Timeout for rclone rc commands

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I can start the rclone rcd instance without any problems, but once I sent a sync/move command to it which is longer than 5 mins it fails. It fails exactly after 5 minutes every time. Standard rclone move or rclone mount commands work without problems. I did not try other rclone rc commands which would take more than 5 mins

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

rclone v1.53.0

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

Ubuntu 20.04 64bit

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google TeamDrive

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone rcd --rc-no-auth --bwlimit "07:00,0.5M 23:59,7M"
rclone rc sync/move srcFs=/path/to/my/movie/ dstFs=wwtd_movies_encrypted:/

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = drive
scope = drive
token = {"access_token":"...","token_type":"Bearer","refresh_token":"...","expiry":"2020-09-11T16:01:58.222991694+02:00"}
team_drive = 

type = crypt
remote = wwtd_movies:/crypt
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = 
password2 = 

A log from the command with the -vv flag

from rclone rcd instance:

2020/09/11 15:34:27 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.53.0" starting with parameters ["./rclone" "rcd" "-vv" "--rc-no-auth" "--bwlimit" "07:00,0.5M 23:59,7M"]
2020/09/11 15:34:27 NOTICE: Serving remote control on
2020/09/11 15:34:32 DEBUG : rc: "sync/move": with parameters map[dstFs:wwtd_movies_encrypted:/ srcFs:/path/to/my/movie/]
2020/09/11 15:34:32 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/path/to/my/movie/"
2020/09/11 15:34:32 DEBUG : Using config file from "/root/.rclone.conf"
2020/09/11 15:34:32 INFO  : Starting bandwidth limiter at 512kBytes/s
2020/09/11 15:34:32 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "wwtd_movies_encrypted:/"
2020/09/11 15:34:32 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "wwtd_movies:/crypt"
2020/09/11 15:34:33 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "wwtd_movies:/crypt" to be canonical "wwtd_movies:crypt"
2020/09/11 15:34:33 DEBUG : fs cache: switching user supplied name "wwtd_movies:/crypt" for canonical name "wwtd_movies:crypt"
2020/09/11 15:34:35 DEBUG : Encrypted drive 'wwtd_movies_encrypted:/': Waiting for checks to finish
2020/09/11 15:34:35 DEBUG : Encrypted drive 'wwtd_movies_encrypted:/': Waiting for transfers to finish
2020/09/11 15:34:36 DEBUG : r00bfg4uiic9csk904s3a3r6119q383vivvtq6jra66p9236l3qrat379ktgdvnrs4nk0a55h1qim: Sending chunk 0 length 8388608
2020/09/11 15:34:48 DEBUG : r00bfg4uiic9csk904s3a3r6119q383vivvtq6jra66p9236l3qrat379ktgdvnrs4nk0a55h1qim: Sending chunk 8388608 length 8388608
2020/09/11 15:35:04 DEBUG : r00bfg4uiic9csk904s3a3r6119q383vivvtq6jra66p9236l3qrat379ktgdvnrs4nk0a55h1qim: Sending chunk 16777216 length 8388608
2020/09/11 15:35:20 DEBUG : r00bfg4uiic9csk904s3a3r6119q383vivvtq6jra66p9236l3qrat379ktgdvnrs4nk0a55h1qim: Sending chunk 25165824 length 8388608
2020/09/11 15:35:32 NOTICE: Scheduled bandwidth change. Limit set to 512kBytes/s
2020/09/11 15:35:36 DEBUG : r00bfg4uiic9csk904s3a3r6119q383vivvtq6jra66p9236l3qrat379ktgdvnrs4nk0a55h1qim: Sending chunk 33554432 length 8388608
2020/09/11 15:35:52 DEBUG : r00bfg4uiic9csk904s3a3r6119q383vivvtq6jra66p9236l3qrat379ktgdvnrs4nk0a55h1qim: Sending chunk 41943040 length 8388608
2020/09/11 15:36:08 DEBUG : r00bfg4uiic9csk904s3a3r6119q383vivvtq6jra66p9236l3qrat379ktgdvnrs4nk0a55h1qim: Sending chunk 50331648 length 8388608
2020/09/11 15:36:24 DEBUG : r00bfg4uiic9csk904s3a3r6119q383vivvtq6jra66p9236l3qrat379ktgdvnrs4nk0a55h1qim: Sending chunk 58720256 length 8388608
2020/09/11 15:36:40 DEBUG : r00bfg4uiic9csk904s3a3r6119q383vivvtq6jra66p9236l3qrat379ktgdvnrs4nk0a55h1qim: Sending chunk 67108864 length 8388608
2020/09/11 15:36:56 DEBUG : r00bfg4uiic9csk904s3a3r6119q383vivvtq6jra66p9236l3qrat379ktgdvnrs4nk0a55h1qim: Sending chunk 75497472 length 8388608
2020/09/11 15:37:12 DEBUG : r00bfg4uiic9csk904s3a3r6119q383vivvtq6jra66p9236l3qrat379ktgdvnrs4nk0a55h1qim: Sending chunk 83886080 length 8388608
2020/09/11 15:37:28 DEBUG : r00bfg4uiic9csk904s3a3r6119q383vivvtq6jra66p9236l3qrat379ktgdvnrs4nk0a55h1qim: Sending chunk 92274688 length 8388608
2020/09/11 15:37:44 DEBUG : r00bfg4uiic9csk904s3a3r6119q383vivvtq6jra66p9236l3qrat379ktgdvnrs4nk0a55h1qim: Sending chunk 100663296 length 8388608
2020/09/11 15:38:00 DEBUG : r00bfg4uiic9csk904s3a3r6119q383vivvtq6jra66p9236l3qrat379ktgdvnrs4nk0a55h1qim: Sending chunk 109051904 length 8388608
2020/09/11 15:38:16 DEBUG : r00bfg4uiic9csk904s3a3r6119q383vivvtq6jra66p9236l3qrat379ktgdvnrs4nk0a55h1qim: Sending chunk 117440512 length 8388608
2020/09/11 15:38:32 DEBUG : r00bfg4uiic9csk904s3a3r6119q383vivvtq6jra66p9236l3qrat379ktgdvnrs4nk0a55h1qim: Sending chunk 125829120 length 8388608
2020/09/11 15:38:48 DEBUG : r00bfg4uiic9csk904s3a3r6119q383vivvtq6jra66p9236l3qrat379ktgdvnrs4nk0a55h1qim: Sending chunk 134217728 length 8388608
2020/09/11 15:39:04 DEBUG : r00bfg4uiic9csk904s3a3r6119q383vivvtq6jra66p9236l3qrat379ktgdvnrs4nk0a55h1qim: Sending chunk 142606336 length 8388608
2020/09/11 15:39:20 DEBUG : r00bfg4uiic9csk904s3a3r6119q383vivvtq6jra66p9236l3qrat379ktgdvnrs4nk0a55h1qim: Sending chunk 150994944 length 8388608
2020/09/11 15:39:32 ERROR : myMovie.mkv: Failed to copy: Post "https://www.googleapis.com/upload/drive/v3/files?alt=json&fields=id%2Cname%2Csize%2Cmd5Checksum%2Ctrashed%2CexplicitlyTrashed%2CmodifiedTime%2CcreatedTime%2CmimeType%2Cparents%2CwebViewLink%2CshortcutDetails%2CexportLinks&supportsAllDrives=true&uploadType=resumable&upload_id=ABg5-UwIf9Gjj-SoS2RJAobe3TlBgzDx9HN3U_k4n4VdsFT4hO7odDIEOg98C1qJoFbZNy1fgDFCroT-psYrExdEKZXODykt4g": context canceled
2020/09/11 15:39:32 ERROR : myMovie.mkv: Not deleting source as copy failed: Post "https://www.googleapis.com/upload/drive/v3/files?alt=json&fields=id%2Cname%2Csize%2Cmd5Checksum%2Ctrashed%2CexplicitlyTrashed%2CmodifiedTime%2CcreatedTime%2CmimeType%2Cparents%2CwebViewLink%2CshortcutDetails%2CexportLinks&supportsAllDrives=true&uploadType=resumable&upload_id=ABg5-UwIf9Gjj-SoS2RJAobe3TlBgzDx9HN3U_k4n4VdsFT4hO7odDIEOg98C1qJoFbZNy1fgDFCroT-psYrExdEKZXODykt4g": context canceled
2020/09/11 15:39:32 INFO  : There was nothing to transfer
2020/09/11 15:39:32 ERROR : rc: "sync/move": error: context canceled

from rclone rc command:

2020/09/11 15:34:32 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.53.0" starting with parameters ["./rclone" "rc" "-vv" "sync/move" "srcFs=/path/to/my/movie/" "dstFs=wwtd_movies_encrypted:/"]
2020/09/11 15:39:32 DEBUG : 4 go routines active
2020/09/11 15:39:32 Failed to rc: connection failed: Post "http://localhost:5572/sync/move": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers

Any help with this is appreciated! Thank you very much in advance!

I think this is what you want.


You execute them and the command will return immediately. Then you can monitor the job instead.

1 Like

Thank you very much. Missed that one!

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