Unraid paths for local network sync for Plex media

Probably a simple syntax issue, but I have tried every format and combination I could think of, but still can't figure out how to sync between two shares on my local network.

remote = Machine1 = unraid box with source media held in a SMB-shared user share "mc1media"
local = Machine2 = unraid box running rclone, with disk share "mediasync"

I don't see any errors, but any files in "mc1media/test" don't sync to "mediasync/test".

Any help is GREATLY appreciated!

The most recent scripts and results below.

type = local
copy_links = true
links = false

Rclone Mount Script:


mkdir -p $localshare     # create local folder
rclone mount -vv --max-read-ahead 1024k --allow-other $remoteshare $localshare &


Rclone Sync Script:


rclone sync -vv $localshare $remoteshare


Your mount command looks weird... rclone mount will expect the first argument to be the name of a mount configured in your config-file, and the second argument to be a driveletter (or the linux equivalent) or folder.

As far as I figure from this script both your arguments are folders, and you don't actually reference then name of your configured local mount anywhere.
I'm confused what this is meant to do anyway... you are trying to mount one network share into another network share?...

Your sync script looks ok, but assuming to source and destination folders exist you don't need to mount anything or set up a local remote to sync these two locations.

Im not too used to working with linux syntaxt so forgive me if I overlook something basic here.

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