"Unlimited" alternatives to Google Drive, what are the options?

UPDATE: more than 3 days later, and I still can't access my data: all read attempts still return the same "429 request rate limit exceeded" error.

I opened a ticket with Box support when the problem started:

Hello Box Support,

Right now and since early this morning, we can't upload NOR DOWNLOAD anything from our Box account. Both uploads AND DOWNLOADS fail with the same "(429): Request rate limit exceeded, please try again later".

This is REALLY SERIOUS as it means Box effectively is blocking our access to our data!

Please fix it ASAP!

And here's their response:

We have noticed that you have continued to violate the Box Fair Use Policy, specifically downloads, section 3.


Please understand that if you'd like to have the Rate Limit lifted then you can reach out to cancel@box.com with the subject line of "Fair Use Policy" and we will provide you with 30 daos to remove your content.

So, adding insult to injury, the only "option" they give me to allow READ access back to my data is for me to CANCEL the account, upon which they will then provide 30 days to get my data out. That is, they are DEFINITELY holding my data for ransom, and the ransom is for me to get the heck away. So that's what I'm going to do.

Box has been for me a complete waste of time, money and effort.

Whoever is reading this, do yourself a favor and don't give them the chance to do the same for you, or if you are like me and already did, pull the plug on them as fast as possible lest you waste even more of your time, money and effort.

EDIT: tagging @left1000 as per the other thread.