Use rclone on google colab

I've often used rclone on Colab because the default drive connector has a timeout problem.

Create a new code cell, paste the installation command and execute it.

! curl | sudo bash

Read the documentation to understand rclone - how the config system works, etc.

If you have an existing rclone config, you can write the config file directly into a cell:

!mkdir /root/.config/rclone/
config = """
with open('/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf', 'w') as file:

Afterwards, you can call rclone like any other native command:

!rclone copy a b

A few things from experience:

  • Keep an eye on the traffic - I've heard from people that had their account banned for excessive colab usage. Personally, I have only received temporary GPU bans though, so who knows.
  • If you want persistence, do not use rclone mount - instead, schedule repeated runs of rclone copy, usually with much better performance.
  • Colab resets and recycles your docker instance when not in use (or >12h). If you save your file system at the end of your notebook, you can restore it in the beginning of your notebook the next time you use it.