What's the best method to encrypt my 100tb unencrypted remote?

  • Ubuntu (CLI)
  • rclone v.1.57.0
  • Google Drive unencrypted remote with 10tb called mymedia:

I only can think of creating an encrypted remoted called encrypted: and then do:

rclone copy mymedia: encrypted:

But I'm wondering if there would be any other better method to do it.


Adjust the number of --transfers to get the most out of your bandwidth.

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That's the method - rclone has to read all the data and write it again.

Doing it on a Google cloud VM will make it quicker

I think a Google VM to Google Drive network transfer is free also - the docs say

Traffic type Price
Egress to specific Google non-cloud products such as YouTube, Maps, DoubleClick, and Drive, whether from a VM in Google Cloud with an external IP address or an internal IP address. No charge

Thanks Nick, but now I'm struggling to setup the remotes correctly :sweat_smile:

My an unencrypted remote with 100tb (mymedia:) is a google drive teamdrive and I want the unencrypted remote (encrypted:) to be located in a different teamdrive,

This is my the rclone config file:

client_id = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
client_secret = yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
type = drive
token = zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
team_drive = my_Unencrypted_teamdrive_id

type = crypt
remote = mymedia:movies
filename_encryption = standard
password = xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
password2 = xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
directory_name_encryption = true
team_drive = my_Encrypted_teamdrive_id

If I do the following:

rclone copy mymedia: encrypted:

the encryptred file gets copied to the unencrypted teamdrive. I guess something is wrong on the encrypted remote of my rclone.conf but can't figure out what.


  1. the name of the remote, should not have a : in it.
    change [mymedia:] to [mymedia]
  2. need to add -vv to your command and post the debug output.
  3. best to test by copying a single file.

Yes it's [mymedia], I only added the double dot by mistake when writing my comment here.

I think no log is needed really as the file is being uploaded but it's not being uploaded what I want (different teamdrive)

Your config needs to look more like this

client_id = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
client_secret = yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
type = drive
token = zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
team_drive = my_Unencrypted_teamdrive_id

client_id = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
client_secret = yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
type = drive
token = zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
team_drive = my_Encrypted_teamdrive_id

type = crypt
remote = encryptedteamdrive:
filename_encryption = standard
password = xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
password2 = xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
directory_name_encryption = true
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Thanks a lot Nick! Resolved!

It will take me weeks to encrypt the 100tb teamdrive but that's a different story :rofl:

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