513913781689.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830517815458343.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -370.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830517815458343.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830537310512792.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -365.0074ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830537310512792.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830549010753551.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -402.8018ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830549010753551.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830549011246927.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -402.8004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830549011246927.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830552914982360.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 345.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830552914982360.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830560710097205.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -315.8636ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830560710097205.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830568514401193.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 263ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830568514401193.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830584113782265.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -338.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830584113782265.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830599712935271.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -256.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830599712935271.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830603610261352.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -182.2854ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830603610261352.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830607511716824.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 439ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830607511716824.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830619212220988.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -299.8005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830619212220988.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830623109512947.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 426.1995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830623109512947.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830623109860325.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 260ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830623109860325.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830623109941750.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 281.3969ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830623109941750.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830623110962490.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 24ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830623110962490.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830627013852971.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -254.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830627013852971.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830634811244213.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 338ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830634811244213.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830669913153982.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -484.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830669913153982.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830677710299502.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -241.0009ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830677710299502.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830689413861502.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -416ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830689413861502.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830693310357440.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -232.5013ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830693310357440.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830697213427403.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 484.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830697213427403.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830701110074022.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -44.8006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830701110074022.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830720612389671.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 135.9995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830720612389671.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830751810482084.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -381ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830751810482084.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830759611847211.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 191.9995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830759611847211.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830763512667614.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -114.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830763512667614.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830786911887904.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 244ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830786911887904.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830802510570940.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 83ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830802510570940.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830806410161504.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 141.6973ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830806410161504.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830806412153683.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -331ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830806412153683.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830814211945176.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 199.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830814211945176.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830818109535412.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -279.4263ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830818109535412.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830818110674336.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 320ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830818110674336.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830822011971396.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 476.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830822011971396.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830845409682896.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 4.9348ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830845409682896.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830849308708337.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -135ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830849308708337.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830849310890667.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -48.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830849310890667.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830861009393707.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -182.7914ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830861009393707.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830864906038327.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 15.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830864906038327.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830880509950618.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -309ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830880509950618.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830884409592402.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -200ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830884409592402.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830888310005056.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 189.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830888310005056.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830892210550159.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -220.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830892210550159.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830896109116546.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -336ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/70000427553012077830896109116546.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/FaturaCEMIG_14062019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 359ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/FaturaCEMIG_14062019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/FaturaCEMIG_22032019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 407ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/FaturaCEMIG_22032019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/SegundaVia072017 (7).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -123.955ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/SegundaVia072017 (7).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/SegundaVia082017.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 91.5813ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/SegundaVia082017.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/2 - RELAT\xd3RIO SPDA/RELAT\xd3RIO SEMESTRAIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/2 - RELAT\xd3RIO SPDA/RELAT\xd3RIO TRIANUAL" 2022/01/25 16:49:01 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xc3O ADMINISTRATIVA/01 - ATA DE CRIA\xc7\xc3O DA FILIAL/CCE-Ata de cria\xe7\xe3o da filia 29102018.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV29 - 15032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 74.1999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV35 - 26032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -382.2004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV35 - 26032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV37 - 30032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 315.3997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV37 - 30032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV38 - 31032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -223.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV38 - 31032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV39 - 05042021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -421.6175ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV39 - 05042021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV40 - 07042021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -324.375ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV40 - 07042021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV41 - 09042021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 204.9996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV41 - 09042021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV42 - 12042021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 153.998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV42 - 12042021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV43 - 13042021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 470.7916ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV43 - 13042021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV44 - 14042021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -106.6004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV44 - 14042021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV45 - 15042021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -421.4884ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV45 - 15042021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV46 - 16042021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -62.8005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV46 - 16042021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV47 - 19042021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -413.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV47 - 19042021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV48 - 20042021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 29.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV48 - 20042021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV49 - 11052021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -269.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV49 - 11052021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV29 - 15032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV31 - 17032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 499.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV31 - 17032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV32 - 18032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -64.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV32 - 18032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV33 - 23032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -454.6365ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV33 - 23032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV34 - 24032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 41.7996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV34 - 24032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV30 - 16032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 492.8226ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV30 - 16032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV36 - 29032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 316ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV36 - 29032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/ACERTO PEDRO PAULO 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -308.2599ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/ACERTO PEDRO PAULO 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/ACERTO PEDRO PAULO 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 372.181ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/ACERTO PEDRO PAULO 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/ACERTO PEDRO PAULO 3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -489.7123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/ACERTO PEDRO PAULO 3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1169 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -462.8842ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 11 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 314.9996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1202 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1202 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1204 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -6.4592ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1204 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1205 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 324.3687ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1205 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 11 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1210 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1210 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1190 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1190 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1217 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 487.302ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1217 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1222 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 425.9822ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1222 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1224 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -126.7546ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1224 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1227 1229 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 157.2235ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1227 1229 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1234 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 82.0312ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1234 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1238 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 155.3323ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1252 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 27.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1252 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1268 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 199.3514ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1268 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1269 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -355.9905ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1269 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1282 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -120.5817ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1282 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1283 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 282.9247ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1283 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1287 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1287 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/01 - 01012019/COMPATIBILIZA\xc7\xc3O DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV05 - 19022019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1289 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1289 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1307 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1307 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1314 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1314 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1318 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1318 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1324 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1324 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1169 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1347 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1347 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1213 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1213 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1349 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -16.6218ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1352 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 147.2337ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1352 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1349 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1241 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 58.6039ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1241 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1356 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -158.4613ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1356 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1360 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -479.1267ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1360 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1212 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1212 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1238 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1211 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1211 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1391 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 162.3576ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1391 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1385 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -364.0747ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1385 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1392 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -457.876ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1392 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1400 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 472.1735ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1400 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1404 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -449.4475ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1404 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1413 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 166.9247ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1413 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1387 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 319.7901ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1414 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -20.6098ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1393 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 93.2594ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1393 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1414 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1354 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -329.0058ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1354 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1418 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -21.0389ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1418 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1387 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1440 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -51.091ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1440 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1447 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -490.6059ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1447 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1450 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 12.5663ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1450 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1457 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1457 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1459 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1459 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1464 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 367.715ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1464 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1477 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -348.111ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1477 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1482 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -276.9133ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1482 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1492 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 120.5192ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1492 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1493 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 136.602ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1493 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1494 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 91.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1494 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 15 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -403ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 15 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1519 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -192.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1519 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1549 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -350ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 1549 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 19 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 361.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 19 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 194 - ENINETE COSTA ZULATO - ME.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 194 - ENINETE COSTA ZULATO - ME.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 20 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 401.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 20 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 24 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -90.6005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 24 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 35 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 456.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 35 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 44 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -257ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 44 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 52 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -400.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 52 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 53 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 94.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 53 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 66 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 384ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 66 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 68 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 274ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 68 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 74 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -466.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 74 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 80 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 389.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 80 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 88 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -89.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 88 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 89 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.png: Size and modification time the same (differ by 158.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATÍPICAS/NF 89 - FARMÁCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA.png: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/CONSERVAÇÃO E LIMPEZA/DA_720_61_26_descricao_de_funcoes_Conservação e Limpeza.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 62.0133ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/CONSERVAÇÃO E LIMPEZA/DA_720_61_26_descricao_de_funcoes_Conservação e Limpeza.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/CONSERVAÇÃO E LIMPEZA/DA_720_61_26_descricao_de_funcoes_Conservação e Limpeza_RV01_26112019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 92.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/CONSERVAÇÃO E LIMPEZA/DA_720_61_26_descricao_de_funcoes_Conservação e Limpeza_RV01_26112019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/CONSERVAÇÃO E LIMPEZA/DESCRIÇÃO CARGO COPA E COZINHA RV00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 427.5028ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/CONSERVAÇÃO E LIMPEZA/DESCRIÇÃO CARGO COPA E COZINHA RV00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/CONSERVAÇÃO E LIMPEZA/DESCRIÇÃO CARGO COPA E COZINHA RV01.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 160.3588ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/CONSERVAÇÃO E LIMPEZA/DESCRIÇÃO CARGO COPA E COZINHA RV01.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/2-RELAT\xd3RIOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/CONSERVAÇÃO E LIMPEZA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO PISCINEIRO_RV01_26112019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 443.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/CONSERVAÇÃO E LIMPEZA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO PISCINEIRO_RV01_26112019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/CONSERVAÇÃO E LIMPEZA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO PISCINEIRO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -440.451ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/CONSERVAÇÃO E LIMPEZA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO PISCINEIRO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$884 - NF 70601196 70841734 70669145 70650832 70888708 198433.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/ANALISE DE CUSTO AR CONDICIONADO - RETORNO PANDEMIA/ANALISES DE CUSTO AR CONDICIONADO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 278.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/ANALISE DE CUSTO AR CONDICIONADO - RETORNO PANDEMIA/ANALISES DE CUSTO AR CONDICIONADO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O, OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/BACK/~$ANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE -RV01-27082020.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O, OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE -RV00-19062019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O, OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE -RV01-31072019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O, OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE -RV00-23112020 (ANO 02).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O, OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE -RV00-26062019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O, OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE -RV01-12012021.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O, OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE -RV00-12022020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O, OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE -RV01-29072020.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O, OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE -RV01-27082020.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O, OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE -RV02-05102020.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO CELULAR CCE 9 9962 4489.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 328ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO CELULAR CCE 9 9962 4489.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO CELULAR COMPRAS 9 9975 4945.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -229ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO MASTER - INTERNET PARACATU.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -160.2028ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO OI SP PARACATU.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -465ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO OI SP PARACATU.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO UNIPAM DDR 60 CANAIS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO UNIPAM DDR 60 CANAIS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO UNIPAM DDG 0800.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -323ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO UNIPAM DDG 0800.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO MASTER - INTERNET PARACATU.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO CELULAR VIGILANCIA 9 9975 2359.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 226ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO CELULAR VIGILANCIA 9 9975 2359.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO CELULAR COMPRAS 9 9975 4945.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTRATOS/CONTROLE DE FATURAS TELEFONIA.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 331.7996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTRATOS/CONTROLE DE FATURAS TELEFONIA.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTRATOS/TERMO DE ADESÃO OI.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -378ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/1 - FATURAS-DOCUMENTOS/CONTRATOS/TERMO DE ADESÃO OI.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/01 - ANALISE DE RISCOS LARE/LABORAT\xd3RIO DE ARQUITETURA E ENGENHARIA - LARE.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO CAIXA D'\xc1\x81GUA/CADASTRO DE ESPA\xc7O CONFINADO" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO CAIXA D'\xc1\x81GUA/- ESPECIFICA\xc7\xc3O RESERVAT\xd3RIOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 926.161053ms 2022/01/25 16:49:02 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 15: batch had 15 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:02 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$871 - NF 319.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:02 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$882 - NF 3551.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:02 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$879 - NF 47282.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:02 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$868 - NF 976 979 978 985 988 981.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:02 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$870 - NF 144234.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:02 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$878 - NF 21809 21770.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:02 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$873 - NF 62125.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:02 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$872 - NF 197590.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:02 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$875 - NF 31482572.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:02 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$874 - NF 18702.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:02 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$880 - NF 61998.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:02 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$869 - NF 514.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:02 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$881 - NF 954.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:02 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$876 - NF 18703.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:02 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$877 - NF 18704.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$885 - NF 31630 31631.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/01 - ATA DE CRIAÇÃO DA FILIAL/CCE-Ata de criação da filia 29102018.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/01 - ATA DE CRIAÇÃO DA FILIAL/CCE-Ata de criação da filia 29102018.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/07 - TERMOS DE EMPRESTIMO/TER - BOLSA E PRANCHETA MDF E ACR\xcdLICO - CL\xcaNIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/07 - TERMOS DE EMPRESTIMO/TER - CADEIRA ROD\xcdZIO NAP - C\xc1TIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/07 - TERMOS DE EMPRESTIMO/TER - PRANCHETA MDF E ACR\xcdLICO - EDMARCOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/07 - TERMOS DE EMPRESTIMO/TER - CADEIRA ROD\xcdZIO NAP - ALUNA NAP.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$886 - NF 31054.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/02 - OBRA/01 - MISCEL\xc2NEAS/ESTOQUE OBRA MISCEL\xc2NEAS - RV01 - 04012021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/catalogo infraestrutura.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -291.0357ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/catalogo infraestrutura.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV05 - 19022019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -299.3453ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV05 - 19022019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL" 2022/01/25 16:49:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO" 2022/01/25 16:49:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE AQUISI\xc7\xc3O BENS PATRIMONIAIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/ASSIST.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -87.857ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/ASSIST.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/BATENT.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -396.9658ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/BATENT.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/DOMINUM.PDF: Size and modification time the same (differ by -476.362ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/DOMINUM.PDF: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/GASOLINA COMUM.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -34.6378ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/GASOLINA COMUM.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/ISCA MIREX.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 104.0139ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/REGENT DUO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 394.361ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/REGENT DUO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/ISCA MIREX.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/MOLLY.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -420.6862ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/MOLLY.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/LUBRAX ESSENCIAL.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -101.9452ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/LUBRAX ESSENCIAL.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/ROUNDUP.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 127.9529ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/ROUNDUP.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/SEMPRA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -425.1654ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/01 - FISPQ's/SEMPRA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE PER\xcdODO DE EXPERI\xcaNCIA/Amanda Rafl\xe9sia da Concei\xe7\xe3o Garcia.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE PER\xcdODO DE EXPERI\xcaNCIA/Cristiane Aparecida Gon\xe7alves Costa.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE PER\xcdODO DE EXPERI\xcaNCIA/CL\xc1UDIA DE ARA\xdaJO MUNDIM SILVA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE PER\xcdODO DE EXPERI\xcaNCIA/Maria da Concei\xe7\xe3o Alves Fonseca.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE PER\xcdODO DE EXPERI\xcaNCIA/AL\xc3N JOS\xc9 DA SILVA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE PER\xcdODO DE EXPERI\xcaNCIA/L\xedvia Karol Martins.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/05 - CONTROLE DE CHAVES/RESPONS\xc1VEIS PELAS RETIRADAS POR HORARIO - RV01 - 27032019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 2 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$883 - NF 3551.docx 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV00-12022020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -493.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV00-12022020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV00-19062019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 483.1999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV00-19062019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV00-23112020 (ANO 02).docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 210.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV00-23112020 (ANO 02).docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV00-26062019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -293.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV00-26062019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV01-27082020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -34.2002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV01-27082020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV01-29072020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -28.6003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV01-29072020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV01-12012021.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 164.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV01-12012021.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV01-31072019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -288.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV01-31072019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV02-05102020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -99ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/BACK/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV02-05102020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/01 - ANALISE DE RISCOS LARE/LABORATÓRIO DE ARQUITETURA E ENGENHARIA - LARE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -32.0996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/01 - ANALISE DE RISCOS LARE/LABORATÓRIO DE ARQUITETURA E ENGENHARIA - LARE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/01 - ANALISE DE RISCOS LARE/PRSST_Gerenciamento_de_Perigos_e_Riscos_de_Seguranca_e_Saude_no_Trabalho_2018-06-08_09-48.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -380.257ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/01 - ANALISE DE RISCOS LARE/PRSST_Gerenciamento_de_Perigos_e_Riscos_de_Seguranca_e_Saude_no_Trabalho_2018-06-08_09-48.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/F_98_17_controle_financeiro_de_contratos_R3.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 269.5673ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/F_98_17_controle_financeiro_de_contratos_R3.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/LAYOUT/2201ALFA - POLO TECNOL\xd3GICO" 2022/01/25 16:49:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/CENTROS DE CUSTO/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O CENTROS DE CUSTO E LOCALIDADES" 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$884 - NF 70601196 70841734 70669145 70650832 70888708 198433.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$889 - NF 245 247.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$888 - NF 001.22.00470600-2 001.22.00470707-6 001.22.00470706-8 001.22.00470705-0 001.22.00470708-4 001.22.00470704-1 001.22.00470703-3 001.22.00470702-5 001.22.00470599-5 001.22.00470590-1 001.22.00470589-8.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$890 - NF 12569.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$891 - NF 9542 9534.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$892 - NF 915 916.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$893 - NF 639827.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$887 - NF 36412 36736.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$894 - NF 55335 55333.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$895 - NF 24975.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$896 - NF 1445.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$897 - NF 55336.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$899 - NF 47675.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$898 - NF 69333449.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/07 - TERMOS DE EMPRESTIMO/TER - BOLSA E PRANCHETA MDF E ACRÍLICO - CLÊNIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -477.0795ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/07 - TERMOS DE EMPRESTIMO/TER - BOLSA E PRANCHETA MDF E ACRÍLICO - CLÊNIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/07 - TERMOS DE EMPRESTIMO/TER - CADEIRA RODÍZIO NAP - ALUNA NAP.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 40.251ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/07 - TERMOS DE EMPRESTIMO/TER - CADEIRA RODÍZIO NAP - ALUNA NAP.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/07 - TERMOS DE EMPRESTIMO/TER - CADEIRA RODÍZIO NAP - CÁTIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -196.6407ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/07 - TERMOS DE EMPRESTIMO/TER - CADEIRA RODÍZIO NAP - CÁTIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/07 - TERMOS DE EMPRESTIMO/TER - PRANCHETA MDF E ACRÍLICO - EDMARCOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -475.701ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/07 - TERMOS DE EMPRESTIMO/TER - PRANCHETA MDF E ACRÍLICO - EDMARCOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/07 - TERMOS DE EMPRESTIMO/TER - PRANCHETAS - ADAIR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -296.8189ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/07 - TERMOS DE EMPRESTIMO/TER - PRANCHETAS - ADAIR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC SALA T\xc9C OPER.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC SALA T\xc9C OPER2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC SALA T\xc9C OPER3.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$900 - NF 5745.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$885 - NF 31630 31631.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$901 - NF 259.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/02 - OBRA/01 - MISCELÂNEAS/ESTOQUE OBRA FERRAMENTAL - RV01 - 04012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -399.2298ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/02 - OBRA/01 - MISCELÂNEAS/ESTOQUE OBRA FERRAMENTAL - RV01 - 04012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/02 - OBRA/01 - MISCELÂNEAS/ESTOQUE OBRA MISCELÂNEAS - RV01 - 04012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 247.036ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/02 - OBRA/01 - MISCELÂNEAS/ESTOQUE OBRA MISCELÂNEAS - RV01 - 04012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - ATAS/02 ATA - REUNI\xc3O DE REVIS\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - ATAS/07 ATA - REUNI\xc3O DE ORIENTA\xc7\xc3O EQUIPE DE LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - ATAS/~$ ATA - REUNI\xc3O CETRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - ATAS/01 ATA - REUNI\xc3O DE APRESENTA\xc7\xc3O DA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - ATAS/04 ATA - REUNI\xc3O DE ORIENTA\xc7\xc3O VIGILANTES CCE SIS INC\xcaNDIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - ATAS/05 ATA - REUNI\xc3O DE ORIENTA\xc7\xc3O EQUIPE DE LIMPEZA.docx.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - ATAS/10 ATA - REUNI\xc3O DEP. DE COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - ATAS/08 ATA - REUNI\xc3O SUPER POLO PATROC\xcdNIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - ATAS/09 ATA - REUNI\xc3O HRAD BANCO DE LEITE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - ATAS/12 ATA - REUNI\xc3O DE ORIENTA\xc7\xc3O ELETRICISTAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - ATAS/11 ATA - REUNI\xc3O CETRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - ATAS/06 ATA - REUNI\xc3O DE ALINHAMENTO GERAL LARE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - ATAS/03 ATA - REUNI\xc3O DE ORIENTA\xc7\xc3O ELETRICISTAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - ATAS/10 ATA - REUNI\xc3O DEP. DE COMPRAS.png" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - ATAS/05 ATA - REUNI\xc3O DE ORIENTA\xc7\xc3O EQUIPE DE LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - ATAS/~$ ATA - REUNI\xc3O SUPER POLO PATROC\xcdNIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$886 - NF 31054.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Amanda Raflésia da Conceição Garcia.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 327.5464ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Amanda Raflésia da Conceição Garcia.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Chynthia Mara chaves.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -110.4881ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Chynthia Mara chaves.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/CLÁUDIA DE ARAÚJO MUNDIM SILVA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 228.41ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/CLÁUDIA DE ARAÚJO MUNDIM SILVA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Cristiane Aparecida Gonçalves Costa.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -111.4385ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Cristiane Aparecida Gonçalves Costa.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Eva Eliete Soares.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -246.5166ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/DEISE DE OLIVEIRA ROSA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 105.1515ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/DEISE DE OLIVEIRA ROSA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Eva Eliete Soares.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/JULIANA CRISTINA BUSSATO .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -272.1957ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/JULIANA CRISTINA BUSSATO .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/LUCAS REIS ALVES 2.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 409.7998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/LUCAS REIS ALVES 2.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Lucas Reis Alves.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 59.5341ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Maria da Conceição Alves Fonseca.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 200.3636ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Maria da Conceição Alves Fonseca.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Paloma Abrantes Couy.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 17.5687ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Paloma Abrantes Couy.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/RAQUEL ALVES FERREIRA SILVEIRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 206.4049ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/RAQUEL ALVES FERREIRA SILVEIRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/MARIANA SILVA COSTA VIEIRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -35.2002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/MARIANA SILVA COSTA VIEIRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Lucas Reis Alves.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/ALÃN JOSÉ DA SILVA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 53.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/ALÃN JOSÉ DA SILVA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Sueli Aparecida de Freitas.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 147.142ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Sueli Aparecida de Freitas.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/VALDELICE SOARES BARBOSA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -104.4362ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/VALDELICE SOARES BARBOSA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Lívia Karol Martins.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -203.643ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Lívia Karol Martins.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Lilian Aparecida Mendes.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -234.5938ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/00 - AVALIAÇÃO DE PERÍODO DE EXPERIÊNCIA/Lilian Aparecida Mendes.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O IMOV\xc9IS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/O QUE \xc9 O LAUDO T\xc9CNICO DE VIDA \xdaTIL DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O IMOV\xc9IS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Como Calcular a Deprecia\xe7\xe3o de um Im\xf3vel.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O IMOV\xc9IS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IBAPE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - 096.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O IMOV\xc9IS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Deprecia\xe7\xf5es.XVII COBREAP.2013 - Joe\xe9 Tracisio.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O IMOV\xc9IS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Ci26 - M\xe9todos de avalia\xe7\xe3o do estado de conserva\xe7\xe3o de edif\xedcios desenvolvidas no LNEC.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O IMOV\xc9IS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O Pag.57-74.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O IMOV\xc9IS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/P\xe1g.5-18.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O IMOV\xc9IS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Manuten\xe7\xe3o Predial.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O IMOV\xc9IS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Check List de Manuten\xe7\xe3o Predial.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O IMOV\xc9IS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/P-031240_17-PE-10_17-Manuten\xe7\xe3o-Predial.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O IMOV\xc9IS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/RELA\xc7\xc3O IMOVEIS FEPAM.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O IMOV\xc9IS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Anexo III - Relat\xf3rio de Inspe\xe7\xe3o.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O IMOV\xc9IS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/relatorio_te\xa6\xfccnico_nsgrac\xa6\xbaa.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O IMOV\xc9IS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Deprecia\xe7\xf5es.XVII COBREAP.2013 - Joe\xe9 Tracisio (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/05 - CONTROLE DE CHAVES/CHAVES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -178.4003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/05 - CONTROLE DE CHAVES/CHAVES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/05 - CONTROLE DE CHAVES/CONTROLE DE CHAVES.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 462.3391ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/05 - CONTROLE DE CHAVES/CONTROLE DE CHAVES.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/05 - CONTROLE DE CHAVES/RESPONSÁVEIS PELAS RETIRADAS POR HORARIO - RV01 - 27032019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -93.8239ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/05 - CONTROLE DE CHAVES/RESPONSÁVEIS PELAS RETIRADAS POR HORARIO - RV01 - 27032019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O/BACKUP/PLANILHA GERENCIAL DE ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O - 2021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA RV00 2019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -156.7529ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA RV00 2019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIA\xc7\xd5ES E INSPE\xc7\xd5ES/00 - MAPEAMENTO JARDINS/LEVANTAMENTO FOTOGR\xc1FICO" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - CONTROLE DE CHAVES/CONTROLE DE CHAVES.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 167.4316ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - CONTROLE DE CHAVES/CONTROLE DE CHAVES.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/BACK/Galpão-Situação Atual/Thumbs.db: Excluded 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/- A\xc7\xc3O CORRETIVA" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDIT\xd3RIA - 00" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDIT\xd3RIA - 01" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDIT\xd3RIA - 02" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/CENTROS DE CUSTO/- CENTROS DE CUSTO - 2019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -477.103ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/CENTROS DE CUSTO/- CENTROS DE CUSTO - 2019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/00 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$889 - NF 245 247.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$891 - NF 9542 9534.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$892 - NF 915 916.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$893 - NF 639827.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$887 - NF 36412 36736.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$890 - NF 12569.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$895 - NF 24975.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$894 - NF 55335 55333.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$888 - NF 001.22.00470600-2 001.22.00470707-6 001.22.00470706-8 001.22.00470705-0 001.22.00470708-4 001.22.00470704-1 001.22.00470703-3 001.22.00470702-5 001.22.00470599-5 001.22.00470590-1 001.22.00470589-8.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -456ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/ART2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -371ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/ART2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC ALFA CEDRO 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 312ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC ALFA CEDRO 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC ALFA CEDRO 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 71ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC ALFA CEDRO 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC ALFA SALA 205 3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -196ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC ALFA SALA 205 3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC ALFA SALA 205xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -272ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC ALFA SALA 205xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC ARMAZENAM DE SEMENTES.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 313ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC ARMAZENAM DE SEMENTES.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC CCU DESCANSO EQUIP.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 161ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC CCU DESCANSO EQUIP.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC CCU SALA DESESTRESExxxxxxxxxxxx.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 103ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC CCU SALA DESESTRESExxxxxxxxxxxx.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC ALFA SALA 205 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -487ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC CEDRO2 308.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -150ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC CEDRO2 308.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC GENEB SALA DE CRESCIMENTO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -413ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC GENEB SALA DE CRESCIMENTO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC GENEB SALA DE EXPERIMENTOS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -470ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC GENEB SALA DE EXPERIMENTOS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC GENEB SALA PROFESSOR .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -43ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC GENEB SALA PROFESSOR .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC LAB MON AMBIENTAL.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 269ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC LAB MON AMBIENTAL.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC ALFA SALA 205 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC SALA TÉC OPER.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -405ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC GENEB SALA MIX.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 219ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC GENEB SALA MIX.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC SALA TÉC OPER3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -403ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC SALA TÉC OPER3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC GENEB1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -195ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC GENEB1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC SALA TÉC OPER2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -240ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC SALA TÉC OPER2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC CEDRO1 308.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 307ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC CEDRO1 308.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC SALA SATURA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -461ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC SALA SATURA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 1/PMOC SALA TÉC OPER.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$896 - NF 1445.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$897 - NF 55336.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$899 - NF 47675.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CAMPUS/UNIFILIAR_CAMPUS-Rev_4-1-4.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -253.76366ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CAMPUS/UNIFILIAR_CAMPUS-Rev_4-1-4.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CAMPUS/UNIFILIAR_CAMPUS-Rev_4-2-4.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 67.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CAMPUS/UNIFILIAR_CAMPUS-Rev_4-2-4.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CAMPUS/UNIFILIAR_CAMPUS-Rev_4-3-4.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -157.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CAMPUS/UNIFILIAR_CAMPUS-Rev_4-3-4.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CAMPUS/UNIFILIAR_CAMPUS-Rev_4-4-4.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -24.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CAMPUS/UNIFILIAR_CAMPUS-Rev_4-4-4.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CAMPUS/UNIFILIAR_CAMPUS-Rev_4.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CAMPUS/UNIFILIAR_CAMPUS-Rev_4.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATIPICAS/ENTREGA DE LUMINARIA ESPETOS DE JARDIM MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$898 - NF 69333449.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/01 ATA - REUNIÃO DE APRESENTAÇÃO DA CLIMATIZAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -188.0106ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/01 ATA - REUNIÃO DE APRESENTAÇÃO DA CLIMATIZAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/02 ATA - REUNIÃO DE REVISÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 467.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/02 ATA - REUNIÃO DE REVISÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/03 ATA - REUNIÃO DE ORIENTAÇÃO ELETRICISTAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -218.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/03 ATA - REUNIÃO DE ORIENTAÇÃO ELETRICISTAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/05 ATA - REUNIÃO DE ORIENTAÇÃO EQUIPE DE LIMPEZA.docx.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 317.987ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/05 ATA - REUNIÃO DE ORIENTAÇÃO EQUIPE DE LIMPEZA.docx.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/06 ATA - REUNIÃO DE ALINHAMENTO GERAL LARE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -128.3745ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/06 ATA - REUNIÃO DE ALINHAMENTO GERAL LARE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/05 ATA - REUNIÃO DE ORIENTAÇÃO EQUIPE DE LIMPEZA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 185.1328ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/05 ATA - REUNIÃO DE ORIENTAÇÃO EQUIPE DE LIMPEZA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/07 ATA - REUNIÃO DE ORIENTAÇÃO EQUIPE DE LIMPEZA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -334.0541ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/07 ATA - REUNIÃO DE ORIENTAÇÃO EQUIPE DE LIMPEZA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/10 ATA - REUNIÃO DEP. DE COMPRAS.png: Size and modification time the same (differ by 72.3233ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/10 ATA - REUNIÃO DEP. DE COMPRAS.png: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/11 ATA - REUNIÃO CETRAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -44.5672ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/11 ATA - REUNIÃO CETRAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/08 ATA - REUNIÃO SUPER POLO PATROCÍNIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 95.5602ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS/AGENDA/RELAT\xd3RIO AGENDA 2020" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/10 ATA - REUNIÃO DEP. DE COMPRAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -257.2175ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/10 ATA - REUNIÃO DEP. DE COMPRAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/12 ATA - REUNIÃO DE ORIENTAÇÃO ELETRICISTAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 169.9995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/08 ATA - REUNIÃO SUPER POLO PATROCÍNIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS/AGENDA/RELAT\xd3RIO AGENDA 2021" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS/AGENDA/RELAT\xd3RIO AGENDA 2019" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/09 ATA - REUNIÃO HRAD BANCO DE LEITE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 433.6757ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/09 ATA - REUNIÃO HRAD BANCO DE LEITE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/04 ATA - REUNIÃO DE ORIENTAÇÃO VIGILANTES CCE SIS INCÊNDIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -164.2002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/04 ATA - REUNIÃO DE ORIENTAÇÃO VIGILANTES CCE SIS INCÊNDIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ATAS/12 ATA - REUNIÃO DE ORIENTAÇÃO ELETRICISTAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$900 - NF 5745.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- ORDENS DE SERVIÇO/BACKUP/PLANILHA GERENCIAL DE ORDENS DE SERVIÇO - 2021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 65.7472ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- ORDENS DE SERVIÇO/BACKUP/PLANILHA GERENCIAL DE ORDENS DE SERVIÇO - 2021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/1053.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 439.409851ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/1053.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/1496770660gestao_condominio_estrategias_essenciais.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -112.5136ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/1496770660gestao_condominio_estrategias_essenciais.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/15643-Texto do artigo-18625-1-10-20120518 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -239.1398ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/15643-Texto do artigo-18625-1-10-20120518 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/15643-Texto do artigo-18625-1-10-20120518 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 235.06ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/15643-Texto do artigo-18625-1-10-20120518 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/15643-Texto do artigo-18625-1-10-20120518.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -247.1377ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/15643-Texto do artigo-18625-1-10-20120518.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/1733-3135-1-SM.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 357.7639ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/1733-3135-1-SM.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/17835-63167-1-PB.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -458.5399ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/17835-63167-1-PB.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/2.ANEXO_01-16-Ficha_de_Avaliacao (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -118.0242ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/2.ANEXO_01-16-Ficha_de_Avaliacao (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/2 - AUTORIZA\xc7\xd5ES _ PERMISS\xd5ES/PERMISS\xd5ES RAMAIS.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/6890-24720-1-PB.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -474.7427ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/6890-24720-1-PB.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/abnt_05674.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -463.5435ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/abnt_05674.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Anexo I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 369.0362ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Anexo I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Anexo III - Relatório de Inspeção.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -424.989467ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Anexo III - Relatório de Inspeção.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/2.ANEXO_01-16-Ficha_de_Avaliacao.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -305.2225ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Anexo_II_Planilhas.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 118.4861ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/2.ANEXO_01-16-Ficha_de_Avaliacao.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/avaliacao_depreciacao.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -218.5546ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/avaliacao_depreciacao.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Anexo_II_Planilhas.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Ci26 - Métodos de avaliação do estado de conservação de edifícios desenvolvidas no LNEC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -217.2357ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Ci26 - Métodos de avaliação do estado de conservação de edifícios desenvolvidas no LNEC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/CONSERVAÇÃO Pag.57-74.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 473.1694ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Depreciações.XVII COBREAP.2013 - Joeé Tracisio (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -253.3431ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Depreciações.XVII COBREAP.2013 - Joeé Tracisio.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -485.9335ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/CONSERVAÇÃO Pag.57-74.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Guia_inspecao_ar_condicionado_para_site_do_QUALINDOOR.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 470.8858ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Guia_inspecao_ar_condicionado_para_site_do_QUALINDOOR.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IBAPE - MANUTENÇÃO - 096.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 415.2966ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1215.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -251.2228ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1215.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Como Calcular a Depreciação de um Imóvel.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 202.1894ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Como Calcular a Depreciação de um Imóvel.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Depreciações.XVII COBREAP.2013 - Joeé Tracisio (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Check List de Manutenção Predial.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -199.7137ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Check List de Manutenção Predial.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1217.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -159.223ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1218.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -159.023ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1218.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1219.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -47.823ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1219.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Depreciações.XVII COBREAP.2013 - Joeé Tracisio.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1220.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -314.623ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1220.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1216.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -374.423ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1216.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1222.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 315.1769ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1221.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -458.623ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1221.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1224.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 108.7769ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1224.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1217.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IBAPE - MANUTENÇÃO - 096.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2260.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 336.2507ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2260.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1223.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 248.9769ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1223.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-1222.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2261.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -392.1493ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2261.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2262.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -202.7493ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2262.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2264.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 255.6507ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2264.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2265.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -316.1493ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2265.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2266.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 187.6507ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2266.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2267 (1).JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 58.4506ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2267.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 385.6519ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2267.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2263.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 199.0507ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2263.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2267 (1).JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2268 (1).JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 346.0506ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2268 (1).JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2259.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -34.3493ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2259.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2268.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -293.5481ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2268.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2269 (1).JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 215.4506ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2269 (1).JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2269.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -409.5481ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2269.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2270 (1).JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -182.1494ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2270 (1).JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2270.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 409.4519ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2270.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2271 (1).JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 161.0506ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2271 (1).JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2271.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -35.7481ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2271.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2272.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 6.6519ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2273.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -37.1481ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2273.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2274 (1).JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -364.1494ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2274 (1).JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2275 (1).JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -438.5494ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2275 (1).JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2276.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 26.452ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2276.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2275.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -436.148ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2275.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2277.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -308.548ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2277.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2273 (1).JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 153.2506ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2273 (1).JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2272.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2272 (1).JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 144.2506ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2272 (1).JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2274.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -13.9481ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2274.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2278 (1).JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 328.0506ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2278 (1).JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2278.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -332.548ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2278.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2279.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -264.348ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2279.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2280.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 110.052ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2280.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2281.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -385.748ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2281.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2282.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 65.652ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2282.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2283.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 156.2521ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2283.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2284.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -50.1479ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2284.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2285.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -419.1479ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2285.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2286.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 326.2521ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2288.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -470.1479ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2288.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2291.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 282.0613ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2291.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2286.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2287.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 250.6521ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2287.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2289.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 21.852ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2289.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2290.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 30.452ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2290.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2292.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 251.6613ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2292.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2293.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -323.7478ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2293.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2294.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -12.7478ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2294.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2295.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -33.1479ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2295.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2296.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 54.4521ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2296.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2297.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -462.3479ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2297.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2298.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -371.9479ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2298.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2299.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -319.9359ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2299.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2300.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 281.4641ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2300.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2301.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 376.2641ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2302.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 119.2641ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2303.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 467.2641ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2303.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2304.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 371.0641ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2304.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2305.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -57.3359ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2305.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2306.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -4.1359ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2309.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -495.3355ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2302.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2310.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -258.1355ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2310.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2311.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -21.7357ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2306.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2312.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 428.4642ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2312.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2324.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 189.8647ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2324.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2325.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -454.5353ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2325.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2326.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -424.5353ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2326.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 1.941108647s 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2308.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -16.7354ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2308.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2328.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 293.0646ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2328.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 2: batch had 2 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2301.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2329.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -41.7354ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2329.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2309.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2311.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2338.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 185.2648ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2338.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2327.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 13.6647ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2327.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2323.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 360.4647ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2323.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$882 - NF 70095971.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2314.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -156.1358ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2314.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2313.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 74.8642ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2313.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2339.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 353.6648ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2339.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2340.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -353.7352ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2340.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2341.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 112.2647ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$883 - NF 3551.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2344.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -384.1353ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2344.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2341.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2342.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -439.3353ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2342.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2345.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -466.9353ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2345.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2350.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 136.8648ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2350.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2351.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 365.6648ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2351.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2352.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -261.1352ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2352.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2353.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -256.5352ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2353.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2354.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -401.1352ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2354.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2355.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 163.4648ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2355.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2356.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 297.8648ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2356.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2357.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 349.6648ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2357.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2358.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 193.665ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2358.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2359.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 446.265ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2359.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2360.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -472.535ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2360.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2361.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 150.865ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2361.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2362.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -493.535ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2365.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -482.335ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2365.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2366.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 306.8652ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2367.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -226.9349ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2367.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2368.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -352.3349ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2369.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 295.8651ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2369.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2370.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 230.0651ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2371.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -16.9349ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2371.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2373.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 242.8651ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2373.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2374.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 236.8651ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2374.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2370.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2375.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -463.935ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2375.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2368.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2362.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG_3588.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -435.5725ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG_3588.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/imoveis da fepam.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 254.0644ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/imoveis da fepam.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2376.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -70.335ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2376.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IPHAN_Manual_de_conservao_preventiva.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -117.7404ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Licit_2030_4.xls: Size and modification time the same (differ by 445.286ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Licit_2030_4.xls: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2366.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2372.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -208.7349ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2372.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/manual_manutencao.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 45.9718ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Manutenção Predial.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -432.1041ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Manutenção Predial.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/manual_manutencao.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IPHAN_Manual_de_conservao_preventiva.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2363.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -321.935ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2364.JPG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 353.265ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2364.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/NEUSA APARECIDA MUNHAK BELTRAME.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -44.2227ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/NEUSA APARECIDA MUNHAK BELTRAME.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/O QUE É O LAUDO TÉCNICO DE VIDA ÚTIL DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 145.8038ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/O QUE É O LAUDO TÉCNICO DE VIDA ÚTIL DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/IMG-2363.JPG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/PHOTO-2019-04-25-09-22-57.jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 490.7536ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/PHOTO-2019-04-25-09-22-57.jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/PHOTO-2019-06-03-10-29-59 (1).jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 78.2204ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/PHOTO-2019-06-03-10-29-59 (1).jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/PHOTO-2019-06-03-10-29-59 (2).jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by -183.7796ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/PHOTO-2019-06-03-10-29-59 (2).jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/PHOTO-2019-06-03-10-29-59.jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 338.8204ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/PHOTO-2019-06-03-11-10-18.jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 139.4202ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/PHOTO-2019-06-03-11-10-18.jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/PHOTO-2019-06-03-11-10-19.jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by -399.3798ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/PHOTO-2019-06-03-11-10-19.jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/portaria_1439_homologa_laudo_tecnico_de_reavaliacao_G2KFHzA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -1.4095ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/portaria_1439_homologa_laudo_tecnico_de_reavaliacao_G2KFHzA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Pág.5-18.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 391.7645ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/RELAÇÃO IMOVEIS FEPAM.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -133.086ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/RELAÇÃO IMOVEIS FEPAM.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/P-031240_17-PE-10_17-Manutenção-Predial.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -402.8298ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/P-031240_17-PE-10_17-Manutenção-Predial.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/Pág.5-18.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/PHOTO-2019-06-03-10-29-59.jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/PHOTO-2019-04-25-09-22-31 (1).jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by -347.6462ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/PHOTO-2019-04-25-09-22-31 (1).jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/PHOTO-2019-04-25-09-22-45.jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by -846.4µs, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/PHOTO-2019-04-25-09-22-45.jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/relatorio_te¦ücnico_nsgrac¦ºa.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -5.787804ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/- MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA/relatorio_te¦ücnico_nsgrac¦ºa.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$901 - NF 259.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2018 - EXEC - PL - RV01" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2015 - EXEC - PL - RV00" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2021 - EXEC - PL - RV00" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2022 - EXEC - PL - RV00" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2012 - EXEC - PL - RV00" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2017 - EXEC - PL - RV00" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2020 - EXEC - PL - RV00" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2019 - EXEC - PL - RV00" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS 2012 \xe1 2015" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/- PRE\xc7O MEDIO" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2016 - EXEC - PL - RV00" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2008 \xe1 2011 - EXEC - PL - RV00" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/02 - CCV - AM EXAUST\xc3O LAB. HISTOLOGIA/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:49:07 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 3 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$884 - NF 70601196 70841734 70669145 70650832 70888708 198433.docx 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/SOLICITA\xc7\xd5ES DE MANUTEN\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/- OR\xc7AMENTOS ANUAIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/- ESTUDO AQUISI\xc7\xc3O CAFETEIRA" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/HIST\xd3RICO P\xc3O SOVADO" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/TERMOS DE EMPR\xc9STIMO - GARRAFAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/- LICITA\xc7\xc3O 2021" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/PLANEJAMENTO DE F\xc9RIAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/RELAT\xd3RIO - FORNECIMENTO P\xc3O SOVADO" 2022/01/25 16:49:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES PARA EQUIPE/00 - NORMAS/LEGISLA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:08 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$889 - NF 245 247.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:08 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$891 - NF 9542 9534.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:08 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$887 - NF 36412 36736.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:08 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$893 - NF 639827.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:08 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$892 - NF 915 916.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:08 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$890 - NF 12569.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:08 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$895 - NF 24975.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:08 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$894 - NF 55335 55333.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:08 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$888 - NF 001.22.00470600-2 001.22.00470707-6 001.22.00470706-8 001.22.00470705-0 001.22.00470708-4 001.22.00470704-1 001.22.00470703-3 001.22.00470702-5 001.22.00470599-5 001.22.00470590-1 001.22.00470589-8.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 10042019/CONTAGEM ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV02 - 22042019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -159ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 10042019/CONTAGEM ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV02 - 22042019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:08 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVAR\xc1\x81 DE FUNCIONAMENTO" 2022/01/25 16:49:08 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$896 - NF 1445.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATIPICAS/ENTREGA DE LUMINARIA ESPETOS DE JARDIM MANUTENÇÃO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -308.9032ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATIPICAS/ENTREGA DE LUMINARIA ESPETOS DE JARDIM MANUTENÇÃO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATIPICAS/NF 183059 SETTA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 350.4613ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATIPICAS/NF 183059 SETTA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATIPICAS/NF 97124 WAGO - RECUSADA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -438.5264ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATIPICAS/NF 97124 WAGO - RECUSADA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:08 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$897 - NF 55336.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_4_33PMOC - Sala 205 GENEB Bloco H 2\xb0 piso.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_32_36PMOC -ALFA 2\xb0 Piso sala 201 (2) .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_47_11PMOC - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO - SALA DE DIAGN\xd3STICO POR IMAGENS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_34_47PMOC - Centro Cl\xednico Veterin\xe1rio, Sala de Raio X.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_21_11LABORATORIO AGENCIA EXPERIMENTAL DE PROPAGANDA BLOCO F 3\xba PISO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_53_25PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2\xb0piso sala 201 (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_52_22PMOC -ALFA 3\xb0 Piso sala 302.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_26_53PMOC - BLOCO M SALA 123 MANAC\xc1S (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_43_21PMOC - Bloco M 1\xb0 Piso Sala 123 Sala de Inform\xe1tica Manac\xe1s (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_4_50PMOC - Bloco M 2\xb0 Piso Sala 211 EAD (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_16_19PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de Inform\xe1tica Bloco B 3\xb0 Piso (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_52_9PMOC - Bloco L Sala de Reuni\xe3o.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_44_11LABORAT\xd3RIO DE HABILIDADES (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_4_28BLOCO F SALA 304 EST\xdaDIO DE FOTOGRAFIA (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_43_55Laborat\xf3rio de Habilidades cirurgicas.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_36_7PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2\xb0piso Farol encubadora de Empresas 1.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_53_34Biot\xe9rio.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_24_23PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2\xb0 PISO SALA 201.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_20_32PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de an\xe1lise Cl\xednicas Bloco D 1\xb0 Piso Sala 109 Bioqu\xedmica.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_57_36PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2\xb0piso sala 205 (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_35_15PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2\xb0 PISO SALA GER\xcaNCIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_22_30Bloco I - 3\xba Piso Sala de Informatica cedro.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_37_16PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2\xb0 PISO SALA 205 (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_1_28LABORAT\xd3RIO PATOLOGIA CLINICA .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_24_7PMOC - Data Center Bloco F 1\xb0 Piso Sala Redes (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_28_46PMOC - Centro Cl\xednico Veterin\xe1rio, Centro Cirurgico III.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_14_51PMOC - BLOCO E SALA 208 LABOR\xc1TORIO DE INFORM\xc1TICA (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_24_12PMOC - Sala Invertida Bloco N 2\xb0 Piso (3) .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_44_0PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2\xb0piso Farol encubadora de Empresas (5).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_9_49_51Lab. de Doen\xe7as Infecciosas.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_44_2PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3\xb0 PISO SALA 308 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_42_4NUFEP Sala de An\xe1lise Enzimas .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_18_17PMOC - Sala Inform\xe1tica Terra Bloco N 1\xb0 Piso (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_24_19PMOC - BLOCO G SALA 404 SALA DE INFORM\xc1TICA PLATINA (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_28_56SALA DE EXPERIMENTA\xc7\xc3O 1.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_50_4PMOC - ALFA 3\xb0 Piso sala 301.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_45_35PMOC- SAL\xc3O DO JURI BLOCO C 2\xb0 PISO (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_20_9Bloco I 3\xba Piso Sala Invertida 3.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_35_38PMOC - Bloco M 1 Piso Sala 115 Cole\xe7\xf5es, Cientificas Vegetais Herb\xe1rio Mandevilla Sp.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_38_2PMOC -ALFA 2\xb0 Piso sala de inform\xe1tica 207.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_20_29PMOC - oceano sala de caf\xe9 026899.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_23_15PMOC - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO- CENTRO CIR\xdaRGICO 2 .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_13_46PMOC -ALFA 2\xb0 Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas (2) .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_21_12PMOC - Sala 111 Bloco C 1\xb0 Piso (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_27_51BLOCO M 2\xba PISO - SALA EAD3 - SALA 211.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_51_2PMOC - Sala de Inform\xe1tica EAD Bloco B 4\xb0 Piso.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_51_43PMOC- Lab. de fisiologia e biofisica, Lab. de Nutri\xe7\xe3o Experimentos, Lab de Farmacologia e tecnologia, Bloco D 1\xb0 Piso (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_19_8PMOC - Sala Invertida 110 A Bloco N 1\xb0 Piso.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_6_43PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3\xb0piso sala 305 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_25_8_49_0PMOC -ALFA 2\xb0 Piso sala 203.pdf.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_43_48Bloco M - Laborat\xf3rio de inform\xe1tica Lirios - Sala 121.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_27_22PMOC - Oceano 2\xb0 Piso CAWORKING (4).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_25_12PMOC -ALFA 2\xb0 Piso Farol Sala de Reuni\xe3o.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_15_20PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de Habilidades Cir\xfargicas (Sala de Sutura) Bloco E.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_10_30PMOC - Centro Administrativo Conselho Universit\xe1rio (2) .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_27_56PMOC - Oceano 2\xb0 Piso Sala de Reuni\xe3o.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_24_3PMOC - Oceano 2\xb0 Piso CAWORKING (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_43_28PMOC - Farm\xe1cia Bloco D Almoxarifado.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_10_14ILHA DE EDI\xc7\xc3O BLOCO F 3\xba PISO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_42_54PMOC -ALFA 2\xb0 Piso sala 205.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_6_43PMOC - Sala POP Bloco D 1\xb0 Piso .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_31_2EAD EST\xdaDIO DE VIDEOS .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_22_29PMOC- Sala de Indorm\xe1tica Marte Bloco N 1\xb0 Piso (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_36_48LABORAT\xd3RIO DE HABILIDADES.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_3_49PMOC - Bloco M 2\xb0 Piso Sala 211 EAD (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_18_32PMOC - BLOCO F SALA 114 SALA DE INFORM\xc1TICA VERDE (4).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_23_45PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2\xb0 PISO SALA CEDRO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_20_40PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOT\xc9RICO, ALMOXARIFADO .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_6_48PMOC - ALFA 3\xb0 Piso sala invertida 311.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_56_42PMOC -ALFA 3\xb0 Piso sala 304.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_3_23PMOC - Sala 205 GENEB Bloco H 2\xb0 piso sala mix.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_19_19PMOC - BLOCO F SALA 114 SALA DE INFORM\xc1TICA VERDE (5).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_2_35PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3\xb0piso sala 302 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_54_41PMOC -ALFA 3\xb0 Piso sala 304.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_2_56_44BLOCO G SALA 101 MINI AUDIT\xd3RIO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_29_52PMOC -ALFA 2\xb0 Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_24_18PMOC - oceano espa\xe7o coworking 026902.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_29_28PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de Inform\xe1tica Juris Bloco C 1\xb0 Piso.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_31_50PMOC -ALFA 2\xb0 Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_44_50Laborat\xf3rio de Monitoramento ambiental.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_21_11PMOC - Sala Invertida 110 A Bloco N 1\xb0 Piso (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_25_46BLOCO M 2\xba PISO - SALA EAD5 - SALA 211.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_31_55PMOC - BLOCO F 3\xb0 PISO SALA DE FOTOGRAFIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_33_47PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2\xb0 PISO SALA INVERTIDA 202 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_35_11PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2\xb0piso Farol encubadora de Empresas.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_45_14PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3\xb0 PISO SALA 306.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_42_41PMOC -ALFA 2\xb0 Piso sala de invertida 202.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_23_12PMOC - Data Center Bloco F 1\xb0 Piso Sala Nobreek.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_39_15PMOC - Centro Cl\xednico Veterin\xe1rio, Sala Redes e Seguran\xe7a.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_36_58GENEB - LAB. de Gen\xe9tica e Biotecnologia.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_25_39PMOC - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO - LABORAT\xd3RIO DE PATOLOGIA CL\xcdNICA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_23_32Sala de inform\xe1tica Gaia .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_15_54PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de Inform\xe1tica Bloco B 3\xb0 Piso (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_46_20PMOC - Farm\xe1cia Bloco D S\xf3lidos.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_35_5Laboratorio de convers\xe3o de energia.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_18_8_46_41PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2\xb0 PISO SALA 207.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_38_58PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2\xb0piso Farol encubadora de Empresas (7).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_56_39BLOCO N - 1\xba PISO - AUDITORIO CENTRAL4 - SALA 115.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_54_16PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2\xb0piso sala 201 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_0_45PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3\xb0piso sala 301 (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_58_17BLOCO N - 1\xba PISO - AUDITORIO CENTRAL - SALA 115.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_18_9_58_23SALA DE CRIA\xc7\xc3O CAMUNDONGOS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_6_4PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3\xb0piso sala 305 (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_42_23PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de an\xe1lise Cl\xednicas Bloco D 1\xb0 Piso Sala 109 Prepara\xe7\xe3o de Meios de Cultura.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_21_38PMOC - Oceano 3\xb0 Piso Sala da Adiministra\xe7\xe3o do Oceano (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_20_0SALA DE DIAGN\xd3STICO PO IMAGEM .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_12_1PMOC - Centro Administrativo Diretoria de Gradua\xe7\xe3o .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_24_42PMOC - Oceano 2\xb0 Piso CAWORKING (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_9_9_9S\xf3lidos.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_53_0BLOCO F - 1\xba PISO - SALA POP A SALA 109.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_42_7PMOC - SUB-ESTA\xc7\xc3O (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_52_35PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio Morfuncional I Bloco E 4\xb0 piso (4) .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_27_47PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOT\xc9RICO, LABORAT\xd3RIO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_29_13PMOC - Audit\xf3rio Bloco E (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_15_25PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de Inform\xe1tica Bloco B 3\xb0 Piso .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_11_46PMOC -ALFA 3\xb0 Piso sala 307.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_24_53Bloco H - 1\xba Piso Laborat\xf3rio de Mecanica Hidraulica e bioclimatologioa.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_15_27PMOC - BLOCO E SALA 208 LABOR\xc1TORIO DE INFORM\xc1TICA (4).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_10_23PMOC - BLOCO A SALA DE ACESSORIA JUR\xcdDICA E EDUCACIONAL.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_51_52PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio Morfuncional I Bloco E 4\xb0 piso (3) .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_13_58PMOC COORDENADORIA VIGIL\xc2NCIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_34_15PMOC -ALFA 2\xb0 Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_2_58_31BLOCO F SALA 105 MINI AUDIT\xd3RIO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_42_42PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3\xb0 PISO SALA 308.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_17_48PMOC - BLOCO F SALA 114 SALA DE INFORM\xc1TICA VERDE (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_19_22PMOC - Bloco E Sala Satura - Laborat\xf3rio de Habilidades Cir\xfargicas .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_59_40PMOC - ALFA 3\xb0 Piso sala 305.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_20_27PMOC - BLOCO F SALA 305 SALA DE R\xc1DIO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_12_58PMOC LAB. CITOGENETICA E MUTAG\xcaNESE.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_54_24PMOC - ALFA 3\xb0 Piso sala 303.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_25_53PMOC - BLOCO A SETOR ADMINISTRATIVO SALA DE P\xd3S GRADUA\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_55_47PMOC - ALFA 3\xb0 Piso sala 303 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_4_42PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3\xb0piso sala 304 (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_32_27PMOC - Sala POP B Bloco F 1\xb0 Piso Sala 111 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_44_31PMOC -ALFA 2\xb0 Piso sala de invertida 202.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_36_50PMOC - Sala POP Bloco B 1\xb0 Piso.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_25_26LAB. FOT\xd3GRAFIA 1.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_10_2PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3\xb0piso sala 307.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_30_8Pr\xf3 Reitoria de Ensino.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_55_26PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2\xb0piso sala 203 (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_6_58PMOC SALA T\xc9C OPER.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_14_53PMOC - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO - LABORAT\xd3RIO DE HISTOPATOLOGIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_50_42PMOC- Lab. de fisiologia e biofisica, Lab. de Nutri\xe7\xe3o Experimentos, Lab de Farmacologia e tecnologia, Bloco D 1\xb0 Piso.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_11_34PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de Habilidades Cir\xfargicas (Sala de T\xe9cnica Operat\xf3ria) Bloco E (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_30_47PMOC - Centro Cl\xednico Veterin\xe1rio, Laborat\xf3rio de Patologia Cl\xednica.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_7_21PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3\xb0piso sala 305 (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_27_39PMOC - BLOCO M SALA 123 MANAC\xc1S (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_9_56_1PMOC - Sala 205 GENEB Bloco H 2\xb0 piso sala de experimentos.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_40_17PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2\xb0piso Farol encubadora de Empresas (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_19_7PMOC - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO - CENTRO CIR\xdaRGICO 2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_20_45PMOC - Data Center 1\xb0 Piso Servidores.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_8_32PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOT\xc9RICO, SALA DE ADMINISTRATIVA .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_16_4_35_2PMOC - FAB LAB Bloco I 1\xb0 PISO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_55_32PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3\xb0 PISO SALA 303 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_20_47PMOC - BLOCO E LABORAT\xd3RIO DE HABILIDADES CIR\xdaRGIAS SALA 115 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_4_34PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3\xb0 PISO SALA 301.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_1_59_29Bloco E - Sala DE ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O - BIOT\xc9RIO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_25_37PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de Tecnologia Farmac\xeautica Bloco D 2\xb0 Piso.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_59_12PMOC -ALFA 3\xb0 Piso sala 306.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_16_19PMOC - laborat\xf3rio de Fisiologia e Biof\xedsica.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_18_27PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOT\xc9RICO, SALA DE LIMPEZA E ESTERIZA\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_18_35PMOC -ALFA 2\xb0 Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_11_34PMOC - BLOCO A SALA DE ACESSORIA JUR\xcdDICA E EDUCACIONAL (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_50_0PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3\xb0 PISO SALA 305 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_32_39Bloco E - 2\xba Piso Auditorio - Sala 213.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_26_8PMOC - oceano espa\xe7o coworking 026903.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_35_40PMOC - Sala POP Bloco A 1\xb0 Piso.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_29_46PMOC - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO - SALA DE DIGITA\xc7\xc3O DE IMAGENS (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_46_6PMOC -ALFA 2\xb0 Piso sala 205 (3).pdf.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_16_4_32_9PMOC - FAB LAB Bloco I 1\xb0 PISO_18.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_6_40BLOCO F SALA 308 L\xc1B. DE FOTOGRAFIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_56_34PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio Morfuncional II Bloco E 4\xb0 piso (4).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_26_18PMOC LAB. BIOT\xc9CNOLOGIA SALA MIX.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_6_27PMOC CDI RECUPERA\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_15_58PMOC -ALFA 2\xb0 Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_23_16Bloco I - 3\xba Piso Sala de informatica Cedro 2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_6_54PMOC -ALFA 3\xb0 Piso sala 308.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_18_10_27_48Laborat\xf3rio Seme S\xf3lidos.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_29_54PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3\xb0 PISO SALA DE REUNI\xc3O 307.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_22_23PMOC - Data Center Bloco F 1\xb0 Piso Sala Nobreek (2) .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_57_7PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3\xb0 PISO SALA 302.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_29_46PMOC - Audit\xf3rio Bloco E (4).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_34_32PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3\xb0 PISO SALA 313 INVERTIDA (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_15_13PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de Fisiologia e Biof\xedsica 01.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_44_19PMOC - Bloco M 2\xb0 Piso Sala 227 Laborat\xf3rio Central Anal\xedtica.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_56_22PMOC - Audit\xf3rio Bloco N 1\xb0 Piso (3) .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_50_13PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio Morfuncional I Bloco E 4\xb0 piso (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_33_0PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2\xb0 PISO SALA INVERTIDA 202.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_5_15BLOCO F SALA 304 EST\xdaDIO DE FOTOGRAFIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_48_33PMOC - BLOCO D FARM\xc1CIA - LABORAT\xd3RIO DE MANIPULA\xc7\xc3O .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_18_32Bloco I 3 \xba Piso sala Invertida.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_1_52PMOC - ALFA 3\xb0 Piso sala 305 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_0_23BLOCO F SALA 117 SALA DE PR\xc1TICAS GER\xcaNCIAIS (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_48_31PMOC - Centro Administrativo Assessoria Jur\xeddica.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_54_14Lab. de Mecanica, Hidr\xe1ulica e Bioclimatologia.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_27_44PMOC - Audit\xf3rio Bloco E (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_47_43PMOC -ALFA 3\xb0 Piso sala 302.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_51_11PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio Morfuncional I Bloco E 4\xb0 piso (2) .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_0_1PMOC - Bloco M 2\xb0 Piso Laborat\xf3rio de Gen\xe9tica Sala Expulgo.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_9_12PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3\xb0piso sala 306 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_27_16PMOC - Centro Cl\xednico Veterin\xe1rio, Centro Cirurgico II.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_13_39ESTUDIO DE FOROGRAFIA BOLOCO F 3\xba PISO SALA 304.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_36_3PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2\xb0 PISO SALA 205 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_42_2PMOC - Bloco M 1\xb0 Piso Sala 121 Sala de Inform\xe1tica L\xedrios (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_27_53Bloco G 4\xba Piso Sala 409 Estudio EaD2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_39_49PMOC - Sala POP Bloco F 1\xb0 Piso Sala 109.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_23_49PMOC - Sala Invertida Bloco N 2\xb0 Piso (2) .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_54_4BLOCO H SALA 108 LABORAT\xd3RIO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_8_26PMOC - Sala POP Bloco E 4\xb0 Piso.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_3_50PMOC - Sal\xe3o do Juri Bloco C 2\xb0 Piso (4).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_8_17PMOC SALA T\xc9C OPER3.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_29_15PMOC - Data Center Bloco F 1\xb0 Piso Sala Redes.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_3_28PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3\xb0piso sala 303 (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_14_55PMOC - Edificio Alfa Sala Ivestida Sala 311 3\xb0piso (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_30_1Bloco E - 2\xba Piso Auditorio4 - Sala 213.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_54_43PMOC - Audit\xf3rio Bloco N 1\xb0 Piso (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_35_39LABORAT\xd3RIO DE HABILIDADES (4).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_14_28PMOC - Edificio Alfa Sala Ivestida Sala 311 3\xb0piso.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_37_17PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2\xb0 PISO SALA DE ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_32_20PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3\xb0 PISO SALA 313 INVERTIDA .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_16_16PMOC -Sala 113 Bloco C 1\xb0 Piso.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_40_1PMOC -ALFA 2\xb0 Piso sala de inform\xe1tica 207.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_30_4Sala de Redes e Seguran\xe7a.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_4_51PMOC LAB. BIOT\xc9CNOLOGIA SALA MIX.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_30_36PMOC - Centro Administrativo Coordenadoria de P\xf3s- Gradua\xe7\xe3o e pesquisa NIPE Coordenadoria de extens\xe3o.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_54_35BLOCO N - 1\xba PISO - AUDITORIO CENTRAL6 - SALA 115.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_55_14BLOCO N - 1\xba PISO - AUDITORIO CENTRAL5 - SALA 115.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_22_0PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2\xb0 PISO SALA 12 ALLPRA ENGENHARIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_44_39PMOC -ALFA 2\xb0 Piso sala 205 (2).pdf.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_43_41PMOC - BLOCO H 1\xb0 PISO SALA 115 LABORAT\xd3RIO DE MICROSCOPIA (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_11_57Oceano_Sala_Administra\xe7\xe3o.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_58_58PMOC - Sal\xe3o do Juri Bloco C 2\xb0 Piso (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_32_45PMOC - Centro Cl\xednico Veterin\xe1rio, Sala de Diagn\xf3stico por Imagem.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_12_19PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3\xb0piso sala 309 (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_40_58PMOC - Sala POP Bloco H 1\xb0 Piso.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_17_2_27_25PMOC - Biblioteca 4\xb0 piso.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_58_52PMOC - Audit\xf3rio Bloco N 1\xb0 Piso (5) .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_36_9PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2\xb0 PISO SALA DE REUNI\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_48_2PMOC - Audit\xf3rio Bloco N 1\xb0 Piso (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_31_28PMOC - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO - SALA DE RAIO X (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_17_31Bloco J_Sala 216_Sala de Observa\xe7\xe3o.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_7_23Sala de Redes e Seguran\xe7a.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_22_2PMOC - oceano sala de reuni\xe3o 027050.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_25_53PMOC - BLOCO G SALA 404 SALA DE INFORM\xc1TICA PLATINA (4).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_1_14PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3\xb0piso sala 301 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_59_32PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2\xb0piso sala 207 sala de inform\xe1tica (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_28_12PMOC - Centro Cl\xednico Veterin\xe1rio, Centro Cirurgico III (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_44_3PMOC- SAL\xc3O DO JURI BLOCO C 2\xb0 PISO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_50_24PMOC - Bloco L Licita\xe7\xe3o.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_5_6PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3\xb0piso sala 304 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_8_29PMOC -ALFA 3\xb0 Piso sala 308.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_11_5Oceano_Sala_Administra\xe7\xe3o2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_7_46PMOC SALA T\xc9C OPER2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_10_20PMOC - Sala de T\xe9cnica Operat\xf3ria - 18.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_27_35PMOC - Centro Administrativo Pr\xf3-Reitoria de Planejamento administra\xe7\xe3o e finan\xe7as.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_36_23PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2\xb0 PISO SALA ALTERNE ENERGIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_23_50PMOC - BLOCO E LABORAT\xd3RIO DE HABILIDADES CIR\xdaRGIAS SALA 115 (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_19_7PMOC - BLOCO A SALA DE P\xd3S GRADUA\xc7\xc3O .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_38_8SALA DE EXPERIMENTA\xc7\xc3O 2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_54_24PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de Habilidades Cir\xfargicas Sala Sutura Bloco E.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_26_20PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2\xb0 PISO SALA 201.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_4_20PMOC - ALFA 3\xb0 Piso sala 305.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_42_42PMOC - SUB-ESTA\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_15_30PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOT\xc9RICO, SALA DE EXPERIMENTA\xc7\xc3O DE CAMUNDONGOS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_48_51PMOC - Bloco H 2\xb0 Piso Geneb Sala Professor Valter Vieira da Cu.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_56_8PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2\xb0piso sala 203 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_43_36PMOC CEO ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_10_33PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de Habilidades Cir\xfargicas (Sala de T\xe9cnica Operat\xf3ria).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_27_45PMOC - oceanoi espa\xe7o coworking 026898.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_58_59PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2\xb0piso sala 207 sala de inform\xe1tica (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_28_53BLOCO M 2\xba PISO - SALA EAD2 - SALA 211.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$899 - NF 47675.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_31_2Diretoria de Gradua\xe7\xe3o.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_1_21PMOC -ALFA 3\xb0 Piso sala 306.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_18_8_42_40PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3\xb0 PISO SALA DE REUNI\xc3O 309.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_20_45PMOC - Sala Invertida 110 A Bloco N 1\xb0 Piso (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_29_13PMOC - BLOCO H 2\xb0 PISO SALA NUFEPE.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_6_29PMOC - BLOCO F BIOT\xc9RICO, SALA DE CRIA\xc7\xc3O DE CAMUNDONGOS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_58_15PMOC - BLOCO D FARM\xc1CIA - ALMOXARIFADO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_8_40PMOC - ALFA 3\xb0 Piso sala invertida 311.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_38_11Bloco N - Sala de Inform\xe1tica Marte2 - Sala 112.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_25_38PMOC - Oceano 2\xb0 Piso CAWORKING (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_1_9Laboratorio de convers\xe3o de energia.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_9_42_1Contabilidade BLOCO A 2\xba PISO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_44_45PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de an\xe1lise Cl\xednicas Bloco D 1\xb0 Piso Sala 111.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_21_59PMOC -ALFA 2\xb0 Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_45_48PMOC - Centro Cl\xednico Veterin\xe1rio, Laborat\xf3rio de Histopalogia.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_2_29SALA DE DIGITALIZA\xc7\xc3O DE IMAGEM .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_43_50BIOTERIO ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_33_31PMOC - Sala POP B Bloco F 1\xb0 Piso Sala 111.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_29_54BLOCO M 2\xba PISO - SALA EAD - SALA 211.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_46_33PMOC - BLOCO D FARM\xc1CIA - LABORATRIO DE MANIPULA\xc7\xc3O (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_31_48Bloco E - 2\xba Piso Auditorio2 - Sala 213.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_19_21Bloco I 3\xba Piso Sala Invertida 2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_42_13PMOC - BLOCO D FARM\xc1CIA - LABORATRIO DE MANIPULA\xc7\xc3O (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_23_19PMOC - Sala Invertida Bloco N 2\xb0 Piso .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_37_48PMOC - Sala POP Bloco E 4\xb0 Piso.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_54_50PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio Morfuncional II Bloco E 4\xb0 piso (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_51_39PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de Habilidades Cir\xfargicas Sala de T\xe9cnica Operat\xf3ria Bloco E .pdf.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_1_46PMOC - Sala 205 GENEB Bloco H 2\xb0 piso sala do professor.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_53_38PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio Morfuncional II Bloco E 4\xb0 piso (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_44_56PMOC- SAL\xc3O DO JURI BLOCO C 2\xb0 PISO (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_56_49Sala de Observa\xe7\xe3o.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_2_15PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3\xb0 PISO SALA 302.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_10_51PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3\xb0piso sala 308 (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_57_34BLOCO N - 1\xba PISO - AUDITORIO CENTRAL2 - SALA 115.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_38_51PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de an\xe1lise Cl\xednicas Bloco D 1\xb0 Piso Sala 109 Sorologia.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_16_4_36_3PMOC - FAB LAB Bloco I 1\xb0 PISO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_41_32PMOC - Bloco M 1\xb0 Piso Sala 121 Sala de Inform\xe1tica L\xedrios.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_41_57PMOC - Sala POP Bloco J 1\xb0 Piso.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_53_45PMOC - Audit\xf3rio Bloco N 1\xb0 Piso (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_18_7PMOC- Sala de Seguran\xe7a CFTV Bloco F 1\xb0 Piso.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_50_58PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3\xb0 PISO SALA 305 (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_23_13PMOC - Sala 111 Bloco C 1\xb0 Piso (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_1_12PMOC - Bloco M 2\xb0 Piso Sala 209 EAD.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_10_3PMOC - Centro Administrativo Conselho Universit\xe1rio .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_34_15PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOT\xc9RICO, SALA DE QUARENTENA .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_26_4PMOC - BLOCO E LABORAT\xd3RIO DE HABILIDADES CIR\xdaRGIAS SALA 115.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_44_29PMOC - BLOCO H 1\xb0 PISO SALA 115 LABORAT\xd3RIO DE MICROSCOPIA (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_17_26PMOC -Sala 113 Bloco C 1\xb0 Piso (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_52_44PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de Habilidades Cir\xfargicas Sala de T\xe9cnica Operat\xf3ria Bloco E.pdf.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_11_16PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3\xb0piso sala 308 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_51_0PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2\xb0 Sala Invertida Sala 202.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_26_6PMOC - Sala POP Bloco B 1\xb0Piso.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_1_11BLOCO F SALA 117 SALA DE PR\xc1TICAS GER\xcaNCIAIS (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_45_29PMOC - Farm\xe1cia Bloco D Semi S\xf3lidos e L\xedquidos.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_37_50Laborat\xf3rio de Genetica e Biotecnologia 2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_58_6PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2\xb0piso sala 205 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_58_23PMOC - Audit\xf3rio Bloco N 1\xb0 Piso (4) .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_26_30PMOC - Centro Cl\xednico Veterin\xe1rio, Centro Cirurgico I.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_32_22PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2\xb0 PISO SALA 203 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_34_42PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2\xb0 PISO SALA 205.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_41_17Bloco N - Sala de Inform\xe1tica Marte2 - Sala 112.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_27_29PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de controle de qualidade de medicamentos e qu\xedmica farmac\xeautica Bloco D 2\xb0 piso Sala 214.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_0_47PMOC - Sal\xe3o do Juri Bloco C 2\xb0 Piso (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_12_45PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de Habilidades Cir\xfargicas (Sala de T\xe9cnica Operat\xf3ria) Bloco E (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_39_49PMOC - BLOCO H 1\xb0 PISO SALA 115 LABORAT\xd3RIO DE MICROSCOPIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_8_47PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3\xb0piso sala 306 (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_55_32PMOC - Sala de Inform\xe1tica Top\xe1zio Bloco E 2\xb0 Piso (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_4_18PMOC - Bloco M 2\xb0 Piso Sala 211 EAD (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_50_31PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2\xb0 Sala Invertida Sala 202 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_42_24Bloco N - Sala de Inform\xe1tica Marte - Sala 112.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_26_33BLOCO M 2\xba PISO - SALA EAD4 - SALA 211.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_23_53PMOC - ACADEMIA DE MUSCULA\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_17_12PMOC - BLOCO F SALA 114 SALA DE INFORM\xc1TICA VERDE (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_22_23PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOT\xc9RICO, SALA DE EXPERIEMENTA\xc7\xc3O RATOS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_48_55PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3\xb0 PISO SALA 305.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_20_5PMOC - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO - CENTRO CIR\xdaRGICO 3.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_7_30SALA DE SEGURAN\xc7A CVTV.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_32_26LABORAT\xd3RIO DE HABILIDADES (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_2_4PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3\xb0piso sala 302 (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_9_53_52PMOC - Sala 205 GENEB Bloco H 2\xb0 piso sala de crescimento-Preparo.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_40_1PMOC - BLOCO A 2\xb0 PISO REITORIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_22_2PMOC- Sala de Indorm\xe1tica Marte Bloco N 1\xb0 Piso .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_47_17PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3\xb0 PISO SALA 306 (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_27_27PMOC -ALFA 2\xb0 Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_54_18PMOC - Sala de Inform\xe1tica Top\xe1zio Bloco E 2\xb0 Piso (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_34_56PMOC -ALFA 2\xb0 Piso sala 201.pdf.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_9_35PMOC- Sala de T\xe9cnica Operat\xf3rica -18.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_31_2Bloco E - 2\xba Piso Auditorio3 - Sala 213.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_25_11PMOC - ACADEMIA DE MUSCULA\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_6_25BLOCO M - 1\xba PISO - SALA POP.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_18_10_24_21S\xf3lidos .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_5_19PMOC - Bloco M 2\xb0 Piso Sala 211 EAD (4).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_22_22PMOC - BLOCO E LABORAT\xd3RIO DE HABILIDADES CIR\xdaRGIAS SALA 115 (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_32_49PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2\xb0 PISO SALA 203.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_47_21PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2\xb0piso Farol encubadora de Empresas (4).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_42_57PMOC - Bloco M 1\xb0 Piso Sala 123 Sala de Inform\xe1tica Manac\xe1s.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_18_10_2_16SALA DE CRI\xc7\xc3O RATOS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_25_2PMOC - BLOCO G SALA 404 SALA DE INFORM\xc1TICA PLATINA (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_24_32PMOC - Centro Cl\xednico Veterin\xe1rio, Almoxarifado.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_39_7Bloco N - Laborat\xf3rio de inform\xe1tica Terra - Sala 107.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_49_18PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de Habilidades Cir\xfargicas Sala de T\xe9cnica Operat\xf3ria Bloco E.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_52_40PMOC - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO - FARM\xc1CIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_54_14PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio Morfuncional II Bloco E 4\xb0 piso (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_4_23LABORATORIO DE FOTOGRAFIA BLOCO F 3\xba PISO SALA 308.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_45_7Pro - Reitoria de Administra\xe7\xe3o e Financas - Bloco A.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_28_19PMOC - Audit\xf3rio Bloco E (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_54_39PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3\xb0 PISO SALA 303.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_8_4PMOC - Bloco E Sala T\xe9cnica Operat\xf3ria - 24.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_21_17Bloco I - 3\xba Piso Sala de Informatica - Cedro.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_5_29PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3\xb0 PISO SALA 301 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_42_13PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2\xb0 PISO SALA WAY.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_40_8Bloco M - Laborat\xf3rio de inform\xe1tica Lirios2 - Sala 121.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_53_21PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3\xb0 PISO SALA 304 (1).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_52_23PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3\xb0 PISO SALA 304 .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_18_8_47_25PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2\xb0 PISO SALA 207 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_30_45PMOC - Data Center Bloco F 1\xb0 Piso Servidores.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_14_3PMOC - BLOCO E SALA 208 LABOR\xc1TORIO DE INFORM\xc1TICA (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_24_5PMOC - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO - CENTRO CIR\xdaRGICO 1.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_51_17PMOC - ALFA 3\xb0 Piso sala 301 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_26_54PMOC- Centro administratido Pr\xf3- Reitoria de Ensino, pesquisa e estens\xe3o.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_29_2_15_40SALA DE OBSERVA\xc7\xc3O .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_34_0PMOC - Centro Cl\xednico Veterin\xe1rio, Sala de Digita\xe7\xe3o de Imagem.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_7_30PMOC LAB. QU\xcdMICA CENTRAL ANALITICA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_55_56BLOCO N - 1\xba PISO - AUDITORIO CENTRAL4 - SALA 115.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_46_4PMOC- SAL\xc3O DO JURI BLOCO C 2\xb0 PISO (4).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_2_54BLOCO F SALA 302 EST\xdaDIO DE V\xcdDEO (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_22_36PMOC - ACADEMIA DE MUSCULA\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_2_55_7BLOCO G SALA 101 MINI AUDIT\xd3RIO 1.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_21_20PMOC - Oceano 3\xb0 Piso Sala da Adiministra\xe7\xe3o do Oceano .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_37_26PMOC - Bloco M 1\xb0 Piso Sala 101 Central de Relacionamentos UNIPAM.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_57_36PMOC - Audit\xf3rio Bloco N 1\xb0 Piso (6) .pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_17_40PMOC - Sala Inform\xe1tica Terra Bloco N 1\xb0 Piso.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_41_20PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2\xb0 PISO SALA DE ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_26_4PMOC - ACADEMIA DE MUSCULA\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_37_44PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2\xb0piso Farol encubadora de Empresas (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_3_55PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3\xb0piso sala 303 (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_56_27PMOC - Sala de Inform\xe1tica Top\xe1zio Bloco E 2\xb0 Piso (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_44_27PMOC - Farm\xe1cia Bloco D Controle de Qualidade.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_41_14PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2\xb0piso Farol encubadora de Empresas (6).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_13_21PMOC - BLOCO E SALA 208 LABOR\xc1TORIO DE INFORM\xc1TICA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_33_8PMOC - BLOCO F 3\xb0 PISO SALA DE FOTOGRAFIA (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_23_13PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de an\xe1lise Cl\xednicas Bloco D 1\xb0 Piso Sala 109 Hematologia.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_2_37PMOC - Sal\xe3o do Juri Bloco C 2\xb0 Piso (3).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_46_32PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2\xb0piso Farol Sala de Reuni\xe3o.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_10_31PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOT\xc9RICO, SALA DE CRIA\xc7\xc3O DE RATOS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_16_29ESTUDIO DE VIDEO BLOCO F 3\xba PISO SALA 302.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_29_3PMOC - Laborat\xf3rio de Inform\xe1tica Juris Bloco C 1\xb0 Piso (2).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/AVALIAÇÕES CPA/RELATORIO CPA - 2018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 117.3372ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/AVALIAÇÕES CPA/RELATORIO CPA - 2018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL/Rejuntamento flex\xedvel - SAINT GOBAIN.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL/Cimento colante flex\xedvel AC-II - USINA FORTALEZA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$898 - NF 69333449.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:09 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$900 - NF 5745.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/2 - AUTORIZAÇÕES _ PERMISSÕES/PERMISSÕES RAMAIS.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -2.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/2 - AUTORIZAÇÕES _ PERMISSÕES/PERMISSÕES RAMAIS.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$902 - NF 950 949.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/03 - MATERIAL - MAPA DE LOCALIZAÇÃO DOS SETORES/MAPA GERAL SETORES - RV02 - 23012020.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/03 - MATERIAL - MAPA DE LOCALIZAÇÃO DOS SETORES/MAPA GERAL SETORES - RV02 - 23012020.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/BLOCO B/laje andares climatza\xe7\xe3o bliblioteca" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/COAPES/Rela\xe7\xe3o de Patrim\xf4nio COAPES 30062021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/COAPES/Rela\xe7\xe3o de Patrim\xf4nio COAPES 16062021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$901 - NF 259.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/00 - NORMAS/LEGISLAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -300.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/00 - NORMAS/LEGISLAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/00 - NORMAS/NBR 9843 - 1.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -371.6004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/00 - NORMAS/NBR 9843 - 1.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/00 - NORMAS/NR-31.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -323.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/00 - NORMAS/NR-31.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC04 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - REDES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC02 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC16 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC08 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC19 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC06 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC10 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC12 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC17 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC10 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC14 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC03 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC18 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC05 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC04 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - REDES.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC18 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC15 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC11 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC13 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC09 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC09 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC07 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC07 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC19 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC08 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC11 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$903 - NF 2208.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/REV 01/CHAMADA APONTADOR ATUALIZADA.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -47.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/REV 01/CHAMADA APONTADOR.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -195.7782ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/REV 01/CHAMADA APONTADOR.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/REV 01/CHAMADA APONTADOR ATUALIZADA.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/REV 01/modelo.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -313.0968ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/REV 01/modelo.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTENÇÃO GERAL/Adesivo de alto desempenho bianco - VEDACIT.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -304.0648ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTENÇÃO GERAL/Adesivo de alto desempenho bianco - VEDACIT.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTENÇÃO GERAL/Aditivo plastificante plast c - BAUTECH.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -160.7769ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTENÇÃO GERAL/Aditivo plastificante plast c - BAUTECH.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTENÇÃO GERAL/Cimento colante flexível AC-II - USINA FORTALEZA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 358.8857ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTENÇÃO GERAL/Cimento portland - INTERCEMENT BRASIL.doc: Size and modification time the same (differ by 92.2111ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTENÇÃO GERAL/Cimento portland - INTERCEMENT BRASIL.doc: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTENÇÃO GERAL/Cimento colante flexível AC-II - USINA FORTALEZA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTENÇÃO GERAL/Rejuntamento flexível - SAINT GOBAIN.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 107.5056ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTENÇÃO GERAL/Rejuntamento flexível - SAINT GOBAIN.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCION\xc1RIOS - BLOCO A" 2022/01/25 16:49:10 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/05 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:10 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZA\xc7\xc3O DE NOMENCLATURAS - LIMPEZA - RV00 - 10012019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/04 - MICROBIOLOGICO/00 - AÇÃO CORRETIVA/MICROBIOLOGICO - ARC - DOC - RV00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 497.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/04 - MICROBIOLOGICO/00 - AÇÃO CORRETIVA/MICROBIOLOGICO - ARC - DOC - RV00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/COAPES/LEVANTAMENTO DE BENS CCU 14072021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 308.3596ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/COAPES/LEVANTAMENTO DE BENS CCU 14072021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/COAPES/LEVANTAMENTO DE BENS UBS NOVA FLORESTA 19072021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 151.3514ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/COAPES/LEVANTAMENTO DE BENS UBS NOVA FLORESTA 19072021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/COAPES/Relação de Patrimônio COAPES 16062021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 153.8535ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/COAPES/Relação de Patrimônio COAPES 16062021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/COAPES/Relação de Patrimônio COAPES 30062021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 243.2988ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/COAPES/Relação de Patrimônio COAPES 30062021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 779.563439ms 2022/01/25 16:49:10 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 3: batch had 3 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:10 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$886 - NF 31054.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:10 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$884 - NF 70601196 70841734 70669145 70650832 70888708 198433.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:10 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$885 - NF 31630 31631.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/FACULDADE/UFPI.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 253.7994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/FACULDADE/UFPI.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/FACULDADE/UFFS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -499.2006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/FACULDADE/UFFS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/FACULDADE/UFOP.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 168.7998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/FACULDADE/UFOP.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/FACULDADE/UFT: Size and modification time the same (differ by -259.2006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/FACULDADE/UFT: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/FACULDADE/UNIPAMPA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 380.7994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/FACULDADE/UNIPAMPA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/FACULDADE/USP.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -401.2006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/03 - MANUAL DE PROCEDIMENTOS/- MATERIAL REFERÊNCIA/FACULDADE/USP.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/ELETRICA-REDES-TEL-CLIM/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - ELETRICISTA A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:10 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/ELETRICA-REDES-TEL-CLIM/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - ELETRICISTA B.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:10 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/ELETRICA-REDES-TEL-CLIM/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - ELETRICISTA A1.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/01 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATIPICAS/NF 1509 - FARMACIA UNIVERSITARIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -256.3349ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/01 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATIPICAS/NF 1509 - FARMACIA UNIVERSITARIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/01 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATIPICAS/NF 1518 - FARMACIA UNIVERSITARIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -39.2291ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/01 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATIPICAS/NF 1518 - FARMACIA UNIVERSITARIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/01 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATIPICAS/NF 1533 - FARMACIA UNIVERSITARIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 287.3997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/01 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATIPICAS/NF 1533 - FARMACIA UNIVERSITARIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/01 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATIPICAS/NF 1537 - FARMACIA UNIVERSITARIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -415.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/01 - NOTAS FISCAIS ATIPICAS/NF 1537 - FARMACIA UNIVERSITARIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:10 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO LEVANTAMENTOS TOPOGRAFICOS/RODOVIA CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7Õ•ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO LEVANTAMENTOS TOPOGRAFICOS/Thumbs.db: Excluded 2022/01/25 16:49:10 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/03 - ESTUDOS/CUSTO CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O DC-SALASPOPS/~$LAT\xd3RIO ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O CRU UNIPAM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$902 - NF 950 949.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/INSTRU\xc7\xc3O CADASTRO CCEE/Instru\xe7\xe3o de cadastro na Minha CCEE (1).PDF" 2022/01/25 16:49:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/3 - LAUDOS DE ISOLA\xc7\xc3O DE FERRAMENTAS, EPIs e EPCs/LAUDO DE ISOLA\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 15 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$889 - NF 245 247.docx 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV02 - 03012020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 201.405ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV02 - 03012020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/BENFEITORIAS EXTERNAS/ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O PASSEIO MAJOR GOTE" 2022/01/25 16:49:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/BENFEITORIAS EXTERNAS/ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O UBS GRAMADO" 2022/01/25 16:49:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/BENFEITORIAS EXTERNAS/ADEQUA\xc7\xd5ES CLINICAS ODONTOLOGICAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xc3O ADMINISTRATIVA/02 - CNPJ/CCE-Cart\xe3o do CNPJ.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - LIMPEZA - RV00 - 10012019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -342.4782ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - LIMPEZA - RV00 - 10012019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 01/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV01 - 31072020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 01/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV00 - 23112020.xlsm" 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$903 - NF 2208.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$904 - NF 806.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$905 - NF 1701.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/ELETRICA-REDES-TEL-CLIM/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - ELETRICISTA A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 267.2996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/ELETRICA-REDES-TEL-CLIM/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - ELETRICISTA A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/ELETRICA-REDES-TEL-CLIM/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - ELETRICISTA A1.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 291.2996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/ELETRICA-REDES-TEL-CLIM/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - ELETRICISTA A1.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/ELETRICA-REDES-TEL-CLIM/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - ELETRICISTA B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 262.2996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/ELETRICA-REDES-TEL-CLIM/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - ELETRICISTA B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANIT\xc1RIOS/02 - INSTRU\xc7\xd5ES DE INDICA\xc7\xc3O DE USO/FITOSANIT\xc1RIOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANIT\xc1RIOS/02 - INSTRU\xc7\xd5ES DE INDICA\xc7\xc3O DE USO/LEVANTAMENTO DE QU\xcdMICOS -JARDIN\xc1GEM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/1 - LISTA DE RAMAIS/REVISÕES/LISTA DE RAMAIS R01.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 469.8197ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/1 - LISTA DE RAMAIS/REVISÕES/LISTA DE RAMAIS R01.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/1 - LISTA DE RAMAIS/REVISÕES/LISTA DE RAMAIS R02.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -281.801ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/1 - LISTA DE RAMAIS/REVISÕES/LISTA DE RAMAIS R02.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/1 - LISTA DE RAMAIS/REVISÕES/LISTA DE RAMAIS R03 .xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 140.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/1 - LISTA DE RAMAIS/REVISÕES/LISTA DE RAMAIS R03 .xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/1 - LISTA DE RAMAIS/REVISÕES/LISTA DE RAMAIS R04.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 346.2838ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/1 - LISTA DE RAMAIS/REVISÕES/LISTA DE RAMAIS R04.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/1 - LISTA DE RAMAIS/REVISÕES/LISTA DE RAMAIS R05.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -415.1887ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/1 - LISTA DE RAMAIS/REVISÕES/LISTA DE RAMAIS R05.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/1 - LISTA DE RAMAIS/REVISÕES/LISTA DE RAMAIS R06.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 254.9994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/1 - LISTA DE RAMAIS/REVISÕES/LISTA DE RAMAIS R06.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$906 - NF 144483.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/CUSTO CLIMATIZAÇÃO DC-SALASPOPS/CUSTO AR CONDICIONADO DC SALASPOPS.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -7.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/CUSTO CLIMATIZAÇÃO DC-SALASPOPS/CUSTO AR CONDICIONADO DC SALASPOPS.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/CUSTO CLIMATIZAÇÃO DC-SALASPOPS/PROPOSTA INSUFLAR REV1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 259.9995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/CUSTO CLIMATIZAÇÃO DC-SALASPOPS/PROPOSTA INSUFLAR REV1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/3 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O INC\xcaNDIO (projetos)" 2022/01/25 16:49:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/1 - MANUTEN\xc7ÃO GRUPO GERADOR" 2022/01/25 16:49:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/4 - PAIN\xc9IS OBRA" 2022/01/25 16:49:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES" 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/3 - LAUDOS DE ISOLAÇÃO DE FERRAMENTAS, EPIs e EPCs/LAUDO DE ISOLAÇÃO EQUIPAMENTOS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 407.5998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/3 - LAUDOS DE ISOLAÇÃO DE FERRAMENTAS, EPIs e EPCs/LAUDO DE ISOLAÇÃO EQUIPAMENTOS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 25112020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$902 - NF 950 949.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/02 - CNPJ/CCE-Cartão do CNPJ.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/02 - CNPJ/CCE-Cartão do CNPJ.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/FEPAM-Estatuto Altera\xe7\xe3o 2017.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/Procura\xe7\xe3o.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/SOLICITA\xc7\xc3O FORNECIMENTO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/Doc Dr Teot\xf4nio.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/SOLICITA\xc7\xc3O DE FORNECIMENTO ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 01/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 23112020.xlsm: Size and modification time the same (differ by 71.1995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 01/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 23112020.xlsm: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 01/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 31072020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 283ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 01/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 31072020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/02 - ANALISE DE RISCOS AMBIENTAIS/CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA" 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. LICENCIAMENTO AMBIENTAL/licenca_ambiental..pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. LICENCIAMENTO AMBIENTAL/licenca_ambiental..pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. LICENCIAMENTO AMBIENTAL/oficio_SUPRAM.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 430.0061ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. LICENCIAMENTO AMBIENTAL/oficio_SUPRAM.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO DE REAPROVEITAMENTO AGUAS PLUVIAIS/SISTEMA APROVEITAMENTO \xc1GUAS PLUVIAIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO DE REAPROVEITAMENTO AGUAS PLUVIAIS/PROJETO ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O CAIXAS DE PASSAGEM BLOCO N" 2022/01/25 16:49:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/2019/Renova\xe7\xe3o 2020 - Motosserra.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/02 - INSTRUÇÕES DE INDICAÇÃO DE USO/FITOSANITÁRIOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 381.1297ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/02 - INSTRUÇÕES DE INDICAÇÃO DE USO/FITOSANITÁRIOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/02 - INSTRUÇÕES DE INDICAÇÃO DE USO/LEVANTAMENTO DE QUÍMICOS -JARDINÁGEM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 252.5336ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/02 - INSTRUÇÕES DE INDICAÇÃO DE USO/LEVANTAMENTO DE QUÍMICOS -JARDINÁGEM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM 02092019 - RV03.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -359.5609ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM 02092019 - RV03.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O" 2022/01/25 16:49:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/- ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES PARA EQUIPE" 2022/01/25 16:49:12 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$903 - NF 2208.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 25112020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 212.0641ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 25112020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$905 - NF 1701.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 951.491165ms 2022/01/25 16:49:13 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 15: batch had 15 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:13 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$891 - NF 9542 9534.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:13 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$887 - NF 36412 36736.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:13 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$889 - NF 245 247.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:13 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$893 - NF 639827.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:13 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$892 - NF 915 916.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:13 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$896 - NF 1445.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:13 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$897 - NF 55336.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:13 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$890 - NF 12569.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:13 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$898 - NF 69333449.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:13 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$895 - NF 24975.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:13 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$901 - NF 259.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:13 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$899 - NF 47675.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:13 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$888 - NF 001.22.00470600-2 001.22.00470707-6 001.22.00470706-8 001.22.00470705-0 001.22.00470708-4 001.22.00470704-1 001.22.00470703-3 001.22.00470702-5 001.22.00470599-5 001.22.00470590-1 001.22.00470589-8.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:13 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$894 - NF 55335 55333.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:13 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$900 - NF 5745.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$904 - NF 806.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/CPF RG JWander.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -182.2044ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/FaturaCEMIG_14062019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 359ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/MAPS.PNG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 425.051275ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/CPF RG JWander.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/Pedido 1.png: Size and modification time the same (differ by -222ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/Pedido 1.png: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/Pedido 2.png: Size and modification time the same (differ by 95ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/Pedido 2.png: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/Procuração.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -46.2044ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/RESPOSTA RELIGAMENTOEnviar corresp - 3210008721 .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -471.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/RESPOSTA RELIGAMENTOEnviar corresp - 3210008721 .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/SOLICITAÇÃO DE FORNECIMENTO ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 306.8997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/SOLICITAÇÃO DE FORNECIMENTO ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/SOLICITAÇÃO FORNECIMENTO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 411.8997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/SOLICITAÇÃO FORNECIMENTO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/FaturaCEMIG_14062019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/Procuração.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/Escritura.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/Escritura.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/Doc Dr Teotônio.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 431.7956ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/Doc Dr Teotônio.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/FEPAM-Estatuto Alteração 2017.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -249.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/FEPAM-Estatuto Alteração 2017.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/10-RUA DOS QUIXADAS 186 - ESTACIONAMENTO EXT. 1/documentos/MAPS.PNG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$906 - NF 144483.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE AQUISI\xc7\xc3O BENS PATRIMONIAIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE BENS POR CENTRO DE CUSTO" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/2019/PORTE MOTOSSERA (PEQUENA) - 2019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 261.1881ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/2019/PORTE MOTOSSERA (PEQUENA) - 2019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/2019/PORTE MOTOSSERRA (GRANDE) - 2019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/2019/PORTE MOTOSSERRA (GRANDE) - 2019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/01 - HORARIOS/HOR\xc1\x81RIO LARE e SESMT.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/2019/Renovação 2020 - Motosserra.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -1.1543ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/2019/Renovação 2020 - Motosserra.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV00 - 10122020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -221.0362ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV00 - 10122020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV00 - 18122020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 492.6295ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV00 - 18122020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV00 - 30122020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 75.0797ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV00 - 30122020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV01 - 04012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 471.9177ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV01 - 04012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV02 - 08012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 91.331ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV02 - 08012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV03 - 11012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -180.1276ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV03 - 11012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV04 - 15012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -48.6128ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV04 - 15012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV05 - 18012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -232.7932ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV05 - 18012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV06 - 20012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 120.5454ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV06 - 20012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV07 - 25012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -145.223ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV07 - 25012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV08 - 01022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 408.44ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV08 - 01022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV09 - 02022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 367.5614ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV09 - 02022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV10 - 04022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 63.7354ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV10 - 04022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV11 - 05022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -436.666ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV11 - 05022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV12 - 09022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -191.3889ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV12 - 09022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV13 - 10022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 72.3393ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV13 - 10022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV14 - 15022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 416.1041ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV14 - 15022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV15 - 16022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -184.472ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV15 - 16022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV16 - 17022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -419.4495ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV16 - 17022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV17 - 19022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 75.8258ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV17 - 19022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV18 - 23022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -342.3267ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV18 - 23022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV19 - 24022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 452.1696ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV19 - 24022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV20 - 25022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 159.3259ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV20 - 25022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV21 - 04032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -316.642ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV21 - 04032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV22 - 05032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 446.0451ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV22 - 05032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV23 - 08032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 129.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV23 - 08032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV24 - 09032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 357.0738ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV24 - 09032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV25 - 10032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 14.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV25 - 10032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV26 - 11032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 369.0468ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV26 - 11032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV27 - 12032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -457.7031ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV27 - 12032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV28 - 12032021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 460.386ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/03 - SESMT/00 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/BACKUP/ESTOQUE SESMT - RV28 - 12032021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 2 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$902 - NF 950 949.docx 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_10_9_11_31Armazenagem de Sementes .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -424.9834ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_10_9_11_31Armazenagem de Sementes .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_10_9_11_38ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 59.3896ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_10_9_11_38ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_10_9_16_47Fablab.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 355.571ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_10_9_16_47Fablab.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_10_9_16_54ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -410.0535ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_10_9_16_54ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_10_9_17_46Fablab 02,.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 66.996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_10_9_17_46Fablab 02,.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_10_9_17_53ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -323.6419ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_10_9_17_53ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_10_9_19_33Fablab03.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -151.9874ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_10_9_19_33Fablab03.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_18_39ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -68.0379ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_10_9_19_39ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -433.2607ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_10_9_19_39ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_19_26ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -21.2653ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_19_26ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_18_39ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_18_49Lab. Cedro 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -427.4211ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_18_49Lab. Cedro 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_19_36Lab. Cedro 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -427.5374ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_19_36Lab. Cedro 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_21_57Lab. Monitoamento Ambiental.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -461.5836ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_21_57Lab. Monitoamento Ambiental.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_20_24Lab. Cedro 3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 491.7434ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_20_24Lab. Cedro 3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_20_9ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 85.5336ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_20_9ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_21_41ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -305.283ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_21_41ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_23_32Sala de informática Gaia .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -118.0292ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_24_20Sala de Informatica Gaia 02.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -461.8936ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_24_20Sala de Informatica Gaia 02.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_24_53ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 209.885ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_24_9ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -336.8544ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_24_9ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_25_2Sala de Informatica Gaia 03.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 6.7769ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_25_41ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -462.0705ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_25_41ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_25_51Sala de Informatica Gaia 04.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 491.0266ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_25_51Sala de Informatica Gaia 04.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_23_16ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 491.3552ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_23_16ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_25_2Sala de Informatica Gaia 03.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_23_32Sala de informática Gaia .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_24_53ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_40_25ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -237.4689ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_40_25ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_42_4NUFEP Sala de Análise Enzimas .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 262.3107ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_42_4NUFEP Sala de Análise Enzimas .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_42_53ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 309.0605ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_42_53ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_43_54NUFEP Almoxarifado.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 168.3024ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_43_54NUFEP Almoxarifado.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_43_7NUFEP Sala do professor .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -81.5718ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_43_7NUFEP Sala do professor .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_50_8ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 217.4204ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_50_8ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_54_14Lab. de Mecanica, Hidráulica e Bioclimatologia.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 45.7758ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_54_14Lab. de Mecanica, Hidráulica e Bioclimatologia.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_50_3Sala POP 02.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 92.4328ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_55_33Lab. de Fitopalogia .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -470.0136ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_55_33Lab. de Fitopalogia .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_50_3Sala POP 02.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_55_38ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -282.5387ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_55_38ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_54_7ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -126.0752ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_54_7ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_43_41ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 105.8388ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_10_43_41ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_56_39ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -17.0327ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_56_39ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_56_49Sala de Observação.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 342.3067ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_56_49Sala de Observação.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_57_49ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 185.9377ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_57_49ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_57_56Sala POP.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 139.0329ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_1_57_56Sala POP.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_0_18Lab. de Conforto Ambiental.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -330.0128ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_0_18Lab. de Conforto Ambiental.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_0_58ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -423.8852ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_0_58ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_0_50Lab. de Conforto Ambiental 02.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -205.109ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_0_8ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -251.889ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_0_8ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_25_3ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -452.3586ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_25_3ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_28_31ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 78.4421ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_28_31ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_25_12CEFERT Sala de estudos .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 281.9817ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_25_12CEFERT Sala de estudos .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_29_24ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 140.821ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_29_24ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_29_2Lab. Microscopia 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -327.8858ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_30_51ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 218.7548ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_30_51ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_30_57GENEB - Sala mix.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -78.1322ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_33_46ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -359.4616ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_33_46ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_0_50Lab. de Conforto Ambiental 02.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_30_57GENEB - Sala mix.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_36_48ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -250.4958ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_36_48ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_29_33Lab. de Microscopia .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -124.8196ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_3_21ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 472.7115ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_26_35CEFERT sala Professor.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -61.9278ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_26_35CEFERT sala Professor.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_3_32Sala invertida.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 363.3231ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_3_32Sala invertida.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_4_17Sala invertida 02.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 19.4699ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_4_17Sala invertida 02.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_4_48ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 97.428ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO CAIXA D'\xc1\x81GUA/- ESPECIFICA\xc7\xc3O RESERVAT\xd3RIOS/Levantamento reservat\xf3rios - RV01.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_4_56Sala Invertida 03.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 409.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_4_56Sala Invertida 03.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_36_58GENEB - LAB. de Genética e Biotecnologia.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 202.6094ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_36_58GENEB - LAB. de Genética e Biotecnologia.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_29_33Lab. de Microscopia .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO CAIXA D'\xc1\x81GUA/- ESPECIFICA\xc7\xc3O RESERVAT\xd3RIOS/Levantamento reservat\xf3rios - RV00.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_6_20ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -402.6751ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_6_20ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_6_31Lab. Metrologia.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -58.9508ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_6_31Lab. Metrologia.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO CAIXA D'\xc1\x81GUA/- ESPECIFICA\xc7\xc3O RESERVAT\xd3RIOS/Levantamento reservat\xf3rios - RV00.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_7_13Lab. Metrologia 02.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -74.6623ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_7_13Lab. Metrologia 02.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO CAIXA D'\xc1\x81GUA/- ESPECIFICA\xc7\xc3O RESERVAT\xd3RIOS/Levantamento reservat\xf3rios - RV01.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_7_6ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 65.9642ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_7_6ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_8_25ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -402.9395ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_8_25ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_8_34Sala de Informatica Urano .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 65.7501ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_8_34Sala de Informatica Urano .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_9_2ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 268.8507ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_9_2ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_9_8Sala de Informatica Urano 02.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 81.3293ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_9_8Sala de Informatica Urano 02.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_9_49_34ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -324.2µs, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_9_49_34ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_9_49_51Lab. de Doenças Infecciosas.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 421.5146ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_9_49_51Lab. de Doenças Infecciosas.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_9_54_11ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -188.4316ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_9_54_11ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_9_54_19Armazenagem de Sementes .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -329.1093ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_9_54_19Armazenagem de Sementes .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_35_38PMOC - Bloco M 1 Piso Sala 115 Coleções, Cientificas Vegetais Herbário Mandevilla Sp.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 341.8359ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_35_38PMOC - Bloco M 1 Piso Sala 115 Coleções, Cientificas Vegetais Herbário Mandevilla Sp.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_35_45ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -189.4499ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_35_45ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_37_20ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -220.9886ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_37_20ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_37_26PMOC - Bloco M 1° Piso Sala 101 Central de Relacionamentos UNIPAM.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -314.6869ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_37_26PMOC - Bloco M 1° Piso Sala 101 Central de Relacionamentos UNIPAM.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_41_23ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -158.9295ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_41_23ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_41_32PMOC - Bloco M 1° Piso Sala 121 Sala de Informática Lírios.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 403.5682ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_41_32PMOC - Bloco M 1° Piso Sala 121 Sala de Informática Lírios.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_29_2Lab. Microscopia 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_41_55ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -143.3559ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_41_55ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_42_2PMOC - Bloco M 1° Piso Sala 121 Sala de Informática Lírios (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -65.2493ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_42_2PMOC - Bloco M 1° Piso Sala 121 Sala de Informática Lírios (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_42_57PMOC - Bloco M 1° Piso Sala 123 Sala de Informática Manacás.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -473.8473ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_42_57PMOC - Bloco M 1° Piso Sala 123 Sala de Informática Manacás.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_4_48ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_43_21PMOC - Bloco M 1° Piso Sala 123 Sala de Informática Manacás (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 340.8156ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_43_21PMOC - Bloco M 1° Piso Sala 123 Sala de Informática Manacás (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_44_13ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 215.714ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_44_13ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_44_19PMOC - Bloco M 2° Piso Sala 227 Laboratório Central Analítica.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -159.3033ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_44_19PMOC - Bloco M 2° Piso Sala 227 Laboratório Central Analítica.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_49_58ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -262.2036ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_49_58ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_50_31PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2° Sala Invertida Sala 202 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -12.3224ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_50_31PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2° Sala Invertida Sala 202 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_4_9ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 238.2382ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_43_16ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -346.6735ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_3_21ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_42_50ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 59.6429ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_42_50ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_51_0PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2° Sala Invertida Sala 202.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -231.0996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_51_0PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2° Sala Invertida Sala 202.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_53_12ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 127.9996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_53_12ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_33_52GENEB- Sala de Experimento .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 234.2524ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_53_25PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso sala 201 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 81.065ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_53_25PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso sala 201 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_54_16PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso sala 201 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 65.3499ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_54_16PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso sala 201 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_54_7ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -356.5159ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_55_17ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -360.4098ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_55_17ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_55_26PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso sala 203 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 139.577ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_55_26PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso sala 203 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_55_56ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -329.2685ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_55_56ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_56_8PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso sala 203 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 295.7072ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_56_8PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso sala 203 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_26_26ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -421.2979ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_26_26ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_57_23ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 108.0615ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_33_52GENEB- Sala de Experimento .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_57_23ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_11_2_4_9ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_43_16ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_54_7ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_57_36PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso sala 205 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 170.5288ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_57_57ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -298.3777ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_57_57ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_57_36PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso sala 205 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_58_48ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 29.7557ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_58_48ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_50_35ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 128.325ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_50_35ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_58_59PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso sala 207 sala de informática (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -439.0143ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_58_59PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso sala 207 sala de informática (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_58_6PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso sala 205 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 154.8453ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_59_21ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 139.0599ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_59_21ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_0_34ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -329.8448ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_0_34ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_0_45PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 301 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 435.7434ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_10_42ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 17.6522ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_10_42ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_59_32PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso sala 207 sala de informática (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -157.8374ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_59_32PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso sala 207 sala de informática (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_10_2PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 307.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -76.0028ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_10_2PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 307.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_10_51PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 308 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 33.2664ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_11_10ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -310.5268ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_11_10ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_0_45PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 301 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_10_51PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 308 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_11_16PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 308 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 423.8187ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_11_16PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 308 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_10_7ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -341.6434ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_12_19PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 309 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -154.4366ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_10_7ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_12_5ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -451.2789ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_12_5ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_3_58_6PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso sala 205 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_12_19PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 309 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_14_13ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -326.5496ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_14_13ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_14_28PMOC - Edificio Alfa Sala Ivestida Sala 311 3°piso.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -14.0923ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_14_28PMOC - Edificio Alfa Sala Ivestida Sala 311 3°piso.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_14_47ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -107.8772ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_14_47ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_14_55PMOC - Edificio Alfa Sala Ivestida Sala 311 3°piso (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 79.6014ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_14_55PMOC - Edificio Alfa Sala Ivestida Sala 311 3°piso (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_16_37ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -432.1731ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_16_37ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_16_47PMOC - Bloco M Sala POP.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 302.1705ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_16_47PMOC - Bloco M Sala POP.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_1_14PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 301 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 466.9377ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_1_14PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 301 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_1_56ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -251.9207ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_1_56ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_1_5ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -17.4139ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_1_5ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_2_27ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -283.2239ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_2_27ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_2_35PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 302 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 138.6363ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_2_35PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 302 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_2_4PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 302 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -330.0928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_2_4PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 302 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_3_19ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 185.3856ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_3_19ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_3_28PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 303 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 216.64ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_3_28PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 303 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_3_55PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 303 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 200.9546ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_3_55PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 303 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_4_35ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -189.7624ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_4_35ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_3_48ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -252.1729ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_3_48ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_4_42PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 304 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 466.4574ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_4_42PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 304 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_5_0ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -64.8149ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_5_0ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_5_56ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 49.5331ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_5_56ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_5_6PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 304 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 13.308ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_5_6PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 304 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_6_22ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -325.527ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_6_22ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_6_43PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 305 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -169.3228ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_6_43PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 305 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_6_4PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 305 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -341.1291ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_6_4PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 305 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_7_21PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 305 (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -278.7772ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_7_21PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 305 (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_7_7ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 252.4904ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_7_7ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_8_38ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -13.3308ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_8_38ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_8_47PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 306 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -247.7314ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_9_12PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 306 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 64.7246ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_8_47PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 306 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_9_4ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 158.4844ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_9_4ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_10_33PMOC - Laboratório de Habilidades Cirúrgicas (Sala de Técnica Operatória).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -92.5885ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_10_33PMOC - Laboratório de Habilidades Cirúrgicas (Sala de Técnica Operatória).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_10_7ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 360.5842ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_10_7ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_11_34PMOC - Laboratório de Habilidades Cirúrgicas (Sala de Técnica Operatória) Bloco E (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -108.3944ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_11_34PMOC - Laboratório de Habilidades Cirúrgicas (Sala de Técnica Operatória) Bloco E (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_12_14ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 344.6884ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_12_14ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_23_13PMOC - Laboratório de análise Clínicas Bloco D 1° Piso Sala 109 Hematologia.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -239.9695ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_23_13PMOC - Laboratório de análise Clínicas Bloco D 1° Piso Sala 109 Hematologia.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_10_31_4_9_12PMOC - Edificio Alfa 3°piso sala 306 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_15_20PMOC - Laboratório de Habilidades Cirúrgicas (Sala de Sutura) Bloco E.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -265.228ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_15_20PMOC - Laboratório de Habilidades Cirúrgicas (Sala de Sutura) Bloco E.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_23_21ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 25.6334ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_23_21ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_14_54ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 16.0648ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_38_51PMOC - Laboratório de análise Clínicas Bloco D 1° Piso Sala 109 Sorologia.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 43.394ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_38_51PMOC - Laboratório de análise Clínicas Bloco D 1° Piso Sala 109 Sorologia.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_12_45PMOC - Laboratório de Habilidades Cirúrgicas (Sala de Técnica Operatória) Bloco E (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 94.48ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_12_45PMOC - Laboratório de Habilidades Cirúrgicas (Sala de Técnica Operatória) Bloco E (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_14_54ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_41_52ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 11.7692ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_41_52ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_42_23PMOC - Laboratório de análise Clínicas Bloco D 1° Piso Sala 109 Preparação de Meios de Cultura.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -300.7943ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_42_23PMOC - Laboratório de análise Clínicas Bloco D 1° Piso Sala 109 Preparação de Meios de Cultura.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_44_18ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -136.1986ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_44_18ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_38_12ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -315.8625ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_38_12ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_44_45PMOC - Laboratório de análise Clínicas Bloco D 1° Piso Sala 111.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 113.7799ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_44_45PMOC - Laboratório de análise Clínicas Bloco D 1° Piso Sala 111.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_20_3ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -297.1149ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_20_3ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_50_42PMOC- Lab. de fisiologia e biofisica, Lab. de Nutrição Experimentos, Lab de Farmacologia e tecnologia, Bloco D 1° Piso.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 394.2549ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_50_42PMOC- Lab. de fisiologia e biofisica, Lab. de Nutrição Experimentos, Lab de Farmacologia e tecnologia, Bloco D 1° Piso.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_20_32PMOC - Laboratório de análise Clínicas Bloco D 1° Piso Sala 109 Bioquímica.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 93.4634ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_51_15ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 237.9306ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_50_4ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 347.4465ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_50_4ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_51_43PMOC- Lab. de fisiologia e biofisica, Lab. de Nutrição Experimentos, Lab de Farmacologia e tecnologia, Bloco D 1° Piso (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 34.7489ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_51_43PMOC- Lab. de fisiologia e biofisica, Lab. de Nutrição Experimentos, Lab de Farmacologia e tecnologia, Bloco D 1° Piso (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_20_32PMOC - Laboratório de análise Clínicas Bloco D 1° Piso Sala 109 Bioquímica.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_54_18PMOC - Sala de Informática Topázio Bloco E 2° Piso (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -458.2133ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_54_18PMOC - Sala de Informática Topázio Bloco E 2° Piso (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_55_4ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 166.6978ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_55_4ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_56_27PMOC - Sala de Informática Topázio Bloco E 2° Piso (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 385.2283ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_54_27ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -5.1355ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_56_2ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 307.192ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_56_2ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_8_48ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 188.8877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_43_22ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -446.5036ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_43_28PMOC - Farmácia Bloco D Almoxarifado.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 225.3476ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_44_17ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -56.0049ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_44_17ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_44_27PMOC - Farmácia Bloco D Controle de Qualidade.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -493.5323ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_44_27PMOC - Farmácia Bloco D Controle de Qualidade.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_54_27ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_45_29PMOC - Farmácia Bloco D Semi Sólidos e Líquidos.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 21.962ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_45_29PMOC - Farmácia Bloco D Semi Sólidos e Líquidos.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_43_28PMOC - Farmácia Bloco D Almoxarifado.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_43_22ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_46_20PMOC - Farmácia Bloco D Sólidos.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 459.2962ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_46_20PMOC - Farmácia Bloco D Sólidos.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_8_48ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_50_13PMOC - Laboratório Morfuncional I Bloco E 4° piso (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 271.3354ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_50_13PMOC - Laboratório Morfuncional I Bloco E 4° piso (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_50_24ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -25.5776ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_50_24ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_51_0ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 498.5421ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_51_0ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_51_15ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_55_32PMOC - Sala de Informática Topázio Bloco E 2° Piso (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -333.3881ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_55_32PMOC - Sala de Informática Topázio Bloco E 2° Piso (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_46_9ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 412.4999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_46_9ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_10_56_27PMOC - Sala de Informática Topázio Bloco E 2° Piso (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_45_16ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -9.276ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_45_16ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_51_11PMOC - Laboratório Morfuncional I Bloco E 4° piso (2) .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 217.2934ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_51_11PMOC - Laboratório Morfuncional I Bloco E 4° piso (2) .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_51_40ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -173.4166ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_51_40ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_51_52PMOC - Laboratório Morfuncional I Bloco E 4° piso (3) .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 420.3369ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_51_52PMOC - Laboratório Morfuncional I Bloco E 4° piso (3) .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_52_22ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -17.2212ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_52_22ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_52_35PMOC - Laboratório Morfuncional I Bloco E 4° piso (4) .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -329.7508ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_52_35PMOC - Laboratório Morfuncional I Bloco E 4° piso (4) .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_53_26ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -329.862ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_53_26ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_53_38PMOC - Laboratório Morfuncional II Bloco E 4° piso (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -158.0175ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_53_38PMOC - Laboratório Morfuncional II Bloco E 4° piso (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_54_14PMOC - Laboratório Morfuncional II Bloco E 4° piso (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -126.8414ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_54_14PMOC - Laboratório Morfuncional II Bloco E 4° piso (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_54_41ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -189.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_54_41ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_54_5ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 498.1767ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_54_5ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_55_43ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 13.5742ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_55_43ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_54_50PMOC - Laboratório Morfuncional II Bloco E 4° piso (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 248.0767ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_54_50PMOC - Laboratório Morfuncional II Bloco E 4° piso (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_56_34PMOC - Laboratório Morfuncional II Bloco E 4° piso (4).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -455.2727ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_56_34PMOC - Laboratório Morfuncional II Bloco E 4° piso (4).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_58_40ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 497.5381ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_58_40ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_58_58PMOC - Salão do Juri Bloco C 2° Piso (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 122.5213ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_58_58PMOC - Salão do Juri Bloco C 2° Piso (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_59_32ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 497.3729ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_7_59_32ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_0_47PMOC - Salão do Juri Bloco C 2° Piso (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 486.1837ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_0_47PMOC - Salão do Juri Bloco C 2° Piso (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_14_37ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -12.8982ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_14_37ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_16_16PMOC -Sala 113 Bloco C 1° Piso.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 361.8803ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_16_16PMOC -Sala 113 Bloco C 1° Piso.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_16_52ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -216.3224ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_16_52ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_17_26PMOC -Sala 113 Bloco C 1° Piso (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -13.2725ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_17_26PMOC -Sala 113 Bloco C 1° Piso (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_1_22ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 439.244ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_1_22ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_20_53ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 173.7835ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_20_53ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_21_43ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -359.9183ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_21_43ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_23_13PMOC - Sala 111 Bloco C 1° Piso (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 108.6116ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_25_23ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 77.1045ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_25_37PMOC - Laboratório de Tecnologia Farmacêutica Bloco D 2° Piso.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 170.8433ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_25_37PMOC - Laboratório de Tecnologia Farmacêutica Bloco D 2° Piso.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_27_1ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 61.2818ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_27_1ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_25_23ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_23_13PMOC - Sala 111 Bloco C 1° Piso (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_27_29PMOC - Laboratório de controle de qualidade de medicamentos e química farmacêutica Bloco D 2° piso Sala 214.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -126.2843ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_27_29PMOC - Laboratório de controle de qualidade de medicamentos e química farmacêutica Bloco D 2° piso Sala 214.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_28_21ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -188.8963ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_28_21ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_21_12PMOC - Sala 111 Bloco C 1° Piso (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 390.1763ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_21_12PMOC - Sala 111 Bloco C 1° Piso (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_28_51ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 373.5298ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_28_51ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_29_28PMOC - Laboratório de Informática Juris Bloco C 1° Piso.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 467.2034ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_29_28PMOC - Laboratório de Informática Juris Bloco C 1° Piso.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_6_43PMOC - Sala POP Bloco D 1° Piso .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 454.1729ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_6_43PMOC - Sala POP Bloco D 1° Piso .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_7_34ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 360.2875ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_7_34ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_8_26PMOC - Sala POP Bloco E 4° Piso.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 63.3204ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_8_26PMOC - Sala POP Bloco E 4° Piso.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_48_2PMOC - Auditório Bloco N 1° Piso (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -363.3541ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_48_2PMOC - Auditório Bloco N 1° Piso (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_53_40ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 452.6639ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_53_40ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_53_45PMOC - Auditório Bloco N 1° Piso (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -484.8484ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_53_45PMOC - Auditório Bloco N 1° Piso (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_54_37ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 30.6613ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_54_37ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_54_43PMOC - Auditório Bloco N 1° Piso (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -453.7267ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_54_43PMOC - Auditório Bloco N 1° Piso (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_56_17ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -141.442ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_56_17ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_56_22PMOC - Auditório Bloco N 1° Piso (3) .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -188.3147ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_56_22PMOC - Auditório Bloco N 1° Piso (3) .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_57_32ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -79.0967ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_57_32ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_57_36PMOC - Auditório Bloco N 1° Piso (6) .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 358.3907ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_57_36PMOC - Auditório Bloco N 1° Piso (6) .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERA\xc7\xc3O DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/APRESENTA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_58_17ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 326.959ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_29_3PMOC - Laboratório de Informática Juris Bloco C 1° Piso (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 498.502ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_2_37PMOC - Salão do Juri Bloco C 2° Piso (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -123.4158ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_3_10ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -310.9894ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_3_50PMOC - Salão do Juri Bloco C 2° Piso (4).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 173.3032ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_3_50PMOC - Salão do Juri Bloco C 2° Piso (4).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_58_23PMOC - Auditório Bloco N 1° Piso (4) .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -188.5967ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_58_23PMOC - Auditório Bloco N 1° Piso (4) .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_29_3PMOC - Laboratório de Informática Juris Bloco C 1° Piso (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_58_46ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -110.5041ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_58_46ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_2_37PMOC - Salão do Juri Bloco C 2° Piso (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_3_10ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_58_52PMOC - Auditório Bloco N 1° Piso (5) .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -188.6521ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_6_23ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 32.3309ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_58_17ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_58_52PMOC - Auditório Bloco N 1° Piso (5) .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_10_8_6_23ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_0_1PMOC - Bloco M 2° Piso Laboratório de Genética Sala Expulgo.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 93.8358ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_0_1PMOC - Bloco M 2° Piso Laboratório de Genética Sala Expulgo.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_59_56ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 171.9889ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_7_59_56ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_10_24ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -392.9539ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_10_24ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_10_3PMOC - Centro Administrativo Conselho Universitário .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 60.2296ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_10_3PMOC - Centro Administrativo Conselho Universitário .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_11_14ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -221.1755ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_11_14ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_10_30PMOC - Centro Administrativo Conselho Universitário (2) .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -2.3434ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_10_30PMOC - Centro Administrativo Conselho Universitário (2) .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_11_18PMOC - Centro Administrativo Contabilidade .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 263.199ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_11_18PMOC - Centro Administrativo Contabilidade .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_11_57ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -2.5114ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_11_57ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_12_33ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 28.5735ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_12_33ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_12_1PMOC - Centro Administrativo Diretoria de Graduação .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 325.5997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_13_26PMOC - Centro Administrativo Reitoria.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -377.7144ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_12_1PMOC - Centro Administrativo Diretoria de Graduação .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_14_3ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 403.4521ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_14_3ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_12_39PMOC - Centro Administrativo Diretoria Executiva .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -346.3665ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_12_39PMOC - Centro Administrativo Diretoria Executiva .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_13_21ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -190.2018ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_13_21ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_13_26PMOC - Centro Administrativo Reitoria.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_14_8PMOC - Centro Administrativo Sala do PABX.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -190.3051ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_14_8PMOC - Centro Administrativo Sala do PABX.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_15_19ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -315.4538ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_15_19ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_15_25PMOC - Laboratório de Informática Bloco B 3° Piso .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -284.2148ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_15_49ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -206.1473ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_15_49ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_15_25PMOC - Laboratório de Informática Bloco B 3° Piso .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_15_54PMOC - Laboratório de Informática Bloco B 3° Piso (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -346.7854ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_15_54PMOC - Laboratório de Informática Bloco B 3° Piso (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_16_14ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -3.0881ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_16_14ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_16_19PMOC - Laboratório de Informática Bloco B 3° Piso (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 496.9056ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_16_19PMOC - Laboratório de Informática Bloco B 3° Piso (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_17_33ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -409.5068ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_18_10ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 74.7913ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_18_10ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_17_33ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_18_17PMOC - Sala Informática Terra Bloco N 1° Piso (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -300.2209ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_18_17PMOC - Sala Informática Terra Bloco N 1° Piso (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_18_59ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -159.6885ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_18_59ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_19_8PMOC - Sala Invertida 110 A Bloco N 1° Piso.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 12.1621ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_19_8PMOC - Sala Invertida 110 A Bloco N 1° Piso.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_1_12PMOC - Bloco M 2° Piso Sala 209 EAD.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 124.9486ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_1_12PMOC - Bloco M 2° Piso Sala 209 EAD.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_17_40PMOC - Sala Informática Terra Bloco N 1° Piso.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -268.8953ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_17_40PMOC - Sala Informática Terra Bloco N 1° Piso.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_1_7ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 374.9038ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_1_7ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_20_39ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 499.9614ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_20_39ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_20_45PMOC - Sala Invertida 110 A Bloco N 1° Piso (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -359.4136ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_20_45PMOC - Sala Invertida 110 A Bloco N 1° Piso (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_21_11PMOC - Sala Invertida 110 A Bloco N 1° Piso (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -46.9711ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_21_11PMOC - Sala Invertida 110 A Bloco N 1° Piso (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_21_4ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 390.5265ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_21_4ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_21_53ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 124.8124ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_21_53ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_22_29PMOC- Sala de Indormática Marte Bloco N 1° Piso (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 390.3436ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_22_22ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 171.6246ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_22_29PMOC- Sala de Indormática Marte Bloco N 1° Piso (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_22_2PMOC- Sala de Indormática Marte Bloco N 1° Piso .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 15.4175ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_22_2PMOC- Sala de Indormática Marte Bloco N 1° Piso .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_23_14ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -359.7441ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_23_14ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_23_19PMOC - Sala Invertida Bloco N 2° Piso .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 108.9939ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_23_19PMOC - Sala Invertida Bloco N 2° Piso .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_23_44ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 265.1879ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_23_44ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_22_22ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_23_49PMOC - Sala Invertida Bloco N 2° Piso (2) .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -452.6µs, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_23_49PMOC - Sala Invertida Bloco N 2° Piso (2) .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_24_12PMOC - Sala Invertida Bloco N 2° Piso (3) .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -391.1329ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_24_12PMOC - Sala Invertida Bloco N 2° Piso (3) .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_24_7ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 15.1378ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_24_7ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_25_55ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 14.8822ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_25_55ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_26_49ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 327.2898ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_26_49ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_26_54PMOC- Centro administratido Pró- Reitoria de Ensino, pesquisa e estensão.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -282.0932ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_26_54PMOC- Centro administratido Pró- Reitoria de Ensino, pesquisa e estensão.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_26_6PMOC - Sala POP Bloco B 1°Piso.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 296.1188ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_26_6PMOC - Sala POP Bloco B 1°Piso.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_27_30ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 405.3261ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_27_30ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_27_35PMOC - Centro Administrativo Pró-Reitoria de Planejamento administração e finanças.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -329.0911ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_27_35PMOC - Centro Administrativo Pró-Reitoria de Planejamento administração e finanças.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_30_36PMOC - Centro Administrativo Coordenadoria de Pós- Graduação e pesquisa NIPE Coordenadoria de extensão.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 463.3475ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_30_36PMOC - Centro Administrativo Coordenadoria de Pós- Graduação e pesquisa NIPE Coordenadoria de extensão.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_30_42ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 307.0865ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_30_42ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_3_45ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -109.7704ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_3_45ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_3_49PMOC - Bloco M 2° Piso Sala 211 EAD (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 327.7277ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_3_49PMOC - Bloco M 2° Piso Sala 211 EAD (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_46_15PMOC - Centro Administrativo Procuradora Institucional e Assessoria Educacional.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 182.3097ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_46_15PMOC - Centro Administrativo Procuradora Institucional e Assessoria Educacional.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_46_5ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 307.3341ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_46_5ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_48_26ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -380.4864ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_48_26ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_48_31PMOC - Centro Administrativo Assessoria Jurídica.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -192.9859ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_48_31PMOC - Centro Administrativo Assessoria Jurídica.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_4_13ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 77.6635ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_4_13ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_4_18PMOC - Bloco M 2° Piso Sala 211 EAD (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 499.5405ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_4_18PMOC - Bloco M 2° Piso Sala 211 EAD (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_4_50PMOC - Bloco M 2° Piso Sala 211 EAD (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -109.924ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_4_50PMOC - Bloco M 2° Piso Sala 211 EAD (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_50_57ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 24.5573ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_4_45ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 452.6045ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_4_45ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_5_19PMOC - Bloco M 2° Piso Sala 211 EAD (4).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -453.72ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_5_19PMOC - Bloco M 2° Piso Sala 211 EAD (4).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_50_57ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_5_14ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 30.6666ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_5_14ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_51_2PMOC - Sala de Informática EAD Bloco B 4° Piso.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -334.8058ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_51_2PMOC - Sala de Informática EAD Bloco B 4° Piso.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_9_11ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -344.8795ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_9_11ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_9_17PMOC - Centro Administrativo Conselho Curador .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -204.2381ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_9_17PMOC - Centro Administrativo Conselho Curador .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_9_57ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -283.4985ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_14_8_9_57ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_46_13ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -400.506ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_46_13ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_46_19PMOC- Bloco L Sala POP.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -275.7325ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_49_39ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 427.213ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_49_44PMOC - Bloco L Departamento de Compras.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 395.9652ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_49_44PMOC - Bloco L Departamento de Compras.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_50_24PMOC - Bloco L Licitação.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 489.5723ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_50_24PMOC - Bloco L Licitação.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_46_19PMOC- Bloco L Sala POP.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_50_18ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -291.6189ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_50_18ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_48_51PMOC - Bloco H 2° Piso Geneb Sala Professor Valter Vieira da Cu.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 255.4504ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_48_51PMOC - Bloco H 2° Piso Geneb Sala Professor Valter Vieira da Cu.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_49_39ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_52_4ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -338.7229ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_52_4ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_48_43ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 52.3423ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_48_43ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_52_9PMOC - Bloco L Sala de Reunião.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -432.4766ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_52_9PMOC - Bloco L Sala de Reunião.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_56_23ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -84.6714ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_56_23ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_55_16ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 348.3626ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_7_55_16ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_21_20PMOC - Oceano 3° Piso Sala da Adiministração do Oceano .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -81.4064ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_21_20PMOC - Oceano 3° Piso Sala da Adiministração do Oceano .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_21_38PMOC - Oceano 3° Piso Sala da Adiministração do Oceano (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 465.426ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_21_38PMOC - Oceano 3° Piso Sala da Adiministração do Oceano (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_22_50ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -190.9707ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_22_50ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_23_33ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -34.8293ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_23_33ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_24_37ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -331.8308ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_24_37ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_24_3PMOC - Oceano 2° Piso CAWORKING (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 199.4713ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_24_3PMOC - Oceano 2° Piso CAWORKING (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_24_42PMOC - Oceano 2° Piso CAWORKING (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -347.5403ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_24_42PMOC - Oceano 2° Piso CAWORKING (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_25_38PMOC - Oceano 2° Piso CAWORKING (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -488.2435ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_25_38PMOC - Oceano 2° Piso CAWORKING (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_27_22PMOC - Oceano 2° Piso CAWORKING (4).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 431.6781ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_27_22PMOC - Oceano 2° Piso CAWORKING (4).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_26_8ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -363.2801ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_26_8ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_27_51ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 494.1188ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_27_51ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_27_56PMOC - Oceano 2° Piso Sala de Reunião.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -146.5185ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_17_8_27_56PMOC - Oceano 2° Piso Sala de Reunião.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_35_11PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso Farol encubadora de Empresas.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -474.5858ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_35_11PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso Farol encubadora de Empresas.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_36_0ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -349.6825ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_36_0ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_36_7PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso Farol encubadora de Empresas 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 478.4163ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_36_7PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso Farol encubadora de Empresas 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_37_36ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -99.899ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_37_36ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_35_5ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -68.3584ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_35_5ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_37_44PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso Farol encubadora de Empresas (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -318.6897ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_37_44PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso Farol encubadora de Empresas (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_38_58PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso Farol encubadora de Empresas (7).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 149.9147ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_38_58PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso Farol encubadora de Empresas (7).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_40_11ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -84.6084ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_38_40ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -428.1684ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_40_17PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso Farol encubadora de Empresas (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 368.488ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_40_11ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_38_40ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_41_14PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso Farol encubadora de Empresas (6).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -412.5448ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_40_17PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso Farol encubadora de Empresas (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_43_51ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -381.6382ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_43_51ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_44_0PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso Farol encubadora de Empresas (5).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -428.5369ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_44_0PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso Farol encubadora de Empresas (5).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_41_14PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso Farol encubadora de Empresas (6).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_41_8ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -115.6546ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_41_8ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_44_42ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 149.4926ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_44_42ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_46_32PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso Farol Sala de Reunião.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 477.3044ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_47_16ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -319.5968ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_47_21PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso Farol encubadora de Empresas (4).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 24.1457ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_47_21PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso Farol encubadora de Empresas (4).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_51_40ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -399.1531ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_53_4PMOC - Bloco M Genetica.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 272.5594ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_53_56ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -352.5774ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_53_56ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_54_3PMOC - Bloco M Genetica.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -227.5572ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_54_3PMOC - Bloco M Genetica.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_25_27ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -191.854ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_25_27ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_47_16ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_53_4PMOC - Bloco M Genetica.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_27_44PMOC - Auditório Bloco E (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 198.4689ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_27_44PMOC - Auditório Bloco E (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_51_40ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_28_25ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 417.1325ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_28_25ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_29_13PMOC - Auditório Bloco E (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 151.4035ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_29_13PMOC - Auditório Bloco E (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_51_47PMOC - Bloco M Genetica.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 132.1089ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_51_47PMOC - Bloco M Genetica.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_29_37ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 26.3405ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_29_37ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_29_46PMOC - Auditório Bloco E (4).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -348.6801ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_29_46PMOC - Auditório Bloco E (4).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_46_32PMOC - Edificio Alfa 2°piso Farol Sala de Reunião.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_52_58ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -133.6736ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_3_2_52_58ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_29_4ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 104.5499ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_29_4ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_10_10_13_39PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -180.846ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_10_10_13_39PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_28_19PMOC - Auditório Bloco E (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -145.3616ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_11_7_9_28_19PMOC - Auditório Bloco E (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_10_10_13_46ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -399.6632ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_10_10_13_46ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_10_10_15_18ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 100.1988ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_10_10_15_18ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_10_10_15_50PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 443.8681ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_10_10_15_50PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_10_10_16_54ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 459.351ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_10_10_16_54ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_10_10_17_44PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -243.8751ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_10_10_17_44PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_10_10_18_44ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -337.754ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_10_10_18_44ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_10_10_18_50PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -384.6477ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_10_10_18_50PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_28_28ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -140.5258ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_28_28ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_30_33ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -250.1744ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_30_33ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_31_3Sorologia.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -156.4895ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_31_3Sorologia.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_29_25Servidor.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -328.1497ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_29_25Servidor.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_33_1Mirobiologia.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 93.2246ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_33_1Mirobiologia.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_33_8ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 421.3487ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_34_32Bioquimica.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -235.0736ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_34_32Bioquimica.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_33_8ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_34_0ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -281.8798ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_34_0ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_35_44Hematologia.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 139.7691ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_35_44Hematologia.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_35_50ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 92.8787ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_35_50ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_39_22ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 6.4341ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_39_22ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_40_52Sala 111.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 240.6117ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_40_52Sala 111.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_42_41ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -290.8765ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_42_45Qualidade.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 255.9773ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_42_45Qualidade.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_47_0Almoxarifado.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 108.6036ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_47_0Almoxarifado.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_42_41ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_46_26ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -422.5714ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_46_26ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_53_30ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -298.5254ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_53_30ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_53_34Biotério.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 451.4817ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_53_34Biotério.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_55_33Controle de Qualidade.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 373.0912ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_8_55_33Controle de Qualidade.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_9_10_45Seme_Solidos.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -457.684ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_9_10_45Seme_Solidos.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_9_15_42ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 463.5425ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_9_15_42ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_9_15_59Farmaco.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -114.6127ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_9_15_59Farmaco.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_9_16_28ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 119.7028ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_9_16_28ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_9_16_34Farmaco.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -99.0716ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_9_16_34Farmaco.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_9_4_7ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 81.6508ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_9_4_7ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_9_9_4ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 73.7666ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_9_9_4ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_9_9_9Sólidos.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 355.0371ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_12_9_9_9Sólidos.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_8_59_37art.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 248.663ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_8_59_37art.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_8_59_52PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -313.8688ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_8_59_52PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_1_14art.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -17.167ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_1_14art.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_1_19PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -79.685ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_1_19PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_20_25art.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -269.6087ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_20_25art.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_20_31PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -285.2382ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_20_31PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_26_53PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 383.5419ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_26_53PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_27_38art.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 39.7041ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_27_38art.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_27_44PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 320.9392ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_27_44PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_27_4art.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 352.2797ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_27_4art.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_2_37art.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 473.8113ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_2_37art.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_2_42PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 364.422ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_2_42PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_2_8PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -173.5449ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_2_8PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_31_10PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 220.6198ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_31_10PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_31_2art.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 314.4103ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_31_2art.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_34_43PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 251.4203ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_34_43PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_34_6art.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 470.2529ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_34_6art.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_35_34art.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -108.0685ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_35_34art.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_35_55PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 188.7478ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_35_55PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_6_33art.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 457.6721ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_6_38PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 160.7898ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_6_38PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_2_3art.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 263.948ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_2_3art.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_6_33art.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_7_12art.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -26.7875ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_7_12art.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_7_16PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -73.662ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_7_16PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_7_44art.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 66.9001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_7_44art.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_8_17art.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -105.0602ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_8_17art.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_7_50PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -58.1238ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_7_50PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_6_47_13Erro_001.png: Size and modification time the same (differ by -365.4152ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_6_47_13Erro_001.png: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_5_29_39Concluintes por Ano 2015.PDF: Size and modification time the same (differ by 8.2353ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_5_29_39Concluintes por Ano 2015.PDF: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_6_44_23Erro_001.png: Size and modification time the same (differ by 275.575ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_6_44_23Erro_001.png: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_0_14PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 69.6954ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_0_14PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_8_20PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 223.0695ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_17_9_8_20PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_0_8ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 225.9592ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_0_8ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_10_26ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -423.123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_10_26ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_10_31PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -188.7885ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_10_31PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_11_1ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -345.0602ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_11_1ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_11_56ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -483.092ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_11_56ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_12_34ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 173.0687ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_12_34ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_12_1PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -170.5923ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_12_1PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_11_8PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -92.3619ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_11_8PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_13_49ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -186.4717ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_13_49ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_12_39PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 141.8218ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_12_39PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_13_55PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -139.5972ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_13_55PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_14_52ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -483.4783ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_14_52ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_14_57PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 422.7712ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_14_57PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_15_57ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -342.9948ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_15_57ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_16_2PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -421.1237ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_16_2PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_16_38ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -46.1976ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_16_38ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_16_43PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -389.962ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_16_43PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_1_54ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 453.013ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_1_54ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_1_58PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 62.3741ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_1_58PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_24_35PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -437.2419ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_24_35PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_24_30ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 281.5104ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_24_30ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_25_0ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -374.8114ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_25_0ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_25_36ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 46.9967ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_25_36ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_25_42PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 453.2329ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_25_42PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_25_6PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -124.8171ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_25_6PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_26_13ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -203.087ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_26_13ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_26_17PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 78.1556ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_26_17PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_26_46ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 328.0954ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_26_46ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_26_50PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 187.4485ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_26_50PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_27_22ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -390.7448ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_27_22ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_27_27PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -437.617ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_27_27PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_28_53ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -203.4347ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_29_31PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -16.0552ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_29_31PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_31_39ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 321.0879ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_31_39ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_28_53ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_31_44PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -288.2933ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_31_44PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_31_2ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 233.7762ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_31_2ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_32_54ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -38.4545ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_32_54ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_31_7PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 468.1265ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_32_58PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -491.5843ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_32_58PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_31_7PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_34_22ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -7.397ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_34_22ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_34_27PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -273.0361ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_34_27PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_36_35ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -132.6871ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_36_35ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_36_39PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -132.6913ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_36_39PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_37_52ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -335.9791ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_37_52ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_37_56PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -476.6074ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_37_56PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_38_23ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -86.0579ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_38_23ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_38_26PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 288.9426ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_38_26PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_40_15ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -305.0492ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_40_15ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_40_19PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 398.0769ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_40_19PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_40_50ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 38.6276ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_40_50ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_40_55PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -180.1309ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_18_9_40_55PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_10_15_54art.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -282.1085ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_10_15_54art.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_10_16_6Pmoc .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 389.7399ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_10_1_27PMOC_Verde1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 92.5271ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_10_28_2art.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -339.6478ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_10_28_2art.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_10_28_9pmoc.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 144.7271ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_10_28_9pmoc.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_10_33_13pmoc.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 81.5673ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_10_33_13pmoc.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_10_33_6art.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -12.1613ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_10_33_6art.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_10_16_6Pmoc .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_10_1_27PMOC_Verde1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_9_58_5ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -78.9166ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_9_58_5ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_9_5_23PMOC_BlocoG_Platina.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 247.5133ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_9_5_23PMOC_BlocoG_Platina.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_9_5_58ART_BlocoG_Platina1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 448.4845ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_9_5_58ART_BlocoG_Platina1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_9_8_57PMOC_BlocoI_LAB_Eletro.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -49.8336ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_9_8_57PMOC_BlocoI_LAB_Eletro.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_9_9_38ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 215.6906ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_1_6_9_9_38ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_5_12_10_45_35digitalizar0001.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -350.803ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_5_12_10_45_35digitalizar0001.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_5_12_10_47_17digitalizar0002.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -429.146ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_5_12_10_47_17digitalizar0002.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_5_12_10_50_5digitalizar0004.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -54.5234ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_5_12_10_50_5digitalizar0004.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_18_10_23_35ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -351.7562ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_18_10_23_35ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_18_10_24_21Sólidos .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -70.5979ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_18_10_24_21Sólidos .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_18_10_25_28ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 351.1473ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_18_10_25_28ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_18_10_25_38Almoxarifado.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 7.3886ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_18_10_25_38Almoxarifado.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_18_10_26_25ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 69.7516ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_18_10_26_25ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_18_10_26_34Contro de Qualidade .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -492.7378ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_18_10_27_35ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 319.6253ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_18_10_27_35ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_18_10_27_48Laboratório Seme Sólidos.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 475.8543ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_18_10_27_48Laboratório Seme Sólidos.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_2_59_20ALMOXARIFADO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 446.656ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_2_59_20ALMOXARIFADO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_18_10_26_34Contro de Qualidade .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_2_59_34ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 40.3787ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_2_59_34ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_10_19ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 319.8436ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_10_19ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_10_33CENTRO CIRURGICO3 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 272.9463ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_10_33CENTRO CIRURGICO3 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_11_49SALA DE REDES .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 476.9761ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_11_49SALA DE REDES .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_12_4ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 86.3256ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_12_4ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_19_53ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 413.4164ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_19_53ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_1_22ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -444.5949ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_1_22ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_1_28LABORATÓRIO PATOLOGIA CLINICA .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -491.4816ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_1_28LABORATÓRIO PATOLOGIA CLINICA .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_2_29SALA DE DIGITALIZAÇÃO DE IMAGEM .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -288.5019ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_2_29SALA DE DIGITALIZAÇÃO DE IMAGEM .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_20_0SALA DE DIAGNÓSTICO PO IMAGEM .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -320.9752ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_20_0SALA DE DIAGNÓSTICO PO IMAGEM .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_2_34ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -366.6345ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_2_34ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_5_31ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -273.2708ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_5_31ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_5_38CENTRO CIRURGICO1 .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -320.1654ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_5_38CENTRO CIRURGICO1 .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_6_41CENTRO CIRURGICO2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 164.0778ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_6_41CENTRO CIRURGICO2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_6_50ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -210.9432ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_6_50ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_9_18ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 413.7351ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_9_18ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_9_31CENTRO CIRURGICO3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -476.93ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_3_9_31CENTRO CIRURGICO3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_8_37_3ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -83.7669ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_8_37_3ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_8_36_57SALA DE RAIO X .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 181.8807ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_21_8_36_57SALA DE RAIO X .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_29_2_15_29ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 498.0569ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_29_2_15_29ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_29_2_15_40SALA DE OBSERVAÇÃO .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 91.7955ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_29_2_15_40SALA DE OBSERVAÇÃO .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_29_2_17_11ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -183.2127ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_29_2_17_11ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_29_2_17_1SALA BRANCA 01.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 450.9706ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_29_2_17_1SALA BRANCA 01.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_29_2_18_11ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 82.2831ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_29_2_18_11ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_29_2_18_17SALA BRANCA 02.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -448.9845ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_29_2_18_17SALA BRANCA 02.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_29_2_19_10ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 82.0243ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_29_2_19_10ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_29_2_19_20SALA POP BLOCO H.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 363.3804ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_8_29_2_19_20SALA POP BLOCO H.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_10_48_58ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 354.3509ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_10_48_58ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_10_51_5ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 494.6873ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_10_56_47SALA PRATA _2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -247.6451ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_10_56_47SALA PRATA _2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_10_58_55ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -138.5611ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_10_58_55ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_10_51_5ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_10_53_4SALA 101_ 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -83.7043ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_10_53_4SALA 101_ 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_0_8ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -373.0716ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_0_8ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_10_58_41SALA 101_1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 267.737ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_10_58_41SALA 101_1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_10_34ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 141.2049ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_10_34ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_12_0SALA OURO_2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -46.4711ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_12_0SALA OURO_2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_12_51ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 219.034ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_12_51ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_13_21SALA OURO_1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 390.8496ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_13_21SALA OURO_1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_15_53ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -22.7507ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_15_53ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_18_13ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 258.2037ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_18_13ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_17_3DATA CENTER SALA DO NOBREAK_1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -382.2707ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_17_3DATA CENTER SALA DO NOBREAK_1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_19_10SALA VERMELHA_1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -195.036ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_19_10SALA VERMELHA_1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_20_7ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -117.0751ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_20_7ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_21_8DAAT CENTER SALA DE REDES_1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 39.0733ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_21_8DAAT CENTER SALA DE REDES_1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_22_20ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -414.2209ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_22_20ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_24_12SALA VERMELHA .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -273.8403ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_24_12SALA VERMELHA .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_22_56DATA CENTER SALA DE REDES_2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 398.2181ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_22_56DATA CENTER SALA DE REDES_2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_24_52ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 54.201ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_24_52ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_28_56SALA DE EXPERIMENTAÇÃO 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -454.4278ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_28_56SALA DE EXPERIMENTAÇÃO 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_2_11ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 157.8967ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_2_11ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_30_25ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 482.8825ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_30_25ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_31_9LAB. BIOTERIO .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -439.0864ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_31_9LAB. BIOTERIO .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_37_14ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -175.8292ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_37_14ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_38_8SALA DE EXPERIMENTAÇÃO 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -363.4335ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_38_8SALA DE EXPERIMENTAÇÃO 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_3_0SALA OURO 3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 376.5473ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_3_0SALA OURO 3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_3_45ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 79.5682ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_3_45ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_41_54ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -285.8161ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_41_54ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_40_13ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 464.3948ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_40_13ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_41_8SALA CINZA_1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -379.4563ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_41_8SALA CINZA_1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_42_30SALA CINZA_2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 307.8647ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_42_30SALA CINZA_2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_43_22ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -51.625ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_43_22ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_45_41ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 278.8008ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_45_41ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_46_8SALA 105.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 466.2473ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_43_50BIOTERIO ADMINISTRAÇÃO .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 307.6865ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_4_47SALA PLATINA_3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -29.9408ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_4_47SALA PLATINA_3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_50_0EAD ESTUDIO DE VIDEO 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -440.5105ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_50_0EAD ESTUDIO DE VIDEO 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_50_43ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 90.6333ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_43_50BIOTERIO ADMINISTRAÇÃO .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_52_15CRIVO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -65.8041ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_52_15CRIVO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_47_3ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 497.3695ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_52_30ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -50.2263ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_52_30ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_53_49SALA 304.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -394.134ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_53_49SALA 304.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_47_3ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_54_54ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -472.4006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_54_54ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_50_43ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_57_30SALA 306_2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 199.8479ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_57_30SALA 306_2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_51_14BIOTERIO QUARENTENA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -487.5544ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_57_44ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -347.0627ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_57_44ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_59_20BIOTERIO ALMOXARIFADO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -128.5192ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_59_20BIOTERIO ALMOXARIFADO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_51_14BIOTERIO QUARENTENA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_54_1ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -409.796ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_54_1ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_56_29SALA 306_1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 371.8632ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_56_29SALA 306_1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_46_8SALA 105.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_58_37ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -112.8064ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_58_37ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_5_38ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 360.5946ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_5_38ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_8_0SALA PLATINA_1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 375.8746ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_8_0SALA PLATINA_1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_9_37ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 297.5949ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_9_37ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_9_27SALA PLATINA_2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -358.6296ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_11_9_27SALA PLATINA_2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_43_13ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -37.782ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_43_13ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_44_23ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 415.1855ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_44_23ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_44_43SALA SPG .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -162.9781ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_42_24SALA SPG.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -490.8187ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_49_48ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 295.9132ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_49_48ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_50_1SALA AZUL 4.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 170.9047ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_50_1SALA AZUL 4.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_51_54SALA AZUL 3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -48.0815ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_51_54SALA AZUL 3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_52_49SALA AZUL 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 186.1674ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_52_49SALA AZUL 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_53_2ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 342.3963ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_53_2ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_42_24SALA SPG.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_46_46ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -178.8859ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_46_46ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_44_43SALA SPG .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_53_37ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 154.8171ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_53_37ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_53_54SALA AZUL 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -423.3534ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_53_54SALA AZUL 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_55_53RM 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -361.103ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_55_53RM 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_56_46ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -189.3559ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_56_46ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_56_4ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 498.1979ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_56_4ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_57_19RM 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -173.7901ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_57_19RM 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_59_36SALA POP.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 194.0959ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_59_36SALA POP.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_59_4ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 419.7227ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_7_59_4ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_12_23ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -204.8643ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_12_23ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_14_24DATA CENTER SALA NOBREAK 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -283.1752ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_14_24DATA CENTER SALA NOBREAK 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_15_34ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -49.0404ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_15_34ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_16_2SALA VERDE 4.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 404.1258ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_16_2SALA VERDE 4.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_19_57ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -78.0248ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_19_57ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_1_38ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 271.9684ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_1_38ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_20_16SALA BRANCA 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 343.8121ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_20_16SALA BRANCA 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_22_27SALA VERDE 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 156.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_22_27SALA VERDE 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_23_40SALA VERDE 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 499.631ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_23_40SALA VERDE 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_1_30SALA BRANCA 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 365.717ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_1_30SALA BRANCA 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_21_39ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 468.6461ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_21_39ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_23_16ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 452.8076ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_23_16ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_25_26LAB. FOTÓGRAFIA 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 233.7721ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_25_26LAB. FOTÓGRAFIA 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_25_35ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -125.6319ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_27_17ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 124.1478ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_27_17ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_25_35ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_27_29SALA 305.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -78.9966ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_27_29SALA 305.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_28_54ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -422.956ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_28_54ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_30_14ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 309.0306ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_30_14ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_31_2EAD ESTÚDIO DE VIDEOS .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -300.4487ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_31_2EAD ESTÚDIO DE VIDEOS .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_3_21ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 224.8685ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_3_21ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_4_50DATA CENTER_KOMECO 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -181.5814ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_4_50DATA CENTER_KOMECO 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_6_13ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 240.1071ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_6_13ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_6_3DATA CENTER_KOMECO 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 5.7465ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_6_3DATA CENTER_KOMECO 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_7_17ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -322.5462ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_7_17ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_7_30SALA DE SEGURANÇA CVTV.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -463.1716ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_7_30SALA DE SEGURANÇA CVTV.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_8_54ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -447.7493ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_8_54ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_9_28CRS .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 29.979ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_15_8_9_28CRS .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_16_12_0_18ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 496.329ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_16_12_0_18ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_16_12_1_14SALA VERDE_3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 11.8494ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_16_12_1_14SALA VERDE_3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_18_10_1_57ART .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -245.2018ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_18_10_1_57ART .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_18_10_2_16SALA DE CRIÇÃO RATOS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 239.1354ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_18_10_2_16SALA DE CRIÇÃO RATOS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_18_9_58_23SALA DE CRIAÇÃO CAMUNDONGOS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -379.6552ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_18_9_58_23SALA DE CRIAÇÃO CAMUNDONGOS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_31_9ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 225.792ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_31_9ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_32_26LABORATÓRIO DE HABILIDADES (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -133.7158ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_32_26LABORATÓRIO DE HABILIDADES (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_33_36ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -196.3744ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_33_36ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_35_39LABORATÓRIO DE HABILIDADES (4).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -56.5108ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_35_39LABORATÓRIO DE HABILIDADES (4).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_36_48LABORATÓRIO DE HABILIDADES.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -87.9099ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_36_48LABORATÓRIO DE HABILIDADES.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_37_31ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 224.4991ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_37_31ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_44_11LABORATÓRIO DE HABILIDADES (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 332.9966ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_44_11LABORATÓRIO DE HABILIDADES (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_44_56ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 332.8946ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2017_9_1_3_44_56ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_22_29CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -214.6042ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_22_29CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_22_36PMOC - ACADEMIA DE MUSCULAÇÃO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -50.6581ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_22_36PMOC - ACADEMIA DE MUSCULAÇÃO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_23_53PMOC - ACADEMIA DE MUSCULAÇÃO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -379.048ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_23_53PMOC - ACADEMIA DE MUSCULAÇÃO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_23_59CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 468.9373ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_23_59CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_25_11PMOC - ACADEMIA DE MUSCULAÇÃO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 292.5626ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_25_11PMOC - ACADEMIA DE MUSCULAÇÃO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_25_16CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -87.4644ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_25_16CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_26_4PMOC - ACADEMIA DE MUSCULAÇÃO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -171.7014ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_26_4PMOC - ACADEMIA DE MUSCULAÇÃO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_26_9CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -331.7336ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_26_9CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_29_34CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -429.2874ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_29_34CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_29_38PMOC - BLOCO G SALA PRATA 103 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 474.7061ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_29_38PMOC - BLOCO G SALA PRATA 103 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_30_29PMOC - BLOCO G SALA PRATA 103.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -457.561ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_30_29PMOC - BLOCO G SALA PRATA 103.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_30_33CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 322.4181ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_29_4_30_33CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_39_55CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -298.481ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_39_55CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_40_1PMOC - BLOCO A 2° PISO REITORIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -338.505ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_40_1PMOC - BLOCO A 2° PISO REITORIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_42_2CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 216.8755ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_42_2CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_42_37CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -391.3225ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_42_37CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_42_42PMOC - SUB-ESTAÇÃO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 196.6654ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_42_42PMOC - SUB-ESTAÇÃO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_42_7PMOC - SUB-ESTAÇÃO (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -363.1513ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_42_7PMOC - SUB-ESTAÇÃO (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_44_10CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 308.2079ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_44_10CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_44_3PMOC- SALÃO DO JURI BLOCO C 2° PISO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 452.254ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_44_3PMOC- SALÃO DO JURI BLOCO C 2° PISO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_44_51CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -127.9897ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_44_51CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_44_56PMOC- SALÃO DO JURI BLOCO C 2° PISO (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -80.0222ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_44_56PMOC- SALÃO DO JURI BLOCO C 2° PISO (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_45_31CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 344.1294ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_45_31CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_45_35PMOC- SALÃO DO JURI BLOCO C 2° PISO (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 28.1034ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_45_35PMOC- SALÃO DO JURI BLOCO C 2° PISO (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_46_0CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 247.9851ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_46_0CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_46_4PMOC- SALÃO DO JURI BLOCO C 2° PISO (4).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 307.9552ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_10_8_2_46_4PMOC- SALÃO DO JURI BLOCO C 2° PISO (4).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_2_55_17CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -387.8506ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_2_55_17CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_2_55_7BLOCO G SALA 101 MINI AUDITÓRIO 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 256.1985ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_2_55_7BLOCO G SALA 101 MINI AUDITÓRIO 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_2_56_34CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 171.7525ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_2_56_34CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_2_56_44BLOCO G SALA 101 MINI AUDITÓRIO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -416.3043ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_2_56_44BLOCO G SALA 101 MINI AUDITÓRIO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_2_58_24CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 435.1914ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_2_58_24CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_2_58_31BLOCO F SALA 105 MINI AUDITÓRIO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 431.1541ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_2_58_31BLOCO F SALA 105 MINI AUDITÓRIO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_0_23BLOCO F SALA 117 SALA DE PRÁTICAS GERÊNCIAIS (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -457.8597ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_0_23BLOCO F SALA 117 SALA DE PRÁTICAS GERÊNCIAIS (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_0_29CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 390.1163ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_0_29CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_10_23PMOC - BLOCO A SALA DE ACESSORIA JURÍDICA E EDUCACIONAL.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 84.1344ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_10_23PMOC - BLOCO A SALA DE ACESSORIA JURÍDICA E EDUCACIONAL.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_10_31CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -311.9107ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_10_31CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_11_34PMOC - BLOCO A SALA DE ACESSORIA JURÍDICA E EDUCACIONAL (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 371.7728ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_11_34PMOC - BLOCO A SALA DE ACESSORIA JURÍDICA E EDUCACIONAL (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_11_40CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -20.2554ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_11_40CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_13_16CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -759.9µs, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_13_16CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_13_21PMOC - BLOCO E SALA 208 LABORÁTORIO DE INFORMÁTICA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 423.2242ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_13_21PMOC - BLOCO E SALA 208 LABORÁTORIO DE INFORMÁTICA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_13_58CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 259.0337ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_13_58CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_14_3PMOC - BLOCO E SALA 208 LABORÁTORIO DE INFORMÁTICA (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 218.992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_14_3PMOC - BLOCO E SALA 208 LABORÁTORIO DE INFORMÁTICA (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_14_45CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 242.7846ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_14_45CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_14_51PMOC - BLOCO E SALA 208 LABORÁTORIO DE INFORMÁTICA (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -73.24ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_14_51PMOC - BLOCO E SALA 208 LABORÁTORIO DE INFORMÁTICA (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_15_27PMOC - BLOCO E SALA 208 LABORÁTORIO DE INFORMÁTICA (4).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -357.4205ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_15_27PMOC - BLOCO E SALA 208 LABORÁTORIO DE INFORMÁTICA (4).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_15_42CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 398.4811ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_15_42CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_17_12PMOC - BLOCO F SALA 114 SALA DE INFORMÁTICA VERDE (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 174.0333ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_17_12PMOC - BLOCO F SALA 114 SALA DE INFORMÁTICA VERDE (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_17_48PMOC - BLOCO F SALA 114 SALA DE INFORMÁTICA VERDE (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -70.1457ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_17_48PMOC - BLOCO F SALA 114 SALA DE INFORMÁTICA VERDE (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_17_53CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -158.1669ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_17_53CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_17_7CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -481.9315ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_17_7CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_18_32PMOC - BLOCO F SALA 114 SALA DE INFORMÁTICA VERDE (4).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -162.3653ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_18_32PMOC - BLOCO F SALA 114 SALA DE INFORMÁTICA VERDE (4).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_18_38CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -159.6146ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_18_38CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_19_13CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 412.384ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_19_13CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_19_19PMOC - BLOCO F SALA 114 SALA DE INFORMÁTICA VERDE (5).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -275.6431ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_19_19PMOC - BLOCO F SALA 114 SALA DE INFORMÁTICA VERDE (5).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_1_11BLOCO F SALA 117 SALA DE PRÁTICAS GERÊNCIAIS (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 445.9029ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_1_11BLOCO F SALA 117 SALA DE PRÁTICAS GERÊNCIAIS (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_1_18CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -282.1208ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_1_18CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_20_21CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 227.7661ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_20_21CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_20_27PMOC - BLOCO F SALA 305 SALA DE RÁDIO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 175.7408ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_20_27PMOC - BLOCO F SALA 305 SALA DE RÁDIO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_21_39PMOC - BLOCO G SALA 402 SALA OURO (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -424.6342ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_21_39PMOC - BLOCO G SALA 402 SALA OURO (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_21_46CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -12.6636ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_21_46CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_22_22CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -268.8563ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_22_22CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_22_26PMOC - BLOCO G SALA 402 SALA OURO (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 39.1266ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_22_26PMOC - BLOCO G SALA 402 SALA OURO (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_23_13CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 226.8808ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_23_13CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_23_18PMOC - BLOCO G SALA 402 SALA OURO (4).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 130.8598ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_23_18PMOC - BLOCO G SALA 402 SALA OURO (4).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_24_13CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 134.5807ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_24_13CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_24_19PMOC - BLOCO G SALA 404 SALA DE INFORMÁTICA PLATINA (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -173.4535ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_24_19PMOC - BLOCO G SALA 404 SALA DE INFORMÁTICA PLATINA (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_24_55CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 58.3681ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_24_55CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_25_2PMOC - BLOCO G SALA 404 SALA DE INFORMÁTICA PLATINA (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 378.3286ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_25_2PMOC - BLOCO G SALA 404 SALA DE INFORMÁTICA PLATINA (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_25_46CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 314.0977ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_25_46CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_25_53PMOC - BLOCO G SALA 404 SALA DE INFORMÁTICA PLATINA (4).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -329.9324ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_25_53PMOC - BLOCO G SALA 404 SALA DE INFORMÁTICA PLATINA (4).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_26_48CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 361.7803ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_26_48CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_26_53PMOC - BLOCO M SALA 123 MANACÁS (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 433.761ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_26_53PMOC - BLOCO M SALA 123 MANACÁS (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_27_34CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 361.5536ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_27_34CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_27_39PMOC - BLOCO M SALA 123 MANACÁS (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 221.5225ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_27_39PMOC - BLOCO M SALA 123 MANACÁS (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_2_48CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 381.0572ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_2_48CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_2_54BLOCO F SALA 302 ESTÚDIO DE VÍDEO (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -62.9703ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_2_54BLOCO F SALA 302 ESTÚDIO DE VÍDEO (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_4_22CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -483.4276ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_4_22CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_4_28BLOCO F SALA 304 ESTÚDIO DE FOTOGRAFIA (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 52.5491ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_4_28BLOCO F SALA 304 ESTÚDIO DE FOTOGRAFIA (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_6_40BLOCO F SALA 308 LÁB. DE FOTOGRAFIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 415.8699ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_6_40BLOCO F SALA 308 LÁB. DE FOTOGRAFIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_5_15BLOCO F SALA 304 ESTÚDIO DE FOTOGRAFIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -463.6969ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_5_15BLOCO F SALA 304 ESTÚDIO DE FOTOGRAFIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_5_20CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 84.2865ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_5_20CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_6_25CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 83.9402ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_17_3_6_25CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_10_57ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 211.2638ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_10_57ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_11_50ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 290.9896ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_11_50ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_11_57Oceano_Sala_Administração.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 270.9681ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_11_57Oceano_Sala_Administração.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_12_51ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -5.3086ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_12_51ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_11_5Oceano_Sala_Administração2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -284.7638ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_11_5Oceano_Sala_Administração2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_13_42ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 207.9545ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_13_42ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_13_4Oceano_Call_Working4.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 74.624ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_13_4Oceano_Call_Working4.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_13_54Oceano_Call_Working3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 451.9062ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_13_54Oceano_Call_Working3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_14_34ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 443.7026ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_14_34ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_14_41Oceano_Call_Working2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 339.6623ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_14_41Oceano_Call_Working2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_15_16ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 91.4679ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_15_16ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_15_23Oceano_Call_Working.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 363.4461ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_15_23Oceano_Call_Working.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_16_26ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -424.8721ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_16_26ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_16_32Bloco M_Centralde_Relacionamento.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 251.0947ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_16_32Bloco M_Centralde_Relacionamento.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_17_26ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 486.8139ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_17_26ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_17_31Bloco J_Sala 216_Sala de Observação.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 190.7857ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_17_31Bloco J_Sala 216_Sala de Observação.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_18_32Bloco I 3 º Piso sala Invertida.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -89.5176ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_18_32Bloco I 3 º Piso sala Invertida.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_18_36ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 90.457ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_18_36ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_19_14ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 338.258ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_19_14ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_19_21Bloco I 3º Piso Sala Invertida 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 122.2186ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_19_21Bloco I 3º Piso Sala Invertida 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_20_3ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 417.8038ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_20_3ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_20_9Bloco I 3º Piso Sala Invertida 3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -114.2211ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_20_9Bloco I 3º Piso Sala Invertida 3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_21_17Bloco I - 3º Piso Sala de Informatica - Cedro.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 65.4271ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_21_17Bloco I - 3º Piso Sala de Informatica - Cedro.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_21_3ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 337.5031ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_21_3ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_22_11ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 153.1407ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_22_11ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_22_30Bloco I - 3º Piso Sala de Informatica cedro.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 173.0468ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_22_30Bloco I - 3º Piso Sala de Informatica cedro.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_23_10ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 380.8523ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_23_10ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_23_16Bloco I - 3º Piso Sala de informatica Cedro 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 88.8176ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_23_16Bloco I - 3º Piso Sala de informatica Cedro 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_24_46ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 191.1669ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_24_46ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_24_53Bloco H - 1º Piso Laboratório de Mecanica Hidraulica e bioclimatologioa.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 211.1214ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_24_53Bloco H - 1º Piso Laboratório de Mecanica Hidraulica e bioclimatologioa.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_26_46Bloco G 4 Piso Sala 409 Estudio EaD.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -81.443ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_26_46Bloco G 4 Piso Sala 409 Estudio EaD.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_26_50ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 22.535ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_26_50ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_27_47ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 482.2315ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_27_47ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_27_53Bloco G 4º Piso Sala 409 Estudio EaD2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -25.7992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_27_53Bloco G 4º Piso Sala 409 Estudio EaD2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_9_34Oceano_Sala_Reuniao.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -28.2978ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_9_34Oceano_Sala_Reuniao.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_9_39ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -476.3384ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_18_11_9_39ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_30_45ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 404.7713ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_30_45ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_31_0Laboratorio de Conforto Ambiental.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -111.3067ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_31_0Laboratorio de Conforto Ambiental.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_31_41ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -299.5226ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_31_41ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_31_48Laboratorio de Conforto ambiental 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -395.5468ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_31_48Laboratorio de Conforto ambiental 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_33_13ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -395.9778ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_33_13ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_33_35Laboratorio de Matrologia 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 311.8968ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_33_35Laboratorio de Matrologia 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_33_40ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -444.1259ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_33_40ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_33_7Laboratorio de Metrologia.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -59.9526ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_33_7Laboratorio de Metrologia.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_36_14Laboratorio de Genetica e Biotecnologia 3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 195.0877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_36_14Laboratorio de Genetica e Biotecnologia 3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_36_22ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -404.9565ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_36_22ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_37_45ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -349.4263ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_37_45ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_37_50Laboratório de Genetica e Biotecnologia 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -205.396ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_37_50Laboratório de Genetica e Biotecnologia 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_39_11ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -154.4606ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_39_11ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_39_6Laboratorio de Genetica e Biotecnologia.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 241.5845ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_39_6Laboratorio de Genetica e Biotecnologia.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_40_44Laboratorio de Habilidade Cirurgicas 4.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -46.9178ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_40_44Laboratorio de Habilidade Cirurgicas 4.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_40_49ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -50.9347ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_40_49ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_42_4Laboratorio de Habilidades Cirurgicas 3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -163.3373ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_42_4Laboratorio de Habilidades Cirurgicas 3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_42_8ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 32.6447ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_42_8ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_43_3ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -327.6256ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_43_3ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_43_55Laboratório de Habilidades cirurgicas.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 196.1082ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_43_55Laboratório de Habilidades cirurgicas.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_43_8Laboratorio de habilidades cirurgicas 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 80.3445ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_43_8Laboratorio de habilidades cirurgicas 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_44_0ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -343.9202ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_44_0ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_44_50Laboratório de Monitoramento ambiental.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -72.1701ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_44_50Laboratório de Monitoramento ambiental.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_44_55ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -204.2056ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_11_29_11_44_55ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_21_48Sala Gaia4 Bloco H Sala 304.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 81.0765ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_21_48Sala Gaia4 Bloco H Sala 304.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_21_55ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -26.9667ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_21_55ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_23_0ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -55.2859ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_23_0ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_23_51ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -15.9666ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_23_51ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_23_7Sala Gaia3 Bloco H Sala 304.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 472.6816ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_23_7Sala Gaia3 Bloco H Sala 304.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_24_13Sala Gaia2 Bloco H Sala 304.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 403.9364ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_24_13Sala Gaia2 Bloco H Sala 304.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_24_42ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 423.7913ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_24_42ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_25_10Sala Gaia Bloco H Sala 304.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -224.3622ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_25_10Sala Gaia Bloco H Sala 304.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_26_26ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -324.7371ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_26_26ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_26_55Sala Vermelha2 Bloco F sala 307.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -336.8985ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_26_55Sala Vermelha2 Bloco F sala 307.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_28_13Sala Vermelha Bloco F ssala 307.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 162.6884ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_28_13Sala Vermelha Bloco F ssala 307.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_28_7ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -389.2607ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_28_7ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_29_15Laboratorio de Controle de qualidade e Quimica Farmaceutica - B.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -185.6234ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_29_15Laboratorio de Controle de qualidade e Quimica Farmaceutica - B.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_29_9ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 190.4151ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_29_9ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_30_1ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -381.8498ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_30_1ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_30_56ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -62.1234ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_30_56ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_30_8Pró Reitoria de Ensino.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 110.1181ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_30_8Pró Reitoria de Ensino.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_31_2Diretoria de Graduação.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -170.1531ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_31_2Diretoria de Graduação.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_31_47ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -382.3929ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_31_47ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_31_53Diretor Executivo.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -402.4256ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_31_53Diretor Executivo.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_32_37ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 261.3592ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_32_37ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_32_58Conselho Universitario2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -198.7739ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_32_58Conselho Universitario2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_33_35ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 455.954ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_33_35ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_33_40Conselho Universitario.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -12.0644ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_33_40Conselho Universitario.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_36_11ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 3.1527ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_36_11ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_36_20Laboratorio de Habilidades cirurgicas - tecnica operatoria BlocA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -188.892ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_36_20Laboratorio de Habilidades cirurgicas - tecnica operatoria BlocA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_37_29ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -233.2489ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_37_29ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_37_34Laboratorio de Habilidades Cirurgicas - tecnica Operatoria - blxx.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 110.7244ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_37_34Laboratorio de Habilidades Cirurgicas - tecnica Operatoria - blxx.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_38_15ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 70.5077ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_38_15ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_38_26Conselho Curador.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -121.5338ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_38_26Conselho Curador.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_39_59Laboratorio de Habilidades Cirurgicas - tecnica Operatoria2 - this.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 217.981ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_39_59Laboratorio de Habilidades Cirurgicas - tecnica Operatoria2 - this.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_39_8ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -217.7837ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_39_8ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_41_2Laboratorio de Doencas Infeccciosas e Parasitologia Bloco H sal.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -62.3284ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_41_2Laboratorio de Doencas Infeccciosas e Parasitologia Bloco H sal.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_41_6ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -446.3513ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_41_6ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_44_11Laboratorio de Microscopia - bloco H sala 115.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -314.1112ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_44_11Laboratorio de Microscopia - bloco H sala 115.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_44_15ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -162.1468ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_44_15ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_45_11ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 97.5653ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_45_11ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_45_7Pro - Reitoria de Administração e Financas - Bloco A.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 305.5942ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_12_11_45_7Pro - Reitoria de Administração e Financas - Bloco A.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_10_54ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 474.0975ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_10_54ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_11_1Bloco F - Data Center - Sala de Redes2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 198.0056ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_11_1Bloco F - Data Center - Sala de Redes2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_11_39ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -214.1261ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_11_39ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_11_43Bloco F - Data Center - Sala de Redes.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 341.8409ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_11_43Bloco F - Data Center - Sala de Redes.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_12_22ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 73.6455ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_12_22ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_13_43Bloco F - Data Center - Sala Nobreak2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -50.7743ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_13_43Bloco F - Data Center - Sala Nobreak2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_15_46ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -52.376ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_15_46ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_23_39Bloco N - Sala de Invertida3 - Sala 213.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -407.0641ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_23_39Bloco N - Sala de Invertida3 - Sala 213.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_24_53ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 424.5549ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_24_53ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_25_16Bloco N - Sala de Invertida2 - Sala 213.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -67.5587ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_25_16Bloco N - Sala de Invertida2 - Sala 213.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_26_18ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 375.2018ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_26_18ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_26_25Bloco N - Sala de Invertida - Sala 213.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 291.1821ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_26_25Bloco N - Sala de Invertida - Sala 213.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_29_30ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -5.764ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_29_30ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_30_1Bloco E - 2º Piso Auditorio4 - Sala 213.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -273.925ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_30_1Bloco E - 2º Piso Auditorio4 - Sala 213.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_30_43ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -10.1272ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_30_43ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_31_2Bloco E - 2º Piso Auditorio3 - Sala 213.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -366.2228ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_31_2Bloco E - 2º Piso Auditorio3 - Sala 213.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_31_38ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 173.5868ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_31_38ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_31_48Bloco E - 2º Piso Auditorio2 - Sala 213.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 173.5165ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_31_48Bloco E - 2º Piso Auditorio2 - Sala 213.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_32_34ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 425.2875ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_32_34ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_32_39Bloco E - 2º Piso Auditorio - Sala 213.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 29.2777ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_32_39Bloco E - 2º Piso Auditorio - Sala 213.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_33_52ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -259.0956ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_33_52ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_34_30Bloco N - Sala de Invertida - Sala 110.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -135.2949ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_34_30Bloco N - Sala de Invertida - Sala 110.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_35_16ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 204.4665ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_35_16ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_35_41Bloco N - Sala de Invertida2 - Sala 110.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -286.4258ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_35_41Bloco N - Sala de Invertida2 - Sala 110.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_36_33ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 17.3005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_36_33ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_36_42Bloco N - Sala de Invertida3 - Sala 110.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -246.7412ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_36_42Bloco N - Sala de Invertida3 - Sala 110.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_37_49ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -207.091ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_37_49ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_38_11Bloco N - Sala de Informática Marte2 - Sala 112.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 464.7952ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_38_11Bloco N - Sala de Informática Marte2 - Sala 112.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_39_0ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -255.448ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_39_0ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_39_7Bloco N - Laboratório de informática Terra - Sala 107.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 192.5023ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_39_7Bloco N - Laboratório de informática Terra - Sala 107.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_40_4ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 431.962ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_40_4ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_40_58ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 351.6846ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_40_58ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_40_8Bloco M - Laboratório de informática Lirios2 - Sala 121.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 123.9432ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_40_8Bloco M - Laboratório de informática Lirios2 - Sala 121.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_41_17Bloco N - Sala de Informática Marte2 - Sala 112.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 419.5925ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_41_17Bloco N - Sala de Informática Marte2 - Sala 112.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_42_24Bloco N - Sala de Informática Marte - Sala 112.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -236.7572ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_42_24Bloco N - Sala de Informática Marte - Sala 112.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_42_16ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 67.2853ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_42_16ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_43_39ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 98.8636ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_43_39ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_43_48Bloco M - Laboratório de informática Lirios - Sala 121.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -9.3733ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_43_48Bloco M - Laboratório de informática Lirios - Sala 121.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_45_21Bloco F - Sala PoP - sala 1112.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 266.3342ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_45_21Bloco F - Sala PoP - sala 1112.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_45_26ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 426.317ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_45_26ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_46_4ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -428.0659ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_46_4ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_46_8Bloco F - Sala PoP - sala 111.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 371.9236ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_47_45ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -148.5832ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_47_45ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_49_14Bloco F - Data Center - Sala Servidores.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -385.0374ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_49_14Bloco F - Data Center - Sala Servidores.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_46_8Bloco F - Sala PoP - sala 111.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_48_5Bloco F - Data Center - Sala Servidores2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -360.6788ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_48_5Bloco F - Data Center - Sala Servidores2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_49_6ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 475.0106ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_49_6ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_50_22ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -445.3934ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_50_22ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_50_45Bloco F - Data Center - Sala Nobreak.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 258.4806ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_50_45Bloco F - Data Center - Sala Nobreak.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_8_22ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -81.1284ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_8_22ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_8_50Bloco H - Sala 407 - Sala de Informatica Urano2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -25.2646ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_8_50Bloco H - Sala 407 - Sala de Informatica Urano2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_9_29ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 406.5345ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_9_29ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_9_36Bloco H - Sala 407 - Sala de Informatica Urano.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 190.4858ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_21_10_9_36Bloco H - Sala 407 - Sala de Informatica Urano.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_10_42ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 92.2056ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_10_42ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_10_47Bloco M - Herbario.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 148.1691ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_10_47Bloco M - Herbario.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_11_51ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 379.8524ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_11_51ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_11_56Bloco D - Sala 111 - Laboratorio de Ensino em Analise Clinica.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 279.8202ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_11_56Bloco D - Sala 111 - Laboratorio de Ensino em Analise Clinica.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_1_22ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 357.65ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_1_22ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_1_53Bloco D - Sala 110 - Laboratorio de Fisiologia e Biofisica2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -66.5123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_1_53Bloco D - Sala 110 - Laboratorio de Fisiologia e Biofisica2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_2_35ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -350.7245ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_2_35ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_2_39Bloco D - Sala 110 - Laboratorio de Fisiologia e Biofisica.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 337.2589ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_2_39Bloco D - Sala 110 - Laboratorio de Fisiologia e Biofisica.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_4_27ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 8.7043ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_4_27ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_4_48Bloco H - Sala 104 - Cefert2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -253.7812ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_4_48Bloco H - Sala 104 - Cefert2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_8_10ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -143.0133ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_8_10ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_8_18Bloco H - Sala 104 - Cefert2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 148.9394ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_8_18Bloco H - Sala 104 - Cefert2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_9_54ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -411.5545ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_9_54ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_9_58Bloco H - Sala 104 - Cefert.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 156.417ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_26_10_9_58Bloco H - Sala 104 - Cefert.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_1_9Laboratorio de conversão de energia.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -399.894ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_1_9Laboratorio de conversão de energia.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_2_32ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 367.6799ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_2_32ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_2_38Laboratorio de eletronica.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 459.6486ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_2_38Laboratorio de eletronica.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_4_20ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 267.1328ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_4_20ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_4_26Laboratorio de eletronica 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -180.8957ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_4_26Laboratorio de eletronica 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_5_37ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 154.6683ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_5_37ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_5_43Laboratorio de eletronica 3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -209.3028ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_5_43Laboratorio de eletronica 3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_7_16ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -385.7669ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_7_16ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_7_23Sala de Redes e Segurança.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -205.8226ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_10_7_23Sala de Redes e Segurança.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_30_4Sala de Redes e Segurança.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -248.6443ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_30_4Sala de Redes e Segurança.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_31_13ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 305.0094ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_31_13ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_31_44Laboratorio de eletronica 3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -199.1278ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_31_44Laboratorio de eletronica 3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_32_25ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 68.6585ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_32_25ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_32_46Laboratorio de eletronica 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -351.4483ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_32_46Laboratorio de eletronica 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_33_23ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -71.6435ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_33_23ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_33_28Laboratorio de eletronica.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 100.3308ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_33_28Laboratorio de eletronica.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_35_11ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 131.8095ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_35_11ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_35_5Laboratorio de conversão de energia.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 155.8386ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_35_5Laboratorio de conversão de energia.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_36_11Laboratorio de conversao de energia.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 55.4959ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_36_11Laboratorio de conversao de energia.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_36_6ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 371.5238ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_36_6ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_46_48ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 356.2103ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_46_48ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_47_16Laboratorio de sementes 3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 16.0677ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_47_16Laboratorio de sementes 3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_50_46ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 268.3907ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_50_46ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_51_9Laboratorio de sementes 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -103.7226ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_51_9Laboratorio de sementes 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_53_37Laboratorio de Sementes.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -204.4879ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_53_37Laboratorio de Sementes.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_53_6ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -352.3363ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_53_6ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_55_12Laboratorio de Sementes.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 479.0155ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_55_12Laboratorio de Sementes.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_55_2ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -88.9151ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_55_2ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_57_25Laboratorio de conversao de energia.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -401.6475ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_57_25Laboratorio de conversao de energia.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_57_2ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 282.4354ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_57_2ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_58_54ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -362.1486ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_12_3_9_58_54ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_24_32PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Almoxarifado.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 433.3475ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_24_32PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Almoxarifado.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_24_37ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 425.3263ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_24_37ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_26_24ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 456.7701ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_26_24ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_26_30PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Centro Cirurgico I.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -279.2515ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_26_30PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Centro Cirurgico I.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_27_16PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Centro Cirurgico II.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -439.4908ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_27_16PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Centro Cirurgico II.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_27_20ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 256.4873ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_27_20ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_28_0ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 432.2732ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_28_0ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_28_12PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Centro Cirurgico III (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -491.7762ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_28_12PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Centro Cirurgico III (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_28_40ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -335.9262ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_28_40ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_28_46PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Centro Cirurgico III.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -159.9816ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_28_46PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Centro Cirurgico III.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_30_47PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Laboratório de Patologia Clínica.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 315.5532ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_30_47PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Laboratório de Patologia Clínica.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_32_39ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 26.9755ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_32_39ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_30_39ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -24.4126ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_30_39ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_32_45PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Sala de Diagnóstico por Imagem.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 434.9427ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_32_45PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Sala de Diagnóstico por Imagem.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_33_54ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -257.4015ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_33_54ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_34_0PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Sala de Digitação de Imagem.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -349.4335ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_34_0PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Sala de Digitação de Imagem.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_34_38ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 90.3699ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_34_38ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_34_47PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Sala de Raio X.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -461.6756ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_34_47PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Sala de Raio X.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_39_15PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Sala Redes e Segurança.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 320.9506ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_39_15PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Sala Redes e Segurança.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_39_8ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 424.9699ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_39_8ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_45_43ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -77.1979ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_45_43ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_45_48PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Laboratório de Histopalogia.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -61.2179ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_10_2_45_48PMOC - Centro Clínico Veterinário, Laboratório de Histopalogia.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_48_54ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -246.1992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_48_54ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_49_18PMOC - Laboratório de Habilidades Cirúrgicas Sala de Técnica Operatória Bloco E.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -230.3216ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_49_18PMOC - Laboratório de Habilidades Cirúrgicas Sala de Técnica Operatória Bloco E.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_51_31ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 496.9983ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_51_39PMOC - Laboratório de Habilidades Cirúrgicas Sala de Técnica Operatória Bloco E .pdf.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -415.035ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_52_36ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 356.6735ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_52_36ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_52_44PMOC - Laboratório de Habilidades Cirúrgicas Sala de Técnica Operatória Bloco E.pdf.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 456.628ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_52_44PMOC - Laboratório de Habilidades Cirúrgicas Sala de Técnica Operatória Bloco E.pdf.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_51_39PMOC - Laboratório de Habilidades Cirúrgicas Sala de Técnica Operatória Bloco E .pdf.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_51_31ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_54_18ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 388.1326ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_54_18ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_54_24PMOC - Laboratório de Habilidades Cirúrgicas Sala Sutura Bloco E.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -499.8957ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_54_24PMOC - Laboratório de Habilidades Cirúrgicas Sala Sutura Bloco E.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_55_16ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 408.0626ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_55_16ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_55_21PMOC - Procuradoria Institucional, Assesroria Educaional, Bloco A.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -295.9636ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_1_9_4_55_21PMOC - Procuradoria Institucional, Assesroria Educaional, Bloco A.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_10_14ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -4.013ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_10_14ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_10_20PMOC - Sala de Técnica Operatória - 18.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 351.9346ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_10_20PMOC - Sala de Técnica Operatória - 18.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_15_13PMOC - Laboratório de Fisiologia e Biofísica 01.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -361.5552ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_15_13PMOC - Laboratório de Fisiologia e Biofísica 01.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_15_6ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 6.4928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_15_6ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_16_12ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -284.5129ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_16_12ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_16_19PMOC - laboratório de Fisiologia e Biofísica.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -448.5354ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_16_19PMOC - laboratório de Fisiologia e Biofísica.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_19_17ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -473.4791ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_19_17ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_19_22PMOC - Bloco E Sala Satura - Laboratório de Habilidades Cirúrgicas .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 394.511ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_19_22PMOC - Bloco E Sala Satura - Laboratório de Habilidades Cirúrgicas .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_2_50ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -231.968ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_2_50ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_8_4PMOC - Bloco E Sala Técnica Operatória - 24.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 284.6406ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_8_4PMOC - Bloco E Sala Técnica Operatória - 24.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_9_28ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -331.7768ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_9_28ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_9_35PMOC- Sala de Técnica Operatórica -18.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -135.8186ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_4_9_2_9_35PMOC- Sala de Técnica Operatórica -18.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_32_36PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala 201 (2) .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -141.423ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_32_36PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala 201 (2) .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_32_58ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -65.5381ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_32_58ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_34_24ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 234.0248ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_34_24ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_34_56PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala 201.pdf.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -462.1473ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_34_56PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala 201.pdf.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_42_54PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala 205.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 475.2887ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_42_54PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala 205.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_42_20ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 435.4639ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_42_20ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_43_35ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -124.9137ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_43_35ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_44_39PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala 205 (2).pdf.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 450.7625ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_44_39PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala 205 (2).pdf.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_45_39ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -45.5471ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_45_39ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_46_6PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala 205 (3).pdf.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 480.7756ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_46_6PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala 205 (3).pdf.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_49_41ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -168.3223ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_49_41ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_50_47ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 215.3338ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_50_47ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_50_4PMOC - ALFA 3° Piso sala 301.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 23.5558ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_50_4PMOC - ALFA 3° Piso sala 301.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_51_17PMOC - ALFA 3° Piso sala 301 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 391.1844ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_51_17PMOC - ALFA 3° Piso sala 301 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_53_59ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 434.3488ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_53_59ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/2020/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2020_10.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/2020/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2020_11.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_55_22ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -178.1271ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_55_22ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/2020/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2020_4.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/2020/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2020_6.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_55_47PMOC - ALFA 3° Piso sala 303 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 113.8009ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_55_47PMOC - ALFA 3° Piso sala 303 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/2020/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2020_12.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/2020/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2020_1.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_59_16ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 142.7465ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_59_16ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/2020/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2020_3.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/2020/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2020_2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/2020/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2020_9.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_59_40PMOC - ALFA 3° Piso sala 305.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -329.3861ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_59_40PMOC - ALFA 3° Piso sala 305.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_13_46PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas (2) .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -212.9855ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_13_46PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas (2) .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/2020/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2020_5.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/2020/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2020_7.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/2020/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2020_8.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_15_34ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -21.5202ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_15_34ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_15_58PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -181.2367ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_15_58PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_18_12ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -197.9242ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_18_12ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_18_35PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -226.0344ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_18_35PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_54_24PMOC - ALFA 3° Piso sala 303.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -397.7719ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_1_26ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 138.0761ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_1_26ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_1_52PMOC - ALFA 3° Piso sala 305 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -130.0663ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_1_52PMOC - ALFA 3° Piso sala 305 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_13_22ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 115.1466ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_13_22ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_10_54_24PMOC - ALFA 3° Piso sala 303.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_21_33ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 481.0503ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_21_33ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - ADVERTENCIAS DISCIPLINARES/01 - ADVERTENCIA - EDV\xc2NIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_21_59PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 120.9118ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_21_59PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_24_49ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -471.9648ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_24_49ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_25_12PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso Farol Sala de Reunião.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 327.933ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_25_12PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso Farol Sala de Reunião.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_27_27PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 298.504ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_27_27PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_27_5ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -185.2798ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_27_5ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_29_29ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -398.0187ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_29_29ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_29_52PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 397.8632ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_29_52PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_31_22ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 61.3967ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_31_22ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_31_50PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -274.7393ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_31_50PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_34_15PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 32.5157ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_34_15PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso Farol Encubadora de Empresas.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_34_25ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -351.5323ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_34_25ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_37_35ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -497.1024ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_37_35ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_38_2PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala de informática 207.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -33.2871ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_38_2PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala de informática 207.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_3_56ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -374.6962ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_3_56ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_40_12ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -97.909ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_40_12ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_40_1PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala de informática 207.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -53.8574ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_40_1PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala de informática 207.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_42_16ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -402.5416ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_42_16ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_42_41PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala de invertida 202.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -486.6846ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_42_41PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala de invertida 202.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_44_31PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala de invertida 202.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 372.7518ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_44_31PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala de invertida 202.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_44_6ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -211.1229ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_44_6ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_47_43PMOC -ALFA 3° Piso sala 302.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 426.8026ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_47_43PMOC -ALFA 3° Piso sala 302.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_47_9ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 134.9714ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_47_9ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_4_20PMOC - ALFA 3° Piso sala 305.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -2.8208ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_4_20PMOC - ALFA 3° Piso sala 305.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_51_57ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 9.503ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_51_57ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_52_22PMOC -ALFA 3° Piso sala 302.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -42.6233ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_52_22PMOC -ALFA 3° Piso sala 302.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_54_14ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -223.2393ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_54_14ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_54_41PMOC -ALFA 3° Piso sala 304.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -343.3382ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_54_41PMOC -ALFA 3° Piso sala 304.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_56_42PMOC -ALFA 3° Piso sala 304.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 268.5241ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_56_42PMOC -ALFA 3° Piso sala 304.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_56_53ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 12.4728ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_56_53ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_58_45ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -264.0938ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_58_45ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_59_12PMOC -ALFA 3° Piso sala 306.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 271.7678ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_59_12PMOC -ALFA 3° Piso sala 306.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_6_24ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 241.2624ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_6_24ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_6_48PMOC - ALFA 3° Piso sala invertida 311.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 253.166ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_6_48PMOC - ALFA 3° Piso sala invertida 311.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_8_16ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -287.2869ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_8_16ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_8_40PMOC - ALFA 3° Piso sala invertida 311.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -11.4017ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_23_11_8_40PMOC - ALFA 3° Piso sala invertida 311.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_0_58ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 155.1966ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_0_58ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_11_19ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 28.1379ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_11_19ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_11_46PMOC -ALFA 3° Piso sala 307.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -187.9937ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_11_46PMOC -ALFA 3° Piso sala 307.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_1_21PMOC -ALFA 3° Piso sala 306.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 371.108ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_1_21PMOC -ALFA 3° Piso sala 306.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_6_24ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 85.649ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_6_24ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_6_54PMOC -ALFA 3° Piso sala 308.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 289.4851ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_6_54PMOC -ALFA 3° Piso sala 308.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_7_52ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 41.1985ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_7_52ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_8_29PMOC -ALFA 3° Piso sala 308.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -90.9897ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_24_12_8_29PMOC -ALFA 3° Piso sala 308.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_25_8_48_34ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -81.1098ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_25_8_48_34ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_25_8_49_0PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala 203.pdf.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 250.7407ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_25_8_49_0PMOC -ALFA 2° Piso sala 203.pdf.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_25_8_49_36ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 106.5555ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_25_8_49_36ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_28_8_52_59ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -178.2895ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_28_8_52_59ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_28_8_53_11Alpha 309.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -370.3454ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_5_28_8_53_11Alpha 309.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_18_18ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -197.2953ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_18_18ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_18_7PMOC- Sala de Segurança CFTV Bloco F 1° Piso.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -369.3892ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_18_7PMOC- Sala de Segurança CFTV Bloco F 1° Piso.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_1_40ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -122.5067ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_1_40ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_1_46PMOC - Sala 205 GENEB Bloco H 2° piso sala do professor.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -262.5448ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_1_46PMOC - Sala 205 GENEB Bloco H 2° piso sala do professor.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_3_16ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -327.0033ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_3_16ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_3_23PMOC - Sala 205 GENEB Bloco H 2° piso sala mix.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -363.0429ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_3_23PMOC - Sala 205 GENEB Bloco H 2° piso sala mix.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_4_33PMOC - Sala 205 GENEB Bloco H 2° piso.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 472.6027ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_4_33PMOC - Sala 205 GENEB Bloco H 2° piso.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_4_37ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 36.5806ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_10_4_37ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_9_53_20ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -139.38ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_9_53_20ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_9_53_52PMOC - Sala 205 GENEB Bloco H 2° piso sala de crescimento-Preparo.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -327.5372ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_9_53_52PMOC - Sala 205 GENEB Bloco H 2° piso sala de crescimento-Preparo.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_9_55_55ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 355.8289ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_9_55_55ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_9_56_1PMOC - Sala 205 GENEB Bloco H 2° piso sala de experimentos.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 35.7888ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_6_20_9_56_1PMOC - Sala 205 GENEB Bloco H 2° piso sala de experimentos.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_17_2_27_25PMOC - Biblioteca 4° piso.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -170.5419ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_17_2_27_25PMOC - Biblioteca 4° piso.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_17_2_27_30ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -248.6243ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_17_2_27_30ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_17_2_32_38ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -132.0701ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_17_2_32_38ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_17_2_32_43PMOC - Sala Morfofuncional II.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 367.9213ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_17_2_32_43PMOC - Sala Morfofuncional II.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_20_38ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 144.6417ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_20_38ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_20_45PMOC - Data Center 1° Piso Servidores.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -214.7741ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_20_45PMOC - Data Center 1° Piso Servidores.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_22_18ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -339.9516ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_22_18ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_22_23PMOC - Data Center Bloco F 1° Piso Sala Nobreek (2) .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 331.9136ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_22_23PMOC - Data Center Bloco F 1° Piso Sala Nobreek (2) .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_23_12PMOC - Data Center Bloco F 1° Piso Sala Nobreek.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 66.18ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_23_12PMOC - Data Center Bloco F 1° Piso Sala Nobreek.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_23_17ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -199.4536ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_23_17ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_24_2ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -27.6827ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_24_2ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_24_7PMOC - Data Center Bloco F 1° Piso Sala Redes (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -433.9394ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_24_7PMOC - Data Center Bloco F 1° Piso Sala Redes (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_29_10ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -237.0206ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_30_39ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 481.5236ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_30_39ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_29_10ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_29_15PMOC - Data Center Bloco F 1° Piso Sala Redes.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 434.8446ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_29_15PMOC - Data Center Bloco F 1° Piso Sala Redes.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_30_45PMOC - Data Center Bloco F 1° Piso Servidores.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -49.7635ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_30_45PMOC - Data Center Bloco F 1° Piso Servidores.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_32_21ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 325.0592ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_32_21ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_32_27PMOC - Sala POP B Bloco F 1° Piso Sala 111 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -3.2576ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_32_27PMOC - Sala POP B Bloco F 1° Piso Sala 111 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_33_26ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -346.9852ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_33_26ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_33_31PMOC - Sala POP B Bloco F 1° Piso Sala 111.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -190.7172ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_33_31PMOC - Sala POP B Bloco F 1° Piso Sala 111.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_35_35ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 340.2623ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_35_35ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_35_40PMOC - Sala POP Bloco A 1° Piso.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 496.502ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_35_40PMOC - Sala POP Bloco A 1° Piso.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_36_44ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -482.839ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_36_44ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_36_50PMOC - Sala POP Bloco B 1° Piso.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -107.845ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_36_50PMOC - Sala POP Bloco B 1° Piso.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_37_43ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 407.6646ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_37_43ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_37_48PMOC - Sala POP Bloco E 4° Piso.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -14.2235ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_37_48PMOC - Sala POP Bloco E 4° Piso.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_39_43ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 438.6425ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_39_43ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_39_49PMOC - Sala POP Bloco F 1° Piso Sala 109.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -170.7475ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_39_49PMOC - Sala POP Bloco F 1° Piso Sala 109.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_40_58PMOC - Sala POP Bloco H 1° Piso.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -280.2597ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_40_58PMOC - Sala POP Bloco H 1° Piso.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_40_52ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 438.4987ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_40_52ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_41_52ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 63.3613ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_41_52ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_41_57PMOC - Sala POP Bloco J 1° Piso.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 469.5827ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_41_57PMOC - Sala POP Bloco J 1° Piso.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_43_25PMOC - Sala POP Bloco L.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 328.7896ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_43_25PMOC - Sala POP Bloco L.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_43_30ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -202.5199ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_43_30ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_44_26ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -358.8531ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_44_26ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_44_31PMOC - Sala POP Bloco M.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -452.6068ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_7_2_10_44_31PMOC - Sala POP Bloco M.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_47_22PMOC - bloco 4 piso sala de morfofuncional II 027309.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 317.0101ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_47_22PMOC - bloco 4 piso sala de morfofuncional II 027309.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_47_30ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -417.3414ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_47_30ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_48_24ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 160.6681ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_48_24ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_49_15PMOC - bloco 4 piso sala de morfofuncional II 027307.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 394.9044ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_49_15PMOC - bloco 4 piso sala de morfofuncional II 027307.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_50_25ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -27.1038ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_50_25ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_51_27PMOC - bloco e 4 piso sala de morfofuncional 027308.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -480.3537ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_51_27PMOC - bloco e 4 piso sala de morfofuncional 027308.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_52_17ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 363.2833ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_52_17ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_53_25PMOC - Bloco e 4 piso sala morfofuncional II 027306.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -409.7602ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_53_25PMOC - Bloco e 4 piso sala morfofuncional II 027306.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_57_26ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 386.5895ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_57_26ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_58_26PMOC - Sala de Sistena Operacional - SAMU.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 230.2046ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_10_58_26PMOC - Sala de Sistena Operacional - SAMU.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_0_36ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -51.3266ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_0_36ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_10_7PMOC - Bloco B 3 PISO SALA DE ESTUDOS BIBLIOTECA 028552.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 125.5584ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_10_7PMOC - Bloco B 3 PISO SALA DE ESTUDOS BIBLIOTECA 028552.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_11_55ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -155.9318ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_11_55ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_12_7PMOC - oceano sala adm 027052.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -15.3305ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_12_7PMOC - oceano sala adm 027052.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_13_37ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 258.0406ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_13_37ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_14_44PMOC - Bloco G 4 Piso sala ouro 025960.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 414.142ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_14_44PMOC - Bloco G 4 Piso sala ouro 025960.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_15_45ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 398.3752ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_15_45ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_16_49PMOC - bloco g 4 piso sala ouro 025961.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -8.2032ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_16_49PMOC - bloco g 4 piso sala ouro 025961.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_17_43ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 116.8761ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_17_43ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_18_40PMOC - bloco g 4 piso sala ouro 025956.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 491.751ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_18_40PMOC - bloco g 4 piso sala ouro 025956.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_19_56ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 481.4714ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_19_56ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_20_29PMOC - oceano sala de café 026899.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 293.8951ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_20_29PMOC - oceano sala de café 026899.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_21_50ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -18.7895ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_21_50ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_22_2PMOC - oceano sala de reunião 027050.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -471.9319ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_22_2PMOC - oceano sala de reunião 027050.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_24_18PMOC - oceano espaço coworking 026902.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 81.7779ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_24_18PMOC - oceano espaço coworking 026902.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_24_2ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 472.4596ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_24_2ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_26_14ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 378.421ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_26_14ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_26_8PMOC - oceano espaço coworking 026903.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -121.5648ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_26_8PMOC - oceano espaço coworking 026903.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_27_27ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 97.0085ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_27_27ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_27_45PMOC - oceanoi espaço coworking 026898.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 143.8407ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_27_45PMOC - oceanoi espaço coworking 026898.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_29_11ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 221.7755ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_29_11ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_2_5PMOC - Bloco B 4 Piso Sala Inf EAD Biblioteca.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 73.4781ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_2_5PMOC - Bloco B 4 Piso Sala Inf EAD Biblioteca.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_31_11PMOC -oceano sala de tv 027219.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 159.021ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_31_11PMOC -oceano sala de tv 027219.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_32_28ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 299.4738ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_32_28ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_34_32PMOC - bloco F 1 piso sala branca inf 027904.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 241.5544ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_34_32PMOC - bloco F 1 piso sala branca inf 027904.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_34_39ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -211.5867ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_34_39ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_5_45ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 282.3738ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_5_45ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_35_53PMOC - bloco F 1 piso sala branca inf 027905.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -477.3701ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_35_53PMOC - bloco F 1 piso sala branca inf 027905.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_8_13PMOC - Bloco b 3 piso sala de estudos biblioteca 028553.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -139.8164ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_8_13PMOC - Bloco b 3 piso sala de estudos biblioteca 028553.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_6_1PMOC - Bloco B 3 PISO SALA DE ESTUDOS BIBLIOTECA 028554.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -327.0264ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_6_1PMOC - Bloco B 3 PISO SALA DE ESTUDOS BIBLIOTECA 028554.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_7_21ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -389.7097ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_7_21ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_9_49ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -93.1639ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_13_11_9_49ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_16_4_32_3CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 53.0116ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_16_4_32_3CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_16_4_32_9PMOC - FAB LAB Bloco I 1° PISO_18.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 131.1623ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_16_4_32_9PMOC - FAB LAB Bloco I 1° PISO_18.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_16_4_35_59CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -279.8767ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_16_4_35_59CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_16_4_35_2PMOC - FAB LAB Bloco I 1° PISO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -404.7415ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_16_4_35_2PMOC - FAB LAB Bloco I 1° PISO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_16_4_35_7CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -295.3666ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_16_4_35_7CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_16_4_36_3PMOC - FAB LAB Bloco I 1° PISO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 63.8806ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_8_16_4_36_3PMOC - FAB LAB Bloco I 1° PISO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_19_13CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 496.739ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_19_13CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_19_7PMOC - BLOCO A SALA DE PÓS GRADUAÇÃO .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 328.7443ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_19_7PMOC - BLOCO A SALA DE PÓS GRADUAÇÃO .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_21_55CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 115.9221ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_21_55CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_22_0PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 12 ALLPRA ENGENHARIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 471.8977ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_22_0PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 12 ALLPRA ENGENHARIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_23_19CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -456.9677ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_23_19CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_24_23PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 201.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -161.3095ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_24_23PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 201.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_26_13CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 239.9012ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_26_13CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_26_20PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 201.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -52.1241ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_26_20PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 201.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_28_27CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -200.7815ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_28_27CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_32_22PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 203 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -133.9738ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_32_22PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 203 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_32_49PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 203.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -342.1168ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_32_49PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 203.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_34_37CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 77.7681ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_34_37CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_34_42PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 205.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 205.7467ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_34_42PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 205.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_35_58CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 453.3453ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_35_58CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_36_3PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 205 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 81.3321ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_36_3PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 205 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_37_16PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 205 (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 352.9602ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_37_16PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 205 (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_37_7CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 469.0009ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_37_7CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_42_42PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 308.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 115.2833ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_42_42PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 308.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_42_47CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 219.2537ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_42_47CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_43_55CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 204.8037ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_43_55CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_44_2PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 308 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 16.7991ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_44_2PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 308 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_45_14PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 306.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 208.4384ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_45_14PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 306.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_45_40CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -335.7018ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_45_40CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_45_4CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 260.4911ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_45_4CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_47_17PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 306 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -12.1885ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_47_17PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 306 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_48_38CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 351.3949ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_48_38CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_48_55PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 305.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -404.6882ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_48_55PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 305.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_49_49CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -328.9741ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_49_49CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_50_0PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 305 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 238.9792ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_50_0PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 305 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_50_49CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 90.4191ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_50_49CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_50_58PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 305 (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -201.6215ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_50_58PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 305 (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_52_10CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -57.9957ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_52_10CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_52_23PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 304 .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 197.942ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_52_23PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 304 .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_53_12CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 6.4757ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_53_12CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_53_21PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 304 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 226.4417ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_53_21PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 304 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_54_31CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -409.9112ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_54_31CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_54_39PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 303.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -177.9514ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_54_39PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 303.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_55_25CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -174.2063ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_55_25CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_55_32PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 303 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 397.7783ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_55_32PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 303 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_56_58CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -442.662ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_56_58CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_57_7PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 302.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -358.7079ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_3_57_7PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 302.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_15_23PMOC - BLOCO F SALA CINZA 110.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 57.7202ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_15_23PMOC - BLOCO F SALA CINZA 110.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_15_48CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 229.6047ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_15_48CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_15_4CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -486.1677ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_15_4CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_15_58PMOC - BLOCO F SALA CINZA 110 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -34.4379ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_15_58PMOC - BLOCO F SALA CINZA 110 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_20_24CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -403.8162ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_20_24CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_20_47PMOC - BLOCO E LABORATÓRIO DE HABILIDADES CIRÚRGIAS SALA 115 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 68.0645ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_20_47PMOC - BLOCO E LABORATÓRIO DE HABILIDADES CIRÚRGIAS SALA 115 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_21_37CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -232.1794ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_21_37CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_22_22PMOC - BLOCO E LABORATÓRIO DE HABILIDADES CIRÚRGIAS SALA 115 (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 419.5907ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_22_22PMOC - BLOCO E LABORATÓRIO DE HABILIDADES CIRÚRGIAS SALA 115 (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_23_42CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -228.4211ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_23_42CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_23_50PMOC - BLOCO E LABORATÓRIO DE HABILIDADES CIRÚRGIAS SALA 115 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -488.4655ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_23_50PMOC - BLOCO E LABORATÓRIO DE HABILIDADES CIRÚRGIAS SALA 115 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_25_56CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -225.3807ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_25_56CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_26_4PMOC - BLOCO E LABORATÓRIO DE HABILIDADES CIRÚRGIAS SALA 115.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 210.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_26_4PMOC - BLOCO E LABORATÓRIO DE HABILIDADES CIRÚRGIAS SALA 115.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_28_13CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 69.947ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_28_13CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_29_54PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA DE REUNIÃO 307.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 297.4305ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_29_54PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA DE REUNIÃO 307.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_2_15PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 302.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 419.711ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_2_15PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 302.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_2_2CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -204.2235ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_2_2CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_32_33CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -39.3897ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_32_33CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_33_0PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA INVERTIDA 202.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -115.5413ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_33_0PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA INVERTIDA 202.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_33_47PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA INVERTIDA 202 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -260.5753ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_33_47PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA INVERTIDA 202 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_33_52CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 187.4006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_33_52CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_35_15PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA GERÊNCIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -309.0203ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_35_15PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA GERÊNCIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_35_4CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 359.024ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_35_4CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_36_4CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 162.7185ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_36_4CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_36_9PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA DE REUNIÃO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 290.6859ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_36_9PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA DE REUNIÃO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_37_17PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA DE ADMINISTRAÇÃO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 46.3269ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_37_17PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA DE ADMINISTRAÇÃO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_37_6CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 358.41ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_37_6CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_38_4CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 258.1013ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_38_4CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_41_20PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA DE ADMINISTRAÇÃO (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 352.8986ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_41_20PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA DE ADMINISTRAÇÃO (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_41_3CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 308.9704ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_41_3CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_42_13PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA WAY.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -491.384ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_42_13PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA WAY.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_4_26CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -347.3227ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_4_26CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_4_34PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 301.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -383.3494ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_4_34PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 301.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_5_18CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -491.5788ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_5_18CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_5_29PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 301 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -3.6357ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_4_5_29PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 301 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_23_32CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 206.6011ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_23_32CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_23_45PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA CEDRO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 396.1152ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_23_45PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA CEDRO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_32_20PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 313 INVERTIDA .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 429.4762ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_32_20PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 313 INVERTIDA .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_32_9CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -498.4826ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_32_9CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_34_26CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 480.3027ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_34_26CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_34_32PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 313 INVERTIDA (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 476.2882ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_34_32PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA 313 INVERTIDA (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_36_17CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 155.7388ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_36_17CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_36_23PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA ALTERNE ENERGIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 391.7081ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_36_23PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA ALTERNE ENERGIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_39_29CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -281.5497ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_39_29CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_39_49PMOC - BLOCO H 1° PISO SALA 115 LABORATÓRIO DE MICROSCOPIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -5.6464ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_39_49PMOC - BLOCO H 1° PISO SALA 115 LABORATÓRIO DE MICROSCOPIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_43_35CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -106.8055ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_43_35CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_43_41PMOC - BLOCO H 1° PISO SALA 115 LABORATÓRIO DE MICROSCOPIA (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 37.168ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_43_41PMOC - BLOCO H 1° PISO SALA 115 LABORATÓRIO DE MICROSCOPIA (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_44_22CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 415.7943ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_44_22CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_44_29PMOC - BLOCO H 1° PISO SALA 115 LABORATÓRIO DE MICROSCOPIA (3).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 379.7504ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_17_6_44_29PMOC - BLOCO H 1° PISO SALA 115 LABORATÓRIO DE MICROSCOPIA (3).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_18_8_42_35CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -419.1698ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_18_8_42_35CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_18_8_42_40PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA DE REUNIÃO 309.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -275.1907ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_18_8_42_40PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 3° PISO SALA DE REUNIÃO 309.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_18_8_46_35CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 139.603ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_18_8_46_35CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_18_8_46_41PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 207.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -256.4408ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_18_8_46_41PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 207.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_18_8_47_20CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -349.2645ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_18_8_47_20CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_18_8_47_25PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 207 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 342.7111ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_18_8_47_25PMOC - BLOCO ALFA 2° PISO SALA 207 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_25_53PMOC - BLOCO A SETOR ADMINISTRATIVO SALA DE PÓS GRADUAÇÃO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -1.1731ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_25_53PMOC - BLOCO A SETOR ADMINISTRATIVO SALA DE PÓS GRADUAÇÃO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_26_2CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 26.7877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_26_2CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_31_38CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -255.3652ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_31_38CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_31_55PMOC - BLOCO F 3° PISO SALA DE FOTOGRAFIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -459.454ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_31_55PMOC - BLOCO F 3° PISO SALA DE FOTOGRAFIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_33_16CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -239.873ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_33_16CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_33_8PMOC - BLOCO F 3° PISO SALA DE FOTOGRAFIA (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 164.1691ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_33_8PMOC - BLOCO F 3° PISO SALA DE FOTOGRAFIA (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_40_21CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 93.596ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_40_21CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_46_40CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -420.3436ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_46_40CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_47_11PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO - SALA DE DIAGNÓSTICO POR IMAGENS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -437.5699ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_47_11PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO - SALA DE DIAGNÓSTICO POR IMAGENS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_52_15CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 300.8767ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_52_15CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_52_40PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO - FARMÁCIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -339.2566ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_52_40PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO - FARMÁCIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_57_56CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -193.7745ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_57_56CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_58_15PMOC - BLOCO D FARMÁCIA - ALMOXARIFADO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 18.1293ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_58_15PMOC - BLOCO D FARMÁCIA - ALMOXARIFADO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_59_47CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 489.6596ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_10_59_47CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_10_31PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOTÉRICO, SALA DE CRIAÇÃO DE RATOS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -338.3734ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_10_31PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOTÉRICO, SALA DE CRIAÇÃO DE RATOS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_10_8CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 413.7623ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_10_8CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_15_30PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOTÉRICO, SALA DE EXPERIMENTAÇÃO DE CAMUNDONGOS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -156.2214ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_15_30PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOTÉRICO, SALA DE EXPERIMENTAÇÃO DE CAMUNDONGOS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_15_8CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -248.0943ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_15_8CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_18_27PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOTÉRICO, SALA DE LIMPEZA E ESTERIZAÇÃO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 383.9697ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_18_27PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOTÉRICO, SALA DE LIMPEZA E ESTERIZAÇÃO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_18_6CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 312.0751ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_18_6CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_20_40PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOTÉRICO, ALMOXARIFADO .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -360.7172ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_20_40PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOTÉRICO, ALMOXARIFADO .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_20_8CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -164.5491ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_20_8CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_21_57CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 302.8493ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_21_57CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_22_23PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOTÉRICO, SALA DE EXPERIEMENTAÇÃO RATOS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 94.7609ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_22_23PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOTÉRICO, SALA DE EXPERIEMENTAÇÃO RATOS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_27_22CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 494.7745ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_27_22CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_27_47PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOTÉRICO, LABORATÓRIO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 434.3641ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_27_47PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOTÉRICO, LABORATÓRIO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_29_13CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -122.0814ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_29_13CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_29_46PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO - SALA DE DIGITAÇÃO DE IMAGENS (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 389.7433ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_29_46PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO - SALA DE DIGITAÇÃO DE IMAGENS (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_31_28PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO - SALA DE RAIO X (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 261.221ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_31_28PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO - SALA DE RAIO X (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_31_36CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 421.1852ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_31_36CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_5_55CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -244.22ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_5_55CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_6_29PMOC - BLOCO F BIOTÉRICO, SALA DE CRIAÇÃO DE CAMUNDONGOS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -480.5467ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_6_29PMOC - BLOCO F BIOTÉRICO, SALA DE CRIAÇÃO DE CAMUNDONGOS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_8_32PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOTÉRICO, SALA DE ADMINISTRATIVA .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -173.7467ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_8_32PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOTÉRICO, SALA DE ADMINISTRATIVA .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_8_7CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -81.6169ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_26_11_8_7CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_14_43CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -272.9507ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_14_43CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_14_53PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO - LABORATÓRIO DE HISTOPATOLOGIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -52.9843ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_14_53PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO - LABORATÓRIO DE HISTOPATOLOGIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_19_11CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 337.6811ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_19_11CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_19_50CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -204.2787ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_19_50CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_19_7PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO - CENTRO CIRÚRGICO 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -150.2871ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_19_7PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO - CENTRO CIRÚRGICO 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_20_5PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO - CENTRO CIRÚRGICO 3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -224.3459ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_20_5PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO - CENTRO CIRÚRGICO 3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_22_40CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -201.1448ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_22_40CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_23_15PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO- CENTRO CIRÚRGICO 2 .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -437.323ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_23_15PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO- CENTRO CIRÚRGICO 2 .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_24_11CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -298.0492ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_24_11CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_24_5PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO - CENTRO CIRÚRGICO 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -25.5851ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_24_5PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO - CENTRO CIRÚRGICO 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_25_33CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 425.5149ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_25_33CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_25_39PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO - LABORATÓRIO DE PATOLOGIA CLÍNICA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 301.4932ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_11_25_39PMOC - CENTRO CLÍNICO VETERINÁRIO - LABORATÓRIO DE PATOLOGIA CLÍNICA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_22_9CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -379.7289ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_22_9CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_29_13PMOC - BLOCO H 2° PISO SALA NUFEPE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -330.1818ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_29_13PMOC - BLOCO H 2° PISO SALA NUFEPE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_34_15PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOTÉRICO, SALA DE QUARENTENA .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 381.2951ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_34_15PMOC - BLOCO F, BIOTÉRICO, SALA DE QUARENTENA .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_34_23CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 29.2531ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_34_23CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_35_42CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 24.8355ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_35_42CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_42_13PMOC - BLOCO D FARMÁCIA - LABORATRIO DE MANIPULAÇÃO (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 226.5472ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_42_13PMOC - BLOCO D FARMÁCIA - LABORATRIO DE MANIPULAÇÃO (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_46_33PMOC - BLOCO D FARMÁCIA - LABORATRIO DE MANIPULAÇÃO (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 80.9102ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_46_33PMOC - BLOCO D FARMÁCIA - LABORATRIO DE MANIPULAÇÃO (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_46_40CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 340.9122ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_46_40CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_48_2CREA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -203.4961ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_48_2CREA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_48_33PMOC - BLOCO D FARMÁCIA - LABORATÓRIO DE MANIPULAÇÃO .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -155.6646ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2018_9_27_9_48_33PMOC - BLOCO D FARMÁCIA - LABORATÓRIO DE MANIPULAÇÃO .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_1_59_24ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -169.9984ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_1_59_24ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_1_59_29Bloco E - Sala DE ADMINISTRAÇÃO - BIOTÉRIO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -402.0341ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_1_59_29Bloco E - Sala DE ADMINISTRAÇÃO - BIOTÉRIO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_2_0_40Bloco E - Sala 410 LAB MORFOLFUNCIONAL II4.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -222.3947ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_2_0_40Bloco E - Sala 410 LAB MORFOLFUNCIONAL II4.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_2_0_44ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 189.5704ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_2_0_44ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_2_1_50ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 455.7219ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_2_1_50ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_2_1_55Bloco E - Sala 410 LAB MORFOLFUNCIONAL II3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 191.6946ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_2_1_55Bloco E - Sala 410 LAB MORFOLFUNCIONAL II3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_2_2_32ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -340.5132ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_2_2_32ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_2_2_47Bloco E - Sala 410 LAB MORFOLFUNCIONAL II2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 447.4164ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_2_2_47Bloco E - Sala 410 LAB MORFOLFUNCIONAL II2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_2_3_16ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 423.2676ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_2_3_16ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_2_3_20Bloco E - Sala 410 LAB MORFOLFUNCIONAL II.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 439.2579ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_15_2_3_20Bloco E - Sala 410 LAB MORFOLFUNCIONAL II.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_53_57ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 299.9963ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_53_57ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_54_4BLOCO H SALA 108 LABORATÓRIO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -40.0347ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_54_4BLOCO H SALA 108 LABORATÓRIO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_55_39ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 135.4692ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_55_39ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_55_54BLOCO H SEGUNDO PISO SALA NUFEP.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -148.5982ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_55_54BLOCO H SEGUNDO PISO SALA NUFEP.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_57_27BLOCO H SEGUNDO PISO SALA NUFEP.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -289.079ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_57_27BLOCO H SEGUNDO PISO SALA NUFEP.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_57_31ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -425.0839ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_57_31ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_58_30ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 62.6097ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_58_30ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_58_39BLOCO F SALA 305 SALA DE RADIO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -109.4316ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_58_39BLOCO F SALA 305 SALA DE RADIO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_59_51ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -445.8772ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_59_51ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_59_59BLOCO D LABORATORIO DE ANALISES CLINICAS4.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 22.0844ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_10_59_59BLOCO D LABORATORIO DE ANALISES CLINICAS4.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_1_43ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -406.4527ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_1_43ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_2_0BLOCO D LABORATORIO DE ANALISES CLINICAS3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -162.5307ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_2_0BLOCO D LABORATORIO DE ANALISES CLINICAS3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_2_55ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -438.8116ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_2_55ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_37_57ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -438.2409ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_37_57ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_38_4DEPTO DE COMPRAS BLOCO L 1 PISO SALA 106.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 105.7327ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_38_4DEPTO DE COMPRAS BLOCO L 1 PISO SALA 106.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_39_0ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 237.441ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_39_0ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_39_11SALA DE REUNIAO - BLOCO L 1 PISO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 25.3775ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_39_11SALA DE REUNIAO - BLOCO L 1 PISO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_3_26BLOCO D LABORATORIO DE ANALISES CLINICAS2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 277.0298ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_3_26BLOCO D LABORATORIO DE ANALISES CLINICAS2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_40_39LICITACAO - BLOCO L 1 PISO SALA 104.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -123.0825ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_40_39LICITACAO - BLOCO L 1 PISO SALA 104.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_40_43ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -359.0806ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_40_43ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_41_30ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 140.6683ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_41_30ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_41_37CCV SALA DE REDES E SEGURANCA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 440.6319ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_41_37CCV SALA DE REDES E SEGURANCA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_42_38SALA POP BLOCO J.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -383.6748ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_42_38SALA POP BLOCO J.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_42_45ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 464.2933ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_42_45ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_44_16ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -229.839ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_44_16ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_44_6SALA POP BLOCO H.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 382.2171ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_44_6SALA POP BLOCO H.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_45_39ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 349.7405ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_45_39ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_45_45SALA POP BLOCO A.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 341.7026ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_45_45SALA POP BLOCO A.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_47_17SALA POP BLOCO B.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 101.2273ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_47_17SALA POP BLOCO B.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_47_22ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -150.7717ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_47_22ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_4_34ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -71.3123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_4_34ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_4_39BLOCO D LABORATORIO DE ANALISES CLINICAS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -343.3594ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_21_11_4_39BLOCO D LABORATORIO DE ANALISES CLINICAS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_10_14ILHA DE EDIÇÃO BLOCO F 3º PISO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 384.9671ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_10_14ILHA DE EDIÇÃO BLOCO F 3º PISO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_10_8ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -142.0017ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_10_8ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_13_30ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 43.9676ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_13_30ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_13_39ESTUDIO DE FOROGRAFIA BOLOCO F 3º PISO SALA 304.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -144.0696ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_13_39ESTUDIO DE FOROGRAFIA BOLOCO F 3º PISO SALA 304.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_16_18ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 199.1115ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_16_18ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_16_29ESTUDIO DE VIDEO BLOCO F 3º PISO SALA 302.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -240.941ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_16_29ESTUDIO DE VIDEO BLOCO F 3º PISO SALA 302.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_21_11LABORATORIO AGENCIA EXPERIMENTAL DE PROPAGANDA BLOCO F 3º PISO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -295.2614ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_21_11LABORATORIO AGENCIA EXPERIMENTAL DE PROPAGANDA BLOCO F 3º PISO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_21_6ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -239.209ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_21_6ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_4_17ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 243.7904ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_4_17ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_4_23LABORATORIO DE FOTOGRAFIA BLOCO F 3º PISO SALA 308.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -276.2323ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_10_4_23LABORATORIO DE FOTOGRAFIA BLOCO F 3º PISO SALA 308.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_9_35_2ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -289.9667ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_9_35_2ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_9_35_9CCU - CENTRO INTEGRADO DE COMANDO E CONTROLE REGIONAL - CENTRAL.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -441.9996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_9_35_9CCU - CENTRO INTEGRADO DE COMANDO E CONTROLE REGIONAL - CENTRAL.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_9_41_56ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -199.9877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_9_41_56ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_9_42_1Contabilidade BLOCO A 2º PISO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 411.9827ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_24_9_42_1Contabilidade BLOCO A 2º PISO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_4_50_32ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 492.8016ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_4_50_32ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_4_50_38BLOCO D - SALA 218 - LAB. TECNOLOGIA FARMACEUTICA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 268.7662ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_4_50_38BLOCO D - SALA 218 - LAB. TECNOLOGIA FARMACEUTICA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_25_19ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -355.2454ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_25_19ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_25_46BLOCO M 2º PISO - SALA EAD5 - SALA 211.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 279.8262ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_25_46BLOCO M 2º PISO - SALA EAD5 - SALA 211.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_26_33BLOCO M 2º PISO - SALA EAD4 - SALA 211.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -464.4084ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_26_33BLOCO M 2º PISO - SALA EAD4 - SALA 211.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_27_15ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -372.6249ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_27_15ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_26_28ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 295.5976ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_26_28ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_27_51BLOCO M 2º PISO - SALA EAD3 - SALA 211.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 411.1733ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_27_51BLOCO M 2º PISO - SALA EAD3 - SALA 211.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_28_48ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -437.1006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_28_48ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_28_53BLOCO M 2º PISO - SALA EAD2 - SALA 211.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 466.8663ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_28_53BLOCO M 2º PISO - SALA EAD2 - SALA 211.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_29_49ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 302.585ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_29_49ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_29_54BLOCO M 2º PISO - SALA EAD - SALA 211.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -197.4347ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_29_54BLOCO M 2º PISO - SALA EAD - SALA 211.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_3_31ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 265.369ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_3_31ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_3_37BLOCO F - 1 PISO - SALA CRS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -138.6577ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_3_37BLOCO F - 1 PISO - SALA CRS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_4_42ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -150.9965ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_4_42ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_4_49BLOCO E - 4 PISO - SALA POP.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 124.9609ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_4_49BLOCO E - 4 PISO - SALA POP.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_52_53ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 139.6956ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_52_53ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_53_0BLOCO F - 1º PISO - SALA POP A SALA 109.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -96.3565ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_53_0BLOCO F - 1º PISO - SALA POP A SALA 109.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_54_25ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -60.778ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_54_25ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_54_35BLOCO N - 1º PISO - AUDITORIO CENTRAL6 - SALA 115.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 191.1707ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_54_35BLOCO N - 1º PISO - AUDITORIO CENTRAL6 - SALA 115.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_55_14BLOCO N - 1º PISO - AUDITORIO CENTRAL5 - SALA 115.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -165.0273ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_55_14BLOCO N - 1º PISO - AUDITORIO CENTRAL5 - SALA 115.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_55_41ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -81.1682ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_55_41ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_55_56BLOCO N - 1º PISO - AUDITORIO CENTRAL4 - SALA 115.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -345.4855ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_55_9ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 310.9899ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_55_9ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_56_21ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 306.4019ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_56_21ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_55_56BLOCO N - 1º PISO - AUDITORIO CENTRAL4 - SALA 115.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_56_39BLOCO N - 1º PISO - AUDITORIO CENTRAL4 - SALA 115.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -409.6889ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_56_39BLOCO N - 1º PISO - AUDITORIO CENTRAL4 - SALA 115.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_57_28ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 345.8538ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_57_28ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_57_34BLOCO N - 1º PISO - AUDITORIO CENTRAL2 - SALA 115.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -458.1781ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_57_34BLOCO N - 1º PISO - AUDITORIO CENTRAL2 - SALA 115.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_58_13ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 153.6201ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_58_13ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_58_17BLOCO N - 1º PISO - AUDITORIO CENTRAL - SALA 115.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -478.4007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_58_17BLOCO N - 1º PISO - AUDITORIO CENTRAL - SALA 115.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_5_33ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -275.2589ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_5_33ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_5_38BLOCO L - SALA POP.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 22.9469ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_5_38BLOCO L - SALA POP.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_6_20ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -325.2747ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_6_20ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_6_25BLOCO M - 1º PISO - SALA POP.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -489.2925ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_1_7_5_6_25BLOCO M - 1º PISO - SALA POP.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_27_19PMOC ALFA CEDRO 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -185.2046ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_27_19PMOC ALFA CEDRO 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_27_27ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -293.2487ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_27_27ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_30_15PMOC ALFA CEDRO 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 76.3829ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_30_15PMOC ALFA CEDRO 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_30_20ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -407.6825ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_30_20ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_31_54PMOC ALFA CEDRO 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -88.1274ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_31_54PMOC ALFA CEDRO 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_32_1ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -28.1652ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_32_1ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_34_13PMOC ALFA SALA 205 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -388.8609ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_34_13PMOC ALFA SALA 205 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_34_3ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -44.7814ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_34_3ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_34_51ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -397.0305ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_34_51ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_35_18PMOC ALFA SALA 205 3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -369.1726ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_35_18PMOC ALFA SALA 205 3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_45_21ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 291.2843ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_45_21ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_45_2PMOC ARMAZENAM DE SEMENTES.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -160.6153ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_45_2PMOC ARMAZENAM DE SEMENTES.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_46_56ART2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 466.8022ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_46_56ART2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_47_5PMOC CCU DESCANSO EQUIP.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -145.2446ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_47_5PMOC CCU DESCANSO EQUIP.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_56_23PMOC CEDRO1 308.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -219.0681ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_56_23PMOC CEDRO1 308.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_56_28ART2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -107.0927ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_56_28ART2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_57_10PMOC CEDRO2 308.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 372.6928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_57_10PMOC CEDRO2 308.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_57_15ART2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -375.3594ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_5_57_15ART2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_0_22PMOC GENEB SALA DE EXPERIMENTOS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -495.4385ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_0_22PMOC GENEB SALA DE EXPERIMENTOS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_0_26ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 356.5195ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_0_26ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_1_14ART2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 496.2629ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_1_14ART2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_1_52PMOC GENEB SALA PROFESSOR .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 232.0969ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_1_52PMOC GENEB SALA PROFESSOR .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_1_57ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -167.9264ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_1_57ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_1_9PMOC GENEB SALA MIX.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 152.318ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_1_9PMOC GENEB SALA MIX.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_3_21PMOC GENEB1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -96.3567ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_3_21PMOC GENEB1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_3_26ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -244.3783ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_3_26ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_4_41PMOC LAB MON AMBIENTAL.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 243.226ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_4_41PMOC LAB MON AMBIENTAL.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_4_45ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 363.2071ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_4_45ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_5_43PMOC SALA SATURA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -381.0795ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_5_43PMOC SALA SATURA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_5_48ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -277.1202ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_5_48ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_6_58PMOC SALA TÉC OPER.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -361.4718ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_6_58PMOC SALA TÉC OPER.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_7_3ART2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 210.504ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_7_3ART2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_7_46PMOC SALA TÉC OPER2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -225.7224ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_7_46PMOC SALA TÉC OPER2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_7_51ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 54.2611ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_7_51ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_8_17PMOC SALA TÉC OPER3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -141.8707ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_8_17PMOC SALA TÉC OPER3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_8_21ART.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 446.1041ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_3_26_6_8_21ART.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_1_54_59ART4.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -36.2024ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_1_54_59ART4.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_1_55_5PMOC BLOCO H LAB. MICROSCOPIA 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -212.2411ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_1_55_5PMOC BLOCO H LAB. MICROSCOPIA 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_1_56_4ART4.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -180.5357ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_1_56_4ART4.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_1_56_7PMOC BLOCO H LAB. MICROSCOPIA 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -192.5468ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_1_56_7PMOC BLOCO H LAB. MICROSCOPIA 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_1_57_28ART4.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -460.9708ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_1_57_28ART4.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_1_57_31PMOC BLOCO H LAB. MICROSCOPIA 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 307.0206ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_1_57_31PMOC BLOCO H LAB. MICROSCOPIA 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_1_59_23PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO 36KBTU 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 78.4432ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_1_59_23PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO 36KBTU 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_1_59_50ART3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -359.5551ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_1_59_50ART3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_1_59_5ART3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -317.4632ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_1_59_5ART3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_0_19PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO 36KBTU 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -315.6902ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_0_19PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO 36KBTU 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_10_0PMOC BLOCO F SALA 104 AMARELA A .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 490.958ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_10_0PMOC BLOCO F SALA 104 AMARELA A .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_11_13ART2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -149.4127ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_11_13ART2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_11_16PMOC BLOCO F SALA 104 AMARELA A2 .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -81.4377ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_11_16PMOC BLOCO F SALA 104 AMARELA A2 .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_12_55ART1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -465.9386ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_12_55ART1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_12_58PMOC LAB. CITOGENETICA E MUTAGÊNESE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 58.0353ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_12_58PMOC LAB. CITOGENETICA E MUTAGÊNESE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_1_1ART3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -211.9049ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_1_1ART3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_1_6PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO 24KBTU 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -343.9302ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_1_6PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO 24KBTU 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_2_10PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO 24KBTU 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -372.2564ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_2_10PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO 24KBTU 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_2_5ART3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 119.7571ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_3_14ART3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -332.5922ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_3_26PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO SALA DE ADM 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 123.3499ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_3_26PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO SALA DE ADM 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_4_5ART3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -376.8542ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_4_5ART3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_3_14ART3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_2_5ART3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_4_53ART3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -305.0922ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_4_53ART3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_4_58PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO SALA DE REUNIAO 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -261.1175ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_4_58PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO SALA DE REUNIAO 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_4_11PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO SALA DE ADM 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 379.1145ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_4_11PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO SALA DE ADM 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_9_53ART2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -105.0027ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_13_2_9_53ART2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_15_4PMOC CDI TOMOGRAFO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 461.2637ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_15_4PMOC CDI TOMOGRAFO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_15_7ART CCU.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 385.2443ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_15_7ART CCU.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_33_25PMOC CDI ULTRASONOGRAFIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 372.6476ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_33_25PMOC CDI ULTRASONOGRAFIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_33_30ART CCU.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -115.376ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_33_30ART CCU.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_43_36PMOC CEO ADMINISTRAÇÃO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 17.181ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_43_36PMOC CEO ADMINISTRAÇÃO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_43_40ART CCU.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -338.8774ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_43_40ART CCU.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_46_32PMOC CEO CENTRAL DE MAT. ESTERILIZADO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -307.7175ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_46_32PMOC CEO CENTRAL DE MAT. ESTERILIZADO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_46_35ART CCU.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 344.242ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_46_35ART CCU.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_53_49PMOC CEO CONSULT. 01.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 45.1855ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_53_49PMOC CEO CONSULT. 01.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_53_53ART CCU.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 489.1529ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_53_53ART CCU.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_55_23PMOC CEO CONSULT. 02.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 156.7066ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_55_23PMOC CEO CONSULT. 02.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_55_28ART CCU.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -171.323ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_55_28ART CCU.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_6_27PMOC CDI RECUPERAÇÃO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -268.9554ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_6_27PMOC CDI RECUPERAÇÃO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_6_32ART CCU.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 79.0171ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_6_32ART CCU.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_9_39PMOC CDI SALA DE LAUDOS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -197.9433ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_9_39PMOC CDI SALA DE LAUDOS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_9_42ART CCU.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 278.0413ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_10_9_42ART CCU.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_9_23_32PMOC CDI CARDIOGRAMA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 495.4772ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_9_23_32PMOC CDI CARDIOGRAMA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_9_23_39ART CCU.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -220.5601ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_9_23_39ART CCU.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_9_38_13PMOC CDI ELETROCEFALOGRAMA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -414.7498ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_9_38_13PMOC CDI ELETROCEFALOGRAMA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_9_38_16ART CCU.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 189.2376ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_9_38_16ART CCU.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_9_40_24PMOC CDI ENDOSCOPIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 496.5834ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_9_40_24PMOC CDI ENDOSCOPIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_9_40_29ART CCU.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -203.459ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_9_40_29ART CCU.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_9_58_15PMOC CDI RAIOX.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -160.5854ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_9_58_15PMOC CDI RAIOX.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_9_58_18ART CCU.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 487.3987ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_17_9_58_18ART CCU.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_10_0PMOC LAB. MORFOFUNCIONAL I 04.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -405.6348ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_10_0PMOC LAB. MORFOFUNCIONAL I 04.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_10_39PMOC CCV ALMOXARIFADO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 258.1771ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_10_39PMOC CCV ALMOXARIFADO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_10_3ART 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 254.3552ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_10_3ART 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_10_42ART 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 170.1498ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_10_42ART 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_11_22PMOC ALFA SALA 311 01.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 253.9535ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_11_22PMOC ALFA SALA 311 01.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_11_26ART 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -266.065ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_11_26ART 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_12_44PMOC ALFA SALA 203 01.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -438.4554ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_12_44PMOC ALFA SALA 203 01.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_12_51ART 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -474.5072ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_12_51ART 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_12_5PMOC ALFA SALA 311 02.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -386.2612ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_12_5PMOC ALFA SALA 311 02.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_12_8ART 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 269.7148ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_12_8ART 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_13_21PMOC ALFA SALA 203 02.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 193.349ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_13_21PMOC ALFA SALA 203 02.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_13_25ART 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 325.3152ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_13_25ART 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_13_58PMOC COORDENADORIA VIGILÂNCIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -22.8579ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_13_58PMOC COORDENADORIA VIGILÂNCIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_14_1ART 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 237.1381ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_14_1ART 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_26_18PMOC LAB. BIOTÉCNOLOGIA SALA MIX.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 63.6529ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_26_18PMOC LAB. BIOTÉCNOLOGIA SALA MIX.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_26_22ART 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -488.3647ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_26_22ART 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_4_51PMOC LAB. BIOTÉCNOLOGIA SALA MIX.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 122.5177ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_4_51PMOC LAB. BIOTÉCNOLOGIA SALA MIX.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_6_4ART 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -289.8584ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_6_4ART 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_7_30PMOC LAB. QUÍMICA CENTRAL ANALITICA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 221.7089ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_7_30PMOC LAB. QUÍMICA CENTRAL ANALITICA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_7_35ART 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 493.6805ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_7_35ART 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_8_16PMOC LAB. MORFOFUNCIONAL I 01.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -78.5261ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_8_16PMOC LAB. MORFOFUNCIONAL I 01.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_8_19ART 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 165.4382ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_8_19ART 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_8_46PMOC LAB. MORFOFUNCIONAL I 02.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 237.3212ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_8_46PMOC LAB. MORFOFUNCIONAL I 02.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_8_50ART 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 105.3001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_8_50ART 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_9_25PMOC LAB. MORFOFUNCIONAL I 03.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 317.0852ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_9_25PMOC LAB. MORFOFUNCIONAL I 03.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_9_29ART 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 302.5372ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/2019_5_23_3_9_29ART 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:14 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$905 - NF 1701.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$907 - NF 144482.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$909 - NF 5533.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$911 - NF 9213.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$913 - NF 389.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$910 - NF 21809.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$915 - NF 321 320 317 318 316 319.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$916 - NF 70656309 70650832 70888708 71114850.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$914 - NF 326 325 323 324 322.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$917 - NF 103520161-1.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$920 - NF 21770.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$919 - NF 2572 2571 2570 2569 2568 2567 2566.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$918 - NF 3246.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$921 - NF 144483 144482.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$923 - NF 36640.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$922 - NF 1184 1186.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/02 - OBRA/02 - PINTURA/ESTOQUE OBRA PINTURA - RV00 - 10122020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 120.0696ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/02 - OBRA/02 - PINTURA/ESTOQUE OBRA PINTURA - RV00 - 10122020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Thumbs.db: Excluded 2022/01/25 16:49:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZA\xc7\xc3O DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV02 - 24012019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZA\xc7\xc3O DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV01 - 22012019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZA\xc7\xc3O DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV04 - 18022019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZA\xc7\xc3O DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV03 - 08022019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/PRE\xc7OS DO SISTEMA.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZA\xc7\xc3O DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV04 - 19022019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZA\xc7\xc3O DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV04 - 11022019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZA\xc7\xc3O DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV00 - 10012019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZA\xc7\xc3O DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV03 - 06022019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZA\xc7\xc3O DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV00 - 24012019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:15 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$904 - NF 806.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/01 - HORARIOS/HORÁRIO LARE e SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -209.8845ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/01 - HORARIOS/HORÁRIO LARE e SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:15 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$906 - NF 144483.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC LAB. HABILIDADES M\xc9D. PEQUENAS CIRURGIAS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CEO ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC LAB. HABILIDADES M\xc9D. TREINAMENTO2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CDI RECUPERA\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC LAB. HABILIDADES M\xc9D. TREINAMENTO1.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC SAMU CENTRAL DE REGULA\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV02 - 27102020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -317.2004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV02 - 27102020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/LARE - M\xc1QUINAS E LUGARES RV02.bak" 2022/01/25 16:49:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/LARE - M\xc1QUINAS E LUGARES RV02.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:49:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCE/PROJETO EL\xc9TRICO CCE 1015-31122019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ADVERTENCIAS DISCIPLINARES/01 - ADVERTENCIA - EDVÂNIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 4.0553ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - ADVERTENCIAS DISCIPLINARES/01 - ADVERTENCIA - EDVÂNIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$907 - NF 144482.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$909 - NF 5533.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$911 - NF 9213.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$913 - NF 389.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$916 - NF 70656309 70650832 70888708 71114850.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$910 - NF 21809.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$917 - NF 103520161-1.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$920 - NF 21770.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$915 - NF 321 320 317 318 316 319.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$914 - NF 326 325 323 324 322.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$919 - NF 2572 2571 2570 2569 2568 2567 2566.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$918 - NF 3246.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$921 - NF 144483 144482.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Dec3181-Estabelece a graduação das multas.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Dec3181-Estabelece a graduação das multas.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O IMOV\xc9IS/LAUDO/Laudo de Avalia\xe7\xe3o de Vida \xdatil e Deprecia\xe7\xe3o dos Bens Im\xf3veis R1 - 170519.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 10 - X.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 10 - X.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 11 - XI.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 11 - XI.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 12 - XII -Hierarquização do sistema viário.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 12 - XII -Hierarquização do sistema viário.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 14 - XIV.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 14 - XIV.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 15 - XV.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 15 - XV.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 16 - XVI.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 16 - XVI.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 17 - XVII.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 17 - XVII.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 18 - XVIII.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 18 - XVIII.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 19 - XIX.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 19 - XIX.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 20 - XX.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 20 - XX.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 3 -III.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 3 -III.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV - 1 USO E OCUPAÇÃO ZONEAMENTO GERAL.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV - 1 USO E OCUPAÇÃO ZONEAMENTO GERAL.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV - 2 -MAPA BOM SUCESSO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV - 2 -MAPA BOM SUCESSO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV - 3- MAPA CHUMBO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV - 3- MAPA CHUMBO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV - 4-MAPA MAJOR PORTO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV - 4-MAPA MAJOR PORTO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV - 5-MAPA PILAR.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV - 5-MAPA PILAR.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV - 6-PINDAÃBAS MAPA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV - 6-PINDAÃBAS MAPA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV - 7-SANTANA MAPA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV - 7-SANTANA MAPA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV - 8-MAPA ALAGOAS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV - 8-MAPA ALAGOAS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV - 9 -MAPA BOASSARA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV - 9 -MAPA BOASSARA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV -1- Mapa anexo IV Uso e ocupação do solo.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 4 - IV -1- Mapa anexo IV Uso e ocupação do solo.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 5 - V.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 5 - V.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 6 - VI.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 6 - VI.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 7 - VII.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 7 - VII.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 8 - VIII.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 8 - VIII.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 8 - VIII-1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 8 - VIII-1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 8 - VIII-2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 8 - VIII-2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 8 - VIII-3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 8 - VIII-3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 8 - VIII-4.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 8 - VIII-4.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 9 - IX.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/Leic320 - ANEXO 9 - IX.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/NBR n 10004-2004.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -46.875ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/NBR n 10004-2004.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIA\xc7\xd5ES E INSPE\xc7\xd5ES/01 - AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE RISCO DE QUEDA/00 - VISTORIAS DE INSPEN\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/1-CONTRATOS/CONTRATO CCE - OKAMOTO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 339ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/1-CONTRATOS/CONTRATO CCO - OKAMOTO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -94ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/1-CONTRATOS/CONTRATO UNIPAM - OKAMOTO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 214ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/1-CONTRATOS/CONTRATO UNIPAM - OKAMOTO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/1-CONTRATOS/CONTRATO CCE - OKAMOTO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/1-CONTRATOS/CONTRATO CCO - OKAMOTO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/03 - UNIPAM/03 - SESMT/00 - DOCUMENTOS SESMT/DAs SESMT/Check-list de Laborat\xf3rios" 2022/01/25 16:49:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/03 - UNIPAM/03 - SESMT/00 - DOCUMENTOS SESMT/DAs SESMT/Prestadores de Servi\xe7os" 2022/01/25 16:49:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA" 2022/01/25 16:49:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A" 2022/01/25 16:49:17 NOTICE: lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/renata: Duplicate directory found in source - ignoring 2022/01/25 16:49:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/02 - OBRA/01 - MISCEL\xc2NEAS/backup/ESTOQUE OBRA MISCEL\xc2NEAS - RV00 - 10122020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$922 - NF 1184 1186.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$923 - NF 36640.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/ART CCU.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 403.2996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CDI ENDOSCOPIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -338ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CDI RAIOX.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 463ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CDI RAIOX.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/ART CCU.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CDI ENDOSCOPIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CDI CARDIOGRAMA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -312ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CDI CARDIOGRAMA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CDI RECUPERAÇÃO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -24ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CDI RECUPERAÇÃO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CDI ELETROCEFALOGRAMA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 15ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CDI ELETROCEFALOGRAMA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/01 - EXTERNAS/2020 - NCs PLANO DE A\xc7\xc3O RV01.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/01 - EXTERNAS/2020 - NCs PLANO DE A\xc7\xc3O RV03.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/01 - EXTERNAS/2020 - NCs PLANO DE A\xc7\xc3O RV00.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CDI SALA DE LAUDOS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -237ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CDI SALA DE LAUDOS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CDI TOMOGRAFO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 379ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CDI TOMOGRAFO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CDI ULTRASONOGRAFIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 140ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CEO CENTRAL DE MAT. ESTERILIZADO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 402ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CEO CENTRAL DE MAT. ESTERILIZADO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CDI ULTRASONOGRAFIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CEO ADMINISTRAÇÃO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 208ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CEO ADMINISTRAÇÃO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CEO CONSULT. 01.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 416ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CEO CONSULT. 01.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CEO CONSULT. 02.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -478ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CEO CONSULT. 02.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CEO CONSULT. 03.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 160ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CEO CONSULT. 03.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CEO CONSULT. 04.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -302ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CEO CONSULT. 04.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CLINICA DE ESPECIALIDADES CONSULT. 14.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 217ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CLINICA DE ESPECIALIDADES CONSULT. 14.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CLINICA DE ESPECIALIDADES CONSULT. 15.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 467ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC CLINICA DE ESPECIALIDADES CONSULT. 15.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC LAB. HABILIDADES MÉD. PEQUENAS CIRURGIAS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 290ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC LAB. HABILIDADES MÉD. PEQUENAS CIRURGIAS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC LAB. HABILIDADES MÉD. TREINAMENTO1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 235ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC LAB. HABILIDADES MÉD. TREINAMENTO1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC LAB. HABILIDADES MÉD. TREINAMENTO2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC LAB. HABILIDADES MÉD. TREINAMENTO2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC SAMU CENTRAL DE REGULAÇÃO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -91ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC SAMU CENTRAL DE REGULAÇÃO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC SAMU PABX.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -479ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC SAMU PABX.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC SAMU SALA DE DESCANSO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 317ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC SAMU SALA DE DESCANSO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC SAMU SALA DE TREINAMENTO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 119ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 2 CCU/PMOC SAMU SALA DE TREINAMENTO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 1.892656953s 2022/01/25 16:49:17 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 2: batch had 2 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:17 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$902 - NF 950 949.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:17 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$903 - NF 2208.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS/FB014 - RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - 1\xba SEMESTRE DE 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/LARE - MÁQUINAS E LUGARES RV02.bak: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/LARE - MÁQUINAS E LUGARES RV02.bak: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/LARE - MÁQUINAS E LUGARES RV02.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/LARE - MÁQUINAS E LUGARES RV02.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/LARE - SOFTWARES DOS COMPUTADORES 040919.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -31.3811ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/LARE - SOFTWARES DOS COMPUTADORES 040919.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/03 - LISTA DE PEND\xcaNCIAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/05 - REPERT\xd3RIO DE M\xdaSICAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/04 - RELAT\xd3RIOS DE VISTORIAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DO CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/01 - INVENT\xc1RIO DE PLACAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCE/PROJETO ELÉTRICO CCE 1015-31122019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -217.8477ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCE/PROJETO ELÉTRICO CCE 1015-31122019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:18 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV00 - 10012019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -174.322ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV00 - 10012019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV00 - 24012019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -497.0118ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV01 - 22012019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -418.9465ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV03 - 06022019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 172ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV01 - 22012019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV03 - 08022019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 52.7803ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV03 - 08022019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV04 - 11022019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 192.9329ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV04 - 11022019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV04 - 18022019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -445.2852ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV04 - 18022019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV03 - 06022019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV02 - 24012019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 98ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV02 - 24012019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV04 - 19022019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 352.4519ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV04 - 19022019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/LISTA DE PRODUTOS EM ESTOQUE.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 213.5868ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/LISTA DE PRODUTOS EM ESTOQUE.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/PREÇOS DO SISTEMA.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 492.0086ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/PREÇOS DO SISTEMA.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/01 - 01012019/BACKUP/COMPATIBILIZAÇÃO DE NOMENCLATURAS - ELETRICA - RV00 - 24012019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:18 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS/CUSTO/RELAT\xd3RIO CUSTO FIXO GERAL" 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 3 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$905 - NF 1701.docx 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$907 - NF 144482.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$911 - NF 9213.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$909 - NF 5533.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$913 - NF 389.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$916 - NF 70656309 70650832 70888708 71114850.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$910 - NF 21809.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$917 - NF 103520161-1.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:18 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$920 - NF 21770.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$915 - NF 321 320 317 318 316 319.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$914 - NF 326 325 323 324 322.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/LAUDO/Anexo I - 170519.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 321.4478ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/LAUDO/Anexo I - 170519.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/LAUDO/Laudo de Avaliação de Vida Útil e Depreciação dos Bens Imóveis R1 - 170519.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -379.6004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/LAUDO/Laudo de Avaliação de Vida Útil e Depreciação dos Bens Imóveis R1 - 170519.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:19 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTA\xc7\xc3O INFRAESTRUTURA/Segue o link do v\xeddeo da Acessibilidade no youtube.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$919 - NF 2572 2571 2570 2569 2568 2567 2566.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:19 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/3 - IDENTIFICA\xc7\xc3O DE QUADROS PABX/IDENTIFICA\xc7\xc3O DOS QUADROS.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:19 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/3 - IDENTIFICA\xc7\xc3O DE QUADROS PABX/PLANTA GERAL UNIPAM - LOCA\xc7\xc3O PABX.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:49:19 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/3 - IDENTIFICA\xc7\xc3O DE QUADROS PABX/PLANTA GERAL UNIPAM - LOCALIZA\xc7\xc3O QUADROS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$921 - NF 144483 144482.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$918 - NF 3246.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/02 - OBRA/01 - MISCELÂNEAS/backup/ESTOQUE OBRA FERRAMENTAL - RV00 - 10122020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -462.8948ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/02 - OBRA/01 - MISCELÂNEAS/backup/ESTOQUE OBRA FERRAMENTAL - RV00 - 10122020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/02 - OBRA/01 - MISCELÂNEAS/backup/ESTOQUE OBRA MISCELÂNEAS - RV00 - 10122020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -86.6195ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/02 - OBRA/01 - MISCELÂNEAS/backup/ESTOQUE OBRA MISCELÂNEAS - RV00 - 10122020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:19 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/CENTROS DE CUSTO/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O CENTROS DE CUSTO E LOCALIDADES/REVIS\xc3O LOCALIDADES rv01.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:19 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/CENTROS DE CUSTO/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O CENTROS DE CUSTO E LOCALIDADES/REVIS\xc3O LOCALIDADES.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/01 - EXTERNAS/2020 - NCs PLANO DE AÇÃO RV00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -20.876ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/01 - EXTERNAS/2020 - NCs PLANO DE AÇÃO RV00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/01 - EXTERNAS/2020 - NCs PLANO DE AÇÃO RV01.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -495.8158ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/01 - EXTERNAS/2020 - NCs PLANO DE AÇÃO RV01.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/01 - EXTERNAS/2020 - NCs PLANO DE AÇÃO RV03.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 217.4073ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/01 - EXTERNAS/2020 - NCs PLANO DE AÇÃO RV03.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:19 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xc3\xd3RIOS FOTOGR\xc1\x81FICOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:19 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xd3RIOS TECNICOS AN\xc1LISE" 2022/01/25 16:49:19 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$923 - NF 36640.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$924 - NF 119381 119378.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$922 - NF 1184 1186.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$925 - NF 170.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/03 - 28062019/CONTAGEM ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV01 - 04072019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -432.8009ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:19 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/03 - 28062019/CONTAGEM ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV01 - 04072019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:19 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/03 - CCV - AM MELHORIAS DIVERSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:19 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES PARA EQUIPE/REUNI\xc3O GERAL 02092020/LISTA DE PRESEN\xc7A.png" 2022/01/25 16:49:20 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O/BACKUP/BACKUP/CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:20 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O/BACKUP/BACKUP/CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:20 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O/BACKUP/BACKUP/CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA" 2022/01/25 16:49:20 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O/BACKUP/BACKUP/- RELATORIOS E FECHAMENTO DE ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O" 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/CALCULO DE CUSTO DE EVENTOS - RV04 - 12032020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -496.5825ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/CALCULO DE CUSTO DE EVENTOS - RV04 - 12032020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/Custo CCE - RV07 - 05012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 408.2605ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/Custo CCE - RV07 - 05012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/RECEITA x CUSTO - CCE - RV00 - 09022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 299.6219ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/RECEITA x CUSTO - CCE - RV00 - 09022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O HIDR\xc1ULICA/Solu\xe7\xe3o preparadora - TIGRE.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTAÇÃO INFRAESTRUTURA/1_BANNER ACESSIBILIDADE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 36.6838ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTAÇÃO INFRAESTRUTURA/1_BANNER ACESSIBILIDADE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTAÇÃO INFRAESTRUTURA/2_Banner_Atendimentos.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -198.9312ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTAÇÃO INFRAESTRUTURA/2_Banner_Atendimentos.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTAÇÃO INFRAESTRUTURA/3_Banner_Auditoriolaboratorios.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -463.0884ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTAÇÃO INFRAESTRUTURA/3_Banner_Auditoriolaboratorios.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTAÇÃO INFRAESTRUTURA/4_Banner_AlimentacaoConvivencia.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -32.1228ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTAÇÃO INFRAESTRUTURA/4_Banner_AlimentacaoConvivencia.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTAÇÃO INFRAESTRUTURA/8_Banner_SalaAulaProfessores.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 41.1102ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTAÇÃO INFRAESTRUTURA/7_Banner_InstalacoesUNIPAM.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 440.4762ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTAÇÃO INFRAESTRUTURA/8_Banner_SalaAulaProfessores.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTAÇÃO INFRAESTRUTURA/7_Banner_InstalacoesUNIPAM.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTAÇÃO INFRAESTRUTURA/6_Infraestrutura UAPS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -187.9306ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTAÇÃO INFRAESTRUTURA/6_Infraestrutura UAPS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTAÇÃO INFRAESTRUTURA/Segue o link do vídeo da Acessibilidade no youtube.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 428.6169ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTAÇÃO INFRAESTRUTURA/Segue o link do vídeo da Acessibilidade no youtube.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTAÇÃO INFRAESTRUTURA/5_Infraestrutura Conveniados.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -322.6246ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/BANNERS APRESENTAÇÃO INFRAESTRUTURA/5_Infraestrutura Conveniados.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/00 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:20 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/00 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO" 2022/01/25 16:49:20 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/00 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/03 - CCE - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O E MELHORIAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/3 - IDENTIFICAÇÃO DE QUADROS PABX/IDENTIFICAÇÃO DOS QUADROS.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 405.4599ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/3 - IDENTIFICAÇÃO DE QUADROS PABX/IDENTIFICAÇÃO DOS QUADROS.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/3 - IDENTIFICAÇÃO DE QUADROS PABX/LISTA RAMAIS-PABX.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -475.6477ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/3 - IDENTIFICAÇÃO DE QUADROS PABX/PLANTA GERAL UNIPAM - LOCALIZAÇÃO QUADROS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -58.387103ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/3 - IDENTIFICAÇÃO DE QUADROS PABX/PLANTA GERAL UNIPAM - LOCALIZAÇÃO QUADROS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/3 - IDENTIFICAÇÃO DE QUADROS PABX/PLANTA GERAL UNIPAM - LOCAÇÃO PABX.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/3 - IDENTIFICAÇÃO DE QUADROS PABX/PLANTA GERAL UNIPAM - LOCAÇÃO PABX.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/3 - IDENTIFICAÇÃO DE QUADROS PABX/LISTA RAMAIS-PABX.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/- A\xc7\xc3O CORRETIVA/RESPOSTAS -A\xc7Õ•ES DE REGULARIDADE" 2022/01/25 16:49:20 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/- A\xc7\xc3O CORRETIVA/RECEBIMENTO - A\xc7Õ•ES CORRETIVAS DE NÃO CONFORMIDADE" 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/CENTROS DE CUSTO/REORGANIZAÇÃO CENTROS DE CUSTO E LOCALIDADES/Plano de contas gerencial 1505-2019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -297.1524ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/CENTROS DE CUSTO/REORGANIZAÇÃO CENTROS DE CUSTO E LOCALIDADES/Plano de contas gerencial 1505-2019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/CENTROS DE CUSTO/REORGANIZAÇÃO CENTROS DE CUSTO E LOCALIDADES/REVISÃO LOCALIDADES rv01.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -321.4299ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/CENTROS DE CUSTO/REORGANIZAÇÃO CENTROS DE CUSTO E LOCALIDADES/REVISÃO LOCALIDADES rv01.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/02 - CCV - AM EXAUST\xc3O LAB. HISTOLOGIA/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC01 - CCV - AM EXAUST\xc3O LAB. HISTOLOGIA - HENALDO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/CENTROS DE CUSTO/REORGANIZAÇÃO CENTROS DE CUSTO E LOCALIDADES/REVISÃO LOCALIDADES.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -40.9883ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/CENTROS DE CUSTO/REORGANIZAÇÃO CENTROS DE CUSTO E LOCALIDADES/REVISÃO LOCALIDADES.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/- ESTUDO/FORNECIMENTO P\xc3O SOVADO" 2022/01/25 16:49:20 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/04 - MICROBIOLOGICO/01 - CICLOS/CM4 - CICLO MICROBIOL\xd3GICO 04" 2022/01/25 16:49:20 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/04 - MICROBIOLOGICO/01 - CICLOS/CM5 - CICLO MICROBIOL\xd3GICO 05" 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/REUNIÃO GERAL 02092020/LISTA DE PRESENÇA.png: Size and modification time the same (differ by -206.8637ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:20 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/REUNIÃO GERAL 02092020/LISTA DE PRESENÇA.png: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:20 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/2 - AUTORIZA\xc7\xd5ES _ PERMISS\xd5ES/PDF/PERMISS\xc3O 12 - ENTRE RAMAIS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:20 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/2 - AUTORIZA\xc7\xd5ES _ PERMISS\xd5ES/PDF/PERMISS\xc3O 15 - INTERNO, FIXO, CELULAR E INTERURBANO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:20 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/2 - AUTORIZA\xc7\xd5ES _ PERMISS\xd5ES/PDF/PERMISS\xc3O 13 - ENTRE RAMAIS E FIXO LOCAL.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:20 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/2 - AUTORIZA\xc7\xd5ES _ PERMISS\xd5ES/PDF/PERMISS\xc3O RAMAIS CCO e CCV.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTENÇÃO HIDRÁULICA/Adesivo PVC incolor - AMANCO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -240.7099ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTENÇÃO HIDRÁULICA/Adesivo PVC incolor - AMANCO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTENÇÃO HIDRÁULICA/Adesivo PVC incolor - TIGRE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 22.9388ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTENÇÃO HIDRÁULICA/Adesivo PVC incolor - TIGRE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTENÇÃO HIDRÁULICA/Fita veda rosca - AMANCO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 371.5539ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTENÇÃO HIDRÁULICA/Fita veda rosca - AMANCO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTENÇÃO HIDRÁULICA/Solução preparadora - TIGRE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 184.3855ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MANUTENÇÃO HIDRÁULICA/Solução preparadora - TIGRE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032997 - FOCO CIRURGICO PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033009 - ESPELHO PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032976 - ARMARIOS PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031437 - CONJUNTO DE EQUIPAMENTO PARA VIGI\xc2NCIA E SEGURAN\xc7A DO CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032391 - LICEN\xc7A PARA USO DE SOFTWARE LABVIEW PARA CURSO DE ENGENHARIA ELETRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033121 - CESS\xc3O DOS DIREITOS AUTORAIS DAS VIDEOAULAS DO M\xd3DULO INTITULADO GEST\xc3O DE PROJETOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032153 - LICEN\xc7A DE USO ACADEMIC BASIC SUPPORTSUBSCRIPTION VMWARE VSPHERE 6 ESSENTIALS PLUS K.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033001 - CANIS PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033014 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O FINALIZADA CCE 2020 - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O E MELHORIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032839 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O EM ANDAMENTO CAMPUS GERAL - AM QUADROS DE VIDRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032965 - BANCADA DE A\xc7O INOX PARA PREPARA\xc7\xc3O DE ALIMENTOS PARA CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033000 - COLCHONETES E CANIS PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033120 - CESS\xc3O DOS DIREITOS AUTORAIS DAS VIDEOAULAS DO M\xd3DULO INTITULADO MATEM\xc1TICA FINANCEIRA E AN\xc1LISES DE INVESTIMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032989 - FOCO CLINICO E MESA DE PROCEDIMENTOS PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032379 - PIPETADOR AUTOM\xc1TICO DE 0,1 A 100ML REF. K1-AID-B - KASVI.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033016 - EQUIPAMENTOS ODONTOL\xd3GICOS DOADOS PELO ROTARY.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032985 - GELADEIRA DE A\xc7OUGUE (CAMARA FRIA) PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032972 - ARMARIOS, GAVETEIROS E BANQUETAS PARA CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032849 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O FINALIZADA SUPER POLO PATROCINIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032378 - PIPETADOR AUTOM\xc1TICO DE 0,1 A 100ML REF. K1-AID-B - KASVI.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032840 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O EM ANDAMENTO CAMPUS GERAL - AM ACESSIBILIDADE ATENDER NB9050.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032842 - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EM ANDAMENTO CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033287 - TROCA DE LONA PARA TENDA MODELO AR\xc1BICA 7,00M X 7,00M COM 04 LADOS COM A LOGO DO UNIPAM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032980 - RELOGIO DE PONTO PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032555 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O CCE-TERRENO ACESSO AGREGADO AO CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032801 - ESTRUTURA PARA PAREDE FALSA NAS DIMENS\xd5ES 16 X 4,60.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032988 - EBULIDOR ELETRICO, BEBEDOUROS DE GAIOLA, COMEDOUROS E BANDEJAS PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033007 - ARMARIO DE A\xc7O PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032816 - CORTINA PARA COLE\xc7\xd5ES DE GRAU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032330 - CONJUNTO DE CADEIRAS SECRETARIA FIXA 4 P\xc9S.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032971 - MATERIAIS PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NA COZINHA DO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033289 - TROCA DE LONA PARA TENDA MODELO AR\xc1BICA 5,00M X 5,00M COM 04 LADOS COM A LOGO DO UNIPAM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032986 - CAIXAS ORGANIZADORAS PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033002 - CADEIRAS PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033201 - BALAN\xc7A ELETR\xd4NICA DE CAPACIDADE AT\xc9 15 KG.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032993 - SECADOR DE CABELOS PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032977 - ELETRODOMESTICOS PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032853 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O FINALIZADA CCE - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O E MELHORIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032841 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O EM ANDAMENTO CAMPUS GERAL - OC LINHAS DE VIDA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033003 - CANIS E COLCHONETES PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033290 - TROCA DE LONA PARA TENDA MODELO AR\xc1BICA 5,00M X 5,00M COM 04 LADOS COM A LOGO DO UNIPAM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032999 - AUTOCLAVE PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032979 - RELOGIO DE PONTO PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032825 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O FINALIZADA BLOCO B - AM RAMPA EXTERNA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032995 - OXIMETRO PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032984 - BOMBONAS PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032970 - FILTRO DE TORNEIRA PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS .docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033202 - BALAN\xc7A ELETR\xd4NICA DE CAPACIDADE AT\xc9 300 KG PARA ANIMAIS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033013 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O EM ANDAMENTO CETAS 2020.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032991 - BISTURI ELETRONICO PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032827 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O FINALIZADA BLOCO B - OC SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O 03.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032846 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O FINALIZADA CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032025 - MATERIAL HEITOR CUNHA BARROS DISCIPLINA AN\xc1LISE E DECIS\xc3O DE INVESTIMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032511 - MATERIAL - CAROLINA DE CUNHA REEDIJK - PR\xc1XIS EM SUPERVIS\xc3O PEDAG\xd3GICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032967 - AR CONDICIONADO PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032987 - MESA CALHA EM INOX PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032800 - ESTRUTURA PARA PAREDE FALSA NAS DIMENS\xd5ES 30 X 4,60.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032844 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O FINALIZADA CCV - COMPOSTEIRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032978 - ESTANTES DE A\xc7O PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033094 - MATERIAL VINICIUS SILVA PEREIRA - DISCIPLINA GEST\xc3O DE PROJETOS (P\xd3S GRAUA\xc7\xc3O).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033288 - TROCA DE LONA PARA TENDA MODELO AR\xc1BICA 5,00M X 5,00M COM 04 LADOS COM A LOGO DO UNIPAM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032835 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O FINALIZADA BLOCO K - OC LAB MINIBAJA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032336 - CONJUNTO DE CADEIRAS SECRETARIA FIXA 4 P\xc9S.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032615 - PREST. SERV. LICEN\xc7A SOFTWARE FARM WORK UNIVERSIDADES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032963 - REDE LOGICA PARA CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032802 - ESTRUTURA PARA PAREDE FALSA NAS DIMENS\xd5ES 12 X 4.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032838 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O EM ANDAMENTO CAMPUS GERAL - AM MELHORIA SINALIZA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033006 - CANIS PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032803 - ESTRUTURA PARA PAREDE FALSA NAS DIMENS\xd5ES 6 X 4,60.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032996 - DOPPLER VETERINARIO PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033095 - MATERIAL VINICIUS SILVA PEREIRA - DISCIPLINA MATEM\xc1TICA FINANCEIRA E AN\xc1LISES DE INVESTIMENTOS (P\xd3S GRADUA\xc7\xc3O).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032510 - MATERIAL - SIMONE VIEIRA DE MELO SHIMAMOTO - PR\xc1XIS EM SUPERVIS\xc3O PEDAG\xd3GICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032851 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O FINALIZADA SUPER POLO DE PARACATU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033506 - EQUINO PARA SERVI\xc7O - EQUINO ACIMA 6 MESES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032377 - PIPETADOR AUTOM\xc1TICO DE 0,1 A 100ML REF. K1-AID-B - KASVI.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032847 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O EM ANDAMENTO CETAS 2019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033286 - TROCA DE LONA PARA TENDA MODELO AR\xc1BICA 7,00M X 7,00M COM 04 LADOS COM A LOGO DO UNIPAM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032829 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O FINALIZADA BLOCO D - AM BALC\xc3O ACESSIBILIDADE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032324 - LICEN\xc7A SOFTWARE FARM WORKS MOBILE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033004 - CANIS PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032837 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O FINALIZADA BLOCO N - OI SUBSOLO E FACHADA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032968 - DISPENSER PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032881 - LARINGOSCOPIO CONV. ADULTO EM A\xc7O INOX LED MIKA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032833 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O FINALIZADA BLOCO I - OC LAB CONCRETO E PAVIMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032962 - SISTEMAS DE SEGURAN\xc7A PARA CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032973 - LIXEIRAS PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032875 - MOTOBOMBA TRIF\xc1SICA 1,5 CV COM 15 EST\xc1GIOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032152 - LICEN\xc7A DE USO ACADEMIC VMWARE VSPHERE 6 ESSENTIALS PLUS KIT FOR 3 HOT.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032975 - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE AR CONDICIONADO NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033005 - GATIL PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033291 - TROCA DE LONA PARA TENDA MODELO AR\xc1BICA 5,00M X 5,00M COM 04 LADOS COM A LOGO DO UNIPAM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032966 - CHUVEIROS PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032969 - VENTILADORES PARA INSTALA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032990 - BALAN\xc7A DIGITAL, FOCO CLINICO E MESA DE PROCEDIMENTO PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032998 - MESA DE APOIO PARA INSTRUMENTOS PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033012 - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EM ANDAMENTO CCO ANO 2020 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O SALA ESTERILIZA\xc7\xc3O-AUTOCLAVE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032831 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O FINALIZADA BLOCO F - OI SALA INFORM\xc1TICA AZUL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032992 - APARELHO DE ANESTESIA INTATORIA PARA UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O NO CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$924 - NF 119381 119378.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$925 - NF 170.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$90 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - \xd3LEO DISEL CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC56- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAL HIDRAULICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC76- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - REGISTRO SOLD\xc1VEL .docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC45 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ESGUICHO PARA MANGUEIRA DE PRESS\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC53- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MAT. DE PINTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC85 - ANEXO III - PROJETO EL\xc9TRICO C\xc2MARA FRIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC17 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - GUINDASTE PARA TROCA DE LAMPADAS EM POSTE CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC44 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - TINTA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC63- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - TORNEIRA DE JARDIM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC24 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - CORREDI\xc7AS TELESC\xd3PICAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC96 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAL HIDR\xc1ULICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC99 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - PINTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC95 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - \xd3LEO DIESEL CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC85 - ANEXO II - ATR-REF-105-15 - FEPAM - Patos de Minas MG - Rela\xe7\xe3o de Materiais Refrigera\xe7\xe3o.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC64- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - GRELHA ALUMINIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC25 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - VENTILADORES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC54- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - SERV. SERRALHERIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC19 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - SERV. DE SERRALHERIA PARA COBERTURA DOS COCHOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC59- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - VALVULA DE RETEN\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC26 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - CONFEC\xc7\xc3O DE CHAVE PARA ARM\xc1RIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC14 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - CABO PP PARA TALHA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC15 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - L\xc2MPADAS E REATOR PARA REFLETOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC21- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PREVENTIVA GMG.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$85 - CCV - CONTRATO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM CAMARA FRIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC37 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ACR\xc9SCIMO DE GRELHA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC89 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ANEXO 2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC20 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MARCENARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC36 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - TUBO PARA SA\xcdDA DE GASES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$94 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - SIKAFLEX PARA REPARO EM FORRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/Pedidos para altera\xe7\xe3o de ordens de compra" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC55- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - GANCHO PARA BICICLETA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC97 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - CLORADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC08 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAL DE PINTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC98 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - PINTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC29 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - PAINEL DE VIDRO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC13 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OLEO GERADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC52- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O COLCHONETE NA PORTA DE CONTEN\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC101 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - TANQUE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC87 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - CONTRATO GERADOR CCV CCO CCE(cancelada).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC49- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - CONEX\xd5ES PARA G\xc1S GLP.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC07 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - SERVILJO DE SERRALHERIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC89 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ANEXO 1.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC85 - CCV - CONTRATO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM CAMARA FRIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC89 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - COBERTURA FILTRO EXAUST\xc3O DO CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC27 (CANCELADO) CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O PISO T\xc1TIL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC16 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - GMG.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MANILHAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$96 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAL HIDR\xc1ULICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC30 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAL HIDR\xc1ULICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC35 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - REALOCA\xc7\xc3O DE PONTOS DE G\xc1S.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC42 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - CORREDI\xc7AS E TRANCAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC18 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAIS PARA COCHO DO CANIL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC38 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - RALO SIFONADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$88 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL INTERNA - CANTONEIRA MET\xc1LICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC52- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O COLCHONETE NA PORTA DE CONTEN\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC43 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - RESERVATORIO DE \xc1GUA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC35 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - REALOCA\xc7\xc3O DE PONTOS DE G\xc1S.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC80 - CCV- MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - LOCA\xc7\xc3O DE MINI ESCAVADEIRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC22 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PREVENTIVA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC62 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GRUPO GERADOR CCV CCO- CONTRATO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O.doc.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC60- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OLEO DIESEL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC85 - ANEXO I - Localiza\xe7\xe3o - C\xe2mara Fria CCV.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC93 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAL HIDRAULICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC06 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O DA COMPOSTEIRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC94 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - SIKAFLEX PARA REPARO EM FORRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC69 - CCV - CAMINH\xc3O MUCK.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC82 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - TORNEIRA GATIL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC50- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - SIKA 01.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC47- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O -PORTA CONTEN\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC91 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAL DE PINTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$97 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - CLORADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC58- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - SERRALHERIA FABRICA\xc7\xc3O DE CERCADO PARA PO\xc7O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC65- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MAT HIDR\xc1ULICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC46 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MOLA A\xc9REA PARA PORTA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC77- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - BATERIA PARA GERADOR (CANCELAR).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC32 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - IMPERMEABILIZA\xc7\xc3O PARA COCHOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC28 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - GRADIL EXTERNO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC100 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - AREIA E CIMENTO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC83 - CCV - CAMINH\xc3O MUCK.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC57- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAL HIDRAULICO ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O PO\xc7O ARTESIANO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC40 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - FITAS CREPE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC79 - CCV- MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MAT HIDR\xc1ULICO (CANCELAR).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$93 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAL HIDRAULICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC102 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - AZULEIJO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC39 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - TINTAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC48- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O -MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM NOBREAK - M\xc3O DE OBRA TERCEIRIZADA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC12 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - GUINDASTE PARA TROCA DE LAMPADAS EM POSTE CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC92 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAL DE PINTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$92 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAL DE PINTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC36 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - TUBO PARA SA\xcdDA DE GASES.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC90 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - \xd3LEO DISEL CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC66 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - TINTA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC78- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OLEO DIESEL GERADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC41 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MAT HIDRAULICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$87 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - CONTRATO GERADOR CCV CCO CCE(cancelada).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC34 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MOTO BOMBA DO SISTEMA DE INCENDIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC81 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MANUT. PREVENTIVA SISTEMA EXAUST\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC09 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - VIDRO FACHADA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC89 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ANEXO 3.jpeg" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$91 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAL DE PINTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC11 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O EXTERNA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC31 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - TELA MOSQUITEIRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC33 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MAT HIDR\xc1ULICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC61- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARAME LISO E ESTICADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC43 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OLEO DIESEL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC28 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - GRADIL EXTERNO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC58- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - SERRALHERIA FABRICA\xc7\xc3O DE CERCADO PARA PO\xc7O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC47- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O -PORTA CONTEN\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC29 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - PAINEL DE VIDRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC10 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - GRELHA EM A\xc7O INOX.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC75- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OLEO DIESEL GERADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC51- CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MANTA LIQUIDA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/BLOCO B/laje andares climatza\xe7\xe3o bliblioteca/MODIFICA\xc7\xc3O BLOCO B.JUNHO2018.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 868.362744ms 2022/01/25 16:49:21 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 3: batch had 3 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:21 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$905 - NF 1701.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:21 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$904 - NF 806.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:21 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$906 - NF 144483.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/04 - CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xd5ES DE ENTREGAS/- CONCLU\xcdDOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 10042019/BACKUP/CONTAGEM ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV00 - 10042019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -152.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 10042019/BACKUP/CONTAGEM ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV00 - 10042019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 10042019/BACKUP/CONTAGEM ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV01 - 12042019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -284.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 10042019/BACKUP/CONTAGEM ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV01 - 12042019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/10 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA/2020/04 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA - CENTRO ESPECIALIZADO EM REABILITA\xc7\xc3O (CER).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/10 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA/2020/05 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA - CENTRO ESPECIALIZADO EM REABILITA\xc7\xc3O (CER).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/10 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA/2020/02 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA - CENTRO ESPECIALIZADO EM REABILITA\xc7\xc3O (CER).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/10 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA/2020/01 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA - CENTRO ESPECIALIZADO EM REABILITA\xc7\xc3O (CER).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/10 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA/2020/03 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA - CENTRO ESPECIALIZADO EM REABILITA\xc7\xc3O (CER).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/10 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA/2020/07 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA - CENTRO ESPECIALIZADO EM REABILITA\xc7\xc3O (CER).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/AGENDA/BACKUP'S/PLANILHA EVENTOS CCE RV03.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -425.7511ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/AGENDA/BACKUP'S/PLANILHA EVENTOS CCE RV03.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/2 - AUTORIZAÇÕES _ PERMISSÕES/PDF/PERMISSÃO 12 - ENTRE RAMAIS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -282.4005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/2 - AUTORIZAÇÕES _ PERMISSÕES/PDF/PERMISSÃO 12 - ENTRE RAMAIS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/2 - AUTORIZAÇÕES _ PERMISSÕES/PDF/PERMISSÃO 13 - ENTRE RAMAIS E FIXO LOCAL.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -62.4005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/2 - AUTORIZAÇÕES _ PERMISSÕES/PDF/PERMISSÃO 13 - ENTRE RAMAIS E FIXO LOCAL.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/2 - AUTORIZAÇÕES _ PERMISSÕES/PDF/PERMISSÃO 15 - INTERNO, FIXO, CELULAR E INTERURBANO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 435.5995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/2 - AUTORIZAÇÕES _ PERMISSÕES/PDF/PERMISSÃO 15 - INTERNO, FIXO, CELULAR E INTERURBANO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/2 - AUTORIZAÇÕES _ PERMISSÕES/PDF/PERMISSÃO RAMAIS CCO e CCV.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 305.1989ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/2 - AUTORIZAÇÕES _ PERMISSÕES/PDF/PERMISSÃO RAMAIS CCO e CCV.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/ESTAGIARIOS/ESTAGI\xc1RIO ARQUITETURA E URBANISMO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/ESTAGIARIOS/ESTAGI\xc1RIO ENGENHARIA CIVIL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/ESTAGIARIOS/ESTAGI\xc1RIO ENGENHARIA MEC\xc2NICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/ESTAGIARIOS/~$TAGI\xc1RIO ENGENHARIA CIVIL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/ESTAGIARIOS/ESTAGI\xc1RIO ENGENHARIA EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:49:21 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 15 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$907 - NF 144482.docx 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/03 - MATERIAL - MAPA DE LOCALIZAÇÃO DOS SETORES/BACKUP/MAPA GERAL SETORES - RV00 - 300719.bak: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/03 - MATERIAL - MAPA DE LOCALIZAÇÃO DOS SETORES/BACKUP/MAPA GERAL SETORES - RV00 - 300719.bak: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/03 - MATERIAL - MAPA DE LOCALIZAÇÃO DOS SETORES/BACKUP/MAPA GERAL SETORES - RV00 - 300719.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/03 - MATERIAL - MAPA DE LOCALIZAÇÃO DOS SETORES/BACKUP/MAPA GERAL SETORES - RV00 - 300719.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/03 - MATERIAL - MAPA DE LOCALIZAÇÃO DOS SETORES/BACKUP/MAPA GERAL SETORES - RV01 - 23012020.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/03 - MATERIAL - MAPA DE LOCALIZAÇÃO DOS SETORES/BACKUP/MAPA GERAL SETORES - RV01 - 23012020.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/REV 01/obsoleto/REV 02 - CHAMADA APONTADOR - C\xf3pia.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$924 - NF 119381 119378.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO MAJOR GOTE/PISO CAL\xc7ADA" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO MAJOR GOTE/SINALIZA\xc7Õ•ES E TRAVESSIA ELEVADA" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO MAJOR GOTE/MOBILI\xc1\x81RIO URBANO" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO MAJOR GOTE/BALIZADORES VI\xc1RIOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO MAJOR GOTE/ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O PRA\xc7A" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTA\xc7\xc3O PMOC/02 - PLANOS DE A\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTA\xc7\xc3O PMOC/03 - CRONOGRAMA DE IMPLANTA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/030826 - BEBEDOURO 1000L GALVANIZADO (PASTO).docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -321.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/030826 - BEBEDOURO 1000L GALVANIZADO (PASTO).docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031134 - CONDENSADOR DE 9000BTUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 359.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031134 - CONDENSADOR DE 9000BTUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031268 - Furadeiraparafusadeira 18v Makita.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 331.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031268 - Furadeiraparafusadeira 18v Makita.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031311 - CONDENSADOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -109.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031311 - CONDENSADOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031312 - CONDENSADOR DE 9000 BTUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 408.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031312 - CONDENSADOR DE 9000 BTUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031313 - CONDENSADOR DE 9000 BTUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 478.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031313 - CONDENSADOR DE 9000 BTUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031323 - MOTOR O.S 55AX ABL MUFFLER 15611.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -77.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031323 - MOTOR O.S 55AX ABL MUFFLER 15611.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031382 - PARAFUSADEIRAFURADEIRA BATERIA 20V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -23.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031382 - PARAFUSADEIRAFURADEIRA BATERIA 20V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031432 - SERRA DE GESSO NEVONI 110V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -48.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031432 - SERRA DE GESSO NEVONI 110V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031437 - CONJUNTO DE EQUIPAMENTO PARA VIGIÂNCIA E SEGURANÇA DO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES E EVENTOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 144.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031437 - CONJUNTO DE EQUIPAMENTO PARA VIGIÂNCIA E SEGURANÇA DO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES E EVENTOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031542 - SISTEMA DE ALARME INTEGRADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -357.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031542 - SISTEMA DE ALARME INTEGRADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031551 - MICROFONE - RECEPTOR DE MESA SEM FIO CJ 840B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 352.1366ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031551 - MICROFONE - RECEPTOR DE MESA SEM FIO CJ 840B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031561 - SERVIDOR DO SISTEMA DE AUDIO E VIDEO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -66.5235ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031561 - SERVIDOR DO SISTEMA DE AUDIO E VIDEO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031830 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 26.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031830 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031831 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -383.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031831 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031832 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 85.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031832 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031833 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 477.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031833 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031834 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -110.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031834 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031835 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 319.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031835 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031836 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -425.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031836 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031837 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 263.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031837 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031838 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 58.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031838 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031839 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -471.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031839 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031840 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 186.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031840 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031841 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -156.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031841 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031842 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 202.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031842 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031843 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 222.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031843 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031844 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 267.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031844 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031845 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -237.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031845 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031846 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -139.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031846 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031847 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -269.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031847 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031848 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 489.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031848 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031849 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 311.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031849 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031850 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 3.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031850 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031851 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 94.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031851 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031852 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 487.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031852 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031853 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 399.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031853 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031854 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 12.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031854 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031855 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 210.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031855 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031856 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 172.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031856 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031857 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 347.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031857 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031858 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 263.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031858 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031859 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 319.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031859 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031860 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -288.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031860 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031861 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 162.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031861 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031862 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -33.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031862 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031863 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 448.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031863 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031864 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -3.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031864 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031865 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 470.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031865 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031866 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -186.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031866 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031867 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -480.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031867 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031868 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -472.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031868 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031869 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 115.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031869 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031870 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 165.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031870 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031871 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 224.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031871 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031872 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -185.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031872 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031873 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -391.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031873 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031874 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -454.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031874 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031875 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 289.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031875 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031876 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -279.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031876 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031877 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -76.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031877 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031878 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 73.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031878 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031879 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -224.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031879 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031880 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 105.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031880 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031881 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 49.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031881 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031882 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 20.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031882 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031883 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 176.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031883 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031884 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 334.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031884 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031885 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -185.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031885 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031886 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 308.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031886 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031887 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -344.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031887 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031888 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 447.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031888 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031889 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 425.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031889 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031890 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 433.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031890 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031891 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 120.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031891 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031892 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 176.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031892 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031893 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -187.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031893 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031894 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 2.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031894 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031895 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -79.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031895 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031896 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -350.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031896 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031897 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -375.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031897 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031898 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 477.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031898 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031899 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -451.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031899 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031900 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 99.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031900 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031901 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -217.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031901 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031902 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 229.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031902 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031903 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 357.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031903 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031904 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 71.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031904 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031905 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 218.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031905 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031906 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 331.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031906 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031907 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -456.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031907 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031908 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 170.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031908 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031909 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 453.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031909 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031910 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 81.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031910 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031911 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -106.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031911 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031912 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 443.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031912 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031913 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -302.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031913 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031914 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 70.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031914 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031915 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -467.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031915 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031917 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 476.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031917 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031918 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -244.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031918 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031919 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -476.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031919 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031920 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -308.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031920 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031921 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 307.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031921 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031922 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 27.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031922 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031923 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 24.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031923 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/OR\xc7AMENTO/OR\xc7AMENTO 2021 ELET RV01 (2).xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031925 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 68.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031925 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031926 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 220.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031926 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031927 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -276.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031927 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031928 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -444.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031928 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031929 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 4.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031929 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031930 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 33.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031930 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031931 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 450.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031931 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032025 - MATERIAL HEITOR CUNHA BARROS DISCIPLINA ANÁLISE E DECISÃO DE INVESTIMENTOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -325.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032025 - MATERIAL HEITOR CUNHA BARROS DISCIPLINA ANÁLISE E DECISÃO DE INVESTIMENTOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032095 - CONJUNTO DE CADEIRAS 43X55CM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 81ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032095 - CONJUNTO DE CADEIRAS 43X55CM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032101 - RETIFICA MANUAL BOSCH 500W GGS28L 127V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -344ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032101 - RETIFICA MANUAL BOSCH 500W GGS28L 127V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032131 - FUDERADEIRA DEWALT 220V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 110.9996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032131 - FUDERADEIRA DEWALT 220V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032132 - ESMERILADEIRA DEWALT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -409.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032132 - ESMERILADEIRA DEWALT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/4 - QUALIFICA\xc7\xc3O. HABILT. NRS/JO\xc3O LUCAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032152 - LICENÇA DE USO ACADEMIC VMWARE VSPHERE 6 ESSENTIALS PLUS KIT FOR 3 HOT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -341.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032152 - LICENÇA DE USO ACADEMIC VMWARE VSPHERE 6 ESSENTIALS PLUS KIT FOR 3 HOT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/4 - QUALIFICA\xc7\xc3O. HABILT. NRS/MARC\xcdLIO CAMARGOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032153 - LICENÇA DE USO ACADEMIC BASIC SUPPORTSUBSCRIPTION VMWARE VSPHERE 6 ESSENTIALS PLUS K.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -418.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032153 - LICENÇA DE USO ACADEMIC BASIC SUPPORTSUBSCRIPTION VMWARE VSPHERE 6 ESSENTIALS PLUS K.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032200 - MATERIAL CLEDILSON CARLOS DOS SANTOS ARAUJO DISCIPLINA ENDOMARKETING.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -491.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032200 - MATERIAL CLEDILSON CARLOS DOS SANTOS ARAUJO DISCIPLINA ENDOMARKETING.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032244 - CONJUNTO DE CADEIRAS ESCOLARES LR PP T6 AZUL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -100.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032244 - CONJUNTO DE CADEIRAS ESCOLARES LR PP T6 AZUL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032315 - FURADEIRA VETERIANARIA VET.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -143.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032315 - FURADEIRA VETERIANARIA VET.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031916 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 182.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032317 - CAMERA SPEED DOME IP VIP 3212 SD IR INTELBRAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -186.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031916 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032318 - CAMERA SPEED DOME IP VIP 3212 SD IR INTELBRAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -9.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032318 - CAMERA SPEED DOME IP VIP 3212 SD IR INTELBRAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032317 - CAMERA SPEED DOME IP VIP 3212 SD IR INTELBRAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032201 - MATERIAL CLEDILSON CARLOS DOS SANTOS ARAUJO DISCIPLINA ENDOMARKETING.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -211.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032201 - MATERIAL CLEDILSON CARLOS DOS SANTOS ARAUJO DISCIPLINA ENDOMARKETING.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032324 - LICENÇA SOFTWARE FARM WORKS MOBILE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -290.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032324 - LICENÇA SOFTWARE FARM WORKS MOBILE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031924 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 359.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/031924 - ALTO-FALANTE 6 DE TETO 30W - 100V.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/4 - QUALIFICA\xc7\xc3O. HABILT. NRS/T\xdaLIO MONTEIRO" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032330 - CONJUNTO DE CADEIRAS SECRETARIA FIXA 4 PÉS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -84.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032316 - FURADEIRA VETERIANARIA VET.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 158.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032336 - CONJUNTO DE CADEIRAS SECRETARIA FIXA 4 PÉS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 495.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032336 - CONJUNTO DE CADEIRAS SECRETARIA FIXA 4 PÉS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032376 - CONJUNTO DE CADEIRAS 43X55CM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -446.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032376 - CONJUNTO DE CADEIRAS 43X55CM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032377 - PIPETADOR AUTOMÁTICO DE 0,1 A 100ML REF. K1-AID-B - KASVI.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 315.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032377 - PIPETADOR AUTOMÁTICO DE 0,1 A 100ML REF. K1-AID-B - KASVI.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032378 - PIPETADOR AUTOMÁTICO DE 0,1 A 100ML REF. K1-AID-B - KASVI.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -464.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032378 - PIPETADOR AUTOMÁTICO DE 0,1 A 100ML REF. K1-AID-B - KASVI.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032379 - PIPETADOR AUTOMÁTICO DE 0,1 A 100ML REF. K1-AID-B - KASVI.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -333.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032379 - PIPETADOR AUTOMÁTICO DE 0,1 A 100ML REF. K1-AID-B - KASVI.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032391 - LICENÇA PARA USO DE SOFTWARE LABVIEW PARA CURSO DE ENGENHARIA ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -180.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032391 - LICENÇA PARA USO DE SOFTWARE LABVIEW PARA CURSO DE ENGENHARIA ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032402 - CONJUNTO BANQUETA 18 UNIDADES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 192.9996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032402 - CONJUNTO BANQUETA 18 UNIDADES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032431 - FURADEIRA PARAFUSADEIRA 18V MAKITA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 219.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032431 - FURADEIRA PARAFUSADEIRA 18V MAKITA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032436 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 285ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032436 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032437 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -38ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032437 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032316 - FURADEIRA VETERIANARIA VET.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032441 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 18ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032441 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032330 - CONJUNTO DE CADEIRAS SECRETARIA FIXA 4 PÉS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032443 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -223ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032443 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032438 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 350ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032438 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032439 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 292ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032439 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032440 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 250ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032440 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032442 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 307ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032442 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032444 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 104ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032444 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032445 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 103ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032445 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032446 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -438ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032446 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032447 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 288ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032447 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032448 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -360ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032448 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032449 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -438ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032449 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032450 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 182ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032450 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032451 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -150ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032451 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032453 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 3ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032453 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032454 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 232ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032454 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032452 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -397ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032452 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032456 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 49ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032456 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032457 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 258ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032457 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032455 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -318ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032455 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032461 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 444ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032461 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032458 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 143ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032458 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032460 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 289ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032460 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032462 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -143ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032462 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032463 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -482ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032463 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032464 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -85ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032464 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032459 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 436ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032459 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032465 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -150ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032465 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032467 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 241ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032467 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032468 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -12ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032468 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032469 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 189ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032469 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032466 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -103ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032466 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032471 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -454ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032471 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032472 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -47ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032472 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032470 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -231ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032470 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032473 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -182ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032473 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA RATOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032475 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -404ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032475 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032476 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 212ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032476 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032477 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -118ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032477 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032478 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -332ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032478 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032479 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 370ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032479 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032480 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 317ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032482 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -78ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032483 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -196ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032483 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032486 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -422ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032486 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032487 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -473ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032488 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 104ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032488 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032487 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032482 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032481 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -183ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032481 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032489 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 349ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032489 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032480 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032484 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -413ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032484 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032490 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -275ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032490 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032485 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 258ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032485 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032491 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 13ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032491 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032492 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 477ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032492 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032493 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -102ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032493 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032494 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 170ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032494 - MINI-ISOLADOR PARA CAMUNDONGOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032507 - ESTETOSCOPIO LITMAN.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 154.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032507 - ESTETOSCOPIO LITMAN.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032510 - MATERIAL - SIMONE VIEIRA DE MELO SHIMAMOTO - PRÁXIS EM SUPERVISÃO PEDAGÓGICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -412.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032510 - MATERIAL - SIMONE VIEIRA DE MELO SHIMAMOTO - PRÁXIS EM SUPERVISÃO PEDAGÓGICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032511 - MATERIAL - CAROLINA DE CUNHA REEDIJK - PRÁXIS EM SUPERVISÃO PEDAGÓGICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 415.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032511 - MATERIAL - CAROLINA DE CUNHA REEDIJK - PRÁXIS EM SUPERVISÃO PEDAGÓGICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032516 - Camera IP 1 MP Vip 3020 G2 Bullet.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -396.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032516 - Camera IP 1 MP Vip 3020 G2 Bullet.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032517 - CAMERA IP 1 MP VIP 3020 BULLET.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -162.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032517 - CAMERA IP 1 MP VIP 3020 BULLET.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032518 - CAMERA IP 1 MP VIP 3020 BULLET.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 112.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032518 - CAMERA IP 1 MP VIP 3020 BULLET.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032519 - CAMERA IP 1 MP VIP 3020 BULLET.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -249.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032519 - CAMERA IP 1 MP VIP 3020 BULLET.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032524 - HD INTELBRAS 2TB SAT2 3,5 5400RPM 64MB WD20PURZ.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 214.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032524 - HD INTELBRAS 2TB SAT2 3,5 5400RPM 64MB WD20PURZ.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032538 - CONUNTO 12 UNIDADES ACADEMIC BASIC SUPPORT SUBSCRIPSVCSTION VSPHERE 6 STANDARD FOR 1 PROCESS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 201.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032538 - CONUNTO 12 UNIDADES ACADEMIC BASIC SUPPORT SUBSCRIPSVCSTION VSPHERE 6 STANDARD FOR 1 PROCESS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032539 - ACADENECU BASIC SUPPORT SUBSCRIPSVCSTION VCENTER.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 38.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032539 - ACADENECU BASIC SUPPORT SUBSCRIPSVCSTION VCENTER.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032551 - CONJUNTO 4 PUFFS 90 X 76 EM COURISSIMO COR PRETA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -112.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032551 - CONJUNTO 4 PUFFS 90 X 76 EM COURISSIMO COR PRETA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032552 - CONJUNTO 8 PUFFS 50X45 EM COURISSIMO CORES VARIADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 477.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032552 - CONJUNTO 8 PUFFS 50X45 EM COURISSIMO CORES VARIADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032555 - CONSTRUÇÃO CCE-TERRENO ACESSO AGREGADO AO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -32.4ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032555 - CONSTRUÇÃO CCE-TERRENO ACESSO AGREGADO AO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032575 - CONJUNTO DE 8 UNIDADE DE CADEIRA GIRATORIA EXECUTIVA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 137.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032575 - CONJUNTO DE 8 UNIDADE DE CADEIRA GIRATORIA EXECUTIVA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032615 - PREST. SERV. LICENÇA SOFTWARE FARM WORK UNIVERSIDADES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -4.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032615 - PREST. SERV. LICENÇA SOFTWARE FARM WORK UNIVERSIDADES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032630 - CONDENSADOR COM CUBA 105165 TITANIO DUPLO - SEM HIDRAULICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -394.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032630 - CONDENSADOR COM CUBA 105165 TITANIO DUPLO - SEM HIDRAULICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032540 - CONUNTO 10 UNIDADES CADEIRA TALARICO SECRET FIXA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -320.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032540 - CONUNTO 10 UNIDADES CADEIRA TALARICO SECRET FIXA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032635 - STABILIZER PARA TERAPIA COLUNA VERTEBRAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -271.4006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032635 - STABILIZER PARA TERAPIA COLUNA VERTEBRAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032636 - STABILIZER PARA TERAPIA COLUNA VERTEBRAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -421.4006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032636 - STABILIZER PARA TERAPIA COLUNA VERTEBRAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032637 - STABILIZER PARA TERAPIA COLUNA VERTEBRAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 120.5994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032637 - STABILIZER PARA TERAPIA COLUNA VERTEBRAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032638 - TRANSDUTOR CONVEXO ELETRONICO 35C50EA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -138.4006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032638 - TRANSDUTOR CONVEXO ELETRONICO 35C50EA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032788 - CANETA LASER IBRAMED - MODELO LASER PROBE 660MM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -110.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032788 - CANETA LASER IBRAMED - MODELO LASER PROBE 660MM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032790 - KIT DE MECANISMO PARA RELOGIO DE SOL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -137.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032790 - KIT DE MECANISMO PARA RELOGIO DE SOL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032791 - CONJUNTO DE ESTRUTURA DE ALUMINIO BOX TRUSS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -104.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032791 - CONJUNTO DE ESTRUTURA DE ALUMINIO BOX TRUSS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032800 - ESTRUTURA PARA PAREDE FALSA NAS DIMENSÕES 30 X 4,60.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 419.9997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032800 - ESTRUTURA PARA PAREDE FALSA NAS DIMENSÕES 30 X 4,60.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032801 - ESTRUTURA PARA PAREDE FALSA NAS DIMENSÕES 16 X 4,60.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -380.0003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032801 - ESTRUTURA PARA PAREDE FALSA NAS DIMENSÕES 16 X 4,60.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032802 - ESTRUTURA PARA PAREDE FALSA NAS DIMENSÕES 12 X 4.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -141.0003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032802 - ESTRUTURA PARA PAREDE FALSA NAS DIMENSÕES 12 X 4.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032803 - ESTRUTURA PARA PAREDE FALSA NAS DIMENSÕES 6 X 4,60.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 155.9997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032803 - ESTRUTURA PARA PAREDE FALSA NAS DIMENSÕES 6 X 4,60.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032815 - MOTOBOMBA 4R3PA-11.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 334.6ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032815 - MOTOBOMBA 4R3PA-11.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032816 - CORTINA PARA COLEÇÕES DE GRAU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -365.3837ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032816 - CORTINA PARA COLEÇÕES DE GRAU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032823 - LIVROS, REVISTAS E MULTIMEIOS DO ANO DE 2019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 256.6701ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032823 - LIVROS, REVISTAS E MULTIMEIOS DO ANO DE 2019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032825 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA BLOCO B - AM RAMPA EXTERNA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 239.8855ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032825 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA BLOCO B - AM RAMPA EXTERNA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032827 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA BLOCO B - OC SUBESTAÇÃO 03.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 53.7624ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032827 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA BLOCO B - OC SUBESTAÇÃO 03.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032829 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA BLOCO D - AM BALCÃO ACESSIBILIDADE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -64.5838ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032829 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA BLOCO D - AM BALCÃO ACESSIBILIDADE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032831 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA BLOCO F - OI SALA INFORMÁTICA AZUL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -300.3943ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032831 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA BLOCO F - OI SALA INFORMÁTICA AZUL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032833 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA BLOCO I - OC LAB CONCRETO E PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -407.7417ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032833 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA BLOCO I - OC LAB CONCRETO E PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032835 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA BLOCO K - OC LAB MINIBAJA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -197.8422ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032835 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA BLOCO K - OC LAB MINIBAJA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032837 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA BLOCO N - OI SUBSOLO E FACHADA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 495.1993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032837 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA BLOCO N - OI SUBSOLO E FACHADA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032838 - CONSTRUÇÃO EM ANDAMENTO CAMPUS GERAL - AM MELHORIA SINALIZAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -31.8843ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032838 - CONSTRUÇÃO EM ANDAMENTO CAMPUS GERAL - AM MELHORIA SINALIZAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032839 - CONSTRUÇÃO EM ANDAMENTO CAMPUS GERAL - AM QUADROS DE VIDRO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 84.5837ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032839 - CONSTRUÇÃO EM ANDAMENTO CAMPUS GERAL - AM QUADROS DE VIDRO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032840 - CONSTRUÇÃO EM ANDAMENTO CAMPUS GERAL - AM ACESSIBILIDADE ATENDER NB9050.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 107.7183ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032840 - CONSTRUÇÃO EM ANDAMENTO CAMPUS GERAL - AM ACESSIBILIDADE ATENDER NB9050.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032841 - CONSTRUÇÃO EM ANDAMENTO CAMPUS GERAL - OC LINHAS DE VIDA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 32.4682ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032841 - CONSTRUÇÃO EM ANDAMENTO CAMPUS GERAL - OC LINHAS DE VIDA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032842 - INSTALAÇÃO EM ANDAMENTO CLIMATIZAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -385.0057ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032842 - INSTALAÇÃO EM ANDAMENTO CLIMATIZAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032844 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA CCV - COMPOSTEIRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 366.5244ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032844 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA CCV - COMPOSTEIRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032846 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA CCV - OC LAB DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -457.6792ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032846 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA CCV - OC LAB DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032847 - CONSTRUÇÃO EM ANDAMENTO CETAS 2019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -243.7166ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032847 - CONSTRUÇÃO EM ANDAMENTO CETAS 2019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032849 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA SUPER POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -224.7671ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032849 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA SUPER POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032851 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA SUPER POLO DE PARACATU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 346.6056ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032851 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA SUPER POLO DE PARACATU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032853 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA CCE - AMPLIAÇÃO E MELHORIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -290.8255ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032853 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA CCE - AMPLIAÇÃO E MELHORIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032857 - GUARDA CORPO PARA PALCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 402.5013ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032857 - GUARDA CORPO PARA PALCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032873 - ESMERILHADEIRA ANGULAR 4. 1 2 850 WATTS - M9510G - MAKITA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 260.6431ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032873 - ESMERILHADEIRA ANGULAR 4. 1 2 850 WATTS - M9510G - MAKITA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032875 - MOTOBOMBA TRIFÁSICA 1,5 CV COM 15 ESTÁGIOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -414.8865ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032875 - MOTOBOMBA TRIFÁSICA 1,5 CV COM 15 ESTÁGIOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032876 - MOTOR HORIZ. 10,0HP.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 170.9478ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032876 - MOTOR HORIZ. 10,0HP.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032881 - LARINGOSCOPIO CONV. ADULTO EM AÇO INOX LED MIKA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 79.6977ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032881 - LARINGOSCOPIO CONV. ADULTO EM AÇO INOX LED MIKA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032907 - TAPETE POSITANO 2,50X2,00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 82.2103ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032907 - TAPETE POSITANO 2,50X2,00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032908 - TAPETE POSITANO 2,50X0,50.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -181.3786ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032908 - TAPETE POSITANO 2,50X0,50.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032909 - TAPETE POSITANO 2,50X0,50.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 328.4438ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032909 - TAPETE POSITANO 2,50X0,50.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032910 - TAPETE POSITANO 2,50X0,50.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 139.4034ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032910 - TAPETE POSITANO 2,50X0,50.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032911 - TAPETE POSITANO 2,50X0,50.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 360.3293ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032911 - TAPETE POSITANO 2,50X0,50.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032912 - TAPETE POSITANO 2,50X0,50.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -457.5754ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032912 - TAPETE POSITANO 2,50X0,50.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032913 - TAPETE POSITANO 2,50X0,50.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -46.8102ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032913 - TAPETE POSITANO 2,50X0,50.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032922 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 102.2159ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032922 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032923 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 214.3826ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032923 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032924 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -490.2869ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032924 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032926 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -491.7814ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032926 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032927 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 208.8879ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032927 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032928 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 495.0482ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032928 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032931 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -33.9µs, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032931 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032932 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 194.3223ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032932 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032933 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -349.3342ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032933 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032934 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 470.3464ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032934 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032937 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -29.3388ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032937 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032938 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 414.1127ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032938 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032939 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 213.743ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032939 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032940 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 356.0887ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032940 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032941 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 185.4498ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032941 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032942 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -452.9871ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032942 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032943 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -278.3499ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032943 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032944 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 72.2126ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032944 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032945 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 231.8214ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032945 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032946 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -191.6604ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032946 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032947 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -263.0649ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032947 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032949 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 245.049ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032949 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032950 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -21.767ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032950 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032951 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 54.837ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032951 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032952 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 459.3454ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032952 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032953 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -440.9921ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032953 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032954 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -489.3952ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032954 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032962 - SISTEMAS DE SEGURANÇA PARA CONSTRUÇÃO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -474.0652ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032962 - SISTEMAS DE SEGURANÇA PARA CONSTRUÇÃO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032963 - REDE LOGICA PARA CONSTRUÇÃO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 106.6223ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032963 - REDE LOGICA PARA CONSTRUÇÃO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032964 - FREEZERS E GELADEIRAS PARA CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 398.0205ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032964 - FREEZERS E GELADEIRAS PARA CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032948 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -492.5356ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032948 - TERMOMETRO CORPORAL INFRAVERMELHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032965 - BANCADA DE AÇO INOX PARA PREPARAÇÃO DE ALIMENTOS PARA CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -415.8847ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032965 - BANCADA DE AÇO INOX PARA PREPARAÇÃO DE ALIMENTOS PARA CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032967 - AR CONDICIONADO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 186.3802ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032967 - AR CONDICIONADO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032968 - DISPENSER PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -409.7129ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032968 - DISPENSER PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032969 - VENTILADORES PARA INSTALAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -355.7689ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032969 - VENTILADORES PARA INSTALAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032970 - FILTRO DE TORNEIRA PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 439.7832ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032970 - FILTRO DE TORNEIRA PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032971 - MATERIAIS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NA COZINHA DO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -327.3751ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032971 - MATERIAIS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NA COZINHA DO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032972 - ARMARIOS, GAVETEIROS E BANQUETAS PARA CONSTRUÇÃO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 222.9279ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032972 - ARMARIOS, GAVETEIROS E BANQUETAS PARA CONSTRUÇÃO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032973 - LIXEIRAS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 462.2848ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032973 - LIXEIRAS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032974 - SUPORTES METALICOS PARA VASSOURAS E RODOS PARA CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -486.3691ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032974 - SUPORTES METALICOS PARA VASSOURAS E RODOS PARA CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032975 - INSTALAÇÃO DE AR CONDICIONADO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 172.1833ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032975 - INSTALAÇÃO DE AR CONDICIONADO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032976 - ARMARIOS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 211.8676ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032976 - ARMARIOS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032977 - ELETRODOMESTICOS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -207.7561ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032977 - ELETRODOMESTICOS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032978 - ESTANTES DE AÇO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -319.2477ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032978 - ESTANTES DE AÇO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032979 - RELOGIO DE PONTO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 448.311ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032979 - RELOGIO DE PONTO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032980 - RELOGIO DE PONTO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -325.5987ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032980 - RELOGIO DE PONTO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032981 - IMPRESSORA MULTIFUNCIONAL HP LASERJET PRO M132FW PARA CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 314.8345ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032981 - IMPRESSORA MULTIFUNCIONAL HP LASERJET PRO M132FW PARA CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032966 - CHUVEIROS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -40.4869ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032966 - CHUVEIROS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032982 - COMPUTADORES LENOVO SFF V520S I3-7100TT DESTINADO PARA O CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -130.5788ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032982 - COMPUTADORES LENOVO SFF V520S I3-7100TT DESTINADO PARA O CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032983 - UNIDADE DE TRATAMENTO DE ANIMAIS PARA CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -363.7543ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032983 - UNIDADE DE TRATAMENTO DE ANIMAIS PARA CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032984 - BOMBONAS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -448.7265ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032984 - BOMBONAS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032985 - GELADEIRA DE AÇOUGUE (CAMARA FRIA) PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 319.6035ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032985 - GELADEIRA DE AÇOUGUE (CAMARA FRIA) PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032986 - CAIXAS ORGANIZADORAS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -442.9826ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032986 - CAIXAS ORGANIZADORAS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032987 - MESA CALHA EM INOX PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -273.6108ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032987 - MESA CALHA EM INOX PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032988 - EBULIDOR ELETRICO, BEBEDOUROS DE GAIOLA, COMEDOUROS E BANDEJAS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 153.8121ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032988 - EBULIDOR ELETRICO, BEBEDOUROS DE GAIOLA, COMEDOUROS E BANDEJAS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032989 - FOCO CLINICO E MESA DE PROCEDIMENTOS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -85.9879ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032989 - FOCO CLINICO E MESA DE PROCEDIMENTOS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032990 - BALANÇA DIGITAL, FOCO CLINICO E MESA DE PROCEDIMENTO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -204.825ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032990 - BALANÇA DIGITAL, FOCO CLINICO E MESA DE PROCEDIMENTO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032991 - BISTURI ELETRONICO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 86.9611ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032991 - BISTURI ELETRONICO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032992 - APARELHO DE ANESTESIA INTATORIA PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 466.5453ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032992 - APARELHO DE ANESTESIA INTATORIA PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032993 - SECADOR DE CABELOS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -324.9299ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032993 - SECADOR DE CABELOS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032994 - CABIDEIROS, VASSOURAS E RODOS PARA O CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -175.3808ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032994 - CABIDEIROS, VASSOURAS E RODOS PARA O CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032995 - OXIMETRO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -22.208ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032995 - OXIMETRO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032996 - DOPPLER VETERINARIO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -258.681ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032996 - DOPPLER VETERINARIO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032997 - FOCO CIRURGICO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 271.0282ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032997 - FOCO CIRURGICO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032998 - MESA DE APOIO PARA INSTRUMENTOS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 79.3013ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032998 - MESA DE APOIO PARA INSTRUMENTOS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032999 - AUTOCLAVE PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 166.0423ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/032999 - AUTOCLAVE PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033000 - COLCHONETES E CANIS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -83.5792ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033000 - COLCHONETES E CANIS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033001 - CANIS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -99.6675ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033001 - CANIS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033002 - CADEIRAS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -76.3248ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033002 - CADEIRAS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033003 - CANIS E COLCHONETES PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 484.6167ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033003 - CANIS E COLCHONETES PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033004 - CANIS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 80.957ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033004 - CANIS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033005 - GATIL PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -375.4419ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033005 - GATIL PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033006 - CANIS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 53.1326ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033006 - CANIS PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033007 - ARMARIO DE AÇO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 133.7092ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033007 - ARMARIO DE AÇO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033008 - MONITOR LED LG 19,9 20M37AA UTILIZADOS NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -60.6992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033008 - MONITOR LED LG 19,9 20M37AA UTILIZADOS NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033009 - ESPELHO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 394.0075ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033009 - ESPELHO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO NO CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033010 - ESTUFA UTA CRIADEIRA PARA AVES CALPOSITA RING NECK ROSELA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -442.2584ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033010 - ESTUFA UTA CRIADEIRA PARA AVES CALPOSITA RING NECK ROSELA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033011 - LIVROS, REVISTAS E MULTIMEIOS DO ANO DE 2020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 177.5037ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033011 - LIVROS, REVISTAS E MULTIMEIOS DO ANO DE 2020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033012 - INSTALAÇÃO EM ANDAMENTO CCO ANO 2020 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO SALA ESTERILIZAÇÃO-AUTOCLAVE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 166.9217ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033012 - INSTALAÇÃO EM ANDAMENTO CCO ANO 2020 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO SALA ESTERILIZAÇÃO-AUTOCLAVE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033013 - CONSTRUÇÃO EM ANDAMENTO CETAS 2020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 121.9235ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033013 - CONSTRUÇÃO EM ANDAMENTO CETAS 2020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033014 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA CCE 2020 - AMPLIAÇÃO E MELHORIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 259.3198ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033014 - CONSTRUÇÃO FINALIZADA CCE 2020 - AMPLIAÇÃO E MELHORIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033016 - EQUIPAMENTOS ODONTOLÓGICOS DOADOS PELO ROTARY.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -273.6141ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033016 - EQUIPAMENTOS ODONTOLÓGICOS DOADOS PELO ROTARY.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033094 - MATERIAL VINICIUS SILVA PEREIRA - DISCIPLINA GESTÃO DE PROJETOS (PÓS GRAUAÇÃO).docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -316.4581ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033088 - FIAT TORO VOLCANO 2.0.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -214.7126ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033088 - FIAT TORO VOLCANO 2.0.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033120 - CESSÃO DOS DIREITOS AUTORAIS DAS VIDEOAULAS DO MÓDULO INTITULADO MATEMÁTICA FINANCEIRA E ANÁLISES DE INVESTIMENTOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 453.9758ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033120 - CESSÃO DOS DIREITOS AUTORAIS DAS VIDEOAULAS DO MÓDULO INTITULADO MATEMÁTICA FINANCEIRA E ANÁLISES DE INVESTIMENTOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033094 - MATERIAL VINICIUS SILVA PEREIRA - DISCIPLINA GESTÃO DE PROJETOS (PÓS GRAUAÇÃO).docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033095 - MATERIAL VINICIUS SILVA PEREIRA - DISCIPLINA MATEMÁTICA FINANCEIRA E ANÁLISES DE INVESTIMENTOS (PÓS GRADUAÇÃO).docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 402.1034ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033095 - MATERIAL VINICIUS SILVA PEREIRA - DISCIPLINA MATEMÁTICA FINANCEIRA E ANÁLISES DE INVESTIMENTOS (PÓS GRADUAÇÃO).docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033119 - CONJUNTO DE 15 UNIDADES DE TELEFONE CELULAR DE MESA FIXO GSM100 PRETO ELGIN.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 415.1992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033119 - CONJUNTO DE 15 UNIDADES DE TELEFONE CELULAR DE MESA FIXO GSM100 PRETO ELGIN.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033121 - CESSÃO DOS DIREITOS AUTORAIS DAS VIDEOAULAS DO MÓDULO INTITULADO GESTÃO DE PROJETOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 35.0832ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033121 - CESSÃO DOS DIREITOS AUTORAIS DAS VIDEOAULAS DO MÓDULO INTITULADO GESTÃO DE PROJETOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033201 - BALANÇA ELETRÔNICA DE CAPACIDADE ATÉ 15 KG.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -479.001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033201 - BALANÇA ELETRÔNICA DE CAPACIDADE ATÉ 15 KG.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033202 - BALANÇA ELETRÔNICA DE CAPACIDADE ATÉ 300 KG PARA ANIMAIS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -224.2894ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033202 - BALANÇA ELETRÔNICA DE CAPACIDADE ATÉ 300 KG PARA ANIMAIS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033258 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL 9000 BTUS AOBR09JGC.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -491.1238ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033258 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL 9000 BTUS AOBR09JGC.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033260 - CONDENSADOR SAMSUNG SPLIT HI-WALL MAX PLUS 9000 BTUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 77.7931ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033260 - CONDENSADOR SAMSUNG SPLIT HI-WALL MAX PLUS 9000 BTUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033262 - CONDENSADOR CARRIER SPLIT HI-WALL 9000 BTUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 70.645ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033262 - CONDENSADOR CARRIER SPLIT HI-WALL 9000 BTUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033264 - CONDENSADOR CARRIER SPLIT HI-WALL 9000 BTUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -462.701ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033264 - CONDENSADOR CARRIER SPLIT HI-WALL 9000 BTUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033266 - CONDENSADOR CARRIER SPLIT HI-WALL 9000 BTUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 433.5457ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033266 - CONDENSADOR CARRIER SPLIT HI-WALL 9000 BTUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033268 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL 9000 BTUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 493.6233ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033268 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL 9000 BTUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033270 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT PISO-TETO 9000 BTUS AOBA36LFTL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 480.0254ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033270 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT PISO-TETO 9000 BTUS AOBA36LFTL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033276 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL 12000 BTUS AOBG12JMCA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -47.2819ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033276 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL 12000 BTUS AOBG12JMCA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033279 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL 27000 BTUS AOBR30JFT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -245.4913ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033279 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL 27000 BTUS AOBR30JFT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033281 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL 12000 BTUS ASBA12JGC.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -465.5843ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033281 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL 12000 BTUS ASBA12JGC.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033283 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT CASSETE 48000 BTUS AOBG54LBT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -49.2802ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033283 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT CASSETE 48000 BTUS AOBG54LBT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033285 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT CASSETE 48000 BTUS AOBG54LBT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 316.9105ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033285 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT CASSETE 48000 BTUS AOBG54LBT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033286 - TROCA DE LONA PARA TENDA MODELO ARÁBICA 7,00M X 7,00M COM 04 LADOS COM A LOGO DO UNIPAM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 26.6956ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033286 - TROCA DE LONA PARA TENDA MODELO ARÁBICA 7,00M X 7,00M COM 04 LADOS COM A LOGO DO UNIPAM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033287 - TROCA DE LONA PARA TENDA MODELO ARÁBICA 7,00M X 7,00M COM 04 LADOS COM A LOGO DO UNIPAM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -205.0041ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033287 - TROCA DE LONA PARA TENDA MODELO ARÁBICA 7,00M X 7,00M COM 04 LADOS COM A LOGO DO UNIPAM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033288 - TROCA DE LONA PARA TENDA MODELO ARÁBICA 5,00M X 5,00M COM 04 LADOS COM A LOGO DO UNIPAM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 41.2495ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033288 - TROCA DE LONA PARA TENDA MODELO ARÁBICA 5,00M X 5,00M COM 04 LADOS COM A LOGO DO UNIPAM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033289 - TROCA DE LONA PARA TENDA MODELO ARÁBICA 5,00M X 5,00M COM 04 LADOS COM A LOGO DO UNIPAM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -288.0057ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033289 - TROCA DE LONA PARA TENDA MODELO ARÁBICA 5,00M X 5,00M COM 04 LADOS COM A LOGO DO UNIPAM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033290 - TROCA DE LONA PARA TENDA MODELO ARÁBICA 5,00M X 5,00M COM 04 LADOS COM A LOGO DO UNIPAM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 476.001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033290 - TROCA DE LONA PARA TENDA MODELO ARÁBICA 5,00M X 5,00M COM 04 LADOS COM A LOGO DO UNIPAM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033291 - TROCA DE LONA PARA TENDA MODELO ARÁBICA 5,00M X 5,00M COM 04 LADOS COM A LOGO DO UNIPAM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 355.6063ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033296 - CONJUNTO DE MOVEIS HOSPITALARES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 384.454ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033296 - CONJUNTO DE MOVEIS HOSPITALARES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033291 - TROCA DE LONA PARA TENDA MODELO ARÁBICA 5,00M X 5,00M COM 04 LADOS COM A LOGO DO UNIPAM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033325 - CONJUNTO DE 14 UNIDADES DE CAMPANULA ELETRICA PARA AQUECIMENTO DE PINTINHOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 484.2267ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033325 - CONJUNTO DE 14 UNIDADES DE CAMPANULA ELETRICA PARA AQUECIMENTO DE PINTINHOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033394 - CONJUNTO DE 20 UNIDADES DE BIOMBO TRIPLO PINTADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 447.7969ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033394 - CONJUNTO DE 20 UNIDADES DE BIOMBO TRIPLO PINTADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033435 - CONDENSADOR LG SPLIT HI-WALL S4UQ19KL3AA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 481.4595ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033435 - CONDENSADOR LG SPLIT HI-WALL S4UQ19KL3AA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033437 - CONDENSADOR CARRIER SPLIT HI-WALL 38CCU060235MC.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -194.0139ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033437 - CONDENSADOR CARRIER SPLIT HI-WALL 38CCU060235MC.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033438 - CONDENSADOR CARRIER SPLIT HI-WALL 38CCU060235MC.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 442.8451ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033438 - CONDENSADOR CARRIER SPLIT HI-WALL 38CCU060235MC.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033441 - CONDENSADOR ELGIN SPLIT HI-WALL HVFE30B2NB.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -150.0459ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033441 - CONDENSADOR ELGIN SPLIT HI-WALL HVFE30B2NB.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033442 - CONDENSADOR ELGIN SPLIT HI-WALL HVFE30B2NB.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 467.7995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033442 - CONDENSADOR ELGIN SPLIT HI-WALL HVFE30B2NB.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033443 - CONDENSADOR ELGIN SPLIT HI-WALL HVFE30B2NB.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 316.7308ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033443 - CONDENSADOR ELGIN SPLIT HI-WALL HVFE30B2NB.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033454 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL AOBG09JMCA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 484.3366ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033454 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL AOBG09JMCA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033455 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL AOBG09JMCA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 427.708ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033455 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL AOBG09JMCA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033458 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL AOBG24JFCC.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 435.1913ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033458 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL AOBG24JFCC.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033459 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL AOBG24JFCC.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -67.7404ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033459 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL AOBG24JFCC.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033473 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL AOBG24JFCC.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -335.2328ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033473 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL AOBG24JFCC.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033474 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL AOBG24JFCC.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -132.1862ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033474 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL AOBG24JFCC.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033477 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL AOBG24JFCC.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 372.3658ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033477 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL AOBG24JFCC.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033478 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL AOBG24JFCC.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -20.5295ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033478 - CONDENSADOR FUJITSU SPLIT HI-WALL AOBG24JFCC.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033484 - AVENTAL PADRAO 0,50 MM PB C CA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -261.7714ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033484 - AVENTAL PADRAO 0,50 MM PB C CA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033485 - AVENTAL PADRAO 0,50 MM PB C CA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -43.0838ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033485 - AVENTAL PADRAO 0,50 MM PB C CA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033506 - EQUINO PARA SERVIÇO - EQUINO ACIMA 6 MESES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 304.9647ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/033506 - EQUINO PARA SERVIÇO - EQUINO ACIMA 6 MESES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/1CB6D329.tmp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -115.319ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/1CB6D329.tmp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/3499FCE4.tmp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -395.0471ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/3499FCE4.tmp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/9341B171.tmp: Size and modification time the same (differ by 248.5422ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIMÔNIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/9341B171.tmp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$925 - NF 170.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$926 - NF 171.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/00 - CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xc3O - RECURSOS ENERG\xc9TICOS/2019/CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xd5ES - 2019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONVÊNIO PREFEITURA/REGULARIZAÇÃO FUNDIÁRIA URBANA/MEMORIAL DE CALCULOS/Memorial de calculos - Anexo 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -324.0655ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONVÊNIO PREFEITURA/REGULARIZAÇÃO FUNDIÁRIA URBANA/MEMORIAL DE CALCULOS/Memorial de calculos - Anexo 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONVÊNIO PREFEITURA/REGULARIZAÇÃO FUNDIÁRIA URBANA/MEMORIAL DE CALCULOS/Memorial de calculos - Anexo 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -439.445118ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONVÊNIO PREFEITURA/REGULARIZAÇÃO FUNDIÁRIA URBANA/MEMORIAL DE CALCULOS/Memorial de calculos - Anexo 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/BLOCO ALFA/IMPLANTA\xc7\xc3O UFU" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONVÊNIO PREFEITURA/REGULARIZAÇÃO FUNDIÁRIA URBANA/MEMORIAL DE CALCULOS/Memorial de calculos.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -171.0646ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONVÊNIO PREFEITURA/REGULARIZAÇÃO FUNDIÁRIA URBANA/MEMORIAL DE CALCULOS/Memorial de calculos.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONVÊNIO PREFEITURA/REGULARIZAÇÃO FUNDIÁRIA URBANA/MEMORIAL DE CALCULOS/memorial de calculos.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -229.8272ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONVÊNIO PREFEITURA/REGULARIZAÇÃO FUNDIÁRIA URBANA/MEMORIAL DE CALCULOS/memorial de calculos.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xc3O ADMINISTRATIVA/03 - ALVAR\xc1 DE REGULARIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O/ALVAR\xc1 DE LICEN\xc7A PARA REGULARIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O - CCE.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$928 - NF 188 189.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2020 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV01 - 22122020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -119.1543ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2020 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV01 - 22122020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV00 - 02122021.xlsm" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV00 - 03122021.xlsm" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV00 - 21072021.xlsm" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV00 - 08112021.xlsm" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/05 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/Metalatex Acr\xedlico Semi Brilho.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/05 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/esmalte_sint\xe9tico_plus.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/05 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/TINTA L\xc1TEX ACR\xcdLICA SUPER RENDIMENTO FUTURA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/05 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/\xf3leo de moto 2T.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/05 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/corante L\xedquido Xadrez.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/05 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/M\xc1RMORES_E_GRANITOS_INTERNO_QUARTZOLIT_REV00_VS00.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/05 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/esmalte_sint\xe9tico_amarelo.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/05 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/ESMALTE SINT\xc9TICO BRILHANTE FUTURIT- AZUL FRAN\xc7A.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/05 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CHECLIST DE REVIS\xd5ES FISPQ MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - RV00 - 04092020.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/05 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/SELANTE-MSCONSTRU\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/05 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/Argamassas ACI, ACII e ACIII Revis\xe3o 2013.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/05 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/qualit\xe1_pu_SelantedePoliuretanoConstruo.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/05 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/Verniz Sint\xe9tico.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVAR\xc1\x81 DE FUNCIONAMENTO" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/Thumbs.db: Excluded 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/ESTAGIARIOS/ESTAGIÁRIO ARQUITETURA E URBANISMO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 335.3055ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/ESTAGIARIOS/ESTAGIÁRIO ARQUITETURA E URBANISMO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/ESTAGIARIOS/ESTAGIÁRIO ENGENHARIA CIVIL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 283.1407ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/ESTAGIARIOS/ESTAGIÁRIO ENGENHARIA CIVIL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/ESTAGIARIOS/ESTAGIÁRIO ENGENHARIA ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -1.5007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/ESTAGIARIOS/ESTAGIÁRIO ENGENHARIA ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/ESTAGIARIOS/ESTAGIÁRIO ENGENHARIA MECÂNICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -339.9042ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/ESTAGIARIOS/ESTAGIÁRIO ENGENHARIA MECÂNICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANIT\xc1RIOS/03 - DECLARA\xc7\xc3O DE CREDENCIAMENTO/DECLARA\xc7\xc3O AGROJAP\xc3O (ADICER).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$927 - NF 2216.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/REV 01/obsoleto/OBSOLETO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -46.6954ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/REV 01/obsoleto/OBSOLETO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/REV 01/obsoleto/REV 02 - CHAMADA APONTADOR - Cópia.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 237.1972ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:22 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/APROPRIALJÃO MÃO DE OBRA/REV 01/obsoleto/REV 02 - CHAMADA APONTADOR - Cópia.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/03 - 31122019/invent\xe1rio estoque el\xe9trico 311222019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:22 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/03 - 31122019/BALAN\xc7O ESTOQUE ELETRICA 31122019 - RV00.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:23 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/xxxMANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PLATAFORMA ELEVATORIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:23 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/xxxMANUTEN\xc7\xc3O COMPRESSORES" 2022/01/25 16:49:23 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O JARDINAGEM" 2022/01/25 16:49:23 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTO OBRA" 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/00 - CONTROLE DE MEDIÇÃO - RECURSOS ENERGÉTICOS/2019/CONTROLE DE MEDIÇÕES - 2019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 421.8899ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/00 - CONTROLE DE MEDIÇÃO - RECURSOS ENERGÉTICOS/2019/CONTROLE DE MEDIÇÕES - 2019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:23 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2021/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 29062021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/03 - ALVARÁ DE REGULARIZAÇÃO DE CONSTRUÇÃO/ALVARÁ DE LICENÇA PARA REGULARIZAÇÃO DE CONSTRUÇÃO - CCE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -252.18ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/03 - ALVARÁ DE REGULARIZAÇÃO DE CONSTRUÇÃO/ALVARÁ DE LICENÇA PARA REGULARIZAÇÃO DE CONSTRUÇÃO - CCE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 02122021.xlsm: Size and modification time the same (differ by 181.2752ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 02122021.xlsm: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 03122021.xlsm: Size and modification time the same (differ by -80.6505ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 03122021.xlsm: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 08112021.xlsm: Size and modification time the same (differ by -187.6058ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 08112021.xlsm: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 21072021.xlsm: Size and modification time the same (differ by -187.6058ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 21072021.xlsm: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:23 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O NATAL - MARCELO - 05122018.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:23 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - TERNO - L\xdaCIO - 27112018.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:23 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/2020/CADASTRO \xdaNICO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$926 - NF 171.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/03 - DECLARAÇÃO DE CREDENCIAMENTO/DECLARAÇÃO AGROJAPÃO (ADICER).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 484.5661ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/01 - FITOSSANITÁRIOS/03 - DECLARAÇÃO DE CREDENCIAMENTO/DECLARAÇÃO AGROJAPÃO (ADICER).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:23 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/5- CONTRATOS/PROCURA\xc7\xc3O UNIPAM-CMU.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:23 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/09 - APRESENTA\xc7\xd5ES/02 - DORMIT\xd3RIOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:23 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/09 - APRESENTA\xc7\xd5ES/03 - PRA\xc7A DE CONVIVENCIA E SALA DE CONFORTO" 2022/01/25 16:49:23 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/09 - APRESENTA\xc7\xd5ES/01 - TREINAMENTO - OPERA\xc7\xc3O PMOC" 2022/01/25 16:49:23 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/09 - APRESENTA\xc7\xd5ES/08 - ADEQUA\xc7\xd5ES CCU (HOSPITAL DE CAMPANHA - SANTA CASA)" 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 910.126971ms 2022/01/25 16:49:23 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 15: batch had 15 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:23 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$916 - NF 70656309 70650832 70888708 71114850.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:23 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$922 - NF 1184 1186.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:23 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$910 - NF 21809.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:23 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$907 - NF 144482.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:23 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$911 - NF 9213.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:23 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$909 - NF 5533.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:23 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$913 - NF 389.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:23 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$920 - NF 21770.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:23 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$918 - NF 3246.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:23 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$914 - NF 326 325 323 324 322.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:23 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$919 - NF 2572 2571 2570 2569 2568 2567 2566.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:23 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$915 - NF 321 320 317 318 316 319.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:23 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$923 - NF 36640.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:23 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$917 - NF 103520161-1.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:23 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$921 - NF 144483 144482.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/03 - 31122019/BALANÇO ESTOQUE ELETRICA 31122019 - RV00.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 476.4488ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/03 - 31122019/BALANÇO ESTOQUE ELETRICA 31122019 - RV00.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/03 - 31122019/inventário estoque elétrico 311222019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -12.3363ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:23 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/03 - 31122019/inventário estoque elétrico 311222019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:23 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2019/04-06-2019 - ADIANTAMENTO RRT - CONSULT\xd3RIOS ODONTOL\xd3GICOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:23 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2019/07-06-2019 - ART CARGO E FUN\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:23 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2019/23-07-2019 - ADIANTAMENTO ART - LAUDOS DE ESTANQUEIDADE CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO" 2022/01/25 16:49:23 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2019/07-03-2019 - DAE INC\xcaNDIO PARACATU" 2022/01/25 16:49:23 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2019/07-05-2019 - RRT VIGI. SANIT\xc1RIA (MARCELO)" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$928 - NF 188 189.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAISRELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE BENS POR CENTRO DE CUSTO" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$927 - NF 2216.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE - MATELE - 2018 - RV00 - 26112018.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -197.5288ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE - MATELE - 2018 - RV00 - 26112018.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV01 - 11042019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -62.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV01 - 11042019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV01 - 15052019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -128.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV01 - 15052019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV01 - 17062019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -411.4013ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV01 - 17062019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV01 - 27052019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 61.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV01 - 27052019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV01 - 28052019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 281.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV01 - 28052019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV02 - 18072019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 339.1195ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV02 - 18072019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV02 - 19082019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -226.1395ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV02 - 19082019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV02 - 27092019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -55.4741ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV02 - 27092019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2021/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 29062021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -476.9595ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2021/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 29062021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 2 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$924 - NF 119381 119378.docx 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/03 - GESTÃO DE RISCOS LARE/GR_LARE.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 147.4133ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/03 - GESTÃO DE RISCOS LARE/GR_LARE.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/2020/CADASTRO ÚNICO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -444.6423ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/2020/CADASTRO ÚNICO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/2020/CERTIFICADO DE REGISTRO - IEF.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 225.1735ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/2020/CERTIFICADO DE REGISTRO - IEF.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/2020/EQUIPAMENTO 01 - STIHL 360.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 325.1578ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/2020/EQUIPAMENTO 01 - STIHL 360.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/2020/EQUIPAMENTO 02 - STIHL 180.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 267.4939ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/2020/EQUIPAMENTO 02 - STIHL 180.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/1 - MANUTEN\xc7ÃO GRUPO GERADOR/2 - RELAT\xd3RIOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - ART - JOSE EUSTAQUIO - 061118.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -20.0094ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - ART - JOSE EUSTAQUIO - 061118.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - ART - JOSE EUSTAQUIO - 071118 ART.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 159.5748ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - ART - JOSE EUSTAQUIO - 071118 ART.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - ART - JOSE EUSTAQUIO - 151018.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 58.5043ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - ART - JOSE EUSTAQUIO - 151018.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - ART - JOSE EUSTAQUIO - 200918.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -469.2761ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - ART - JOSE EUSTAQUIO - 200918.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - ART - JOSE EUSTAQUIO - 250918.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -16.4639ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - ART - JOSE EUSTAQUIO - 250918.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - ART - JOSE EUSTAQUIO - 291018.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -371.3401ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - ART - JOSE EUSTAQUIO - 291018.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - ILUMINAÇÃO NATAL - MARCELO - 05122018.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -475.5038ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - ILUMINAÇÃO NATAL - MARCELO - 05122018.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - TAXA - JOSE EUSTAQUIO - 071118 DAE.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -319.7776ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - TAXA - JOSE EUSTAQUIO - 071118 DAE.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - TAXA - JOSE EUSTAQUIO - 20112018.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 444.3856ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - TAXA - JOSE EUSTAQUIO - 20112018.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - TERNO - LÚCIO - 27112018.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 106.7352ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - TERNO - LÚCIO - 27112018.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - VIAGEM - GABRIELA- 071218.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -57.1598ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - VIAGEM - GABRIELA- 071218.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - VIAGEM - MARCELO - 27112018.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -204.6541ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - VIAGEM - MARCELO - 27112018.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - VIAGEM - VICTOR FLAUZINO - 20122018.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 467.7816ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - VIAGEM - VICTOR FLAUZINO - 20122018.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - VIAGEM - VICTOR FLAUZINO - 28122018.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 458.3915ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2018/REEMBOLSO - VIAGEM - VICTOR FLAUZINO - 28122018.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO CAIXA D'\xc1\x81GUA/CADASTRO DE ESPA\xc7O CONFINADO/~$dastro - Espa\xe7o confinado 3 e 4 bloco I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO CAIXA D'\xc1\x81GUA/CADASTRO DE ESPA\xc7O CONFINADO/~$dastro - Espa\xe7o confinado 1 e 2 bloco G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO CAIXA D'\xc1\x81GUA/CADASTRO DE ESPA\xc7O CONFINADO/Cadastro - Espa\xe7o confinado 1 e 2 bloco G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO CAIXA D'\xc1\x81GUA/CADASTRO DE ESPA\xc7O CONFINADO/Cadastro - Espa\xe7o confinado 7 - CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO CAIXA D'\xc1\x81GUA/CADASTRO DE ESPA\xc7O CONFINADO/Cadastro - Espa\xe7o confinado 5 e 6 bloco J.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO CAIXA D'\xc1\x81GUA/CADASTRO DE ESPA\xc7O CONFINADO/Cadastro - Espa\xe7o confinado 8 - deposito de diesel.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO CAIXA D'\xc1\x81GUA/CADASTRO DE ESPA\xc7O CONFINADO/Cadastro - Espa\xe7o confinado 3 e 4 bloco I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO CAIXA D'\xc1\x81GUA/CADASTRO DE ESPA\xc7O CONFINADO/Cadastro - Espa\xe7o confinado 9 - gerador.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 27022020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 03012020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 21022020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 31122019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 21092020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 14012020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 17112020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 16122019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 02032020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 08012020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 01072020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 16012020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 27012020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 10012020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 30122019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 17082020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 23122019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 19122019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 21012020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 15072020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 22012020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 07012020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrim\xf4nio 28022020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$926 - NF 171.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:24 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$930 - NF 533.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:25 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$932 - NF 353.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:25 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$931 - NF 351 352 353.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:25 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$933 - NF 352.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:25 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$935 - NF 3176.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:25 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$943 - NF 354.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:25 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$942 - NF 18110.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:25 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$934 - NF 172.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:25 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$936 - NF 327 328 329 330.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:25 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$944 - NF 844.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:25 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$945 - NF 20121.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:25 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$946 - NF 19.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:25 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$941 - NF 16585.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:25 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO INTERFACES (cancelado)/CRONOGRAMA IMPLEMENTA\xc7\xc3O TELEFONES.mpp" 2022/01/25 16:49:25 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO INTERFACES (cancelado)/Or\xe7amento_Unipam_Interface Celular_20072020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$947 - NF 409.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/2021/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2021_1.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/2021/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2021_2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/2021/2021.07.05 Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2021.05.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/2021/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2021_3.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/2021/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2021_4.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$928 - NF 188 189.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$948 - NF 357 358.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/BACKUP/BACK.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -476.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/BACKUP/BACK.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM 08072019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 94.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM 08072019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM 09072019 - RV01.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -1.3291ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM 09072019 - RV01.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM 09072019 com controle interno.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -497.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM 09072019 com controle interno.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM 09072019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 490.1986ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM 09072019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM 23082019 - RV02.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 69.8839ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM 23082019 - RV02.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM 29062019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 285.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM 29062019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM 30062019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 273.1991ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2019 - CONTAGEM 30062019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/04 - LNT - CCE/SOLICITA\xc7\xc3O DE CURSOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/- ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES PARA EQUIPE/00 - \xc1REA DE OCUPA\xc7\xc3O DE BANQUETE" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/- ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES PARA EQUIPE/04 - REUNI\xc3O 31072019" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/- ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES PARA EQUIPE/03 - REUNI\xc3O 11032020" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$927 - NF 2216.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2021/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV03 - 08102021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -22.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2021/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV03 - 08102021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/07 - CONTAGENS/INVENTARIO ELETRICA 03 - LAMPADA HO - 01072021.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 386.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/07 - CONTAGENS/INVENTARIO ELETRICA 03 - LAMPADA HO - 01072021.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/07 - CONTAGENS/INVENTARIO ELETRICA 01 - LAMPADA HO - 13052021.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 342.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/07 - CONTAGENS/INVENTARIO ELETRICA 01 - LAMPADA HO - 13052021.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/07 - CONTAGENS/INVENTARIO ELETRICA 02 - LAMPADA HO - 02062021.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 177.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/07 - CONTAGENS/INVENTARIO ELETRICA 02 - LAMPADA HO - 02062021.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/07 - CONTAGENS/INVENTARIO LIMPEZA 01 - ALCOOL - 13052021.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -398.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/07 - CONTAGENS/INVENTARIO LIMPEZA 01 - ALCOOL - 13052021.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/07 - CONTAGENS/INVENTARIO LIMPEZA 02 - ALCOOL - 02062021.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -452.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/07 - CONTAGENS/INVENTARIO LIMPEZA 03 - ALCOOL - 01072021.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -387.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/07 - CONTAGENS/INVENTARIO LIMPEZA 03 - ALCOOL - 01072021.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/07 - CONTAGENS/INVENTARIO LIMPEZA 02 - ALCOOL - 02062021.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/ESTUDOS/INSPE\xc7\xc3O DE CORTINAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/ESTUDOS/REUNI\xc3O 21092018" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/ESTUDOS/ANALISE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 01072020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 210.4739ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 01072020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 02032020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 416.0175ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 02032020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 03012020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 237.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 03012020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 07012020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 66.1994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 07012020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 08012020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 23.4ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 08012020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 10012020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -232.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 10012020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 14012020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -415.8243ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 14012020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 15072020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -171.5484ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 15072020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 16012020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 372.652ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 16012020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 16122019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -239.0003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 16122019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/09 - HOSPITAL REGIONAL - HRAD/01 - HRAD - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O BANCO DE LEITE" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 19122019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 259.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 19122019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 21012020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 17.2749ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 21012020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 21022020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 47.6894ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 21022020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 21092020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 335.8114ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 21092020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 22012020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -249.2871ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 22012020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 17082020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -376.4652ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 27012020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -479.273ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 27012020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 17082020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 23122019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 492.1999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 23122019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 17112020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -371.4593ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 17112020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 27022020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 115.1981ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 27022020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 28022020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 345.9842ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 28022020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/2-RELAT\xd3RIOS/2 - RELAT\xd3RIO MAN. PREV. UNIPAM 012021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/2-RELAT\xd3RIOS/2 - RELAT\xd3RIO MAN. PREV. CCO 012021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 30122019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -187.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 30122019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 31122019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -423.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:26 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/- BACKUP/Planilha de Controle de Levantamento de Patrimônio 31122019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/2-RELAT\xd3RIOS/2 - RELAT\xd3RIO MAN. PREV. CCE 012021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/2-RELAT\xd3RIOS/4 - RELAT\xd3RIO MAN. PREV. CCO 062021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/2-RELAT\xd3RIOS/1 - RELAT\xd3RIO MAN. PREV. UNIPAM 102020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/2-RELAT\xd3RIOS/1 - RELAT\xd3RIO MAN. PREV. CCO 102020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/2-RELAT\xd3RIOS/4 - RELAT\xd3RIO MAN. PREV. UNIPAM 062021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/2-RELAT\xd3RIOS/1 - RELAT\xd3RIO MAN. PREV. CCE 102020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/2-RELAT\xd3RIOS/4 - RELAT\xd3RIO MAN. PREV. CCE 062021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/2-RELAT\xd3RIOS/3 - RELAT\xd3RIO MAN. PREV. UNIPAM 042021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/2-RELAT\xd3RIOS/3 - RELAT\xd3RIO MAN. PREV. CCE 042021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:26 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/2-RELAT\xd3RIOS/3 - RELAT\xd3RIO MAN. PREV. CCO 042021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:27 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$930 - NF 533.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:27 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$932 - NF 353.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:27 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$933 - NF 352.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:27 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$931 - NF 351 352 353.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:27 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$942 - NF 18110.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:27 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$943 - NF 354.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:27 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$935 - NF 3176.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:27 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$936 - NF 327 328 329 330.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:27 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$934 - NF 172.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:27 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$945 - NF 20121.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO INTERFACES (cancelado)/(EM ANDAMENTO)ESTUDO INTERFACES PARA PABX.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 311.3995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO INTERFACES (cancelado)/(EM ANDAMENTO)ESTUDO INTERFACES PARA PABX.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO INTERFACES (cancelado)/CRONOGRAMA IMPLEMENTAÇÃO TELEFONES.mpp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -5ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO INTERFACES (cancelado)/CRONOGRAMA IMPLEMENTAÇÃO TELEFONES.mpp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/05 - C\xd3PIAS PARA TERCEIROS/C\xd3PIAS E PLOTAGENS - PARA OUTROS SETORES.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO INTERFACES (cancelado)/Orçamento_Unipam_Interface Celular_20072020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 234.5993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO INTERFACES (cancelado)/Orçamento_Unipam_Interface Celular_20072020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/02 - ANALISE DE RISCOS AMBIENTAIS/CONSERVAÇÃO E LIMPEZA/Conservacao_e_limpeza.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -244.7008ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/02 - ANALISE DE RISCOS AMBIENTAIS/CONSERVAÇÃO E LIMPEZA/Conservacao_e_limpeza.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$944 - NF 844.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$941 - NF 16585.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCE/EIV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 161.0067ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCE/EIV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCE/RIV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -336.4944ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCE/RIV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCE/TERMO DE COMPROMISSO UNIPAM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -107.9986ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS/FB014 - RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - 2\xba SEMESTRE DE 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCE/TERMO DE COMPROMISSO UNIPAM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 1.907670554s 2022/01/25 16:49:28 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 2: batch had 2 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:28 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$925 - NF 170.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:28 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$924 - NF 119381 119378.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$947 - NF 409.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$946 - NF 19.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_01_04_2019_12_01_24.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -221.5823ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_01_04_2019_12_01_24.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_02_10_2017_13_18_25.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -5.2283ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_02_10_2017_13_18_25.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_04_02_2019_23_44_01.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -61.27ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_04_02_2019_23_44_01.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_07_06_2018_15_38_06.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -180.0505ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_07_06_2018_15_37_53.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -143.9871ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_07_06_2018_15_37_53.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_07_06_2018_15_54_29.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 401.7456ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_07_06_2018_15_54_29.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_11_10_2017_14_38_08.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 155.4723ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_11_10_2017_14_38_08.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_07_06_2018_15_54_03.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -22.1183ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_07_06_2018_15_54_03.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_14_10_2018_11_20_39.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -230.9749ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_14_10_2018_11_20_39.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_14_10_2018_11_21_03.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -23.0772ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_14_10_2018_11_21_03.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_19_25.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 445.7915ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_19_25.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_19_27.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 213.7828ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_19_27.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_19_44.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -414.2966ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_19_44.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_19_52.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 193.658ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_19_52.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_21_13.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -146.7663ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_21_13.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_26_06.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -344.2578ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_26_06.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_30_09.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 413.7036ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_30_09.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_34_48.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -251.7253ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_34_48.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_16_04_13.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -191.3873ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_16_07_32.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -268.4168ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_16_07_32.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_07_06_2018_15_38_31.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -384.1821ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_17_05_2019_08_41_35.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -258.6837ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_17_05_2019_08_41_35.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_07_06_2018_15_38_31.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_18_01_2019_08_10_32.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -8.1556ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_07_06_2018_15_38_06.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_18_09_2017_14_13_23.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 405.2332ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_18_09_2017_14_13_23.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_02_45.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 309.7121ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_02_45.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_05_10.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 108.9773ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_05_10.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_05_32.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -383.1595ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_05_32.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_05_33.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 64.8662ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_05_33.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_05_41.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -63.1706ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O IMOV\xc9IS/VALOR IMOVEIS FEPAM/FEPAM-CONSTRU\xc7\xd5ES-DEPRECIA\xc7\xd5ES 31122018.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_05_46.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -291.1992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_05_46.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O IMOV\xc9IS/VALOR IMOVEIS FEPAM/FEPAM-CONSTRU\xc7\xd5ES 31122018.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_07_26.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 239.3753ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_07_26.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_28_09.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 105.9361ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_28_09.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_34_15.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 104.0636ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_34_15.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_17_05_2019_08_41_33.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 345.3028ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_34_33.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 355.9625ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_17_05_2019_08_41_33.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_34_33.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_37_04.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -48.4184ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_37_04.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_10_28_33.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 180.4161ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_10_28_33.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_20_03_2019_11_22_06.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -86.4371ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_20_03_2019_11_22_06.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_16_04_13.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_19_03_2019_09_05_41.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_20_03_2019_13_12_11.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 362.1815ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_20_03_2019_13_12_11.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_20_09_2017_10_53_44.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -255.6055ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_20_09_2017_10_53_44.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_20_09_2017_13_44_45.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 253.4169ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_20_09_2017_13_44_45.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_30_21.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -58.3526ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_15_02_2019_14_30_21.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_20_09_2017_13_47_49.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -293.4316ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_20_09_2017_13_47_49.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_18_01_2019_08_10_32.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_18_09_2017_14_12_06.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 57.951ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_18_09_2017_14_12_06.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_21_03_2019_11_13_46.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 411.8847ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_21_03_2019_11_13_46.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_20_03_2019_13_07_02.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 191.6058ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_20_03_2019_13_07_02.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_22_05_2018_14_39_44.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 93.3782ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_22_05_2018_14_39_44.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_22_05_2018_14_41_27.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 248.8401ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_22_05_2018_14_41_27.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_22_05_2018_14_42_08.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -59.3761ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_22_05_2018_14_42_08.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_22_05_2018_14_42_22.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -39.4337ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_22_05_2018_14_42_22.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_22_05_2018_14_42_24.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -311.4417ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_22_05_2018_14_42_24.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_22_05_2018_14_44_22.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 103.9431ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_22_05_2018_14_44_22.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_23_05_2018_10_50_44.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -224.272ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_23_05_2018_10_50_44.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_22_05_2018_14_42_26.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 200.538ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_23_05_2018_10_51_03.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 187.6353ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_23_05_2018_10_51_03.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_24_05_2018_09_13_35.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 179.4428ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_24_05_2018_09_13_35.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_25_04_2019_17_47_58.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -29.9516ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_25_04_2019_17_47_58.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_25_04_2019_17_48_01.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 326.0379ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_25_04_2019_17_48_01.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_26_04_2019_08_28_21.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 53.2016ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_26_04_2019_08_28_21.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_26_06_2019_15_13_08.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -176.769ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_26_06_2019_15_13_08.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_26_10_2018_10_36_35.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -34.3205ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_26_10_2018_10_36_35.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_22_05_2018_14_42_26.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_28_05_2018_08_55_23.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -323.0194ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_28_05_2018_08_55_23.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_28_05_2018_08_55_47.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -287.1412ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_28_05_2018_08_55_47.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_28_09_2017_14_27_47.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 85.9224ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_28_09_2017_14_27_47.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_29_03_2019_16_55_28.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -280.112ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/BACKUP SCA/SCA/arquivos/ArquivoManutencoes_29_03_2019_16_55_28.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$948 - NF 357 358.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:28 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:28 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:28 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/04 - TRANSFER\xcaNCIA DE MATERIAIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:28 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:28 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERA\xc7\xc3O DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/APRESENTA\xc7\xc3O/PROPOSTA ALTERA\xc7\xc3O OPERADORA APROVADA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:28 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERA\xc7\xc3O DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/APRESENTA\xc7\xc3O/PROPOSTA SERVI\xc7O PABX.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:28 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERA\xc7\xc3O DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/APRESENTA\xc7\xc3O/PROPOSTA DE ECONOMIA ALTERA\xc7\xc3O OPERADORA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/1 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. UNIPAM 102020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 454ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/1 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. UNIPAM 102020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/1 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. CCE 102020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 61ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/1 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. CCE 102020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/2 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. UNIPAM 012021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -289.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/2 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. UNIPAM 012021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/3 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. CCE 042021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 185.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/3 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. CCE 042021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/3 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. CCO 042021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 444.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/3 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. CCO 042021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/1 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. CCO 102020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -459ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/1 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. CCO 102020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/2 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. CCE 012021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -6.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/2 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. CCE 012021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/3 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. UNIPAM 042021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -161.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/3 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. UNIPAM 042021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/4 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. CCE 062021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -275.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/4 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. CCE 062021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/4 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. CCO 062021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -260.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/4 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. CCO 062021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/4 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. UNIPAM 062021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -288.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/4 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. UNIPAM 062021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/2 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. CCO 012021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 454.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/2-RELATÓRIOS/2 - RELATÓRIO MAN. PREV. CCO 012021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:28 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/2 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:28 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:28 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/1 - PLANO DE A\xc7\xc3O GERAL" 2022/01/25 16:49:28 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/1 - EL\xc9TRICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:28 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/3 - EL\xc9TRICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:28 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:28 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/0 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:49:28 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 3 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$926 - NF 171.docx 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$932 - NF 353.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$930 - NF 533.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$933 - NF 352.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$943 - NF 354.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$942 - NF 18110.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$931 - NF 351 352 353.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$936 - NF 327 328 329 330.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$935 - NF 3176.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/05 - CÓPIAS PARA TERCEIROS/CÓPIAS E PLOTAGENS - PARA OUTROS SETORES.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 2.7045ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/05 - CÓPIAS PARA TERCEIROS/CÓPIAS E PLOTAGENS - PARA OUTROS SETORES.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/LAYOUT/1301ALFA - PROJETO IEP - INCUBADORA DE EMPRESAS/IEP/Thumbs.db: Excluded 2022/01/25 16:49:29 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL/03 - MAR\xc7O 2019" 2022/01/25 16:49:29 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/04 - 21122109/Invent\xe1rio 20122019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:29 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/04 - 21122109/INVENT\xc1RIO ESTOQUE LIMPEZA 21122019 RV00 - 23122019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$945 - NF 20121.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCO/plot.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by 102.643678ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCO/plot.log: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCO/UNIFILAR CCO - ELE - RV00 - pg01.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -477.32553ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCO/UNIFILAR CCO - ELE - RV00 - pg01.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:29 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCO/UNIFILAR CCO - ELE - RV00 - pg02.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 200.605014ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCO/UNIFILAR CCO - ELE - RV00 - pg02.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCO/UNIFILAR CCO - ELE - RV00 - pg03.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -238.891776ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCO/UNIFILAR CCO - ELE - RV00 - pg03.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCO/UNIFILAR CCO - ELE - RV00.bak: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCO/UNIFILAR CCO - ELE - RV00.bak: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCO/UNIFILAR CCO - ELE - RV00.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:29 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCO/UNIFILAR CCO - ELE - RV00.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:29 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:29 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/03 - TERMOS DE REFER\xcaNCIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:29 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS/OR\xc7AMENTOS/OR\xc7AMENTOS 2021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:29 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS/OR\xc7AMENTOS/- OR\xc7AMENTOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:29 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS/OR\xc7AMENTOS/OR\xc7AMENTOS 2020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:29 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS/OR\xc7AMENTOS/OR\xc7AMENTOS 2019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:29 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS/OR\xc7AMENTOS/OR\xc7AMENTO - SAMANTHA - 14042021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$934 - NF 172.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$944 - NF 844.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/07 - SANITIZA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$941 - NF 16585.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$950 - NF 145132.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$949 - NF 145295.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$947 - NF 409.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/VALOR IMOVEIS FEPAM/FEPAM-CONSTRUÇÕES 31122018.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -424.0038ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/VALOR IMOVEIS FEPAM/FEPAM-CONSTRUÇÕES 31122018.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/VALOR IMOVEIS FEPAM/FEPAM-CONSTRUÇÕES-DEPRECIAÇÕES 31122018.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 111.2513ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DEPRECIAÇÃO IMOVÉIS/VALOR IMOVEIS FEPAM/FEPAM-CONSTRUÇÕES-DEPRECIAÇÕES 31122018.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/- BACKCUP/LARE - M\xc1QUINAS E LUGARES RV00.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/- BACKCUP/LARE - M\xc1QUINAS E LUGARES RV01.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$946 - NF 19.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV00 - 01012020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -346.1618ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV00 - 01012020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV01 - 28072020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -193.5997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV01 - 28072020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV02 - 11082020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -92.1336ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV02 - 11082020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV02 - 20082020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -109.661ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV02 - 20082020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV02 - 26102020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -364.0372ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV02 - 26102020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV02 - 27102020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -193.4647ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV02 - 27102020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERA\xc7\xd5ES DE PERMISS\xc3O/REVIS\xc3O DE RAMAIS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERA\xc7\xd5ES DE PERMISS\xc3O/COORDENA\xc7\xc3O MEDICINA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERA\xc7\xd5ES DE PERMISS\xc3O/ACESSORIA DE COMUNICA\xc7\xc3O2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERA\xc7\xd5ES DE PERMISS\xc3O/CL\xcdNICA FISIOTERAPIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERA\xc7\xd5ES DE PERMISS\xc3O/REVIS\xc3O DE RAMAIS UNIPAM.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERA\xc7\xd5ES DE PERMISS\xc3O/SECRETARIA N + SALA COORDENA\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERA\xc7\xd5ES DE PERMISS\xc3O/ACADEMIA E GIN\xc1SIO BLOCO L.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERA\xc7\xd5ES DE PERMISS\xc3O/SECRETARIA ENS. M\xc9DIO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERA\xc7\xd5ES DE PERMISS\xc3O/SECRETARIA GIN\xc1SIO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERA\xc7\xd5ES DE PERMISS\xc3O/ACESSORIA DE COMUNICA\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERA\xc7\xd5ES DE PERMISS\xc3O/AG\xcaNCIA CRIVO2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERA\xc7\xd5ES DE PERMISS\xc3O/AG\xcaNCIA CRIVO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERA\xc7\xd5ES DE PERMISS\xc3O/AG\xcaNCIA CRIVO3.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/APRESENTAÇÃO/PROPOSTA ALTERAÇÃO OPERADORA APROVADA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 255.5705ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/APRESENTAÇÃO/PROPOSTA ALTERAÇÃO OPERADORA APROVADA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/APRESENTAÇÃO/PROPOSTA DE ECONOMIA ALTERAÇÃO OPERADORA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 269.9995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/APRESENTAÇÃO/PROPOSTA DE ECONOMIA ALTERAÇÃO OPERADORA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/APRESENTAÇÃO/PROPOSTA SERVIÇO PABX.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -90.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/APRESENTAÇÃO/PROPOSTA SERVIÇO PABX.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/APRESENTAÇÃO/PROPOSTA VOZ TOTAL UNIPAM VIVO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 104.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/APRESENTAÇÃO/PROPOSTA VOZ TOTAL UNIPAM VIVO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC38 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC24 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC34 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC83 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PLATAFORMA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC80 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - TESOURARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC51 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC45 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC77 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E SUPRIMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC75 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - RELA\xc7\xd5ES HUMANAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC61 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - QUALIDADE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - RELA\xc7\xd5ES HUMANAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC19 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE PESSOAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC60 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E SUPRIMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MCXXX - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - EVENTO AMIS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC25 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC81 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - EVENTO C\xc2MARA MUNICIPAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC13 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC79 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - REGISTRO DE CONTROLE E PESSOAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC07 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - ORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE PESSOAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC19 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC12 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - LARE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC16 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC33 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MCXX - CCE - PO\xc7O ARTESIANO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC73 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E SUPRIMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC50 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC26 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC21 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - RELA\xc7\xd5ES HUMANAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC17 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC22 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - RELA\xc7\xd5ES HUMANAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC53 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC42 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE PESSOAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC03 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC48 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC70 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC41 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE PESSOAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC31 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC30 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC47 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC10 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC55 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC35 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE PESSOAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC56 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC57 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC74 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E SUPRIMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC46 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC44 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC78 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - RELA\xc7\xd5ES HUMANAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC39 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC32 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COPA E COZINHA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC27 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - JARDINAGEM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC14 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC65 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E SUPRIMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC82 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EXAUST\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC15 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - LARE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC54 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC62 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - LARE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC18 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC40 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE PESSOAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC59 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E SUPRIMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC66 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E SUPRIMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC37 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE PESSOAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC72 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E SUPRIMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC67 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - QUALIDADE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC63 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - LARE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC52 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC02 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC04 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC76 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - RELA\xc7\xd5ES HUMANAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC68 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - LARE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC08 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC01 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COORDENADORIA DE INFORM\xc1TICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC43 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC23 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - RELA\xc7\xd5ES HUMANAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC29 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - RELA\xc7\xd5ES HUMANAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC71 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - REGISTRO E CONTROLE DE PESSOAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC36 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE PESSOAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC05 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC84 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PLATAFORMA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC11 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - RECURSOS HUMANOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC64 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E SUPRIMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC20 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - RELA\xc7\xd5ES HUMANAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC69 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - LARE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC49 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC11 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - RELA\xc7\xd5ES HUMANAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC09 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC28 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - RELA\xc7\xd5ES HUMANAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/MEMORANDOS/MC07 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/MODELOS PARA ELABORAÇAO/EIV_ gelopar.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -296.875ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/MODELOS PARA ELABORAÇAO/EIV_ gelopar.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/MODELOS PARA ELABORAÇAO/EIV_12_dez_2002.PDF: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/MODELOS PARA ELABORAÇAO/EIV_12_dez_2002.PDF: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/MODELOS PARA ELABORAÇAO/EIV_IGREJA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -109.375ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/MODELOS PARA ELABORAÇAO/EIV_IGREJA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/MODELOS PARA ELABORAÇAO/EIV_moradas_passaros.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/MODELOS PARA ELABORAÇAO/EIV_PLANOS_FINAL.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 31.25ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/MODELOS PARA ELABORAÇAO/ETAPAS ESTUDO DE IMPACTO DE VIZINHANÇA EDIFICIO.doc: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/MODELOS PARA ELABORAÇAO/ETAPAS ESTUDO DE IMPACTO DE VIZINHANÇA EDIFICIO.doc: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/MODELOS PARA ELABORAÇAO/EIV_PLANOS_FINAL.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:30 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/- MATERIAL DE REFERÊŠNCIA/MODELOS PARA ELABORAÇAO/EIV_moradas_passaros.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/03 - CONTROLE CAF\xc9-P\xc3ES/DISTRIBUI\xc7\xc3O DE QUANTIDADE P\xc3ES-CAF\xc9-CH\xc1" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/03 - CONTROLE CAF\xc9-P\xc3ES/RETORNO E SA\xcdDAS DA DISTRIBUI\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$948 - NF 357 358.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/04 - 21122109/Inventário 20122019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 296.6242ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/04 - 21122109/Inventário 20122019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/04 - 21122109/INVENTÁRIO ESTOQUE LIMPEZA 21122019 RV00 - 23122019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -499.5933ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/04 - 21122109/INVENTÁRIO ESTOQUE LIMPEZA 21122019 RV00 - 23122019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES PARA EQUIPE/REUNI\xc3O GERAL 21062021/LISTA DE PRESEN\xc7A.png" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/ORÇAMENTOS/ORÇAMENTO - SAMANTHA - 14042021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -308.8585ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/ORÇAMENTOS/ORÇAMENTO - SAMANTHA - 14042021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/ORÇAMENTOS/ORÇAMENTOS 2019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 297.9824ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/ORÇAMENTOS/ORÇAMENTOS 2019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/ORÇAMENTOS/ORÇAMENTOS 2020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -175.6744ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/ORÇAMENTOS/ORÇAMENTOS 2020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- LAN\xc7AMENTO PLACA INAUGURA\xc7\xc3O/Confec\xe7\xe3o PLACAS -FASE 01" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/ORÇAMENTOS/ORÇAMENTOS 2021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 283.5101ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/ORÇAMENTOS/ORÇAMENTOS 2021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DO CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES/01 - INFORMA\xc7\xd5ES GERAIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DO CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES/02 - MANUAL DE PADRONIZA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DO CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES/00 - ARQUIVOS DIGITAIS DE APRESENTA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DO CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES/03 - BALAN\xc7O SOCIAL" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/- BACKCUP/LARE - MÁQUINAS E LUGARES RV00.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/- BACKCUP/LARE - MÁQUINAS E LUGARES RV00.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/- BACKCUP/LARE - MÁQUINAS E LUGARES RV01.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/- BACKCUP/LARE - MÁQUINAS E LUGARES RV01.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/- BACKCUP/LARE - SOFTWARES DOS COMPUTADORES 130319.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -283.9884ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/- BACKCUP/LARE - SOFTWARES DOS COMPUTADORES 130319.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/- BACKCUP/LARE - SOFTWARES DOS COMPUTADORES 140319.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 233.4138ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/- BACKCUP/LARE - SOFTWARES DOS COMPUTADORES 140319.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/- BACKCUP/Softwares LARE 071118.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 351.7496ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/04 - SOFTWARES/- BACKCUP/Softwares LARE 071118.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA/\xc1lcool l\xedquido hidratado 70\xba - UZZI QU\xcdMICA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/ACESSORIA DE COMUNICAÇÃO2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 394.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/ACESSORIA DE COMUNICAÇÃO2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/AGÊNCIA CRIVO3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 257.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/CLINICA PSICOLOGIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -432.2072ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/BIBLIOTECA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 450.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/CLÍNICA FISIOTERAPIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 285.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/CLÍNICA FISIOTERAPIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/COMPRAS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 464.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/COMPRAS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/CONSELHO CURADOR.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 316.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/CONSELHO CURADOR.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/COORDENAÇÃO MEDICINA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -458.2072ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/COORDENAÇÃO MEDICINA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/LARE212.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 474.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/LARE212.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/LARE307.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 361.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/LARE307.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/LARE333.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 329.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/LARE333.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/QUALIDADE 366.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/QUALIDADE 366.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/AGÊNCIA CRIVO3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/REVISÃO DE RAMAIS UNIPAM.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -3.1377ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/REVISÃO DE RAMAIS UNIPAM.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/REVISÃO DE RAMAIS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 368.052ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/REVISÃO DE RAMAIS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/RH.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 274.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/RH.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/SECRETARIA ACADEMICA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/SECRETARIA ACADEMICA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/SECRETARIA BIBLIOTECA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -444.2072ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/BIBLIOTECA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/SECRETARIA BLOCO E.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 424.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/ACESSORIA DE COMUNICAÇÃO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 339.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/ACESSORIA DE COMUNICAÇÃO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/SECRETARIA C, D, E, F, H, M,N.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 350.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/SECRETARIA C, D, E, F, H, M,N.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/SECRETARIA ENS. MÉDIO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/AGÊNCIA CRIVO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 413.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/AGÊNCIA CRIVO2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 436.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/ACADEMIA E GINÁSIO BLOCO L.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/CLINICA PSICOLOGIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/QUALIDADE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 488.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/AGÊNCIA CRIVO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/QUALIDADE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/SECRETARIA GINÁSIO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -477.2072ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/SECRETARIA GINÁSIO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/SECRETARIA ENS. MÉDIO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/SECRETARIA BLOCO E.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/SECRETARIAS ALFA, C, D F, H, M, N + AUDIOVISUAL B M.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 376.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/SECRETARIAS ALFA, C, D F, H, M, N + AUDIOVISUAL B M.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/TODAS AS SECRETARIAS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 297.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/SECRETARIA N + SALA COORDENAÇÃO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -497.2072ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/SECRETARIA N + SALA COORDENAÇÃO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/TODAS AS SECRETARIAS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/AGÊNCIA CRIVO2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/SECRETARIA BIBLIOTECA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/4 - NOVOS RAMAIS E ALTERAÇÕES DE PERMISSÃO/ACADEMIA E GINÁSIO BLOCO L.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/03 - CCV - AM MELHORIAS DIVERSAS/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC05 - CCV - AM MELHORIAS DIVERSAS - EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/03 - CCV - AM MELHORIAS DIVERSAS/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC08 - CCV - AM MELHORIAS DIVERSAS - INFORM\xc1TICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDIT\xd3RIA - 00/Relatorio auditorioa - Climatiza\xe7\xe3o.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDIT\xd3RIA - 00/Relatorio auditorioa - Climatiza\xe7\xe3o - C\xf3pia.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0509 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM BOIA DA CAIXA DE \xc1GUA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0063 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - PASSAGEM DE CABOS ILUMIN\xc7\xc3O EXTERNA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1103 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0524 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0749 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0317- SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0756 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO K.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0851 - SA\xcdDA - CCU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0455 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0375 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1205 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0924 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO H.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0401- SAIDA - ALMOXARIFADO - FITA PARA IDENTIFICA\xc7\xc3O DE L\xc2MPADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0966 - SA\xcdDA - OBSERVATORIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1210 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0631 - SAIDA - INTERNA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM EXTENSS\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0350- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM VENTILADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1025 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0472 - ENTRADA - CCE - ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O DA GUARITA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1051 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0308- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA LAB DE ROBOTICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0546 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM TELEFONE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0722 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0475 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0407- SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1066 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0637 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - L\xc2MPADALUMIN\xc1RIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0740 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO C e D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0774 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO K.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0300 - SAIDA - CCV - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0997 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0591 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MINSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE L\xc2MPADA UV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0962 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0743 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0960 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0590 - SAIDA - SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1037 - SA\xcdDA - ALMOXARIFADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1008 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0516 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0610 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0891 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0727 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0697 - SA\xcdDA - PARKLET.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1070 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0830 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO K.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0402- SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA NO ESTACIONAMENTO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0898 - SA\xcdDA - ALMOXARIFADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1112 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0432- SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DA ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0572 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DE SISTEMA DE INCENDIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0957 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0068 - ENTRADA - CCE - MANGUEIRA CORRUGADA 1 POL - C\xf3pia.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0373- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0889 - SA\xcdDA - CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0548 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1115 - SA\xcdDA - EPAMIG.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0844 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0949 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0216 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0444 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1145 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0213 - ENTRADA - BLOCO N - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM VENTILADORES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0228 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0415- SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1043 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1171 - SA\xcdDA - CETRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0948 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0204- ENTRADA - BLOCO F - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0541 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0816 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1062 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0412- SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0304- SAIDA - CCU - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM EQUIPAMENTO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0934 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1069 - SA\xcdDA- BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0853 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0214 - ENTRADA - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1139 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0431- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1135 - SA\xcdDA - CCO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0534 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM SECADORES DE M\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0623 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0864 - SA\xcdDA - CCO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1084 - SA\xcdDA - CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1202 - SA\xcdDA - CCE - EVENTO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0755 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCOS N,B e H.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0892 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO B.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0617 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE SENSOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1023 - SA\xcdDA - CCU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0770 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0310- SAIDA - CLUBE INTEGRAR - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0416- ENTRADA - BLOCO N - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA NO ESTACIONAMENTO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0842 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO B.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1006 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1231 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0648 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0540 - ENTRADA - UBS - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE PONTOS DE TOMADAS..docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0836 - SA\xcdDA - PROGRAMA INTEGRAR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0464 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - INDENTIFICA\xc7\xc3O DE CIRCUITOS DO BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0814 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0318- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O CABOS DE REDE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0313- SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0218 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM VENTILADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0838 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0673 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0783 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G LARE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0388- SAIDA - CCV - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE REDE NO LAB DE DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0346- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/~$19-0422- ENTRADA - CCE - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE BOIA NA CAIXA DE \xc1GUA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0893 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0923 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0897 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0633 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0205 - SAIDA - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1060 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0769 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1052 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0880 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0952 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO H.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0805 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO K.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0761 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO K.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1199 - ENTRADA - ESCOLA \xc1GRICOLA (CRS).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0911 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0447 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM REFLETORES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0592 - SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0852 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0729 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0625 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM VENTILADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0785 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO J.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0390 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1134 - SA\xcdDA - LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1003 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1186 - SA\xcdDA - ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O DE NATAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1012 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1142 - SA\xcdDA - LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0342- SAIDA - BLOCO G - ISNTALA\xc7\xc3O DE PONTOS DE REDE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1117 - SA\xcdDA - EPAMIG.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0528 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0767 - SA\xcdDA - EPAMIG.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0574 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE FEICHE EM QUADRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0714 - SA\xcdDA - SORRISO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0828 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0391 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0943 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0813 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1104 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0733 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1080 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0527 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0275 - SAIDA - CCV - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TICA DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1056 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO H.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0247- ENTRADA - BLOCO N - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE CAMERA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0521 - SAIDA - CETAS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM SERRA EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0340- SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1154 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0470 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE CANALETA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0870 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0398 - SAIDA - BLOCO C - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1146 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0694 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0630 - SAIDA - SUBSOLO N - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA DA ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0249 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0219 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0689 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0857 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0972 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1068 - ENTRADA - PRA\xc7A CORETO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0442 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM TOTEN.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0622 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - TROCA DE CABOS DE ALIMENTA\xc7\xc3O DOS REFLETORES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0841 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0277 - SAIDA - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7AO GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0549 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTADORES PARA EVENTO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0514 - SAIDA - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1094 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0419- SAIDA - BLOCO J - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE CHUVEIRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0466 - SAIDA - BLOCO K - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0301 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0607 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0498- SAIDA - PARQUE DE EXPOSI\xc7\xc3O - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE LUMINARIA..docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0671 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0702 - SA\xcdDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0616 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0575 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA BIOTERIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0392 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0918 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO H.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0835 - SA\xcdDA - CCU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0872 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1164 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0632 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0724 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO H.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1188 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO J.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0456 - ENTRADA - CCU - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM TOTEM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0704 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO H.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0380 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE PINO FEMEA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0371- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0860 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0224 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O DE REDE DE ALIMENTA\xc7\xc3O DA COBERTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0580 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0550 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0497- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0290 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSPEC\xc3O DE ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O DE EMERGENCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0268 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1226 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1091 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0759 - SA\xcdDA - CCU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0665 - SA\xcdDA - CCO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0459 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0919 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0284 - SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0882 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0901 - SA\xcdDA - CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0691 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0526 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE REDE NO LABORATORIO DE ROBOTICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1230 - SA\xcdDA - CCE - EVENTO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0210 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM VENTILADORES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0847 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0261 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0995 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1071 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1000 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0976 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0500- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0670 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO J.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0753 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO K.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0703 - SA\xcdDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0372- SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0553 - SAIDA - BOCO G - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0420- SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0854 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO H.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0970 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0461 - SAIDA - CCE - ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O DA GUARITA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0760 - SA\xcdDA - CCV e ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0766 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0900 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0975 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0666 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0454 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0001 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO H - BROMATOLOGIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0818 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0554 - SAIDA - BOCO G - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM VENTILADORES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0557 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0810 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0339- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1153 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1009 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA SEMANA DA AFRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0257 - SAIDA - CCE - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0329- SAIDA - CCE- INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE QUADRO DE COMANDO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0567 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0933 - SA\xcdDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0302- SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1022 - SA\xcdDA - CCU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0711 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1209 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0609 - SAIDA - BLOCO C - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE FEICHE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0605 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0266 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0647 - SA\xcdDA - CCU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0824 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0875 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0504 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0330- SAIDA -BLOCO L - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0929 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1193 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO H.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0436 - ENTRADA - EPAMIG- INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0293 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0323- SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0423- ENTRADA - CCE - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE CAMERA NA CAIXA DE \xc1GUA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0823 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO B.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1123 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0713 - SA\xcdDA - UBS ITAMARATI.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0843 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0568 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0058 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - PASSAGEM DE CABOS ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O EXTERNA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0635 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - L\xc2MPADALUMIN\xc1RIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0366 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1102 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO J.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0223 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0507 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0265 - SAIDA - CCE - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0048 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - Fixa\xe7ao de canaletas .docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0715 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1185 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0850 - SA\xcdDA - REBITE DE REPUXO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0295 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0862 - SA\xcdDA - CCO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0332- ENTRADA - POSTO ITAMARATY - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL EXTERNA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1028 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0362- SAIDA - CCE - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE QUADRO DE COMANDO DE BOMBA DO PO\xc7O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0979 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO B.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1206 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0336- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0913 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0878 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1035 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0705 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0834 - SA\xcdDA - SAMU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0714 - SA\xcdDA - LARE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0958 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0421- SAIDA - CCE - INSTALA\xc7AO DE CAMERA NA CAIXA DE \xc1GUA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0393- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0438 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0754 - SA\xcdDA - BIOTERIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1082 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0690 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0422- ENTRADA - CCE - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE BOIA NA CAIXA DE \xc1GUA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1024 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1208 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1099 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0701 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1061 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0739 - SA\xcdDA - CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0920 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0425- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1192 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO B.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1223 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E .docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0343- ENTRADA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0495- SAIDA - CCU - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA NO CIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1075 - SA\xcdDA - IEF.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1015 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0696 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO C.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0786 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0347- SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O NO GLOBO DA ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0271 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0636 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - L\xc2MPADALUMIN\xc1RIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1181 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0240 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL EXTERNA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0831 - SA\xcdDA - MANUT. GERAL INTERNA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0965 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0358- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1207 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0395 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1110 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0788 - SA\xcdDA - CCU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0796 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0296 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1132 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1053 - SA\xcdDA - CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0792 - SA\xcdDA - GMG CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0299 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0274 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0928 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0409- SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0678 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0927 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0501 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0561 - SAIDA - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0241 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0942 - SA\xcdDA - CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0226 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0341- SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O NO GLOBO DA ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0899 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0520 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1213 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1173 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0440 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE SECADOR DE M\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1036 - SA\xcdDA - ALMOXARIFADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0746 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0974 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1196 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO H.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1161 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0664 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0430- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0845 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1126 - SA\xcdDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0539 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1176 - SA\xcdDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1131 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO C.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0649 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0314- SAIDA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0734 - SA\xcdDA - CCO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0235 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O REDE CRS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0579 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0771 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO K.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0961 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO J.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0881 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0735 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0307- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1183 - SA\xcdDA - ESCOLA \xc1GRICOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0361- SAIDA - CCV - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE REDE NO LAB DE DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0822 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0281 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0294 - SAIDA - CCV - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0762 - SA\xcdDA - OBRA GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0578 - SAIDA - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0260 - SAIDA - CCE - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0496- SAIDA - CCU - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE UMA TOMADA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0532 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0222 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0286 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTEN\xc7A\xd5 GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1229 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0676 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0486 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0573 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - ADEQUA\xc7\xd5ES CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0349- SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1092 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1020 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO B.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0399- ENTRADA - BLOCO N - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA NO ESTACIONAMENTO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0932 - SA\xcdDA - CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1055 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO H.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0206 - SAIDA - BLOCO C - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1150 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1030 - SA\xcdDA - CCU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0153 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM VENTILADORES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1201 - SA\xcdDA - CCV - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1083 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0613 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0723 - SA\xcdDA - CCV e ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0418- ENTRADA - BLOCO J - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0263 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0692 - SA\xcdDA - CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0595 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM TELEFONE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1191 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1225 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E .docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0435- ENTRADA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0246 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE CAMERA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0856 - SA\xcdDA - CCO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0750 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0708 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO H.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0529 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0328- SAIDA - CCV- INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1143 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0344- SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7A\xd5 EM TOMADA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0533 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0552 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0288 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0906 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0819 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO C.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0207 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0677 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0586 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0593 - ENTRADA - BLOCO D - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE L\xc2MPADAS UV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1157 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0772 - SA\xcdDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0251 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7AO EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1010 - SA\xcdDA - CCO- MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM GMG.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1218 - SA\xcdDA - CCE - EVENTO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0584 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1057 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO H.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0363- SAIDA - CAMPUS -INSTAL\xc7\xc3O DE FITA DE LED.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0287 - SAIDA - CCV - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0446 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0638 - SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0474 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA EM AILOK.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1190 - SA\xcdDA - CCO - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1063 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1093 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1149 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1041 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0007 - SAIDA - ALMOXARIFADO DA CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0679 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0956 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0600 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0259- SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O PONTO DE REDE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1180 - SA\xcdDA - ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O DE NATAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0315- SAIDA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0211 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0991 - SA\xcdDA - CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0335- SAIDA -POSTO DE SUDE ITAMARATY - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE VENTILADORES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0894 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0602 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM VENTILADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1198 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO J.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0650 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0230 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0781 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0544 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0659 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0234 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O REDE CRS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0709 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO H.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0433 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0581 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0618 - SAIDA - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0256 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0292 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/~$19-0316- ENTRADA -CCE - MATERIAL EL\xc9TRICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0984 - ENTRADA - OBSERVAT\xd3RIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0051 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0562 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0855 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO B.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1174 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0565 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0968 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1064 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0369- SAIDA - BLOCO G - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0267 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0585 - SAIDA - SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM SUBESTA\xc7\xd5ES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0396 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0874 - SA\xcdDA - ESTOQUE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1059 - SA\xcdDA - ALMOXARIFADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1042 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1007 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO H.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1214 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0492- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0389- SAIDA - ALMOXARIFADO - FITA PARA IDENTIFICA\xc7\xc3O DE L\xc2MPADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0731 - SA\xcdDA - POLO PARACATU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0489 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM TOMADA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0809 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1133 - SA\xcdDA - CCO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1039 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO J.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0967 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0203- ENTRADA - BLOCO M - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1072 - SA\xcdDA - IEF.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0931 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1119 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0515 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O BACADA DIDATICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0531 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE PONTOS DE TOMADAS PROVISORIOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0992 - SA\xcdDA - CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0596 - SAIDA - SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0693 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0655 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0973 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0680 - SA\xcdDA - CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1107 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0404- SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0381 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0601 - SAIDA - SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1106 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0812 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0904 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0821 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1033 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0405- SAIDA - CCE - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE QUADRO DE COMANDO DE BOMBA DO PO\xc7O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0797 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0720 - SA\xcdDA - LARE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0930 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0355- SAIDA - CCV - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE REDE NO LAB DE DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0811 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0217 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - TROCA DE L\xc2MPADA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1013 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0587 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0387- ENTRADA - BLOCO I - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA NO LABORATORIO DE PAVIMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0663 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0795 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0672 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO K.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0751 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0254 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0935 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1194 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1029 - SA\xcdDA - CCO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0877 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0367- SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O NO GLOBO DA ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0413- SAIDA - CCE - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE CAMERA NA CAIXA DE \xc1GUA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0869 - SA\xcdDA - CCE EVENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0912 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO B.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0511 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0434 - SAIDA - BLOCO ALFA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0832 - SA\xcdDA - CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0439 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM BANCADA EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0357- SAIDA - CCU - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE PINO MACHO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0615 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0725 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0485 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0768 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1047 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0944 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0964 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0555 - SAIDA - BOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0938 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1127 - SA\xcdDA - CCO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0712 - SA\xcdDA - UBS NOVA FLORESTA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0450 - SAIDA - CCE - RECOLOCA\xc7\xc3O DAS FITAS DE LED.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0996 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0338- SAIDA - CCO - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE RADIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0319- SAIDA - CLUBE INTEGRAR - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1018 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO B.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0825 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0345- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM SISTEMA DE INCENDIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1177 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0946 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1172 - SA\xcdDA - CCU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0523 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0684 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0378 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1168 - SA\xcdDA - CCU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0922 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0866 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0981 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0460 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - INDENTIFICA\xc7\xc3O DE CIRCUITOS DO BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1165 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1220 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0262 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0457 - ENTRADA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0537 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1128 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0883 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0312- SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0411- SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0629 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0806 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0279 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O PONTO DE REDE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0773 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0730 - SA\xcdDA - CCE - MATERIAL PARA MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM GMG.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0535 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0695 - SA\xcdDA - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0902 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0626 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0503 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE CHUVEIRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0710 - SA\xcdDA - CCU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0597 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0270 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0654 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0732 - SA\xcdDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0467 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0517 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0717 - SA\xcdDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0896 - SA\xcdDA - CCU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0280 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE VENTILADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0360- ENTRADA - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM QGBT.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0333- ENTRADA - CCO - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE RADIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0506 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0577 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE PONTOS DE TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0045 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - INSTALA\xc7AO DE TOMADA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1160 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0530 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM BOIA EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0258- SAIDA - BLOCO D - Verifica\xe7\xe3o e Manuten\xe7\xe3o em Circuitos El\xe9tricos.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0558 - SAIDA - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0988 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO J.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0589 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - REPARO EM EXTENS\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0382 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0886 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0583 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM COMPRENSSOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0611 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0582 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM COMPRENSSOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0741 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1113 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0656 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0748 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0264 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0628 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0305- SAIDA - CLUBE INTEGRAR - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3OGERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0377- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0233 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM RAMAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1200 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS SISTEMA DE INCENDIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0397 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0337- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0321- SAIDA - CCV - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE REDE LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0488 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0428- SAIDA - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM TALHA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1076 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0244 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE PONTO DE REDE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0510 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0871 - SA\xcdDA - GESAT.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0667 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO B.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0285- ENTRADA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0787 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0848 - SA\xcdDA - PLACAS TOTEN.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0782 - SA\xcdDA - CETASS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0764 - SA\xcdDA - CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0236 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0660 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0547 - SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0905 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1178 - SA\xcdDA - CCU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0917 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0987 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1040 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0445 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - IDENTIFICA\xc7\xc3O DO BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0353- SAIDA - CCE - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE QUADRO DE COMANDO DA BOMBA..docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0451 - SAIDA - CCE - IDENTIFICA\xc7\xc3O DE TOMADA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1079 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0777 - SA\xcdDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0784 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0508 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM VENTILADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1005 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0982 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1114 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0545 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0947 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0325- SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTEN\xc7AO EM TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0252 - SAIDA - CCE - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0890 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0716 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0921 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0463 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0682 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO J.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0326- SAIDA - POSTO DE SAUDE ITAMARATY - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE VENTILADORES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0914 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0858 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1222 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E .docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0658 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0385- SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA DE TEMPORIZADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0721 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1138 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1044 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0668 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0977 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO J.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0394- SAIDA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0719 - SA\xcdDA - LARE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0986 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0903 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0955 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0320- ENTRADA -CCE - MATERIAL EL\xc9TRICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1124 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0309- SAIDA - CCO - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1065 - SA\xcdDA - PRA\xc7A CORETO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0953 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1095 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO C.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0971 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0324- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7AO GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0502 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0522 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0518 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE NOVO CIRCUITO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0049 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO - MATERIAIS EL\xc9TRICOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0253 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE CAMERAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0983 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1216 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0079 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - PASSAGEM DE CABOS ILUMIN\xc7\xc3O EXTERNA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0685 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0273 - SAIDA - CCV - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TICA DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1187 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0619 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1054 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0414- SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE ESPERTO DE JARDIM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0789 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0566 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE FEICHO EM PAINEL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1038 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0779 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0833 - SA\xcdDA - CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1045 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0542 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE PINO MACHO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0379 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE PINO FEMEA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1067 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1001 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0088 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA E REDES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0386- ENTRADA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1081 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0512 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1088 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO C.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0272 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE CAMERA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0936 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0826 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0311- ENTRADA - PATROCINIO - MATERIAL EL\xc9TRICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0726 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0916 - SA\xcdDA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CAMPUS CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0598 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0576 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1221 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L .docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1122 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0215 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0588 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM CAIXA D'\xc1GUA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0437 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM VENTILADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1021 - SA\xcdDA - CIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0859 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0384- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0424- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0453 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0570 - SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0383- SAIDA - CCV - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE REDE NO LAB DE DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0608 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0879 - SA\xcdDA - CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0804 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0291 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1189- SA\xcdDA - LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0231 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0707 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0499 - ENTRADA - BLOCO L - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0513 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0563 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0681 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1136 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1167 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1212 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0354- SAIDA - BLOCO N - ALTERA\xc7\xc3O DE PONTO DE ALIEMNTA\xc7\xc3O DO NOBREAK.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1197 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0490- SAIDA - GARAGEM - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM REFLETOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1105 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1129 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0408- SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0661 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0493- SAIDA - CCO - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE LUMINARIA DE EMERGENCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0322- ENTRADA - BLOCO I - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O CABOS DE REDE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0939 - SA\xcdDA - CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1170 - SA\xcdDA - LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1002 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0465 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0686 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1090 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0634 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - INFRAESTRUTURA EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0303- SAIDA - CCV - INSTALA\xc7AO EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0269 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1162 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0674 - SA\xcdDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0484 - ENTRADA- CCV - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA DO LABORATORIA DE DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0621 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0229 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0763 - SA\xcdDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1219 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1026 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0627 - SAIDA - SUBSOLO - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA DA ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0675 - SA\xcdDA - CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0950 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO J.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0410- SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1224 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A .docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1215 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O NATAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1211 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0978 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1014 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1163 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0758 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0885 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO J.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0559 - SAIDA - CCE - ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O DE ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0669 - SA\xcdDA - CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0612 - SAIDA - CCV - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE FECHADURA ELETRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1182 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1166 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0791 - SA\xcdDA - CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0954 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO H.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0700 - SA\xcdDA - CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1175 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0688 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0543 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0757 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0316- ENTRADA -CCE - MATERIAL EL\xc9TRICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0736 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0738 - SA\xcdDA - POLO PARACATU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0239 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0657 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1046 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0289 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0376 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1227 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0556 - SAIDA - BOCO M - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1050 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0352- SAIDA - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM QGBT.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0334- ENTRADA - CLUBE INTEGRAR - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL EXTERNA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0827 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0926 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1016 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1048 - SA\xcdDA - ESTOQUE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0356- SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O NO GLOBO DA ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0940 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0815 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0278- ENTRADA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1011 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0448 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1034 - SA\xcdDA - ALMOXARIFADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0469 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE TOTEM (OBRA).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0614 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0989 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0752 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1109 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1147 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0441 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0560 - ENTRADA - CAMPUS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0429- SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0221 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1027 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0482 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1116 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1111 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0564 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE BATERIA NA CENTRAL DE ALARME.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1118 - SA\xcdDA - ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O DE NATAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0250 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0255 - SAIDA - BLOCO ALFA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0993 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0491- SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM AILOK BIOTERIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1203 - SA\xcdDA - CCO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0737 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0820 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0603 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM VENTILADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0403- SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0443 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0963 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0969 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1156 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0606 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0283 - SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1144 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1098 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO H.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0209 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0599 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1195- SA\xcdDA - LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0406- SAIDA - BLOCO C - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE LUMINARIA DE EMERGENCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0907 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO B.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/~$19-0214 - ENTRADA - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0873 - SA\xcdDA - CCU_CCO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0417- SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE ESPERTO DE JARDIM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$949 - NF 145295.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0780 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO K.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0803 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1148 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0248 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1217 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS ALMOXARIFADO OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0220 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0817 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0884 - SA\xcdDA - CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1155 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1108 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0481 - SAIDA - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0208 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0863 - SA\xcdDA - GESAT.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0908 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0925 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0374- ENTRADA - BLOCO L - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0494- SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM NOBREAK.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1130 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO H.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0653 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO J.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0604 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0351- SAIDA - BLOCO N - ALTERA\xc7\xc3O DE PONTO DE ALIEMNTA\xc7\xc3O DO NOBREAK.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1204 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1152 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1120 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L GINASIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0895 - SA\xcdDA - CCU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0370- ENTRADA - CAMPUS - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O NO GLOBO DA ENTRADA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0427- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM SISTEMA DE INCENDIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1232 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0706 - SA\xcdDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0348- SAIDA - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM QGBT.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0778 - SA\xcdDA - CCV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0994 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0837 - SA\xcdDA - CCE - EVENTO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0298- ENTRADA - PATROCINIO - MATERIAL EL\xc9TRICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0365- SAIDA - CCE - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE QUADRO DE COMANDO DE BOMBA DO PO\xc7O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1121 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0951 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO D.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0232 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0569 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0846 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO G.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0243 - SAIDA - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0571 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0861 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1179 - SA\xcdDA - ESCOLA \xc1GRICOLA (CRS).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1019 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0282 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0242 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1031 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0327- SAIDA - CCV- INSTALA\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1096 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0227 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0276 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTEN\xc7AO GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0651 - SA\xcdDA - PRA\xc7A DE CONVIVENCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0765 - SA\xcdDA - CCV e ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0368- SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0331- ENTRADA - CLUBE INTEGRAR - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL EXTERNA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0865 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO C.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0400 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM LUMINARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0945 - SA\xcdDA - ALMOXARIFADO ELETRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0794 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1137 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO L.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0999 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO E.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1004 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0519 - ENTRADA - BLOCO A - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O NOVO CIRCUITO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0426- SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE ILUINA\xc7\xc3O NO GLOBO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0910 - SA\xcdDA - CCU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1077 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO M.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0245 - SAIDA - CCE - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE CAMERA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0306- SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM VENTILADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0536 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM QUADRO DE DISTRIBUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0237 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE EQUIPAMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1078 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO F.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1228 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1158 - SA\xcdDA - FAB LAB.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0683 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0364- SAIDA - BLOCO M -INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE VENTILADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0728 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1151 - SA\xcdDA - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1017 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1140 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1089 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO B.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1097 - SA\xcdDA - CAMPUS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1073 - SA\xcdDA - BLOCO N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0624 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM VENTILADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0793 - SA\xcdDA - CETAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/02 - CCV - AM EXAUST\xc3O LAB. HISTOLOGIA/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC03 - CCV - AM EXAUST\xc3O LAB. HISTOLOGIA - MÃO DE OBRA E MATERIAIS PARA EXAUSTÃO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/02 - CCV - AM EXAUST\xc3O LAB. HISTOLOGIA/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC04 (CANCELADA) - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DO SISTEMA DE EXAUST\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/02 - CCV - AM EXAUST\xc3O LAB. HISTOLOGIA/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC05 - CCV - AM EXAUST\xc3O LAB. HISTOLOGIA - M\xc3O DE OBRA E MATERIAIS PARA EXAUST\xc3O .docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$950 - NF 145132.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/REUNIÃO GERAL 21062021/LISTA DE PRESENÇA.png: Size and modification time the same (differ by -301.9559ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:31 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/REUNIÃO GERAL 21062021/LISTA DE PRESENÇA.png: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:31 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/01 SIMULA\xc7\xc3O CONTRATA\xc7\xc3O EVENTOS PRE RESERVA.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 833.574017ms 2022/01/25 16:49:32 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 3: batch had 3 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:32 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$927 - NF 2216.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:32 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$928 - NF 188 189.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:32 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$926 - NF 171.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:32 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS/AGENDA/RELAT\xd3RIO AGENDA 2019/3 - MAR\xc7O" 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA/Limpador multiuso - TRIEX.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 279.3742ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA/Limpador multiuso - TRIEX.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA/Álcool líquido hidratado 70º - UZZI QUÍMICA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 53.8714ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA/Álcool líquido hidratado 70º - UZZI QUÍMICA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/10 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/02 - ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES PARA EQUIPE/3 - REUNI\xc3O GERAL 11062019" 2022/01/25 16:49:32 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/10 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/02 - ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES PARA EQUIPE/4 - REUNI\xc3O GERAL 04102019" 2022/01/25 16:49:32 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/10 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/02 - ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES PARA EQUIPE/5 - REUNI\xc3O GERAL 15072021" 2022/01/25 16:49:32 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/10 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/02 - ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES PARA EQUIPE/5 - REUNI\xc3O GERAL 31072020" 2022/01/25 16:49:32 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO" 2022/01/25 16:49:32 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL" 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES/CONTROLE RC E NF - RV00.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 258.7657ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES/CONTROLE RC E NF - RV00.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDITÓRIA - 00/Auditoria_interna_lare_29_03_2019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 439.1323ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDITÓRIA - 00/Auditoria_interna_lare_29_03_2019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDITÓRIA - 00/Relatorio auditorioa - Climatização - Cópia.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -381.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDITÓRIA - 00/Relatorio auditorioa - Climatização - Cópia.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDITÓRIA - 00/Relatorio auditorioa - Climatização.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -92.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDITÓRIA - 00/Relatorio auditorioa - Climatização.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O - RV02 - 27072020.mpp" 2022/01/25 16:49:32 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERS\xd5ES ANTERIORES" 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 15 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$932 - NF 353.docx 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774500020576346.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 375ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774500020576346.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774500021357311.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 68.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774500021357311.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774510013070427.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -220.6015ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774510013070427.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774513914596668.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -407ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774513914596668.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774525614517130.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 377.9996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774525614517130.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774529514534516.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 486ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774529514534516.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774541211713357.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 260.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774541211713357.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774552911229269.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 238.6994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774552911229269.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774572410996171.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -113ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774572410996171.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774576312029535.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 151ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774576312029535.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774584109485947.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -85.4163ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774584109485947.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774584109769627.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 98.7819ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774584109769627.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774584110942394.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 187ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774584110942394.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774591910584664.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -211.003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774591910584664.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774603610994526.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 296ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774603610994526.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774607513605305.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -408.6ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774607513605305.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774615310329421.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 276.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774615310329421.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774619213813558.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 6.5998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774619213813558.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774627009518643.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 252.5677ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774627009518643.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774634813164644.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 363.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774634813164644.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774634813839520.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -363.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774634813839520.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774646511083129.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 276.3997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774646511083129.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774658211254324.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 49ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774658211254324.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774673813259866.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 458.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774673813259866.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774681611748464.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -98.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774681611748464.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774708910045576.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 44.199ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774708910045576.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774708911047061.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -27.7004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774708911047061.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774716709979045.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -170.304ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774716709979045.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774716712687526.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 345.5994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774716712687526.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774724512388127.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -380.0003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774724512388127.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774744009654577.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -56.2111ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774744009654577.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774759611286979.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -386.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774759611286979.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774767412314547.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 396.5998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774767412314547.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774775211777285.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 207.9995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774775211777285.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774786909442217.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -97ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774786909442217.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774790809105602.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -124.8636ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774790809105602.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774798609545220.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 302.7709ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774798609545220.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774798612238598.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -319ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774798612238598.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774802511701410.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 388.1994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774822007808542.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -53.8048ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774822007808542.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774822009400466.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 421.8773ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774822009400466.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774825908488511.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -77ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774825908488511.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774849309341781.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 57ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774849309341781.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774837609920584.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 116ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774837609920584.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/FaturaCEMIG_08062020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 310ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/FaturaCEMIG_08062020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/FaturaCEMIG_08072020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -114ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/FaturaCEMIG_08072020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774822011744820 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -362.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774822011744820 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774810311322780.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -219ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774810311322780.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774853209081072.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -111.2009ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774853209081072.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/FaturaCEMIG_08012021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 465.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/01 - PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTAS/INVESTIMENTO COLA\xc7\xd5ES 2019-2020" 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774802511701410.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/SegundaVia072017 (2).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 109.7517ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/SegundaVia072017 (2).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/FaturaCEMIG_08012021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774825907873995.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 19.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/4-AV. MARABA - 901 - CCU/70000427553010382774825907873995.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$949 - NF 145295.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/01 SIMULAÇÃO CONTRATAÇÃO EVENTOS PRE RESERVA.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 64.1203ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/01 SIMULAÇÃO CONTRATAÇÃO EVENTOS PRE RESERVA.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/CALCULO DE CUSTO DE EVENTOS - RV03 - 12082019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -375.0032ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/CALCULO DE CUSTO DE EVENTOS - RV03 - 12082019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/Custo CCE - RV01 - 13082019.xls: Size and modification time the same (differ by -181ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/Custo CCE - RV01 - 13082019.xls: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/Custo CCE - RV02 - 12082019.xls: Size and modification time the same (differ by -356ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/Custo CCE - RV02 - 12082019.xls: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/Custo CCE - RV02 - 12082019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 39.9807ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/Custo CCE - RV02 - 12082019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/Custo CCE - RV03 - 28082019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -39.5889ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/Custo CCE - RV03 - 28082019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/Custo CCE - RV04 - 07102019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -342.3681ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/Custo CCE - RV04 - 07102019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/Custo CCE - RV05 - 20112019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -292.4532ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/Custo CCE - RV05 - 20112019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/Custo CCE - RV06 - 31122019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 192.6985ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/Custo CCE - RV06 - 31122019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/Custo CCE.xls: Size and modification time the same (differ by 265ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BACKUP'S/Custo CCE.xls: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/00 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/03 - CCE - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O E MELHORIAS/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 10042019/FECHAMENTO CONTABILIDADE/Estoque limpeza 10042019.xls: Size and modification time the same (differ by 239.0344ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 10042019/FECHAMENTO CONTABILIDADE/Estoque limpeza 10042019.xls: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:32 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$950 - NF 145132.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:33 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$953 - NF 1585.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:33 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$952 - NF 356 2123.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:33 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$951 - NF 145338.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:33 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/AGENDA/RELATÓRIO AGENDA 2019/PLANILHA EVENTOS CCE RV04 - 2019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -408.1982ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:33 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/AGENDA/RELATÓRIO AGENDA 2019/PLANILHA EVENTOS CCE RV04 - 2019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/10 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA/2021/13 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA - UNIDADE DE SA\xdaDE DA FAMILIA GUANABARA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/10 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA/2021/13 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA - UNIDADE DE SA\xdaDE DA FAMILIA GUANABARA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/10 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA/2021/14 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA - UNIDADE DE SA\xdaDE DA PADRE EUST\xc1QUIO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/10 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA/2021/14 - RECIBO DE ENTREGA - UNIDADE DE SA\xdaDE DA PADRE EUST\xc1QUIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/Pedidos para altera\xe7\xe3o de ordens de compra/0C83 - CCV - CAMINH\xc3O MUNCK.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/01 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/Pedidos para altera\xe7\xe3o de ordens de compra/RC83 - CCV - CAMINH\xc3O MUCK.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - ANDR\xc9A DE CASTRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - VITHOR LUCAS MACHADO CARDOSO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - L\xdaCIO FL\xc1VIO FERREIRA GON\xc7ALVES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - MARCO T\xdaLIO PERES DAYRELL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - MARIANA SILVA COSTA VIEIRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - LARA KAROLYNE ALCANTARA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - RODRIGO ARAUJO MORAES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - DIOGO LORRAN BATISTA BRAGA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - LA\xcdS CRISTINA P\xc1DUA DE ANDRADE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - DOUGLAS MATEUS TAVARES LIMA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - FRANCIELLY CAETANO DA SILVA ANDRADE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV02 - 27072020.mpp: Size and modification time the same (differ by 159ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:33 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV02 - 27072020.mpp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/10 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/3 - PLANEJAMENTO FUNCIONARIOS/REVIS\xd5ES DO PLANEJAMENTO" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Diagram altera\xe7\xe3o rede.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/CENTRO CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES-Alvar\xe1 constru\xe7\xe3o 2017.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Rede Distribui\xe7\xe3o CCE.jpg" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Declara\xe7\xe3o_de_Cargas_CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONVÊNIO PREFEITURA/REGULARIZAÇÃO FUNDIÁRIA URBANA/PLANO DE TRABALHO/Plano de Trabalho.doc: Size and modification time the same (differ by 18ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:33 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONVÊNIO PREFEITURA/REGULARIZAÇÃO FUNDIÁRIA URBANA/PLANO DE TRABALHO/Plano de Trabalho.doc: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/PROBLEMA SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O CCO/VR PAINEIS - Relat\xf3rio Fotogr\xe1fico_Cub\xedculo El\xe9trica Poligonal.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONVÊNIO PREFEITURA/REGULARIZAÇÃO FUNDIÁRIA URBANA/PLANO DE TRABALHO/Plano de Trabalho.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -265.7793ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:33 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- CONVÊNIO PREFEITURA/REGULARIZAÇÃO FUNDIÁRIA URBANA/PLANO DE TRABALHO/Plano de Trabalho.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/5 - RELAT\xd3RIOS INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES ELET/BAIXA TENS\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/5 - RELAT\xd3RIOS INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES ELET/M\xc9DIA TENS\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:33 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/5 - RELAT\xd3RIOS INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES ELET/Cronograma adequa\xe7\xf5es RV00.mpp" 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2021/ESTOQUE ELETRICA RV02 - 31122021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 458.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2021/ESTOQUE ELETRICA RV02 - 31122021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/00 - CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xc3O - RECURSOS ENERG\xc9TICOS/2020/CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xd5ES - 2020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$952 - NF 356 2123.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:34 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/01 - BEM DOCUMENTADO/PDF/032025 - MATERIAL HEITOR CUNHA BARROS DISCIPLINA AN\xc1LISE E DECIS\xc3O DE INVESTIMENTOS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - ANDRÉA DE CASTRO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 225.1223ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - ANDRÉA DE CASTRO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - DIOGO LORRAN BATISTA BRAGA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 367.066ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - DIOGO LORRAN BATISTA BRAGA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - DOUGLAS MATEUS TAVARES LIMA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -96.0095ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - DOUGLAS MATEUS TAVARES LIMA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - FRANCIELLY CAETANO DA SILVA ANDRADE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -291.7033ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - FRANCIELLY CAETANO DA SILVA ANDRADE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - LARA KAROLYNE ALCANTARA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -492.3635ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - LARA KAROLYNE ALCANTARA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - LAÍS CRISTINA PÁDUA DE ANDRADE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -30.7732ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - LAÍS CRISTINA PÁDUA DE ANDRADE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - LÚCIO FLÁVIO FERREIRA GONÇALVES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -481.8744ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - LÚCIO FLÁVIO FERREIRA GONÇALVES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - MARCO TÚLIO PERES DAYRELL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 161.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - MARCO TÚLIO PERES DAYRELL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - MARIANA SILVA COSTA VIEIRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 69ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - MARIANA SILVA COSTA VIEIRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - RODRIGO ARAUJO MORAES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -496.9454ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - RODRIGO ARAUJO MORAES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - VITHOR LUCAS MACHADO CARDOSO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 343ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/FUNCIONARIOS/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - VITHOR LUCAS MACHADO CARDOSO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xc3O ADMINISTRATIVA/04 - ALVAR\xc1 DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCE-Alvar\xe1 Funcionamento v.30042022.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:34 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xc3O ADMINISTRATIVA/04 - ALVAR\xc1 DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCE-Alvar\xe1 Funcionamento v.30042021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:34 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xc3O ADMINISTRATIVA/04 - ALVAR\xc1 DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCE-Alvar\xe1 Funcionamento v.30042020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:34 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xc3O ADMINISTRATIVA/04 - ALVAR\xc1 DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCE-Alvar\xe1 Funcionamento v.30122018.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:34 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xc3O ADMINISTRATIVA/04 - ALVAR\xc1 DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCE-Alvar\xe1 Funcionamento v.30042019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:34 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 03/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV00 - 06122021.xlsm" 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$951 - NF 145338.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/04 - MICROBIOLOGICO/01 - CICLOS/CM4 - CICLO MICROBIOLÓGICO 04/LISTA AMBIENTES - CM04 - ARC - DC - RV00 - 17012022.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -28.6436ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/04 - MICROBIOLOGICO/01 - CICLOS/CM4 - CICLO MICROBIOLÓGICO 04/LISTA AMBIENTES - CM04 - ARC - DC - RV00 - 17012022.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/- CHECLIST DE REVIS\xd5ES FISPQ BM - RV01 - 11022020.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 925.437661ms 2022/01/25 16:49:34 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 15: batch had 15 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:34 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$930 - NF 533.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:34 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$948 - NF 357 358.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:34 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$933 - NF 352.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:34 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$932 - NF 353.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:34 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$943 - NF 354.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:34 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$934 - NF 172.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:34 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$931 - NF 351 352 353.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:34 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$936 - NF 327 328 329 330.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:34 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$941 - NF 16585.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:34 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$946 - NF 19.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:34 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$935 - NF 3176.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:34 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$942 - NF 18110.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:34 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$944 - NF 844.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:34 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$945 - NF 20121.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:34 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$947 - NF 409.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$953 - NF 1585.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/ART_4922797.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -1ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/ART_4922797.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/CARTA PARA CONTRATO DE DEMANDA_CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 36.3791ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/CARTA PARA CONTRATO DE DEMANDA_CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/CCE - CCER FEPAM.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 469ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/CCE - CCER FEPAM.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/CCE - CUSD_Verde FEPAM.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 53ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/CCE - CUSD_Verde FEPAM.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/CCE-Planta Baixa do CCE capa.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -465ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/CCE-Planta Baixa do CCE capa.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/CENTRO CONVENÇÕES-Alvará construção 2017.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -252ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/04 - CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xd5ES DE ENTREGAS/- CONCLU\xcdDOS/RC10 - FEPAM - SABONETE L\xcdQUIDO" 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Contrato Poligonal_45kVA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 405.6608ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Contrato Poligonal_45kVA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/04 - CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xd5ES DE ENTREGAS/- CONCLU\xcdDOS/RC06 - FEPAM - SABONETE L\xcdQUIDO" 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Contrato Poligonal_rede.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 141.6608ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Contrato Poligonal_rede.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/04 - CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xd5ES DE ENTREGAS/- CONCLU\xcdDOS/RC73 - FEPAM - SABONETE L\xcdQUIDO" 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Declaração_de_Cargas_CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 281.3791ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Declaração_de_Cargas_CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/CENTRO CONVENÇÕES-Alvará construção 2017.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Obra_stai poste.PNG: Size and modification time the same (differ by 359.9997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Diagram alteração rede.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 388.6608ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Diagram alteração rede.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Poligonal_rede 45kva.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -237.9283ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Obra_stai poste.PNG: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Poligonal_rede 45kva.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Poligonal_rede 45kva_velho.PDF: Size and modification time the same (differ by 97.8706ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Rede Distribuição CCE.jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 225.7947ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Registro de Imoveis-1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -91ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Registro de Imoveis-1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Rede Distribuição CCE.jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/2-ESTRADA MUNICIPAL - CCE/Documentos/Poligonal_rede 45kva_velho.PDF: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/5 - RELATÓRIOS INSTALAÇÕES ELET/Cronograma adequações RV00.mpp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -159ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/5 - RELATÓRIOS INSTALAÇÕES ELET/Cronograma adequações RV00.mpp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:34 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/BLOCO ALFA/EMPRESA OFICINA 5 - SALA 305/OR\xc7AMENTO" 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/00 - CONTROLE DE MEDIÇÃO - RECURSOS ENERGÉTICOS/2020/CONTROLE DE MEDIÇÕES - 2020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -287.2199ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:34 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/00 - CONTROLE DE MEDIÇÃO - RECURSOS ENERGÉTICOS/2020/CONTROLE DE MEDIÇÕES - 2020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 2 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$949 - NF 145295.docx 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/04 - ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCE-Alvará Funcionamento v.30042019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/04 - ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCE-Alvará Funcionamento v.30042019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/04 - ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCE-Alvará Funcionamento v.30042020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 399.582ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/04 - ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCE-Alvará Funcionamento v.30042020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/04 - ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCE-Alvará Funcionamento v.30042021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -120.8335ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/04 - ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCE-Alvará Funcionamento v.30042021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/04 - ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCE-Alvará Funcionamento v.30042022.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 452.959ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/04 - ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCE-Alvará Funcionamento v.30042022.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/04 - ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCE-Alvará Funcionamento v.30122018.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/04 - ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCE-Alvará Funcionamento v.30122018.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO LEVANTAMENTOS TOPOGRAFICOS/ADICER/ADCER/Thumbs.db: Excluded 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 03/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 06122021.xlsm: Size and modification time the same (differ by -298.036ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 03/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 06122021.xlsm: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/REEMBOLSO/2021/22-09-2021 - RRT - CAU - CL\xcdNICA DE EPECIALIDADES" 2022/01/25 16:49:35 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/REEMBOLSO/2021/05-11-2021 - RRT - CAU - BLOCO D - LAB DE FARM\xc1CIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:35 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/REEMBOLSO/2021/26-07-2021 - RRT - CAU (SANTA CASA DE MISERIC\xd3RDIA - UTIS)" 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$952 - NF 356 2123.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0001 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H - BROMATOLOGIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 32.5993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0005 - ENTRADA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 177.8994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0007 - SAIDA - ALMOXARIFADO DA CONSTRUÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -496.7252ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0007 - SAIDA - ALMOXARIFADO DA CONSTRUÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0001 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H - BROMATOLOGIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0005 - ENTRADA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0003 - ENTRADA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 385.2149ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0003 - ENTRADA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0004 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -289.1006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0004 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0002 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 201.5993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0002 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0006 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 98.6542ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0006 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0008 - ENTRADA - LARE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 343.5148ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0008 - ENTRADA - LARE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0010- SAIDA - CEAE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 398.6989ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0010- SAIDA - CEAE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0009 - SAIDA - LARE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 35.6989ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0009 - SAIDA - LARE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0014 - SAIDA - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -65.3011ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0014 - SAIDA - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0015 - SAIDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 227.6989ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0015 - SAIDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0016 - ENTRADA - OS DE EXTENSOES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 18.6989ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0017 - SAIDA - SALAS POP.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -205.9005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0017 - SAIDA - SALAS POP.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0019 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - AMELINHA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 306.6989ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0019 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - AMELINHA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0020 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - BROMATOLOGIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -208.3011ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0020 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - BROMATOLOGIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0013 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -124.805ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0013 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0021 - SAIDA - BLOCO D .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -252.3011ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0021 - SAIDA - BLOCO D .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0012 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - PAINEL LED.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 299.0995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0012 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - PAINEL LED.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0016 - ENTRADA - OS DE EXTENSOES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0018 - SAIDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 167.6989ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0018 - SAIDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0022 - SAIDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 371.6989ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0022 - SAIDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0011- SAIDA - BLOCO E - HABILIDADE CIRURGICA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 298.6989ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0011- SAIDA - BLOCO E - HABILIDADE CIRURGICA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0023 - SAIDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 260.6989ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0023 - SAIDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0024 - SAIDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -462.3011ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0024 - SAIDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0025 - ENTRADA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 249.4798ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0026 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - SECRETARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -299.9005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0026 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - SECRETARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0027 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - SUBSOLO E FACHADA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -478.3011ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0027 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - SUBSOLO E FACHADA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0025 - ENTRADA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0028 - SAIDA - OBRA CENTRAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -284.3011ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0028 - SAIDA - OBRA CENTRAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0029 - SAIDA - FARMACIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 61.6989ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0029 - SAIDA - FARMACIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0030 - SAIDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -389.1006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0030 - SAIDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0032 - SAIDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -100.1006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0031 - SAIDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -405.1006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0031 - SAIDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0035 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - TESOURARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -455.1006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0035 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - TESOURARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0034 - SAIDA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 397.8994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0034 - SAIDA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0036 - SAIDA - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 187.8994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0036 - SAIDA - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0032 - SAIDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0037 - ENTRADA - ENFEITES DE NATAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -376.1006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0037 - ENTRADA - ENFEITES DE NATAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0033 - SAIDA - CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 380.7577ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0039 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 136.0995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0039 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0038 - SAIDA - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 320.8994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0038 - SAIDA - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0033 - SAIDA - CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0040 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -34.1006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0040 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0042 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENCAO ENCERADEIRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 313.8994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0043 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENCAO GERAL INTERNA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 409.8994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0043 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENCAO GERAL INTERNA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0046 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALACAO DE TOMADA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -90.8005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0046 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALACAO DE TOMADA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0045 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - INSTALAÇAO DE TOMADA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 245.8994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0045 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - INSTALAÇAO DE TOMADA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0047 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 132.1995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0047 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0042 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENCAO ENCERADEIRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0044 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENCAO GERAL INTERNA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 315.8994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0044 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENCAO GERAL INTERNA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0048 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - Fixaçao de canaletas .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 206.1995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0048 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - Fixaçao de canaletas .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0041 - SAIDA - CCE - CABO BACNET.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 90.8994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0041 - SAIDA - CCE - CABO BACNET.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0049 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO - MATERIAIS ELÉTRICOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -216.0215ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0049 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO - MATERIAIS ELÉTRICOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0050 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - IDENTIFICACAO DE FUGA DE ENERGIA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 431.1994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0050 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - IDENTIFICACAO DE FUGA DE ENERGIA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0051 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 288.1994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0051 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0053 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - LAB. BROMATOLOGIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 25.1994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0053 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - LAB. BROMATOLOGIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0054 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 466.1994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0054 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0055 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - LAB. BROMATOLOGIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 335.1994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0055 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - LAB. BROMATOLOGIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0056 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 443.1994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0056 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0057 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -127.8006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0057 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0058 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - PASSAGEM DE CABOS ILUMINAÇÃO EXTERNA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 243.1994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0058 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - PASSAGEM DE CABOS ILUMINAÇÃO EXTERNA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0059 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - BROMATOLOGIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -106.8006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0059 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - BROMATOLOGIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0060 - ENTRADA - LARE - MATERIAL DE EMPRESTIMO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 385.1286ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0060 - ENTRADA - LARE - MATERIAL DE EMPRESTIMO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0061 - ENTRADA - CCE - MANGUEIRA CORRUGADA 1 POL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -42.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0061 - ENTRADA - CCE - MANGUEIRA CORRUGADA 1 POL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0062 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - RELOCACAO DE LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -241.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0062 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - RELOCACAO DE LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0063 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - PASSAGEM DE CABOS ILUMINÇÃO EXTERNA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 136.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0063 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - PASSAGEM DE CABOS ILUMINÇÃO EXTERNA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0064 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 324.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0064 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0065 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - BROMATOLOGIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 215.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0065 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - BROMATOLOGIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - VIAGEM - MARCO T\xdaLIO PERES DAYRELL - 07052019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0067 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -465.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0067 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0068 - ENTRADA - CCE - MANGUEIRA CORRUGADA 1 POL - Cópia.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -369.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0068 - ENTRADA - CCE - MANGUEIRA CORRUGADA 1 POL - Cópia.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0052 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - TROCA DE LAMPADAS QUEIMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 236.1994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0052 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - TROCA DE LAMPADAS QUEIMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - HOSPEDAGEM PARACATU - JO\xc3O WANDER - 130319.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0071 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - FABLAB.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 457.9993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0071 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - FABLAB.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0072 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 64.9993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0072 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0070 - SAIDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 265.9133ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0070 - SAIDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0073 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - BROMATOLOGIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 490.9993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0073 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - BROMATOLOGIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0074 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 275.9993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0074 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0075 - ENTRADA - CAMPUS GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 360.9993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0075 - ENTRADA - CAMPUS GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0079 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - PASSAGEM DE CABOS ILUMINÇÃO EXTERNA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -318.0007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0079 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - PASSAGEM DE CABOS ILUMINÇÃO EXTERNA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0080 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -163.0007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0080 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0081 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -74.1505ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0081 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0069 - SAIDA - OBRA CENTRAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -289.0728ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0069 - SAIDA - OBRA CENTRAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0076 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -449.0007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0076 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0082 - ENTRADA - OBRA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 19.5992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0084 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 440.5992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0084 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0078 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - CITOGENETICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 170.032ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0078 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - CITOGENETICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0085 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 235.5992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0085 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0086 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -180.4008ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0086 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0077 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 130.9993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0087 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - TROCA DE LAMPADAS QUEIMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -68.4008ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0087 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - TROCA DE LAMPADAS QUEIMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0089 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - TROCA DE LAMPADAS QUEIMADAS 1 PISO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 71.5992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0089 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - TROCA DE LAMPADAS QUEIMADAS 1 PISO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0090 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALACAO DE VENTILADORES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 359.5992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0090 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALACAO DE VENTILADORES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0091 - ENTRADA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -340.3069ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0091 - ENTRADA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0083 - ENTRADA - CCE .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -159.4008ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0083 - ENTRADA - CCE .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - ALIMENTA\xc7\xc3O - ROG\xc9RIO - 160119.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0092 - SAIDA - OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -176.1717ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0092 - SAIDA - OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0088 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA E REDES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 134.5992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0088 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA E REDES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0077 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - ALIMENTA\xc7\xc3O - DIEGO TULIO E JO\xc3O LUCAS - 300719.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0093 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - TROCA DE LAMPADAS QUEIMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -67.9028ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0093 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - TROCA DE LAMPADAS QUEIMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0094 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -38.9028ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0094 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0095 - SAIDA -BLOCO H - BROMATOLOGIA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -113.9028ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0095 - SAIDA -BLOCO H - BROMATOLOGIA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0096 - SAIDA -BLOCO M - OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -25.9028ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0096 - SAIDA -BLOCO M - OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0097 - ENTRADA - BLOCO A - TROCA DE LAMPADAS QUEIMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 83.0972ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0097 - ENTRADA - BLOCO A - TROCA DE LAMPADAS QUEIMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0098 - SAIDA -BLOCO H - BROMATOLOGIA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -41.7281ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0098 - SAIDA -BLOCO H - BROMATOLOGIA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0099 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENCAO NAS EXTENSOES .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 59.2719ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0099 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENCAO NAS EXTENSOES .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0100 - ENTRADA - BLOCO M- NAP.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -358.3003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0100 - ENTRADA - BLOCO M- NAP.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0101 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - NAP.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 126.6997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0101 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - NAP.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0102 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - 2 PISO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 454.6997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0102 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - 2 PISO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0103 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - PASSAGEM DE CABEAMENTO .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -138.3003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0103 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - PASSAGEM DE CABEAMENTO .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0104 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - TROCA DE LAMPADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -491.3003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0104 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - TROCA DE LAMPADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0105 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 176.6997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0105 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0106 - SAIDA -BLOCO H - BROMATOLOGIA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -173.3003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0082 - ENTRADA - OBRA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0108 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - 2 PISO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 471.0993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0108 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - 2 PISO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0109 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -120.9007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0106 - SAIDA -BLOCO H - BROMATOLOGIA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0110 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - TROCA DE LAMPADA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -25.9007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0110 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - TROCA DE LAMPADA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0111 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - TROCA DE LAMPADA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -32.9007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0111 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - TROCA DE LAMPADA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0112 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - TROCA DE LAMPADA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -448.9007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0112 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - TROCA DE LAMPADA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0113 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - TROCA DE LAMPADA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 266.0993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0113 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - TROCA DE LAMPADA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0114 - SAIDA - BLOCO F- TROCA DE LAMPADA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 71.0993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0114 - SAIDA - BLOCO F- TROCA DE LAMPADA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0066 - SAIDA - OBRA CENTRAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -410.0226ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0066 - SAIDA - OBRA CENTRAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0115 - ENTRADA - BLOCO M- NAP .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -169.9007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0115 - ENTRADA - BLOCO M- NAP .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0117 - ENTRADA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 292.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0117 - ENTRADA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0118 - ENTRADA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 426.8993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0118 - ENTRADA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0119 - SAIDA - OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 92.3774ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0119 - SAIDA - OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0120 - ENTRADA - PASSAGEM DE CABEAMENTO ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 9.8993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0120 - ENTRADA - PASSAGEM DE CABEAMENTO ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0121 - ENTRADA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -10.1007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0121 - ENTRADA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0109 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0124 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - NAP - TROCA DE LAMPADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -293.1007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0124 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - NAP - TROCA DE LAMPADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0125 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - TROCA DE LAMPADA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -350.1007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0125 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - TROCA DE LAMPADA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0126 - SAIDA - BLOCO M -TROCA DE LAMPADAS QUEIMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -263.1007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0126 - SAIDA - BLOCO M -TROCA DE LAMPADAS QUEIMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0107 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - PASSAGEM DE CABEAMENTO ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -166ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0107 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - PASSAGEM DE CABEAMENTO ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0128- SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -448.0328ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0128- SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0123 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - TROCA DE LAMPADA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 151.8993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0123 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - TROCA DE LAMPADA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0130 - SAIDA - BLOCO F- BIOTERIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 226.0996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0130 - SAIDA - BLOCO F- BIOTERIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0131 - ENTRADA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -364.9004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0131 - ENTRADA - BLOCO F - SALA AZUL .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0132 - SAIDA - BLOCO K - CAMPO DE FUTEBOL .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -351.9004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0132 - SAIDA - BLOCO K - CAMPO DE FUTEBOL .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0134 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -423.9004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0134 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0129- SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -459ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0129- SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0127 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - 2 PISO .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 51.8993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0127 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - 2 PISO .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0135 - ENTRADA - CAMPUS - PASSAGEM DE CABEAMENTO ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 90.1999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0135 - ENTRADA - CAMPUS - PASSAGEM DE CABEAMENTO ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0122 - SAIDA - BLOCO M -TROCA DE LAMPADAS QUEIMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -259.1007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0122 - SAIDA - BLOCO M -TROCA DE LAMPADAS QUEIMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0133 - SAIDA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -412.9004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0133 - SAIDA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0136 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - 2 PISO .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -458.8036ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0136 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - 2 PISO .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0138 - SAIDA -BLOCO ALFA - TROCA DE LAMPADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -65.8036ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0138 - SAIDA -BLOCO ALFA - TROCA DE LAMPADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0139 - ENTRADA - BLOCO F - BIOTERIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -16.8036ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0139 - ENTRADA - BLOCO F - BIOTERIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0140 - ENTRADA - BLOCO M - SEGUNDO PISO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -493.8036ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0140 - ENTRADA - BLOCO M - SEGUNDO PISO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0140 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - SEGUNDO PISO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 429.9568ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0140 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - SEGUNDO PISO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0141 - ENTRADA - BLOCO M - NAP.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -271.8036ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0141 - ENTRADA - BLOCO M - NAP.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0142 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - SECRETARIA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -435.8036ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0142 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - SECRETARIA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0143 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - RELOCACAO DE PONTOS ELETRICOS E DE REDE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 359.5994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0143 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - RELOCACAO DE PONTOS ELETRICOS E DE REDE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0144 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - TROCA DE LAMPADA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -497.4006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0144 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - TROCA DE LAMPADA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0145 - SAIDA -BLOCO H - MANUTENCAO DE VENTILADORES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -287.4006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0145 - SAIDA -BLOCO H - MANUTENCAO DE VENTILADORES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0146 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - SECRETARIA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -393.4006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0146 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - SECRETARIA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0147 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - EXTENSOES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 410.5994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0147 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - EXTENSOES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0148 - SAIDA - BLOCO F- TROCA DE LAMPADA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 22.5994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0137 - SAIDA - BLOCO F- TROCA DE LAMPADA CRIVO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -145.8036ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0150 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - GINASIO .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 490.5994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0150 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - GINASIO .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0151 - SAIDA -BLOCO H - MANUTENCAO DE LUMINARIA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -419.4006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0151 - SAIDA -BLOCO H - MANUTENCAO DE LUMINARIA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0137 - SAIDA - BLOCO F- TROCA DE LAMPADA CRIVO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0154 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - ALIMENTACAO DE EQUIPAMENTO DA OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 308.5994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0154 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - ALIMENTACAO DE EQUIPAMENTO DA OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0148 - SAIDA - BLOCO F- TROCA DE LAMPADA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0149 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENCAO DE EQUIPAMENTO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -456.4006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0149 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENCAO DE EQUIPAMENTO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0155 - ENTRADA - BLOCO ALFA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 246.5994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0155 - ENTRADA - BLOCO ALFA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0116 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 239.3955ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0116 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0156 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - TROCA DE LAMPADA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -419.5007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0156 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - TROCA DE LAMPADA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0152 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - NAP .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 74.5994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0152 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - NAP .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0153 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADORES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 286.053ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0153 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADORES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0157 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - MANUTENCAO EM VENTILADORES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 152.4993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0157 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - MANUTENCAO EM VENTILADORES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0158 - SAIDA - BLOCO C - MANUTENCAO GERAL .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 224.4993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0158 - SAIDA - BLOCO C - MANUTENCAO GERAL .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0159 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - ALIMENTACAO DE EQUIPAMENTO DA OBRA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 33.4993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0159 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - ALIMENTACAO DE EQUIPAMENTO DA OBRA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0160 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - MANUTENCAO DE VENTILADORES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 397.4993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0160 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - MANUTENCAO DE VENTILADORES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0161 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - FITA DUPLA FACE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 85.5493ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0161 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - FITA DUPLA FACE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0162 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -382.5007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0162 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0163 - ENTRADA - LARE .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -469.6007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0163 - ENTRADA - LARE .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0164 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 90.4993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0165 - SAIDA - BLOCO M -NAP .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -355.1682ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0165 - SAIDA - BLOCO M -NAP .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0166 - ENTRADA - BLOCO H - MANUTENCAO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 246.3993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0166 - ENTRADA - BLOCO H - MANUTENCAO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0168 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - ALIMENTACAO DE EQUIPAMENTO DA OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 402.3993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0168 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - ALIMENTACAO DE EQUIPAMENTO DA OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0169 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - TROCA DE LAMPADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 454.3993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0169 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - TROCA DE LAMPADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0167 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - MANUTENCAO DE VENTILADORES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -367.6007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0171 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - FARMACIA UNIVERSITARIA -MANUTENCAO EM QUADRO ELETRICO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -138.6007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0164 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0172 - SAIDA - BLOCO K - FALTA DE ENERGIA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -207.6007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0172 - SAIDA - BLOCO K - FALTA DE ENERGIA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0173 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - PASSAGEM DE CABOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -386.8008ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0173 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - PASSAGEM DE CABOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0174 - SAIDA -POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -137.7007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0174 - SAIDA -POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0175 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENCAO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 76.2993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0175 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENCAO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0176 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - TROCA DE LAMPADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -418.7007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0176 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - TROCA DE LAMPADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0171 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - FARMACIA UNIVERSITARIA -MANUTENCAO EM QUADRO ELETRICO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0167 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - MANUTENCAO DE VENTILADORES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0170 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - INTALACAO DE ALARME PNE .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 6.3993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0170 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - INTALACAO DE ALARME PNE .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0178 - ENTRADA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 298.2993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0178 - ENTRADA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0179 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -418.6358ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0179 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0180 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENCAO EM LUMINARIAS .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -40.4007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0180 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENCAO EM LUMINARIAS .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0181 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTENCAO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -204.4007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0181 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTENCAO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0182 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENCAO EM TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 283.5993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0182 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENCAO EM TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0183 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENCAO EM LUMINARIAS .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -91.4007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0183 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENCAO EM LUMINARIAS .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0184 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - NAP.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 163.5993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0184 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - NAP.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0186 - SAIDA - BLOCO ALFA - MANUTENCAO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 318.5993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0186 - SAIDA - BLOCO ALFA - MANUTENCAO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0187 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - AMELINHA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 599.3µs, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0187 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - AMELINHA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0188 - ENTRADA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 73.5993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0188 - ENTRADA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0177 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - PASSAGEM DE CABOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -189.7007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0177 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - PASSAGEM DE CABOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0185 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 309.5993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0185 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0190 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - NUFEP.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -309.9461ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0190 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - NUFEP.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0191 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 346.88ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0191 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0189 - ENTRADA - REDES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -394.9924ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0192 - SAIDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 254.1994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0192 - SAIDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0193 - SAIDA - BLOCO G- MANUTENCAO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -167.8006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0193 - SAIDA - BLOCO G- MANUTENCAO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0189 - ENTRADA - REDES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0193 - SAIDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -187.0011ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0194 - SAIDA - BLOCO M- MANUTENCAO EM TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -154.8006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0194 - SAIDA - BLOCO M- MANUTENCAO EM TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0196 - SAIDA - BLOCO J- MANUTENCAO EM VENTILADORES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 442.1994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0196 - SAIDA - BLOCO J- MANUTENCAO EM VENTILADORES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0197 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 56.1994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0197 - SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0198 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENCAO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 434.1994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0198 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENCAO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0200 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - PONTO DE ENERGIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 460.9989ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0201- ENTRADA - BLOCO H - MANUTENCAO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 134.9989ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0201- ENTRADA - BLOCO H - MANUTENCAO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0195 - SAIDA - BLOCO M- MANUTENCAO EM CIRCUITOS ELETRICOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 488.1994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0195 - SAIDA - BLOCO M- MANUTENCAO EM CIRCUITOS ELETRICOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0202- ENTRADA - LARE .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -268.0011ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0202- ENTRADA - LARE .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0199 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENCAO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 139.4818ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0199 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENCAO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0200 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - PONTO DE ENERGIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0193 - SAIDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0203- ENTRADA - BLOCO M - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -279.0358ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0203- ENTRADA - BLOCO M - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0204- ENTRADA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 238.6154ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0204- ENTRADA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0206 - SAIDA - BLOCO C - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 127.9932ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0206 - SAIDA - BLOCO C - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0205 - SAIDA - CCE - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 326.3427ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0205 - SAIDA - CCE - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0207 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -365.585ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0207 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0208 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -85.1504ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0208 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0209 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 243.7408ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0209 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0210 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADORES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 296.83ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0210 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADORES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0211 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 439.9739ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0211 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0213 - ENTRADA - BLOCO N - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADORES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 312.3545ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0212 - ENTRADA - MATERIAIS CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -89.2475ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0212 - ENTRADA - MATERIAIS CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0215 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO EM GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 389.3413ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0215 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO EM GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0213 - ENTRADA - BLOCO N - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADORES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0216 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO EM GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -27.6983ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0216 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO EM GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0214 - ENTRADA - CCE - MANUTENÇÃO ELÉTRICOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -473.8036ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0217 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - TROCA DE LÂMPADA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 422.5054ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0214 - ENTRADA - CCE - MANUTENÇÃO ELÉTRICOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0219 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -390.9309ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0219 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0221 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 278.2388ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0221 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0222 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -28.9158ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0222 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0223 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -303.7794ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0223 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0225 - SAIDA - CCE - ENERGIA PARA EVENTOS CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -177ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0225 - SAIDA - CCE - ENERGIA PARA EVENTOS CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0226 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -131.5907ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0226 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0220 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 66.2361ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0220 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0228 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 495.0156ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0228 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0227 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 176.0315ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0227 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0229 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -182.4657ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0229 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0230 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 300.8354ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0230 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0224 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - ADEQUAÇÃO DE REDE DE ALIMENTAÇÃO DA COBERTURA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 410.5955ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0224 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - ADEQUAÇÃO DE REDE DE ALIMENTAÇÃO DA COBERTURA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0231 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 453.7367ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0218 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 30.6315ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0218 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0232 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 443.4074ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0232 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0233 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO EM RAMAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 477.0353ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0233 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO EM RAMAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0234 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO REDE CRS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -425.1495ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0234 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO REDE CRS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0217 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - TROCA DE LÂMPADA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0235 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO REDE CRS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 354.1445ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0235 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO REDE CRS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0236 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 386.213ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0236 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0231 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0237 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO DE EQUIPAMENTOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -371.2797ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0237 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO DE EQUIPAMENTOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0238- ENTRADA - BLOCO F -SALA DE INFORMATICA AZUL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 227.5937ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0238- ENTRADA - BLOCO F -SALA DE INFORMATICA AZUL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0239 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -412.2342ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0239 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0240 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL EXTERNA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -169.4604ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0240 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL EXTERNA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0241 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - INSTALAÇÃO DE LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -397.8556ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0241 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - INSTALAÇÃO DE LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0242 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 270.7118ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0242 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0244 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - INSTALAÇÃO DE PONTO DE REDE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 370.5851ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0244 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - INSTALAÇÃO DE PONTO DE REDE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0245 - SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE CAMERA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -85.7383ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0245 - SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE CAMERA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0243 - SAIDA - CCV - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -95.443ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0243 - SAIDA - CCV - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0246 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE CAMERA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 14.7797ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0246 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE CAMERA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0247- ENTRADA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE CAMERA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 341.1475ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0247- ENTRADA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE CAMERA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0248 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -45.0917ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0248 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0249 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 486.3762ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0249 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0250 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -90.2241ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0250 - SAIDA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0251 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇAO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 390.7045ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0251 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇAO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0252 - SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -400.5275ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0252 - SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0253 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE CAMERAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 7.5675ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0253 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE CAMERAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0254 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 427.0485ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0254 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0257 - SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 107.2715ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0257 - SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0258- SAIDA - BLOCO D - Verificação e Manutenção em Circuitos Elétricos.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -20.4881ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0258- SAIDA - BLOCO D - Verificação e Manutenção em Circuitos Elétricos.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0260 - SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 42.9398ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0260 - SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0259- SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALAÇÃO PONTO DE REDE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -477.7324ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0259- SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALAÇÃO PONTO DE REDE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0261 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -180.761ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0262 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 58.8724ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0262 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0261 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0256 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -443.0962ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0256 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0263 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 232.7328ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0264 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 428.5964ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0264 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0263 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0255 - SAIDA - BLOCO ALFA - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 18.8717ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0255 - SAIDA - BLOCO ALFA - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0265 - SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -383.1849ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0265 - SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0266 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 298.3261ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0266 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0267 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -460.8116ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0267 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0268 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -38.1866ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0268 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0269 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 287.9943ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0269 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0270 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -157.6315ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0270 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0271 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -321.2279ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0271 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0272 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE CAMERA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 194.4748ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0272 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE CAMERA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0273 - SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTICA DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 478.3409ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0273 - SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTICA DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0274 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 388.4318ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0274 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0275 - SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTICA DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 386.7466ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0275 - SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTICA DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0277 - SAIDA - CCV - MANUTENÇAO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 356.5717ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0277 - SAIDA - CCV - MANUTENÇAO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0278- ENTRADA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -273.8605ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0278- ENTRADA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0279 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - INSTALAÇÃO PONTO DE REDE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -152.1911ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0279 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - INSTALAÇÃO PONTO DE REDE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0280 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - INSTALAÇÃO DE VENTILADOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -13.2108ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0280 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - INSTALAÇÃO DE VENTILADOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0276 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇAO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -384.5256ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0276 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇAO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0281 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 118.0551ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0281 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0283 - SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -183.7315ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0283 - SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0282 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 424.197ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0282 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0285- ENTRADA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -128.7397ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0285- ENTRADA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0286 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇAÕ GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 227.6371ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0286 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇAÕ GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0287 - SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 369.3315ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0287 - SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0288 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 430.0214ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0288 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0289 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 357.9324ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0289 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0284 - SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 71.2554ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0291 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 336.3334ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0284 - SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0292 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -495.6909ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0292 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0290 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSPECÃO DE ILUMINAÇÃO DE EMERGENCIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 134.7204ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0290 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSPECÃO DE ILUMINAÇÃO DE EMERGENCIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0291 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0293 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 30.3147ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0293 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0294 - SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -410.8337ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0294 - SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0296 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 485.8891ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0296 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0297- ENTRADA - CCE - LUMINARIAS HERMETICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -374.4132ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0297- ENTRADA - CCE - LUMINARIAS HERMETICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0298- ENTRADA - PATROCINIO - MATERIAL ELÉTRICO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 354.9221ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0298- ENTRADA - PATROCINIO - MATERIAL ELÉTRICO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0295 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -429.1332ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0295 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0301 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 143.6259ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0301 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0299 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 88.6668ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0299 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0300 - SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 479.8044ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0300 - SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0302- SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 312.4608ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0302- SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0303- SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇAO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -173.748ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0303- SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇAO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0304- SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇÃO EM EQUIPAMENTO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 275.394ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0304- SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇÃO EM EQUIPAMENTO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0305- SAIDA - CLUBE INTEGRAR - MANUTENÇÃOGERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 60.7287ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0305- SAIDA - CLUBE INTEGRAR - MANUTENÇÃOGERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0306- SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -221.174ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0306- SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0307- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 451.4937ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0307- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0308- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA LAB DE ROBOTICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 449.5749ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0308- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA LAB DE ROBOTICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0309- SAIDA - CCO - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 344.5913ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0309- SAIDA - CCO - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0310- SAIDA - CLUBE INTEGRAR - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -156.4799ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0310- SAIDA - CLUBE INTEGRAR - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0311- ENTRADA - PATROCINIO - MATERIAL ELÉTRICO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -348.9562ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0311- ENTRADA - PATROCINIO - MATERIAL ELÉTRICO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0312- SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 120.9053ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0312- SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0313- SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -222.6486ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0313- SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0315- SAIDA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -322.8301ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0315- SAIDA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0316- ENTRADA -CCE - MATERIAL ELÉTRICO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -87.7189ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0316- ENTRADA -CCE - MATERIAL ELÉTRICO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0317- SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 249.3671ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0317- SAIDA - POLO PATROCINIO - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0318- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO CABOS DE REDE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 329.3246ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0318- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO CABOS DE REDE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0314- SAIDA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 456.4165ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0314- SAIDA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0319- SAIDA - CLUBE INTEGRAR - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -346.2867ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0319- SAIDA - CLUBE INTEGRAR - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0320- ENTRADA -CCE - MATERIAL ELÉTRICO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 289.7139ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0320- ENTRADA -CCE - MATERIAL ELÉTRICO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0321- SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO DE REDE LAB DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 245.8944ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0321- SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO DE REDE LAB DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0322- ENTRADA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO CABOS DE REDE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 84.4653ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0322- ENTRADA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO CABOS DE REDE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0323- SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE ILUMINAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 146.1935ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0323- SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE ILUMINAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0324- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇAO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -391.0723ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0324- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇAO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0325- SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTENÇAO EM TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 127.8823ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0325- SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTENÇAO EM TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0326- SAIDA - POSTO DE SAUDE ITAMARATY - INSTALAÇÃO DE VENTILADORES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -386.7477ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0326- SAIDA - POSTO DE SAUDE ITAMARATY - INSTALAÇÃO DE VENTILADORES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0327- SAIDA - CCV- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -324.9292ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0327- SAIDA - CCV- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0328- SAIDA - CCV- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -77.8591ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0328- SAIDA - CCV- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0329- SAIDA - CCE- INSTALAÇÃO DE QUADRO DE COMANDO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 361.5381ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0329- SAIDA - CCE- INSTALAÇÃO DE QUADRO DE COMANDO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0330- SAIDA -BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 18.2708ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0330- SAIDA -BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0331- ENTRADA - CLUBE INTEGRAR - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL EXTERNA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -173.8508ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0331- ENTRADA - CLUBE INTEGRAR - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL EXTERNA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0332- ENTRADA - POSTO ITAMARATY - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL EXTERNA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -362.6403ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0332- ENTRADA - POSTO ITAMARATY - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL EXTERNA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0333- ENTRADA - CCO - INSTALAÇÃO DE RADIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 388.5843ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0333- ENTRADA - CCO - INSTALAÇÃO DE RADIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0334- ENTRADA - CLUBE INTEGRAR - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL EXTERNA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -52.6113ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0334- ENTRADA - CLUBE INTEGRAR - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL EXTERNA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0335- SAIDA -POSTO DE SUDE ITAMARATY - INSTALAÇÃO DE VENTILADORES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 212.7263ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0335- SAIDA -POSTO DE SUDE ITAMARATY - INSTALAÇÃO DE VENTILADORES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0336- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -309.1301ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0336- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0337- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 204.7736ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0337- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0338- SAIDA - CCO - INSTALAÇÃO DE RADIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 350.3495ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0338- SAIDA - CCO - INSTALAÇÃO DE RADIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0339- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -396.4971ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0339- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0341- SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSTALAÇÃO DE ILUMINAÇÃO NO GLOBO DA ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -328.199ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0341- SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSTALAÇÃO DE ILUMINAÇÃO NO GLOBO DA ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0340- SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 463.9355ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0342- SAIDA - BLOCO G - ISNTALAÇÃO DE PONTOS DE REDE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -344.5752ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0340- SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0343- ENTRADA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 66.0806ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0343- ENTRADA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0342- SAIDA - BLOCO G - ISNTALAÇÃO DE PONTOS DE REDE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0344- SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇAÕ EM TOMADA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 483.1503ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0344- SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇAÕ EM TOMADA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0345- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM SISTEMA DE INCENDIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 224.9489ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0345- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM SISTEMA DE INCENDIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0346- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -423.9663ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0347- SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSTALAÇÃO DE ILUMINAÇÃO NO GLOBO DA ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -353.4808ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0347- SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSTALAÇÃO DE ILUMINAÇÃO NO GLOBO DA ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0346- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0348- SAIDA - CCV - MANUTENÇÃO EM QGBT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 376.2511ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0348- SAIDA - CCV - MANUTENÇÃO EM QGBT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0350- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -366.1685ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0350- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0349- SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 461.1742ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0349- SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0351- SAIDA - BLOCO N - ALTERAÇÃO DE PONTO DE ALIEMNTAÇÃO DO NOBREAK.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 235.4461ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0351- SAIDA - BLOCO N - ALTERAÇÃO DE PONTO DE ALIEMNTAÇÃO DO NOBREAK.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0352- SAIDA - CCV - MANUTENÇÃO EM QGBT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -84.906ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0352- SAIDA - CCV - MANUTENÇÃO EM QGBT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0353- SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE QUADRO DE COMANDO DA BOMBA..docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -367.4803ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0353- SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE QUADRO DE COMANDO DA BOMBA..docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0354- SAIDA - BLOCO N - ALTERAÇÃO DE PONTO DE ALIEMNTAÇÃO DO NOBREAK.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -73.2554ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0354- SAIDA - BLOCO N - ALTERAÇÃO DE PONTO DE ALIEMNTAÇÃO DO NOBREAK.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0355- SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO DE REDE NO LAB DE DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 136.8182ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0355- SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO DE REDE NO LAB DE DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0356- SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSTALAÇÃO DE ILUMINAÇÃO NO GLOBO DA ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -298.1463ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0358- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -273.1443ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0359- ENTRADA - CCE - MATERIAL QUE RESTARAM DA OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -494.8488ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0359- ENTRADA - CCE - MATERIAL QUE RESTARAM DA OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0360- ENTRADA - CCV - MANUTENÇÃO EM QGBT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -195.6984ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0360- ENTRADA - CCV - MANUTENÇÃO EM QGBT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0356- SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSTALAÇÃO DE ILUMINAÇÃO NO GLOBO DA ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0358- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0361- SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO DE REDE NO LAB DE DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 299.9008ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0361- SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO DE REDE NO LAB DE DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0357- SAIDA - CCU - INSTALAÇÃO DE PINO MACHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 401.5687ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0364- SAIDA - BLOCO M -INSTALAÇÃO DE VENTILADOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -444.8048ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0364- SAIDA - BLOCO M -INSTALAÇÃO DE VENTILADOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0357- SAIDA - CCU - INSTALAÇÃO DE PINO MACHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0363- SAIDA - CAMPUS -INSTALÇÃO DE FITA DE LED.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 207.5939ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0363- SAIDA - CAMPUS -INSTALÇÃO DE FITA DE LED.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0365- SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE QUADRO DE COMANDO DE BOMBA DO POÇO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 137.7756ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0365- SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE QUADRO DE COMANDO DE BOMBA DO POÇO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0362- SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE QUADRO DE COMANDO DE BOMBA DO POÇO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 154.9718ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0368- SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -186.6916ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0368- SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0370- ENTRADA - CAMPUS - INSTALAÇÃO DE ILUMINAÇÃO NO GLOBO DA ENTRADA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -66.4276ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0370- ENTRADA - CAMPUS - INSTALAÇÃO DE ILUMINAÇÃO NO GLOBO DA ENTRADA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0371- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 417.9646ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0371- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0372- SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -273.7274ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0372- SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0373- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 54.8955ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0373- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0362- SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE QUADRO DE COMANDO DE BOMBA DO POÇO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0369- SAIDA - BLOCO G - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -137.4506ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0369- SAIDA - BLOCO G - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0367- SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSTALAÇÃO DE ILUMINAÇÃO NO GLOBO DA ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -313.8793ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0367- SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSTALAÇÃO DE ILUMINAÇÃO NO GLOBO DA ENTRADA PRINCIPAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0366 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -72.2476ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0366 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0375 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -493.5107ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0375 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0374- ENTRADA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -300.9263ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0374- ENTRADA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0376 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 1.4919ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0376 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0377- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 56.0926ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0377- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0378 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 319.918ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0378 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0379 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - INSTALAÇÃO DE PINO FEMEA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -65.6301ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0379 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - INSTALAÇÃO DE PINO FEMEA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0381 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 87.0179ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0381 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0380 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE PINO FEMEA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -122.1519ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0382 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -9.3039ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0380 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE PINO FEMEA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0383- SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO DE REDE NO LAB DE DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -241.0499ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0383- SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO DE REDE NO LAB DE DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0384- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -324.3815ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0384- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0386- ENTRADA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 232.3059ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0386- ENTRADA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0387- ENTRADA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA NO LABORATORIO DE PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 272.4036ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0387- ENTRADA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA NO LABORATORIO DE PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0385- SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA DE TEMPORIZADOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 53.2716ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0385- SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA DE TEMPORIZADOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0388- SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO DE REDE NO LAB DE DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -169.0018ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0388- SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO DE REDE NO LAB DE DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0389- SAIDA - ALMOXARIFADO - FITA PARA IDENTIFICAÇÃO DE LÂMPADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 406.9664ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0389- SAIDA - ALMOXARIFADO - FITA PARA IDENTIFICAÇÃO DE LÂMPADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0382 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0390 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -132.3751ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0390 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0391 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -128.4225ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0391 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0392 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -444.7328ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0392 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0393- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -19.4132ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0393- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0394- SAIDA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 400.382ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0394- SAIDA - POLO PARACATU - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0395 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 47.0231ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0395 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0396 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -444.8435ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0396 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0397 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -384.8677ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0397 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0398 - SAIDA - BLOCO C - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -330.6339ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0398 - SAIDA - BLOCO C - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0399- ENTRADA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA NO ESTACIONAMENTO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 19.6382ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0399- ENTRADA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA NO ESTACIONAMENTO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0400 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -236.6996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0400 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0401- SAIDA - ALMOXARIFADO - FITA PARA IDENTIFICAÇÃO DE LÂMPADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -376.2104ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0401- SAIDA - ALMOXARIFADO - FITA PARA IDENTIFICAÇÃO DE LÂMPADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0402- SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA NO ESTACIONAMENTO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -151.5992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0402- SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA NO ESTACIONAMENTO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0403- SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -113.8905ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0403- SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0404- SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -490.1723ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0404- SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0405- SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE QUADRO DE COMANDO DE BOMBA DO POÇO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -60.9805ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0405- SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE QUADRO DE COMANDO DE BOMBA DO POÇO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0406- SAIDA - BLOCO C - INSTALAÇÃO DE LUMINARIA DE EMERGENCIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -6.8882ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0406- SAIDA - BLOCO C - INSTALAÇÃO DE LUMINARIA DE EMERGENCIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0407- SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -240.1674ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0408- SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 261.4163ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0409- SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -88.5245ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0409- SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0408- SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0407- SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0410- SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 463.4461ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0410- SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0411- SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 130.2793ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0411- SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0412- SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 15.863ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0412- SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0413- SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE CAMERA NA CAIXA DE ÁGUA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 453.0828ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0413- SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE CAMERA NA CAIXA DE ÁGUA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0415- SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -428.6466ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0415- SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0414- SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE ESPERTO DE JARDIM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -371.5847ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0418- ENTRADA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 287.7256ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0418- ENTRADA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0420- SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -357.2245ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0420- SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0422- ENTRADA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE BOIA NA CAIXA DE ÁGUA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -419.7366ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0422- ENTRADA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE BOIA NA CAIXA DE ÁGUA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0423- ENTRADA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE CAMERA NA CAIXA DE ÁGUA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 109.5036ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0423- ENTRADA - CCE - INSTALAÇÃO DE CAMERA NA CAIXA DE ÁGUA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0417- SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE ESPERTO DE JARDIM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -375.0942ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0417- SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE ESPERTO DE JARDIM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0419- SAIDA - BLOCO J - INSTALAÇÃO DE CHUVEIRO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 134.2398ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0419- SAIDA - BLOCO J - INSTALAÇÃO DE CHUVEIRO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0424- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -214.3427ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0424- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0421- SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇAO DE CAMERA NA CAIXA DE ÁGUA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -225.0108ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0421- SAIDA - CCE - INSTALAÇAO DE CAMERA NA CAIXA DE ÁGUA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0416- ENTRADA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA NO ESTACIONAMENTO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 237.8303ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0416- ENTRADA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA NO ESTACIONAMENTO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0414- SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE ESPERTO DE JARDIM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0425- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -6.4068ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0425- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0426- SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE ILUINAÇÃO NO GLOBO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -364.4982ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0426- SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE ILUINAÇÃO NO GLOBO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0428- SAIDA - CCV - MANUTENÇÃO EM TALHA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -175.4121ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0428- SAIDA - CCV - MANUTENÇÃO EM TALHA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0427- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM SISTEMA DE INCENDIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -268.8675ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0427- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM SISTEMA DE INCENDIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0429- SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -457.1944ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0429- SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0430- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -136.3149ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0430- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0431- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 65.4622ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0431- SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0432- SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DA ILUMINAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 71.807ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0432- SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DA ILUMINAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0433 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -449.0789ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0433 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0434 - SAIDA - BLOCO ALFA - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 444.1306ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0434 - SAIDA - BLOCO ALFA - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0435- ENTRADA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -234.5047ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0435- ENTRADA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0436 - ENTRADA - EPAMIG- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 62.9926ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0436 - ENTRADA - EPAMIG- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0437 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -345.8183ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0437 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0440 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - INSTALAÇÃO DE SECADOR DE MÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 54.3509ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0440 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - INSTALAÇÃO DE SECADOR DE MÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0441 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 497.6321ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0441 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0442 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOTEN.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -433.5802ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0442 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOTEN.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0438 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -165.5045ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0438 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0439 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO EM BANCADA ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -24.3305ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0439 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO EM BANCADA ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0443 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 277.4121ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0443 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0444 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -352.9992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0444 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0445 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - IDENTIFICAÇÃO DO BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 367.7504ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0445 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - IDENTIFICAÇÃO DO BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0446 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 208.1913ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0446 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0447 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTENÇÃO EM REFLETORES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 229.6199ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0447 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTENÇÃO EM REFLETORES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0448 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 442.3901ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0448 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0449 - SAIDA - CCE - CADEADOS EM PAINEIS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 127.4607ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0449 - SAIDA - CCE - CADEADOS EM PAINEIS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0450 - SAIDA - CCE - RECOLOCAÇÃO DAS FITAS DE LED.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 147.873ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0450 - SAIDA - CCE - RECOLOCAÇÃO DAS FITAS DE LED.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0451 - SAIDA - CCE - IDENTIFICAÇÃO DE TOMADA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -436.229ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0451 - SAIDA - CCE - IDENTIFICAÇÃO DE TOMADA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0452 - SAIDA - CCE - TAMPA AS CAIXAS DE PASSAGEM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 111.7854ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0452 - SAIDA - CCE - TAMPA AS CAIXAS DE PASSAGEM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0453 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 78.0261ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0453 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0454 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -223.416ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0454 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0455 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -200.8597ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0455 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0456 - ENTRADA - CCU - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOTEM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 478.8122ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0456 - ENTRADA - CCU - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOTEM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0457 - ENTRADA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 446.3106ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0458 - SAIDA - CCE - FECHAMENTO DE CAIXAS DE PASSAGEM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -247.89ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0458 - SAIDA - CCE - FECHAMENTO DE CAIXAS DE PASSAGEM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0461 - SAIDA - CCE - ADEQUAÇÃO DA GUARITA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -313.2168ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0461 - SAIDA - CCE - ADEQUAÇÃO DA GUARITA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0457 - ENTRADA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0459 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -16.5487ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0459 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0460 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - INDENTIFICAÇÃO DE CIRCUITOS DO BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 446.5658ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0460 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - INDENTIFICAÇÃO DE CIRCUITOS DO BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0462 - ENTRADA - CCE - MATERIAIS QUE RESTARAM DA OBRA DO CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 252.615ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0462 - ENTRADA - CCE - MATERIAIS QUE RESTARAM DA OBRA DO CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0463 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 322.4739ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0463 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0464 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - INDENTIFICAÇÃO DE CIRCUITOS DO BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -340.5345ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0464 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - INDENTIFICAÇÃO DE CIRCUITOS DO BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0465 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 243.2613ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0465 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0466 - SAIDA - BLOCO K - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -6.6948ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0466 - SAIDA - BLOCO K - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0467 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -3.998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0467 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0468 - SAIDA - BLOCO G -TAMPAS DE TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -407.4032ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0468 - SAIDA - BLOCO G -TAMPAS DE TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0469 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOTEM (OBRA).docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -296.2592ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0469 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOTEM (OBRA).docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0470 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALAÇÃO DE CANALETA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -283.4194ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0470 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALAÇÃO DE CANALETA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0471 - ENTRADA- CCE - FECHAMENTO DE CAIXAS DE PASSAGEM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 131.0569ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0471 - ENTRADA- CCE - FECHAMENTO DE CAIXAS DE PASSAGEM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0472 - ENTRADA - CCE - ADEQUAÇÃO DA GUARITA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 26.2351ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0472 - ENTRADA - CCE - ADEQUAÇÃO DA GUARITA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0474 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA EM AILOK.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 329.2122ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0474 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA EM AILOK.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0477 - ENTRADA - CCE - MATERIAIS QUE RESTARAM DA OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -34.3146ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0477 - ENTRADA - CCE - MATERIAIS QUE RESTARAM DA OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0473 - ENTRADA - CCE - MATERIAIS QUE RESTARAM DA OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 34.0595ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0473 - ENTRADA - CCE - MATERIAIS QUE RESTARAM DA OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0476 - SAIDA - CETAS - EMPRESTIMO DE MATERIAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 25.46ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0476 - SAIDA - CETAS - EMPRESTIMO DE MATERIAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0475 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 162.9889ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0475 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0478 - ENTRADA - ALMOXARIFADO DA OBRA - ELETRODUTO RIGIDO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 45.3763ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0478 - ENTRADA - ALMOXARIFADO DA OBRA - ELETRODUTO RIGIDO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0479 - SAIDA - CETAS - EMPRESTIMO DE MATERIAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -450.9592ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0479 - SAIDA - CETAS - EMPRESTIMO DE MATERIAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0480 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - TROCA DE LUMINARIA NO OCEANO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -356.2463ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0480 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - TROCA DE LUMINARIA NO OCEANO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0481 - SAIDA - CCV - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 366.437ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0481 - SAIDA - CCV - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0482 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -417.2923ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0482 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0483 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - TELEFONE COM FIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -55.4879ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0483 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - TELEFONE COM FIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0485 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -210.4914ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0485 - SAIDA - EPAMIG- INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0486 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 345.7281ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0486 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0487 - ENTRADA - CCE - MATERIAIS QUE RESTARAM DA OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 274.5659ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0487 - ENTRADA - CCE - MATERIAIS QUE RESTARAM DA OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0484 - ENTRADA- CCV - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA DO LABORATORIA DE DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -240.924ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0484 - ENTRADA- CCV - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA DO LABORATORIA DE DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0489 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -39.1632ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0489 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0490- SAIDA - GARAGEM - MANUTENÇÃO EM REFLETOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 4.6623ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0490- SAIDA - GARAGEM - MANUTENÇÃO EM REFLETOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0488 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -196.3413ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0488 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0491- SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM AILOK BIOTERIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 402.7032ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0491- SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM AILOK BIOTERIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0492- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 98.2315ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0492- SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA LAB DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0493- SAIDA - CCO - INSTALAÇÃO DE LUMINARIA DE EMERGENCIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 469.6864ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0493- SAIDA - CCO - INSTALAÇÃO DE LUMINARIA DE EMERGENCIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0494- SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM NOBREAK.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -223.7442ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0494- SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM NOBREAK.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0495- SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA NO CIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -369.1856ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0495- SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA NO CIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0497- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -68.6367ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0497- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0498- SAIDA - PARQUE DE EXPOSIÇÃO - INSTALAÇÃO DE LUMINARIA..docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 214.3663ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0498- SAIDA - PARQUE DE EXPOSIÇÃO - INSTALAÇÃO DE LUMINARIA..docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0496- SAIDA - CCU - INSTALAÇÃO DE UMA TOMADA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 403.819ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0496- SAIDA - CCU - INSTALAÇÃO DE UMA TOMADA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0499 - ENTRADA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 264.6996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0499 - ENTRADA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0502 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 376.2336ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0502 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0500- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 365.1173ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0500- SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0501 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 112.8093ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0501 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0503 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALAÇÃO DE CHUVEIRO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 11.6996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0503 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALAÇÃO DE CHUVEIRO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0504 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -404.5547ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0504 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0505 - ENTRADA - BLOCO H - TELEFONE COM FIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -240.3925ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0505 - ENTRADA - BLOCO H - TELEFONE COM FIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0507 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 134.6962ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0507 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0509 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM BOIA DA CAIXA DE ÁGUA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -28.0221ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0509 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM BOIA DA CAIXA DE ÁGUA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0511 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - INSTALAÇÃO DE LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -234.1062ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0511 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - INSTALAÇÃO DE LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0506 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 471.3616ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0506 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0508 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -229.4485ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0508 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0510 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -80.3004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0510 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0512 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 424.6996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0512 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0513 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -68.3004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0513 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0514 - SAIDA - CCV - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -435.1825ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0514 - SAIDA - CCV - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0515 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO BACADA DIDATICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -490.0712ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0516 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0517 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -333.3004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0517 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0519 - ENTRADA - BLOCO A - INSTALAÇÃO NOVO CIRCUITO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -388.3004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0519 - ENTRADA - BLOCO A - INSTALAÇÃO NOVO CIRCUITO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0516 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0515 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO BACADA DIDATICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0518 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - INSTALAÇÃO DE NOVO CIRCUITO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -105.3004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0518 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - INSTALAÇÃO DE NOVO CIRCUITO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0520 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -202.7603ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0520 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0521 - SAIDA - CETAS - MANUTENÇÃO EM SERRA ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 240.8784ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0521 - SAIDA - CETAS - MANUTENÇÃO EM SERRA ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0522 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -484.2634ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0522 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0524 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -381.5391ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0524 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0525 - SAIDA - CCU - TAMPAS DE CAIXINHA DE TOMADAS ABERTAS..docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -227.7012ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0523 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -487.7293ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0526 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO DE REDE NO LABORATORIO DE ROBOTICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -205.326ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0523 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0527 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 214.1977ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0527 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0525 - SAIDA - CCU - TAMPAS DE CAIXINHA DE TOMADAS ABERTAS..docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0528 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 356.9689ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0528 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0526 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - INSTALAÇÃO DE REDE NO LABORATORIO DE ROBOTICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0529 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -99.1211ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0529 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0530 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM BOIA ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -454.435ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0530 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM BOIA ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0531 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALAÇÃO DE PONTOS DE TOMADAS PROVISORIOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -400.6833ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0531 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALAÇÃO DE PONTOS DE TOMADAS PROVISORIOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0534 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM SECADORES DE MÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 388.6813ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0534 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM SECADORES DE MÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0535 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 176.6277ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0535 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0532 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -456.8576ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0532 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0533 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 441.9119ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0533 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0536 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM QUADRO DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -456.1244ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0536 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - MANUTENÇÃO EM QUADRO DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0537 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -132.9588ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0537 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0538 - ENTRADA - ALMOXARIFADO DA OBRA - MATERIAIS QUE ESTAVAM DISPONIVEIS NO ALMOXARIFADO DA OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 351.0019ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0538 - ENTRADA - ALMOXARIFADO DA OBRA - MATERIAIS QUE ESTAVAM DISPONIVEIS NO ALMOXARIFADO DA OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0539 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 446.3052ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0539 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0540 - ENTRADA - UBS - INSTALAÇÃO DE PONTOS DE TOMADAS..docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 253.6267ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0540 - ENTRADA - UBS - INSTALAÇÃO DE PONTOS DE TOMADAS..docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0541 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 38.1731ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0541 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0542 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - INSTALAÇÃO DE PINO MACHO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 80.2158ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0542 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - INSTALAÇÃO DE PINO MACHO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0543 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -350.0879ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0543 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0545 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -487.0888ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0544 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 203.5302ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0546 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM TELEFONE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 126.1379ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0546 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM TELEFONE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0548 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -303.9029ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0548 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0544 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0545 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0547 - SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 76.7247ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0547 - SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0549 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALAÇÃO DE CONTADORES PARA EVENTO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -411.6458ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0549 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALAÇÃO DE CONTADORES PARA EVENTO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0550 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -444.1712ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0550 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0551 - ENTRADA - CCE - MATERIAIS QUE RESTARAM DA OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -93.8277ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0551 - ENTRADA - CCE - MATERIAIS QUE RESTARAM DA OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0552 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -231.5044ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0552 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0554 - SAIDA - BOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADORES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -466.6737ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0554 - SAIDA - BOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADORES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0553 - SAIDA - BOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -369.022ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0553 - SAIDA - BOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0555 - SAIDA - BOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 432.2563ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0555 - SAIDA - BOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0556 - SAIDA - BOCO M - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -84.7794ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0556 - SAIDA - BOCO M - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0557 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -324.812ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0557 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0558 - SAIDA - CCE - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 371.5663ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0558 - SAIDA - CCE - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0560 - ENTRADA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 280.1915ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0560 - ENTRADA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0559 - SAIDA - CCE - ADEQUAÇÃO DE ILUMINAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -448.1361ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0559 - SAIDA - CCE - ADEQUAÇÃO DE ILUMINAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0562 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 449.9066ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0562 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0561 - SAIDA - CCE - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -318.1242ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0561 - SAIDA - CCE - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0564 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALAÇÃO DE BATERIA NA CENTRAL DE ALARME.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 442.1041ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0564 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALAÇÃO DE BATERIA NA CENTRAL DE ALARME.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0563 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -325.7192ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0563 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0565 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -130.2064ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0565 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0566 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALAÇÃO DE FEICHO EM PAINEL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 162.3006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0566 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALAÇÃO DE FEICHO EM PAINEL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0567 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -329.2385ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0567 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0568 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 35.1714ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0568 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0569 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -43.9036ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0569 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0570 - SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 118.5273ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0570 - SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0572 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSPEÇÃO DE SISTEMA DE INCENDIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -293.4484ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0571 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 246.084ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0571 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0573 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - ADEQUAÇÕES CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 55.3222ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0573 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - ADEQUAÇÕES CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0574 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALAÇÃO DE FEICHE EM QUADRO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 277.4085ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0574 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALAÇÃO DE FEICHE EM QUADRO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0575 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA BIOTERIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -286.2454ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0575 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA BIOTERIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0576 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -444.429ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0576 - SAIDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0572 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - INSPEÇÃO DE SISTEMA DE INCENDIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0577 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALAÇÃO DE PONTOS DE TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 148.7689ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0577 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALAÇÃO DE PONTOS DE TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0578 - SAIDA - CCE - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 356.5589ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0578 - SAIDA - CCE - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0579 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -425.2759ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0579 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0580 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 416.536ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0580 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0581 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -404.489ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0581 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0582 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO EM COMPRENSSOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 320.5079ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0582 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO EM COMPRENSSOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0583 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO EM COMPRENSSOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -335.211ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0583 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO EM COMPRENSSOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0584 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -207.3294ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0584 - SAIDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0585 - SAIDA - SUBESTAÇÃO - MANUTENÇÃO EM SUBESTAÇÕES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -389.9388ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0585 - SAIDA - SUBESTAÇÃO - MANUTENÇÃO EM SUBESTAÇÕES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0586 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -9.2609ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0586 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0587 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALAÇÃO DE LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -250.7825ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0587 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALAÇÃO DE LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0588 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM CAIXA D'ÁGUA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 394.2016ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0588 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM CAIXA D'ÁGUA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0589 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - REPARO EM EXTENSÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -288.3175ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0589 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - REPARO EM EXTENSÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0590 - SAIDA - SUBESTAÇÃO - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 284.2639ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0590 - SAIDA - SUBESTAÇÃO - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0591 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MINSTALAÇÃO DE LÂMPADA UV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 473.0754ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0591 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MINSTALAÇÃO DE LÂMPADA UV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0592 - SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 76.5084ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0592 - SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0593 - ENTRADA - BLOCO D - INSTALAÇÃO DE LÂMPADAS UV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -375.4439ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0593 - ENTRADA - BLOCO D - INSTALAÇÃO DE LÂMPADAS UV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0595 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM TELEFONE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -126.0418ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0594 - ENTRADA - CCE - MATERIAIS QUE RESTARAM DA OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -469.9967ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0597 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 488.1724ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0594 - ENTRADA - CCE - MATERIAIS QUE RESTARAM DA OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0598 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 480.0362ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0598 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0595 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM TELEFONE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0596 - SAIDA - SUBESTAÇÃO - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -163.7492ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0596 - SAIDA - SUBESTAÇÃO - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0599 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -184.1256ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0599 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0597 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0600 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -470.5279ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0600 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0601 - SAIDA - SUBESTAÇÃO - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -416.6468ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0601 - SAIDA - SUBESTAÇÃO - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0603 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -407.0057ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0604 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 399.2773ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0604 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0605 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -178.6981ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0605 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0607 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 23.607ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0607 - SAIDA - BLOCO L - INSTALAÇÃO DE TOMADAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0609 - SAIDA - BLOCO C - INSTALAÇÃO DE FEICHE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 283.9035ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0609 - SAIDA - BLOCO C - INSTALAÇÃO DE FEICHE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0606 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 425.108ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0606 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0602 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 143.6876ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0602 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0603 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0608 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -186.8871ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0608 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0610 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -49.8152ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0610 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0611 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 34.0381ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0611 - SAIDA - CCU - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0612 - SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO DE FECHADURA ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -281.9253ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0612 - SAIDA - CCV - INSTALAÇÃO DE FECHADURA ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0613 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 57.9446ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0613 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0614 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 475.306ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0614 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0615 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -39.4117ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0615 - SAIDA - BLOCO H - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0616 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -189.3945ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0616 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0617 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - INSTALAÇÃO DE SENSOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 9.8538ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0617 - SAIDA - BLOCO G - INSTALAÇÃO DE SENSOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0618 - SAIDA - CCV - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 275.9369ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0618 - SAIDA - CCV - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0619 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -422.6417ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0619 - SAIDA - BLOCO M - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0620 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - TROCA DE CABOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 423.3087ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0620 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - TROCA DE CABOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0621 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -82.9922ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0621 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0622 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - TROCA DE CABOS DE ALIMENTAÇÃO DOS REFLETORES.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 329.3419ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0622 - SAIDA - BLOCO I - TROCA DE CABOS DE ALIMENTAÇÃO DOS REFLETORES.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0623 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -260.8634ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0623 - SAIDA - BLOCO N - INSTALAÇÃO DE LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0624 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 415.7832ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0624 - SAIDA - BLOCO J - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0625 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -112.017ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0625 - SAIDA - BLOCO D - MANUTENÇÃO EM VENTILADOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0626 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 54.46ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0626 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0627 - SAIDA - SUBSOLO - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA DA ILUMINAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -203.9679ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0627 - SAIDA - SUBSOLO - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA DA ILUMINAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0628 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 128.9131ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0628 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0629 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -247.7948ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0629 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0630 - SAIDA - SUBSOLO N - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA DA ILUMINAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -88.1829ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0630 - SAIDA - SUBSOLO N - INSTALAÇÃO ELÉTRICA DA ILUMINAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0631 - SAIDA - INTERNA - MANUTENÇÃO EM EXTENSSÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 276.6839ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0631 - SAIDA - INTERNA - MANUTENÇÃO EM EXTENSSÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0632 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -222.4954ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0632 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - MANUTENÇÃO EM LUMINARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0633 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 366.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0633 - SAIDA - EPAMIG - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0634 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - INFRAESTRUTURA ELÉTRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 168.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0634 - SAIDA - BLOCO A - INFRAESTRUTURA ELÉTRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0635 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - LÂMPADALUMINÁRIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -314.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0635 - SAIDA - BLOCO F - LÂMPADALUMINÁRIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0636 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - LÂMPADALUMINÁRIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 418.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0636 - SAIDA - BLOCO E - LÂMPADALUMINÁRIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0637 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - LÂMPADALUMINÁRIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 171.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0637 - SAIDA - BLOCO B - LÂMPADALUMINÁRIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0638 - SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -287.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0638 - SAIDA - CETAS - INSTALAÇÃO ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0639 - SAIDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 222.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0639 - SAIDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0640 - SAIDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 205.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0640 - SAIDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0642 - SAIDA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 149.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0641 - SAIDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -199.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0643 - SAIDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 163.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0643 - SAIDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0644 - SAIDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -436.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0644 - SAIDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0641 - SAIDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0645 - SAIDA - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -322.6893ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0642 - SAIDA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0647 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 423.8018ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0647 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0645 - SAIDA - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0648 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 4.2153ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0648 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0646 - ENTRADA - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 329.0505ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0649 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 480.3067ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0649 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0651 - SAÍDA - PRAÇA DE CONVIVENCIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 489.9489ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0651 - SAÍDA - PRAÇA DE CONVIVENCIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0646 - ENTRADA - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0650 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -409.0352ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0650 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0655 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 99.2396ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0655 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0652 - ENTRADA - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 130.8549ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0652 - ENTRADA - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0653 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -486.5167ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0653 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0654 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -313.9833ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0654 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0656 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 29.5587ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0656 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0657 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 51.0974ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0657 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0658 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 335.1526ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0658 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0659 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -206.6634ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0660 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -471.0651ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0661 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS MANUTENÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 15.7063ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0661 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS MANUTENÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0664 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 132.046ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0664 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0660 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0659 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0662 - ENTRADA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 98.403ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0662 - ENTRADA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0663 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 230.3974ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0663 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0665 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 335.7133ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0665 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0666 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -356.6702ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0666 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0667 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 141.6595ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0667 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0668 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -203.7368ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0668 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0669 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -14.484ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0669 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0670 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -432.1528ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0670 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0671 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -414.1392ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0671 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0672 - SAÍDA - BLOCO K.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -345.4055ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0672 - SAÍDA - BLOCO K.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0673 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -20.3907ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0673 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0674 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -402.2994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0674 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0675 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 136.1626ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0675 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0676 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -467.9556ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0676 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0677 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -264.3248ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0677 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0678 - SAÍDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 404.4746ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0678 - SAÍDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0679 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 473.5677ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0679 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0681 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -497.9737ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0681 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0682 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 220.3823ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0682 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0680 - SAÍDA - CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -117.0599ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0686 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 402.7415ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0683 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 234.1568ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0683 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0688 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 307.4212ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0688 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0680 - SAÍDA - CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0684 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -309.3545ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0684 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0685 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 356.5403ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0685 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0686 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0687 - ENTRADA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 100.1227ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0691 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -195.05ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0691 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0687 - ENTRADA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0690 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 10.7832ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0690 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0689 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -480.9972ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0689 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0692 - SAÍDA - CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -200.2741ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0692 - SAÍDA - CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0693 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -437.9338ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0693 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0694 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 201.5912ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0694 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0695 - SAÍDA - OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -301.6324ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0695 - SAÍDA - OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0696 - SAÍDA - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -174.136ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0696 - SAÍDA - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0697 - SAÍDA - PARKLET.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -45.2871ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0697 - SAÍDA - PARKLET.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0698 - ENTRADA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 350.9524ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0698 - ENTRADA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0699 - ENTRADA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 343.7891ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0699 - ENTRADA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0700 - SAÍDA - CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 402.6384ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0700 - SAÍDA - CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0701 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -399.9191ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0701 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0702 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 312.2398ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0702 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0703 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 161.4153ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0703 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0704 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 350.0767ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0704 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0705 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -60.4213ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0705 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0706 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 411.211ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0706 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0707 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -24.2351ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0707 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0708 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 113.7634ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0708 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0709 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 157.8975ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0709 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0710 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 449.6104ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0710 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0711 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 378.0614ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0711 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0712 - SAÍDA - UBS NOVA FLORESTA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 496.7049ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0712 - SAÍDA - UBS NOVA FLORESTA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0713 - SAÍDA - UBS ITAMARATI.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 469.8756ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0713 - SAÍDA - UBS ITAMARATI.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0714 - SAÍDA - LARE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -17.9621ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0714 - SAÍDA - LARE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0714 - SAÍDA - SORRISO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -115.0277ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0714 - SAÍDA - SORRISO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0715 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 394.4992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0715 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0716 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 41.2081ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0716 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0717 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -17.6846ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0717 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0718 - ENTRADA - LARE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 29.3997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0718 - ENTRADA - LARE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0720 - SAÍDA - LARE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 441.3997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0720 - SAÍDA - LARE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0721 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -198.6106ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0721 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0719 - SAÍDA - LARE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 118.3997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0719 - SAÍDA - LARE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0722 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 224.4055ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0722 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0723 - SAÍDA - CCV e ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 82.1143ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0723 - SAÍDA - CCV e ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0724 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -129.1723ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0724 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0725 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -476.1903ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0725 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0726 - SAÍDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 108.5673ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0726 - SAÍDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0727 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 72.5942ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0727 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0728 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -330.8878ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0728 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0729 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -325.9557ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0729 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0730 - SAÍDA - CCE - MATERIAL PARA MANUTENÇÃO EM GMG.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -272.1322ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0730 - SAÍDA - CCE - MATERIAL PARA MANUTENÇÃO EM GMG.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0731 - SAÍDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -365ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0731 - SAÍDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0732 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -183ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0732 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0733 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 60.5888ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0733 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0734 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -308.4112ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0734 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0735 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -82.4112ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0735 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0736 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -409.6004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0737 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -276.6004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0738 - SAÍDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 44.3996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0738 - SAÍDA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0740 - SAÍDA - BLOCO C e D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 177.3996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0740 - SAÍDA - BLOCO C e D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0737 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0736 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0739 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -335.6004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0741 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 497.9996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0741 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0739 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0742 - ENTRADA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 240.3996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0742 - ENTRADA - POLO PARACATU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0743 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 46.3996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0743 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0744 - ENTRADA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 288.3996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0744 - ENTRADA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0745 - ENTRADA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 196.3996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0745 - ENTRADA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0747 - ENTRADA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 424.3996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0747 - ENTRADA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0746 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 456.3996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0748 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -252.6004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0748 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0749 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -207.6004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0749 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0746 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0750 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 396.7915ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0750 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0751 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 291.3996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0751 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0752 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 134.3997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0752 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0753 - SAÍDA - BLOCO K.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -67.6004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0753 - SAÍDA - BLOCO K.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0754 - SAÍDA - BIOTERIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 298.3996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0754 - SAÍDA - BIOTERIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0755 - SAÍDA - BLOCOS N,B e H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -464.6004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0755 - SAÍDA - BLOCOS N,B e H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0756 - SAÍDA - BLOCO K.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 73.3997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0756 - SAÍDA - BLOCO K.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0757 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -452.6003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0757 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0758 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 408.3997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0758 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0759 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -390.6003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0759 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0760 - SAÍDA - CCV e ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -458.6003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0760 - SAÍDA - CCV e ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0761 - SAÍDA - BLOCO K.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -334.6003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0761 - SAÍDA - BLOCO K.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0762 - SAÍDA - OBRA GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 236.2092ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0762 - SAÍDA - OBRA GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0763 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -343.6003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0763 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0764 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -196.6003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0764 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0765 - SAÍDA - CCV e ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -68.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0765 - SAÍDA - CCV e ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0766 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 15.3997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0766 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0767 - SAÍDA - EPAMIG.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -205.6003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0767 - SAÍDA - EPAMIG.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0768 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 83.3997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0768 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0769 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -249.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0769 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0770 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 426.3997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0770 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0771 - SAÍDA - BLOCO K.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 122.3997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0771 - SAÍDA - BLOCO K.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0772 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -289.6003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0772 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0773 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 357.3997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0773 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0774 - SAÍDA - BLOCO K.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 304.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0774 - SAÍDA - BLOCO K.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0775 - ENTRADA - BLOCO K.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 123.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0775 - ENTRADA - BLOCO K.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0776 - ENTRADA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -237.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0776 - ENTRADA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0777 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -410.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0777 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0778 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -260.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0778 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0779 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -85.5143ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0779 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0780 - SAÍDA - BLOCO K.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -185.9264ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0780 - SAÍDA - BLOCO K.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0781 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 234.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0781 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0782 - SAÍDA - CETASS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 183.8117ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0782 - SAÍDA - CETASS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0783 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G LARE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 39.9002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0783 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G LARE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0784 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -133.4003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0784 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0785 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 31.5997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0785 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0786 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 153.5997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0786 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0787 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -399.4003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0787 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0788 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -177.4003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0788 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0789 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 251.5997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0789 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0790 - ENTRADA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 194.5997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0790 - ENTRADA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0791 - SAÍDA - CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 116.4747ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0791 - SAÍDA - CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0792 - SAÍDA - GMG CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 317.1512ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0792 - SAÍDA - GMG CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0793 - SAÍDA - CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 425.6432ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0793 - SAÍDA - CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0794 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 599.5µs, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0794 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0795 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 194.5995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0795 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0796 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 299.5995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0796 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0797 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -294.4005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0797 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0798 - ENTRADA - CCV e ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -159.8001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0798 - ENTRADA - CCV e ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0799 - ENTRADA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -308.4005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0799 - ENTRADA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0800 - ENTRADA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 16.5995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0800 - ENTRADA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0801 - ENTRADA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 12.5995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0801 - ENTRADA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0802 - ENTRADA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 260.5995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0802 - ENTRADA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0803 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -302.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0803 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0804 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -172.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0804 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0805 - SAÍDA - BLOCO K.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -255.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0805 - SAÍDA - BLOCO K.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0806 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 392.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0806 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0807 - ENTRADA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 298.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0807 - ENTRADA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0808 - ENTRADA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 376.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0808 - ENTRADA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0809 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 35.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0809 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0810 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 383.1999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0810 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0811 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 146.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0811 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0812 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 11.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0812 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0813 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -345.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0813 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0814 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 115.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0814 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0815 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 170.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0815 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0816 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -186.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0816 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0817 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 473.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0817 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0818 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -293.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0818 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0819 - SAÍDA - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 322.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0819 - SAÍDA - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0820 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 262.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0820 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0821 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 464.1999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0821 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0822 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 226.8166ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0822 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0823 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 447.1085ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0823 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0824 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -386.8915ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0824 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0825 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 183.1085ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0825 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0826 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 11.1085ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0826 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0827 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -408.8915ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0827 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0828 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 200.1085ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0828 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0829 - ENTRADA - BLOCO K.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 311.4076ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0829 - ENTRADA - BLOCO K.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0830 - SAÍDA - BLOCO K.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 310.1999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0830 - SAÍDA - BLOCO K.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0831 - SAÍDA - MANUT. GERAL INTERNA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 259.1999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0831 - SAÍDA - MANUT. GERAL INTERNA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0832 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -433.8001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0832 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0833 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -416.8001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0833 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0834 - SAÍDA - SAMU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -314.6592ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0834 - SAÍDA - SAMU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0835 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 69.1999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0835 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0836 - SAÍDA - PROGRAMA INTEGRAR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -353.8001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0836 - SAÍDA - PROGRAMA INTEGRAR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0837 - SAÍDA - CCE - EVENTO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 47.1999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0837 - SAÍDA - CCE - EVENTO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0838 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 45.1999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0838 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0839 - ENTRADA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 328.3995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0839 - ENTRADA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0840 - ENTRADA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -314.6005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0840 - ENTRADA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0843 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -1.6005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0843 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0844 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 381.7998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0844 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0841 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -486.6005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0841 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0842 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -426.6005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0842 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0845 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -227.2002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0845 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0846 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -442.2002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0846 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0847 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 100.7998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0847 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0848 - SAÍDA - PLACAS TOTEN.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -4.8004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0848 - SAÍDA - PLACAS TOTEN.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0849 - ENTRADA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -166.8004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0849 - ENTRADA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0850 - SAÍDA - REBITE DE REPUXO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -349.1389ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0850 - SAÍDA - REBITE DE REPUXO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0851 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 230.1996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0851 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0852 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 307.1996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0852 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0853 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 299.1996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0853 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0854 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -371.8004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0854 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0855 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 213.1996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0855 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0856 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 90.1996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0856 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0857 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -373.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0857 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0858 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 362.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0858 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0859 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 177.1996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0859 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0860 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 83.7977ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0860 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0861 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 65.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0861 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0862 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 468.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0862 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0863 - SAÍDA - GESAT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -173.8003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0863 - SAÍDA - GESAT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0864 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -17.8003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0864 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0865 - SAÍDA - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 404.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0865 - SAÍDA - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0866 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 163.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0866 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0867 - ENTRADA - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 488.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0867 - ENTRADA - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0868 - ENTRADA - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 378.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0868 - ENTRADA - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0869 - SAÍDA - CCE EVENTOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -372.8003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0869 - SAÍDA - CCE EVENTOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0870 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 138.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0870 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0871 - SAÍDA - GESAT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -166.8003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0871 - SAÍDA - GESAT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0872 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 67.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0872 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0873 - SAÍDA - CCU_CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -497.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0873 - SAÍDA - CCU_CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0874 - SAÍDA - ESTOQUE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 176.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0874 - SAÍDA - ESTOQUE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0875 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 472.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0875 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0876 - ENTRADA - GESAT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 356.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0876 - ENTRADA - GESAT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0877 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -306.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0877 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0878 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -41.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0878 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0879 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 61.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0879 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0880 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 69.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0880 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0881 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 323.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0881 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0882 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 245.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0882 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0883 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -104.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0883 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0884 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -17.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0884 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0885 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 214.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0885 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0887 - ENTRADA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 262.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0887 - ENTRADA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0889 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -9.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0889 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0886 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -198.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0886 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0888 - ENTRADA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -52.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0888 - ENTRADA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0890 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 17.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0890 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0891 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -192.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0891 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0892 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -31.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0892 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0893 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 75.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0893 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0894 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 303.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0894 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0895 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 361.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0898 - SAÍDA - ALMOXARIFADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 313.3988ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0898 - SAÍDA - ALMOXARIFADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0895 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0897 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 232.3988ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0897 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0896 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 433.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0896 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0899 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 51.3988ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0899 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0900 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 105.3988ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0900 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0901 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 340.3988ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0901 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0902 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -282.6012ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0902 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0903 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -179.6012ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0903 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0904 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 322.3988ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0904 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0905 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -372.6012ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0905 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0906 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -158.6012ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0906 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0907 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 469.3988ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0907 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0908 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 90.3988ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0908 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0909 - ENTRADA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -216.6012ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0909 - ENTRADA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0910 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 285.3988ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0910 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0911 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -277.6012ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0911 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0912 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 284.3988ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0912 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0913 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 447.3988ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0913 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0914 - SAÍDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -163.6012ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0914 - SAÍDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0915 - ENTRADA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 362.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0915 - ENTRADA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0916 - SAÍDA - MANUTENÇÃO CAMPUS CLIMATIZAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -207.5025ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0916 - SAÍDA - MANUTENÇÃO CAMPUS CLIMATIZAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0917 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 141.3988ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0917 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0918 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -264.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0918 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0919 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 494.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0919 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0920 - SAÍDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -308.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0920 - SAÍDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0921 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -336.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0921 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0922 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 144.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0922 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0923 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -491.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0923 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0924 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -444.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0924 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0925 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 251.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0925 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0926 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 32.5995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0926 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0927 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 126.5985ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0927 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0928 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 130.5985ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0928 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0929 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -302.4015ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0929 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0930 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 384.5985ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0930 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0931 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 106.5985ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0931 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0932 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -164.4015ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0932 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0933 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -63.4015ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0933 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0934 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -401.4005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0934 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0935 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 268.5995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0935 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0936 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 408.5985ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0936 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0937 - ENTRADA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 206.5985ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0937 - ENTRADA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0938 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -370.4015ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0938 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0939 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 75.5985ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0939 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0940 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -316.4015ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0940 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0941 - ENTRADA - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -396.4015ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0941 - ENTRADA - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0942 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -283.4015ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0942 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0943 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -193.4015ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0943 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0944 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -244.4005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0944 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0945 - SAÍDA - ALMOXARIFADO ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -179.4015ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0945 - SAÍDA - ALMOXARIFADO ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0946 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -95.4005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0946 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0947 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 284.5998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0947 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0948 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -281.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0948 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0949 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -89.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0949 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0950 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 446.5998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0950 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0951 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -54.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0951 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0952 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 475.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0952 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0953 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 423.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0953 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0954 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -126.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0954 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0955 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -421.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0955 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0956 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -203.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0956 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0957 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -65.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0957 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0958 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -386.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0958 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0959 - ENTRADA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -240.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0959 - ENTRADA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0960 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 31.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0960 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0961 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -320.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0961 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0962 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -120.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0962 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0963 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -248.2005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0963 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0964 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -387.77ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0964 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0965 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 318.392ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0965 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0966 - SAÍDA - OBSERVATORIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -414.608ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0966 - SAÍDA - OBSERVATORIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0967 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 329.392ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0967 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0968 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -183.608ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0968 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0969 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -89.608ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0969 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0970 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -34.608ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0970 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0972 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 7.392ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0972 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0973 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 410.392ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0973 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0971 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -366.8389ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0971 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0974 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -404.608ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0974 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0975 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -316.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0975 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0976 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 14.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0976 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0977 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 115.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0977 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0978 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 62.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0978 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0979 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -430.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0979 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0980 - ENTRADA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -79.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0980 - ENTRADA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0981 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 485.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0981 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0982 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 492.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0982 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0983 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 209.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0983 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0984 - ENTRADA - OBSERVATÓRIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 84.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0984 - ENTRADA - OBSERVATÓRIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0985 - ENTRADA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -326.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0985 - ENTRADA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0986 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -165.6564ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0986 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0987 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 280.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0987 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0988 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -16.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0988 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0989 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -162.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0989 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0990 - ENTRADA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -279.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0990 - ENTRADA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0991 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 42.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0991 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0992 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 330.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0992 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0993 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -72.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0993 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0994 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -200.0045ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0994 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0995 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 239.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0995 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0996 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 492.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0996 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0997 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -178.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0997 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0998 - ENTRADA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 459.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0998 - ENTRADA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0999 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 254.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-0999 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1000 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -351.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1000 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1001 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -378.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1001 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1002 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -186.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1002 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1003 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 313.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1003 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1004 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 418.9955ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1004 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1005 - SAÍDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -22.0045ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1005 - SAÍDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1006 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 332.9955ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1006 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1007 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 25.9955ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1007 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1008 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -488.0045ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1008 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1009 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO ELÉTRICA SEMANA DA AFRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -20.1966ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1009 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS - MANUTENÇÃO ELÉTRICA SEMANA DA AFRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1010 - SAÍDA - CCO- MANUTENÇÃO EM GMG.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -258.1102ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1010 - SAÍDA - CCO- MANUTENÇÃO EM GMG.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1011 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 349.913ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1011 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1012 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -366.4291ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1012 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1013 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 352.4826ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1013 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1014 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 136.9993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1014 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1015 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -144.0007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1015 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1016 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -343.0007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1016 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1017 - SAÍDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -84.0007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1017 - SAÍDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1018 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -106.0007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1018 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1019 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -446.0007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1019 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1020 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -236.0007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1020 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1021 - SAÍDA - CIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -31.0007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1021 - SAÍDA - CIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1022 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 386.9993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1022 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1023 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 164.9993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1023 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1024 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -261.0007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1024 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1025 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -20.0007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1025 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1026 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -107.0007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1026 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1027 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 266.5998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1027 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1028 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -467.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1028 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1029 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -373.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1029 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1030 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 384.5998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1030 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1031 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 282.1999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1031 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1032 - ENTRADA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -4.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1032 - ENTRADA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1033 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 265.5998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1033 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1034 - SAÍDA - ALMOXARIFADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 57.1993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1034 - SAÍDA - ALMOXARIFADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1035 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -12.8007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1035 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1036 - SAÍDA - ALMOXARIFADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -364.8007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1036 - SAÍDA - ALMOXARIFADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1037 - SAÍDA - ALMOXARIFADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -477.0462ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1037 - SAÍDA - ALMOXARIFADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1038 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -83.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1038 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1039 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 319.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1039 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1040 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 407.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1040 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1041 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -137.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1041 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1042 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -402.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1042 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1043 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 373.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1043 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1044 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 182.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1044 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1045 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 414.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1045 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1046 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 190.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1046 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1047 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -30.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1047 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1048 - SAÍDA - ESTOQUE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -165.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1048 - SAÍDA - ESTOQUE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1049 - ENTRADA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 486.7997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1049 - ENTRADA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1050 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 289.5998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1050 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1051 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -188.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1051 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1052 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -493.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1052 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1053 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -280.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1053 - SAÍDA - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1054 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -191.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1054 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1055 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 464.5998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1055 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1056 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -385.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1056 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1057 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 14.5998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1057 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1058 - ENTRADA - ALMOXARIFADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 490.792ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1058 - ENTRADA - ALMOXARIFADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1059 - SAÍDA - ALMOXARIFADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 150.792ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1059 - SAÍDA - ALMOXARIFADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1060 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -212.8001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1060 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1061 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 179.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1061 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1062 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -180.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1062 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1063 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -433.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1063 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1064 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -405.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1064 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1065 - SAÍDA - PRAÇA CORETO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 427.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1065 - SAÍDA - PRAÇA CORETO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1066 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 410.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1066 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1067 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -151.802ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1067 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1068 - ENTRADA - PRAÇA CORETO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -404.4611ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1068 - ENTRADA - PRAÇA CORETO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1069 - SAÍDA- BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -272.9659ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1069 - SAÍDA- BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1070 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -451.802ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1070 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1071 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 21.9µs, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1071 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1072 - SAÍDA - IEF.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 249.4256ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1072 - SAÍDA - IEF.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1073 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 451.5894ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1073 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1074 - ENTRADA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 446.6945ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1074 - ENTRADA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1075 - SAÍDA - IEF.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 128.7388ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1075 - SAÍDA - IEF.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1076 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 264.2829ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1076 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1077 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 93.3889ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1077 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1078 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -237.3757ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1078 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1079 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -104.3258ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1079 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1080 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 418.6406ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1080 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1081 - SAÍDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -185.8083ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1081 - SAÍDA - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1082 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -311.2413ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1082 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1083 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 330.7871ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1083 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1084 - SAÍDA - CETAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -30.0652ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1084 - SAÍDA - CETAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1085 - ENTRADA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 361.9478ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1085 - ENTRADA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1086 - ENTRADA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 243.7504ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1086 - ENTRADA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1087 - ENTRADA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -288.8468ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1087 - ENTRADA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1088 - SAÍDA - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -331.7502ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1088 - SAÍDA - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1089 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 39.5866ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1089 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1090 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 201.002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1090 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1091 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 389.5573ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1091 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1092 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -383.1796ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1092 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1093 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -495.0203ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1093 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1094 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -207.5676ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1094 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1095 - SAÍDA - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 46.6023ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1095 - SAÍDA - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1096 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 403.2041ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1096 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1097 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 414.4938ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1097 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1098 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -229.3258ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1098 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1099 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 149.6253ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1099 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1100 - ENTRADA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -126.518ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1100 - ENTRADA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1101 - ENTRADA - FAROL INCUBADORA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -52.3144ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1101 - ENTRADA - FAROL INCUBADORA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1102 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -397.2339ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1102 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1103 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 475.6755ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1103 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1104 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -30.0449ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1104 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1105 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 158.1403ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1105 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1106 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 418.124ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1106 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1107 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -172.6422ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1107 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1108 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -341.653ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1108 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1109 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -345.3614ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1109 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1110 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 135.5245ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1110 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1111 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -194.8202ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1111 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1112 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -255.6196ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1112 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1113 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 498.9397ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1113 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1114 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -51.5826ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1114 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1115 - SAÍDA - EPAMIG.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 329.0721ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1115 - SAÍDA - EPAMIG.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1116 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 465.2242ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1116 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1117 - SAÍDA - EPAMIG.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 230.8743ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1117 - SAÍDA - EPAMIG.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1118 - SAÍDA - ILUMINAÇÃO DE NATAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -349.9409ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1118 - SAÍDA - ILUMINAÇÃO DE NATAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1119 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -260.4894ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1119 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1120 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L GINASIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -302.8583ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1120 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L GINASIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1121 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 212.8618ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1121 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1122 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -391.9464ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1122 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1123 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -156.836ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1123 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1124 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 312.8454ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1124 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1125 - ENTRADA - TENDAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -65.5431ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1125 - ENTRADA - TENDAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1126 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 347.0577ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1126 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1127 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 157.3092ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1127 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1128 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -270.7279ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1128 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1129 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -498.5078ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1129 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1130 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 477.9505ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1130 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1131 - SAÍDA - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -467.3798ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1131 - SAÍDA - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1132 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -448.6956ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1132 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1133 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -14.2029ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1133 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1134 - SAÍDA - LIMPEZA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 69.8967ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1134 - SAÍDA - LIMPEZA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1135 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -101.7906ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1135 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1136 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 366.6644ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1136 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1137 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -479.3672ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1137 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1138 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 254.7987ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1138 - SAÍDA - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1139 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -362.2014ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1139 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1140 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -262.7702ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1140 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1141 - ENTRADA - LARE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 400.5229ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1141 - ENTRADA - LARE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1142 - SAÍDA - LIMPEZA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 175.9714ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1142 - SAÍDA - LIMPEZA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1143 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -166.8897ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1143 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1144 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -462.5631ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1144 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1145 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 244.8382ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1145 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1146 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -462.5339ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1146 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1147 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 228.9914ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1147 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1148 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -480.2689ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1148 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1149 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -331.1575ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1149 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1150 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -88.5909ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1150 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1151 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 49.3314ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1151 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1152 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -356.5937ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1152 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1153 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 169.4909ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1153 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1154 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 111.7387ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1154 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1155 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 318.7356ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1155 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1156 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -266.4314ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1156 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1157 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 207.102ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1157 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1158 - SAÍDA - FAB LAB.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 496.4007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1158 - SAÍDA - FAB LAB.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1159 - ENTRADA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -101.4987ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1159 - ENTRADA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1160 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -384.5629ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1160 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1161 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -395.8502ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1161 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1162 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -306.9721ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1162 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1163 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -369.7231ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1163 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1164 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 279.0092ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1164 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1165 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 146.2846ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1165 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1166 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -83.455ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1166 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1167 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -85.1103ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1167 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1168 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 286.0617ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1168 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1169 - ENTRADA - SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 437.8784ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1169 - ENTRADA - SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1170 - SAÍDA - LIMPEZA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 256.7467ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1170 - SAÍDA - LIMPEZA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1171 - SAÍDA - CETRAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 420.9262ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1171 - SAÍDA - CETRAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1172 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -254.025ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1172 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1173 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 394.6948ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1173 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1174 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 429.2609ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1174 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1175 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 306.7242ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1175 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1176 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 123.8946ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1176 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1177 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -46.8125ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1177 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1178 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 222.2987ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1178 - SAÍDA - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1179 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA ÁGRICOLA (CRS).docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 434.5911ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1179 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA ÁGRICOLA (CRS).docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1180 - SAÍDA - ILUMINAÇÃO DE NATAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 404.588ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1180 - SAÍDA - ILUMINAÇÃO DE NATAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1181 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -437.2442ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1181 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1182 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -269.613ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1182 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1183 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA ÁGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -261.7609ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1183 - SAÍDA - ESCOLA ÁGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1184 - ENTRADA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -319.3054ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1184 - ENTRADA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1185 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 483.4464ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1185 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1186 - SAÍDA - ILUMINAÇÃO DE NATAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -415.0167ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1187 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 223.0286ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1188 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 50.526ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1187 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1190 - SAÍDA - CCO - OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -487.6808ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1190 - SAÍDA - CCO - OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1186 - SAÍDA - ILUMINAÇÃO DE NATAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1189- SAÍDA - LIMPEZA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 356.7384ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1189- SAÍDA - LIMPEZA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1188 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1191 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 28.9647ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1191 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1192 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 6.8011ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1192 - SAÍDA - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1193 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -361.8867ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1193 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1194 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -169.2264ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1194 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1195- SAÍDA - LIMPEZA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -58.3495ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1195- SAÍDA - LIMPEZA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1196 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -123.4179ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1196 - SAÍDA - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1197 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -321.4701ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1197 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1198 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 225.5146ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1198 - SAÍDA - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1199 - ENTRADA - ESCOLA ÁGRICOLA (CRS).docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -34.2978ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1199 - ENTRADA - ESCOLA ÁGRICOLA (CRS).docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1200 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS SISTEMA DE INCENDIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 325.7963ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1200 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS SISTEMA DE INCENDIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1201 - SAÍDA - CCV - OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -226.7048ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1201 - SAÍDA - CCV - OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1202 - SAÍDA - CCE - EVENTO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 275.6967ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1202 - SAÍDA - CCE - EVENTO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1203 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -237.551ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1203 - SAÍDA - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1204 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 401.4763ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1204 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1205 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 233.2869ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1205 - SAÍDA - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1206 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N - OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -443.8354ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1206 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N - OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1207 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -21.1066ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1207 - SAÍDA - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1208 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -158.809ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1208 - SAÍDA - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$951 - NF 145338.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1209 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -424.2893ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1209 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1210 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -56.348ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1210 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1211 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -457.278ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1211 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1212 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -302.4753ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1212 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1213 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -115.0661ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1213 - SAÍDA - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1214 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -302.2132ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1214 - SAÍDA - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1215 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS ILUMINAÇÃO NATAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 89.735ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1215 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS ILUMINAÇÃO NATAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1216 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 393.5162ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1216 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1217 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS ALMOXARIFADO OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 206.0365ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1217 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS ALMOXARIFADO OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1218 - SAÍDA - CCE - EVENTO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 404.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1218 - SAÍDA - CCE - EVENTO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1219 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -379.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1219 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1220 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 52.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1220 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1221 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 345.9106ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1221 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1222 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 334.4374ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1222 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1223 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -457.4225ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1223 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1224 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 386.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1224 - SAÍDA - BLOCO A .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1225 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -148.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1225 - SAÍDA - BLOCO E .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1226 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 310.9697ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1226 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1227 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -278.1984ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1227 - SAÍDA - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1228 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -182.3354ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1228 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1229 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -369.6007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1229 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1230 - SAÍDA - CCE - EVENTO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 265.3904ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1230 - SAÍDA - CCE - EVENTO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1231 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -254.6096ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1231 - SAÍDA - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1232 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -280.4904ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/E-19-1232 - SAÍDA - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/- CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ BM - RV01 - 11022020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 220.8055ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/- CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ BM - RV01 - 11022020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/- PARA QUE SERVE A FISPQ.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 412.1163ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/- PARA QUE SERVE A FISPQ.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/AGUA SANITARIA MEGA MIX.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 20.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/AGUA SANITARIA MEGA MIX.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/AIR CLEAN ECOMASTER.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -71.6183ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/AIR CLEAN ECOMASTER.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/ALCOOL CICLO FARMA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 458.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/ALCOOL CICLO FARMA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/DESINFETANTE BACTERICIDA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -4.8578ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/DESINFETANTE BACTERICIDA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/DESINFETANTE ROYAL QUALITY.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 110.6547ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/DESINFETANTE ROYAL QUALITY.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/DETERGENTE ALCALINO ECOMASTER.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -27.1553ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/DETERGENTE ALCALINO ECOMASTER.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/DETERGENTE ALCALINO MULTLIMP.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -410.3147ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/DETERGENTE ALCALINO MULTLIMP.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/DETERGENTE NEUTRO VASLIMP.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -11.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/DETERGENTE NEUTRO VASLIMP.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/DETERGENTE PLURON.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 43.9641ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/DETERGENTE PLURON.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/LAVA ROUPAS EM PO TUFF.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -130.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/LAVA ROUPAS EM PO TUFF.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/LIMPA ALUMINIO ESTRELA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 100.9753ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/LIMPA ALUMINIO ESTRELA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/LIMPA CARPETES E TAPETES VANISH.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 190.0359ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/LIMPA CARPETES E TAPETES VANISH.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/LUSTRA MOVEIS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 58.845ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/LUSTRA MOVEIS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/MULTIUSO TRIEX.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 329.2487ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/MULTIUSO TRIEX.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/SABAO DE BARRA ESTRELA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 476.3135ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/SABAO DE BARRA ESTRELA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/SILICONE GEL INDY.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -39.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/SILICONE GEL INDY.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$955 - NF 7966.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$956 - NF 32395350.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:35 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$954 - NF 21834.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:36 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$959 - NF 31593022 31597179 31601989 31516759 31567693 31596075 31571086 31567600.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:36 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$960 - NF 414.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:36 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$958 - NF 31552764 31578545 31583237 31517681 31571311 31556365 31536518 31571097.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:36 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$961 - NF 31567.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:36 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$957 - NF 71556801 71608242.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:36 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$962 - NF 21873.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:36 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$963 - NF 145387.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:36 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$964 - NF 201.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:36 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$965 - NF 9555 9556 9557 9558.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:36 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$966 - NF 145387.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:36 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$968 - NF 67.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:36 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$967 - NF 5580.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:36 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ESTATUTO/ESTATUTO.PDF: Size and modification time the same (differ by 423.6514ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:36 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- ESTATUTO/ESTATUTO.PDF: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:36 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTA\xc7\xc3O PMOC/01 - VIABILIDADE/COMPARATIVO CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/04 - 16122020/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2020 - 16122020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -256.0372ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/04 - 16122020/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2020 - 16122020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:37 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2020/26-08-2020 - ART - LAUDO ESTANQUEIDADE LAB F\xcdSICA I E FISICA II" 2022/01/25 16:49:37 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2020/27-07-2020 - ART- CARGO FUN\xc7\xc3O ENG. SEG. DO TRABALHO" 2022/01/25 16:49:37 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2020/22-08-2020 - ART - LAUDO DE ESTANQUEIDADE LAB. GENEB E LAB PAVIMENTA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:37 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2020/26-08-2020 - ART - LAUDO ESTANQUEIDADE LAB QUIMICA ANAL\xcdTICA, GERAL E ZOOLOGIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$953 - NF 1585.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:37 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:37 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO" 2022/01/25 16:49:37 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2020 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV00 - 07122020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -394.4986ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2020 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV00 - 07122020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2020 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV00 - 12012020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 10.3129ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2020 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV00 - 12012020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2020 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV00 - 28102020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 216.0188ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2020 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV00 - 28102020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2020 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV01 - 10122020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -284.2085ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2020/BACKUP/ESTOQUE ELETRICA 2020 - CONTAGEM E CONTROLE - RV01 - 10122020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:37 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARA SANITARIO/Alvar\xe1 Sanit\xe1rio CCE 2020 - 2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:37 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARA SANITARIO/Alvar\xe1 Sanit\xe1rio CCE 2018 - 2029.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:37 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARA SANITARIO/Alvar\xe1 Sanit\xe1rio CCV 2019 - 2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:37 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARA SANITARIO/Alvar\xe1 Sanit\xe1rio FEPAM 2019 - 2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:37 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARA SANITARIO/Alvar\xe1 Sanit\xe1rio POLO PARACATU - 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:37 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARA SANITARIO/Alvar\xe1 Sanit\xe1rio CCO 2019 - 2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/NOTA FISCAL - MOTOSSERA (PEQUENA)/NF - MOTOSSERA PEQUENA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/NOTA FISCAL - MOTOSSERA (PEQUENA)/NF - MOTOSSERA PEQUENA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:37 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/02 - 30062019/FECHAMENTO CONTABILIDADE/invent\xe1rio estoque el\xe9trico 30062019.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:49:37 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/02 - 30062019/FECHAMENTO CONTABILIDADE/ESTOQUE EL\xc9TRICO 1 SEMESTRE 2019 AUDITORIA.PDF" 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - ALIMENTAÇÃO - DIEGO TULIO E JOÃO LUCAS - 300719.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -473.4691ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - ALIMENTAÇÃO - DIEGO TULIO E JOÃO LUCAS - 300719.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - ALIMENTAÇÃO - ROGÉRIO - 160119.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -401.2772ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - ALIMENTAÇÃO - ROGÉRIO - 160119.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - ART - CLAUDIO CESAR CAIXETA - 190619.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -485.6275ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - ART - CLAUDIO CESAR CAIXETA - 190619.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - CREA GABRIELA - 110119.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -341.5468ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - CREA GABRIELA - 110119.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - CREA GABRIELA - 140319.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 90.2624ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - CREA GABRIELA - 140319.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - HOSPEDAGEM PARACATU - JOÃO WANDER - 130319.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -250.9556ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - HOSPEDAGEM PARACATU - JOÃO WANDER - 130319.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - PAPELARIA GABRIELA -20052019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 318.5535ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - PAPELARIA GABRIELA -20052019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - VIAGEM - MARCO TÚLIO PERES DAYRELL - 07052019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -475.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2019/REEMBOLSO - VIAGEM - MARCO TÚLIO PERES DAYRELL - 07052019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$955 - NF 7966.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:37 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$956 - NF 32395350.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:38 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$961 - NF 31567.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:38 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$959 - NF 31593022 31597179 31601989 31516759 31567693 31596075 31571086 31567600.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:38 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$954 - NF 21834.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:38 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$960 - NF 414.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:38 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$958 - NF 31552764 31578545 31583237 31517681 31571311 31556365 31536518 31571097.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:38 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$962 - NF 21873.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:38 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$957 - NF 71556801 71608242.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:38 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$965 - NF 9555 9556 9557 9558.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:38 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$963 - NF 145387.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:38 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTAÇÃO PMOC/01 - VIABILIDADE/COMPARATIVO CLIMATIZAÇÃO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 155.8885ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:38 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTAÇÃO PMOC/01 - VIABILIDADE/COMPARATIVO CLIMATIZAÇÃO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:38 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTAÇÃO PMOC/01 - VIABILIDADE/CUSTO PMOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 81ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:38 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTAÇÃO PMOC/01 - VIABILIDADE/CUSTO PMOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:38 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$964 - NF 201.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:38 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$966 - NF 145387.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/xxxMANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PLATAFORMA ELEVATORIA/CONTROLE DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco D - Levantamento F\xedsico de Patrim\xf4nios (respostas).xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco N - Levantamento F\xedsico de Patrim\xf4nios (respostas).xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco B - Levantamento F\xedsico de Patrim\xf4nios (respostas).xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco G - Levantamento F\xedsico de Patrim\xf4nios (respostas)(1).xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/Base de dados/03 - PATRIM\xd4NIO-20210128T205059Z-001.zip" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco I - Levantamento F\xedsico de Patrim\xf4nios (respostas).xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco C - Levantamento F\xedsico de Patrim\xf4nios (respostas).xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco F - Levantamento F\xedsico de Patrim\xf4nios (respostas).xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco A - Levantamento F\xedsico de Patrim\xf4nios (respostas).xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco H - Levantamento F\xedsico de Patrim\xf4nios (respostas).xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco E - Levantamento F\xedsico de Patrim\xf4nios (respostas).xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco L - Levantamento F\xedsico de Patrim\xf4nios (respostas).xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco Alfa - Levantamento F\xedsico de Patrim\xf4nios (respostas).xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco J - Levantamento F\xedsico de Patrim\xf4nios (respostas).xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco K - Levantamento F\xedsico de Patrim\xf4nios (respostas).xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco M - Levantamento F\xedsico de Patrim\xf4nios (respostas).xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/2020 - 2º SEMESTRE/TODOS OS BENS 2020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 5.9524ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/2020 - 2º SEMESTRE/TODOS OS BENS 2020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/EXCLUS\xc3O DE LINHAS/LINHAS CANCELADAS AT\xc9 03072019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/EXCLUS\xc3O DE LINHAS/LINHAS CANCELADAS AT\xc9 17072020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 1.904163382s 2022/01/25 16:49:39 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 2: batch had 2 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:39 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$950 - NF 145132.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:39 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$949 - NF 145295.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$968 - NF 67.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$967 - NF 5580.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/DESENVOLVIMENTO/PMOC - ARQ - DC - RV01 - 23112020.xlsm: Size and modification time the same (differ by -344.9877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/DESENVOLVIMENTO/PMOC - ARQ - DC - RV01 - 23112020.xlsm: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_2017.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2019_6.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2019_7.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_18_07.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_17_09.xls" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_17_06.xls" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2019_10.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2019_5.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_18_09.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_17_11.xls" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2019_8.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_17_04.xls" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2019_11.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_17_08.xls" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_18_02.xls" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_18_08.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/MEDI\xc7\xd5ES 2019 JAN A MAI.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Unipam - Dados SCDE - jan_19 at\xe9 mai_19.csv.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_18_03.xls" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_18_01.xls" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_17_12.xls" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_18_04.xls" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_17_07.xls" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2019_12.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_17_03.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2019_4.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Contabiliza\xe7\xe3o UNIPAM 2019_9.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_18_06.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_17_05.xls" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_18_05.xls" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_18_12.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/3- CONTABILIZA\xc7\xc3O FINANCEIRA/antigos/Medi\xe7\xe3o Unipam_17_10.xls" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARA SANITARIO/Alvará Sanitário CCO 2019 - 2020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -494.4443ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARA SANITARIO/Alvará Sanitário CCO 2019 - 2020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARA SANITARIO/Alvará Sanitário CCE 2018 - 2029.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARA SANITARIO/Alvará Sanitário CCE 2018 - 2029.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARA SANITARIO/Alvará Sanitário CCE 2020 - 2021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 283.7669ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARA SANITARIO/Alvará Sanitário CCE 2020 - 2021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARA SANITARIO/Alvará Sanitário CCV 2019 - 2020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -50.1273ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARA SANITARIO/Alvará Sanitário CCV 2019 - 2020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARA SANITARIO/Alvará Sanitário FEPAM 2019 - 2020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 397.821ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARA SANITARIO/Alvará Sanitário FEPAM 2019 - 2020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARA SANITARIO/Alvará Sanitário POLO PARACATU - 2019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 202.8054ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARA SANITARIO/Alvará Sanitário POLO PARACATU - 2019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/ESCALAS/ESCALA FUNCION\xc1RIOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/FECHAMENTO CONTABILIDADE/ESTOQUE ELÉTRICO 1 SEMESTRE 2019 AUDITORIA.PDF: Size and modification time the same (differ by 328.2683ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/FECHAMENTO CONTABILIDADE/ESTOQUE ELÉTRICO 1 SEMESTRE 2019 AUDITORIA.PDF: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/FECHAMENTO CONTABILIDADE/inventário estoque elétrico 30062019.XLSX: Size and modification time the same (differ by 404.2155ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/00 - BALANÇOS/02 - 30062019/FECHAMENTO CONTABILIDADE/inventário estoque elétrico 30062019.XLSX: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:39 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/ORGANOGRAMA DE PROCESSOS DE OBRAS E ADEQUA\xc7\xd5ES-Layout1.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 3 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$952 - NF 356 2123.docx 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$955 - NF 7966.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$956 - NF 32395350.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$961 - NF 31567.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:39 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$959 - NF 31593022 31597179 31601989 31516759 31567693 31596075 31571086 31567600.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$960 - NF 414.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$958 - NF 31552764 31578545 31583237 31517681 31571311 31556365 31536518 31571097.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$954 - NF 21834.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$962 - NF 21873.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:40 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS/FB012 - RELAT\xd3RIO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - 1\xba SEMESTRE 2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$957 - NF 71556801 71608242.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$963 - NF 145387.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$965 - NF 9555 9556 9557 9558.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2022/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV00 - 03012022.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -141ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2022/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - RV00 - 03012022.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$966 - NF 145387.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/03 - PATRIMÔNIO-20210128T205059Z-001.zip: Size and modification time the same (differ by 141.1395ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/03 - PATRIMÔNIO-20210128T205059Z-001.zip: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/base de dados.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 3.5202ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/base de dados.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco A - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -165.5309ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco A - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco Alfa - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -56.6982ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco Alfa - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco B - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -243.7956ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco B - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco C - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -447.4364ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco C - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco D - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 162.6833ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco D - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco E - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 346.8931ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco E - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco F - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -62.7023ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco H - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -122.6781ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco H - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco I - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 489.8422ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco I - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco J - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 479.384ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco J - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco K - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -137.166ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco K - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco L - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -52.5615ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco L - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco M - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -98.1361ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco M - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco N - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 254.3121ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco N - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco F - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco G - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas)(1).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -12.2714ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/05 - CONTROLE DE LEVANTAMENTO DE PATRIMÔNIO/2020/Base de dados/Bloco G - Levantamento Físico de Patrimônios (respostas)(1).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/EXCLUSÃO DE LINHAS/LINHAS CANCELADAS ATÉ 03072019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -118.2964ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/EXCLUSÃO DE LINHAS/LINHAS CANCELADAS ATÉ 03072019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/EXCLUSÃO DE LINHAS/LINHAS CANCELADAS ATÉ 17072020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -86ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:40 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/EXCLUSÃO DE LINHAS/LINHAS CANCELADAS ATÉ 17072020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:40 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE BENS POR CENTRO DE CUSTO/RELAT\xd3RIO DE BENS POR CENTRO DE CUSTO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:40 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/09 - HOSPITAL REGIONAL - HRAD/01 - HRAD - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O BANCO DE LEITE/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:40 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/09 - HOSPITAL REGIONAL - HRAD/01 - HRAD - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O BANCO DE LEITE/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:40 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/- ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES PARA EQUIPE/00 - \xc1REA DE OCUPA\xc7\xc3O DE BANQUETE/\xc1rea com tipologia de mesas de banquete.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$968 - NF 68.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$964 - NF 201.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$969 - NF 67.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/02 - ANALISE DE RISCOS AMBIENTAIS/JARDINAGEM/JARDINAGEM.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -68.5801ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/02 - ANALISE DE RISCOS AMBIENTAIS/JARDINAGEM/JARDINAGEM.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHAN\xc7A - EIV/CCE/ARQUIVO BASE/QUESTION\xc1RIO_EIV_Em_Andamento_25mai18_R1.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHAN\xc7A - EIV/CCE/ARQUIVO BASE/~$ESTION\xc1RIO_EIV_Em_Andamento_28mai18_R1.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHAN\xc7A - EIV/CCE/ARQUIVO BASE/QUESTION\xc1RIO_EIV_06agosto18_R2.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHAN\xc7A - EIV/CCE/ARQUIVO BASE/QUESTION\xc1RIO_EIV_Em_Andamento_28mai18_R1.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHAN\xc7A - EIV/CCE/ARQUIVO BASE/QUESTION\xc1RIO_EIV_jan18_R0.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHAN\xc7A - EIV/CCE/ARQUIVO BASE/~$ESTION\xc1RIO_EIV_Em_Andamento_La\xeds.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHAN\xc7A - EIV/CCE/ARQUIVO BASE/~$dos que ainda faltam para elabora\xe7\xe3o EIV e PGT do Centro de Conven\xe7\xf5es do UNIPAM_R6 (1).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$968 - NF 67.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$967 - NF 5580.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCO-CCU/EIV.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 11.2968ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCO-CCU/EIV.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCO-CCU/RIV.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -332.3029ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCO-CCU/RIV.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCO-CCU/TERMO DE COMPROMISSO.doc: Size and modification time the same (differ by 248.8335ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCO-CCU/TERMO DE COMPROMISSO.doc: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERA\xc7\xc3O DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/ARQUIVOS/M\xcaS JANEIRO2020.csv" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERA\xc7\xc3O DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/ARQUIVOS/PROPOSTA DE ECONOMIA ALTERA\xc7\xc3O OPERADORA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERA\xc7\xc3O DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/ARQUIVOS/M\xcaS ABRIL2020.csv" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERA\xc7\xc3O DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/ARQUIVOS/0800 M\xcaS JULHO2020.csv" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERA\xc7\xc3O DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/ARQUIVOS/PREVIS\xc3O DE CUSTO ANUAL.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/06 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DO CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O DE VERBA" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/08 - PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/09 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/03 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/3 - MAR\xc7O" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/PATREL003.1 - MAPA RESUMO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O E CORRE\xc7\xc3O - 1\xba SEMESTRE 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/03 - MAR\xc7O 2019" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/Estrutura Organizacional do UNIPAM V. 5 (radial).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 237.2564ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/Estrutura Organizacional do UNIPAM V. 5 (radial).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/ORGANOGRAMA DE PROCESSOS DE OBRAS E ADEQUAÇÕES-Layout1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -102.6055ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/ORGANOGRAMA DE PROCESSOS DE OBRAS E ADEQUAÇÕES-Layout1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROCESSOS FLUIG.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 110.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROCESSOS FLUIG.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROCESSOS PARA FLUIG.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 427.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROCESSOS PARA FLUIG.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROGRAMA DE NECESSIDADES 01072019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 161.6384ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROGRAMA DE NECESSIDADES 01072019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/03 - MATERIAL OBRA CCO-CCU/2019/SA\xcdDA" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC24 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - SOMBRITE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC10 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAS EL\xc9TRICO PARA BEZERREIRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC08 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - TROCA DE L\xc2MPADAS QUEIMADAS NA QUADRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC21 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAL B\xc1SICO GALP\xc3O CUINOCULTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC33 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - TUBOS DE A\xc7O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$33 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - TUBOS DE A\xc7O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC30 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - CONTRATA\xc7\xc3O SERVI\xc7OS PIQUETES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC28 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - CHAPA DE A\xc7O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC07 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - TINTA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC06 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - VALVULA DE DESCARGA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC31 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAIS PARA REFORMA NA GRANJA DE SUINOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC32 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAL B\xc1SICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC11 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - CAMINH\xc3O MUCK PARA COLOCA\xc7\xc3O DOS POSTES NO BEZERREIRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC29 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - TROCA DE POSTE E TRANSPORTE - CCU - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC34 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAIS PARA REFORMA NA GRANJA DE SUINOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$31 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAIS PARA REFORMA NA GRANJA DE SUINOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC20 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAL B\xc1SICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC19 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAL HIDR\xc1ULICO PARA SA\xcdDA DO PO\xc7O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC13 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - CAMINH\xc3O MUNK LINK INTERNET.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC23 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ACIONADOR DE DESCARGA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - CONCRETO 20MPA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC15 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - REPARO PARA REGISTRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC26 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - CHAPA DE ZINCO PARA COMEDOURO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC03 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - LIXA DE DISCO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC18 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAL HIDR\xc1ULICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC12 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - RESERVAT\xd3RIO MET\xc1LICO TIPO TA\xc7A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC27 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MADEIRA PARA ESTUFA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC35 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - TORNEIRA DE JARDIM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC04 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - GRELHAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC22 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAL HIDR\xc1ULICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC05 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - PORTAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC14 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM MOTOBOMBA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC25 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - TELHAS FIBROCIMENTO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$28 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - CHAPA DE A\xc7O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC09 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAS EL\xc9TRICO PARA BEZERREIRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$32 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MATERIAL B\xc1SICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC02 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MAT BASICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC17 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MAT PINTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA/01 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC16 - EA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - CAMINH\xc3O MUNK LINK INTERNET.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/03 - CCE - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O E MELHORIAS/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/0 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/7 - PLANO DE A\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/0 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/8 - PR\xc9 LAN\xc7AMENTOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CENTRO CLÃNICO VETERIN\xc1\x81RIO - CCV/PROJETOS/LABORAT\xd3RIO DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSA" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART1/PMOC LAB. CITOGENETICA E MUTAG\xcaNESE.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCU/plot.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by 11.538983ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCU/plot.log: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCU/UNIFILAR - CCU - RV00.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 34.495843ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCU/UNIFILAR - CCU - RV00.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCU/UNIFILAR - CCU 2 - RV00.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 61.346416ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCU/UNIFILAR - CCU 2 - RV00.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCU/UNIFILAR - CCU 3 - RV00.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 238.026806ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCU/UNIFILAR - CCU 3 - RV00.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCU/UNIFILAR - CCU - RV00.dwf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 153.835044ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCU/UNIFILAR - CCU - RV00.dwf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCU/UNIFILAR.bak: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCU/UNIFILAR.bak: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCU/UNIFILAR.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:41 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCU/UNIFILAR.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DE PROCESSOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/REQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE COMPRA" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O DE PROCESSOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - ATRIBUI\xc7\xd5ES SESMT" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/EQUIPAMENTOS DE MEDI\xc7\xc3O - SESMT" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - ATAS REUNI\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL/01 - JANEIRO 2019/RESUMO - RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL - JANEIRO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:41 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL/01 - JANEIRO 2019/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL - JANEIRO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/- ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/00 - ÁREA DE OCUPAÇÃO DE BANQUETE/Área com tipologia de mesas de banquete.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/- ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/00 - ÁREA DE OCUPAÇÃO DE BANQUETE/Área com tipologia de mesas de banquete.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO I - INFORMA\xc7\xd5ES B\xc1SICAS PF - RV04.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO I - INFORMA\xc7\xd5ES B\xc1SICAS PJ - RV04.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO V - PRE\xc7OS LOCA\xc7\xc3O - RV02.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO VI - INSPE\xc7\xc3O E VISTORIA - RV02.xls" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO I - INFORMA\xc7\xd5ES B\xc1SICAS MEI - RV04.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCE/ARQUIVO BASE/CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES UNIPAM (PLANIALTIMÉTRICO) 12-06-17.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 436.0937ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCE/ARQUIVO BASE/CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES UNIPAM (PLANIALTIMÉTRICO) 12-06-17.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCE/ARQUIVO BASE/QUESTIONÁRIO_EIV_06agosto18_R2.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -2.1036ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCE/ARQUIVO BASE/QUESTIONÁRIO_EIV_06agosto18_R2.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCE/ARQUIVO BASE/QUESTIONÁRIO_EIV_Em_Andamento_25mai18_R1.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 171.141ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCE/ARQUIVO BASE/QUESTIONÁRIO_EIV_Em_Andamento_25mai18_R1.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCE/ARQUIVO BASE/QUESTIONÁRIO_EIV_Em_Andamento_28mai18_R1.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 104.2648ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCE/ARQUIVO BASE/QUESTIONÁRIO_EIV_Em_Andamento_28mai18_R1.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCE/ARQUIVO BASE/QUESTIONÁRIO_EIV_jan18_R0.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -107.4738ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCE/ARQUIVO BASE/QUESTIONÁRIO_EIV_jan18_R0.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCE/ARQUIVO BASE/Sondagem.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 453.1158ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/CCE/ARQUIVO BASE/Sondagem.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC106 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - DIESEL GERADORES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC113 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - DIESEL GERADORES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC87 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - G\xc1S COZINHA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC43 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MATERIAL EL\xc9TRICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - NIVEL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC60 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CHIP.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC19 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CARTUCHOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC58 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CAF\xc9.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC07 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - PILHA, EL\xc1STICO E FITA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC78 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - \xd3LEO DIESEL GERADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC55 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - PILHA E ACR\xcdLICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC99 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CONTAINER CONSERBR\xc1S.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC112 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - DIESEL GERADORES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC92 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - PARAFUSOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC111 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - DESENGRIPANTE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC47 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - TONER.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC107 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PLATAFORMA ELEVAT\xd3RIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC100 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CAF\xc9.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC42 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CART\xc3O MICRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC48 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - TONER.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC31 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - DUCHA HIGI\xcaNICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC114 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - DIESEL GERADORES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC96 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CABOS E CONCETORES PARA AUDIO E VOZ.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC65 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - GUARDA CORPO PALCO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC14 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - PARLAT\xd3RIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC101 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EXAUST\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC80 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - FITAS VONDER.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC21 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - TRANSPORTE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC110 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC84 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - PILHA PASSADOR SLIDE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC50 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - TRANCA ARM\xc1RIO MDF.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC13 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - PORTA CRACH\xc1S.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC62 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - G\xc1S GLP.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC32 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - C\xd3PIA DE CHAVES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC66 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - ESTRUTURA PAREDE FALSA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC08 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - PASSA FIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC53 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CONTACT E ACR\xcdLICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC51 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - FOLHA A4 E COPO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC29 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - BATENTE PORTA DE MADEIRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC105 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CARREGADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC95 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - PARAFUSO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC83 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - SOPRADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC16 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CAVALETE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC103 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - DIESEL GERADORES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC59 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - FITA DUPLA FACE E FITA DE PISO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC72 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - FERRAMENTAS PARA MADEIRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC54 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - TONER.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC79 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - PARAFUSO CADEIRA TRAMONTINA CAMARIM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC67 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - TECIDO PAREDE FALSA E CORTINA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC02 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - UNIFORME.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC36 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - EXTINTOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC63 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - TRELI\xc7A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC77 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CELULAR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC04 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - FRIGOBAR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC01 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MATERIAIS DE ESCRIT\xd3RIO DIVERSOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC81 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CAPA DE CELULAR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC27 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - G\xc1S GLP.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC22 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CANETA, PROTOCOLO E ETIQUETA .docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC03 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - ELETRONICOS - CANCELADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC49 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CAF\xc9.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC10 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - IDENTIDADE VISUAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC11 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - PAPEL TIMBRADO E PASTA DE PAPEL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC18 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CANCELA PORTARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC74 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - PALETEIRA MANUAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC73 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - RALO PIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC17 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - EMPILHADEIRA - CANCELADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RCXX - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MESAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC82 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CASES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC45 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - FITA ZEBRADA, FITA DUPLA FACE, FITA DE PISO E PILHA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC68 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - LOCA\xc7\xc3O ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O PALCO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC15 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - TECIDO DE MESA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC90 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - FITAS VONDER E FITA ZEBRADA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC76 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - BATENTE PORTA DE VIDRO e RALO DE PIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC41 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - LIXEIRA INOX.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC93 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - TINTA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC28 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CARRETEL FIA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC37 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - SABONETEIRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC69 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MATERIAL CAIXA PRIMEIROS SOCORROS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC75 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - G\xc1S GLP.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC88 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CAF\xc9.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC30 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - BATENTE PORTA DE VIDRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC09 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MATERIAIS DE ESCRIT\xd3RIO DIVERSOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC24 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - TRIPA DE IRRIGA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC64 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - KIT FERRAMENTAS TRELI\xc7A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC109 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - \xc1GUA DESMINERALIZADA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC98 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - ANDAIMES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC23 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - LIMPA CONTATO EL\xc9TRICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC38 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - VERNIZ - CANCELADA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC61 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - FITAS SILVER TAPE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC46 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - PASTAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC40 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - V\xc1LVULA DESCARGA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/PEDIDO DE ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O DE ORDEM" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC91 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CAF\xc9.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC85 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - TINTA SPRAY.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC39 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - GESSO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC89 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COMPENSADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC44 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - ADEVISO RECICL\xc1GEM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC94 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - ASPIRADOR DE P\xd3 INDUSTRIAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC108 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - PE\xc7AS PLATAFORMA ELEVAT\xd3RIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC97 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - ASPIRADOR DE P\xd3.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC104 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - UNIFORME.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC33 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - FECHADURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC52 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - BLOQUINHO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC05 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - COPO, JARRA E BANDEJA - CANCELADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC35 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - BARRA ANTIP\xc2NICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC71 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - MADEIRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC20 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - CARTUCHOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC57 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - VENTOSA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC12 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - UNIFORME.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC26 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - GARRADA DE CAF\xc9 E VASILHA DE P\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC56 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - PASSADOR DE SLIDE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC102 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - DIESEL GERADORES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC25 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - UNIFORME.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC34 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - PORTA ALUMINIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC70 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - SERVI\xc7O DE TORNO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/39 - CCE - CAMINH\xc3O LIMPA FOSSA E CAMINH\xc3O PIPA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/26 - CCE - MA\xc7ANETAS - CANCELADA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/134 - CCE - BARRAS ANTIP\xc2NICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/72 - CCE - ACRILICO PARA BANHEIROS E BALC\xc3O DO FOYER.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/131 - CCE - BORRACHA DE PROTE\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/34 - CCE - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE PEL\xcdCULA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/48 - CCE - IMPERMEABILIZA\xc7\xc3O DE BANCADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$6 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MAT HIDRAULICO BOMBA IRRIGA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/70 - CCE - \xd3LEO DIESEL GERADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/49 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE ESTRUTURA MET\xc1LICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE JARDINAGEM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/17 - CCE - CAIXA MET\xc1LICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE FORRO MINERAL - CANCELADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/32 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE MONTA CARGA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/59 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PORTA PIVOTANTE - CANCELADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/10 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE FORRO ACARTONADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/66 - CCE - SERVI\xc7O DE DESTOCA E LIMPEZA PARA ALAMBRADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/32 - CCE - ANEXO - TERMO DE REFER\xcaNCIA MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE MONTA CARGA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/62 - CCE - \xd3LEO DIESEL GERADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/114 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PREVENTIVA CHILLER-SLIT\xc3O-VRF.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE MONTA CARGA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/145 - CCE - \xd3LEO DIESEL GERADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$0 - CCE - MATERIAL N\xcdVEL CAIXA D'\xc1GUA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/93 - CCE - \xd3LEO DIESEL GERADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/155 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CORRETIVA NOBREAK AV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/09 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE ESTRUTURA MET\xc1LICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/23 - CCE - PLACA SINALIZA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/125 - CCE - PLACA GESSO FORRO REMOV\xcdVEL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/46 - CCE - SERVI\xc7O DE IMPERMEABILIZA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/33 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O COIFA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/156 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MAT HIDRAULICO BOMBA IRRIGA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/140 - CCE - \xd3LEO DIESEL GERADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/151 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - PROJETO DE AVCB.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/145 - CCE - \xd3LEO DIESEL GERADORES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/132 - CCE - TAMPA AL\xc7AP\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/104 - CCE - \xd3LEO DIESEL GERADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/149 - CCE - MATERIAL HIDRAULICO IRRIGA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/35 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE FORRO ACARTONADO - CANCELADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/141 - CCE - CONTRATO MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE MONTA CARGA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/03 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE DIVIS\xd3RIA ARTICULADA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/81 - CCE - TINTA PORTAS BRANCAS SA\xcdDA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/31 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EXAUST\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/12 - CCE - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE TELA MOSQUETEIRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/98 - CCE - \xd3LEO DIESEL GERADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/63 - CCE - V\xc1LVULA SOLEN\xd3IDE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/59 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PORTA PIVOTANTE - CANCELADO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/100 - CCE - MAT HIDRAULICO IRRIGA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/130 - CCE - PEL\xcdCULA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/22 - CCE - PLACA GESSO FORRO REMOV\xcdVEL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/130 - CCE - PEL\xcdCULA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/108 - CCE - DETALHAMENTO IMPERMEABILIZA\xc7\xc3O.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/117 - CCE - FILTRO PLATAFORMA ELEVAT\xd3RIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/04 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE REVESTIMENTO AC\xdaSTICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/28 - CCE - \xd3LEO DIESEL GERADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/01 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE PLATAFORMA ELEVAT\xd3RIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$2 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MAT HIDRAULICO IRRIGA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/143 - CCE - BOMBA PO\xc7O ARTESIANO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/56 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE COOLER.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/54 - CCE - \xd3LEO DIESEL GERADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/154 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CORRETIVA MONTA CARGAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/38 - CCE - VEDA\xc7\xc3O CAIXA EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/141 - CCE - ANEXO - TERMO DE REFER\xcaNCIA MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE MONTA CARGA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/73 - CCE - \xd3LEO DIESEL GERADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/150 - CCE - MATERIAL N\xcdVEL CAIXA D'\xc1GUA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/22 - CCE - ESPECIFICA\xc7\xc3O FORRO MINERAL SINFONIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/87 - CCE - PEL\xcdCULA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/55 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE PLATAFORMA ELEVAT\xd3RIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/99 - CCE - R\xc1DIO MOTOROLA - CANCELADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/142 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PORT\xc3O VE\xcdCULOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/48 - CCE - IMPERMEABILIZA\xc7\xc3O DE BANCADAS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/25 - CCE - PINTURA CAIXA D'\xc1GUA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/65 - CCE - MATERIAL B\xc1SICO PARA ALAMBRADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/67 - CCE - \xd3LEO DIESEL GERADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/101 - CCE - DUCHA HIGI\xcaNICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/27 - CCE - CAMINH\xc3O PIPA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/125 - CCE - ESPECIFICA\xc7\xc3O FORRO MINERAL SINFONIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/152 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MAT HIDRAULICO IRRIGA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/127 - CCE - SAPATA M\xd3DULOS DE PALCO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/47 - CCE - TELEVIS\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/90 - CCE - \xd3LEO DIESEL GERADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/11 - CCE - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE PEL\xcdCULA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/18 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PREVENTIVA AUDIO-VIDEO(CANCELADA).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/118 - CCE - COLETOR DE \xc1GUA SECADOR DE M\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/153 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - DUCHAS HIGIENICAS E TORNEIRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/84 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PAREDES OWA NEXACUSTIC IG16-2.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/41 - CCE - DOSADOR DE SAB\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$4 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CORRETIVA MONTA CARGAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/13 - CCE - CAMINH\xc3O DE TERRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/37 - CCE - \xc1GUA DESMINERALIZADA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/94 - CCE - \xd3LEO DIESEL GERADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/42 - CCE - MATERIAL HIDR\xc1ULICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/07 - CCE - LIMPEZA DE CAIXA D'\xc1GUA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/144 - CCE - CABO PO\xc7O ARTESIANO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/86 - CCE - \xd3LEO DIESEL GERADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/88 - CCE - V\xc1LVULA DESCARGA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/50 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE REPARO PARA DESCARGA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/112 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O JANELA DE VIDRO - CANCELADA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/108 - CCE - SERVI\xc7O DE IMPERMEABILIZA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/135 - CCE - PORTA ANTIP\xc2NICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/71 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EM INVERSSOR DE FREQUENCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/89 - CCE - \xd3LEO DIESEL GERADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$9 - CCE - MATERIAL HIDRAULICO IRRIGA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$3 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - DUCHAS HIGIENICAS E TORNEIRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/21 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O AR CONDICIONADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$968 - NF 68.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/06 - RELAT\xd3RIOS/~$RELAT\xd3RIOS - ARC - DC - RV00 - 03092020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/06 - RELAT\xd3RIOS/RELAT\xd3RIOS - ARC - DC - RV00 - 03092020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/06 - RELAT\xd3RIOS/RELAT\xd3RIOS - ARC - DC - RV00 - 10092020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/ARQUIVOS/0800 MÊS JULHO2020.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 458ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/ARQUIVOS/0800 MÊS JULHO2020.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/ARQUIVOS/MÊS ABRIL2020.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/ARQUIVOS/MÊS ABRIL2020.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/ARQUIVOS/MÊS JANEIRO2020.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/ARQUIVOS/MÊS JANEIRO2020.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/ARQUIVOS/PREVISÃO DE CUSTO ANUAL.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -480.0005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/ARQUIVOS/PREVISÃO DE CUSTO ANUAL.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/ARQUIVOS/PROPOSTA DE ECONOMIA ALTERAÇÃO OPERADORA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -170.0005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/ARQUIVOS/PROPOSTA DE ECONOMIA ALTERAÇÃO OPERADORA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/ARQUIVOS/UNIPAM NOV2020.csv: Size and modification time the same (differ by -174ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/ARQUIVOS/UNIPAM NOV2020.csv: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/05 - CCV - OI SPDA/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/04 - CONTROLE SUPRIMENTOS/MEDI\xc7\xd5ES - LICITA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/04 - CONTROLE SUPRIMENTOS/- MEDI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/04 - CONTROLE SUPRIMENTOS/MEDI\xc7\xd5ES - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/2019 - 1º SEMESTRE/RAZÃO AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIAÇÃO DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/PATREL003.1 - MAPA RESUMO DE DEPRECIAÇÃO E CORREÇÃO - 1º SEMESTRE 2019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -13.2502ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/2019 - 1º SEMESTRE/RAZÃO AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIAÇÃO DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/PATREL003.1 - MAPA RESUMO DE DEPRECIAÇÃO E CORREÇÃO - 1º SEMESTRE 2019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/13 - TECNOLOGIA FARMAC\xcaUTICA E FARMACOT\xc9CNICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/08 - LAB.TECNOLOGIA FARMAC\xcaUTICA E LAB. DE FARMACOT\xc9CNICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/52 - BIOT\xc9RIO" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/45 - LAB. ENGENHARIA MEC\xc2NICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/11 - HABILIDADES CIR\xdaRGICAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/14 - LAB. CITOGEN\xc9TICA E MUTAG\xcaNESE" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/14 - EM ELABORA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/13 - EM ELABORA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/09 - CURSO FARM\xc1CIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/11 - MEDICINA - REDE DE ATEN\xc7\xc3O \xc0 SA\xdaDE (RAS)" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/50 - LAB. T\xc9CNICAS DIET\xc9TICAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/42 - LAB. DE ZOOLOGIA E HERB\xc1RIO" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/- UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O SIST. CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/10 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/55 - SALAS DE INFORM\xc1TICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/17 - EM ELABORA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/22 - CITOGEN\xc9TICA E MUTAG\xcaNESE" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/30 - LAB. CENTRAL DE AN\xc1LISES DE FERTILIDADE DO SOLO (CEFERT)" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/16 - LAB. ENGENHARIA QU\xcdMICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/12 - TECNOLOGIA FARMAC\xcaUTICA E FARMACOT\xc9CNICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/11-CENTRO CL\xcdNICO ODONTOL\xd3GICO" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/01 - LIBERA\xc7\xc3O DO ACESSO" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/10 - CURSO FARM\xc1CIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/11 - AMBULAT\xd3RIO DE NUTRI\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/41 - LAB. HABILIDADES CIR\xdaRGICAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/13 - LAB. TECNOLOGIA DOS MATERIAIS DA CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O CIVIL" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/31 - EM ELABORA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/44 - LAB. ENG. EL\xc9TRICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/47 - LAB. COMUNICA\xc7\xc3O SOCIAL" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/05 - CL\xcdNICA DE PSICOLOGIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/54 - LAB. QU\xcdMICA E F\xcdSICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/36 - AMBULAT\xd3RIO DE ENFERMAGEM ANNA NERY E LAB. DE T\xc9CNICAS DE ENFERMAGEM" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/20 - TECNOLOGIA DOS MATERIAIS DA CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O CIVIL" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/17 - LAB. ENGENHARIA QU\xcdMICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/39 - LAB. N\xdaCLEO DE PESQUISA E AN\xc1LISE DE SEMENTES" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/07 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO ODONTOL\xd3GICO" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/09 - TECNOLOGIA DOS MATERIAIS DA CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O CIVIL" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/14 - TECNOLOGIA DOS MATERIAIS DA CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O CIVIL" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/16 - EM ELABORA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/59 - LAB. FISIOLOGIA E BIOF\xcdSICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/15 - LAB. CITOGEN\xc9TICA E MUTAG\xcaNESE" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/00 - AN\xc1LISES CL\xcdNICAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/68 - NUTRI\xc7\xc3O - RAS E S\xc3O LUCAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/55 - LAB. SIMULA\xc7\xc3O REAL\xcdSTICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/00 - DETEC\xc7\xc3O E ATENDIMENTO M\xc9DICO" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/58 - SISTEMA DE CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/29 - LAB. NUTRI\xc7\xc3O ANIMAL E BROMATOLOGIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/06 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO ODONTOL\xd3GICO" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/33 - N\xdaCLEO DE PR\xc1TICA JUR\xcdDICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/24 - BIOT\xc9RIO" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/00 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO ODONTOL\xd3GICO" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/39 - LAB. ENGENHARIA MEC\xc2NICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/28 - LAB. NUTRI\xc7\xc3O ANIMAL E BROMATOLOGIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/25 - ENFERMAGEM - REDE DE ATEN\xc7\xc3O \xc0 SA\xdaDE (RAS)" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/32 - LAB. BIOQU\xcdMICA E BROMATOLOGIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/56 - SALAS DE INFORM\xc1TICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/15 - EM ELABORA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/24 - ENFERMAGEM - REDE DE ATEN\xc7\xc3O \xc0 SA\xdaDE (RAS)" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/04 - FARM\xc1CIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/32 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA E LAB. MANIPULA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/15 - CL\xcdNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/26 - \xc1REAS DE ESPORTE" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/26 - AMBULAT\xd3RIO DE NUTRI\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/06 - CL\xcdNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/13 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/10 - EM ELABORA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/21 - EM ELABORA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/28 - TECNOLOGIA DOS MATERIAIS DA CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O CIVIL" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/32 - UTILIZA\xc7\xc3O SIST. CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/12 - SESS\xc3O DE FOTOS DE FORMATURA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/09 - SANIT\xc1RIOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/29 - DISTRIBUI\xc7\xc3O E RECEBIMENTO DE MATERIAIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/33 - TECNOLOGIA FARMAC\xcaUTICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/67 - NUTRI\xc7\xc3O - REDE DE ATEN\xc7\xc3O \xc0 SA\xdaDE (RAS) E S\xc3O LUCAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/18 - EM ELABORA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/08 - MEDICINA - REDE DE ATEN\xc7\xc3O \xc0 SA\xdaDE (RAS)" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/68 - NUTRI\xc7\xc3O - REDE DE ATEN\xc7\xc3O \xc0 SA\xdaDE (RAS) E S\xc3O LUCAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/33 - LAB. ENSINO EM AN\xc1LISES CL\xcdNICAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/33 - LAB. ENSINO DE AN\xc1LISES CL\xcdNICAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/13 - FARM\xc1CIA - REDE DE ATEN\xc7\xc3O \xc0 SA\xdaDE (RAS)" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/35 - LAB. NUTRI\xc7\xc3O ANIMAL E BROMATOLOGIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/08 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/11 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO ODONTOL\xd3GICO" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/33 - LAB. BIOQU\xcdMICA E BROMATOLOGIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/35 - LAB. CONTROLE DE QUALIDADE DE MEDICAMENTOS E QU\xcdMICA FARMAC\xcaUTICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/09 - SESS\xc3O DE FOTOS DE FORMATURA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/03 - AN\xc1LISES CL\xcdNICAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/12 - FARM\xc1CIA - REDE DE ATEN\xc7\xc3O \xc0 SA\xdaDE (RAS)" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/37 - EM ELABORA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/10 - \xc1REAS DE ESPORTE" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/36 - QU\xcdMICA E F\xcdSICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/23 - ENFERMAGEM FHEMIG E S\xc3O LUCAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/23 - LAB. CENTRAL DE AN\xc1LISES DE FERTILIDADE DO SOLO (CEFERT)" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/03 - LAB. AN\xc1LISES CL\xcdNICAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/10 - AMBULAT\xd3RIO DE NUTRI\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/09 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/08 - CURSO FARM\xc1CIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/09 - AMBULAT\xd3RIO DE NUTRI\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/12 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/22 - LAB. N\xdaCLEO DE PESQUISA EM FISIOLOGIA E ESTRESSE DE PLANTAS (NUFEP)" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/00 - CL\xcdNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/04 - SANIT\xc1RIOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/18 - CL\xcdNICA DE PSICOLOGIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/39 - LABORAT\xd3RIO DE ELETR\xd4NICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/40 - LAB. HABILIDADES CIR\xdaRGICAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/60 - LAB. N\xdaCLEO DE PR\xc1TICA JUR\xcdDICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/28 - EM ELABORA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/02 - AMBIENTES DE PREPARA\xc7\xc3O DE CAF\xc9" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/32 - EM ELABORA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/06 - SECRETARIA ACAD\xcaMICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/67 - LAB. DE AVALIA\xc7\xc3O PSICOL\xd3GICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/34 - FARMACOT\xc9CNICA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/51 - LAB. PEDAGOGIA E HIST\xd3RIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/06 - SECRETARIA BLOCO A, ASSIST\xcaNCIA SOCIAL, FINANCEIRO" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/07 - CL\xcdNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/20 - LAB. GEN\xc9TICA E BIOTECNOLOGIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/09 - FARM\xc1CIA - REDE DE ATEN\xc7\xc3O \xc0 SA\xdaDE (RAS)" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/49 - LAB. HIST\xd3RIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/25 - HABILIDADES CIR\xdaRGICAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/20 - INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS E LUMINOTECA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/27 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO ODONTOL\xd3GICO" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/00 - PROTOCOLO/17 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/05 - 04122020/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - 04122020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -169.1085ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/05 - 04122020/ESTOQUE LIMPEZA - 04122020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS/09 - OF\xcdCIO N\xb0 614-2019 - 23122019" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS/14 - OF\xcdCIO N\xba 636-2020" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS/03 - OF\xcdCIO N\xba 586-2019 - 23082019" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS/11 - OF\xcdCIO N\xba XXX-XXX - 12022020" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS/15 - OF\xcdCIO N\xba XX-2021" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS/08 - OF\xcdCIO N\xbaxxx-2019 - 19122019" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS/10 - OF\xcdCIO N\xba xxx-2020 - 11022020" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS/10 - OF\xcdCIO N\xba 621-2020 - 11022020" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS/12 - OF\xcdCIO N\xba xxx-2020 - 18022020" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS/09 - OF\xcdCIO N\xb0 -" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS/15 - OF\xcdCIO N\xba 649-2021" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS/08 - OF\xcdCIO N\xba 609-2019 - 19122019" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS/06 - OF\xcdCIO N\xba XXX-2019 - 19112019" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS/06 - OF\xcdCIO N\xba 602-2019 - 19112019" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS/12 - OF\xcdCIO N\xba 621-2020 RETIFICADO - 20022020" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS/07 - OF\xcdCIO N\xba 603-2019 - 21112019" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS/11 - OF\xcdCIO N\xba 622-2020 - 12022020" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/- OF\xcdCIOS/14 - OF\xcdCIO N\xba xxxx-2020" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$969 - NF 67.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART1/ART1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -171ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART1/ART1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART1/PMOC LAB. CITOGENETICA E MUTAGÊNESE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -217ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART1/PMOC LAB. CITOGENETICA E MUTAGÊNESE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/01 - INVENT\xc1RIO DE PLACAS/Invent\xe1rio Placas CCE - material que encontra-se guardado.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/01 - INVENT\xc1RIO DE PLACAS/Invent\xe1rio Placas CCE - material que encontra-se instalado.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 748.627342ms 2022/01/25 16:49:42 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 3: batch had 3 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:42 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$952 - NF 356 2123.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:42 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$953 - NF 1585.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:42 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$951 - NF 145338.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MAPAS DE SITUAÇÃO/MAPA DE SITUACAO_CCE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 100.9886ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MAPAS DE SITUAÇÃO/MAPA DE SITUACAO_CCE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MAPAS DE SITUAÇÃO/MAPA DE SITUACAO_CCO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -210.3724ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MAPAS DE SITUAÇÃO/MAPA DE SITUACAO_CCO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MAPAS DE SITUAÇÃO/MAPA DE SITUACAO_CCU.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -373.0958ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MAPAS DE SITUAÇÃO/MAPA DE SITUACAO_CCU.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MAPAS DE SITUAÇÃO/MAPA DE SITUACAO_CCV.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -152.1781ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MAPAS DE SITUAÇÃO/MAPA DE SITUACAO_CCV.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MAPAS DE SITUAÇÃO/MAPA DE SITUACAO_EA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -405.6426ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MAPAS DE SITUAÇÃO/MAPA DE SITUACAO_EA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MAPAS DE SITUAÇÃO/MAPA DE SITUACAO_UNIPAM.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -181.8938ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MAPAS DE SITUAÇÃO/MAPA DE SITUACAO_UNIPAM.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/1 - MAR\xc7O.zip" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/1 - MAR\xc7O" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/5 - RAMAIS LIBERADOS PARA NOVAS INSTALAÇÕES/LISTA DE RAMAIS LIBERADOS.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -307.5236ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:42 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/2 - RAMAIS/5 - RAMAIS LIBERADOS PARA NOVAS INSTALAÇÕES/LISTA DE RAMAIS LIBERADOS.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/03 - 28062019/FECHAMENTO CONTABILIDADE/Invent\xe1rio 28062019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC05 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC01 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - INFORM\xc1TICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/01 - MEMORANDOS/~$07 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E SUPRIMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC06 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - RAMAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC02 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC07 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E SUPRIMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC03 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - REDES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC04 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - AR CONDICIONADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/02 - OBRA/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES - OBRA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/02 - OBRA/LICITA\xc7\xc3O - OBRA" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Esmalte sint\xe9tico - ANJO TINTAS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Verniz sint\xe9tico - TINTAS LUZTOL.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Selador acr\xedlico - TINTAS MAZA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Massa acr\xedlica - GRAFFTEX.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Diluente golraz - GOL QU\xcdMICA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Tinca acr\xedlica - ANJO TINTAS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Tinta acr\xedlica - LEINERTEX.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Aguarr\xe1z - LUKSNOVA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Tinta acr\xedlica - MAGGICOR.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Tinta acr\xedlica fosca - RADNAQ.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Esmalte sint\xe9tico - FUTURA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Tinta l\xe1tex fosca - SUVINIL.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Tinta acr\xedlica semi brilho - SHERWIN WILLIAMS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Massa tapa tudo - Gol QU\xcdMICA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Corante l\xedquido xadrez -SHERWIN WILLIAMS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:42 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Esmalter sint\xe9tico - TINTAS BRAZILIAN.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO I - INFORMAÇÕES BÁSICAS MEI - RV04.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 338.5142ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO I - INFORMAÇÕES BÁSICAS MEI - RV04.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO I - INFORMAÇÕES BÁSICAS PF - RV04.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -420.6432ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO I - INFORMAÇÕES BÁSICAS PF - RV04.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO I - INFORMAÇÕES BÁSICAS PJ - RV04.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -244.5562ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO I - INFORMAÇÕES BÁSICAS PJ - RV04.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO II - MONTAGEM E DESMONTAGEM - RV02.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -438.3169ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO II - MONTAGEM E DESMONTAGEM - RV02.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO III - USO - RV01.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -325.3029ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO III - USO - RV01.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO IV - PAGAMENTO - RV06.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 8.3886ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO IV - PAGAMENTO - RV06.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO V - PREÇOS LOCAÇÃO - RV02.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 419.5581ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO V - PREÇOS LOCAÇÃO - RV02.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO VI - INSPEÇÃO E VISTORIA - RV02.xls: Size and modification time the same (differ by -430.6649ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/ANEXO VI - INSPEÇÃO E VISTORIA - RV02.xls: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/03 - CONTROLE CAF\xc9-P\xc3ES/DISTRIBUI\xc7\xc3O DE QUANTIDADE P\xc3ES-CAF\xc9-CH\xc1/02 - 2019 F\xc9RIAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/06 - RELATÓRIOS/LISTA AMBIENTES - ARC - DC - RV00 - 29012021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 32ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/06 - RELATÓRIOS/LISTA AMBIENTES - ARC - DC - RV00 - 29012021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/06 - RELATÓRIOS/RELATÓRIOS - ARC - DC - RV00 - 03092020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 151.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/06 - RELATÓRIOS/RELATÓRIOS - ARC - DC - RV00 - 10092020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 312.5997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/06 - RELATÓRIOS/RELATÓRIOS - ARC - DC - RV00 - 10092020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/06 - RELATÓRIOS/RELATÓRIOS - ARC - DC - RV00 - 03092020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS/OR\xc7AMENTOS/- BACKUP'S/OR\xc7AMENTOS.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 15 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$955 - NF 7966.docx 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/03 - CCV - AM MELHORIAS DIVERSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC12 - CCV - AM MELHORIAS DIVERSAS - MATERIAL B\xc1SICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/03 - CCV - AM MELHORIAS DIVERSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC08 - CCV - AM MELHORIAS DIVERSAS - ARM\xc1RIO FARM\xc1CIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/03 - CCV - AM MELHORIAS DIVERSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC13 - CCV - AM MELHORIAS DIVERSAS - MATERIAL B\xc1SICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/03 - CCV - AM MELHORIAS DIVERSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC10 - CCV - AM MELHORIAS DIVERSAS - ARM\xc1RIOS LAB. REPRODU\xc7\xc3O ANIMAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/03 - CCV - AM MELHORIAS DIVERSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC06 - CCV - AM MELHORIAS DIVERSAS - M\xd3VEIS PLANEJADOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/03 - CCV - AM MELHORIAS DIVERSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC01 - CCV - AM MELHORIAS DIVERSAS - PLACA DE IDENTIFICA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/03 - CCV - AM MELHORIAS DIVERSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC02 - CCV - AM MELHORIAS DIVERSAS - DIVIS\xd3RIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDIT\xd3RIA - 01/Relatorio auditorioa - Po\xe7o Artesiano.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDIT\xd3RIA - 01/Relatorio auditorioa - Po\xe7o Artesiano e Climatiza\xe7\xe3o.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/REUNIÃO GERAL 27062019/Alinhamento geral.pptx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -235.4338ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/00 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/REUNIÃO GERAL 27062019/Alinhamento geral.pptx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$968 - NF 68.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O/BACKUP/BACKUP/BACKUP/PLANILHA GERENCIAL DE ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O - 2021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/01 - ANTIGAS/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES - LARE" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/5-CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO - CCV/CONS\xd3RCIO DE ENERGIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/5-CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO - CCV/FATURAS CONS\xd3RCIO ENERGIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/01 - INVENTÁRIO DE PLACAS/Inventário Placas CCE - material que encontra-se guardado.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/01 - INVENTÁRIO DE PLACAS/Inventário Placas CCE - material que encontra-se guardado.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/01 - INVENTÁRIO DE PLACAS/Inventário Placas CCE - material que encontra-se instalado.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/01 - INVENTÁRIO DE PLACAS/Inventário Placas CCE - material que encontra-se instalado.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$969 - NF 67.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/1 - MARÇO.zip: Size and modification time the same (differ by -233.708991ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/1 - MARÇO.zip: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/2 - ABRIL.zip: Size and modification time the same (differ by 437.337211ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/2 - ABRIL.zip: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/3 - JULHO.zip: Size and modification time the same (differ by 244.508486ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/3 - JULHO.zip: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/05 - DOCUMENTOS DE ATUALIZA\xc7\xc3O/ANO 01/2 - A\xc7\xc3O CORRETIVA - CLIM - DOC - PARALIZA\xc7\xc3O PANDEMIA COVID19 - RV00.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/05 - DOCUMENTOS DE ATUALIZA\xc7\xc3O/ANO 01/3- A\xc7\xc3O CORRETIVA - CLIM - DOC - PARALIZA\xc7\xc3O VOLTA AS AULAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/05 - DOCUMENTOS DE ATUALIZA\xc7\xc3O/ANO 01/1- ATUALIZA\xc7\xc3O CRONOGRAMA - CLIM - DOC - REVIS\xc3O CRONOGRAMA - RV00.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$971 - NF 1221.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$970 - NF 298.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Aguarráz - LUKSNOVA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 351.4885ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Aguarráz - LUKSNOVA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Corante líquido xadrez -SHERWIN WILLIAMS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -386.6751ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Corante líquido xadrez -SHERWIN WILLIAMS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Diluente - SHERWIN WILLIAMS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -117.4293ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Diluente - SHERWIN WILLIAMS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Diluente golraz - GOL QUÍMICA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 463.2344ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Diluente golraz - GOL QUÍMICA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Esmalte sintético - ANJO TINTAS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 150.7593ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Esmalte sintético - ANJO TINTAS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Esmalte sintético - FUTURA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 188.783ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Esmalte sintético - FUTURA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Esmalter sintético - TINTAS BRAZILIAN.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -421.1758ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Esmalter sintético - TINTAS BRAZILIAN.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/eucatex_seladora_concentrada.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -215.2053ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/eucatex_seladora_concentrada.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Impermanta telhado - DENVER.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -430.3931ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Impermanta telhado - DENVER.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Massa acrílica - GRAFFTEX.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -28.7688ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Massa acrílica - GRAFFTEX.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Massa de calafetar - PULVITEC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -7.9118ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Massa de calafetar - PULVITEC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Massa tapa tudo - Gol QUÍMICA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -126.2027ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Massa tapa tudo - Gol QUÍMICA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Removedor de tinta pastoso - TINTAS BRAZILIAN.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 496.6866ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Removedor de tinta pastoso - TINTAS BRAZILIAN.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Selador acrílico - TINTAS MAZA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 177.181ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Selador acrílico - TINTAS MAZA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Tinca acrílica - ANJO TINTAS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -55.9502ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Tinca acrílica - ANJO TINTAS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Tinta acrílica - LEINERTEX.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 139.0041ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Tinta acrílica - LEINERTEX.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Tinta acrílica - MAGGICOR.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 76.0934ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Tinta acrílica - MAGGICOR.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Tinta acrílica fosca - RADNAQ.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 376.4309ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Tinta acrílica fosca - RADNAQ.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Tinta acrílica semi brilho - SHERWIN WILLIAMS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -195.8641ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Tinta acrílica semi brilho - SHERWIN WILLIAMS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Tinta látex fosca - SUVINIL.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 452.0527ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Tinta látex fosca - SUVINIL.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Verniz sintético - TINTAS LUZTOL.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -300.169ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:43 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/MATERIAIS DE PINTURA/Verniz sintético - TINTAS LUZTOL.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/01 - LARE-CCE-SESMT-OCUPA\xc7\xc3O/2020/SESMT/RELAT\xd3RIO" 2022/01/25 16:49:43 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS/AGENDA/RELAT\xd3RIO AGENDA 2020/3 - MAR\xc7O" 2022/01/25 16:49:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$973 - NF 31817 31816.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/10 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/03 - CRONOGRAMAS/2 - EXECU\xc7\xc3O DE LIMPEZA PESADA" 2022/01/25 16:49:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/10 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA/03 - CRONOGRAMAS/1 - AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE MATERIAIS E EQUIPAMENTOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELATÓ“RIOS TɉCNICOS OBRAS/CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/ORÇAMENTOS/- BACKUP'S/ORÇAMENTOS.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -209.566ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/ORÇAMENTOS/- BACKUP'S/ORÇAMENTOS.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDITÓRIA - 01/Relatorio auditorioa - Poço Artesiano e Climatização.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -131.1916ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDITÓRIA - 01/Relatorio auditorioa - Poço Artesiano e Climatização.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDITÓRIA - 01/Relatorio auditorioa - Poço Artesiano.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -374.5487ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDITÓRIA - 01/Relatorio auditorioa - Poço Artesiano.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DO CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES/00 - ARQUIVOS DIGITAIS DE APRESENTA\xc7\xc3O/02 - V\xcdDEOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2017 - EXEC - PL - RV00/PREVISTO REALIZADO 2017 1\xba SEMESTRE" 2022/01/25 16:49:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2017 - EXEC - PL - RV00/FEPAM_CONTRU\xc7\xd5ES IMOBILIZADO 2017 FINAL (1).xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2017 - EXEC - PL - RV00/PREVISTO REALIZADO 2017 2\xba SEMESTRE" 2022/01/25 16:49:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 02 - 2020/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O - RV00 - 23112020dd.mpp" 2022/01/25 16:49:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 02 - 2020/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O - RV00 - 23112020-MOD.mpp" 2022/01/25 16:49:44 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 02 - 2020/BACK UP - VERS\xd5ES ANTERIORES" 2022/01/25 16:49:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BASE DE DADOS/RECEITA CCE.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 329.1034ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/CUSTO/BASE DE DADOS/RECEITA CCE.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/05 - DOCUMENTOS DE ATUALIZAÇÃO/ANO 01/1- ATUALIZAÇÃO CRONOGRAMA - CLIM - DOC - REVISÃO CRONOGRAMA - RV00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -441.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/05 - DOCUMENTOS DE ATUALIZAÇÃO/ANO 01/1- ATUALIZAÇÃO CRONOGRAMA - CLIM - DOC - REVISÃO CRONOGRAMA - RV00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/05 - DOCUMENTOS DE ATUALIZAÇÃO/ANO 01/2 - AÇÃO CORRETIVA - CLIM - DOC - PARALIZAÇÃO PANDEMIA COVID19 - RV00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -376.8001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/05 - DOCUMENTOS DE ATUALIZAÇÃO/ANO 01/2 - AÇÃO CORRETIVA - CLIM - DOC - PARALIZAÇÃO PANDEMIA COVID19 - RV00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/05 - DOCUMENTOS DE ATUALIZAÇÃO/ANO 01/3- AÇÃO CORRETIVA - CLIM - DOC - PARALIZAÇÃO VOLTA AS AULAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -150.8009ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/05 - DOCUMENTOS DE ATUALIZAÇÃO/ANO 01/3- AÇÃO CORRETIVA - CLIM - DOC - PARALIZAÇÃO VOLTA AS AULAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/AGENDA/RELATÓRIO AGENDA 2020/PLANILHA EVENTOS CCE RV04 - 2020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -239.8115ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/AGENDA/RELATÓRIO AGENDA 2020/PLANILHA EVENTOS CCE RV04 - 2020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:44 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$971 - NF 1221.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:45 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$970 - NF 298.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/JARDINAGEM/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O CARGO - JARDINEIROS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:45 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 991.376596ms 2022/01/25 16:49:45 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 15: batch had 15 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:45 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$961 - NF 31567.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:45 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$967 - NF 5580.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:45 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$955 - NF 7966.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:45 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$966 - NF 145387.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:45 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$964 - NF 201.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:45 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$959 - NF 31593022 31597179 31601989 31516759 31567693 31596075 31571086 31567600.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:45 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$956 - NF 32395350.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:45 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$968 - NF 67.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:45 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$960 - NF 414.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:45 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$963 - NF 145387.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:45 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$965 - NF 9555 9556 9557 9558.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:45 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$958 - NF 31552764 31578545 31583237 31517681 31571311 31556365 31536518 31571097.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:45 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$954 - NF 21834.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:45 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$957 - NF 71556801 71608242.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:45 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$962 - NF 21873.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:45 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 02 - 2020/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 23112020-MOD.mpp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -361ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:45 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 02 - 2020/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 23112020-MOD.mpp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:45 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 02 - 2020/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 23112020dd.mpp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -293ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:45 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 02 - 2020/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 23112020dd.mpp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:45 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$973 - NF 31817 31816.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:45 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIAÇÕES E INSPEÇÕES/00 - MAPEAMENTO JARDINS/DWG/CCE/CCE - ESTUDO DE MANCHAS PAISAGISMO_01112018.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:45 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIAÇÕES E INSPEÇÕES/00 - MAPEAMENTO JARDINS/DWG/CCE/CCE - ESTUDO DE MANCHAS PAISAGISMO_01112018.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:45 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO DE TAREFAS/24062021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -79.0363ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:45 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/02 - PROGRAMAÇÃO DE TAREFAS/24062021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS/AGENDA/RELAT\xd3RIO AGENDA 2019/3 - MAR\xc7O/PLANILHA EVENTOS CCE - MAR\xc7O - P1.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS/AGENDA/RELAT\xd3RIO AGENDA 2019/3 - MAR\xc7O/PLANILHA EVENTOS CCE - MAR\xc7O - P2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - COMODATO/2007/TR COMODATO 004-2007 - CAIXA ESCOLAR JO\xc3O XXIII.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - COMODATO/2007/TC 002-2007-Conselho Desenvolvimento Comunit\xe1rio de Bonsucesso.doc" 2022/01/25 16:49:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - COMODATO/2007/TC 003-2007-Escola Estadual Deir\xf3 Eun\xe1pio Borges (ANULADO).doc" 2022/01/25 16:49:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - COMODATO/2007/TC 006-2007-Conselho de Desenvolvimento Comunit\xe1rio de Santa Maria.doc" 2022/01/25 16:49:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - COMODATO/2007/TC 007-2007-B-Associa\xe7\xe3o Comunit\xe1ria dos Moradores dos Bairros Jardim dos Andradas e Jardim Peluzzo.doc" 2022/01/25 16:49:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - COMODATO/2007/TC 001-2007-Conselho de Desenvolvimento Comunit\xe1rio de Bonsucesso.doc" 2022/01/25 16:49:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - COMODATO/2007/TC 005-2007-Pres\xeddio-Superintend\xeancia Regional de Ensino PTM.doc" 2022/01/25 16:49:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - COMODATO/2007/TC 017-2007-Servi\xe7o de Amor ao Pr\xf3ximo.doc" 2022/01/25 16:49:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - COMODATO/2007/TC 015-2007-Centro Esp\xedrita Andr\xe9 Luiz.doc" 2022/01/25 16:49:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - COMODATO/2007/TC 007-2007-A-Associa\xe7\xe3o Comunit\xe1ria dos Moradores dos Bairros Jardim dos Andradas e Jardim Peluzzo.doc" 2022/01/25 16:49:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/RELAT\xd3RIO DE FALHA GERADOR/RELAT\xd3RIO FALHA GERADOR UNIPAM (17012021).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/RELAT\xd3RIO DE FALHA GERADOR/RELAT\xd3RIO FALHA GERADOR UNIPAM (17012021).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/LABORAT\xd3RIO DE DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/00 - PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O DE VERBA/2022/OR\xc7AMENTO" 2022/01/25 16:49:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERS\xd5ES ANTERIORES/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O - RV01 - 24012020.mpp" 2022/01/25 16:49:45 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERS\xd5ES ANTERIORES/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O - RV00 - 060819.mpp" 2022/01/25 16:49:45 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:49:45 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 2 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$968 - NF 68.docx 2022/01/25 16:49:45 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2022/ESTOQUE ELETRICA RV00 - 01012022.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 394ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:45 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/01 - PLANILHA GERENCIAL/2022/ESTOQUE ELETRICA RV00 - 01012022.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:46 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/01 - PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTAS/INVESTIMENTO COLA\xc7\xd5ES 2019-2020/Relat\xf3rio de investimento - Cola\xe7\xf5es FEPAM.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:46 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/JARDINAGEM/DESCRIÇÃO CARGO - JARDINEIROS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -106.1243ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:46 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/JARDINAGEM/DESCRIÇÃO CARGO - JARDINEIROS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:46 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$970 - NF 298.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:46 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/CAL\xc7ADAS LOTES ALTO LIMOEIRO/ORC-CAL\xc7ADAS LOTES ALTO LIMOEIRO-RV00-040920.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:46 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$974 - NF 223.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:46 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$975 - NF 9.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:46 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$976 - NF 10.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:46 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/0 - PLANO DE AÇÃO - ATUALIZAÇÃO/~$PLANO DE AÇÃO GERAL PIE FEPAM.xlsx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:46 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/PROJETO GALPÃO 20062013.dwg: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:46 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$977 - NF 62410.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:46 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/TRAÇOS DE CONCRETO.xls: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/TRAÇOS PARA CONCRETO PARA 01 SACO DE CIMENTO.doc: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/~$ANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV01-12012021.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$588 - NF 192416 67572857.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$647 - NF 11220.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/052018-01.PDF: Size and modification time the same (differ by 437.0985ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FATURA_521711944921.PDF: Size and modification time the same (differ by 61ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FATURA_521711944921.PDF: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FATURA_529511246485.PDF: Size and modification time the same (differ by 336.9991ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FATURA_529511246485.PDF: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FATURA_529511460302.PDF: Size and modification time the same (differ by 277.3462ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FATURA_529511460302.PDF: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/052018-01.PDF: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FATURA_533411006818.PDF: Size and modification time the same (differ by -350.601ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FATURA_533411006818.PDF: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/Erro sistema.png: Size and modification time the same (differ by -206.7657ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/Erro sistema.png: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/052018.PDF: Size and modification time the same (differ by 263.1991ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/052018.PDF: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FATURA_545111177863.PDF: Size and modification time the same (differ by -244.8001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FATURA_545111177863.PDF: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FATURA_549010936104.PDF: Size and modification time the same (differ by -471.8854ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FATURA_549010936104.PDF: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FATURA_549011444726.PDF: Size and modification time the same (differ by -405ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FATURA_549011444726.PDF: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FATURA_552911274120.PDF: Size and modification time the same (differ by -442.3027ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FATURA_552911274120.PDF: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_10032021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -300.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_10032021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_10042019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -401ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_10042019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_10062020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 70ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_10062020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_10072019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -115ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_10072019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_10072020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -58.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_10072020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xc3O ADMINISTRATIVA/05 - ALVAR\xc1 SANIT\xc1RIO/CCE-Alvar\xe1 Sanit\xe1rio 2020-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_11032020 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -310.8005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_11032020 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_11082021 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 317ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xc3O ADMINISTRATIVA/05 - ALVAR\xc1 SANIT\xc1RIO/CCE-Alvar\xe1 Sanit\xe1rio 2018-2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_11092019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 333ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_11092019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_11102019(CANCELADA).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 36ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_11102019(CANCELADA).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_11112021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 263ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_11112021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_11122020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 50.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_11122020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_11082021 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_12022019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -476ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_12022019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_12022020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 353ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_12022020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_12052021 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -437.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_12052021 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_12082019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -422.3003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_12082020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 259ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_12082020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_13032019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 380ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_13032019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_13042020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -215.0005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_13042020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_12072021 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -410.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_12072021 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_13052019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 313ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_13052019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_13052020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -392ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_13052020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_12082019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_13012020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -126ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_13012020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_13092021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -131.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_13092021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_14042021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 437ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_14042021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_14092020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 15ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_14092020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_14102020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -214.8007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_14102020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_15022021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 56ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_15022021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_17062019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 68ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_17062019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_17062021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -159.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_17062021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_17112020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -217.4004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_17112020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_18012021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -402.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_18102021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -164.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_18102021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_18112019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -357ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_18112019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_20122021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 438ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_20122021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_18012021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/SegundaVia012018.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -101.3329ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/SegundaVia012018.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/SegundaVia022018.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 159.9809ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/SegundaVia022018.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/SegundaVia032018-1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -194.5353ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/SegundaVia032018-1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_18112019(OUTUBRO).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 111ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/FaturaCEMIG_18112019(OUTUBRO).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/SegundaVia032018.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -258.5353ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/SegundaVia032018.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/SegundaVia042018-1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 188.1951ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/SegundaVia042018-1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/SegundaVia042018.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 10.1951ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Faturas/SegundaVia042018.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$648 - NF 4221 5767.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/04 - MICROBIOLOGICO/01 - CICLOS/CM5 - CICLO MICROBIOLÓGICO 05/LISTA AMBIENTES - CM05 - ARC - DC - RV00 - 17012022.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -144.3093ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/04 - MICROBIOLOGICO/01 - CICLOS/CM5 - CICLO MICROBIOLÓGICO 05/LISTA AMBIENTES - CM05 - ARC - DC - RV00 - 17012022.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV01 - 14122019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV00 - 07012019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV00 - 26072019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV00 - 26062019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV06 - 03072019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV05 - 12062019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV01 - 20112019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV01 - 07112019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV01 - 05112019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV00 - 04072019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV01 - 13112019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV01 - 30072020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV00 - 15102019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV00 - 20082019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV01 - 21112019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV01 - 09122019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV01 - 26112019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV01 - 08112019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$649 - NF 60173 60336.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$647 - NF 144277.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$973 - NF 31817 31816.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$649 - NF 60173.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/- CHECLIST DE REVIS\xd5ES FISPQ BL - RV08 - 11022020.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$971 - NF 1221.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 060819.mpp: Size and modification time the same (differ by 33ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 060819.mpp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV01 - 24012020.mpp: Size and modification time the same (differ by 240ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:47 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV01 - 24012020.mpp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/BLOCO ALFA/EMPRESA PRO DADOS - SALA 302/OR\xc7AMENTO" 2022/01/25 16:49:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVA\xc7\xc3O DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/PROPOSTA INSUFLAR - RENOVA\xc7\xc3O DE AR ACADEMIA E OCEANO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/01 - PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS/INVESTIMENTO COLAÇÕES 2019-2020/Relatório de investimento - Colações FEPAM.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -112.5645ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/01 - PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS/INVESTIMENTO COLAÇÕES 2019-2020/Relatório de investimento - Colações FEPAM.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/BENFEITORIAS EXTERNAS/ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O UBS GRAMADO/OR\xc7AMENTO" 2022/01/25 16:49:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/5 - RELAT\xd3RIOS INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES ELET/M\xc9DIA TENS\xc3O/4-2020 -RELAT\xd3RIO MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CORRETIVA 2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/5 - RELAT\xd3RIOS INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES ELET/M\xc9DIA TENS\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CORRETIVA" 2022/01/25 16:49:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/5 - RELAT\xd3RIOS INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES ELET/M\xc9DIA TENS\xc3O/1-2020 -RELAT\xd3RIO MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PREVENTIVA UNIPAM.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/5 - RELAT\xd3RIOS INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES ELET/M\xc9DIA TENS\xc3O/3-2020 -RELAT\xd3RIO MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CORRETIVA 1.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/5 - RELAT\xd3RIOS INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES ELET/M\xc9DIA TENS\xc3O/2-2020 - RELAT\xd3RIO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PREVENTIVA COMPLETO TCE.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTA/2020/REEMBOLSO - CURSO GRO W GEST\xc3O DO FA - GABRIELA - 10032020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:48 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTA/2020/REEMBOLSO - ALMO\xc7O - LARA - 20102020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$975 - NF 9.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$974 - NF 223.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/0 - PLANO DE AÇÃO - ATUALIZAÇÃO/~$PLANO DE AÇÃO GERAL PIE FEPAM.xlsx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:48 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$976 - NF 10.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$977 - NF 62410.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/~$ANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV01-12012021.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/05 - ALVARÁ SANITÁRIO/CCE-Alvará Sanitário 2018-2019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/05 - ALVARÁ SANITÁRIO/CCE-Alvará Sanitário 2018-2019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/05 - ALVARÁ SANITÁRIO/CCE-Alvará Sanitário 2020-2021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 283.7669ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/05 - ALVARÁ SANITÁRIO/CCE-Alvará Sanitário 2020-2021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/REFER\xcaNCIA/FORMUL\xc1RIO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/REFER\xcaNCIA/DOCUMENTOS - CERTIFICA\xc7\xc3O INICIAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/REFER\xcaNCIA/COMPROVANTE DE INSCRI\xc7\xc3O - IBAMA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$647 - NF 11220.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 04072019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -267.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 04072019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 07012019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 196.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 07012019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 15102019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 122.4869ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 15102019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 20082019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 468.4ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 20082019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 26062019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 4.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 26062019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 26072019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -108.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 26072019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 05112019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -135.1091ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 05112019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 07112019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 458.446ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 07112019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 09122019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -418.8897ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 13112019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -81.2002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 20112019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -446.3532ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 20112019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 21112019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -206.8458ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 21112019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 26112019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 173.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 26112019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTA\xc7\xc3O PMOC/02 - PLANOS DE A\xc7\xc3O/~$ANO DE A\xc7\xc3O - OBRIGA\xc7\xc3O REQUISITOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 30072020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 10.1999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 30072020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTA\xc7\xc3O PMOC/02 - PLANOS DE A\xc7\xc3O/PLANO DE A\xc7\xc3O - OBRIGA\xc7\xc3O REQUISITOS - RV00 - 19062019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV05 - 12062019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -307.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV05 - 12062019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV06 - 03072019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 143.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV06 - 03072019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 09122019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTA\xc7\xc3O PMOC/02 - PLANOS DE A\xc7\xc3O/PLANO DE A\xc7\xc3O - OBRIGA\xc7\xc3O REQUISITOS - RV00 - 19062019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 13112019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 14122019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 415.3774ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 14122019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 08112019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 140.7994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV01 - 08112019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$588 - NF 192416 67572857.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/TRAÇOS DE CONCRETO.xls: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/TRAÇOS PARA CONCRETO PARA 01 SACO DE CIMENTO.doc: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$649 - NF 60173 60336.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/- CAPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -222.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/- CAPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/- CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ BL - RV08 - 11022020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -135.2647ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/CLORO GRANULADO HTH.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 395.4115ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/- CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ BL - RV08 - 11022020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/ELEVADOR DE PH E ALCALINIDADE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -205.0338ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/ELEVADOR DE PH E ALCALINIDADE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/LIMPA BORDA HTH.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 308.5646ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/LIMPA PEDRAS MIX PLUS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -450.4033ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/CLORO GRANULADO HTH.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/REMOVEDOR ROYAL.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -379.5822ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/REMOVEDOR ROYAL.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/IMPERMEABILIZANTE ROYAL.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -268.2352ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/IMPERMEABILIZANTE ROYAL.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/LIMPA BORDA HTH.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/CERA POLITRIZ.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -90.6528ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/CERA POLITRIZ.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/DECANTADOR CLARIFICA MAXFLOC.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 336.0977ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/DECANTADOR CLARIFICA MAXFLOC.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/- PARA QUE SERVE A FISPQ.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 412.1163ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/- PARA QUE SERVE A FISPQ.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/LIMPA PEDRAS MIX PLUS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/REDUTOR DE PH HTH.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -69.6683ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/REDUTOR DE PH HTH.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/SELADOR CARE PLUS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -50.2359ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/SELADOR CARE PLUS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO LEVANTAMENTOS TOPOGRAFICOS/ADICER/ADCER/FOTOS ADCER/Thumbs.db: Excluded 2022/01/25 16:49:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/CARTILHA/Obriga\xe7\xf5es fiscais na comercializa\xe7\xe3o de energia el\xe9trica -12.07.2018 (3....pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/11 - CHAVES/CONTROLE N\xba CHAVES - RV01 - 27112021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/11 - CHAVES/CONTROLE N\xba CHAVES - RV00.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/11 - CHAVES/~$CONTROLE N\xba CHAVES - RV01 - 27112021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- HABITE-SE/CCE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -240.9552ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- HABITE-SE/CCE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- HABITE-SE/CCV.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 114.3025ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- HABITE-SE/CCV.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- HABITE-SE/CETRAS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 426.9791ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- HABITE-SE/CETRAS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$648 - NF 4221 5767.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/PROJETO GALPÃO 20062013.dwg: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$647 - NF 144277.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 1.914813423s 2022/01/25 16:49:49 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 2: batch had 2 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:49 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$968 - NF 68.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:49 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$969 - NF 67.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/CONTRATO/CCO - CCER FEPAM.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -12.8495ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/CONTRATO/CCO - CCER FEPAM.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/CONTRATO/CCO-CUSD_Verde FEPAM.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -195.8495ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:49 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/CONTRATO/CCO-CUSD_Verde FEPAM.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2021/15-07-2021 - RRT - EXECU\xc7\xc3O DE REFORMA MORFOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2021/25-06-2021 - RRT - CAU (SANTA CASA DE MISERIC\xd3RDIA - CCU)" 2022/01/25 16:49:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2021/07-02-2020 - ART - CREA 2021 (REVIS\xc3O ERRADA)" 2022/01/25 16:49:49 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2021/24-06-2021 - ANUIDADE RRT - CAU (SANTA CASA DE MISERIC\xd3RDIA - CCU)" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/ACADEMIA.7z: Size and modification time the same (differ by -182.2006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/ACADEMIA.7z: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/OCEANO.7z: Size and modification time the same (differ by -257.2006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/OCEANO.7z: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/PROPOSTA INSUFLAR - RENOVAÇÃO DE AR ACADEMIA E OCEANO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -374.4002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/PROPOSTA INSUFLAR - RENOVAÇÃO DE AR ACADEMIA E OCEANO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/01 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO M/BACKUP/- CHECLIST DE REVIS\xd5ES FISPQ BM - RV00 - 21112019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2021 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2021 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2021 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/04 - CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xd5ES DE ENTREGAS/- CONCLU\xcdDOS/RC10 - FEPAM - SABONETE L\xcdQUIDO/MEDI\xc7\xd5ES - RC10 - FEPAM.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVAR\xc1\x81 DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCV FEPAM-Alvar\xe1 2020 Validade 30042021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVAR\xc1\x81 DE FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM-Alvar\xe1 Matriz 2020 Validade 30042021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVAR\xc1\x81 DE FUNCIONAMENTO/SUPERPOLO PARACATU-Alvar\xe1 2019 validade 02022020 - VENCIDO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVAR\xc1\x81 DE FUNCIONAMENTO/LAB MAT ENG FEPAM-Alvar\xe1 2020 Validade 30042021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVAR\xc1\x81 DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCO FEPAM-Alvar\xe1 2020 Validade 30102020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVAR\xc1\x81 DE FUNCIONAMENTO/FARM\xc1CIA FEPAM-Alvar\xe1 2020 Validade 30042021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVAR\xc1\x81 DE FUNCIONAMENTO/ALVAR\xc1S 2019-2020" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVAR\xc1\x81 DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCE FEPAM-Alvar\xe1 2020 Validade 30042021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$649 - NF 60173.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2020/REEMBOLSO - ALMOÇO - LARA - 20102020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 383.4981ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2020/REEMBOLSO - CREA-ART - VITHOR LUCAS - 12022020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -70ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2020/REEMBOLSO - CREA-ART - VITHOR LUCAS - 12022020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2020/REEMBOLSO - ALMOÇO - LARA - 20102020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2020/REEMBOLSO - CURSO GRO W GESTÃO DO FA - GABRIELA - 10032020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 333.6136ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2020/REEMBOLSO - CURSO GRO W GESTÃO DO FA - GABRIELA - 10032020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2020/REEMBOLSO - TREINAMENTO - GABRIELA - 07012020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 303.9164ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2020/REEMBOLSO - TREINAMENTO - GABRIELA - 07012020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PREDIAL/PROJETOS/LOCA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTRAIS DE G\xc1S GLP" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PREDIAL/PROJETOS/PLANTA GERAL INSPE\xc7\xc3O EXTERNA - COBERTURAS - 310519.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PREDIAL/PROJETOS/PLANTA GERAL INSPE\xc7\xc3O EXTERNA - ALAMBRADOS - 310519.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PREDIAL/PROJETOS/PLANTA GERAL INSPE\xc7\xc3O PISO EXTERNO - 130319.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PREDIAL/PROJETOS/PLANTA GERAL INSPE\xc7\xc3O EXTERNA - FACHADAS - 180219.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 3 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$970 - NF 298.docx 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$974 - NF 223.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$975 - NF 9.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$977 - NF 62410.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/REFERÊNCIA/COMPROVANTE DE INSCRIÇÃO - IBAMA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -271.6501ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/REFERÊNCIA/COMPROVANTE DE INSCRIÇÃO - IBAMA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/REFERÊNCIA/COMPROVANTE DE PAGAMENTO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/REFERÊNCIA/COMPROVANTE DE PAGAMENTO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/REFERÊNCIA/DOCUMENTOS - CERTIFICAÇÃO INICIAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -140.4893ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/REFERÊNCIA/DOCUMENTOS - CERTIFICAÇÃO INICIAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/REFERÊNCIA/FORMULÁRIO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 467.293ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/REFERÊNCIA/FORMULÁRIO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/REFERÊNCIA/NOTA FISCAL - MOTOSSERRA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/REFERÊNCIA/NOTA FISCAL - MOTOSSERRA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/REFERÊNCIA/unipam (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -185.4826ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/REFERÊNCIA/unipam (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/REFERÊNCIA/UNIPAM 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -4.415ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/02 - EQUIPAMENTOS/LICENCIAMENTO DE EQUIPAMENTOS/REFERÊNCIA/UNIPAM 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/4 - EL‛C9TRICA/1 - PRONTU‛C1RIO DE INSTALA‛C7‛D5ES EL‛C9TRICAS/0 - PLANO DE A‛C7‛C3O - ATUALIZA‛C7‛C3O/~$PLANO DE A‛C7‛C3O GERAL PIE FEPAM.xlsx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/3 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O INC\xcaNDIO (projetos)/Ficha de preenchimento de informa\xe7\xf5es do motivo da n\xe3o execu\xe7\xe3o do checklist.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$976 - NF 10.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA‛C7‛C3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN‛C7‛C3O OPERA‛C7‛C3O E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTEN‛C7‛C3O, OPERA‛C7‛C3O E CONTROLE/~$ANO DE MANUTEN‛C7‛C3O OPERA‛C7‛C3O E CONTROLE -RV01-12012021.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTAÇÃO PMOC/02 - PLANOS DE AÇÃO/PLANO DE AÇÃO - OBRIGAÇÃO REQUISITOS - RV00 - 19062019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 430.2871ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTAÇÃO PMOC/02 - PLANOS DE AÇÃO/PLANO DE AÇÃO - OBRIGAÇÃO REQUISITOS - RV00 - 19062019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTAÇÃO PMOC/02 - PLANOS DE AÇÃO/PLANO DE AÇÃO - OBRIGAÇÃO REQUISITOS - RV00 - 19062019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 213.5035ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTAÇÃO PMOC/02 - PLANOS DE AÇÃO/PLANO DE AÇÃO - OBRIGAÇÃO REQUISITOS - RV00 - 19062019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:50 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANITÁRIOS/PROJETO DE REAPROVEITAMENTO AGUAS PLUVIAIS/RV00/Concepção Inicial/Thumbs.db: Excluded 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTO OBRA/Invent\xe1rio - RV-00" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTO OBRA/Invent\xe1rio - RV-01" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTO OBRA/xxxTERMO EMPR\xc9STIMO EQUIPAMENTOS OBRA" 2022/01/25 16:49:50 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTO OBRA/DECLARA\xc7\xc3O DE DESCARTE" 2022/01/25 16:49:51 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$647 - NF 11220.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:51 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$588 - NF 192416 67572857.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:51 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/11 - CHAVES/CONTROLE Nº CHAVES - RV00.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -39.6937ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:51 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/11 - CHAVES/CONTROLE Nº CHAVES - RV00.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:51 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/11 - CHAVES/CONTROLE Nº CHAVES - RV01 - 27112021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -410.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:51 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/11 - CHAVES/CONTROLE Nº CHAVES - RV01 - 27112021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:51 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$649 - NF 60173 60336.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:51 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/TRA‛C7OS PARA CONCRETO PARA 01 SACO DE CIMENTO.doc" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:51 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/TRA‛C7OS DE CONCRETO.xls" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:51 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$648 - NF 4221 5767.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:51 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$647 - NF 144277.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/4- FATURAS CEMIG/TE/2020/0320mar\xe7oFATURA_3013094983_032020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:51 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/PROJETO GALPÃO 20062013.dwg" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CAPAS/- FOLHA PADR\xc3O - LARE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CAPAS/CAPAS ORDEM DE SERVI\xc7O" 2022/01/25 16:49:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CAPAS/CAPAS OR\xc7AMENTO" 2022/01/25 16:49:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CAPAS/CAPAS CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CAPAS/CAPAS INSPE\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CAPAS/- CAPAS E ETIQUETAS PASTAS A-Z E FICH\xc1RIO" 2022/01/25 16:49:51 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CAPAS/CAPAS PATRIM\xd4NIO" 2022/01/25 16:49:51 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$650 - NF 24464 4644.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCE FEPAM-Alvará 2020 Validade 30042021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCE FEPAM-Alvará 2020 Validade 30042021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCO FEPAM-Alvará 2020 Validade 30102020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCO FEPAM-Alvará 2020 Validade 30102020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCV FEPAM-Alvará 2020 Validade 30042021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/CCV FEPAM-Alvará 2020 Validade 30042021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/FARMÁCIA FEPAM-Alvará 2020 Validade 30042021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/FARMÁCIA FEPAM-Alvará 2020 Validade 30042021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM-Alvará Matriz 2020 Validade 30042021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/FEPAM-Alvará Matriz 2020 Validade 30042021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/LAB MAT ENG FEPAM-Alvará 2020 Validade 30042021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/LAB MAT ENG FEPAM-Alvará 2020 Validade 30042021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/SUPERPOLO PARACATU-Alvará 2019 validade 02022020 - VENCIDO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 21.9095ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/SUPERPOLO PARACATU-Alvará 2019 validade 02022020 - VENCIDO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$651 - NF 24456 4641.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO PREDIAL/PROJETOS/PLANTA GERAL INSPEÇÃO EXTERNA - ALAMBRADOS - 310519.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO PREDIAL/PROJETOS/PLANTA GERAL INSPEÇÃO EXTERNA - ALAMBRADOS - 310519.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO PREDIAL/PROJETOS/PLANTA GERAL INSPEÇÃO EXTERNA - COBERTURAS - 310519.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO PREDIAL/PROJETOS/PLANTA GERAL INSPEÇÃO EXTERNA - COBERTURAS - 310519.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO PREDIAL/PROJETOS/PLANTA GERAL INSPEÇÃO EXTERNA - FACHADAS - 180219.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO PREDIAL/PROJETOS/PLANTA GERAL INSPEÇÃO EXTERNA - FACHADAS - 180219.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO PREDIAL/PROJETOS/PLANTA GERAL INSPEÇÃO PISO EXTERNO - 130319.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO PREDIAL/PROJETOS/PLANTA GERAL INSPEÇÃO PISO EXTERNO - 130319.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO PREDIAL/PROJETOS/PLANTA GERAL PISOS EXTERNOS - 150219.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 290ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO PREDIAL/PROJETOS/PLANTA GERAL PISOS EXTERNOS - 150219.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/09 - APRESENTA\xc7\xd5ES/04 - EMPRESA - OFICINA5/APRESENTA\xc7\xc3O OFICINA 5.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/09 - APRESENTA\xc7\xd5ES/04 - EMPRESA - OFICINA5/APRESENTA\xc7\xc3O OFICINA5.pptx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/xxxMANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PLATAFORMA ELEVATORIA/ART's/ART MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/PATREL003.1 - MAPA RESUMO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O E CORRE\xc7\xc3O - 2\xba SEMESTRE 2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/DESENVOLVIMENTO/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV00 - 20072021.xlsm" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/DESENVOLVIMENTO/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - ARC - DC - RV00 - 23112020.xlsm" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/3 - MANUTENÇÃO INCÊNDIO (projetos)/Ficha de preenchimento de informações do motivo da não execução do checklist.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -340.8062ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/3 - MANUTENÇÃO INCÊNDIO (projetos)/Ficha de preenchimento de informações do motivo da não execução do checklist.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAISRELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS/FB014 - RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - 1\xba SEMESTRE 2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/2 - RELAT\xd3RIO SPDA/RELAT\xd3RIO TRIANUAL/CCO/2020 - RELAT\xd3RIO TRIANUAL SPDA CCO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/2 - RELAT\xd3RIO SPDA/RELAT\xd3RIO SEMESTRAIS/CCV/2020 - RELAT\xd3RIO TRIANUAL SPDA CCV.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/3 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE FEVEREIRO 1 QUINZENA" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/1 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 1 QUINZENA" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/2 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 2 QUINZENA" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO EQUIPAMENTOS/MANUTENÇÃO EQUIPAMENTO OBRA/da manut equip obra.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -189.7002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO EQUIPAMENTOS/MANUTENÇÃO EQUIPAMENTO OBRA/da manut equip obra.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO EQUIPAMENTOS/MANUTENÇÃO EQUIPAMENTO OBRA/DA_860_98_51_controle_execucao_da_manutencao_equipamentos_infraestrutura.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 489.8913ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO EQUIPAMENTOS/MANUTENÇÃO EQUIPAMENTO OBRA/DA_860_98_51_controle_execucao_da_manutencao_equipamentos_infraestrutura.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/FECHAMENTO ANUAL 2019/CONTROLE DE FATURAS RESULTADOS.xls: Size and modification time the same (differ by -328.7284ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/FECHAMENTO ANUAL 2019/CONTROLE DE FATURAS RESULTADOS.xls: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/FECHAMENTO ANUAL 2019/Planilha Fechamento Eletrica e Telefonia.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -286.8004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/FECHAMENTO ANUAL 2019/Planilha Fechamento Eletrica e Telefonia.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$649 - NF 60173.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/02 - ANALISE DE RISCOS AMBIENTAIS/LARE/LARE - SESMT.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 241.0815ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/02 - ANALISE DE RISCOS AMBIENTAIS/LARE/LARE - SESMT.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/09 - HOSPITAL REGIONAL - HRAD/02 - HRAD - PRONTO SOCORRO/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/LAYOUT/2201ALFA - POLO TECNOL\xd3GICO/03 - PROJETO B\xc1SICO" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CAPAS/- FOLHA PADRÃO - LARE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -359.4112ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CAPAS/- FOLHA PADRÃO - LARE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CAPAS/CAPA_BRIGADA_EMERGENCIA_FEPAM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -446.3416ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CAPAS/CAPA_BRIGADA_EMERGENCIA_FEPAM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CAPAS/Pasta1.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 284.5791ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CAPAS/Pasta1.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CAPAS/TUTORIAL LARE.pptx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -6.622ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:52 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CAPAS/TUTORIAL LARE.pptx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC115 - CETAS -MATERIAIS EL\xc9TRICOS FALTANTES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC174 - CETAS - VIGIL\xc2NCIA ARM\xc1RIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC105 - CETAS - VERGALH\xc3O A\xc7O ESTRUTURAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC38 - CETAS - ITENS PARA CAF\xc9 DA AMANH\xc3.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC162 - CETAS - RALO ESCAMOTE\xc1VEL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC172 - CETAS - MATERIAIS EL\xc9TRICOS PARA TOMADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC78 - CETAS - HIDR\xc1ULICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RCXX - CETAS - SERVI\xc7O DE SERRALHERIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC147 - CETAS - SERVI\xc7O DE SERRALHERIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/COMPRAS RC84 MANTA IMPERMEABILIZA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC53 - CETAS - IMPERMEABILIZA\xc7\xc3O DE VIGAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC84 - CETAS - MANTA IMPERMEABILIZA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC112 - CETAS - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE G\xc1S.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC151 - CETAS - PORT\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/PEDIDOS DE ALTERA\xc7\xc3O DE ORDEM DE COMPRA" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RCXX - CETAS - PE\xc7AS HIDRAULICAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC101 - CETAS - PE\xc7AS HIDROSSANITARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC82 - CETAS - SERVI\xc7OS PNEU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC110 - CETAS -MATERIAIS EL\xc9TRICOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC141 - CETAS - MATERIAIS EL\xc9TRICOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC148 - CETAS - KIT PARA FIXA\xc7\xc3O TANQUES COM COLUNA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$175 - CETAS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE JARDINAGEM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC169 - CETAS - R\xc9GUAS DE MADEIRA (ERRATA).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC145 - CETAS - MALHA DE A\xc7O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC32 - CETAS - ITENS PARA CAF\xc9 DA MANH\xc3.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O CETAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/SOLICITA\xc7\xc3O DE ADITIVOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/A\xc7O PARA ESCADAS HIDRAULICAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC97 - CETAS - CAF\xc9, A\xc7UCAR E MARGARINA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC75 - CETAS - MATERIAL EL\xc9TRICO.2 - (CANCELADO).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC120 - CETAS - M\xc1QUINAS PARA ESCAVA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC67 - CETAS - CANTONEIRAS EM A\xc7O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC131 - CETAS - REVESTIMENTO CER\xc2MICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC112 - CETAS - INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE G\xc1S.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC39 - CETAS - MAT HIDRAULICO PROVIS\xd3RIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC57 - CETAS - CONTRATO CAMINH\xc3O E RETROESCAVADEIRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC89 - CETAS - MATERIAL EL\xc9TRICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC62 - CETAS - ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O DE EMERG\xcaNCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC132 - CETAS - VERGALH\xc3O DE A\xc7O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC103 - CETAS - MATERIAIS DE REPOSI\xc7\xc3O DE ESTOQUE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC152 - CETAS - VERGALH\xc3O 6,3MM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC14 - CETAS - CA\xc7AMBAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC155 - CETAS - M\xc1QUINAS PARA TRANSPORTE DE MATERIAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC11 - CETAS - COBOGÓ“ CER\xc2MICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC54 - CETAS - MANTIMENTOS PARA CAF\xc9 DA TARDE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/LC23 - CETAS - MAT HIDRAULICO \xc1GUA FRIA E ESGOTO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC04 - CETAS - TOPOGRAFIA LOCA\xc7\xc3O TERRAPLANAGEM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC158 - CETAS - PORT\xc3O PARA CENTRAL DE G\xc1S.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC79 - CETAS - ESCORAS MET\xc1LICAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC56 - CETAS - LIMPEZA PARA EXECU\xc7\xc3O DE MURO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC153 - CETAS - REVESTIMENTO CER\xc2MICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC173 - CETAS - MATERIAIS EL\xc9TRICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC75 - CETAS - MATERIAL EL\xc9TRICO.4.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC28 - CETAS - DOBRADI\xc7AS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC170 - CETAS - VEDA\xc7\xc3O PORTAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC171 - CETAS - ADAPTA\xc7\xc3O TRINCOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RCxx - CETAS - PE\xc7AS HIDROSSANITARIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC66 - CETAS - ACESS\xd3RIOS PARA TELHADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC129 - CETAS - P\xc3ES DE SAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC90 - CETAS - CAIXAS D'\xc1GUA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC74 - CETAS - PISO T\xc1TIL - CANCELADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC75 - CETAS - MATERIAL EL\xc9TRICO.1 - (CANCELADO).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC130 - CETAS -MATERIAIS EL\xc9TRICOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC135 - CETAS - MAT. HIDRAULICO LIGA\xc7\xc3O CAIXA D'\xc1GUA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC159 - CETAS - MOTOR PARA PORT\xc3O EL\xc9TRICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC158 - CETAS - PORT\xc3O PARA CENTRAL DE G\xc1S.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC111 - CETAS -MATERIAIS EL\xc9TRICOS ILUM EXTERNA (agrupada na RC110).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC76 - CETAS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O BEBEDOURO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC60 - CETAS - P\xc3O PARA CAF\xc9.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RCXX - CETAS - MAT HIDRAULICO PARA OBRA - \xc1GUA FRIA E QUENTE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC116 - CETAS - PISO PARA RODAP\xc9.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC134 - CETAS - RETROESCAVADEIRA E CA\xc7AMBA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC98 - CETAS - P\xc3ES DE SAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC117 - CETAS -MATERIAIS EL\xc9TRICOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC100 - CETAS - MAT HIDRAULICO INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC80 - CETAS - alimenta\xe7\xe3o.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC163 - CETAS - SIF\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC144 - CETAS - SERVI\xc7O MUNK.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC75 - CETAS - MATERIAL EL\xc9TRICO - CANCELADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC75 - CETAS - MATERIAL EL\xc9TRICO.3 - (CANCELADO).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:52 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE AQUISI\xc7\xc3O BENS PATRIMONIAIS/FB012 - RELAT\xd3RIO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - CONT\xc1BIL.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/UNIPAM/EIV.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 272.610088ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/UNIPAM/EIV.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/UNIPAM/RIV.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -43.7136ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/UNIPAM/RIV.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$650 - NF 24464 4644.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 855.527131ms 2022/01/25 16:49:53 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 3: batch had 3 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:53 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$970 - NF 298.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:53 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$973 - NF 31817 31816.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:53 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$971 - NF 1221.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/DESENVOLVIMENTO/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 20072021.xlsm: Size and modification time the same (differ by 347.7996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/DESENVOLVIMENTO/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 20072021.xlsm: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/DESENVOLVIMENTO/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 23112020.xlsm: Size and modification time the same (differ by -451.0815ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/DESENVOLVIMENTO/BACKUP/PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO - ARC - DC - RV00 - 23112020.xlsm: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/03 - MATERIAL OBRA CCO-CCU/2020/SA\xcdDA" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/DESENVOLVIMENTO/BACKUP/PMOC - ARQ - DC - RV00 - 23112020.xlsm: Size and modification time the same (differ by -68.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/02 - MATERIAL - PLANILHA DADOS/ANO 02/DESENVOLVIMENTO/BACKUP/PMOC - ARQ - DC - RV00 - 23112020.xlsm: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/1 - MANUTENÇÃO GRUPO GERADOR/1 - CONTRATOS/CONTRATO LDF 2021 (CCV CCO CCE).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -349.1597ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/1 - MANUTENÇÃO GRUPO GERADOR/1 - CONTRATOS/CONTRATO LDF 2021 (CCV CCO CCE).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/1 - MANUTENÇÃO GRUPO GERADOR/1 - CONTRATOS/CONTRATO LDF 2021 (UNIPAM).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/1 - MANUTENÇÃO GRUPO GERADOR/1 - CONTRATOS/CONTRATO LDF 2021 (UNIPAM).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/OCUPA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/02 - NOTAS FISCAIS AT\xcdPICAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/04 - CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xd5ES DE ENTREGAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/00 - BALAN\xc7OS" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROJETOS/ORGANOGRAMA DE PROCESSOS DE OBRAS E ADEQUA\xc7\xd5ES-Layout1.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROJETOS/ORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O PASTAS DE PROJETO.pptx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROJETOS/ORGANOGRAMA DE PROCESSOS DE OBRAS E ADEQUA\xc7\xd5ES.bak" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROJETOS/ORGANOGRAMA DE PROCESSOS DE OBRAS E ADEQUA\xc7\xd5ES.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCV/plot.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -494.53187ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCV/UNIFILAR CCV - ELE - RV00.bak: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCV/UNIFILAR CCV.bak: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCV/UNIFILAR CCV.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCV/UNIFILAR CCV.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCV/UNIFILAR CCV - ELE - RV00.bak: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCV/UNIFILAR CCV.bak: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCV/UNIFILAR CCV - ELE - RV00.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCV/UNIFILAR CCV - ELE - RV00.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCV/UNIFILAR CCV - ELE - RV00.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 172.144041ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCV/UNIFILAR CCV - ELE - RV00.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/1 - UNIFILARES/UNIFILAR CCV/plot.log: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCE/PROJETO DE SPDA CCE 0103-31122019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 38.5407ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCE/PROJETO DE SPDA CCE 0103-31122019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCE/PROJETO DE SPDA CCE 0203-31122019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 267.2724ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCE/PROJETO DE SPDA CCE 0203-31122019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCE/PROJETO DE SPDA CCE 0303-31122019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 310.4794ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCE/PROJETO DE SPDA CCE 0303-31122019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC COORDENADORIA VIGIL\xc2NCIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC LAB. BIOT\xc9CNOLOGIA SALA MIX.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC LAB. QU\xcdMICA CENTRAL ANALITICA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/- ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/02 - AUDIO VIDEO/Treinamento audio e video.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/- ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/02 - AUDIO VIDEO/Treinamento audio e video.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/NR 06 - EPI'S EQUIPAMENTO DE PROTE\xc7\xc3O INDIVIDUAL" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/NR 01 - DISPOSI\xc7\xd5ES GERAIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/NR 04 - SESMT SERVI\xc7OS ESPECIALIZADO EM ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A E EM MEDICINA DO TRABALHO" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/NR 10 - SEGURAN\xc7A EM INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES E SERVI\xc7OS EM ELETRICIDADE" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/NR 33 - SEGURAN\xc7A E SA\xdaDE NOS TRABALHOS EM ESPA\xc7OS CONFINADOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/05 - PRESTADORES SERVI\xc7OS" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/NR 23 - PROTE\xc7\xc3O CONTRA INC\xcaNDIOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/NR 15 - ATIVIDADES E OPERA\xc7\xd5ES INSALUBRES E PERIGOSAS" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/NR 11 - TRANSPORTE, MOVIMENTA\xc7\xc3O, ARMAZENAGEM E MANUSEIO DE MATERIAIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/NR 18 - CONDI\xc7\xd5ES E MEIO AMBIENTE DE TRABALHO NA IND\xdaSTRIA DA CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/NR 13 - CALDEIRAS E VASOS DE PRESS\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/NR 12 - SEGURAN\xc7A NO TRABALHO EM M\xc1QUINAS E EQUIPAMENTOS" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/NR 20 - SEGURAN\xc7A E SA\xdaDE NO TRABALHO COM INFLAM\xc1VEIS E COMBUST\xcdVEIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/NR 05 - CIPA COMISS\xc3O INTERNA DE PREVEN\xc7\xc3O DE ACIDENTES" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/NR 31 - SEGURAN\xc7A E SA\xdaDE NO TRABALHO NA AGRICULTURA, PECU\xc1RIA SILVICULTURA, EXPLORA\xc7\xc3O FLORESTAL E AQUICULTURA" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/NR 09 - PPRA PROGRAMA DE PREVEN\xc7\xc3O DE RISCOS AMBIENTAIS" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/- PRESTADORES SERVI\xc7OS" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/00 - INSPE\xc7\xd5ES DE SEGURAN\xc7A" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/NR 26 - SINALIZA\xc7\xc3O DE SEGURAN\xc7A" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/02 - ENGENHARIA DE SEGURAN\xc7A/- INSPE\xc7\xd5ES DE SEGURAN\xc7A" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL/02 - FEVEREIRO 2019/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL - FEVEREIRO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL/02 - FEVEREIRO 2019/RESUMO - RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL - FEVEREIRO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$651 - NF 24456 4641.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALA\xc7Õ•ES/MEMORIAL PREFEITURA 2015 - ALVAR\xc1" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALA\xc7Õ•ES/RESUMO DE \xc1REAS 02082015.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALA\xc7Õ•ES/INSTALA\xc7Õ•ES HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/CONTRATO/CONTRATO ASS. UNIPAM DDG 0800.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -422.4012ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/CONTRATO/CONTRATO ASS. UNIPAM DDG 0800.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/CONTRATO/CONTRATO ASS. UNIPAM DDR 60 CANAIS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 125.5988ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/CONTRATO/CONTRATO ASS. UNIPAM DDR 60 CANAIS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/03 - CCE - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O E MELHORIAS/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/01 - CCE - MATERIAL B\xc1SICO PARA ALAMBRADO (CANCELADA).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/CONTRATO/CONTRATO VIVO DDR-UNIPAM senha 23354.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 101.5998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/CONTRATO/CONTRATO VIVO DDR-UNIPAM senha 23354.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/CONTRATO/CONTRATO VIVO 0800-UNIPAM.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -204.0009ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/ALTERAÇÃO DE OPERADORA UNIPAM/CONTRATO/CONTRATO VIVO 0800-UNIPAM.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/03 - CCE - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O E MELHORIAS/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/23 - CCE - ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O CAMISA MET\xc1LICA PO\xc7O ARTESIANO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/03 - CCE - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O E MELHORIAS/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/16 - CCE - MAT HIDRAULICO IRRIGA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/03 - CCE - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O E MELHORIAS/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/14 - CANCELADA - CCE - RETIRADA E RECUPERA\xc7\xc3O DE BOMBA DE PO\xc7O ARTESIANO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/03 - CCE - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O E MELHORIAS/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/21- CCE - SERRALHERIA FABRICA\xc7\xc3O DE CERCADO PARA PO\xc7O 02.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/03 - CCE - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O E MELHORIAS/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/21 - CCE - SERRALHERIA PO\xc7O ARTESIANO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/03 - CCE - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O E MELHORIAS/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/02 - CCE - SERVI\xc7O DE TERRAPLANAGEM PARA ALAMBRADO (CANCELADA).docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/03 - CCE - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O E MELHORIAS/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/22 - CCE - HORIMETRO PO\xc7O ARTESIANO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/03 - CCE - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O E MELHORIAS/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/20 - CCE - MAT HIDRAULICO PO\xc7O ARTESIANO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO CESS\xc3O CCE - PESSOA F\xcdSICA - RV05.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/DISTRATO CCE - PESSOA F\xcdSICA - RV01.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO CESS\xc3O CCE - PESSOA JUR\xcdDICA - RV05.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/DISTRATO CCE - PESSOA JUR\xcdDICA - RV01.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 15 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$974 - NF 223.docx 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/2019 - 1º SEMESTRE/RELATÓRIO DE AQUISIÇÃO BENS PATRIMONIAIS/FB012 - RELATÓRIO DA AQUISIÇÃO DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - CONTÁBIL.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 49.3702ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/2019 - 1º SEMESTRE/RELATÓRIO DE AQUISIÇÃO BENS PATRIMONIAIS/FB012 - RELATÓRIO DA AQUISIÇÃO DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - CONTÁBIL.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC27 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC24 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC26 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - LARE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC23 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC32 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E SUPRIMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC09 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC13 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC37 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - BOMBA PO\xc7O ARTESIANO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC38 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - TOTEM - CANCELADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC25 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - LARE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC03 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - SESMT.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC06 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC05 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC22 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC34 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC31 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC10 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC18 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC01 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - REGISTRO E CONTROLE DE PESSOAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC04 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC17 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC20 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC07 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC19 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC29 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC12 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - SESMT.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC11 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC28 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC35 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E SUPRIMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC36 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - VIGIL\xc2NCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC14 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC08 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC33 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - SEGURAN\xc7A PATRIMONIAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC21 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC15 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC16 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/02 - MEMORANDOS/MC30 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - OBRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/06 - 31122021/F_98_11_controle_de_inventario_R1.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -183.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/06 - 31122021/F_98_11_controle_de_inventario_R1.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/06 - 31122021/Inventario limpeza.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -289.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/00 - BALANÇOS/06 - 31122021/Inventario limpeza.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:53 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/LAYOUT/1301ALFA - PROJETO IEP - INCUBADORA DE EMPRESAS/IEP/Imagens/Galpão-Situação Atual/Thumbs.db: Excluded 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/06 - CCV - COMPOSTEIRA/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/PEDIDO DE ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O DE ORDEM/RC61 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS - CCE - FITAS SILVER TAPE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/reisao agosto 2018/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO CESS\xc3O CCE - PESSOA JUR\xcdDICA - RV06.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/reisao agosto 2018/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO CESS\xc3O CCE - PESSOA F\xcdSICA - RV06.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2018/EXTERNO/001-18 ADRIANE GON\xc7ALVES" 2022/01/25 16:49:53 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2018/EXTERNO/002-18 L\xdaCIA QUEIROZ" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/05 - CCV - OI SPDA/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC01 - CCV - OI SPDA - VIGIL\xc2NCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$653 - NF 102831.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/04 - CONTROLE SUPRIMENTOS/- MEDI\xc7\xd5ES/MEDI\xc7\xd5ES - LICITA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/04 - CONTROLE SUPRIMENTOS/- MEDI\xc7\xd5ES/MEDI\xc7\xd5ES - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/01 - JANEIRO 2019/FB013 - RELAT\xd3RIO RESUMO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - CONT\xc1BIL - JANEIRO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/01 - JANEIRO 2019/FB014 - RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - CONT\xc1BIL - JANEIRO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/01 - JANEIRO 2019/PATREL003.1 - MAPA RESUMO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O E CORRE\xc7\xc3O - JANEIRO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/01 - JANEIRO 2019/FB012 - RELAT\xd3RIO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - CONT\xc1BIL - JANEIRO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC31 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - BASE CAIXA D'AGUA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC09 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - ACESS\xd3RIO BANHEIROS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC02 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - BANCADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC40 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - MAT DE PINTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC30 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - CAIXA D'AGUA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC28 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - CALHA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC14 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - PEDRAS JANELAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC05 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - JANELAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC37 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - BRITA 0.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC34 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - CIMENTO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC19 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - TELA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$27 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - MAT TELHADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC20 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - CONCRETO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC18 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - A\xc7O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC29 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - MATERIAL HIDROSANIT\xc1RIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC03 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - M\xd3VEIS PLANEJADOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$41 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - MOBILI\xc1RIO GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/~$08 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - MOBILI\xc1RIO GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC06 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - MATERIAL B\xc1SICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC22 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - ESCAVA\xc7\xc3O DE ESTACAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC24 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - MATERIAL HIDR\xc1ULICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC12 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1RIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC21 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - LAJE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC04 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - PORTAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC17 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - CONTAINER.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC26 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - GESSO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC08 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - MOBILI\xc1RIO GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC07 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - CUBA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC10 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - MATERIAL HIDROSANIT\xc1RIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC16 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - MATERIAL B\xc1SICO COBERTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC39 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - REJUNTE CINZA PLATINA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC15 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - IMPERMEABILIZA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC27 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - MAT TELHADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC25 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - CANTONEIRAS BANCADAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC28 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - CALHA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC35 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - ARGAMASSA AC-I.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC38 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - CIMENTO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC13 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - TELAS MOSQUETEIRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC23 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - ARAME E PREGO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC11 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - BARRAS ACESS\xcdVEIS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC33 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - MATERIAL B\xc1SICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC31 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - BASE CAIXA D'AGUA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC32 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - MATERIAL HIDROSANIT\xc1RIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC36 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - AREIA LAVADA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/04 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC01 - CCV - OC LAB DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS - PLACAS IDENTIFICA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/Impermeabilizante block D-70 - BELL\xcdNZON\xcd.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/Qualit\xe1 PU Constru\xe7\xe3o - WORKER.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/Silicone ac\xe9tico - KALA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$650 - NF 24464 4644.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$652 - NF 4446749.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROJETOS/ORGANIZAÇÃO PASTAS DE PROJETO.pptx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -153ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROJETOS/ORGANIZAÇÃO PASTAS DE PROJETO.pptx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROJETOS/ORGANOGRAMA DE PROCESSOS DE OBRAS E ADEQUAÇÕES-Layout1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -102.6055ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROJETOS/ORGANOGRAMA DE PROCESSOS DE OBRAS E ADEQUAÇÕES-Layout1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROJETOS/ORGANOGRAMA DE PROCESSOS DE OBRAS E ADEQUAÇÕES.bak: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROJETOS/ORGANOGRAMA DE PROCESSOS DE OBRAS E ADEQUAÇÕES.bak: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROJETOS/ORGANOGRAMA DE PROCESSOS DE OBRAS E ADEQUAÇÕES.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROJETOS/ORGANOGRAMA DE PROCESSOS DE OBRAS E ADEQUAÇÕES.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROJETOS/PROGRAMA DE NECESSIDADES 01072019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -471.374ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROJETOS/PROGRAMA DE NECESSIDADES 01072019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROJETOS/PROGRAMA DE NECESSIDADES.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 160.6ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS/PROJETOS/PROGRAMA DE NECESSIDADES.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/03 - CONTROLE CAF\xc9-P\xc3ES/RETORNO E SA\xcdDAS DA DISTRIBUI\xc7\xc3O/2020 - RETORNO E DISTRIBUI\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/03 - CONTROLE CAF\xc9-P\xc3ES/RETORNO E SA\xcdDAS DA DISTRIBUI\xc7\xc3O/2021 - RETORNO E DISTRIBUI\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/03 - CONTROLE CAF\xc9-P\xc3ES/RETORNO E SA\xcdDAS DA DISTRIBUI\xc7\xc3O/2019 - RETORNO E DISTRIBUI\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/03 - CONTROLE DE CONTRATOS/01 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/03 - CONTROLE DE CONTRATOS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART2/ART2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 332ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART2/ART2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART2/PMOC BLOCO F SALA 104 AMARELA A .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 252ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART2/PMOC BLOCO F SALA 104 AMARELA A .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART2/PMOC BLOCO F SALA 104 AMARELA A2 .pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 204ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART2/PMOC BLOCO F SALA 104 AMARELA A2 .pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$654 - NF 2.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/ART 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 389.6996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/ART 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC ALFA SALA 203 01.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 158.6996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC ALFA SALA 203 01.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC ALFA SALA 203 02.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -471.3004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC ALFA SALA 203 02.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC ALFA SALA 311 01.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 339.6996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC ALFA SALA 311 01.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC ALFA SALA 311 02.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -123.3004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC ALFA SALA 311 02.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC CCV ALMOXARIFADO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 420.6996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC CCV ALMOXARIFADO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC COORDENADORIA VIGILÂNCIA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -32.3004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC COORDENADORIA VIGILÂNCIA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC LAB. BIOTÉCNOLOGIA SALA MIX.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -128.3004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC LAB. BIOTÉCNOLOGIA SALA MIX.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC LAB. MORFOFUNCIONAL I 01.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 316.6996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC LAB. MORFOFUNCIONAL I 01.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC LAB. MORFOFUNCIONAL I 02.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 431.6996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC LAB. MORFOFUNCIONAL I 02.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC LAB. MORFOFUNCIONAL I 03.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -56.3004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC LAB. MORFOFUNCIONAL I 03.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC LAB. MORFOFUNCIONAL I 04.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -330.3004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC LAB. MORFOFUNCIONAL I 04.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC LAB. QUÍMICA CENTRAL ANALITICA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -469.3004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 4/ART1/PMOC LAB. QUÍMICA CENTRAL ANALITICA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALAÇÕ•ES/INSTALAÇÕ•ES HIDROSSANITÁRIAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -400.0995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALAÇÕ•ES/INSTALAÇÕ•ES HIDROSSANITÁRIAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALAÇÕ•ES/LAUDOADALBERTO.DOC: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALAÇÕ•ES/LAUDOADALBERTO.DOC: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALAÇÕ•ES/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO - BLOCO E e L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -56.0479ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALAÇÕ•ES/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO - BLOCO E e L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALAÇÕ•ES/MODELO LAUDO VISTORIA - QUEIROZ.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -3.4367ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALAÇÕ•ES/MODELO LAUDO VISTORIA - QUEIROZ.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALAÇÕ•ES/RESUMO DE ÁREAS 02082015.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -118.6481ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALAÇÕ•ES/RESUMO DE ÁREAS 02082015.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO CESSÃO CCE - PESSOA FÍSICA - RV05.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 297.8145ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO CESSÃO CCE - PESSOA FÍSICA - RV05.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO CESSÃO CCE - PESSOA JURÍDICA - RV05.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 74.3517ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/CONTRATO CESSÃO CCE - PESSOA JURÍDICA - RV05.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/DISTRATO CCE - PESSOA FÍSICA - RV01.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -477.8026ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/DISTRATO CCE - PESSOA FÍSICA - RV01.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/DISTRATO CCE - PESSOA JURÍDICA - RV01.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 313.787ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/DISTRATO CCE - PESSOA JURÍDICA - RV01.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO I - INFORMA\xc7\xd5ES B\xc1SICAS - RV01.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO I - INFORMA\xc7\xd5ES B\xc1SICAS - RV02.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO V - PRE\xc7OS LOCA\xc7\xc3O - RV01.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO V - PRE\xc7OS LOCA\xc7\xc3O - RV00.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO I - INFORMA\xc7\xd5ES B\xc1SICAS - RV00.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO I - INFORMA\xc7\xd5ES B\xc1SICAS - RV03.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO VI - INSPE\xc7\xc3O E VISTORIA - RV00.xls" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO VI - INSPE\xc7\xc3O E VISTORIA - RV01.xls" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/07 - RATEIO DE DATAS/BASE DE DADOS - RATEIO DE DATAS - RV00 - 03092020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -53.8001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/07 - RATEIO DE DATAS/BASE DE DADOS - RATEIO DE DATAS - RV00 - 03092020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/07 - RATEIO DE DATAS/BASE DE DADOS - RATEIO DE DATAS - RV01 - 05022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 192.1191ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/07 - RATEIO DE DATAS/BASE DE DADOS - RATEIO DE DATAS - RV01 - 05022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/02 - DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:54 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$651 - NF 24456 4641.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O/BACKUP/BACKUP/CAPAS/REFER\xcaNCIA MODELO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/CONS\xd3RCIO DE ENERGIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CONS\xd3RCIO DE ENERGIA" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/Cimento vulcanizante CV-00 - VIPAL.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -44.7016ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/Cimento vulcanizante CV-00 - VIPAL.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/Impermeabilizante block D-70 - BELLÍNZONÍ.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 23.2238ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/Impermeabilizante block D-70 - BELLÍNZONÍ.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/Lubrificante spray - VONDER.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -257.9155ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/Lubrificante spray - VONDER.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/Qualitá PU Construção - WORKER.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 433.8814ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/Qualitá PU Construção - WORKER.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/Selante MS - WALSYWA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 190.3339ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/Selante MS - WALSYWA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/Selante silicone neutro-KALA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 493.3022ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/Selante silicone neutro-KALA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/SIKA 1 - SIKA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -324.604ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/SIKA 1 - SIKA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/SIKA MULTISEAL - SIKA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 67.2515ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/SIKA MULTISEAL - SIKA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/Silicone acético - KALA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 16.1605ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/Silicone acético - KALA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/Vedador tb1104 - THREE BOND.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 44.9673ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- FISPQ'S/SELANTES, ADESIVOS E ADITIVOS/Vedador tb1104 - THREE BOND.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/05 - DOCUMENTOS DE ATUALIZA\xc7\xc3O/ANO 02/1 - A\xc7\xc3O CORRETIVA - CLIM - DOC - PARALIZA\xc7\xc3O PANDEMIA COVID19 - RV00.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$652 - NF 4446749.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDITÓRIA - 02/07_27_2020_relatorio_de_auditoria_interna_SESMT.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 320.6127ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDITÓRIA - 02/07_27_2020_relatorio_de_auditoria_interna_SESMT.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDITÓRIA - 02/07_28_2020_relatorio_de_auditoria_interna_LARE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -51.5455ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/04 - AUDITORIAS/00 - AUDITORIAS/00 - INTERNAS/AUDITÓRIA - 02/07_28_2020_relatorio_de_auditoria_interna_LARE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - TREINAMENTO DE PESSOAL/7 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/DA/AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE TREINAMENTO - JAIR SOARES FERREIRA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - TREINAMENTO DE PESSOAL/7 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/DA/AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE TREINAMENTO - VITHOR LUCAS MACHADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - TREINAMENTO DE PESSOAL/7 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/DA/01 - TREINAMENTO MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O 150719 - 02.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - TREINAMENTO DE PESSOAL/7 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/DA/AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE TREINAMENTO - JOAO LUCAS VITOR RODRIGUES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - TREINAMENTO DE PESSOAL/7 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/DA/AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE TREINAMENTO - MARCILIO PEREIRA CAMARGOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - TREINAMENTO DE PESSOAL/7 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/DA/~$ALIA\xc7\xc3O DE TREINAMENTO - VITHOR LUCAS MACHADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - TREINAMENTO DE PESSOAL/7 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/DA/AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE TREINAMENTO - CAIQUE WILLIAN SILVA BORGES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - TREINAMENTO DE PESSOAL/7 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/DA/AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE TREINAMENTO - DOUGLAS LOUREN\xc7O CASTRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - TREINAMENTO DE PESSOAL/7 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/DA/01 - TREINAMENTO MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O 150719 - 01.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - TREINAMENTO DE PESSOAL/7 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/DA/AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE TREINAMENTO - DIEGO T\xdaLIO DE ALMEIDA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - TREINAMENTO DE PESSOAL/7 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/DA/AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE TREINAMENTO - T\xdaLIO MONTEIRO SANTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - TREINAMENTO DE PESSOAL/7 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/DA/~$ - TREINAMENTO MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O 150719 - 02.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - TREINAMENTO DE PESSOAL/7 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/DA/~$ - TREINAMENTO MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O 150719 - 01.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/Bloco F/BLOCO F com BIOT\xc9RIO 07072015.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/Bloco F/BLOCOF.FORRO1\xba.TIPO.calculo.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/Bloco F/BLOCOF.FUNDA\xc7\xc3O.OUTUBRO2015.calculo.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/Bloco F/PILARES ACR\xc9SCIMO BLOCO F.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/Bloco F/MODIFICA\xc7\xc3OBLOCOF.OUTUBRO2015.calculo.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/Bloco F/PROPOSTAREFIGERA\xc7\xc3OBIOTERIO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/Bloco F/BLOCO F.BIOT\xc9RIO 07072015.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIA\xc7\xd5ES E INSPE\xc7\xd5ES/01 - AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE RISCO DE QUEDA/00 - VISTORIAS DE INSPEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - 022019/IMAGENS P\xd3S EXECU\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIA\xc7\xd5ES E INSPE\xc7\xd5ES/01 - AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE RISCO DE QUEDA/00 - VISTORIAS DE INSPEN\xc7\xc3O/01 - 022019/RELAT\xd3RIO" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$653 - NF 102831.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/INFRAESTRUTURA UNIPAM/- FLUXOGRAMA INFRAESTRUTURA FEPAM/Fluxograma da Estrutura FEPAM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 171.4869ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/INFRAESTRUTURA UNIPAM/- FLUXOGRAMA INFRAESTRUTURA FEPAM/Fluxograma da Estrutura FEPAM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/INFRAESTRUTURA UNIPAM/- FLUXOGRAMA INFRAESTRUTURA FEPAM/Fluxograma da Estrutura FEPAM.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -256.8803ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/INFRAESTRUTURA UNIPAM/- FLUXOGRAMA INFRAESTRUTURA FEPAM/Fluxograma da Estrutura FEPAM.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS/AGENDA/RELAT\xd3RIO AGENDA 2021/3 - MAR\xc7O" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO I - INFORMAÇÕES BÁSICAS - RV00.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO I - INFORMAÇÕES BÁSICAS - RV00.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO I - INFORMAÇÕES BÁSICAS - RV01.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO I - INFORMAÇÕES BÁSICAS - RV01.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO I - INFORMAÇÕES BÁSICAS - RV02.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -66.7287ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO I - INFORMAÇÕES BÁSICAS - RV02.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO I - INFORMAÇÕES BÁSICAS - RV03.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 49.8128ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO I - INFORMAÇÕES BÁSICAS - RV03.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO II - MONTAGEM E DESMONTAGEM - RV00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO II - MONTAGEM E DESMONTAGEM - RV00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO II - MONTAGEM E DESMONTAGEM - RV01.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 443.8485ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO II - MONTAGEM E DESMONTAGEM - RV01.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO III - USO - RV00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO III - USO - RV00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO III - USO - RV01.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -354.8855ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO III - USO - RV01.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO IV - PAGAMENTO - RV00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO IV - PAGAMENTO - RV00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO IV - PAGAMENTO - RV01.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO IV - PAGAMENTO - RV01.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO IV - PAGAMENTO - RV03.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -499.6687ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO IV - PAGAMENTO - RV03.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO IV - PAGAMENTO - RV04.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -482.4931ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO IV - PAGAMENTO - RV04.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO IV - PAGAMENTO - RV05.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -424.7922ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO IV - PAGAMENTO - RV05.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO V - PREÇOS LOCAÇÃO - RV00.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO V - PREÇOS LOCAÇÃO - RV00.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO V - PREÇOS LOCAÇÃO - RV01.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -40.8116ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO V - PREÇOS LOCAÇÃO - RV01.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO VI - INSPEÇÃO E VISTORIA - RV01.xls: Size and modification time the same (differ by -310.937ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO VI - INSPEÇÃO E VISTORIA - RV01.xls: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO VI - INSPEÇÃO E VISTORIA - RV00.xls: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:55 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/ANEXOS/BACKUP'S/ANEXO VI - INSPEÇÃO E VISTORIA - RV00.xls: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/2 - ABRIL/Nota de d\xe9bito 2- ABRIL - 2019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/2 - ABRIL/Nota de d\xe9bito 2- ABRIL - 2019 - COMPROVA\xc7\xc3O 01.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/2 - ABRIL/Nota de d\xe9bito 2 - ABRIL - 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xd3RIOS TECNICOS AN\xc1LISE/EL\xc1TORIO REFERENTE \xc0 QUEBRA DE VIDROS BLOCO N.doc" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xd3RIOS TECNICOS AN\xc1LISE/REL\xc1TORIO REFERENTE \xc0 INSTALA\xc7\xc3O DE COMPRESSOR NA SALA EXPURGO DA CL\xcdNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA BLOCO J.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xd3RIOS TECNICOS AN\xc1LISE/REL\xc1TORIO REFERENTE \xc0 AN\xc1LISE DE \xc1GUA BLOCOS A, B, N.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xd3RIOS TECNICOS AN\xc1LISE/~$LAT\xd3RIO PARA COMPRA DE BOMBA.doc" 2022/01/25 16:49:55 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xd3RIOS TECNICOS AN\xc1LISE/RELAT\xd3RIO PARA COMPRA DE BOMBA.doc" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DO CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES/01 - INFORMA\xc7\xd5ES GERAIS/02 - M\xd3VEIS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DO CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES/01 - INFORMA\xc7\xd5ES GERAIS/01 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O LIFT" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DO CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES/01 - INFORMA\xc7\xd5ES GERAIS/00 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O FILTRO SECADOR DE M\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DO CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES/01 - INFORMA\xc7\xd5ES GERAIS/01 - INFORMA\xc7\xc3O BANHEIROS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$654 - NF 2.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 602.966221ms 2022/01/25 16:49:56 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 15: batch had 12 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:56 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$977 - NF 62410.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:56 ERROR : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/0 - PLANO DE AÇÃO - ATUALIZAÇÃO/~$PLANO DE AÇÃO GERAL PIE FEPAM.xlsx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:56 ERROR : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/01 - CADERNO - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO, OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/~$ANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE -RV01-12012021.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:56 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$649 - NF 60173.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:56 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$975 - NF 9.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:56 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$976 - NF 10.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:56 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$647 - NF 11220.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:56 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/~$974 - NF 223.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:56 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$648 - NF 4221 5767.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/TRAÇOS PARA CONCRETO PARA 01 SACO DE CIMENTO.doc: dropbox = 04ee89878b4bfb31d3a415ac97a27f2cd258d78735cb23c2001c4892c72365f7 OK 2022/01/25 16:49:56 INFO : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/TRAÇOS PARA CONCRETO PARA 01 SACO DE CIMENTO.doc: Copied (new) 2022/01/25 16:49:56 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$588 - NF 192416 67572857.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/TRAÇOS DE CONCRETO.xls: dropbox = f4787866986ce3b652d99b0fdfbfc3d046e12a0fbe67777c6eb612eebddc8cd5 OK 2022/01/25 16:49:56 INFO : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/TRAÇOS DE CONCRETO.xls: Copied (new) 2022/01/25 16:49:56 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$647 - NF 144277.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:56 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$649 - NF 60173 60336.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/PROJETO GALPÃO 20062013.dwg: dropbox = 85e359c328539d9be6c7197770cd85d0d29ebbe98df1fdc81fe262c2b87f9514 OK 2022/01/25 16:49:56 INFO : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/PROJETO GALPÃO 20062013.dwg: Copied (new) 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2018 - EXEC - PL - RV01/- PROGRAMA\xc7ÃO DE VERBA 2018" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2018 - EXEC - PL - RV01/OR\xc7AMENTO APROVADO 2018" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 03 - 2021/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O - RV00 - 06122021.mpp" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 03 - 2021/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O - RV00 - 09122021.mpp" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 03 - 2021/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O - RV00 - 18012022.mpp" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 03 - 2021/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O - RV00 - 20012022.mpp" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 03 - 2021/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O - RV00 - 20012022 (alternativo).mpp" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/05 - DOCUMENTOS DE ATUALIZAÇÃO/ANO 02/1 - AÇÃO CORRETIVA - CLIM - DOC - PARALIZAÇÃO PANDEMIA COVID19 - RV00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 8.9853ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/05 - DOCUMENTOS DE ATUALIZAÇÃO/ANO 02/1 - AÇÃO CORRETIVA - CLIM - DOC - PARALIZAÇÃO PANDEMIA COVID19 - RV00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO 2017 - EXEC - PL - RV00/PREVISTO REALIZADO 2017 1\xba SEMESTRE" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO 2017 - EXEC - PL - RV00/PREVISTO REALIZADO 2017 2\xba SEMESTRE" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIA\xc7\xd5ES E INSPE\xc7\xd5ES/00 - MAPEAMENTO JARDINS/DWG/CCO-CCU/CENTRO CL\xcdNICO ODONTOL\xd3GICO - ARQ - DT - RV04 - 20022019.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/03 - QUADRO DE HOR\xc1RIO/Quadro de hor\xe1rios - CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 2 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$650 - NF 24464 4644.docx 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/AGENDA/RELATÓRIO AGENDA 2021/PLANILHA EVENTOS CCE RV04 - 2021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -2.1336ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - ORÇAMENTOS/AGENDA/RELATÓRIO AGENDA 2021/PLANILHA EVENTOS CCE RV04 - 2021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - ELET - 116 - SUBSTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - ELET - 154 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - ELET - 249 - SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - ELET - 257 - SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - ELET - 402 - BALAN\xc7O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - ELET - 258 - SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - ELET - 401 - BALAN\xc7O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - ELET - 70 - SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$652 - NF 4446749.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/RELATÓRIOS TECNICOS ANÁLISE/ELÁTORIO REFERENTE À QUEBRA DE VIDROS BLOCO N.doc: Size and modification time the same (differ by 29ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/RELATÓRIOS TECNICOS ANÁLISE/ELÁTORIO REFERENTE À QUEBRA DE VIDROS BLOCO N.doc: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/RELATÓRIOS TECNICOS ANÁLISE/RELATÓRIO PARA COMPRA DE BOMBA.doc: Size and modification time the same (differ by 18ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/RELATÓRIOS TECNICOS ANÁLISE/RELATÓRIO PARA COMPRA DE BOMBA.doc: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/00 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/RELATÓRIOS TECNICOS ANÁLISE/RELÁTORIO REFERENTE À ANÁLISE DE ÁGUA BLOCOS A, B, N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 340.8935ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/RELATÓRIOS TECNICOS ANÁLISE/RELÁTORIO REFERENTE À ANÁLISE DE ÁGUA BLOCOS A, B, N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/RELATÓRIOS TECNICOS ANÁLISE/RELÁTORIO REFERENTE À INSTALAÇÃO DE COMPRESSOR NA SALA EXPURGO DA CLÍNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 236.1012ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/RELATÓRIOS TECNICOS ANÁLISE/RELÁTORIO REFERENTE À INSTALAÇÃO DE COMPRESSOR NA SALA EXPURGO DA CLÍNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - CARPINTEIRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - SERVENTE DE OBRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - PINTOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - ALMOXARIFE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - MESTRE DE OBRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - APONTADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - PEDREIRO DE ACABAMENTO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - ENCARREGADO DE OBRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - PEDREIRO MASSA E ALVENARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - ARMADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - BOMBEIRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRIÇÃO DO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES/01 - INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS/00 - CONTROLE DE CHAVES.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -341.4881ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRIÇÃO DO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES/01 - INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS/00 - CONTROLE DE CHAVES.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRIÇÃO DO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES/01 - INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS/01 - INFORMAÇÃO BANHEIROS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -176.1956ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRIÇÃO DO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES/01 - INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS/01 - INFORMAÇÃO BANHEIROS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRIÇÃO DO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES/01 - INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS/02 - MÓVEIS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 492.5045ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRIÇÃO DO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES/01 - INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS/02 - MÓVEIS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - COMODATO/2008/TR COMODATO 002-2008 - ASSOCIA\xc7\xc3O PATENSE DE RECICLAGEM.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - COMODATO/2008/TR COMODATO 003-2008 - PAR\xd3QUIA S\xc3O VICENTE DE PAULO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - COMODATO/2008/TR COMODATO 001-2008 - CONSELHO DESENVOLVIMENTO COMUNIT\xc1RIO DE BONSUCESSO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O/2015/TR DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O 001-2015 - INSTITUTO ESTADUAL DE FLORESTAS (IEF).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O/2015/TR DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O 003-2015 - INSTITUTO ESTADUAL DE FLORESTAS (IEF).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DO CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES/00 - ARQUIVOS DIGITAIS DE APRESENTA\xc7\xc3O/00 - PROJETO SITE/CCE - ARQ - DT - RV00 - 07052021 - ARQUIVO SITE - PROJETO ARQUITET\xd4NICO.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:49:56 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$653 - NF 102831.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:57 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$654 - NF 2.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:49:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$659 - NF 001.21.68528982-5.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$655 - NF 30524283.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$658 - NF 121685289825.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$661 - NF 46979.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$660 - NF 2486.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$661 - NF 9404.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$656 - NF 3946.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$657 - NF 3945.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$662 - NF 9404.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:57 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$674 - NF 3486.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$679 - NF 1.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$680 - NF 340.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 03 - 2021/CR - ANALISE.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 91.3446ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 03 - 2021/CR - ANALISE.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 03 - 2021/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 06122021.mpp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -283.635715ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 03 - 2021/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 06122021.mpp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 03 - 2021/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 09122021.mpp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -21ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 03 - 2021/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 09122021.mpp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 03 - 2021/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 18012022.mpp: Size and modification time the same (differ by 136ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 03 - 2021/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 18012022.mpp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 03 - 2021/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 20012022 (alternativo).mpp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -177ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 03 - 2021/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 20012022 (alternativo).mpp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 03 - 2021/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 20012022.mpp: Size and modification time the same (differ by 483ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 03 - 2021/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 20012022.mpp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 03 - 2021/Microsoft Project - documento(s).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 92.4703ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 03 - 2021/Microsoft Project - documento(s).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/RELAT\xd3RIO REDU\xc7\xc3O CUSTO AP\xd3S PANDEMIA/RELAT\xd3RIO CUSTO ENERGIA UNIPAM PANDEMIA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:49:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/RELAT\xd3RIO REDU\xc7\xc3O CUSTO AP\xd3S PANDEMIA/RELAT\xd3RIO CUSTO ENERGIA UNIPAM PANDEMIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$682 - NF 231.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$681 - NF 342.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$683 - NF 2485.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIAÇÕES E INSPEÇÕES/00 - MAPEAMENTO JARDINS/DWG/CCO-CCU/CENTRO CLÍNICO ODONTOLÓGICO - ARQ - DT - RV04 - 20022019.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIAÇÕES E INSPEÇÕES/00 - MAPEAMENTO JARDINS/DWG/CCO-CCU/CENTRO CLÍNICO ODONTOLÓGICO - ARQ - DT - RV04 - 20022019.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/00 - PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O DE VERBA/2020/OR\xc7AMENTO" 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC01 - CCE - NF 592.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 379.6523ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC01 - CCE - NF 592.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC02 - CCE - NF 7582.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 73.7369ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC02 - CCE - NF 7582.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC03 - CCE - NF 630.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -52.0231ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC03 - CCE - NF 630.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC04 - CCE - NF 640.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -160.4049ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC04 - CCE - NF 640.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC05 - CCE - NF 7727.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -260.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC05 - CCE - NF 7727.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC06 - CCE - NF 186.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -109.7782ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC06 - CCE - NF 186.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC07 - CCE - NF 637366.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -232.4266ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC07 - CCE - NF 637366.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC08 - CCE - NF 7889.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 135.7132ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC08 - CCE - NF 7889.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC09 - CCE - BOLETO 9018091537.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -63.1554ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC09 - CCE - BOLETO 9018091537.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC10 - CCE - NF 3395.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 493.6414ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC10 - CCE - NF 3395.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC11 - CCE - NF 58.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -58.5897ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC11 - CCE - NF 58.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC12 - CCE - NF 353.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 486.282ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC12 - CCE - NF 353.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC13 - CCE - NF 350.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 73.7929ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC13 - CCE - NF 350.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC14 - CCE - NF 9457.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -286.1701ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC14 - CCE - NF 9457.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC15 - CCE - NF 1183.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 48.5865ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC15 - CCE - NF 1183.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC16 - CCE - NF 1184.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 494.1941ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC16 - CCE - NF 1184.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC17 - CCE - NF 60.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -92.1406ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC17 - CCE - NF 60.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC18 - CCE - BOLETO 9018148924.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -425.2465ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC18 - CCE - BOLETO 9018148924.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC19 - CCE - BOLETO 32973-1.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -446.8243ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC19 - CCE - BOLETO 32973-1.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC20 - CCE - NF 9053.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 339.3105ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC20 - CCE - NF 9053.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC21 - CCE - NF 4594214.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 483.7462ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC21 - CCE - NF 4594214.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC22 - CCE - BOLETO 32973-2.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -240.7224ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC22 - CCE - BOLETO 32973-2.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC23 - CCE - NF 42630.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 461.352ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC23 - CCE - NF 42630.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC24 - CCE - NF 82033.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -499.9169ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC24 - CCE - NF 82033.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC25 - CCE - NF 288903.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -329.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC25 - CCE - NF 288903.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC26 - CCE - NF 357.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 486.5819ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC26 - CCE - NF 357.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC27 - CCE - NF 358.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 399.9798ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC27 - CCE - NF 358.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC28 - CCE - NF 8045.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 496.4904ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC28 - CCE - NF 8045.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC29 - CCE - NF 62.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -328.3777ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC29 - CCE - NF 62.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC31 - CCE - NF 142554.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -392.7815ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC32 - CCE - NF 102.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 140.831ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC33 - CCE - NF 236203.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -292.8476ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC34 - CCE - NF 63.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 475.1217ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC34 - CCE - NF 63.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC36 - CCE - NF 1504.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 426.6594ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC36 - CCE - NF 1504.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC31 - CCE - NF 142554.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC37 - CCE - NF 8114.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 377.7312ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC37 - CCE - NF 8114.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC35 - CCE - NF 135.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -345.2168ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC40 - CCE - NF 369.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -239.6029ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC32 - CCE - NF 102.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC33 - CCE - NF 236203.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC39 - CCE - NF 960.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -55.4612ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC39 - CCE - NF 960.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC41 - CCE - NF 362.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -120.9632ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC41 - CCE - NF 362.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC42 - CCE - NF 45138.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -346.8648ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC42 - CCE - NF 45138.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC43 - CCE - NF 11962.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -334.6558ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC43 - CCE - NF 11962.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC44 - CCE - NF 24071.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -145.9751ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC44 - CCE - NF 24071.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC45 - CCE - NF 8174.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 487.9844ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC45 - CCE - NF 8174.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC46 - CCE - NF 8206.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 53.1904ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC46 - CCE - NF 8206.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC35 - CCE - NF 135.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC47 - CCE - BOLETO 9018248047.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 378.1825ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC47 - CCE - BOLETO 9018248047.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC48 - CCE - NF 8290.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 29.0625ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC48 - CCE - NF 8290.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC49 - CCE - BOLETO 9018305031.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -489.8607ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC30 - CCE - NF 9581.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -459.1306ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC38 - CCE - NF 958.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 75.0219ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC38 - CCE - NF 958.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC40 - CCE - NF 369.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC49 - CCE - BOLETO 9018305031.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC30 - CCE - NF 9581.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC50 - CCE - NF 8412.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 401.738ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC50 - CCE - NF 8412.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC51 - CCE - NF 8510.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -271.5364ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/MC51 - CCE - NF 8510.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/03 - QUADRO DE HORÁRIO/Quadro de horários - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 27.6348ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/03 - QUADRO DE HORÁRIO/Quadro de horários - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/CAMPUS UNIPAM/- CLIMATIZA\xc7ÃO" 2022/01/25 16:49:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/CAMPUS UNIPAM/- MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O INTERNA" 2022/01/25 16:49:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/CAMPUS UNIPAM/- DUPLICA\xc7\xc3O PMS 10" 2022/01/25 16:49:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- BACKUP'S/2019/- CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES EM ABERTO CCE - RV04.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- BACKUP'S/2019/ABERTAS 2019 CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES CCE.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- BACKUP'S/2019/FECHADAS 2019 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES CCE.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - ALMOXARIFE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -114.0902ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - ALMOXARIFE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - APONTADOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -276.9122ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - APONTADOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - ARMADOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -96.6071ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - ARMADOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - BOMBEIRO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -133.3203ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - BOMBEIRO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - CARPINTEIRO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 116.5874ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - CARPINTEIRO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - ENCARREGADO DE OBRAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 235.1847ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - ENCARREGADO DE OBRAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - MESTRE DE OBRAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -206.5264ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - MESTRE DE OBRAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - PEDREIRO DE ACABAMENTO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -332.558ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - PEDREIRO DE ACABAMENTO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - PEDREIRO MASSA E ALVENARIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -322.9429ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - PEDREIRO MASSA E ALVENARIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - PINTOR.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 239.7932ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - PINTOR.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - SERVENTE DE OBRAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 270.8466ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/OBRA/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - SERVENTE DE OBRAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:58 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRIÇÃO DO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES/00 - ARQUIVOS DIGITAIS DE APRESENTAÇÃO/00 - PROJETO SITE/CCE - ARQ - DT - RV00 - 07052021 - ARQUIVO SITE - PROJETO ARQUITETÔNICO.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRIÇÃO DO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES/00 - ARQUIVOS DIGITAIS DE APRESENTAÇÃO/00 - PROJETO SITE/CCE - ARQ - DT - RV00 - 07052021 - ARQUIVO SITE - PROJETO ARQUITETÔNICO.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRIÇÃO DO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES/00 - ARQUIVOS DIGITAIS DE APRESENTAÇÃO/00 - PROJETO SITE/CCE - ARQ - DT - RV00 - 31052021 - ARQUIVO SITE - CAPACIDADE SALAS.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:58 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRIÇÃO DO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES/00 - ARQUIVOS DIGITAIS DE APRESENTAÇÃO/00 - PROJETO SITE/CCE - ARQ - DT - RV00 - 31052021 - ARQUIVO SITE - CAPACIDADE SALAS.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 01 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 66.6669ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 01 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 02 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -139.9713ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 02 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 03 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 424.4066ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 03 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 04 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 482.0876ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 04 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 05 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 32.7708ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 05 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 06 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 94.9629ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 06 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 07 - CCE EVENTOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 223.3707ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 07 - CCE EVENTOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 08 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -31.1463ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 08 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 09 - CCE EVENTOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 336.4306ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 09 - CCE EVENTOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 10 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -347.5845ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCION\xc1RIOS - BLOCO A/- CHECLIST DE REVIS\xd5ES FISPQ COPA E COZINHA - RV02 - 27082020.docx" 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 100 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 383.1902ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 100 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 101 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 240.25ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 101 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 102- CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -28.6951ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 102- CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 103 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 383.77ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 103 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 104 - UBS GRAMADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -142.874ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 104 - UBS GRAMADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 105 - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -383.9924ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 105 - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 106 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 93.0483ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 106 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 107 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -35.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 107 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 108 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -8.6061ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 108 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 109 - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 157.7382ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 109 - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 11 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -200.4587ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 11 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 110 - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -254.5453ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 110 - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 111 - DELEGACIA DA MULHER.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -435.6465ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 111 - DELEGACIA DA MULHER.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 112 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -179.7956ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 112 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 113 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -24.7971ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 113 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 114 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -479.122ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 10 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 116 - SUBSTAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 1.7984ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 116 - SUBSTAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 114 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 117 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 410.7984ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 117 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 115 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -133.8778ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 115 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 119 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 50.7984ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 119 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 121 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 306.7984ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 121 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 122 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 18.7984ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 122 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 123 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -82.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 123 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 124 - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 241.9996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 124 - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 125 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 421.9996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 125 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 126 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -78.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 126 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 127 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -80.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 127 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 128 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -360.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 128 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 129 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -396.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 129 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 120 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 211.7984ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 120 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 13 - CCE EVENTOS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 109.3135ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 13 - CCE EVENTOS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 118 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -213.2016ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 118 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 131 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 84.9996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 131 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 130 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 447.9996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 132 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 263.9996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 133 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 470.9996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 12 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 475.9861ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 12 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 135 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -31.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 135 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 136 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 248.9996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 136 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 130 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 132 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 133 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 134 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -239.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 134 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 137 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -466.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 137 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 138 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -390.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 138 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 139 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -427.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 139 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 14 - BLOCO G LARE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -483.2908ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 14 - BLOCO G LARE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 140 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 220.9996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 140 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 141 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 15.9996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 141 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 143 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -446.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 143 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 144 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 436.7083ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 144 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 145 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -116.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 145 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 146 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 204.799ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 146 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 15 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -252.7754ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 15 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 150 - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -145.201ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 151 - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 93.799ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 151 - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 149 - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 124.799ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 149 - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 152 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -235.201ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 152 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 147 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -211.201ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 147 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 153 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 256.799ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 153 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 142 - UBS GRAMADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -33.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 142 - UBS GRAMADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 148 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 470.799ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 148 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 150 - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 154 - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -182.8003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 154 - MANUTENÇÃO GERAL.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 155 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -238.8003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 155 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 157 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 429.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 157 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 158 - UBS GRAMADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 255.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 158 - UBS GRAMADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 159 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 241.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 159 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 16 - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 283.6441ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 16 - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 160 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -288.8003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 160 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 156 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -491.8003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 156 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 161 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 456.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 161 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 162 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -344.8003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 162 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 163 - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 258.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 163 - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 165 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -491.8003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 165 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 166 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 272.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 166 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 167 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 58.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 167 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 169 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 321.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 169 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 170 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 280.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 170 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 171 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -176.8003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 171 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 17 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -183.7945ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 17 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 172 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 327.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 172 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 164 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 215.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 164 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 168 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -499.8003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 168 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 173 - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -446.8003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 173 - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 175 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -325.8003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 175 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 176 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -38.8003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 176 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 177 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -481.8003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 177 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 174 - UBS GRAMADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -152.8003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 174 - UBS GRAMADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 179 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -183ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 179 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 18 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -340.3257ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 18 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 180 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 207ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 180 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 181 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 84ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 181 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 178 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 308ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 178 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 182 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -475ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 182 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 183 - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 241ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 183 - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 184 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -319ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 184 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 185 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -467ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 185 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 186 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -113ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 186 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 187 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 186ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 187 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 188 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 393ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 188 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 189 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -264ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 189 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 19 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -57.2996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 19 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 190 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -106ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 190 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 191 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 415ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 191 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 192 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 192 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 193 - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -474.0309ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 193 - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 194 - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 188.8759ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 194 - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 195 - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -196.4781ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 195 - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 196 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -384.7402ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 196 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 197 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 201.439ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 197 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 198 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 313.6372ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 198 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 199 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 76.8362ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 199 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 20 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -256.9545ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 20 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 200 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -69.1882ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 200 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 201 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -144.8814ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 201 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 202 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 477.058ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 202 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 203 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -209.3542ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 203 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 204 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 53.915ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 204 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 205 - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -307.0046ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 205 - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 206 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -124.8494ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 206 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 207 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -239.1255ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 207 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 208 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -176.5159ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 208 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 209 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -66.7897ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 209 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 21 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -282.6133ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 21 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 210 - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 180.7749ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 210 - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 211 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 69.663ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 211 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 212 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -229.821ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 212 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 213 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -194.0572ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 213 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 214 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -275.8712ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 214 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 215 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -106.1015ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 215 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 216 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -337.4612ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 216 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 217 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -62.3065ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 217 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 218 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -83.5915ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 218 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 219 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 102.8239ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 219 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 22 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -15.5815ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 22 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 220 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 312.9586ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 220 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 221 - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -374.769ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 221 - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 224 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -920.3µs, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 224 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 222 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 68.9193ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 222 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 223 - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -116.0328ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 223 - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 225 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 404.9195ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 225 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 226 - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 393.2509ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 226 - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 227 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 158.5984ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 227 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 229 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 410.0378ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 229 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 23 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 12.4865ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 23 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 230 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -112.2115ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 230 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 231 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 177.1498ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 231 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 232 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 54.2973ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 232 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 233 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 284.6996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 233 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 234 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -324.8649ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 234 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 235 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -451.9834ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 235 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 236 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 445.5677ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 236 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 238 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -423.604ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 238 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 239 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -238.4314ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 239 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 237 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -101.7003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 237 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 24 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -261.067ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 24 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 228 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 44.8883ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 228 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 240 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -31.7728ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 240 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 241 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 194.2204ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 242 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -43.5075ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 241 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 243 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -406.9533ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 243 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 244 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 376.8061ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 242 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 245 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -258.9327ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 245 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 246 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -132.7622ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 246 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 244 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 247 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -97.5432ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 247 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 249 - SUBESTAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 478.09ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 25 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -294.3267ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 25 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 249 - SUBESTAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 248 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -365.4564ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 248 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 250 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -303.4689ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 250 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 251 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -261.0842ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 251 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 252 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 358.4908ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 252 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 253 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -3.9025ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 254 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -156.31ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 254 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 255 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -22.8047ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 255 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 253 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 257 - SUBESTAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 226.7248ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 257 - SUBESTAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 258 - SUBESTAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -157.0573ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 258 - SUBESTAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 256 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -495.6993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 256 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 259 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 195.7897ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 259 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 26 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -140.7876ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 26 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 260 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -90.4075ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 260 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 261 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 444.1633ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 261 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 262 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -160.8742ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 262 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 263 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 188.0384ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 263 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 264 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -178.9339ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 264 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 265 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 47.0047ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 265 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 266 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 169.5898ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 266 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 267 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -407.0935ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 267 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 268 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 452.5793ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 269 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -335.0117ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 269 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 27 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -74.7352ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 27 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 268 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 270 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -46.9762ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 270 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 271 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 287.4493ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 271 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 273 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 272.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 272 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 168.9551ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 272 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 273 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 274 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -73.498ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 274 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 275 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 142.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 275 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 276 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 164.5511ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 276 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 277 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 169.9312ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 277 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 278 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 87.2448ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 278 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 279 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -188.9929ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 279 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 28 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 484.8249ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 28 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 281 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -441.524ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 280 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -39.8861ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 280 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 281 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 282 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -244.6478ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 282 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 283 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -365.7593ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 283 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 284 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 242.0787ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 284 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 285 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -115.6639ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 285 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 286 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -480.5321ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 286 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 287 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 492.4414ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 287 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 289 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -234.948ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 289 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 288 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 238.8672ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 288 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 290 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 107.4561ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 290 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 291 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 485.6706ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 291 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 292 - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -217.2213ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 292 - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 293 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -146.0929ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 293 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 294 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 382.8337ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 294 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 295 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 496.4191ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 295 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 297 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 324.4273ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 297 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 296 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -423.7785ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 298 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 413.5159ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 298 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 296 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 299 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -31.4643ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 299 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 30 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -2.8909ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 30 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 300 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -78.351ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 301 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 176.4907ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 302 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -279.7226ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 302 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 304 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -46.9025ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 304 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 301 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 29 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 494.5195ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 29 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 300 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 303 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -160.0914ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 303 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 305 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -383.617ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 305 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 306 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 256.6876ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 306 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 307 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 289.4477ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 307 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 308 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 393.9727ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 308 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 309 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -387.3218ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 309 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 31 - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 480.8963ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 31 - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 311 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 61.3767ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 311 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 310 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -122.1818ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 310 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 312 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -115.7052ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 312 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 313 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -100.935ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 313 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 314 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -118.9392ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 314 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 315 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -58.4967ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 315 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 316 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -93.2268ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 316 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 317 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 148.0751ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 317 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 318 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 289.6225ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 318 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 320 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -470.6604ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 320 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 319 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -185.5171ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 319 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 32 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -9.7889ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 32 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 321 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 432.9541ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 321 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 322 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -487.5638ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 322 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 324 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 25.8207ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 324 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 326 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -422.8098ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 326 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 327 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -223.2811ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 327 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 325 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -132.5762ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 325 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 323 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -391.2562ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 323 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 328 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 22.5733ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 328 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 329 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -28.1151ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 329 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 33 - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -466.1065ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 33 - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 331 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 208.3064ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 330 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -300.9572ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 333 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -86.7047ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 333 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 334 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -12.3135ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 334 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 335 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 109.3821ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 335 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 330 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 336 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 202.7445ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 336 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 332 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 487.7364ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 332 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 331 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 337 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 7.992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 337 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 338 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -330.476ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 338 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 339 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 166.5438ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 339 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 34 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -413.6565ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 34 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 341 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 378.5091ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 340 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -241.6436ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 340 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 341 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 342 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 46.8805ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 342 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 343 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -41.2895ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 343 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 344 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -253.7112ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 344 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 345 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -199.7115ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 345 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 346 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 325.0449ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 346 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 347 - OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -314.6781ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 347 - OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 348 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 29.9704ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 348 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 349 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 405.19ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 349 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 35 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 57.2858ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 35 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 350 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -407.3388ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 350 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 351 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 232.8171ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 351 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 352 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -198.4945ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 352 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 353 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 470.7536ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 353 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 354 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 29.5351ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 354 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 355 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -226.7857ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 355 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 356 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -347.6241ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 356 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 357 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 256.5855ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 357 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 358 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 194.635ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 358 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 359 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 63.6541ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 359 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 36 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -218.9165ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 36 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 360 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 125.4996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 360 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 361 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -410.9949ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 361 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 362 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 127.8975ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 362 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 363 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -295.7107ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 363 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 364 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -258.0214ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 364 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 365 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 383.7504ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 365 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 367 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -282.6199ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 366 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -481.3255ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 368 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 152.8476ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 368 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 369 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 442.4352ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 369 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 37 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -180.3341ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 366 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 371 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 126.7928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 371 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 372 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 485.3017ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 372 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 375 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 124.3097ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 375 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 376 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 391.4147ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 376 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 377 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -65.0857ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 377 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 367 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 37 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 370 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 223.5814ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 370 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 373 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -146.6422ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 373 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 374 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 79.9573ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 374 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 378 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -478.8279ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 378 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 38 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 369.9667ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 380 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 173.8552ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 380 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 38 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 381 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 446.2347ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 381 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 379 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 235.6996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 379 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 382 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -28.1374ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 382 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 383 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -20.3216ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 383 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 384 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -282.9239ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 384 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 385 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 348.4241ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 385 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 386 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -87.4663ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 386 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 387 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 107.9027ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 387 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 388 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -488.2406ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 388 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 389 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 145.8676ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 389 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 39 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -342.5965ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 39 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 391 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 380.1025ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 391 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 390 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 205.4419ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 390 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 393 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -22.5468ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 393 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 392 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -2.0103ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 392 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 395 - EXTERNO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -75.1665ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 395 - EXTERNO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 396 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 93.7658ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 396 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 397 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 407.2176ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 397 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 398 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -278.4202ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 398 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 399 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -79.6722ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 399 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 394 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 171.8582ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 394 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 40 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 147.5141ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 40 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 401 - BALANÇO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -297.6256ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 401 - BALANÇO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 402 - BALANÇO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 189.6399ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 402 - BALANÇO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 42 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -342.4101ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 42 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 41 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -398.3337ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 41 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 43 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 213.5556ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 43 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 44 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 227.1883ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 44 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 45 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 335.8087ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 45 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 46 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -486.564ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 46 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 47 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 105.3927ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 47 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 48 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 99.6891ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 48 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 49 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -373.9872ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 49 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 50 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -394.5627ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 50 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 51 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -284.9113ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 51 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 52 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 28.6936ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 52 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 53 - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -442.3144ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 53 - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 55 - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -468.5794ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 55 - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 54 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -230.7153ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 54 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 56 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -160.7258ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 56 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 57 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 9.0875ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 57 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 58 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 331.0156ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 58 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 59 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 296.9272ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 59 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 60 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -61.3973ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 60 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 61 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 442.7338ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 61 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 63 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 412.1844ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 62 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 24.8229ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 65 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 303.4057ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 65 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 66 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 93.3578ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 66 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 62 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 68 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 17.6323ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 68 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 69 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 369.3494ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 64 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -10.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 71 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -321.6663ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 71 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 72 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 34.9344ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 74 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -480.6368ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 74 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 64 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 73 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 481.5098ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 73 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 75 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 39.7179ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 75 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 72 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 67 - BLOCOS AB.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 442.0512ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 67 - BLOCOS AB.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 69 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 70 - SUBESTAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 31.0477ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 70 - SUBESTAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 63 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 76 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -210.5019ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 76 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 77 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -420.5316ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 77 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 78 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -22.0319ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 78 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 80 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 321.7896ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 80 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 79 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 272.3618ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 79 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 81 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 368.2416ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 81 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 82 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -411.4726ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 82 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 83 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -308.5131ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 83 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 84 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -92.5336ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 84 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 85 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 239.5844ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 85 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 86 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 237.9724ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 86 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 87 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 488.4205ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 87 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 88 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 378.1469ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 88 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 89 - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 15.72ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 89 - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 90 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -394.1756ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 90 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 91 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 343.713ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 91 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 92 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -142.9248ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 92 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 93 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -172.3415ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 93 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 94 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -76.277ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 94 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 95 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -471.5363ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 95 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 96 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 498.0592ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 96 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 97 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -195.8518ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 97 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 98 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 93.5631ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 98 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 99 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 358.7451ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 99 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$659 - NF 001.21.68528982-5.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$655 - NF 30524283.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$660 - NF 2486.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$661 - NF 9404.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$661 - NF 46979.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$658 - NF 121685289825.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:49:59 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$656 - NF 3946.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- LAN\xc7AMENTO PLACA INAUGURA\xc7\xc3O/Anexo - Situa\xe7\xe3o Placas - 140619.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- LAN\xc7AMENTO PLACA INAUGURA\xc7\xc3O/Situa\xe7\xe3o Placas - 140619.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- LAN\xc7AMENTO PLACA INAUGURA\xc7\xc3O/Situa\xe7\xe3o Placas v2.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- LAN\xc7AMENTO PLACA INAUGURA\xc7\xc3O/Confec\xe7\xe3o PLACAS -FASE 01" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$662 - NF 9404.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$657 - NF 3945.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$674 - NF 3486.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$679 - NF 1.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/ALVAR\xc1 FUNCIONAMENTO PROVIS\xd3RIO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/Projeto de rede de distribui\xe7\xe3o (51).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/Procura\xe7\xe3o0001.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/Anexo 24 - Autoriza\xe7\xe3o para Recebimento de Cr\xe9dito em Conta Corrente.doc" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/01 - PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS/REEMBOLSO/REEMBOLSO WALL SYSTEM.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/01 - PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS/REEMBOLSO/REEMBOLSO WALL SYSTEM.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/BLOCO ALFA/HOSTEL/LEVANTAMENTO DE DIVIS\xd3RIAS.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$680 - NF 340.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$683 - NF 2485.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 1.921711089s 2022/01/25 16:50:00 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 2: batch had 2 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:00 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$650 - NF 24464 4644.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:00 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$651 - NF 24456 4641.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES/- BACKUP'S/2019/- CONTROLE DE NOTAS 2018-2019 - CCE RV01.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 268.0643ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES/- BACKUP'S/2019/- CONTROLE DE NOTAS 2018-2019 - CCE RV01.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES/- BACKUP'S/2019/- CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES EM ABERTO CCE - RV04.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -273.2616ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES/- BACKUP'S/2019/- CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES EM ABERTO CCE - RV04.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES/- BACKUP'S/2019/ABERTAS 2019 CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES CCE.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 436ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES/- BACKUP'S/2019/ABERTAS 2019 CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES CCE.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES/- BACKUP'S/2019/FECHADAS 2019 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES CCE.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 163ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES/- BACKUP'S/2019/FECHADAS 2019 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES CCE.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$682 - NF 231.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$681 - NF 342.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/6 - BACKUP PIE/4 - PIE2020/ISOLA\xc7\xc3O FERRAMENTAS" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/6 - BACKUP PIE/4 - PIE2020/4 - QUALIFICA\xc7\xc3O. HABILT. NRS" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERS\xd5ES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O - RV00 - 240419.mpp" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERS\xd5ES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O - RV00 - 210819.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERS\xd5ES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O - RV01 - 21012020b.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERS\xd5ES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O - RV01 - 20012020.mpp" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERS\xd5ES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O - RV01 - 20012020d.mpp" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERS\xd5ES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O - RV00 - 120819.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERS\xd5ES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O - RV00 - 050819.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERS\xd5ES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O - RV00 - 060819.mpp" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERS\xd5ES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O - RV00 - 260719.mpp" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/5 - RELAT\xd3RIOS INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES ELET/BAIXA TENS\xc3O/3-2020 -RELAT\xd3RIO MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CORRETIVA BT 2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/5 - RELAT\xd3RIOS INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES ELET/BAIXA TENS\xc3O/1-2019 -RELAT\xd3RIO MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PREVENTIVA BT.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/5 - RELAT\xd3RIOS INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES ELET/BAIXA TENS\xc3O/2-2020 -RELAT\xd3RIO MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CORRETIVA BT.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/06 - AVCB/CCE-AVCB.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/06 - AVCB/CCE-AVCB.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTA/2021/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO DE RRT EXECU\xc7\xc3O MORFOS - ALAN - 04082021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTA/2021/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO ANUIDADE CAU - RODRIGO - 01072021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTA/2021/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO RRT-SCM - MARCELO - 01072021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTA/2021/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO RRT-SCM - LARA - 01072021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTA/2021/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO RRT-SCM - ALAN - 01072021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTA/2021/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO RRT-SCM - RODRIGO - 01072021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTA/2021/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO DE RRT PROJETO ARQ MORFOS - ALAN - 04082021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTA/2021/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO ANUIDADE CAU - LARA - 07072021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTA/2021/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO ANUIDADE CAU - ALAN - 01072021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTA/2021/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO DE RRT PROJETO REFORMA ARQ SANTA CSA - MARCELO - 12082021 (VITHOR).xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCIONÁRIOS - BLOCO A/- CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ COPA E COZINHA - RV02 - 27082020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 386.3788ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCIONÁRIOS - BLOCO A/- CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ COPA E COZINHA - RV02 - 27082020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCIONÁRIOS - BLOCO A/01_agua_sanitaria_mixplus.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 20.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCIONÁRIOS - BLOCO A/01_agua_sanitaria_mixplus.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCIONÁRIOS - BLOCO A/02 _detergente _limpol.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -248.0717ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCIONÁRIOS - BLOCO A/02 _detergente _limpol.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCIONÁRIOS - BLOCO A/03_limpa_aluminio_estrela.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 100.9753ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCIONÁRIOS - BLOCO A/03_limpa_aluminio_estrela.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/00 - CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xc3O - RECURSOS ENERG\xc9TICOS/2021/09 - SETEMBRO/CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xd5ES - 09-2021 - 02.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCIONÁRIOS - BLOCO A/05_sabao_glicerinado_estrela.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 476.3135ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCIONÁRIOS - BLOCO A/05_sabao_glicerinado_estrela.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/00 - CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xc3O - RECURSOS ENERG\xc9TICOS/2021/09 - SETEMBRO/CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xd5ES - 09-2021 - 01.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCIONÁRIOS - BLOCO A/07_detergente_ype.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -250.8198ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCIONÁRIOS - BLOCO A/07_detergente_ype.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCIONÁRIOS - BLOCO A/04_multiuso_triex.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 329.2487ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCIONÁRIOS - BLOCO A/04_multiuso_triex.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCIONÁRIOS - BLOCO A/06_alcool_etilico_70%.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 458.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:00 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCIONÁRIOS - BLOCO A/06_alcool_etilico_70%.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTA\xc7\xc3O PMOC/03 - CRONOGRAMA DE IMPLANTA\xc7\xc3O/CRONOGRAMA IMPLATA\xc7\xc3O - RV00 - 240519.mpp" 2022/01/25 16:50:00 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTA\xc7\xc3O PMOC/03 - CRONOGRAMA DE IMPLANTA\xc7\xc3O/CRONOGRAMA IMPLATA\xc7\xc3O - RV00 - 240519.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:01 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:50:01 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 3 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$652 - NF 4446749.docx 2022/01/25 16:50:01 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$659 - NF 001.21.68528982-5.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:01 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$655 - NF 30524283.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:01 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$661 - NF 46979.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:01 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$661 - NF 9404.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:01 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$660 - NF 2486.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- LANÇAMENTO PLACA INAUGURAÇÃO/Anexo - Situação Placas - 140619.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 349.1502ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- LANÇAMENTO PLACA INAUGURAÇÃO/Anexo - Situação Placas - 140619.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- LANÇAMENTO PLACA INAUGURAÇÃO/Situação Placas - 140619.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -496.7286ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- LANÇAMENTO PLACA INAUGURAÇÃO/Situação Placas - 140619.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- LANÇAMENTO PLACA INAUGURAÇÃO/Situação Placas v2.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 181.3828ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:01 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- LANÇAMENTO PLACA INAUGURAÇÃO/Situação Placas v2.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:01 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$658 - NF 121685289825.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:01 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$656 - NF 3946.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/5 - RELAT\xd3RIOS INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES ELET/M\xc9DIA TENS\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CORRETIVA/OR\xc7AMENTO POLIGONAL.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/5 - RELAT\xd3RIOS INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES ELET/M\xc9DIA TENS\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CORRETIVA/OR\xc7AMENTO TRIF\xc1SICA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/ALVARÁ FUNCIONAMENTO PROVISÓRIO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -63.2419ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/ALVARÁ FUNCIONAMENTO PROVISÓRIO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/Anexo 24 - Autorização para Recebimento de Crédito em Conta Corrente.doc: Size and modification time the same (differ by 74.7473ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/Anexo 24 - Autorização para Recebimento de Crédito em Conta Corrente.doc: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/CCO-ATA ABERTURA FILIAL REGISTRADA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 163.7581ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/CCO-ATA ABERTURA FILIAL REGISTRADA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTOS PESSOAIS0001.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 323.156ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTOS PESSOAIS0001.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/Expansao - Análise 3 em 22-08-2017 - Anexo 1 - 1108653009 - ACERTO FINANCEIRO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -216.4103ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/Expansao - Análise 3 em 22-08-2017 - Anexo 1 - 1108653009 - ACERTO FINANCEIRO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/Expansao__Analise_8_em_04092017__Anexo_1__1107219698__ACERTO_FINANCEIRO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -213.8508ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/Expansao__Analise_8_em_04092017__Anexo_1__1107219698__ACERTO_FINANCEIRO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/FEPAM-CCO CNPJ.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 404.7581ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/FEPAM-CCO CNPJ.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/Ficha Cadastral-Contrato Energia.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -200.0432ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/Ficha Cadastral-Contrato Energia.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/Ficha Cadastral-Contrato Energia.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -279.2006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/Ficha Cadastral-Contrato Energia.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/NF 000562 - FUND EDUCACIONAL DE PATOS DE MINAS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 122.5897ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/NF 000562 - FUND EDUCACIONAL DE PATOS DE MINAS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/Procuração0001.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 337.156ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/Procuração0001.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/Projeto de rede de distribuição (51).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 35.5897ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/Projeto de rede de distribuição (51).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/Termo de acordo urbano.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 197.5897ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/3-AV. MARABA 831 - CCO/Contrato energia/DOCUMENTOS/Termo de acordo urbano.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/CHECLIST DE REVIS\xd5ES FISPQ - RV03 - 05062019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/- CHECLIST DE REVIS\xd5ES FISPQ BL - RV07 - 21112019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/CHECLIST DE REVIS\xd5ES FISPQ - RV00 - 08032019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/CHECLIST DE REVIS\xd5ES FISPQ - RV02 - 04062019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/CHECLIST DE REVIS\xd5ES FISPQ - RV04 - 06062019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/- CHECLIST DE REVIS\xd5ES FISPQ - RV05 - 28062019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/CHECLIST DE REVIS\xd5ES FISPQ - RV06 - 13082019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/CHECLIST DE REVIS\xd5ES FISPQ - RV01 - 31052019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$662 - NF 9404.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$657 - NF 3945.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$679 - NF 1.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO A e B - ARQ - DT - RV20 - 13082020.bak: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO A e B - ARQ - DT - RV20 - 13082020.bak: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO A e B - ARQ - DT - RV20 - 13082020.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO A e B - ARQ - DT - RV20 - 13082020.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO C - ARQ - DT - RV08 - 18022020.bak: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO C - ARQ - DT - RV08 - 18022020.bak: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO C - ARQ - DT - RV08 - 18022020.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO C - ARQ - DT - RV08 - 18022020.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO D - ARQ - DT - RV13 - 25082020.bak: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO D - ARQ - DT - RV13 - 25082020.bak: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO D - ARQ - DT - RV13 - 25082020.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO D - ARQ - DT - RV13 - 25082020.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO E - ARQ - DT - RV23 - 03012020.bak: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO F - ARQ - DT - RV17 - 19072019.bak: Size and modification time the same (differ by 319ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO F - ARQ - DT - RV17 - 19072019.bak: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO G - ARQ - DT - RV12 - 29062020.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO G - ARQ - DT - RV12 - 29062020.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO H - ARQ - DT - RV16 - 19072019.bak: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO H - ARQ - DT - RV16 - 19072019.bak: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO H - ARQ - DT - RV16 - 19072019.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO H - ARQ - DT - RV16 - 19072019.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/LEVANTAMENTO DE AMBIENTES.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -330.2008ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/LEVANTAMENTO DE AMBIENTES.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO E - ARQ - DT - RV23 - 03012020.bak: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO G - ARQ - DT - RV12 - 29062020.bak: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO G - ARQ - DT - RV12 - 29062020.bak: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO E - ARQ - DT - RV23 - 03012020.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO E - ARQ - DT - RV23 - 03012020.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO F - ARQ - DT - RV17 - 19072019.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/LEVANTAMENTO DE LOCAIS/BLOCO F - ARQ - DT - RV17 - 19072019.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2021 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$674 - NF 3486.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$683 - NF 2485.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$680 - NF 340.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO DE REAPROVEITAMENTO AGUAS PLUVIAIS/RV02 - FINAL/Or\xe7amento Aquapluv 07082018.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO DE REAPROVEITAMENTO AGUAS PLUVIAIS/RV02 - FINAL/Planilha or\xe7ament\xe1ria 030820182.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- HABITE-SE/CAMPUS I (em andamento)/Of\xedcio Peti\xe7\xe3o FEPAM 655-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- HABITE-SE/CAMPUS I (em andamento)/OF\xcdCIO MPMG 657-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$685 - NF 3251.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$684 - NF 345.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 050819.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 271.1818ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 050819.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 060819.mpp: Size and modification time the same (differ by 33ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 060819.mpp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/04 - CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xd5ES DE ENTREGAS/- CONCLU\xcdDOS/RC32 - PATOS DISTRIBUIDORA - MATERIAL DE LIMPEZA/MEDI\xc7\xd5ES - RC32 - PATOS DISTRIBUIDORA - MATERIAL DE LIMPEZA.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 120819.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -131.739ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 120819.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 210819.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 459.0768ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 210819.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 240419.mpp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -149ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 240419.mpp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 260719.mpp: Size and modification time the same (differ by 328ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV00 - 260719.mpp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV01 - 20012020.mpp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -146ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV01 - 20012020.mpp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV01 - 20012020d.mpp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -351ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV01 - 20012020d.mpp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV01 - 21012020b.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -249.6008ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/04 - MATERIAL - CRONOGRAMA/ANO 01 - 2019/BACK UP - VERSÕES ANTERIORES/BACKUP - DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CRONOGRAMA/CRONOGRAMA CLIMATIZAÇÃO - RV01 - 21012020b.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/5 - RELATÓRIOS INSTALAÇÕES ELET/BAIXA TENSÃO/1-2019 -RELATÓRIO MANUTENÇÃO PREVENTIVA BT.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 401.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/5 - RELATÓRIOS INSTALAÇÕES ELET/BAIXA TENSÃO/1-2019 -RELATÓRIO MANUTENÇÃO PREVENTIVA BT.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/5 - RELATÓRIOS INSTALAÇÕES ELET/BAIXA TENSÃO/2-2020 -RELATÓRIO MANUTENÇÃO CORRETIVA BT.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -315.0005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/5 - RELATÓRIOS INSTALAÇÕES ELET/BAIXA TENSÃO/2-2020 -RELATÓRIO MANUTENÇÃO CORRETIVA BT.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/5 - RELATÓRIOS INSTALAÇÕES ELET/BAIXA TENSÃO/3-2020 -RELATÓRIO MANUTENÇÃO CORRETIVA BT 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 129.9995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/5 - RELATÓRIOS INSTALAÇÕES ELET/BAIXA TENSÃO/3-2020 -RELATÓRIO MANUTENÇÃO CORRETIVA BT 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO ANUIDADE CAU - ALAN - 01072021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -38.6615ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO ANUIDADE CAU - ALAN - 01072021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO ANUIDADE CAU - LARA - 07072021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 436.246ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO ANUIDADE CAU - LARA - 07072021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO ANUIDADE CAU - RODRIGO - 01072021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 170.5253ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO ANUIDADE CAU - RODRIGO - 01072021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO DE RRT EXECUÇÃO MORFOS - ALAN - 04082021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -317.7941ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO DE RRT EXECUÇÃO MORFOS - ALAN - 04082021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO DE RRT PROJETO REFORMA ARQ SANTA CSA - MARCELO - 12082021 (VITHOR).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 324.2037ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO RRT-SCM - ALAN - 01072021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 475.6914ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO RRT-SCM - ALAN - 01072021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO DE RRT PROJETO ARQ MORFOS - ALAN - 04082021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -264.3402ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO DE RRT PROJETO ARQ MORFOS - ALAN - 04082021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO DE RRT PROJETO REFORMA ARQ SANTA CSA - MARCELO - 12082021 (VITHOR).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO RRT-SCM - LARA - 01072021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 171.4535ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO RRT-SCM - LARA - 01072021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO RRT-SCM - MARCELO - 01072021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -244.3871ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO RRT-SCM - MARCELO - 01072021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO RRT-SCM - RODRIGO - 01072021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -280.7298ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTA/2021/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO RRT-SCM - RODRIGO - 01072021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/4 - PAIN\xc9IS OBRA/OSY-17224-06- PCOM - UNIPAM_PAINEL TOMADAS OP\xc7\xc3O STECK.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/4 - PAIN\xc9IS OBRA/OSY-17224- 04- PCOM - UNIPAM_PAINEL TOMADAS OP\xc7\xc3O STECK.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/4 - PAIN\xc9IS OBRA/OSY-17224-03-PCOM - UNIPAM_PAINEL TOMADAS OP\xc7\xc3O STECK.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/4 - PAIN\xc9IS OBRA/OSY-17224-05- PCOM - UNIPAM_PAINEL TOMADAS OP\xc7\xc3O STECK.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:02 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$682 - NF 231.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTAÇÃO PMOC/03 - CRONOGRAMA DE IMPLANTAÇÃO/CRONOGRAMA IMPLATAÇÃO - RV00 - 240519.mpp: Size and modification time the same (differ by -101ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTAÇÃO PMOC/03 - CRONOGRAMA DE IMPLANTAÇÃO/CRONOGRAMA IMPLATAÇÃO - RV00 - 240519.mpp: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTAÇÃO PMOC/03 - CRONOGRAMA DE IMPLANTAÇÃO/CRONOGRAMA IMPLATAÇÃO - RV00 - 240519.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -433.5875ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/ESTUDO IMPLANTAÇÃO PMOC/03 - CRONOGRAMA DE IMPLANTAÇÃO/CRONOGRAMA IMPLATAÇÃO - RV00 - 240519.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O JARDINAGEM/CONTROLE DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$681 - NF 342.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/MUDAN\xc7A DE PLANO/MUDAN\xc7A DE PLANOS.xls" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/MUDAN\xc7A DE PLANO/Propostas MUDAN\xc7AS DE PLANO - 2\xb0 ETAPA_01082019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/MUDAN\xc7A DE PLANO/Propostas MUDAN\xc7AS DE PLANO - 1\xb0 ETAPA_25072019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ - RV00 - 08032019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 494.1023ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ - RV00 - 08032019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/- CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ - RV05 - 28062019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 433ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/- CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ - RV05 - 28062019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/- CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ BL - RV07 - 21112019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 211.3602ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/- CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ BL - RV07 - 21112019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ - RV01 - 31052019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -335.4033ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ - RV01 - 31052019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ - RV02 - 04062019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 344.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ - RV02 - 04062019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ - RV03 - 05062019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -145.4003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ - RV03 - 05062019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ - RV04 - 06062019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -146.3929ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ - RV04 - 06062019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ - RV06 - 13082019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -149.3714ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ - RV06 - 13082019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/1-RUA MAJOR GOTE 791- CAMPUS/4- FATURAS CEMIG/TUSD/2020/0320mar\xe7oFATURA_3013094874_032020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- HABITE-SE/CAMPUS I (em andamento)/ANDAMENTO DO ROCESSO-Prefeituras 07062021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -236.2979ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- HABITE-SE/CAMPUS I (em andamento)/ANDAMENTO DO ROCESSO-Prefeituras 07062021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- HABITE-SE/CAMPUS I (em andamento)/OFÍCIO MPMG 657-2021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -77.1744ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- HABITE-SE/CAMPUS I (em andamento)/OFÍCIO MPMG 657-2021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- HABITE-SE/CAMPUS I (em andamento)/Ofício Petição FEPAM 655-2021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 316.3905ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- HABITE-SE/CAMPUS I (em andamento)/Ofício Petição FEPAM 655-2021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- HABITE-SE/CAMPUS I (em andamento)/Prefeitura_Processo 2649-2016 de 24-02-2016.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 429.5114ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- HABITE-SE/CAMPUS I (em andamento)/Prefeitura_Processo 2649-2016 de 24-02-2016.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/09 - APRESENTA\xc7\xd5ES/06 - EMPRESA - PRO DADOS/APRESENTA\xc7\xc3O - PRO DADOS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/09 - APRESENTA\xc7\xd5ES/06 - EMPRESA - PRO DADOS/APRESENTA\xc7\xc3O PRO DADOS.pptx" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/ACADEMIA/1.jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 343.7994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/ACADEMIA/1.jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/ACADEMIA/2.jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by -411.2006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/ACADEMIA/2.jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/xxxMANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PLATAFORMA ELEVATORIA/CERTIFICADO DE TREINAMENTO/CHECKLIST - ENTREGA T\xc9CNICA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/ACADEMIA/4.jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 108.7994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/ACADEMIA/4.jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/xxxMANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PLATAFORMA ELEVATORIA/CERTIFICADO DE TREINAMENTO/RELAT\xd3RIO DE ASSIST\xcaNCIA T\xc9CNICA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/xxxMANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PLATAFORMA ELEVATORIA/CERTIFICADO DE TREINAMENTO/TERMO DE EXONERA\xc7\xc3O DE RESPONSABILIDADE.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/ACADEMIA/3.jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by -131.2006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/ACADEMIA/3.jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2021/15-07-2021 - RRT - EXECU\xc7\xc3O DE REFORMA MORFOS/ADIANTAMENTO RRT EXECU\xc7\xc3O REFORMA MORFOS - ALAN - 15072021.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS/FB012 - RELAT\xd3RIO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - 2\xba SEMESTRE 2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE BENS POR CENTRO DE CUSTO/RELAT\xd3RIO DE BENS POR CENTRO DE CUSTO.PDF" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2021 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS/FB014 - RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - CONTABIL - 1\xba SEMESTRE 2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVAR\xc1\x81 DE FUNCIONAMENTO/ALVAR\xc1S 2019-2020/CCE FEPAM-Alvar\xe1 2019 Validade 30042020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVAR\xc1\x81 DE FUNCIONAMENTO/ALVAR\xc1S 2019-2020/FEPAM-Alvar\xe1 Matriz 2019 Validade 30042020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVAR\xc1\x81 DE FUNCIONAMENTO/ALVAR\xc1S 2019-2020/FARM\xc1CIA FEPAM-Alvar\xe1 2019 Validade 30042020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVAR\xc1\x81 DE FUNCIONAMENTO/ALVAR\xc1S 2019-2020/CCO FEPAM-Alvar\xe1 2019 Validade 30102019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVAR\xc1\x81 DE FUNCIONAMENTO/ALVAR\xc1S 2019-2020/CCV FEPAM-Alvar\xe1 2019 Validade 30042020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVAR\xc1\x81 DE FUNCIONAMENTO/ALVAR\xc1S 2019-2020/LAB MAT ENG FEPAM-Alvar\xe1 2019 Validade 30042020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/REEMBOLSO/2022/19012022 - RRT - CAU - LAVANDERIA CCV/F_23_01_prestacao_de_contas_de_reembolso_R10.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 328.4456ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/REEMBOLSO/2022/19012022 - RRT - CAU - LAVANDERIA CCV/F_23_01_prestacao_de_contas_de_reembolso_R10.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/4 - PAINÉIS OBRA/ELETRICA SUPORTE - PROPOSTA DE QUADRO DE TOMADAS.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -72.2004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/4 - PAINÉIS OBRA/ELETRICA SUPORTE - PROPOSTA DE QUADRO DE TOMADAS.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/4 - PAINÉIS OBRA/Justificativa painel obra.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -458.564ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/4 - PAINÉIS OBRA/Justificativa painel obra.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/13 - EIV PGT UNIPAM/01 - MG - AM MEDIDAS MITIGAT\xd3RIAS" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/4 - PAINÉIS OBRA/OSY-17224- 04- PCOM - UNIPAM_PAINEL TOMADAS OPÇÃO STECK.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 142.8467ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/4 - PAINÉIS OBRA/OSY-17224- 04- PCOM - UNIPAM_PAINEL TOMADAS OPÇÃO STECK.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/4 - PAINÉIS OBRA/OSY-17224-03-PCOM - UNIPAM_PAINEL TOMADAS OPÇÃO STECK.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -426.1533ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/4 - PAINÉIS OBRA/OSY-17224-03-PCOM - UNIPAM_PAINEL TOMADAS OPÇÃO STECK.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/4 - PAINÉIS OBRA/OSY-17224-05- PCOM - UNIPAM_PAINEL TOMADAS OPÇÃO STECK.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -307.1533ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/4 - PAINÉIS OBRA/OSY-17224-05- PCOM - UNIPAM_PAINEL TOMADAS OPÇÃO STECK.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/4 - PAINÉIS OBRA/OSY-17224-06- PCOM - UNIPAM_PAINEL TOMADAS OPÇÃO STECK.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 357.8467ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/4 - PAINÉIS OBRA/OSY-17224-06- PCOM - UNIPAM_PAINEL TOMADAS OPÇÃO STECK.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/4 - PAINÉIS OBRA/UNIPAM_QUADRO DE TOMADAS_REV1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -235.1533ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO ELETRICA/4 - PAINÉIS OBRA/UNIPAM_QUADRO DE TOMADAS_REV1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/2 - RELAT\xd3RIO SPDA/RELAT\xd3RIO SEMESTRAIS/UNIPAM/RELAT\xd3RIO INSPEN\xc7\xc3O SEMESTRAL 01-2021- - UNIPAM.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/7 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE OUTUBRO 2 QUINZENA" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/6 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE OUTUBRO 1 QUINZENA" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/8 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE NOVEMBRO 1 QUINZENA" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/2 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE AGOSTO 1 QUINZENA" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/5 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE SETEMBRO 2 QUINZENA" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/4 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE SETEMBRO 1 QUINZENA" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/1 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JULHO 2 QUINZENA" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/3 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE AGOSTO 2 QUINZENA" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/11 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE DEZEMBRO 2 QUINZENA" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/10 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE DEZEMBRO 1 QUINZENA" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/9 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE NOVEMBRO 2 QUINZENA" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO EQUIPAMENTOS/MANUTENÇÃO JARDINAGEM/CONTROLE DE MANUTENÇÃO.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -41.1601ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO EQUIPAMENTOS/MANUTENÇÃO JARDINAGEM/CONTROLE DE MANUTENÇÃO.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/01 - JULHO 2020/FB012 - RELAT\xd3RIO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - JULHO 2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/01 - JULHO 2020/FB014 - RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - JULHO 2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/01 - JULHO 2020/PATREL003.1 - MAPA RESUMO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O E CORRE\xc7\xc3O COM DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O - JULHO 2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/01 - JULHO 2020/SAC07-1 - PEDIDO DE BAIXA OU ALIENA\xc7\xc3O - JULHO 2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/01 - JULHO 2020/FB013 - RELAT\xd3RIO RESUMO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - CONT\xc1BIL - JULHO 2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:03 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 850.46797ms 2022/01/25 16:50:03 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 3: batch had 3 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:03 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$654 - NF 2.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:03 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$652 - NF 4446749.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:03 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$653 - NF 102831.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$685 - NF 3251.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$684 - NF 345.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/MUDANÇA DE PLANO/MUDANÇA DE PLANOS.xls: Size and modification time the same (differ by 233.3996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/MUDANÇA DE PLANO/MUDANÇA DE PLANOS.xls: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/MUDANÇA DE PLANO/Propostas MUDANÇAS DE PLANO - 1° ETAPA_25072019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 99.6966ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/3 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O INC\xcaNDIO (projetos)/(09 - 11) - BLOCO C/BLOCO C INC\xcaNDIO AGOSTO 2017.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/MUDANÇA DE PLANO/Propostas MUDANÇAS DE PLANO - 2° ETAPA_01082019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -256.1088ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/MUDANÇA DE PLANO/Propostas MUDANÇAS DE PLANO - 2° ETAPA_01082019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/MUDANÇA DE PLANO/Propostas MUDANÇAS DE PLANO - 1° ETAPA_25072019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/PATREL003.1 - MAPA RESUMO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O E CORRE\xc7\xc3O - 2\xba SEMESTRE 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CONTATOS/- CONTATOS GERAIS.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 153.2045ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CONTATOS/- CONTATOS GERAIS.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CONTATOS/Contatos.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 278.5993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CONTATOS/Contatos.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/- MATERIAL CCE/2019/ELET-19-CCE-005.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 491.5749ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/- MATERIAL CCE/2019/ELET-19-CCE-005.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/- MATERIAL CCE/2019/ELET-19-CCE-006.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -303.4706ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/- MATERIAL CCE/2019/ELET-19-CCE-006.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/- MATERIAL CCE/2019/ELET-19-CCE-007.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 418.6053ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/- MATERIAL CCE/2019/ELET-19-CCE-007.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/ALVARÁS 2019-2020/CCE FEPAM-Alvará 2019 Validade 30042020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 21.0305ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/ALVARÁS 2019-2020/CCE FEPAM-Alvará 2019 Validade 30042020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/ALVARÁS 2019-2020/CCV FEPAM-Alvará 2019 Validade 30042020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 203.3841ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/ALVARÁS 2019-2020/CCV FEPAM-Alvará 2019 Validade 30042020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/ALVARÁS 2019-2020/FARMÁCIA FEPAM-Alvará 2019 Validade 30042020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -62.3747ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/ALVARÁS 2019-2020/FARMÁCIA FEPAM-Alvará 2019 Validade 30042020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/ALVARÁS 2019-2020/FEPAM-Alvará Matriz 2019 Validade 30042020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -470.1705ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/ALVARÁS 2019-2020/FEPAM-Alvará Matriz 2019 Validade 30042020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/02 - DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/ALVARÁS 2019-2020/CCO FEPAM-Alvará 2019 Validade 30102019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -171.3269ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/ALVARÁS 2019-2020/CCO FEPAM-Alvará 2019 Validade 30102019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/ALVARÁS 2019-2020/LAB MAT ENG FEPAM-Alvará 2019 Validade 30042020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -445.0572ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC.APROV. PREFEITURA E NA VIGILANCIA SANITARIA/ALVARÁ DE FUNCIONAMENTO/ALVARÁS 2019-2020/LAB MAT ENG FEPAM-Alvará 2019 Validade 30042020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/1 - MANUTEN\xc7ÃO GRUPO GERADOR/Backup/2018/3 - RELATORIO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - RAT" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/1 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 1 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB 04 13-01-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/1 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 1 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB 01 13-01-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/1 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 1 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB+GMG CCE 13-01-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/1 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 1 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O GMG UNIPAM 13-01-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/1 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 1 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB+GMG CCO 13-01-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/1 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 1 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB 03 13-01-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/1 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 1 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB 02 13-01-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/1 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 1 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB MEDI\xc7\xc3O 13-01-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/1 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 1 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB+GMG CCV 13-01-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTO OBRA/EQUIPAMENTOS A SEREM DESCARTADOS/1\xba Descarte - 211218" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTO OBRA/EQUIPAMENTOS A SEREM DESCARTADOS/2\xba Descarte - 190319" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/3-MAR\xc7O" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/VILA PADRE ALAOR/CÃLCULO DE AREAS.xls: Size and modification time the same (differ by -284.1099ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/VILA PADRE ALAOR/CÃLCULO DE AREAS.xls: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/VILA PADRE ALAOR/DEFINIÇÃO DE PARÂMETROS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 312.5ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/VILA PADRE ALAOR/DEFINIÇÃO DE PARÂMETROS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/VILA PADRE ALAOR/ESTUDO DE IMPACTO DE VIZINHANÇA-00.doc: Size and modification time the same (differ by -234ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/VILA PADRE ALAOR/ESTUDO DE IMPACTO DE VIZINHANÇA-00.doc: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL/01 - JULHO 2019/GP0003 - RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL - JULHO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/VILA PADRE ALAOR/ESTUDO DE IMPACTO DE VIZINHANÇA-03.doc: Size and modification time the same (differ by 71ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/VILA PADRE ALAOR/ESTUDO DE IMPACTO DE VIZINHANÇA-03.doc: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL/01 - JULHO 2019/GP0003.2 - RESUMO POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL - JULHO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/VILA PADRE ALAOR/ESTUDO DE IMPACTO DE VIZINHANÇA-01.doc: Size and modification time the same (differ by 391ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/VILA PADRE ALAOR/ESTUDO DE IMPACTO DE VIZINHANÇA-01.doc: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/VILA PADRE ALAOR/ESTUDO DE IMPACTO DE VIZINHANÇA-02.doc: Size and modification time the same (differ by -395ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/VILA PADRE ALAOR/ESTUDO DE IMPACTO DE VIZINHANÇA-02.doc: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LC38 - CETAS - ESQUADRIAS DE A\xc7O E TELA METALICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LICITA LC38 - ESQUADRIAS DE A\xc7O E TELAS MET\xc1LICAS" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LC31 - CETAS - REVESTIMENTOS CER\xc2MICOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LICITA RC09 - ESCAVA\xc7\xc3O VIGAS E BLOCOS" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LC35 - CETAS - ESQUADRIAS ALUM\xcdNIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LICITA LC25 - RESERVAT\xd3RIO CILINDRICO" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LC44 - CETAS - MATERIAIS EL\xc9TRICOS PARA ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O EXTERNA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LICITA LC35 - ESQUADRIAS DE ALUM\xcdNIO" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LC37 - CETAS - PUBLICA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LC18 - CETAS - MATERIAIS EL\xc9TRICOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LC32 - CETAS - GRANITO PEITORIS E DIVIS\xd3RIA DE WC.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LC26 - CETAS - TELA MET\xc1LICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LC30 - CETAS - PE\xc7AS DE MADEIRA PARA TELHADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LC33 - CETAS - Subesta\xe7\xe3o.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LC33 - CETAS - Subesta\xe7\xe3o - Anexo.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LC23 - CETAS - MAT HIDRAULICO \xc1GUA FRIA E ESGOTO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LC40 - CETAS - MATERIAIS EL\xc9TRICOS PARA ILUMINA\xc7\xc3O EXTERNA - CANCELADA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LC39 - CETAS - MATERIAIS EL\xc9TRICOS (CANCELADA).docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LC42 - CETAS - MATERIAIS EL\xc9TRICOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LC46 - CETAS - TERRAPLANAGEM, PAVIMENTA\xc7\xc3O E MEIO FIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LCXXX - CETAS - A\xc7O ESTRUTURAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LICITA LC- 46 - PAVIMENTA\xc7\xc3O ASF\xc1LTICA" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LICITA LC-XX - LOU\xc7AS E METAIS" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LC25 - CETAS - RESERVAT\xd3RIO CILINDRICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LC27 - CETAS - ESTRUTURAS MET\xc1LICAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/LAYOUT/2201ALFA - POLO TECNOL\xd3GICO/00 - DOCUMENTOS/00 - AN\xc1LISE CONSTRUTIVA" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/LAYOUT/2201ALFA - POLO TECNOL\xd3GICO/00 - DOCUMENTOS/03 - REFER\xcaNCIAS" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/10 - CAPAS E CONTATOS/CAPAS/CAPA ESTOQUE PINTURA - SAIDA DE MATERIAIS/Estoque Pintura_Controle de Sa\xedda de Materiais e Equipamentos.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/03 - MATERIAL OBRA CCO-CCU/2021/SA\xcdDA" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 15 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$659 - NF 001.21.68528982-5.docx 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2018/01-08-2018/ADIANTAMENTO 01-08-2018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -389.0889ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2018/01-08-2018/ADIANTAMENTO 01-08-2018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2018/01-08-2018/DA_851_23_06_prestacao_de_contas_R5.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 126.0673ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:04 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2018/01-08-2018/DA_851_23_06_prestacao_de_contas_R5.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/6571 - BG - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral ok.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/1657 - Jardinagem e Ornamenta\xe7\xe3o ok.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/6511 - BA - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral ok.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/6652 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Elevadores Campus ok.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/6601 - BJ - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral ok.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/6346 - CCV - Bancadas Observa\xe7\xe3o ok.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/6581 - BH - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral ok.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/6653 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Gerador Campus ok.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/OCUPA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/6721 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral CCU ok.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/6741 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral CCV ok.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/6761 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral - E. E. Agrot\xe9cnica ok.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/6731 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral CCE ok.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/6631 - BM - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral ok.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/1953 - Centro de Conven\xe7\xf5es e Eventos.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/6651 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral Interna_Problema.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/6521 - BB - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral ok.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/6711 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral CCO ok.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/6657 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Ar Condicionado Campus ok.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/6531 - BC - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral ok.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/ESTUDOS/ANALISE PRODUTOS CETRAS/RELA\xc7\xc3O AMBIENTES - DOC - RV00.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/ESTUDOS/ANALISE PRODUTOS CETRAS/RELA\xc7\xc3O AMBIENTES E PRODUTOS DE LIMPEZA - CETRAS - DOC - RV01.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/08 - PLANEJAMENTO PROCESSOS/ESTUDOS/ANALISE PRODUTOS CETRAS/RELA\xc7\xc3O AMBIENTES - DOC - RV01.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O CETAS/RC22 - CETAS - MATERIAL EL\xc9TRICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O CETAS/RC05 - CETAS - REGULADOR DE G\xc1S.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O CETAS/RC24 - CETAS - MATERIAL EL\xc9TRICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O CETAS/RC13 - CETAS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CORRETIVA ELEVADOR.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O CETAS/RC04 - CETAS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O CETAS/RC06 - CETAS -LUMIN\xc1RIA EMERG\xcaNCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O CETAS/RC07 - CETAS -L\xc2MPADAS PARA POSTES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O CETAS/RC16 - CETAS - MATERIAL EL\xc9TRICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O CETAS/RC15 - CETAS - MATERIAL EL\xc9TRICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O CETAS/RCXX - CETAS - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O JARDINAGEM.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/00 - DESENVOLVENDO CCE/MANUTEN\xc7\xd5ES - VERIFICAR" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHAN\xc7A - EIV/UNIPAM/- BACK/IMAGENS VIZINHAN\xc7A" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHAN\xc7A - EIV/UNIPAM/- BACK/LEVANTAMENTO DE VIZINHAN\xc7A" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6741 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL CCV JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6521 - BB - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6312 - CCO OI CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O SALA ESTE JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6641 - BN - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6655 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O CAMPUS JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6332 - CCE - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O E MELHORIAIS JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6711 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL CCO JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6652 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELEVADORES CAMPUS JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6541 - BD - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6561 - BF - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6651 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL INTERNA JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6657 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O AR CONDICIONADO CAMPUS JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6653 - MNAUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERADOR CAMPUS JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6571 - BG - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/OCUPA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6551 - BE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6631 - BM - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6581 - BH - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6731 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL CCE JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6791 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL EXTERNA JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6591 - BI - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/5242 - CONSTRU\xc7\xc3O CETAS JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6601 - BJ - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6721 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL CCU JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6621 - BL - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6511 - BA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6158 - CG AM MELHORIA SINALIZA\xc7\xc3O JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6761 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL - E. E. AGR JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6751 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL - BLOCO ALFA JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/6531 - BC - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/00 - BALAN\xc7OS" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/03 - MEDICINA DO TRABALHO/RELAT\xd3RIOS DILENE" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/03 - MEDICINA DO TRABALHO/05-BIOSSEGURAN\xc7A" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/03 - MEDICINA DO TRABALHO/08-CORPO T\xc9CNICO - REQUERIMENTO ALVAR\xc1 SANIT\xc1RIO" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/03 - MEDICINA DO TRABALHO/NR 32 - SEGURAN\xc7A E SA\xdaDE NO TRABALHO EM SERVI\xc7OS DE SA\xdaDE" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/03 - MEDICINA DO TRABALHO/RELAT\xd3RIOS M\xc9DICOS" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/03 - MEDICINA DO TRABALHO/14-NR 32 - SEGURAN\xc7A E SA\xdaDE NO TRABALHO EM SERVI\xc7OS DE SA\xdaDE" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/03 - MEDICINA DO TRABALHO/13-NR 07 - PROGRAMA DE CONTROLE M\xc9DICO" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/03 - MEDICINA DO TRABALHO/17-RELAT\xd3RIOS DILENE" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL/03 - MAR\xc7O 2019/RESUMO - RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL - MAR\xc7O 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL/03 - MAR\xc7O 2019/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL - MAR\xc7O 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/GERAL/OR\xc7AMENTO PREVISTO-REALIZADO 2020 - RV00 - 25012021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xd5ES CONTRATUAIS PF - RV01.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DECLARA\xc7\xc3O DE RESPONSABILIDADE PF - RV00.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xd5ES CONTRATUAIS PJ - RV01.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xd5ES CONTRATUAIS MEI - RV01.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DECLARA\xc7\xc3O DE RESPONSABILIDADE PJ - RV00.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DECLARA\xc7\xc3O DE RESPONSABILIDADE MEI - RV00.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CENTRO CLÃNICO VETERIN\xc1\x81RIO - CCV/PROJETOS/LABORAT\xd3RIO DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSA/Laborat\xf3riodoen\xe7asinfecciosas.calculo.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/03 - TERMOS DE REFER\xcaNCIA/03 - REVESTIMENTO AC\xdaSTICO" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/03 - TERMOS DE REFER\xcaNCIA/05 - CAIXA D'\xc1GUA" 2022/01/25 16:50:04 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/08 - CUSTOS/RELAT\xd3RIO DE CUSTOS - ARC - DC - RV00 - 24092020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$686 - NF 30089.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$688 - NF 1132.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$687 - NF 2295.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$685 - NF 3251.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/2019 - 2º SEMESTRE/RAZÃO AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIAÇÃO DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/PATREL003.1 - MAPA RESUMO DE DEPRECIAÇÃO E CORREÇÃO - 2º SEMESTRE 2019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 354.6545ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/2019 - 2º SEMESTRE/RAZÃO AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIAÇÃO DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/PATREL003.1 - MAPA RESUMO DE DEPRECIAÇÃO E CORREÇÃO - 2º SEMESTRE 2019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/LAYOUT/1301ALFA - PROJETO IEP - INCUBADORA DE EMPRESAS/IEP/Imagens/IEP-Situação Atual/Thumbs.db: Excluded 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/07 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO (CCV)/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/06 - OR\xc7AMENTO 2021/P\xc3ES" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/06 - OR\xc7AMENTO 2021/COPA - OR\xc7AMENTO 2021" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/BACKUP/CONTRATOS ART/CONTRATO CCE SPLIT\xc3O VRF.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/BACKUP/CONTRATOS ART/RENOVA\xc7\xc3O CONTRATO CCO VRF.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/BACKUP/CONTRATOS ART/RENOVA\xc7\xc3O CONTRATO UNIPAM CAG-B.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCO/CCO-SPDA-BAS-FL01-A0.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -350.6853ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCO/CCO-SPDA-BAS-FL01-A0.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCO/CCO-SPDA-BAS-FL01-A3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 499.7003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCO/CCO-SPDA-BAS-FL01-A3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCO/CCO-SPDA-BAS-FL02-A0.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 414.3716ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCO/CCO-SPDA-BAS-FL02-A0.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCO/CCO-SPDA-BAS-FL02-A3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 357.429ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCO/CCO-SPDA-BAS-FL02-A3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCO/CCO-SPDA-BAS-FL03-A3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 479.065ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCO/CCO-SPDA-BAS-FL03-A3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/reisao agosto 2018/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xd5ES CONTRATUAIS PF - RV01.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/reisao agosto 2018/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DECLARA\xc7\xc3O DE RESPONSABILIDADE PF - RV01.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/reisao agosto 2018/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xd5ES CONTRATUAIS PJ - RV01.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/reisao agosto 2018/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DECLARA\xc7\xc3O DE RESPONSABILIDADE PJ - RV01.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/reisao agosto 2018/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xd5ES CONTRATUAIS MEI - RV01.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/reisao agosto 2018/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DECLARA\xc7\xc3O DE RESPONSABILIDADE MEI - RV01.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/EXTERNO/025-19 BAILE AGT - MEDICINA VETERIN\xc1RIA E AGRONOMIA" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/EXTERNO/026-19 BAILE AGT - PSICOLOGIA, FISIOERAPIA E FARM\xc1CIA" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/EXTERNO/014-19 ASSOCIA\xc7\xc3O B\xcdBLICA" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/EXTERNO/024-19 BAILE AGT - ENG. CIVIL, ENG. QU\xcdMICA E ENG. PRODU\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/EXTERNO/020-19 8\xba MARATONHA NERDPROJECT" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/EXTERNO/027-19 BAILE AGT - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O, NUTRI\xc7\xc3O E ARQUITETURA" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/EXTERNO/023-19 BAILE AGT - CI\xcaNCIAS CONT\xc1BEIS E SISTEMAS DE INFORMA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/EXTERNO/006-19 IP\xca" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2018/INTERNO/006-18 CONFRATERNIZA\xc7\xc3O FEPAM" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2018/INTERNO/004-18 10\xba PREMIO DE EMPREENDEDORISMO" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2018/INTERNO/007-18 COLA\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/03 - LISTA DE PEND\xcaNCIAS/Lista de pend\xeancias CCE - 17022021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/03 - LISTA DE PEND\xcaNCIAS/Lista de pend\xeancias CCE - 04052021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/03 - LISTA DE PEND\xcaNCIAS/Lista de pend\xeancias CCE - 05042021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/- ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/03 - REUNIÃO 11032020/TREINAMENTO EQUIPE OPERACIONAL.pptx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -54.6144ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/- ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/03 - REUNIÃO 11032020/TREINAMENTO EQUIPE OPERACIONAL.pptx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$684 - NF 345.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/02 - FEVEREIRO 2019/FB014 - RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - CONT\xc1BIL - FEVEREIRO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/02 - FEVEREIRO 2019/FB012 - RELAT\xd3RIO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - CONT\xc1BIL - FEVEREIRO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/02 - FEVEREIRO 2019/PATREL003.1 - MAPA RESUMO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O E CORRE\xc7\xc3O - FEVEREIRO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/02 - FEVEREIRO 2019/FB013 - RELAT\xd3RIO RESUMO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS-CONT\xc1BIL - FEVEREIRO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/reisao agosto 2018/CONTRATOS/ANTIGAS/CONTRATO CESS\xc3O CCE - PESSOA F\xcdSICA - RV05.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/reisao agosto 2018/CONTRATOS/ANTIGAS/CONTRATO CESS\xc3O CCE - PESSOA JUR\xcdDICA - RV05.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/reisao agosto 2018/ANEXOS/REVISADO/ANEXO I - INFORMA\xc7\xd5ES B\xc1SICAS MEI - RV05.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/reisao agosto 2018/ANEXOS/REVISADO/ANEXO III - DO VALOR DE LOCA\xc7\xc3O - RV00.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/reisao agosto 2018/ANEXOS/REVISADO/ANEXO I - INFORMA\xc7\xd5ES B\xc1SICAS PJ - RV05.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/reisao agosto 2018/ANEXOS/REVISADO/ANEXO IV - INSPE\xc7\xc3O E VISTORIA - RV00.xls" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/reisao agosto 2018/ANEXOS/REVISADO/ANEXO I - INFORMA\xc7\xd5ES B\xc1SICAS PF - RV05.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/02 - OBRA/MEMORANDOS - OBRA/CCE 007 2017 - Memorando CCE - Van para visita na A\xe7omont.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/02 - OBRA/MEMORANDOS - OBRA/CCE 008 2017 - Memorando CCE - Instala\xe7\xe3o de Computadores.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART3/ART3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 168ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART3/ART3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART3/PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO 24KBTU 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 76ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART3/PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO 24KBTU 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART3/PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO 24KBTU 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 46ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART3/PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO 24KBTU 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART3/PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO 36KBTU 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 137ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART3/PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO 36KBTU 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART3/PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO 36KBTU 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 108ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART3/PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO 36KBTU 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART3/PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO SALA DE ADM 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 16ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART3/PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO SALA DE ADM 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART3/PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO SALA DE ADM 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -16ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART3/PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO SALA DE ADM 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART3/PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO SALA DE REUNIAO 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -50ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART3/PMOC BLOCO L OCEANO SALA DE REUNIAO 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O/BACKUP/BACKUP/CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES/ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIA\xc7\xd5ES E INSPE\xc7\xd5ES/01 - AVALIA\xc7\xc3O DE RISCO DE QUEDA/01 - PROTOCOLOS IEF/2019/PARECER T\xc9CNICO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/7-RUA DULCE BATISTA 300 - SP PARACATU/CONS\xd3RCIO DE ENERGIA" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/7-RUA DULCE BATISTA 300 - SP PARACATU/FATURAS CONS\xd3RCIO ENERGIA" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DECLARAÇÃO DE RESPONSABILIDADE MEI - RV00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 14.2782ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DECLARAÇÃO DE RESPONSABILIDADE MEI - RV00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DECLARAÇÃO DE RESPONSABILIDADE PF - RV00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -208.5557ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DECLARAÇÃO DE RESPONSABILIDADE PF - RV00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DOCUMENTAÇÕES CONTRATUAIS PF - RV01.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -301.6618ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DOCUMENTAÇÕES CONTRATUAIS PF - RV01.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DOCUMENTAÇÕES CONTRATUAIS MEI - RV01.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -54.7363ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DOCUMENTAÇÕES CONTRATUAIS MEI - RV01.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DOCUMENTAÇÕES CONTRATUAIS PJ - RV01.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -262.2038ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DOCUMENTAÇÕES CONTRATUAIS PJ - RV01.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DECLARAÇÃO DE RESPONSABILIDADE PJ - RV00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -247.8782ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/DOCUMENTO - DECLARAÇÃO DE RESPONSABILIDADE PJ - RV00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO CESS\xc3O CCE - PESSOA JUR\xcdDICA - RV04.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO CESS\xc3O CCE - PESSOA F\xcdSICA - RV04.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO LOCA\xc7\xc3O CCE - PESSOA JUR\xcdDICA - RV02.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/DISTRATO CCE - PESSOA JUR\xcdDICA - RV00.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO LOCA\xc7\xc3O CCE - PESSOA JUR\xcdDICA - RV01.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO LOCA\xc7\xc3O CCE - PESSOA F\xcdSICA - RV01.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO CESS\xc3O CCE - PESSOA F\xcdSICA - RV03.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO LOCA\xc7\xc3O CCE - PESSOA F\xcdSICA - RV00.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO CESS\xc3O CCE - PESSOA JUR\xcdDICA - RV03.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO LOCA\xc7\xc3O CCE - PESSOA JUR\xcdDICA - RV00.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO LOCA\xc7\xc3O CCE - PESSOA F\xcdSICA - RV02.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/08 - CUSTOS/RELATÓRIO DE CUSTOS - ARC - DC - RV00 - 24092020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 280.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:05 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/08 - CUSTOS/RELATÓRIO DE CUSTOS - ARC - DC - RV00 - 24092020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/BACKUP/CONTRATOS ART/ART TRANE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/BACKUP/CONTRATOS ART/ART TRANE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/BACKUP/CONTRATOS ART/CONTRATO CCE SPLITÃO VRF.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 468ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/BACKUP/CONTRATOS ART/CONTRATO CCE SPLITÃO VRF.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/BACKUP/CONTRATOS ART/CONTRATO UNIPAM E CCO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 41.7991ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/BACKUP/CONTRATOS ART/CONTRATO UNIPAM E CCO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/BACKUP/CONTRATOS ART/RENOVAÇÃO CONTRATO CCO VRF.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 498ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/BACKUP/CONTRATOS ART/RENOVAÇÃO CONTRATO CCO VRF.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/BACKUP/CONTRATOS ART/RENOVAÇÃO CONTRATO UNIPAM CAG-B.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 28ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO CLIMATIZAÇÃO/BACKUP/CONTRATOS ART/RENOVAÇÃO CONTRATO UNIPAM CAG-B.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O DIARIA CCE.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/RELAT\xd3RIO DE ENERGIA CCE.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/03 - LISTA DE PENDÊNCIAS/Lista de pendências CCE - 04052021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 219.8647ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/03 - LISTA DE PENDÊNCIAS/Lista de pendências CCE - 04052021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/03 - LISTA DE PENDÊNCIAS/Lista de pendências CCE - 05042021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -352.805ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/03 - LISTA DE PENDÊNCIAS/Lista de pendências CCE - 05042021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/03 - LISTA DE PENDÊNCIAS/Lista de pendências CCE - 17022021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 36.2437ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/03 - LISTA DE PENDÊNCIAS/Lista de pendências CCE - 17022021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/05 - DOCUMENTOS DE ATUALIZA\xc7\xc3O/ANO 03/00 - REESTRUTURA\xc7\xc3O PMOC" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$686 - NF 30089.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - TREINAMENTO DE PESSOAL/7 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/LISTAS ASSINADAS/01 - TREINAMENTO MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O 150719.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/01 - MEMORANDOS/MC02 - RELOCA\xc7\xc3O DE M\xd3VEIS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/3 - JULHO/Nota de d\xe9bito 3 - JULHO - 2019 - COMPROVA\xc7\xc3O 01.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/3 - JULHO/Nota de d\xe9bito 3 - JULHO - 2019 - COMPROVA\xc7\xc3O 02.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/3 - JULHO/Nota de d\xe9bito 3- JULHO - 2019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/3 - JULHO/Nota de d\xe9bito 3 - JULHO - 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xc3\xd3RIOS FOTOGR\xc1\x81FICOS/RELAT\xd3RIO ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O REDE DE ESGOTO BIOT\xc9RIO" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xc3\xd3RIOS FOTOGR\xc1\x81FICOS/RELAT\xd3RIO ADEQUA\xc7\xd5ES SECRETARIA UFU" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xc3\xd3RIOS FOTOGR\xc1\x81FICOS/RELAT\xd3RIOS A PARTE" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xc3\xd3RIOS FOTOGR\xc1\x81FICOS/RELAT\xd3RIO DE ACOMPANHAMENTO DA OBRA DE REFOR\xc7O DO MURO DO VIZINHO DO ESTACIONAMENTO" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xc3\xd3RIOS FOTOGR\xc1\x81FICOS/RELAT\xd3RIO VISTORIA REDE DE ESGOTO BLOCO C" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xc3\xd3RIOS FOTOGR\xc1\x81FICOS/RELAT\xd3RIO BLOCO N GERAL" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xc3\xd3RIOS FOTOGR\xc1\x81FICOS/RELAT\xd3RIO REFORMA IGREJA PARACATU" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xc3\xd3RIOS FOTOGR\xc1\x81FICOS/RELAT\xd3RIOS TOMOGR\xc1FO" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xc3\xd3RIOS FOTOGR\xc1\x81FICOS/RELAT\xd3RIO FINAL DE OBRA LAB. CONCRETO E PAVIMENTA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xc3\xd3RIOS FOTOGR\xc1\x81FICOS/RELAT\xd3RIOS CAMPUS" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xc3\xd3RIOS FOTOGR\xc1\x81FICOS/REPARO FISSURAS RESERVAT\xd3RIO BLOCO A" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 778.70474ms 2022/01/25 16:50:06 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 15: batch had 15 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:06 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$655 - NF 30524283.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:06 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$681 - NF 342.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:06 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$659 - NF 001.21.68528982-5.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:06 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$661 - NF 46979.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:06 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$658 - NF 121685289825.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:06 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$662 - NF 9404.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:06 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$679 - NF 1.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:06 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$682 - NF 231.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:06 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$674 - NF 3486.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:06 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$656 - NF 3946.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:06 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$661 - NF 9404.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:06 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$660 - NF 2486.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:06 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$683 - NF 2485.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:06 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$680 - NF 340.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:06 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$657 - NF 3945.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$688 - NF 1132.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIAÇÕES E INSPEÇÕES/01 - AVALIAÇÃO DE RISCO DE QUEDA/01 - PROTOCOLOS IEF/2019/CCU - REQUERIMENTO 195-2019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIAÇÕES E INSPEÇÕES/01 - AVALIAÇÃO DE RISCO DE QUEDA/01 - PROTOCOLOS IEF/2019/CCU - REQUERIMENTO 195-2019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIAÇÕES E INSPEÇÕES/01 - AVALIAÇÃO DE RISCO DE QUEDA/01 - PROTOCOLOS IEF/2019/PARECER TÉCNICO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIAÇÕES E INSPEÇÕES/01 - AVALIAÇÃO DE RISCO DE QUEDA/01 - PROTOCOLOS IEF/2019/PARECER TÉCNICO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIAÇÕES E INSPEÇÕES/01 - AVALIAÇÃO DE RISCO DE QUEDA/01 - PROTOCOLOS IEF/2019/REQUERIMENTO 079-2019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIAÇÕES E INSPEÇÕES/01 - AVALIAÇÃO DE RISCO DE QUEDA/01 - PROTOCOLOS IEF/2019/REQUERIMENTO 079-2019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIAÇÕES E INSPEÇÕES/01 - AVALIAÇÃO DE RISCO DE QUEDA/01 - PROTOCOLOS IEF/2019/REQUERIMENTO 194-2019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIAÇÕES E INSPEÇÕES/01 - AVALIAÇÃO DE RISCO DE QUEDA/01 - PROTOCOLOS IEF/2019/REQUERIMENTO 194-2019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIAÇÕES E INSPEÇÕES/01 - AVALIAÇÃO DE RISCO DE QUEDA/01 - PROTOCOLOS IEF/2019/REQUERIMNETO 196-2019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIAÇÕES E INSPEÇÕES/01 - AVALIAÇÃO DE RISCO DE QUEDA/01 - PROTOCOLOS IEF/2019/REQUERIMNETO 196-2019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/BLOCO E/Bloco E/OR\xc7AMENTOBLOCOE.VDIROS.DEZ2012..xls" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/BLOCO E/Bloco E/BLOCO E. 1\xba PAVT\xba.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DO CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES/02 - MANUAL DE PADRONIZA\xc7\xc3O/MANUAL OFICIAL DE SINALIZA\xc7\xc3O CCE - 2018.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$687 - NF 2295.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2019 - EXEC - PL - RV00/OR\xc7AMENTO APROVADO 2019" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2019 - EXEC - PL - RV00/- PROGRAMA\xc7ÃO DE VERBA 2019" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/02 - DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O/DV - ELET - 01 - BALAN\xc7O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O/BACKUP/BACKUP/- RELATORIOS E FECHAMENTO DE ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O/2019/2019 - FECHAMENTO MENSAL/03 - MAR\xc7O - 2019" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO LOCAÇÃO CCE - PESSOA FÍSICA - RV00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO LOCAÇÃO CCE - PESSOA FÍSICA - RV00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO LOCAÇÃO CCE - PESSOA FÍSICA - RV01.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 306.5988ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO LOCAÇÃO CCE - PESSOA FÍSICA - RV01.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO LOCAÇÃO CCE - PESSOA FÍSICA - RV02.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -227.3003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO LOCAÇÃO CCE - PESSOA FÍSICA - RV02.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO LOCAÇÃO CCE - PESSOA JURÍDICA - RV00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO LOCAÇÃO CCE - PESSOA JURÍDICA - RV00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO LOCAÇÃO CCE - PESSOA JURÍDICA - RV01.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -200.5647ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO LOCAÇÃO CCE - PESSOA JURÍDICA - RV01.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO LOCAÇÃO CCE - PESSOA JURÍDICA - RV02.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 408.6997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO LOCAÇÃO CCE - PESSOA JURÍDICA - RV02.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO CESSÃO CCE - PESSOA FÍSICA - RV03.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 315.879ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO CESSÃO CCE - PESSOA FÍSICA - RV03.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO CESSÃO CCE - PESSOA FÍSICA - RV04.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -236.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO CESSÃO CCE - PESSOA FÍSICA - RV04.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO CESSÃO CCE - PESSOA JURÍDICA - RV03.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 237.9355ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO CESSÃO CCE - PESSOA JURÍDICA - RV03.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO CESSÃO CCE - PESSOA JURÍDICA - RV04.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -102.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/CONTRATO CESSÃO CCE - PESSOA JURÍDICA - RV04.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/DISTRATO CCE - PESSOA JURÍDICA - RV00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/CONTRATOS/BACKUP'S/DISTRATO CCE - PESSOA JURÍDICA - RV00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO 2018 - EXEC - PL - RV01/- PROGRAMA\xc7ÃO DE VERBA 2018" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO 2018 - EXEC - PL - RV01/OR\xc7AMENTO APROVADO 2018" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/CONS\xd3RCIO DE ENERGIA/TERMO ADITIVO CONS\xd3RCIO ENERGIA FV.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/CONS\xd3RCIO DE ENERGIA/TERMO DE ADES\xc3O CONS\xd3RCIO ENERGIA LIVRE.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- SESMT/GRUAS - GUINCHOS/INSTALAÇÃO GUINCHOS NA PAREDE.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 245.7075ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- SESMT/GRUAS - GUINCHOS/INSTALAÇÃO GUINCHOS NA PAREDE.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/CCE 314 -- FLUKE 11-01.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 296.5994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/CCE 314 -- FLUKE 11-01.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/CCE 314 -- FLUKE 12-01.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -301.4006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/CCE 314 -- FLUKE 12-01.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/CCE 314 -- FLUKE 13-01.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -227.4006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/CCE 314 -- FLUKE 13-01.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/CCE 314 -- FLUKE 14-01.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 396.5994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/CCE 314 -- FLUKE 14-01.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/CCE 314 -- FLUKE 15-01.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 209.5994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/CCE 314 -- FLUKE 15-01.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/CCE 314 -- FLUKE 430-II (COM3).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -155.4006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/CCE 314 -- FLUKE 430-II (COM3).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/CCE 314 -- FLUKE ENERGIA.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 190.5997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/CCE 314 -- FLUKE ENERGIA.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/dados dia 12.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -477.4003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/dados dia 12.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/GRAFICOS.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/GRAFICOS.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/INSPEÇÃO DIARIA CCE.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -168.4006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/INSPEÇÃO DIARIA CCE.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/RELATÓRIO DE ENERGIA CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 113ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/01 - ENERGIA/RELATÓRIO DE ENERGIA CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:50:06 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 2 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$685 - NF 3251.docx 2022/01/25 16:50:06 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/04 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DE CARGO - 2019 - LARA KAROLYNE ALCANTARA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/RELATÃÓRIOS FOTOGRÁFICOS/QUADROS BRANCOS .doc: Size and modification time the same (differ by -376ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/RELATÃÓRIOS FOTOGRÁFICOS/QUADROS BRANCOS .doc: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/RELATÃÓRIOS FOTOGRÁFICOS/SALAS UNIPAM .doc: Size and modification time the same (differ by -357ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/RELATÃÓRIOS FOTOGRÁFICOS/SALAS UNIPAM .doc: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2018 - EXEC - PL - RV01/- PROGRAMA\xc7ÃO DE VERBA 2018/Programa\xe7\xe3o de Verba 2018 - Obras.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2018 - EXEC - PL - RV01/- PROGRAMA\xc7ÃO DE VERBA 2018/Cronograma de execu\xe7\xe3o.mpp" 2022/01/25 16:50:07 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/00 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xd5ES/REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:50:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$689 - NF 926 927 928 929 930 931.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:07 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$686 - NF 30089.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$690 - NF 001.21.69749905-6 001.21.69749940-4 001.21.70365868-8.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$692 - NF 7852.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$691 - NF 17915.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$693 - NF 30517.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$694 - NF 1466.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:07 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$695 - NF 7658.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$696 - NF 326.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$697 - NF 324.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$699 - NF 323.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$698 - NF 322.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$700 - NF 263.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$701 - NF 264.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$702 - NF 321.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:08 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETOS LARE EVENTOS/PROJETO DE LAYOUT PARA INAUGURA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:08 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS/AGENDA/RELAT\xd3RIO AGENDA 2020/3 - MAR\xc7O/PLANILHA EVENTOS CCE - MAR\xc7O - P1.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:08 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/00 - AGENDA - CUSTO - OR\xc7AMENTOS/AGENDA/RELAT\xd3RIO AGENDA 2020/3 - MAR\xc7O/PLANILHA EVENTOS CCE - MAR\xc7O - P2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$703 - NF 325.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRIÇÃO DO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES/02 - MANUAL DE PADRONIZAÇÃO/MANUAL OFICIAL DE SINALIZAÇÃO CCE - 2018.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRIÇÃO DO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES/02 - MANUAL DE PADRONIZAÇÃO/MANUAL OFICIAL DE SINALIZAÇÃO CCE - 2018.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:08 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELATÓ“RIOS TɉCNICOS OBRAS/BLOCO E/01 - LAB. SIMULA\xc7\xd5ES REAL\xcdSTICAS" 2022/01/25 16:50:08 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - DOA\xc7\xc3O/2019/TR DOA\xc7\xc3O 001-2019 - CL\xcaNIO ALVES SILVA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:08 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - COMODATO/2009/TR COMODATO 003-2009 - PAR\xd3QUIA SANTA TEREZINHA.doc" 2022/01/25 16:50:08 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - COMODATO/2009/TR COMODATO 004-2009-ASSOCIA\xc7\xc3O DOS MORADORES DO BAIRRO ALVORADA.doc" 2022/01/25 16:50:08 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - COMODATO/2009/TR COMODATO 002-2009 - POSTO DE ASSIST\xcaNCIA CHICO XAVIER.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:08 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - COMODATO/2009/TR COMODATO 001-2009 - CONSELHO DESENVOLVIMENTO COMUNIT\xc1RIO DE SANTA MARIA.doc" 2022/01/25 16:50:08 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O/2016/TD 001-2016-SECRETARIA MUNICIPAL DE SA\xdaDE.doc" 2022/01/25 16:50:08 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$688 - NF 1132.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/CONSÓRCIO DE ENERGIA/TERMO ADITIVO CONSÓRCIO ENERGIA FV.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -484.2003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/CONSÓRCIO DE ENERGIA/TERMO ADITIVO CONSÓRCIO ENERGIA FV.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/CONSÓRCIO DE ENERGIA/TERMO DE ADESÃO CONSÓRCIO ENERGIA LIVRE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -34ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:08 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/CONSÓRCIO DE ENERGIA/TERMO DE ADESÃO CONSÓRCIO ENERGIA LIVRE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:08 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$687 - NF 2295.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:08 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO REDE ELɉTRICA - LOGÍCA/1- CAMPUS - UNIPAM/SUBESTA\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:50:08 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO REDE ELɉTRICA - LOGÍCA/1- CAMPUS - UNIPAM/ADEQUA\xc7\xd5ES INFRAESTRUTURA EL\xc9TRICA" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIAÇÕES E INSPEÇÕES/00 - MAPEAMENTO JARDINS/DWG/CCV/CCV.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/6 - JARDINAGEM/03 - AVALIAÇÕES E INSPEÇÕES/00 - MAPEAMENTO JARDINS/DWG/CCV/CCV.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 041- EXC - DO - RV00 - 27042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL052- EXC - DO - RV00 -08052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 032 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 18042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL057- EXC - DO - RV00 -15052018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 027 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 11042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL053- EXC - DO - RV00 -09052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 019 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 28032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 041- EXC - DO - RV00 - 26042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL048- EXC - DO - RV00 -04052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 032 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 18042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL054- EXC - DO - RV00 - 12052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 041- EXC - DO - RV00 - 27042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL063- EXC - DO - RV00 - 21052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL059- EXC - DO - RV00 -17052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL060- EXC - DO - RV00 -18052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 030 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 16042018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL049- EXC - DO - RV00 -05052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 026 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 09042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 046- EXC - DO - RV00 - 02052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 024 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 05042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL055- EXC - DO - RV00 -15052018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 035- EXC - DO - RV00 - 21042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL056- EXC - DO - RV00 -11052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 043- EXC - DO - RV00 - 29042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 020 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 29032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 035- EXC - DO - RV00 - 21042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 040- EXC - DO - RV00 - 26042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL058- EXC - DO - RV00 -16052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 044- EXC - DO - RV00 - 30042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 039- EXC - DO - RV00 - 25042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 020 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 02042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL060- EXC - DO - RV00 -18052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 034 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 20042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 013 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 20032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL053- EXC - DO - RV00 -09052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 046- EXC - DO - RV00 - 02052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 033 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 19042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL061- EXC - DO - RV00 -19052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 005 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 07032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 043- EXC - DO - RV00 - 29042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 038- EXC - DO - RV00 - 24042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 018 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 27032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 037- EXC - DO - RV00 - 23042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 033 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 19042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL068- EXC - DO - RV00 - 25052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 029 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 13042018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 001 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 03032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL055- EXC - DO - RV00 -11052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 006 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 08032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 027 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 11042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL067- EXC - DO - RV00 - 24052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 031 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 17042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL062- EXC - DO - RV00 - 20052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 016 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 23032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL062- EXC - DO - RV00 - 20052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 015 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 22032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL047- EXC - DO - RV00 -03052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 025 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 06042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL052- EXC - DO - RV00 -09052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL050- EXC - DO - RV00 -07052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL055- EXC - DO - RV00 -1505201.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 036- EXC - DO - RV00 - 22042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 023 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 04042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 012 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 19032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 044- EXC - DO - RV00 - 30042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL056- EXC - DO - RV00 -14052018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL0054- EXC - DO - RV00 -10052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 011 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 17032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 017 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 26032018 -.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 003 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 05032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL051- EXC - DO - RV00 -07052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 020 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 31032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL063- EXC - DO - RV00 - 21052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 008 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 12032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 037- EXC - DO - RV00 - 23042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL061- EXC - DO - RV00 -19052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 025 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 06042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL059- EXC - DO - RV00 -17052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 038- EXC - DO - RV00 - 24042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 004 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 06032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 023 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 04042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL065- EXC - DO - RV00 - 23052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL058- EXC - DO - RV00 -16052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 019 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 28032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL054- EXC - DO - RV00 -11052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 010 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 14032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL067- EXC - DO - RV00 - 24052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 016 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 23032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 036- EXC - DO - RV00 - 22042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 021 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 02042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 026 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 09042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 020 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 31032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL049- EXC - DO - RV00 -05052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 028 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 17042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL059- EXC - DO - RV00 -18052018 - C\xf3pia.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 042- EXC - DO - RV00 - 28042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 022 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 03042018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 040- EXC - DO - RV00 - 26042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 022 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 03042018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL051- EXC - DO - RV00 -08052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL056- EXC - DO - RV00 -14052018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 007 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 09032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 042- EXC - DO - RV00 - 28042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL059- EXC - DO - RV00 -18052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 028 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 13042018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL052- EXC - DO - RV00 -08052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL0054- EXC - DO - RV00 -10052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 028 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 12042018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 028 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 12042018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 026 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 10042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 024 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 05042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 002 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 04032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 020 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 02042018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL053- EXC - DO - RV00 -10052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 021 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 02042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 026 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 10042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL068- EXC - DO - RV00 - 25052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL057- EXC - DO - RV00 -16052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL058- EXC - DO - RV00 -17052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 017 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 26032018 -.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL057- EXC - DO - RV00 -15052018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 018 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 27032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL064- EXC - DO - RV00 - 22052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 034 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 20042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL065- EXC - DO - RV00 - 23052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL050- EXC - DO - RV00 -06052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL047- EXC - DO - RV00 -03052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL050- EXC - DO - RV00 -06052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 014 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 21032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL064- EXC - DO - RV00 - 22052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 039- EXC - DO - RV00 - 25042018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL048- EXC - DO - RV00 -04052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 009 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 13032018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL051- EXC - DO - RV00 -07052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 045- EXC - DO - RV00 - 01052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 028 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 16042018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/PISO T\xc1TIL/~$ESSIBILIDADE PISO T\xc1TIL 045- EXC - DO - RV00 - 01052018 .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/04 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - LARA KAROLYNE ALCANTARA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -492.3635ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/04 - DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO/DESCRIÇÃO DE CARGO - 2019 - LARA KAROLYNE ALCANTARA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/00 - PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O DE VERBA/2021/OR\xc7AMENTO" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 01 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 145.0971ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 01 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 02 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 465.6109ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 02 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 03 - SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -466.93ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 03 - SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 04 - CENTRAL DE RELACIONAMENTO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 450.7473ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 04 - CENTRAL DE RELACIONAMENTO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 05 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 345.0389ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 05 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 06 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 311.1238ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 06 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 07 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 467.6606ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 07 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 08 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 246.7277ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 08 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 09 - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -83.073ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 09 - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 10 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -19.5606ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 10 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 11 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -461.1661ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 11 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 12 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -418.1828ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 12 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/CCE/CONTRU\xc7\xc3O CCE" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 15 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -285.0063ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 15 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 13 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 393.4702ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 13 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 16 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 229.9996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 16 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/CCE/T\xc9RMINO ESTA\xc7\xc3O ELEVAT\xd3RIA DE ESGOTO" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 17 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 145.9996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 17 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/CCE/ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O DO PO\xc7O ARTESIANO" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 18 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -394.201ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 18 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/CCE/ESTUDO INSER\xc7\xc3O DE 2 TEL\xd5ES CCE" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 19 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 222.799ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 19 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 20 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 409.1997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 20 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 21 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -322.8003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 21 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 22 - GARAGEM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -183.1456ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 22 - GARAGEM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 23 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 87.1808ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 23 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 24 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -343.6985ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 24 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 25 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -438.927ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 25 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 26 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -310.0337ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 26 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 27 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 46.9686ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 27 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 28 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 461.5425ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 28 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 29 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 77.0517ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 29 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 30 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 422.9406ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 30 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 31 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 338.4603ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 31 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 32 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -43.1685ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 32 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 33 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 455.0078ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 33 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 34 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 340.977ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 34 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 35 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -328.6016ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 35 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 36 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 109.6993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 36 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 14 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -441.1127ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 14 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 37 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -435.8885ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 37 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 38 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -489.6426ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 38 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 39 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 360.2492ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/02 - DEVOLUÇÃO/DV - ELET - 39 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/RELAT\xd3RIO REDU\xc7\xc3O CUSTO AP\xd3S PANDEMIA/DOCUMENTOS/1\xba TA recompra 04-2020-Assinado.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/RELAT\xd3RIO REDU\xc7\xc3O CUSTO AP\xd3S PANDEMIA/DOCUMENTOS/TARIFAS SIS. DISTRIBUI\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/RELAT\xd3RIO REDU\xc7\xc3O CUSTO AP\xd3S PANDEMIA/DOCUMENTOS/CCVEE - Funda\xe7\xe3o Educacional Patos de Minas.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- BACKUP'S/2020/- CONTROLE DE NOTAS 2020 - CCE RV03 2101021 CONF. AT\xc9 DEZ.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- BACKUP'S/2020/FECHADAS 2020 - CCE CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES 2020 - RV05.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- BACKUP'S/2020/ABERTAS 2020 - CCE CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES 2020 - RV05.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/00 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/00 - BACKUP'S/02 - CCE - LARE/01 - CCE - ESCRIT\xd3RIO" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/00 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/00 - BACKUP'S/02 - CCE - LARE/03 - CCE - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O E MELHORIAS" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/00 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/00 - BACKUP'S/02 - CCE - LARE/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$690 - NF 001.21.69749905-6 001.21.69749940-4 001.21.70365868-8.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:09 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$689 - NF 926 927 928 929 930 931.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$691 - NF 17915.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$692 - NF 7852.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$695 - NF 7658.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$694 - NF 1466.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$693 - NF 30517.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$696 - NF 326.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$697 - NF 324.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/RELATÓRIOS TECNICOS ANÁLISE/BLOCO C - CONSUMO DE ENERGIA SALAS DE AULA/BLOCO C - EXC - RT - 11.10.2018 - RV00 - .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -200.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/RELATÓRIOS TECNICOS ANÁLISE/BLOCO C - CONSUMO DE ENERGIA SALAS DE AULA/BLOCO C - EXC - RT - 11.10.2018 - RV00 - .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:10 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC05 - CCE - RC142 - CCE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:10 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC06 - CCE - BOLETIM DE OCORR\xcaNCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$701 - NF 264.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$698 - NF 322.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$700 - NF 263.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:10 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:10 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/02 - DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$699 - NF 323.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRIÇÃO DO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES/01 - INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS/00 - MANUTENÇÃO FILTRO SECADOR DE MÃO/VIDEO EXPLICATIVO - TROCA DE FILTRO.mp4: Size and modification time the same (differ by -249.2725ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRIÇÃO DO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES/01 - INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS/00 - MANUTENÇÃO FILTRO SECADOR DE MÃO/VIDEO EXPLICATIVO - TROCA DE FILTRO.mp4: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$702 - NF 321.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/ACESSO GUARITA SIS. INCÊNDIO/PROPOSTA DELTAFIRE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 296.453251ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/5 - ESTUDOS/ACESSO GUARITA SIS. INCÊNDIO/PROPOSTA DELTAFIRE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:10 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/CAMPUS UNIPAM/- ACESSIBILIDADE/OR\xc7AMENTO ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O RAMPAS INTERNAS" 2022/01/25 16:50:10 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/CAMPUS UNIPAM/- ACESSIBILIDADE/OR\xc7AMENTO INSTALA\xc7\xc3O PISO CAL\xc7ADAS" 2022/01/25 16:50:10 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/04 - LARE/- CHECLIST DE REVIS\xd5ES FISPQ LARE - RV01 - 27082020.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:10 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$703 - NF 325.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 1.89743778s 2022/01/25 16:50:11 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 2: batch had 2 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:11 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$684 - NF 345.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:11 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$685 - NF 3251.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 001 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 03032018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -225.2603ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 001 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 03032018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 002 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 04032018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 235.7108ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 002 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 04032018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 003 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 05032018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -2.6806ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 003 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 05032018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 004 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 06032018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 41.1617ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 004 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 06032018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 005 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 07032018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 166.7961ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 005 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 07032018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 006 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 08032018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -45.9929ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 006 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 08032018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 007 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 09032018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -334.0371ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 007 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 09032018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 008 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 12032018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 376.7019ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 008 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 12032018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 009 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 13032018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -25.922ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 009 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 13032018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 010 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 14032018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 40.0466ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 010 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 14032018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 011 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 17032018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 83.0054ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 011 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 17032018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 012 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 19032018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -363.7361ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 012 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 19032018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 013 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 20032018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -253.6305ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 013 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 20032018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 014 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 21032018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 214.8155ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 014 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 21032018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 015 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 22032018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 20.5939ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 015 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 22032018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 016 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 23032018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 39.7509ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 016 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 23032018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 017 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 26032018 -.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 110.1627ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 017 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 26032018 -.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 018 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 27032018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 18.5432ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- MARCA UNIPAM - MANUAIS/MANUAIS SINALIZA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 020 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 31032018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 128.8034ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 020 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 31032018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 021 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 02042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -10.5767ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 021 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 02042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 022 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 03042018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 313.1152ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 022 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 03042018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 018 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 27032018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 025 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 06042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -157.4874ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 025 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 06042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 026 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 09042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -477.7524ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 026 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 09042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 026 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 10042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 445.4963ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 026 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 10042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 027 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 11042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -75.7006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 027 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 11042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 029 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 13042018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 92.8094ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 030 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 16042018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 179.3756ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 030 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 16042018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 031 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 17042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 221.3896ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 032 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 18042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -491.7606ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 031 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 17042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 033 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 19042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -371.0208ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 033 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 19042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 034 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 20042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -250.8909ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 034 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 20042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 035- EXC - DO - RV00 - 21042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 177.726ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 036- EXC - DO - RV00 - 22042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -315.9245ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 036- EXC - DO - RV00 - 22042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 037- EXC - DO - RV00 - 23042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 93.7446ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 037- EXC - DO - RV00 - 23042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 038- EXC - DO - RV00 - 24042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -169.8564ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 038- EXC - DO - RV00 - 24042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 019 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 28032018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 345.7079ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 039- EXC - DO - RV00 - 25042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 274.8773ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 039- EXC - DO - RV00 - 25042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 040- EXC - DO - RV00 - 26042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 105.408ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 040- EXC - DO - RV00 - 26042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 041- EXC - DO - RV00 - 27042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -476.308ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 041- EXC - DO - RV00 - 27042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 035- EXC - DO - RV00 - 21042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 042- EXC - DO - RV00 - 28042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -287.991ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 042- EXC - DO - RV00 - 28042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 029 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 13042018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 032 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 18042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 019 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 28032018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 028 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 12042018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -235.5261ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 028 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 12042018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 043- EXC - DO - RV00 - 29042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -466.2369ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 024 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 05042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -254.7074ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 044- EXC - DO - RV00 - 30042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -83.6656ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 024 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 05042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 046- EXC - DO - RV00 - 02052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 470.2519ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 046- EXC - DO - RV00 - 02052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL0054- EXC - DO - RV00 -10052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 429.3587ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL0054- EXC - DO - RV00 -10052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 044- EXC - DO - RV00 - 30042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL047- EXC - DO - RV00 -03052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 85.7319ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL047- EXC - DO - RV00 -03052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 023 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 04042018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 346.1707ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 023 - EXC - DO - RV00 - 04042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL049- EXC - DO - RV00 -05052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 54.2578ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL050- EXC - DO - RV00 -06052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 478.9901ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL050- EXC - DO - RV00 -06052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL049- EXC - DO - RV00 -05052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 043- EXC - DO - RV00 - 29042018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 045- EXC - DO - RV00 - 01052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 270.7409ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL 045- EXC - DO - RV00 - 01052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL048- EXC - DO - RV00 -04052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -108.378ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL048- EXC - DO - RV00 -04052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL051- EXC - DO - RV00 -07052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 445.1374ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL052- EXC - DO - RV00 -08052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 399.2922ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL052- EXC - DO - RV00 -08052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL055- EXC - DO - RV00 -11052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -82.3166ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL055- EXC - DO - RV00 -11052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL053- EXC - DO - RV00 -09052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -112.9803ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL057- EXC - DO - RV00 -15052018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 127.6191ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL057- EXC - DO - RV00 -15052018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL059- EXC - DO - RV00 -17052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 176.7767ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL060- EXC - DO - RV00 -18052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -382.0937ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL060- EXC - DO - RV00 -18052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL061- EXC - DO - RV00 -19052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 452.1896ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL061- EXC - DO - RV00 -19052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL059- EXC - DO - RV00 -17052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL053- EXC - DO - RV00 -09052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL051- EXC - DO - RV00 -07052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL056- EXC - DO - RV00 -14052018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 53.3775ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL056- EXC - DO - RV00 -14052018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL063- EXC - DO - RV00 - 21052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 121.9505ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL064- EXC - DO - RV00 - 22052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 494.2997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL064- EXC - DO - RV00 - 22052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL063- EXC - DO - RV00 - 21052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL058- EXC - DO - RV00 -16052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 306.3669ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL058- EXC - DO - RV00 -16052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL065- EXC - DO - RV00 - 23052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 454.9249ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL065- EXC - DO - RV00 - 23052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL062- EXC - DO - RV00 - 20052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 51.4764ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL062- EXC - DO - RV00 - 20052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL067- EXC - DO - RV00 - 24052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 264.8153ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL067- EXC - DO - RV00 - 24052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL068- EXC - DO - RV00 - 25052018 .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 498.5826ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/DIÁRIO DE OBRAS/PISO TÁTIL/ACESSIBILIDADE PISO TÁTIL068- EXC - DO - RV00 - 25052018 .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/08 - TERMO DE RESPONSABILIDADE/2020/05 - BLOCO E/18.0001 - Audit\xf3rio - 213 E.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/BLOCO ALFA/IMPLANTA\xc7\xc3O UFU/BLOCO ALFA - 1\xba E 3\xbaPAV ADEQ UFU - ORC - RV00 - 01102021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/BLOCO ALFA/IMPLANTA\xc7\xc3O UFU/BLOCO ALFA - 1\xba E 3\xbaPAV ADEQ UFU - ORC - RV00 - 01102021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/6 - BACKUP PIE/1 - PIE2019/INSPE\xc7\xc3O INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES/- BACKUP'S/2020/- CONTROLE DE NOTAS 2020 - CCE RV03 2101021 CONF. ATÉ DEZ.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 170.5331ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES/- BACKUP'S/2020/- CONTROLE DE NOTAS 2020 - CCE RV03 2101021 CONF. ATÉ DEZ.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES/- BACKUP'S/2020/ABERTAS 2020 - CCE CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2020 - RV05.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -416.2261ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES/- BACKUP'S/2020/ABERTAS 2020 - CCE CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2020 - RV05.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES/- BACKUP'S/2020/FECHADAS 2020 - CCE CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2020 - RV05.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -330.8799ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES/- BACKUP'S/2020/FECHADAS 2020 - CCE CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES 2020 - RV05.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/DI\xc1\x81RIO DE OBRAS/CLIMATIZALJÃO/1º ETAPA/06 - Mar\xe7o - 2018" 2022/01/25 16:50:11 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/BENFEITORIAS EXTERNAS/CETAS - MONTES CLAROS/01 - TERMO DE REFER\xcaNCIA" 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 3 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$686 - NF 30089.docx 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$689 - NF 926 927 928 929 930 931.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$690 - NF 001.21.69749905-6 001.21.69749940-4 001.21.70365868-8.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$691 - NF 17915.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:11 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$692 - NF 7852.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$693 - NF 30517.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$695 - NF 7658.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$694 - NF 1466.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$696 - NF 326.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC01 - CCE - NF 017230.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -254.2562ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC01 - CCE - NF 017230.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC02 - CCE - BOLETO 9017507970.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 39.6167ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC02 - CCE - BOLETO 9017507970.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC03 - CCE - BOLETO 9017480289.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -475.7391ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC03 - CCE - BOLETO 9017480289.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC04 - CCE - NF 19450.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 341.1581ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC04 - CCE - NF 19450.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC05 - CCE - RC142 - CCE MANUTENÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -120.0172ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC05 - CCE - RC142 - CCE MANUTENÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC06 - CCE - BOLETIM DE OCORRÊNCIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 292.982ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC06 - CCE - BOLETIM DE OCORRÊNCIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/00 - CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xc3O - RECURSOS ENERG\xc9TICOS/2021/01 a 05 - JANEIRO A MAIO/CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xd5ES - 01-2021 a 05-2021.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC08 - CCE - NF 8575.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 2.2048ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC08 - CCE - NF 8575.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC09 - CCE - NF 159.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 442.1874ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC09 - CCE - NF 159.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC10 - CCE - NF 163.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 498.1116ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC10 - CCE - NF 163.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC11 - CCE - NF 352.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -487.778ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC11 - CCE - NF 352.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC12 - CCE - NF 50.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 32.2757ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC12 - CCE - NF 50.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC13 - CCE - NF 10769.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 403.0176ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC13 - CCE - NF 10769.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC07 - CCE - VIDBOX.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -38.7535ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC14 - CCE - NF 160.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 204.3209ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC07 - CCE - VIDBOX.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC15 - CCE - NF 161.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -268.5926ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC15 - CCE - NF 161.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC16 - CCE - NF 162.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -373.4691ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC17 - CCE - NF 31.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -194.2527ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC17 - CCE - NF 31.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC16 - CCE - NF 162.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC18 - CCE - NF 8594.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -52.5715ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC18 - CCE - NF 8594.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC20 - CCE - NF 3.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -379.928ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC20 - CCE - NF 3.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC19 - CCE - NF 55897.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -196.0693ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC19 - CCE - NF 55897.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC14 - CCE - NF 160.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC21 - CCE - NF 001.20.73516175-6.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 317.6395ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC21 - CCE - NF 001.20.73516175-6.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC22 - CCE - NF 46664.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -413.5633ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC22 - CCE - NF 46664.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC23 - CCE - NF 1100.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 356.7423ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC23 - CCE - NF 1100.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC24 - CCE - NF 540.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 241.6086ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC24 - CCE - NF 540.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC26 - CCE - NF 250.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 228.8595ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC26 - CCE - NF 250.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC27 - CCE - NF 541.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -243.1455ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC25 - CCE - NF 02.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 145.421ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC25 - CCE - NF 02.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC30 - CCE - NF 119.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 403.0478ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC30 - CCE - NF 119.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC31 - CCE - NF 4332.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -369.1477ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC31 - CCE - NF 4332.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC32 - CCE - NF 19603.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 419.1999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC32 - CCE - NF 19603.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC27 - CCE - NF 541.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC28 - CCE - NF 1104.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 45.2835ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC28 - CCE - NF 1104.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC29 - CCE - NF 1103.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -278.4491ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC29 - CCE - NF 1103.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC33 - CCE - NF 44170.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 362.93ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC33 - CCE - NF 44170.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC34 - CCE - NF 1367.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 469.1673ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC34 - CCE - NF 1367.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC35 - CCE - NF 001.21.03412522-1.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -262.0034ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC35 - CCE - NF 001.21.03412522-1.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC36 - CCE - NF 254.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -372.2441ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC36 - CCE - NF 254.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC37 - CCE - NF 122.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 312.7787ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC37 - CCE - NF 122.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC38 - CCE - NF 45.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 478.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC38 - CCE - NF 45.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC39 - CCE - NF 8637.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -451.5715ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC39 - CCE - NF 8637.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC40 - CCE - NF 138.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 35.9997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC40 - CCE - NF 138.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC41 - CCE - NF 7137.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 497.9997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC41 - CCE - NF 7137.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC43 - CCE - NF 4.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 404.1875ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC44 - CCE - BOLETO 9017574464.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -280.3057ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC44 - CCE - BOLETO 9017574464.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC46 - CCE - NF 19803.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -448.4ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC46 - CCE - NF 19803.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC48 - CCE - NF 52.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -369.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC48 - CCE - NF 52.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC43 - CCE - NF 4.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC45 - CCE - NF 186.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 334.5902ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC45 - CCE - NF 186.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC49 - CCE - NF 53990105.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 496.8823ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC49 - CCE - NF 53990105.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC51 - CCE - NF 8788.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 334.2018ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC51 - CCE - NF 8788.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC52 - CCE - NF 44405.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -394.5128ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC52 - CCE - NF 44405.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC50 - CCE - NF 832.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -274.5187ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC53 - CCE - NF 261.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 245.2469ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC53 - CCE - NF 261.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC54 - CCE - NF 365.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -128.0364ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC55 - CCE - NF 194.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 431.9751ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC55 - CCE - NF 194.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC56 - CCE - NF 7261.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 8.0591ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC56 - CCE - NF 7261.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC54 - CCE - NF 365.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC57 - CCE - NF 001.21.09477969-3.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 208.0039ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC59 - CCE - NF 270.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -386.6606ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC59 - CCE - NF 270.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC60 - CCE - DOC 20343573546.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 342.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC61 - CCE - NF 287.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 421.2532ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC61 - CCE - NF 287.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC47 - CCE - NF 19659.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 458.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC47 - CCE - NF 19659.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC50 - CCE - NF 832.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC62 - CCE - NF 311.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -28.0898ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC62 - CCE - NF 311.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC57 - CCE - NF 001.21.09477969-3.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC64 - CCE - NF 001.21.17919424-0.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -82.6557ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC64 - CCE - NF 001.21.17919424-0.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC65 - CCE - NF 41761.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -386.8125ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC66 - CCE - NF 7419.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 95.7623ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC66 - CCE - NF 7419.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC65 - CCE - NF 41761.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC42 - CCE - NF 5.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -73.5903ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC42 - CCE - NF 5.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC67 - CCE - NF 277.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -73.0015ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC68 - CCE - NF 63.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 43ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC68 - CCE - NF 63.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC67 - CCE - NF 277.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC63 - CCE - NF 41501.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -46.2518ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC63 - CCE - NF 41501.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC60 - CCE - DOC 20343573546.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC58 - CCE - NF 55272924.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 250.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC58 - CCE - NF 55272924.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC69 - CCE - NF 56684168.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -87ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC69 - CCE - NF 56684168.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC70 - CCE - NF 68.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 377.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC70 - CCE - NF 68.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC71 - CCE - NF 2323.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 296.9911ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC71 - CCE - NF 2323.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC72 - CCE - NF 23004.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 81.1464ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/02 - JUSTIFICATIVA PAGAMENTOS/00 - MEMORANDO NF/- BACKUP'S/MC72 - CCE - NF 23004.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$697 - NF 324.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/- BACKUP'S/2019/- BACKUP/- CONTROLE DE REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES - RV04.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$701 - NF 264.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$698 - NF 322.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/07 - HABITE-SE/HABITE-SE CCE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 91.7253ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/00 - DOCUMENTAÇÃO ADMINISTRATIVA/07 - HABITE-SE/HABITE-SE CCE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$699 - NF 323.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$700 - NF 263.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/04 - LARE/- CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ LARE - RV01 - 27082020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 443.9975ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/04 - LARE/- CHECLIST DE REVISÕES FISPQ LARE - RV01 - 27082020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/04 - LARE/ALCOOL CICLO FARMA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 458.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/04 - LARE/ALCOOL CICLO FARMA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/04 - LARE/DETERGENTE LIMPOL.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -248.0717ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/04 - LARE/DETERGENTE LIMPOL.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/04 - LARE/MULTIUSO VEJA.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -246.7247ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/03 - FISPQS/04 - LARE/MULTIUSO VEJA.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/6 - BACKUP PIE/4 - PIE2020/4 - QUALIFICA\xc7\xc3O. HABILT. NRS/JO\xc3O LUCAS" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/6 - BACKUP PIE/4 - PIE2020/4 - QUALIFICA\xc7\xc3O. HABILT. NRS/MARC\xcdLIO CAMARGOS" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/6 - BACKUP PIE/4 - PIE2020/4 - QUALIFICA\xc7\xc3O. HABILT. NRS/T\xdaLIO MONTEIRO" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/4 - OBRA/~$ - SAIDA - LIMPEZA INTERNA DA GARAGEM DEP\xd3SITO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/4 - OBRA/10 - SAIDA - LIMPEZA EL\xc9TRICA LIMPEZA DE LUMINARIAS .docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2019/4 - OBRA/11 - SAIDA - LIMPEZA INTERNA DA GARAGEM DEP\xd3SITO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 162 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 09 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 17 - CONV\xcaNIO - UBS GRAMADO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 123 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 48 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PROVAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 92 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 47 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 33 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 88 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 169 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 20 - CCE - C\xf3pia.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 172 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 54 - SALA DE DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 08 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 12 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 20 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 173 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 07 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 138 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 10 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 53 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 139 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 98 - LIMPEZA PESADA GIN\xc1SIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 82 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 147 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 148 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 170 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 171 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 15 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 05 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 06 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 106 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 200 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 193 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 74 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 168 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 117 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 102 - LIMPEZA PESADA GIN\xc1SIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 34 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - LIMP - 27 - DILUI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:12 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$702 - NF 321.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:13 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$703 - NF 325.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- MARCA UNIPAM - MANUAIS/logo_unipam_lare_padrao.png: Size and modification time the same (differ by 207.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- MARCA UNIPAM - MANUAIS/logo_unipam_lare_padrao.png: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$704 - NF 265.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCION\xc1RIOS - BLOCO A/BACKUP/- CHECLIST DE REVIS\xd5ES FISPQ COPA E COZINHA - RV00 - 08032019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/03 - COPA DOS FUNCION\xc1RIOS - BLOCO A/BACKUP/- CHECLIST DE REVIS\xd5ES FISPQ COPA E COZINHA - RV01 - 21112019.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/Apresenta\xe7\xe3o/Dados de Baixa de Patrim\xf4nio.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/Apresenta\xe7\xe3o/Dados de Patrim\xf4nios 2019" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/Apresenta\xe7\xe3o/Gest\xe3o de Patrim\xf4nio.pptx" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO HIDROSSANIT\xc1\x81RIOS/PROJETO DE REAPROVEITAMENTO AGUAS PLUVIAIS/SISTEMA APROVEITAMENTO \xc1GUAS PLUVIAIS/C\xf3pia de PROJETO DE AGUAS PLUVIAIS - CAMPUS UNIPAM -06022018.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- OR\xc7AMENTOS E CRONOGRAMAS/BENFEITORIAS EXTERNAS/ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O UBS GRAMADO/CRONOGRAMA/BACK/ADEQUA\xc7\xc3O UBS GRAMADO - CR - RV00.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/04 - CONTROLE DE MEDI\xc7\xd5ES DE ENTREGAS/- CONCLU\xcdDOS/RC33 - PATOS DISTRIBUIDORA - MATERIAL DE LIMPEZA/MEDI\xc7\xd5ES - RC33 - PATOS DISTRIBUIDORA - MATERIAL DE LIMPEZA.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$705 - NF 27.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/00 - PROGRAMAÇÃO DE VERBA/2020/ORÇAMENTO/ORC2020-0001 CCE - RV02.xls: Size and modification time the same (differ by -64.9478ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/00 - PROGRAMAÇÃO DE VERBA/2020/ORÇAMENTO/ORC2020-0001 CCE - RV02.xls: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/xxxMANUTEN\xc7\xc3O COMPRESSORES/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O COMPRESSOR 04" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/xxxMANUTEN\xc7\xc3O COMPRESSORES/Rela\xe7a\xf5 de Compressores RV01 - 14082019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/xxxMANUTEN\xc7\xc3O COMPRESSORES/MAPA - LOCALIZA\xc7\xc3O DE COMPRESSORES - UNIPAM - RV02 - 01082019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/xxxMANUTEN\xc7\xc3O COMPRESSORES/Rela\xe7\xe3o de Compressores RV02 - 24072020.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/00 - CONTROLE DE MEDIÇÃO - RECURSOS ENERGÉTICOS/2021/01 a 05 - JANEIRO A MAIO/CONTROLE DE MEDIÇÕES - 01-2021 a 05-2021.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 30.471ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/01 - PROCESSOS INTERNOS/00 - CONTROLE DE MEDIÇÃO - RECURSOS ENERGÉTICOS/2021/01 a 05 - JANEIRO A MAIO/CONTROLE DE MEDIÇÕES - 01-2021 a 05-2021.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES/- BACKUP'S/2019/- BACKUP/- CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES - RV04.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 225ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:13 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/02 - PROCESSOS DE AQUISIÇÕES/01 - CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES/- BACKUP'S/2019/- BACKUP/- CONTROLE DE REQUISIÇÕES - RV04.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/09 - APRESENTA\xc7\xd5ES/07 - LOJA ESTUDANTIL/APRESENTA\xc7\xc3O UNILOJA.pptx" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/FISPQs/\xc1LCOOL.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/FISPQs/LUSTRA M\xd3VEIS BRY.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/FISPQs/AGUA SANIT\xc1RIA START.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/FISPQs/SABONETE L\xcdQUIDO.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/03 - FISPQS/02 - DEPOSITO DE MATERIAIS DE LIMPEZA BLOCO L/BACKUP/FISPQs/\xd3LEO PARA M\xd3VEIS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS/FB014 - RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - 2\xba SEMESTRE.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2019/07-05-2019 - RRT VIGI. SANIT\xc1RIA (MARCELO)/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTAS.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL/03 - MAR\xc7O 2020" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2021 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/PATREL003.1 - MAPA RESUMO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O E CORRE\xc7\xc3O - 1\xba SEMESTRE 2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:13 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2021 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/03 - MAR\xc7O 2021" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2018/06-09-2018/PRESTA\xc7\xc3O DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO 06-09-2018.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 01 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -252.016ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 01 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 01 - SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 186.7895ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 01 - SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 02 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -140.4406ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 02 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 03 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 39.2672ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 03 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 04 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -365.762ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 04 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 05 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -184.8537ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 05 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 06 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -12.4997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 06 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 07 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 15.3626ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 07 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 08 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -221.3143ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 08 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 09 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 266.7052ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 09 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 10 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -237.5669ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 10 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 100 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -26.1991ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 100 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 101 - 26082020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -430.0146ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 101 - 26082020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 102 - LIMPEZA PESADA GINÁSIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -297.8543ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 102 - LIMPEZA PESADA GINÁSIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 103 - 27082020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 111.4882ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 103 - 27082020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 104 - 28082020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -439.2642ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 104 - 28082020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 105 - 31082020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -306.7128ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 105 - 31082020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 106 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 11.8647ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 106 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 107 - OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -389.6003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 107 - OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 108 - 01092020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -495.7078ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 108 - 01092020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 109 - 04092020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -282.5345ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 109 - 04092020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 11 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 4.2679ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 11 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 110 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -60.1237ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 110 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 111 - 08092020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -428.2523ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 111 - 08092020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 112 - 09092020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 306.2523ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 112 - 09092020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 114 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 141.5319ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 114 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 115 - 11092020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 346.78ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 115 - 11092020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 117 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -435.9229ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 117 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 116 - 14092020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 345.8754ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 116 - 14092020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 118 - 16092020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 116.0631ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 118 - 16092020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 113 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -305.955ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 113 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 119 - SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 289.9045ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 119 - SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 12 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 107.808ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 12 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 120 - 18092020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -151.9854ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 120 - 18092020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 121 - 21092020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 186.44ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 121 - 21092020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 122 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -57.816ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 122 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 123 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 361.752ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 123 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 124 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -373.8649ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 124 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 125 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -230.8676ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 125 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 126 - OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -486.9219ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 126 - OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 127 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 35.7664ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 127 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 128 - OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 108.8861ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 128 - OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 129 - SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 97.1141ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 129 - SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 13 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -328.8427ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 13 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 130 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 189.9566ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 130 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 131 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 21.4261ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 131 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 132 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -450.6537ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 132 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 133 - 23092020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 203.2496ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 133 - 23092020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 134 - 25092020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -206.0526ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 134 - 25092020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 135 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -353.0494ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 135 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 136 - 05102020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 118.4787ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 136 - 05102020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 137 - 28092020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -180.0868ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 137 - 28092020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 138 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -333.6286ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 138 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 139 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -301.5438ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 139 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 14 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -337.5543ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 14 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 140 - 30092020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -170.2923ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 140 - 30092020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 141 - 02102020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -119.7043ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 141 - 02102020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 144 - 07102020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -364.8236ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 144 - 07102020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 145 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -196.967ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 145 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 146 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 257.1395ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 146 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 147 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -123.9109ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 147 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 148 - 14102020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -390.1963ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 148 - 14102020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 148 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 399.1711ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 148 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 149 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 13.1244ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 149 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 15 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 381.8755ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 15 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 150 - 16102020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 318.5687ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 150 - 16102020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 142 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 213.5252ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 142 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 151 - 19102020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 340.5041ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 151 - 19102020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 143 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -437.0067ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 143 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 152 - SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -279.3278ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 152 - SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 153 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 231.3487ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 153 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 154 - 21102020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -463.3662ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 154 - 21102020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 155 - OBRA .docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 435.3186ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 155 - OBRA .docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 156 - SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 160.4823ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 156 - SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 157 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 427.2787ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 157 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 158 - 23102020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -10.7314ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 158 - 23102020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 161 - 28102020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -474.5989ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 161 - 28102020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 162 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -392.9382ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 162 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 159 - 26102020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 95.1547ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 159 - 26102020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 16 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -431.693ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 16 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 163 - 30102020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -213.9053ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 163 - 30102020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 160 - SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 431.6105ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 165 - SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 477.3542ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 165 - SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 160 - SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 164 - SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -190.3358ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 164 - SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 166 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -24.463ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 166 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 167 - SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -480.3065ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 167 - SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 168 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 241.2872ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 168 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 169 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -185.6838ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 169 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 17 - CONVÊNIO - UBS GRAMADO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 122.9436ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 17 - CONVÊNIO - UBS GRAMADO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 170 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -44.2868ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 170 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 171 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -472.3231ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 171 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 172 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -319.2754ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 172 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 173 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -201.841ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 175 - 06112020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 296.3029ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 173 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 176 - 09112020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -122.4021ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 176 - 09112020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 174 - 04112020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 192.2817ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 174 - 04112020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 175 - 06112020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 177 - 10112020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -17.3862ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 177 - 10112020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 178 - 11112020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 602µs, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 178 - 11112020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 179 - 12112020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -29.3785ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 179 - 12112020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 18 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -367.6547ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 18 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 180 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -470.3421ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 180 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 181 - 13112020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -408.8963ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 181 - 13112020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 183 - 18112020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 199.4372ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 183 - 18112020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 185 - 20112020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -463.5264ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 185 - 20112020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 186 - 23112020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 451.4254ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 186 - 23112020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 187 - 24112020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 283.6841ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 187 - 24112020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 188 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -282.0969ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 189 - 25112020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -37.355ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 19 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 429.6271ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 19 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 191 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -51.4935ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 191 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 182 - 17112020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -258.8969ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 182 - 17112020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 192 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 167.3567ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 192 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 184 - 19112020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -162.7122ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 193 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -275.3845ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 193 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 184 - 19112020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 189 - 25112020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 190 - 16112020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -496.5208ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 190 - 16112020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 188 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 194 - 27112020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -87.8756ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 194 - 27112020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 195 - 30112020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -286.7355ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 195 - 30112020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 196 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 205.5983ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 196 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 197 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 251.2521ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 197 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 198 - SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -201.621ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 198 - SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 199 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 288.6622ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 199 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 20 - CCE - Cópia.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 349.6202ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 20 - CCE - Cópia.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 20 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 4.8343ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 20 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 200 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 375.9047ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 200 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 201 - 02122020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 241.6163ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 201 - 02122020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 202 - 03122020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -97.1974ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 202 - 03122020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 21 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -270.8995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 22 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -158.0483ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 22 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 21 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 23 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 491.3979ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 23 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 27 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -144.3879ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 27 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 25 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 53.8494ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 25 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 29 - LARE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -368.6227ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 29 - LARE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 24 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 112.0822ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 24 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 30 - LARE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 373.7836ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 30 - LARE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 31 - BIBLIOTECA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 74.4057ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 31 - BIBLIOTECA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 32 - SECRETARIA ACADEMICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -218.5242ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 32 - SECRETARIA ACADEMICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 28 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 362.5385ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 28 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 26 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -241.6489ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 26 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 33 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 432.7657ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 33 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 34 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -3.7454ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 34 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 35 - LARE SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 459.1492ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 35 - LARE SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 36 - LIMPEZA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 114.5286ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 36 - LIMPEZA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 37 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -20.8069ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 37 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 38 - BN.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -116.2588ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 38 - BN.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 39 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -93.8035ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 39 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 40 - FARMACIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -496.4158ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 40 - FARMACIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 41 - LARE SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 303.007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 41 - LARE SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 42 - VIGILANCIA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 295.8813ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 42 - VIGILANCIA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 43 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 484.2864ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 43 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 44 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 8.6591ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 44 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 46 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -347.9856ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 46 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 47 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -29.2033ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 47 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 48 - MANUTENÇÃO PROVAS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -218.1767ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 48 - MANUTENÇÃO PROVAS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 49 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 361.5426ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 49 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 50 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 154.26ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 50 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 51 - DISPENSERS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 179.9966ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 51 - DISPENSERS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 45 - LIMPEZA CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 154.3459ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 45 - LIMPEZA CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 52 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -102.023ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 52 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 53 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -181.9907ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 53 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 54 - SALA DE DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 22.7213ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 54 - SALA DE DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 55 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 267.2356ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 55 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 56 - LARE SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 440.1877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 56 - LARE SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 57 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -13.6585ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 57 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 58 - 17072020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -347.8176ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 58 - 17072020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 59 - 20072020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -497.7917ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 59 - 20072020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 60 - 22072020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -102.6256ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 60 - 22072020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 61 - LARE SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 50.2169ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 61 - LARE SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 62 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -438.8411ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 62 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 63 - 24072020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 285.0175ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 63 - 24072020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 64 - 27072020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 478.4616ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 64 - 27072020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 65 - SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 68.3437ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 65 - SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 66 - 29072020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -112.9805ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 66 - 29072020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 67 - 31072020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -293.2818ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 67 - 31072020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 68 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -162.0359ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 68 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 69 - CENTRAL DE ATENDIMENTO SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -94.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 69 - CENTRAL DE ATENDIMENTO SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 70 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -409.2985ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 70 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 71 - SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 96.7721ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 71 - SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 72 - 03082020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 489.0923ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 72 - 03082020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 73 - 04082020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -77.3635ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 73 - 04082020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 74 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 309.1665ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 74 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 75 - 05082020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 64.45ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 75 - 05082020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 76 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -165.8875ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 76 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 77 - 07082020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 54.5472ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 77 - 07082020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 78 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 377.4392ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 78 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 79 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 138.3318ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 79 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 80 - SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -262.9234ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 80 - SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 81 - 10082020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -339.3298ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 81 - 10082020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 83 - 11082020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 472.166ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 83 - 11082020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 84 - 12082020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 143.9473ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 84 - 12082020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 85 - SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 376.6498ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 85 - SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 82 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -342.6602ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 82 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 86 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -47.0308ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 86 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 87 - 14082020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -281.7592ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 87 - 14082020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 88 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -267.8812ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 88 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 89 - 17082020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 52.1172ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 89 - 17082020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 90 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 103.4918ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 90 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 91 - 19082020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 59.2644ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 91 - 19082020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 92 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -37.5484ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 92 - DILUIÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 93 - ELETRICA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -165.2476ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 93 - ELETRICA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 94 - COPA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -202.6191ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 94 - COPA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 95 - 21082020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -349.0122ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 95 - 21082020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 96 - SESMT.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 407.1262ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 96 - SESMT.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 97 - 24082020.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -90.3389ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 97 - 24082020.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 98 - LIMPEZA PESADA GINÁSIO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 22.6041ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 98 - LIMPEZA PESADA GINÁSIO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 99 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 116.5859ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVAÇÃO/05 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2020/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - LIMP - 99 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/Apresentação/Dados de Baixa de Patrimônio.XLSX: Size and modification time the same (differ by 121.2768ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/Apresentação/Dados de Baixa de Patrimônio.XLSX: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/2 - RELAT\xd3RIO SPDA/RELAT\xd3RIO TRIANUAL/CCV/2020 - RELAT\xd3RIO TRIANUAL SPDA CCV.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/Apresentação/Dados de Obras em Andamento (Ativas).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 96.3997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/Apresentação/Dados de Obras em Andamento (Ativas).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/Apresentação/Dados de Obras em Andamento (Finalizadas).xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 186.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/Apresentação/Dados de Obras em Andamento (Finalizadas).xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/Apresentação/Dados de Obras em Andamento.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -447.4ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/Apresentação/Dados de Obras em Andamento.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/Apresentação/Gestão de Patrimônio.pptx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -365.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/Apresentação/Gestão de Patrimônio.pptx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/2 - RELAT\xd3RIO SPDA/RELAT\xd3RIO SEMESTRAIS/CCE/2020 - RELAT\xd3RIO TRIANUAL SPDA CCE.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/OCEANO/1.jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 478.7994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/OCEANO/1.jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/OCEANO/2.jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 283.7994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/OCEANO/2.jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/02 - AGOSTO 2020/FB012 - RELAT\xd3RIO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - AGOSTO 2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/OCEANO/4.jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 342.7994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/OCEANO/4.jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/02 - AGOSTO 2020/PATREL003.1 - MAPA RESUMO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O E CORRE\xc7\xc3O COM DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O - AGOSTO 2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/OCEANO/3.jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by -171.2006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/OCEANO/3.jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/02 - AGOSTO 2020/FB014 - RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - AGOSTO 2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/OCEANO/5.jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 187.7994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/OCEANO/5.jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2020 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/02 - AGOSTO 2020/FB013 - RELAT\xd3RIO RESUMO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - CONT\xc1BIL - AGOSTO 2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/OCEANO/6.jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 45.7994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/OCEANO/6.jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/OCEANO/7.jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by 3.7994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/OCEANO/7.jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/OCEANO/8.jpg: Size and modification time the same (differ by -193.2006ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/03 - ESTUDOS/RENOVAÇÃO DE AR/ACADEMIA E OCEANO/OCEANO/8.jpg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/3 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O INC\xcaNDIO (projetos)/(12 - 16) - BLOCO D/BLOCO D INC\xcaNDIO AGOSTO 2017.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/13 - EIV PGT UNIPAM/01 - MG - AM MEDIDAS MITIGAT\xd3RIAS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE AQUISI\xc7\xc3O BENS PATRIMONIAIS/FB012 - RELAT\xd3RIO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - CONT\xc1BIL.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$704 - NF 265.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO EQUIPAMENTOS/xxxMANUTENÇÃO COMPRESSORES/MAPA - LOCALIZAÇÃO DE COMPRESSORES - UNIPAM - RV02 - 01082019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -347.792ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO EQUIPAMENTOS/xxxMANUTENÇÃO COMPRESSORES/MAPA - LOCALIZAÇÃO DE COMPRESSORES - UNIPAM - RV02 - 01082019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO EQUIPAMENTOS/xxxMANUTENÇÃO COMPRESSORES/Relaçaõ de Compressores RV01 - 14082019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -73.142ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO EQUIPAMENTOS/xxxMANUTENÇÃO COMPRESSORES/Relaçaõ de Compressores RV01 - 14082019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO EQUIPAMENTOS/xxxMANUTENÇÃO COMPRESSORES/Relação de Compressores RV02 - 24072020.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -114.3495ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO EQUIPAMENTOS/xxxMANUTENÇÃO COMPRESSORES/Relação de Compressores RV02 - 24072020.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/2 - RELAT\xd3RIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCU/CCU-An\xe1lise de risco (com prote\xe7\xe3o).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/1 - PRONTU\xc1RIO DE INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES EL\xc9TRICAS/2 - RELAT\xd3RIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCU/CCU-An\xe1lise de risco (sem prote\xe7\xe3o).pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 805.490762ms 2022/01/25 16:50:14 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 3: batch had 3 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:14 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$687 - NF 2295.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:14 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$688 - NF 1132.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:14 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$686 - NF 30089.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/TELEFONE COM CHIPS/ESTUDO TELEFONES 3G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -127.6836ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/TELEFONE COM CHIPS/ESTUDO TELEFONES 3G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/TELEFONE COM CHIPS/RESULTADO RAMAIS PARA CHIPS.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -40.0009ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/9 - TELEFONIA/3 - ESTUDOS/TELEFONE COM CHIPS/RESULTADO RAMAIS PARA CHIPS.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PREDIAL/PROJETOS/PDF's/PLANTA GERAL EXTERNA/PLANTA GERAL INSPE\xc7\xc3O EXTERNA - 180219-Layout1.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O PREDIAL/PROJETOS/PDF's/PLANTA GERAL EXTERNA/PLANTA GERAL INSPE\xc7\xc3O EXTERNA - 150219-Layout1.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$705 - NF 27.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/2021 - 1º SEMESTRE/RAZÃO AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIAÇÃO DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/PATREL003.1 - MAPA RESUMO DE DEPRECIAÇÃO E CORREÇÃO - 1º SEMESTRE 2021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -414.2836ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/2021 - 1º SEMESTRE/RAZÃO AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIAÇÃO DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/PATREL003.1 - MAPA RESUMO DE DEPRECIAÇÃO E CORREÇÃO - 1º SEMESTRE 2021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/1 - MANUTEN\xc7ÃO GRUPO GERADOR/Backup/2019/1 - UNPAM MANUTEN\xc7\xd5ES 2019 SMC" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/2 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 2 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB+GMG CCE 25-01-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/2 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 2 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB MEDI\xc7\xc3O 25-01-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/2 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 2 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB+GMG CCO 25-01-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/2 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 2 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB 01 25-01-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/2 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 2 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O GMG UNIPAM 25-01-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/2 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 2 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB 04 25-01-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/2 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 2 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB 03 25-01-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/2 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 2 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB 02 25-01-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2021/2 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE JANEIRO 2 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB+GMG CCV 25-01-2021.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2019/3-MAR\xc7O" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/3 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O INC\xcaNDIO (projetos)/(09 - 11) - BLOCO C/PDF/BLOCO C INC\xcaNDIO AGOSTO 2017-Model2.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/3 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O INC\xcaNDIO (projetos)/(09 - 11) - BLOCO C/PDF/BLOCO C INC\xcaNDIO AGOSTO 2017-Model.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL/02 - AGOSTO 2019/GP0003 - RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL - AGOSTO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL/02 - AGOSTO 2019/GP0003.2 - RESUMO POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL - AGOSTO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2018/06-09-2018/ADIANTAMETO 06-09-2018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 316.9358ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2018/06-09-2018/ADIANTAMETO 06-09-2018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2018/06-09-2018/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO 06-09-2018.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 327.6082ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/05 - ADIANTAMENTO/ADIANTAMENTO/2018/06-09-2018/PRESTAÇÃO DE CONTAS DE ADIANTAMENTO 06-09-2018.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 128 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 397 - JARDINAGEM E ORNAMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 173 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 244 - INFORM\xc1TICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 41 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 05 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 419 -JARDINAGEM E ORNAMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 122 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 44 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 136 - JARDINAGEM E ORNAMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 300 - RECEPCIONISTA SECRET\xc1RIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 13 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 46 - PORTEIRO - VIGIL\xc2NCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 387 - SECRET\xc1RIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 362 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 114 - JARDINAGEM E ORNAMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 124 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 378 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 122 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 51 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 28 - VIGIL\xc2NCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 289 - LAB. ENSINO EM AN\xc1LISES CL\xcdNICAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 186 - CL\xcdNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 308 - LAB. AN\xc1LISE CL\xcdNICAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 328 - ASSESSORIA DE COMUNICA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 113 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 280 - EST\xc1GIO FARM\xc1CIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 09 - VIGIL\xc2NCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 24 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 108 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 428 - LAB. AN\xc1LISES CLINICAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 258 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 140 - EXTENS\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 47 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL INTERNA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 261 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E INFRA..docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 32 - COLA\xc7\xc3O DE GRAU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 205 - INFORM\xc1TICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 414 - SECRET\xc1RIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 129 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 421 -CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 353 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 276 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E SUPRIMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 237 - VIGIL\xc2NCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 137 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 65 - CL\xcdNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 150 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 316 - CL\xcdNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 317- GIN\xc1SIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 259 - FARM\xc1CIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 45 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 394 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 216 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E INFRA..docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 43 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 285 - JARDINAGEM E ORNAMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 169 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E SUPRIMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 149 - JARDINAGEM E ORNAMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 389 - COLA\xc7\xc3O DE GRAU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 43 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 278 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 219 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA..docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 149 - JARDINAGEM E ORNAMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 135 - JARDINAGEM E ORNAMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 357 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 382 - EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 88 - SECRET\xc1RIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 197 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 07 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 154 - PISCINA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 118 - CCV ESTAGI\xc1RIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 39 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E SUPRIMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 19 - JARDINAGEM E ORNAMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 372 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 200 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 127 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 18 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 65 - CL\xcdNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 299 - LAB. AN\xc1LISES CLINICAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 296 - EL\xc9TRICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 12 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 388 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 64 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 36 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 03 - VIGIL\xc2NCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 292 - VIGIL\xc2NCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 413 - CL\xcdNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 322 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 121 - COLA\xc7\xc3O DE GRAU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 119 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 401 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 268 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 190 - JARDINAGEM E ORNAMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 240 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 33 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 377 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E INFRAESTRURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 190 - JARDINAGEM E ORNAMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 11 - JARDINAGEM E ORNAMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 193 - JARDINAGEM E ORNAMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 196 -CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 384 - NUTRI\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 46 - PORTEIRO - VIGIL\xc2NCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 69 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 423 -MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 323 - LABORAT\xd3RIO DE ANATOMIA HUMANA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 50 - CL\xcdNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 111 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 150 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 343 - VIGIL\xc2NCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 172 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 424 -MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E SUPRIMENTOSdocx.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 392 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 228 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 41 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 319 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 158 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 304 - JARDINAGEM E ORNAMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 298 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 148 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 128 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 298 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 276 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E SUPRIMENTOS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 31 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 263 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA..docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 371 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 229 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 74 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 342 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 58 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 48 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 222 -CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 225 - LAB. ANALISE CL\xcdNICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 310 - FARM\xc1CIA UNIVERSIT\xc1RIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 48 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 341 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 173 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 113 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 49 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 17 - VIGIL\xc2NCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 121 - COLA\xc7\xc3O DE GRAU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 26 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 102 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 189 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 381 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 284 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 204 -CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 50 - CL\xcdNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 307 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 112 - COLA\xc7\xc3O DE GRAU.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 30 - FARM\xc1CIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 111 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 413 - CL\xcdNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 369 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 168 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 263 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA..docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 409 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 403 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 102 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 05 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 274 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 21 - ENSINO M\xc9DIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 383 -LAB. MANIPULA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 178 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 20 - LAB. ANALISES CL\xcdNICAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 14 - JARDINAGEM E ORNAMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 129 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 427 -CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 159 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 226 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 188 - VIGIL\xc2NCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 163 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 305 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 94 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 412 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 411 - LAB. ANALISES CL\xcdNICAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 51 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 415 -LAB. MANIPULA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 349 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 33 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 332 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 209 - REDES E SEGURAN\xc7A.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 211 -CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 165 - LABORAT\xd3RIO DE ZOOLOGIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 114 - JARDINAGEM E ORNAMENTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 426 -MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O E INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 347 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 410 - VIGIL\xc2NCIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 289 - LAB. ENSINO EM AN\xc1LISES CL\xcdNICAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 172 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O DE INFRAESTRUTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - SESMT - 88 - SECRET\xc1RIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/06 - TRANFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/06 - MATERIAL SESMT/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/~$ - SESMT - 49 - CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/09 - HOSPITAL REGIONAL - HRAD/01 - HRAD - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O BANCO DE LEITE/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/LC01 - HRAD - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O BANCO DE LEITE - PROJETOS COMPLEMENTARES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/LAYOUT/2201ALFA - POLO TECNOL\xd3GICO/01 - ESTUDO PRELIMINAR/POLO TECNOL\xd3GICO - ARQ - DT - RV00 - 20012022.bak" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/LAYOUT/2201ALFA - POLO TECNOL\xd3GICO/01 - ESTUDO PRELIMINAR/POLO TECNOL\xd3GICO - ARQ - DT - RV00 - 18012022.bak" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/LAYOUT/2201ALFA - POLO TECNOL\xd3GICO/01 - ESTUDO PRELIMINAR/POLO TECNOL\xd3GICO - ARQ - DT - RV00 - 19012022.bak" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/LAYOUT/2201ALFA - POLO TECNOL\xd3GICO/01 - ESTUDO PRELIMINAR/POLO TECNOL\xd3GICO - ARQ - DT - RV00 - 20012022.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/LAYOUT/2201ALFA - POLO TECNOL\xd3GICO/01 - ESTUDO PRELIMINAR/POLO TECNOL\xd3GICO - ARQ - DT - RV00 - 19012022.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTO OBRA/EQUIPAMENTOS A SEREM DESCARTADOS/1\xba Descarte - 211218/Relat\xf3rio Fotogr\xe1fico.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTOS/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O EQUIPAMENTO OBRA/EQUIPAMENTOS A SEREM DESCARTADOS/1\xba Descarte - 211218/Relat\xf3rio Fotogr\xe1fico.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/- FEPAM/- DOC. ESTUDOS DE IMPACTO E VIZINHANÇA - EIV/VILA PADRE ALAOR/IMAGENS/Thumbs.db: Excluded 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/- ADITAMENTO DE CONTRATO/ADITAMENTO CONTRATO 04-2018 - LAJE E ARAME - C\xf3pia" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/- ADITAMENTO DE CONTRATO/ADITAMENTO - SUPRESS\xc3O PREGOS 17X21 - CETAS.doc" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/08 - CETAS/01 - CETAS - CETAS/03 - LICITA\xc7\xc3O/- ADITAMENTO DE CONTRATO/ADITAMENTO CONTRATO 05-2018 - LOCA\xc7\xc3O DE MAQUIN\xc1RIO" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO PREDIAL/PROJETOS/LOCAÇÃO DE CENTRAIS DE GÁS GLP/CENTRAL CCE - 06 P190-02-12.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -8.0589ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO PREDIAL/PROJETOS/LOCAÇÃO DE CENTRAIS DE GÁS GLP/CENTRAL CCE - 06 P190-02-12.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO PREDIAL/PROJETOS/LOCAÇÃO DE CENTRAIS DE GÁS GLP/CENTRAL CCE - 06 P190.bak: Size and modification time the same (differ by 278ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO PREDIAL/PROJETOS/LOCAÇÃO DE CENTRAIS DE GÁS GLP/CENTRAL CCE - 06 P190.bak: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO PREDIAL/PROJETOS/LOCAÇÃO DE CENTRAIS DE GÁS GLP/CENTRAL CCE - 06 P190.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by -263ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTENÇÃO PREDIAL/PROJETOS/LOCAÇÃO DE CENTRAIS DE GÁS GLP/CENTRAL CCE - 06 P190.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO GALPÃO DEPOSITO/LAYOUT/2201ALFA - POLO TECNOL\xd3GICO/00 - DOCUMENTOS/00 - AN\xc1LISE CONSTRUTIVA/ANALISE CONSTRUTIVA - TERRENO MAJOR GOTE (M\xc1XIMO) - DOC - ARQ - RV00 - 19012022.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 15 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$689 - NF 926 927 928 929 930 931.docx 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O/2019/DIURNAS/CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O E LIMPEZA" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O/2019/DIURNAS/EL\xc9TRICA" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6601 - BJ - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6581 - BH - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6655 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Subesta\xe7\xe3o Campus.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6312 - CCO - OI Climatiza\xe7\xe3o Sala Esteriliza\xe7\xe3o.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6611 - BK - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6511 - BA - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6651 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral Interna.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6652 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Elevadores Campus.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6721 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral CCU.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6653 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Gerador Campus.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6631 - BM - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6761 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral - E. E. Agrot\xe9cnica.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6791 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral Externa.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6591 - BI - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6551 - BE - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6741 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral CCV.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6751 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral - Bloco Alfa.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6711 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral CCO.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/EL\xc9TRICA PASSOS E NEVES LTDA. ME 015724.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/5242 - Constru\xe7\xe3o - CETAS.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6621 - BL - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6158 - CG - AM Melhoria Sinaliza\xe7\xe3o.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/EL\xc9TRICA PASSOS E NEVES LTDA. ME 015722.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6657 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Ar Condicionado Campus.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6641 - BN - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6541 - BD - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6654 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o El\xe9trica Campus.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6561 - BF - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6353 - HRAD - Amplia\xe7\xe3o Banco de Leite.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6571 - BG - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6521 - BB - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6531 - BC - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6332 - CCE -Amplia\xe7\xe3o e Melhorias.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO JANEIRO A DEZEMBRO/6731 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral CCE.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/02 - OBRA/1 - PLANO DE A\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/02 - OBRA/01 - MISCEL\xc2NEAS" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/OCUPA\xc7\xc3O/3253 - Seguro Ve\xedc. - Constr. - Instala\xe7\xf5es.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/OCUPA\xc7\xc3O/3504 - Manut. Reparos Bens M\xf3veis.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/OCUPA\xc7\xc3O/3250 - \xc1gua e Esgoto.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/OCUPA\xc7\xc3O/3256 - Manut. Reparos Im\xf3v. e Instala\xe7\xf5es.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2021/01 - JANEIRO/OCUPA\xc7\xc3O/3257 - Manut. Reparos de Ve\xedculos.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL/04 - ABRIL 2019/RESUMO - RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL - ABRIL 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL/04 - ABRIL 2019/RELAT\xd3RIO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS POR CONTA CONT\xc1BIL - ABRIL 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/ok - 6521 - BB - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/6601 - BJ - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/6655 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Subesta\xe7\xe3o Campus.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/- ok - 6791 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral Externa.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/ok - 6621 - BL - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/ok - 6631 - BM - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/ok - 6551 - BE - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/- ok - 6581 - BH - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/- ok - 6561 - BF - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/6761 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral - E. E. Agrot\xe9cnica.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/ok - 6653 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Gerador Campus.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/6591 - BI - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/ok - 6711 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral CCO.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/6751 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral - Bloco Alfa.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/ok - 6353 - HRAD - Amplia\xe7\xe3o Banco de Leite.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/5242 - Constru\xe7\xe3o - CETAS.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/ok - 6332 - CCE -Amplia\xe7\xe3o e Melhorias.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/ok - 6611 - BK - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/ok - 6652 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Elevadores Campus.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/ok - 6312 - CCO - OI Climatiza\xe7\xe3o Sala Esteriliza\xe7\xe3o.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/- ok - 6731 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral CCE.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/ok - 6511 - BA - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/ok - 6721 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral CCU.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/6641 - BN - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/- ok - 6741 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral CCV.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/6654 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o El\xe9trica Campus.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/ok - 6158 - CG - AM Melhoria Sinaliza\xe7\xe3o.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/6571 - BG - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/ok - 6657 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Ar Condicionado Campus.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/ok - 6541 - BD - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/6531 - BC - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- backups/JAN A DEZ/ok - 6651 - Manuten\xe7\xe3o Geral Interna.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2020/- FECHAMENTO 1\xba SEMESTRE/OCUPA\xc7\xc3O/3250 - \xc1GUA E ESGOTO JAN A JUN.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/REGULAMENTO/Regulamento - Centro de Conven\xe7\xf5es do UNIPAM - RV09.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/RELATÓRIO SEMESTRAIS/CCE/2020 - RELATÓRIO TRIANUAL SPDA CCE.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 125.1998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:14 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/RELATÓRIO SEMESTRAIS/CCE/2020 - RELATÓRIO TRIANUAL SPDA CCE.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/10 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE DEZEMBRO 1 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB 01 09-12-2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/10 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE DEZEMBRO 1 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB+GMG CCV 28-12-2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/10 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE DEZEMBRO 1 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB 03 09-12-2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/10 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE DEZEMBRO 1 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB 02 09-12-2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/10 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE DEZEMBRO 1 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB+GMG CCO 10-12-2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/10 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE DEZEMBRO 1 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB+GMG CCE 10-12-2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/10 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE DEZEMBRO 1 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB 04 10-12-2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/10 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE DEZEMBRO 1 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O SUB MEDI\xc7\xc3O 09-12-2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/2 - INSPE\xc7\xc3O DAS SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O - GERADORES/2020/10 - INSPE\xc7AO MES DE DEZEMBRO 1 QUINZENA/INSPE\xc7\xc3O GMG UNIPAM 09-12-2020.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:14 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/03 - MEDICINA DO TRABALHO/00 - DDS/02 - DDS FIS\xcdCO" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/2019 - 2º SEMESTRE/RELATÓRIO DE AQUISIÇÃO BENS PATRIMONIAIS/FB012 - RELATÓRIO DA AQUISIÇÃO DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - CONTÁBIL.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -435.6577ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/5 - PATRIMÔNIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDITÓRIA/2019 - 2º SEMESTRE/RELATÓRIO DE AQUISIÇÃO BENS PATRIMONIAIS/FB012 - RELATÓRIO DA AQUISIÇÃO DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - CONTÁBIL.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/01 - CONTROLE ARQUIVO MORTO/00-MODELO DE MATERIAL PARA IMPRESS\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/00 - LIMPEZA E CONSERVA\xc7\xc3O/00 - BALAN\xc7OS/01 - 01012019/~$COMPATIBILIZA\xc7\xc3O DE NOMENCLATURAS - LIMPEZA - RV01 - 24012019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELETRICA/1 - MANUTEN\xc7ÃO GRUPO GERADOR/2 - RELAT\xd3RIOS/2 - CCO/3-RELATORIO _CCO_MAR\xc7O_GMG.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/08 - CCV - BANCADAS OBSERVA\xc7\xc3O/RC01 - CCV - BANCADAS OBSERVA\xc7\xc3O - CIMENTO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/08 - CCV - BANCADAS OBSERVA\xc7\xc3O/RC04 - CCV - BANCADAS OBSERVA\xc7\xc3O - PORTAS PARA BAIAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/08 - CCV - BANCADAS OBSERVA\xc7\xc3O/RC04 - CCV - BANCADAS OBSERVA\xc7\xc3O - PORTAS PARA BAIAS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/08 - CCV - BANCADAS OBSERVA\xc7\xc3O/RC05 - CCV - BANCADAS OBSERVA\xc7\xc3O - MAT PINTURA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/08 - CCV - BANCADAS OBSERVA\xc7\xc3O/RC88 - CCV - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O - CANTONEIRA MET\xc1LICA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/08 - CCV - BANCADAS OBSERVA\xc7\xc3O/RC03 - CCV - BANCADAS OBSERVA\xc7\xc3O - MAT HIDR\xc1ULICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/03 - TREINAMENTOS/03 - GRAVA\xc7\xc3O DE TREINAMENTOS" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/03 - TREINAMENTOS/01-ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES INTERNAS" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/03 - TREINAMENTOS/00 - CURSO - C\xf3pia" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/12 - SESMT/00 - COVID/03 - TREINAMENTOS/01- ORIENTA\xc7\xd5ES INTERNAS" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/02 - CCE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/03 - TERMOS DE REFER\xcaNCIA/01 - FORRO MINERAL/TERMO DE REFER\xcaNCIA" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/02 - AGOSTO 2019/PATREL003.1 - MAPA RESUMO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O E CORRE\xc7\xc3O - AGOSTO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/02 - AGOSTO 2019/FB012 - RELAT\xd3RIO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - AGOSTO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/02 - AGOSTO 2019/FB014 - RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - CONT\xc1BIL - AGOSTO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/02 - AGOSTO 2019/FB013 - RELAT\xd3RIO RESUMO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - CONT\xc1BIL - AGOSTO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 2\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/02 - AGOSTO 2019/SAC07-1 - PEDIDO DE BAIXA OU ALIENA\xc7\xc3O - AGOSTO 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/reisao agosto 2018/REGULAMENTO/Regulamento - Centro de Conven\xe7\xf5es do UNIPAM - RV10.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- FEPAM/x/- SVN EDIT\xc1VEL" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/022-19 COLA\xc7\xc3O DE GRAU ENG. AMBIENTAL, ENG. PRODU\xc7\xc3O E ENG. QU\xcdMICA" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/028-19 COLA\xc7\xc3O DE GRAU JORNALISMO, PUBLICIDADE E PROPAGANDA, ENG. EL\xc9TRICA E ENG. MEC\xc2NICA" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/021-19 COLA\xc7\xc3O DE GRAU ENGENHARIA CIVIL" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/003-19 ENCONTRO PEDAG\xd3GICO" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/002-19 F\xd3RUM DE GEST\xc3O DE PESSOAS DO ALTO PARANA\xcdBA E NOROESTE DE PATOS DE MINAS" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/025-19 COLA\xc7\xc3O DE GRAU ED. F\xcdSICA, FARM\xc1CIA E FISIOTERAPIA" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/008-19 COLA\xc7\xc3O DE GRAU" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/013-19 F\xd3RUM JUR\xcdDICO" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/004-19 I CONGRESSO DE CI\xcaNCIAS PENAIS E SEGURAN\xc7A P\xdaBLICA DE PATOS DE MINAS" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/023-19 COLA\xc7\xc3O DE GRAU CI\xcaNCIAS CONT\xc1BEIS E SISTEMAS DE INFORMA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/029-19 COLA\xc7\xc3O DE GRAU ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O, GEST\xc3O COMERCIAL E GEST\xc3O DO AGRONEG\xd3CIO" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/020-19 COLA\xc7\xc3O DE GRAU DIREITO" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/026-19 COLA\xc7\xc3O DE GRAU AGRONOMIA E ZOOTECNIA" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/019-19 COLA\xc7\xc3O DE GRAU MEDICINA" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/027-19 COLA\xc7\xc3O DE GRAU MEDICINA VETERIN\xc1RIA" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/024-19 COLA\xc7\xc3O DE GRAU PSICOLOGIA, NUTRI\xc7\xc3O E ENFERMAGEM" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/010-19 ENCONTRO PEDAG\xd3GICO" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/001-19 RECEP\xc7\xc3O CALOUROS" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/018-19 11\xba PR\xcaMIO DE EMPREENDEDORISMO" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/012-19 \xc1FRICA WEEK" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/030-19 COLA\xc7\xc3O DE GRAU ARQUITETURA E URBANISMO E CI\xcaNCIAS BIOL\xd3GICAS" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2019/INTERNO/005-19 I COPAM - CONGRESSO ODONTOL\xd3GICO DO UNIPAM" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2020/EXTERNO/006-20 L\xcdDERES DO VAREJO - AMIS (COVID-19)" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2020/EXTERNO/001-20 ASSOCIAL\xc7\xc3O B\xcdBLICA - ASSEMBL\xc9IA DE CIRCUITO DAS TESTEMUNHAS DE JEOV\xc1 PM" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2020/EXTERNO/003-20 ASSOCIAL\xc7\xc3O B\xcdBLICA - CONGRESSO REGIONAL DAS TESTEMUNHAS DE JEOV\xc1 (COVID-19)" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2020/EXTERNO/011-20 C\xc2MARA MUNICIPAL DE PATOS DE MINAS" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2020/EXTERNO/002-20 ASSOCIAL\xc7\xc3O B\xcdBLICA - ASSEMBL\xc9IA DE CIRCUITO DAS TESTEMUNHAS DE JEOV\xc1 ARAX\xc1" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2020/EXTERNO/014-20 CONSELHO MUNICIPAL DOS DIREITOS DA CRIAN\xc7A E DO ADOLESCENTE DA PATOS DE MINAS (COVID-19)" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2020/EXTERNO/008-20 FORMA\xc7\xc3O DE MECES (COVID-19)" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCU/CCU - SPDA - REV00 - 1-3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -286.4007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCU/CCU - SPDA - REV00 - 1-3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCU/CCU - SPDA - REV00 - 2-3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -394.5816ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCU/CCU - SPDA - REV00 - 2-3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCU/CCU - SPDA - REV00 - 3-3.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 219.0953ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCU/CCU - SPDA - REV00 - 3-3.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCU/CCU-Análise de risco (com proteção).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -7ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCU/CCU-Análise de risco (com proteção).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCU/CCU-Análise de risco (sem proteção).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -461ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/1 - PRONTUÁRIO DE INSTALAÇÕES ELÉTRICAS/2 - RELATÓRIO SPDA/PROJETOS SPDA/CCU/CCU-Análise de risco (sem proteção).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/06 - OR\xc7AMENTO 2021/COPA - OR\xc7AMENTO 2021/GAL\xc3O \xc1GUA MINERAL" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/06 - OR\xc7AMENTO 2021/COPA - OR\xc7AMENTO 2021/P\xc3ES" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/06 - CCV - COMPOSTEIRA/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC04 - CCV - COMPOSTEIRA - MATERIAL B\xc1SICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/05 - CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO/06 - CCV - COMPOSTEIRA/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC02 - CCV - COMPOSTEIRA - MATERIAL B\xc1SICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/03 - MAR\xc7O 2019/PATREL003.1 - MAPA RESUMO DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O E CORRE\xc7\xc3O - MAR\xc7O 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/03 - MAR\xc7O 2019/FB014 - RELAT\xd3RIO DE BAIXA DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - CONT\xc1BIL - MAR\xc7O 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/03 - MAR\xc7O 2019/FB013 - RELAT\xd3RIO RESUMO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS-CONT\xc1BIL - MAR\xc7O 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - MATERIAL DE AUDIT\xd3RIA/2019 - 1\xba SEMESTRE/RAZ\xc3O AUXILIAR DE DEPRECIA\xc7\xc3O DE BENS DO ATIVO IMOBILIZADO/03 - MAR\xc7O 2019/FB012 - RELAT\xd3RIO DA AQUISI\xc7\xc3O DE BENS PATRIMONIAIS - CONT\xc1BIL - MAR\xc7O 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$706 - NF 393.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$707 - NF 2482.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/- ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/04 - REUNIÃO 31072019/TREINAMENTO EQUIPE OPERACIONAL.pptx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/- ORIENTAÇÕES PARA EQUIPE/04 - REUNIÃO 31072019/TREINAMENTO EQUIPE OPERACIONAL.pptx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$704 - NF 265.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$708 - NF 230.docx: Uploading chunk 1/1 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALA\xc7Õ•ES/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO BLOCO M/ART 4784845 - Obra_Servi\xe7o.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2018/EXTERNO/001-18 ADRIANE GON\xc7ALVES/00 - ANEXOS/ANEXO I - INFORMA\xc7\xd5ES B\xc1SICAS.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2018/EXTERNO/001-18 ADRIANE GON\xc7ALVES/00 - ANEXOS/ANEXO V - PRE\xc7OS LOCA\xc7\xc3O.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/CONTRATOS/2018/EXTERNO/001-18 ADRIANE GON\xc7ALVES/00 - ANEXOS/ANEXO VI - INSPE\xc7\xc3O E VISTORIA.xls" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6791 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL EXTERNA.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/3250 - \xc1GUA E ESGOTO.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6611 - BK - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6341 - CCV - OC LAB. DOEN\xc7AS INFECCIOSAS.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6652 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O ELEVADORES CAMPUS.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6711 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL CCO.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6011 - BA - OC 3\xb0 E 4 \xb0 PAVIMENTOS.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6155 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6641 - BN - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6551 - BE - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6331 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS (CCE).XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6158 - CG - AM MELHORIA SINALIZA\xc7\xc3O.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6651 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL INTERNA.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6353 - HRAD - AMPLIA\xc7\xc3O BANCO DE LEITE.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/OCUPA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6621 - BL - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6653 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERADOR CAMPUS.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6741 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL CCV.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6591 - BI - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6321 - CCU - AM CENTRO DE SA\xdaDE ESCOLA.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6654 - MNAUTEN\xc7\xc3O EL\xc9TRICA CAMPUS.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6561 - BF - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6141 - BN - OC CONST OB 1\xb0 2\xb0 3\xb0 E 4 PAV..XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6541 - BD - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6511 - BA - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6021 - BB - OC SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O 3.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6655 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O CAMPUS.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6721 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL CCU.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6601 - BJ - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6571 - BG - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6751 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL - BLOCO ALFA.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6761 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL - E. E. AGROT\xc9CNICA.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6631 - BM - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6657 - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O AR CONDICIONADO CAMPUS.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6094 - BI - AM LAB. LUMINOT\xc9CNICA.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6091 - BI - OC LAB. DE CONCRETO E PAVIMENTA\xc7\xc3O.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6581 - BH - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/3504 - MANUT REPAROS BENS M\xd3VEIS.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6062 - BF - OI SALA DE INFORM\xc1TICA AZUL.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/3256 - MANUT REPAROS IMOV E INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/3253 - SEGUROS VEIC. CONST INSTALA\xc7\xd5ES.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/REORGANIZA\xc7\xc3O DE CENTROS DE CUSTO/2018/10-OUTUBRO/6521 - BB - MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O GERAL.XLSX" 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART4/ART4.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -78ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART4/ART4.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART4/PMOC BLOCO H LAB. MICROSCOPIA 1.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -111ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART4/PMOC BLOCO H LAB. MICROSCOPIA 1.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART4/PMOC BLOCO H LAB. MICROSCOPIA 2.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -143ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:15 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/02 - SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DE AR (SCA)/PMOC 3/ART4/PMOC BLOCO H LAB. MICROSCOPIA 2.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/REGULAMENTO/Regulamento - Centro de Convenções do UNIPAM - RV09.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -8.039ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/REGULAMENTO/Regulamento - Centro de Convenções do UNIPAM - RV09.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/BACKUP'S/DOCUMENTO - DECLARA\xc7\xc3O DE RESPONSABILIDADE - RV00.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/BACKUP'S/DOCUMENTO - DECLARA\xc7\xc3O DE RESPONSABILIDADE - RV01.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/BACKUP'S/DOCUMENTO - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xd5ES FORNECEDORES - RV00.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/BACKUP'S/DOCUMENTO - DOCUMENTA\xc7\xd5ES CONTRATUAIS - RV00.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/09 - PMOC TERCEIRIZADOS/ART_UNIPAM.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -485.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/09 - PMOC TERCEIRIZADOS/ART_UNIPAM.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/09 - PMOC TERCEIRIZADOS/PMOC TERCEIRIZADO UNIPAM - CCE - CCO.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -42.4004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZAÇÃO/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTENÇÃO OPERAÇÃO E CONTROLE/09 - PMOC TERCEIRIZADOS/PMOC TERCEIRIZADO UNIPAM - CCE - CCO.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC02 - CCE - CADEIRA DE ROD\xcdZIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC12 - CCE - ARM\xc1RIO MULTIUSO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC07- CCE - DUPLICA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC23 - CCE - MESA DE REUNI\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC11 - CCE - ARM\xc1RIO BRANCO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC95 - CCE - COMUNICA\xc7\xc3O VISUAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC18 - CCE - SINALIZA\xc7\xc3O VIARIA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC44a - CCE - PROJETO DE IRRIGA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC69 - CCE - A\xc7O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC91 - CCE - PLACAS DE TR\xc2NSITO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC27 - CCE - COLCH\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC16 - CCE - REMO\xc7\xc3O CERCA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC86 - CCE - CAPA COLCH\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC72 - CCE - AL\xc7AS DE CADEIRAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC30 - CCE - CADEIRA DE ROD\xcdZIO PARA MESA DE REUNI\xd5ES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC53 - CCE - INC\xcaNDIO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC05 - CCE - CADEIRA DE ESCRIT\xd3RIO VERMELHA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC71 - CCE - ARM\xc1RIO E GAVETEIRO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC48 - CCE - PROJETO DE IRRIGA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC22 - CCE - PAVIMENTA\xc7\xc3O EXTERNA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC62 - CCE - IRRIGA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC83 - CCE - PLACAS DE INC\xcaNDIO (CANCELADA).docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC68 - CCE - PORTA CAF\xc9.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC36 - CCE - ESQ A\xc7O E PORT\xd5ES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC14 - CCE - CADEIRA DE ESCRIT\xd3RIO PRETA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC59 - CCE - C\xd3PIA CHAVES.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC54 - CCE - TINTA ESMALTE SINT\xc9TICO.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC39 - CCE - TINTA EP\xd3XI.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC85 - CCE - PLACAS DE INC\xcaNDIO (PVC).docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC99 - CCE- Servi\xe7o de Gesso.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC26 - CCE - COMUNICA\xc7\xc3O VISUAL.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/PINTURA PAVIMENTA\xc7\xc3O EXTERNA" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC44 - CCE - TAMP\xd5ES PARA PV.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC73 - CCE - PORTA PAVILH\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC84 - CCE - PLACAS DE INC\xcaNDIO (ACR\xcdLICO).docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/03 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/06 - CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES E EVENTOS/00 - BACKUP'S/01 - CCE - CCE/01 - LARE/02 - ATUAIS/02 - REQUISI\xc7\xd5ES/RC31 - CCE - CADEIRA DE ROD\xcdZIO PARA PRIMEIRO SOCORROS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/- OR\xc7AMENTOS ANUAIS/2020-2021/GAL\xc3O \xc1GUA MINERAL" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/11 - COPA/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/- OR\xc7AMENTOS ANUAIS/2020-2021/P\xc3ES" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/04 - RELATÓRIOS DE VISTORIAS/CCE 01 - EXC - RF - RV00 - 10122018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -384.365ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/04 - RELATÓRIOS DE VISTORIAS/CCE 01 - EXC - RF - RV00 - 10122018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/04 - RELATÓRIOS DE VISTORIAS/CCE 02 - EXC - RF - RV00 - 16122018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/04 - RELATÓRIOS DE VISTORIAS/CCE 02 - EXC - RF - RV00 - 16122018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/04 - RELATÓRIOS DE VISTORIAS/CCE 03 - EXC - RF - RV00 - 02012019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/04 - RELATÓRIOS DE VISTORIAS/CCE 04 - EXC - RF - RV00 - 09092019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 2.5308ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/04 - RELATÓRIOS DE VISTORIAS/CCE 04 - EXC - RF - RV00 - 09092019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/04 - RELATÓRIOS DE VISTORIAS/CCE 03 - EXC - RF - RV00 - 02012019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/04 - RELATÓRIOS DE VISTORIAS/CCE 05 - EXC - RF - RV00 - 12092019.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -450.0877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/04 - RELATÓRIOS DE VISTORIAS/CCE 05 - EXC - RF - RV00 - 12092019.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/1 - LARE/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/02 - TREINAMENTO DE PESSOAL/7 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/LISTAS ASSINADAS/- CERTIFICADOS/01 - TREINAMENTO CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/1 - MAR\xc7O/Nota de d\xe9bito 1- MAR\xc7O - 2019.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/1 - MAR\xc7O/Nota de d\xe9bito 1- MAR\xc7O - 2019 - COMPROVA\xc7\xc3O 01.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/1 - MAR\xc7O/Nota de d\xe9bito 1- MAR\xc7O - 2019.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALAÇÕ•ES/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO BLOCO M/ART 4784845 - Obra_Serviço.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -360.127608ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALAÇÕ•ES/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO BLOCO M/ART 4784845 - Obra_Serviço.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALAÇÕ•ES/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO BLOCO M/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 4.2416ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALAÇÕ•ES/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO BLOCO M/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/BLOCO E/Clinicas/OR\xc7AMENTOENERGIASOLARFILTROS.29.06.2011.xls" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALAÇÕ•ES/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO BLOCO M/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO BLOCO M.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -224.5816ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/1 - LARE/06 - CADASTRO INFRAESTRUTURA/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO INSTALAÇÕ•ES/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO BLOCO M/MEMORIAL DESCRITIVO BLOCO M.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/BLOCO E/Clinicas/Informa\xe7\xf5esEspecifica\xe7\xf5est\xe9cnicas2.doc" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/BLOCO E/Clinicas/Ambulat\xf3riocalculo.dwg" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/BLOCO E/Clinicas/ESPECIFICA\xc7\xd5ES ESQUADRIAS ANEXO E CLINICAS.doc" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/BLOCO E/Clinicas/OR\xc7AMENTOclinicas04.08.xls" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETO ESTRUTURAIS/CAMPUS - UNIPAM/BLOCO E/Clinicas/OR\xc7AMENTOCI\xcaNCIASDASAUDE3\xaaETAPA0607.xls" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRA\xc7\xc3O INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRI\xc7\xc3O DO CENTRO DE CONVEN\xc7\xd5ES/03 - BALAN\xc7O SOCIAL/DESCRI\xc7\xc3O CCE - BALAN\xc7O SOCIAL - 2018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$706 - NF 393.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251-22082019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 225.227ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251545110866008.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 88.3992ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251545110866008.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251500014193409.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 131.1871ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251500014193409.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251556814285326.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -120.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251556814285326.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251580212429095.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -280.8005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251580212429095.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251580214359230.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 495ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251580214359230.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251584113988062.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -432.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2020 - EXEC - PL - RV00/OR\xc7AMENTO APROVADO 2020" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251591910173047.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -283.8009ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251591910173047.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2020 - EXEC - PL - RV00/- PROGRAMA\xc7ÃO DE VERBA 2020" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251595812942966.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -407ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251595812942966.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251607512683350.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -82.2072ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251607512683350.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251630914000509.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -247.2001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251630914000509.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251658210634273.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 346ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251658210634273.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251658211755502.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 211.5437ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251658211755502.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251-22082019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251666012868417.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 199.7999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251666012868417.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251673811707922.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 44ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251673811707922.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251677709959079.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -329.4263ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251677709959079.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251693309320232.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -441.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251693309320232.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251525612259543.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -159ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251525612259543.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251701112288288.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 274ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251701112288288.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251705009418375.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -333.0622ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251705009418375.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251705010067825.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 238.7146ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251705010067825.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251712813239712.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -370.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251712813239712.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251724510324946.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 211.1996ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251724510324946.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251740111895117.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -266.0005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251740111895117.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251755711047988.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 365ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251755711047988.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251755711334909.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -46ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251755711334909.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251755712134083.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 799.7µs, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251755712134083.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251767412448146.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 240.5998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251767412448146.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251767412536503.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -240.2504ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251767412536503.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251771310326129.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -230.3027ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251771310326129.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251771313594925.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 486.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251771313594925.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251786912784941.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -229.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251786912784941.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251802511735532.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 256ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251802511735532.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251818109459826.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 291.3969ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251818109459826.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251818109930804.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -434.5013ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251818109930804.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251818111295473.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 269ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251818111295473.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251829809905134.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 381ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251829809905134.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251833708876734.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -464ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251833708876734.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251837608748986.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 140ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251837608748986.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251845409419358.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -207.1003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251845409419358.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251853210142088.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 104.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251853210142088.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251857106660793.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -183.8005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251857106660793.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251864909418106.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -264.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251864909418106.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251876608977592.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 306ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251876608977592.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251880508200243.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -264.0009ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251880508200243.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251892208682989.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -22ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251892208682989.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/FaturaCEMIG_22032019 (1).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -260ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/FaturaCEMIG_22032019 (1).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/SegundaVia082017.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 152.7806ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/SegundaVia082017.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251693313735815.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 254.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251693313735815.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251537310408114.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 217.9792ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251537310408114.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251541213798681.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -205.0005ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251541213798681.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251500014271953.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 208.5884ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251500014271953.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251552914661028.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 319ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251552914661028.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/8-RUA OLIMPIO P. DE MELO 212 - ALMOXARIFADO OBRA/70000427553011929251584113988062.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - ELET - 149 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - ELET - 147 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - ELET - 191 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - ELET - 158 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - ELET - 146 - ESCOLA AGR\xcdCOLA.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - EL\xc9TRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISI\xc7\xc3O/RC - ELET - 189 - SUBESTA\xc7\xc3O.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/02 - REFORMA PISO/RELATORIO REFORMA - PISO CCE.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 351.8354ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/02 - ESTUDOS DE DESEMPENHO/02 - REFORMA PISO/RELATORIO REFORMA - PISO CCE.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$707 - NF 2482.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/BACKUP'S/DOCUMENTO - DECLARAÇÃO DE RESPONSABILIDADE - RV00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -215.7608ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/BACKUP'S/DOCUMENTO - DECLARAÇÃO DE RESPONSABILIDADE - RV00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/BACKUP'S/DOCUMENTO - DECLARAÇÃO DE RESPONSABILIDADE - RV01.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -160.8314ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/BACKUP'S/DOCUMENTO - DECLARAÇÃO DE RESPONSABILIDADE - RV01.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/BACKUP'S/DOCUMENTO - DOCUMENTAÇÕES CONTRATUAIS - RV00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 183.7003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/BACKUP'S/DOCUMENTO - DOCUMENTAÇÕES CONTRATUAIS - RV00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/BACKUP'S/DOCUMENTO - DOCUMENTAÇÕES FORNECEDORES - RV00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 495.1701ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/BACKUP'S/DOCUMENTO - DOCUMENTAÇÕES FORNECEDORES - RV00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/BACKUP'S/DOCUMENTO - TERMO DE ENTREGA E VISTORIA DO LOCAL - RV00.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 416.7422ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:16 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/01 - DOCUMENTOS CONTRATUAIS/- DOCUMENTOS DE CONTRATO CCE/DOCUMENTOS/BACKUP'S/DOCUMENTO - TERMO DE ENTREGA E VISTORIA DO LOCAL - RV00.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO 2019 - EXEC - PL - RV00/OR\xc7AMENTO APROVADO 2019" 2022/01/25 16:50:16 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/.lixeira/LARE/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O VERBA/00 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/OR\xc7AMENTO 2019 - EXEC - PL - RV00/- PROGRAMA\xc7ÃO DE VERBA 2019" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Upload batch completed in 1.014907047s 2022/01/25 16:50:17 ERROR : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': sync batch commit: failed to commit batch length 15: batch had 15 errors: last error: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:17 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$703 - NF 325.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:17 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$689 - NF 926 927 928 929 930 931.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:17 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$692 - NF 7852.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:17 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$690 - NF 001.21.69749905-6 001.21.69749940-4 001.21.70365868-8.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:17 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$696 - NF 326.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:17 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$693 - NF 30517.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:17 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$694 - NF 1466.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:17 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$699 - NF 323.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:17 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$700 - NF 263.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:17 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$691 - NF 17915.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:17 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$702 - NF 321.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:17 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$697 - NF 324.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:17 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$695 - NF 7658.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:17 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$701 - NF 264.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:17 ERROR : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$698 - NF 322.docx: Failed to copy: upload failed: batch upload failed: path/disallowed_name 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/ESCALAS/ESCALA ENTRADA/2018/11-2018/24112018 - 01.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 307.1542ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/ESCALAS/ESCALA ENTRADA/2018/11-2018/24112018 - 01.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/ESCALAS/ESCALA ENTRADA/2018/11-2018/24112018 - 02.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/02 - CONTRATOS/02 - OPERACIONAL EVENTOS/ESCALAS/ESCALA ENTRADA/2018/11-2018/24112018 - 02.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/7-RUA DULCE BATISTA 300 - SP PARACATU/CONS\xd3RCIO DE ENERGIA/TERMO ADITIVO CONS\xd3RCIO ENERGIA FV.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/7-RUA DULCE BATISTA 300 - SP PARACATU/CONS\xd3RCIO DE ENERGIA/TERMO DE ADES\xc3O CONS\xd3RCIO ENERGIA LIVRE.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$708 - NF 230.docx: Uploading chunk 2/1 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2019 - EXEC - PL - RV00/- PROGRAMA\xc7ÃO DE VERBA 2019/Finaliza\xe7\xe3o-Cria\xe7\xe3o-Exclus\xe3o Centros de Custo.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2019 - EXEC - PL - RV00/- PROGRAMA\xc7ÃO DE VERBA 2019/Programa\xe7\xe3o de Verba 2019 - Obras rv 05.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2019 - EXEC - PL - RV00/- PROGRAMA\xc7ÃO DE VERBA 2019/OR\xc7AMENTO 2019 - CAPAS.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/1 - MARÇO/Nota de débito 1- MARÇO - 2019 - COMPROVAÇÃO 01.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 284.4016ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/1 - MARÇO/Nota de débito 1- MARÇO - 2019 - COMPROVAÇÃO 01.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/1 - MARÇO/Nota de débito 1- MARÇO - 2019.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -224.6332ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/1 - MARÇO/Nota de débito 1- MARÇO - 2019.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- PROGRAMA\xc7\xc3O OBRAS/OR\xc7AMENTO 2018 - EXEC - PL - RV01/OR\xc7AMENTO APROVADO 2018/Constru\xe7\xf5es 2018.xlsx" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/1 - MARÇO/Nota de débito 1- MARÇO - 2019.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 334.6037ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- CONTABILIDADE/NOTAS DE DEBITO/SUPER POLOS/SP - PARACATU/1 - MARÇO/Nota de débito 1- MARÇO - 2019.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O/BACKUP/BACKUP/- RELATORIOS E FECHAMENTO DE ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O/2019/2019 - FECHAMENTO MENSAL/01 - JANEIRO - 2109/Climatiza\xe7\xe3o" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/1 - INFRAESTRUTURA/- ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O/BACKUP/BACKUP/- RELATORIOS E FECHAMENTO DE ORDENS DE SERVI\xc7O/2019/2019 - FECHAMENTO MENSAL/01 - JANEIRO - 2109/Infraestrutura, Instala\xe7\xf5es eletricas, logicas e telefonia" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- SESMT/GRUAS - GUINCHOS/CSM 350- RAMPA BLOCO A/PROJETO LOCA\xc7\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/5-CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO - CCV/CONS\xd3RCIO DE ENERGIA/TERMO ADITIVO CONS\xd3RCIO ENERGIA FV.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/4 - EL\xc9TRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/5-CENTRO CL\xcdNICO VETERIN\xc1RIO - CCV/CONS\xd3RCIO DE ENERGIA/TERMO DE ADES\xc3O CONS\xd3RCIO ENERGIA LIVRE.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRIÇÃO DO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES/03 - BALANÇO SOCIAL/DESCRIÇÃO CCE - BALANÇO SOCIAL - 2018.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/7 - CCE EVENTOS/01 - ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA/03 - INFRAESTRUTURA/00 - DESCRIÇÃO DO CENTRO DE CONVENÇÕES/03 - BALANÇO SOCIAL/DESCRIÇÃO CCE - BALANÇO SOCIAL - 2018.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/05 - DOCUMENTOS DE ATUALIZA\xc7\xc3O/ANO 03/00 - REESTRUTURA\xc7\xc3O PMOC/~$-REESTRUTURA\xc7\xc3O PMOC ANO 03 - CLIM - DOC - RV00.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/8 - CLIMATIZA\xc7\xc3O/01 - PMOC - PLANO DE MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O OPERA\xc7\xc3O E CONTROLE/05 - DOCUMENTOS DE ATUALIZA\xc7\xc3O/ANO 03/00 - REESTRUTURA\xc7\xc3O PMOC/1 -REESTRUTURA\xc7\xc3O PMOC ANO 03 - CLIM - DOC - RV00.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Batch idle for 500ms so committing 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Committing sync batch length 1 starting with: /NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$704 - NF 265.docx 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- SESMT/ANDAIMES/ANDAIME FACHADEIRO/PROJETO ANDAIMES.dwg: Size and modification time the same (differ by -436ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- SESMT/ANDAIMES/ANDAIME FACHADEIRO/PROJETO ANDAIMES.dwg: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xc3\xd3RIOS FOTOGR\xc1\x81FICOS/BLOCO ALFA/RELATÓ“RIO FOTOGR\xc1\x81FICO - 29-01-2018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xc3\xd3RIOS FOTOGR\xc1\x81FICOS/BLOCO ALFA/~$LATÓ“RIO FOTOGR\xc1\x81FICO - 29-01-2018.docx" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xc3\xd3RIOS FOTOGR\xc1\x81FICOS/BLOCO ALFA/ADEQUA\xc7\xd5ES DE AVCB" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTEN\xc7\xc3O/- RELAT\xd3RIOS E DI\xc1RIOS DE OBRA/RELAT\xc3\xd3RIOS FOTOGR\xc1\x81FICOS/BLOCO ALFA/SERVI\xc7OS QUEIROZ" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$705 - NF 27.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETOS SOCIAL/BATALH\xc3O" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETOS SOCIAL/ESPA\xc7O DE CULTURA E EVENTOS - PARACATU" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETOS SOCIAL/PROJETO PRA\xc7A PACIFICO SOARES- COLEGIO EQUIPE" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETOS SOCIAL/TERRENO MARAB\xc1" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETOS SOCIAL/PROJETO DE MOBILI\xc1RIO - ESTRUTURA AUTOPORTANTE - RECIPROCA" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/PROJETOS FEPAM/PROJETOS SOCIAL/Thumbs.db: Excluded 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/06 - CESS\xc3O DE USO/2012/XXXX2012 - TR CESS\xc3O DE USO - FUNDA\xc7\xc3O HOSPITAR DO ESTADO DE MINAS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$706 - NF 393.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605513915428369.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -413ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605513915428369.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605517813858115.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 14.1994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605517813858115.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605545111748985.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -32ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605545111748985.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605545113994066.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -393.1265ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605545113994066.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605564612591911.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 432.7991ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605564612591911.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605572413510152.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -338.0004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605572413510152.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605580212802520.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 39ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605580212802520.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605584111432597.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -50ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605584111432597.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605591913712203.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -112.6ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605591913712203.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605603612611304.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -40ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605603612611304.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605615311785659.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 282ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605615311785659.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605627013134270.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -396.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605627013134270.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605634812780104.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 261.5998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605634812780104.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605654311305812.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 488ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605654311305812.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/2 - INFRAESTRUTURA E OBRAS/0 - OBRAS-MANUTENÇÃO/- RELATÓRIOS E DIÁRIOS DE OBRA/RELATÓ“RIOS TɉCNICOS OBRAS/BLOCO E - RESÃDUOS SÓLIDOS/Thumbs.db: Excluded 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605662110435232.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 441.6994ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605662110435232.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605693310698536.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -66ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605693310698536.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605697213287020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 72.8ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605697213287020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605724511663906.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -236ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605724511663906.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605732311857302.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 365.9995ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605732311857302.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605740110585909.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -467.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605740110585909.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605744012491086.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -21ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605744012491086.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605747911234288.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -167ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605747911234288.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/05 - DOA\xc7\xc3O/2015/TR DOA\xc7\xc3O XXX-2015 - FUNDA\xc7\xc3O HOSPITALAR DE MINAS GERAIS.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605751812335759.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -83.0003ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605751812335759.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605759610837786.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 495ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605759610837786.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605763513366670.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 184.9999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605763513366670.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605747913604756.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -21ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605786910605438.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 401.3997ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605786910605438.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605794711571893.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -244ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605794711571893.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605747913604756.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605825910800304.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 11.3999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605825910800304.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605837609480676.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 408.5999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605837609480676.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605833708671640.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -218ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605833708671640.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605853208567779.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -395.1227ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605853208567779.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605880508322002.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -98.8025ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605880508322002.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605884409917288.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 297ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605884409917288.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605892210594429.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -236.2ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605892210594429.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605845409645748.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -498.8002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605845409645748.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/DEMANDA ALFA-17_10_06.xlsx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -300.1533ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/DEMANDA ALFA-17_10_06.xlsx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/FaturaCEMIG_08072021.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 459.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/FaturaCEMIG_08072021.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/FaturaCEMIG_08122020.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 269.3947ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/FaturaCEMIG_08122020.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605896111046262.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -489.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/70000427553012862605896111046262.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/SegundaVia072017 (4).pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by 420.3479ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/SegundaVia072017 (4).pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/SegundaVia082017.pdf: Size and modification time the same (differ by -68.2194ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/4 - ELÉTRICA/2 - DOCUMENTOS-FATURAS CEMIG/6-RUA VEREADOR CHICO FILGUEIRA 33 - BLOCO ALFA/FATURA CEMIG/SegundaVia082017.pdf: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : Dropbox root 'NAS04/homenas3': Adding "/NAS04/homenas3/lare/LARE/10 - NOTAS FISCAIS/MEMORANDOS NF/BACKUP 2021/~$707 - NF 2482.docx" to batch 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 01 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -365.5598ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 01 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 02 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 111.853ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 02 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 03 - CAMPUS UNIPAM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 121.3975ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 03 - CAMPUS UNIPAM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 04 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 368.913ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 04 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 05 - CAMPUS UNIPAM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -339.1291ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 05 - CAMPUS UNIPAM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 06 - CAMPUS UNIPAM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -116.0429ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 06 - CAMPUS UNIPAM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 07 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 217.5723ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 07 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 08 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 19.88ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 08 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 09 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -229.6771ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 09 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 10 - CAMPUS UNIPAM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 340.7333ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 10 - CAMPUS UNIPAM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 100 - HOSPITAL CAMPANHA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 64.2373ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 100 - HOSPITAL CAMPANHA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 101 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -202.2999ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 101 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 103 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 483.7683ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 103 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 105 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 313.1721ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 106 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 36.7326ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 107 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -315.3787ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 109 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 40.6492ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 109 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 11 - CAMPUS UNIPAM.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -425.31ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 11 - CAMPUS UNIPAM.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 110 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 422.9569ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 110 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 107 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 106 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 112 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -323.2521ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 112 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 113 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -137.8368ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 114 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 255.0722ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 104 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -229.947ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 104 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 105 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 108 - HOSPITAL CAMPANHA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 224.5552ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 108 - HOSPITAL CAMPANHA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 102 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 8.0567ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 102 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 114 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 113 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 111 - HOSPITAL CAMPANHA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -464.0074ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 111 - HOSPITAL CAMPANHA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 115 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -450.1831ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 115 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 116 - HOSPITAL CAMPANHA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 98.4042ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 116 - HOSPITAL CAMPANHA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 117 - HOSPITAL CAMPANHA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 433.908ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 117 - HOSPITAL CAMPANHA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 118 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 441.5169ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 118 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 119 - HOSPITAL CAMPANHA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 195.5328ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 119 - HOSPITAL CAMPANHA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - COMODATO/2010/TR COMODATO 001-2010 - HOSPITAL REGIONAL ANT\xd4NIO DIAS.doc" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 120 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -236.3831ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 120 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 121 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 35.0827ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 121 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - COMODATO/2010/TR COMODATO 002-2010 - CENTRAL DE CONCILIA\xc7\xc3O DA VARA DE FAMILIA E SUCESS\xd5ES DA COMARCA DE PATOS DE MINAS.doc" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 123 - HOSPITAL CAMPANHA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 154.7579ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 123 - HOSPITAL CAMPANHA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 124 - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 131.3721ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 124 - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 125 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -112.7557ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 125 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 126 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 71.302ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 126 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 127 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -284.4045ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 127 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 128 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 319.4136ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 128 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 129 - HOSPITAL CAMPANHA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -37.6714ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 129 - HOSPITAL CAMPANHA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 13 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -450.8405ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 13 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 130 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -121.2367ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 130 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 131 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -489.8615ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 131 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 132 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -181.7988ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 132 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 133 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -485.4575ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 133 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 134 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 107.5622ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O/2017/TR DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O 006-2017 - CENTRO T\xc9CNICO S\xc3O CARLOS LTDA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 136 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -235.9318ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 136 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O/2017/TR DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O 005-2017 - CENTRO T\xc9CNICO D EDUCA\xc7\xc3O PROFESSIONAL S\xc3O MARCOS LTDA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 138 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -252.5116ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 138 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 139 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -356.8085ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 139 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O/2017/TR DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O 004-2017 - INSTITUI\xc7\xc3O PARCEIRA ESCOLA T\xc9CNICA DE EDUCA\xc7\xc3O PROFISSIONAL.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 14 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 192.7972ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 14 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 140 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 308.5927ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 140 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 NOTICE: Local file system at /homenas3/: Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters in "lare/LARE/5 - PATRIM\xd4NIO/02 - TERMOS DE PATRIM\xd4NIO/04 - DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O/2017/TR DEVOLU\xc7\xc3O 001-2017 - PASSO 1 CURSOS SUPERIORES LTDA.pdf" 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 142 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 71.1057ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 142 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 143 - HOSPITAL CAMPANHA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 175.246ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 143 - HOSPITAL CAMPANHA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 144 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -343.8753ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 144 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 145 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 152.2791ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 145 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 146 - ESCOLA AGRÍCOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 173.1147ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 146 - ESCOLA AGRÍCOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 147 - ESCOLA AGRÍCOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -470.6421ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 147 - ESCOLA AGRÍCOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 148 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -484.0205ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 148 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 149 - ESCOLA AGRÍCOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 491.7215ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 149 - ESCOLA AGRÍCOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 15 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 414.5801ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 15 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 150 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 402.5405ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 150 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 151 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 120.0078ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 151 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 152 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -193.7045ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 152 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 153 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -189.8234ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 153 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 154 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -13.2062ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 154 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 155 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -498.4392ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 155 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 156 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -353.8424ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 12 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 317.8055ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 12 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 157 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 366.0688ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 157 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 158 - ESCOLA AGRÍCOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 287.6921ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 158 - ESCOLA AGRÍCOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 159 - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -88.528ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 159 - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 16 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 122.82ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 16 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 160 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -413.7244ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 160 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 161 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -485.4105ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 161 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 162 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -23.8319ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 162 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 163 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 115.7267ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 163 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 164 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -245.4829ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 164 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 165 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 343.917ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 165 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 166 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 200.0887ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 166 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 167 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 132.0235ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 167 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 168 - UBS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -108.2281ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 168 - UBS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 169 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 157.0681ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 169 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 17 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -257.7199ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 17 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 170 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -91.264ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 170 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 171 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 453.6816ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 171 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 172 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 414.2264ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 172 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 173 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 412.0808ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 173 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 174 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 158.1209ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 174 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 175 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 270.6063ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 175 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 176 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -240.988ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 176 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 177 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -216.3817ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 177 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 178 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 199.648ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 178 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 179 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 392.126ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 179 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 18 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 316.744ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 18 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 180 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -296.6985ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 180 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 181 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 488.1189ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 181 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 182 - OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 8.9238ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 182 - OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 183 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 88.4164ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 183 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 184 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 185.3634ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 184 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 185 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -181.9281ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 185 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 186 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 266.0017ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 186 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 187 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 481.5419ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 187 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 188 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 410.789ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 188 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 189 - SUBESTAÇÃO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -253.5444ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 189 - SUBESTAÇÃO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 19 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -469.0468ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 19 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 190 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -246.0304ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 190 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 191 - ESCOLA AGRÍCOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 31.5464ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 191 - ESCOLA AGRÍCOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 192 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -27.9804ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 192 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 193 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 372.1802ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 193 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 194 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 476.7251ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 194 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 195 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 236.6262ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 195 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 196 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 132.1372ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 196 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 197 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 436.8262ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 197 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 198 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -26.4537ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 198 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 199 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 101.6955ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 199 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 20 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 240.8081ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 20 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 200 - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 354.2378ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 200 - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 201 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 373.6671ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 201 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 202 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 286.2604ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 202 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 203 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 326.734ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 203 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 204 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 70.4738ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 204 - BLOCO ALFA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 205 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -112.923ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 205 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 206 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -90.2216ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 206 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 207 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -328.2076ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 207 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 208 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -447.6081ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 208 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 209 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 446.2032ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 209 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 21 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 231.936ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 21 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 210 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 288.6568ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 210 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 211 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -7.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 211 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 212 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -304.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 212 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 213 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 319.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 213 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 214 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -88.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 214 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 215 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 463.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 215 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 216 - OBRA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 480.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 216 - OBRA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 217 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -14.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 217 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 218 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 40.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 218 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 219 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -303.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 219 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 22 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -201.5129ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 22 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 220 - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -82.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 220 - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 221 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -158.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 221 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 222 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -300.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 222 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 223 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -221.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 223 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 224 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 196.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 224 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 225 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -346.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 225 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 226 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -192.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 226 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 227 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -112.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 227 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 228 - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -214.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 228 - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 229 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 98.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 229 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 23 - ESCOLA ARICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 32.3399ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 23 - ESCOLA ARICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 230 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -135.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 230 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 231 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -214.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 231 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 232 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 411.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 232 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 233 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -134.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 233 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 234 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 154.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 234 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 235 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 376.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 235 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 236 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 98.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 236 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 237 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -428.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 237 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 238 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -104.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 238 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 239 - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 365.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 239 - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 24 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -298.3974ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 24 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 240 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 90.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 240 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 241 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 306.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 241 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 242 - HOSPITAL DE CAMPANHA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -161.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 242 - HOSPITAL DE CAMPANHA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 243 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 165.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 243 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 244 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 208.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 244 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 245 - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 420.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 245 - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 246 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -65.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 246 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 247 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 102.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 247 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 248 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 367.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 248 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 249 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -396.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 249 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 25 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 298.2222ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 25 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 250 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -351.6002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 250 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 251 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 310.3998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 251 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 252 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -120.4001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 252 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 253 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 47.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 253 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 254 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -328.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 254 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 255 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 241.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 255 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 256 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -140.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 256 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 257 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -225.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 257 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 258 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 66.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 258 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 259 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 453.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 259 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 26 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 194.4764ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 26 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 260 - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -388.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 260 - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 261 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -268.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 261 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 262 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -23.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 262 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 263 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 228.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 263 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 264 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 397.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 264 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 265 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 228.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 265 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 156 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 266 - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -413.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 266 - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 267 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -26.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 267 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 134 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 268 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -330.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 268 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 269 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -191.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 269 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 137 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -477.5146ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 137 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 27 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 52.2718ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 27 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 122 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 158.8788ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 122 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 270 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 247.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 270 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 271 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 82.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 271 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 272 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 225.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 272 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 273 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 252.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 273 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 274 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 153.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 274 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 275 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 28.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 275 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 276 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -120.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 276 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 277 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 108.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 277 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 278 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -102.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 278 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 279 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 174.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 279 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 28 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 96.0834ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 28 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 280 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -274.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 280 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 281 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -120.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 281 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 282 - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -100.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 282 - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 283 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -57.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 283 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 284 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -493.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 284 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 285 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -274.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 285 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 286 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -289.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 286 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 287 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -352.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 287 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 288 - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -305.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 288 - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 289 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -383.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 141 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -222.9756ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 135 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 271.022ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 135 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 29 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -204.3775ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 292 - CCU.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 70.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 292 - CCU.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 141 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 293 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 472.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 293 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 29 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 289 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 295 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -31.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 295 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 294 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -60.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 294 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 291 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -28.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 291 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 296 - SANTA CASA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -494.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 296 - SANTA CASA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 297 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -280.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 297 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 290 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 144.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 298 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 448.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 298 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 290 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 299 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -303.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 299 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 30 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -182.0935ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 30 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 300 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 48.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 300 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 301 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 9.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 301 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 302 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 99.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 302 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 303 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -455.0002ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 303 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 304 - SANTA CASA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 317.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 304 - SANTA CASA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 307 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 368.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 307 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 308 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -366.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 308 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 306 - SANTA CASA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 169ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 309 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -443.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 309 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 310 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -33.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 310 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 31 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -364.5004ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 31 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 305 - SANTA CASA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 254.9998ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 305 - SANTA CASA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 312 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 470.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 312 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 306 - SANTA CASA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 311 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -216.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 311 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 313 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 141.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 313 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 314 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 3.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 314 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 315 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 448.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 315 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 316 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 86.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 316 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 317 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 485.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 317 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 318 - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -162.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 318 - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 319 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -199.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 319 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 32 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 233.3918ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 32 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 320 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 259.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 320 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 321 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 318.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 321 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 323 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 79.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 323 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 324 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -477.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 324 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 325 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -173.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 325 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 327 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 348.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 327 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 33 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -136.4208ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 33 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 330 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 162.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 330 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 322 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -201.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 322 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 326 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -97.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 326 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 332 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -47.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 332 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 333 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 161.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 333 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 334 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -288.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 334 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 335 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 390.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 335 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 328 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 218.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 328 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 336 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -17.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 336 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 337 - SANTA CASA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 136.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 337 - SANTA CASA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 338 - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -54.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 338 - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 331 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -300.2007ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 331 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 339 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -316.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 339 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 329 - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 111.7993ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 329 - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 34 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 256.8491ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 34 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 340 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 360.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 340 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 341 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 365.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 341 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 342 - BLOCO N.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -245.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 342 - BLOCO N.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 343 - UBS NOVA FLORESTA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 145.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 343 - UBS NOVA FLORESTA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 344 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -489.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 344 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 347 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 107.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 347 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 35 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -329.6787ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 35 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 346 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -197.6001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 352 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -66.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 352 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 353 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -198.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 353 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 354 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -446.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 354 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 348 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -118.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 348 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 355 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -195.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 355 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 356 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -309.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 356 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 346 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 345 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 363.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 345 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 357 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 349.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 357 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 358 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 137.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 358 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 349 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -381.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 349 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 350- ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 28.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 350- ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 359 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -186.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 359 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 351 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -415.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 351 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 360 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 463.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 360 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 361 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 399.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 361 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 362 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 387.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 362 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 363 - BLOCO C.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 97.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 363 - BLOCO C.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 36 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -74.0625ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 36 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 364 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 467.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 364 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 365 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -144.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 366 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 128.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 366 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 365 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 367 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 129.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 367 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 368 - CCO.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -112.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 368 - CCO.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 369 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -193.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 369 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 37 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 282.9554ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 370 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -11.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 371 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -373.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 371 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 373 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -184.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 373 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 372 - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -411.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 372 - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 375 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -179.4123ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 375 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 376 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 408.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 376 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 370 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 374 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 6.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 374 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 37 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 377 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 491.5877ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 377 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 378 - SANTA CASA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -465.0001ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 378 - SANTA CASA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 379 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 207ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 379 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 38 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 164.2491ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 38 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 380 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -451ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 380 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 381 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -359ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 381 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 382 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -262ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 382 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 383 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 145ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 383 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 384 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -189ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 384 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 385 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -347ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 385 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 387 - CCV.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -282ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 387 - CCV.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 388 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 484ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 388 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 389 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -224ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 389 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 39 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -240.7362ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 39 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 391 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -394ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 391 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 390 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -25ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 390 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 386 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -169ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 386 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 392 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 412ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 392 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 393 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -52ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 393 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 394 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -196ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 394 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 395 - BLOCO M.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -352ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 395 - BLOCO M.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 396 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -295ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 396 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 397 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -330ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 397 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 398 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 188ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 398 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 399 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 53ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 399 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 40 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 142.4926ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 40 - ESCOLA AGRICOLA.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 400 - BLOCO B.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 478ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 400 - BLOCO B.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 401 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -52ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 401 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 402 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 26ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 402 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 403 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 15ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 403 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 404 - CCE.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -399ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 404 - CCE.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 41 - CAMPUS.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 114.2054ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 41 - CAMPUS.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 42 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 5.826ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 42 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 43 - BLOCO E.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 97.0272ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 43 - BLOCO E.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 44 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -85.5677ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 44 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 45 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -295.3102ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 45 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 46 - BLOCO D.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 83.4625ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 49 - BLOCO H.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -32.8606ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 49 - BLOCO H.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 52 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -388.1481ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 53 - BLOCO J.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -51.616ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 53 - BLOCO J.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 46 - BLOCO D.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 48 - BLOCO I.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -50.6161ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 48 - BLOCO I.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 55 - BLOCO L.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -326.1175ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 55 - BLOCO L.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 51 - BLOCO F.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by -202.5879ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 51 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 56 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 124.8906ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 56 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 50 - BLOCO G.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 25.8167ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 50 - BLOCO G.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 52 - BLOCO F.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 54 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 174.2197ms, within tolerance 1s) 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 54 - BLOCO A.docx: Unchanged skipping 2022/01/25 16:50:17 DEBUG : lare/LARE/3 - ESTOQUE/01 - ELÉTRICA/03 - TRANSFERENCIAS DE MATERIAL/2021/01 - REQUISIÇÃO/RC - ELET - 47 - BLOCO A.docx: Size and modification time the same (differ by 246.4569ms, within tolerance 1s)