Vfs cache help with gdrive

I decided to changeover from cache and tryout (test) vfs. After mounting with the following I have encountered 403 download rate limit exceeded. (not seen for a long while) Wanted to see if my mount command is correct (the ban occurred whilst re-adding library on plex)

My mound command is
/usr/bin/rclone mount crypt_series: /home/*******/rclone/series --allow-other --allow-non-empty --dir-cache-time=48h --vfs-read-chunk-size=128M --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit 2G --buffer-size=256M --attr-timeout=1s --umask 002 --log-level=INFO

You don't get banned for using rclone.

What error did you get? What version are you running for rclone?

What does your rclone.conf look like without keys or passwords.

rclone v1.47.0

  • os/arch: linux/amd64
  • go version: go1.12.4

type = drive
client_id = *******************
client_secret = ***********************
scope = drive
token = {"access_token" *********************

type = crypt
remote = gdrive:/M/***
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = ******************
password2 = *****************

type = crypt
remote = gdrive:/S/**
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = *******************
password2 = ********************

Radarr, Sonarr home path points to drives (uploads on rename)

Can you share the logfile with -vv on the one that is causing an issue?

Running with -vv atm, all to report is DEBUG : Google drive root 'M/****': Checking for changes on remote, repeated for past 30 minutes. I'll post some logs when there is something to see.
many thanks

I can only think re-adding plex library has caused it. Perhaps re-adding movies onto radarr. One to sit out and wait me thinks.

54 DEBUG : Young Guns II (1990)/Young Guns II (1990).mkv: Open: flags=OpenReadOnly
2019/05/27 19:20:54 DEBUG : Young Guns II (1990)/Young Guns II (1990).mkv: Open: flags=O_RDONLY
2019/05/27 19:20:54 DEBUG : Young Guns II (1990)/Young Guns II (1990).mkv: >Open: fd=Young Guns II (1990)/Young Guns II (1990).mkv (r), err=
2019/05/27 19:20:54 DEBUG : Young Guns II (1990)/Young Guns II (1990).mkv: >Open: fh=&{Young Guns II (1990)/Young Guns II (1990).mkv (r)}, err=
2019/05/27 19:20:54 DEBUG : &{Young Guns II (1990)/Young Guns II (1990).mkv (r)}: Read: len=65536, offset=0
2019/05/27 19:20:54 DEBUG : Young Guns II (1990)/Young Guns II (1990).mkv: ChunkedReader.openRange at 0 length 134217728
2019/05/27 19:20:54 DEBUG : &{Young Guns II (1990)/Young Guns II (1990).mkv (r)}: >Read: read=0, err=open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: The download quota for this file has been exceeded., downloadQuotaExceeded
2019/05/27 19:20:54 DEBUG : &{Young Guns II (1990)/Young Guns II (1990).mkv (r)}: Read: len=4096, offset=0
2019/05/27 19:20:54 DEBUG : Young Guns II (1990)/Young Guns II.mkv (1990)ChunkedReader.openRange at 0 length 134217728
2019/05/27 19:20:55 DEBUG : &{Young Guns II (1990)/Young Guns II (1990).mkv (r)}: >Read: read=0, err=open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: The download quota for this file has been exceeded., downloadQuotaExceeded

Are you sure it is running 1.47? Those messages indicate you have some old version hanging around.

Radarr/Plex/Sonarr/etc won't cause those as the old rclone versions do.

yep positive
(474.6Mb)/usr/bin$ rclone --version
rclone v1.47.0

Its a fresh server, installed a few days ago

Unfortunately, someone / something was using an older version. Gotta wait 24 hours until the quota resets.

Now you got me thinking, I do have a VPS linked to the same drive im using when setting up this new box.. version is .............................1.47 :confused:

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