Syncing many files (5M+)

that is a good suggestion. also, idrive works well with rclone.

i did some testing with wasabi with a bucket con tainting 1,000,000 files.
rclone sync --dry-run took just 33 seconds

thats where I came from :slight_smile: - but at 10TB+ and double the costs per TB, the price difference is very noticable.

minio is not very optimized compared to seaweedfs.

how are you calculdating that, as idrive pricing should be close to hetzner?

comparable, but at 10TB there is a difference in total. Hetzner is something like 2-2.5 USD per TB. Idrive is 3.5+? B2 is 4-6?

i could be wrong but for 1TB/month

idrive = $2.50
hetzner= $2.48 with the 10TB plan

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