Why Google Photos file names are different?

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

The filenames it reports seeing in Google Photos are different from those Google Photos uses.

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

[ec2] $ rclone -V
rclone v1.50.1

  • os/arch: linux/amd64
  • go version: go1.13.4

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

Amazon AMI release 2018.03 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Photos

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone -v --dry-run --log-file=rclone-04b.log sync google-photos-camden-family:media/by-month/2000/
2019-04 s3-camden-family-photos:camden-family-2019/04


rclone ls google-photos-camden-family:media/by-month/2000/2019-04

A log from the command with the -vv flag (eg output from rclone -vv copy /tmp remote:tmp)

2019/11/02 11:14:48 NOTICE: 0110191905a-ANIMATION.gif: Not copying as --dry-run
2019/11/02 11:14:48 NOTICE: 0110192005-ANIMATION.gif: Not copying as --dry-run
2019/11/02 11:14:48 NOTICE: 0112191309-ANIMATION.gif: Not copying as --dry-run
2019/11/02 11:14:48 NOTICE: 0112191310a-ANIMATION.gif: Not copying as --dry-run
2019/11/02 11:14:48 NOTICE: 0112191336-ANIMATION.gif: Not copying as --dry-run
2019/11/02 11:14:48 NOTICE: 0112191415-ANIMATION.gif: Not copying as --dry-run
2019/11/02 11:14:48 NOTICE: 0112191419-ANIMATION.gif: Not copying as --dry-run
2019/11/02 11:14:48 NOTICE: 0130192014.mp4: Not copying as --dry-run
2019/11/02 11:14:48 NOTICE: 0130192026-ANIMATION.gif: Not copying as --dry-run
2019/11/02 11:14:48 NOTICE: IMG_0615.HEIC: Not copying as --dry-run
2019/11/02 11:14:48 NOTICE: IMG_0616.HEIC: Not copying as --dry-run
2019/11/02 11:14:48 NOTICE: MOVIE {AMsieo-VaQafdkx3wigLqgSupvPXJEjjJCGJ7PBpSAkpZvlyrr13ypG6MGIXH5K4HyHoVSyfeJFq43UDJOIvZnf8XfgdythqJw}.mp4: Not copying as --dry-run
2019/11/02 11:14:48 NOTICE: MOVIE {AMsieo986FZxIzoZtEUU7joecA_aoNmx1RuoiRfb69Ps2kEiFhIh1-Fo8uuTrWv91gNxPvMifjIxpbnb8seEjBouk8k-Z2tm7w}.mp4: Not copying as --dry-run

It's just those last two (obviously) in this case, but I see this happening to at least a few files in pretty much all the directories I'm trying to sync.

Those are duplicate file names. Rclone adds the Id in so it can tell them apart and copy them to your disk which can't have duplicate file names

I'm trying to wrap my head around this... Google Photos sometimes creates videos from uploaded images and videos, and when it does this it names the video it created, rather uncreatively, "MOVIE." (So far in 2019, Google has made 25 of these videos for me.)

And then when I try to sync, Rclone id's them as duplicates and deletes them. At least that's what I think I'm seeing. I don't seem to have a single "MOVIE" in my s3 buckets but lots of lines like this in my logs:

2019/11/02 15:00:08 INFO : 04/MOVIE {AMsieo-uJrJEVx6LskANblxEMmpX05J0TEv_HPl1LIychVjWIWd0cZXKW5voXoXBvwjf5ifs9L0v4vmvfHoqIfqpfJR_9bdP2w}.mp4: Deleted
2019/11/02 15:00:08 INFO : 04/MOVIE {AMsieo8_YwObOo7cWaW37bCf_FoEOG8B2xWfZsLv4MJPI2VnWGa1b79saXbIUnPsxTFUrEKL9lyAOlSMbx4wBz7MtiHH_UJ6Cg}.mp4: Deleted

So, I guess I should use "copy" instead?

The IDs should be fixed so once a file is copied then its name should never be copied again.

So I'm suprised to see deletes like that unless you actually deleted stuff at google photos?

Copy will mean rclone never does the deletes which is good because it will save everything ever, but bad because if won't propagate deletes from google photos to the destination.

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