Using rclone to cache NAS files to work from local SSD instead of network: SMB or SFTP or something else?

good question,
as i do not use any remotes using polling, i am sure there are more answers to be shared.

for this local remote

type = local

for rclone backend features local:, the output includes ChangeNotify is false.
so local remotes do not support polling

"Features": {
                "About": true,
                "BucketBased": false,
                "BucketBasedRootOK": false,
                "CanHaveEmptyDirectories": true,
                "CaseInsensitive": true,
                "ChangeNotify": false,

as for sftp,
hopefully my example above is complete enough; to answer your own question.
if not, let me know

and there is the command, rclone test changenotify