Synchronization problem on a Debian 10 server

2020/06/30 23:01:37 ERROR : ftp://82.64.58:17493/Freebox/Films: Error while Logging in into 82.64.58:17493: Please use AUTH TLS before logging in.
2020/06/30 23:01:37 Failed to create file system for "freebox:/Freebox/Films": NewFs: ftpConnection Login: Please use AUTH TLS before logging in.

we are making progress

edit the config file, change this
Value "tls" = "false"
Value "tls" = "true"

and as i suggested, do not try to sync command
instead to test the remote do
rclone lsd freebox:

how to activate Value "tls" = "false"
Value "tls" = "true"

edit the config file using rclone config

after how to change ?

Name Type
==== ====
freebox ftp

e) Edit existing remote
n) New remote
d) Delete remote
r) Rename remote
c) Copy remote
s) Set configuration password
q) Quit config

choose edit....

Edit remote
** See help for ftp backend at: **

Value "host" = "82.64.58."
Edit? (y/n)>
y) Yes
n) No
y/n> ^C

I don't see where you want me to change?

I couldn't find what you asked me to change in the config

can you connect to the FTP server using filezilla?
if so, post the log from filezilla


Hello, so you're advising me to do what?

edit the config file, change this
Value "tls" = "false"
Value "tls" = "true"

you will find the setting under advanced.

or add this flag to your command

how do I change how here?

add this
tls = true

ERROR : ftp://82.:17493/Freebox/Films: Error while Logging in into 82.64.:17493: Please use AUTH TLS before logging in.
2020/07/03 18:50:31 Failed to create file system for "freebox:/Freebox/Films": NewFs: ftpConnection Login: Please use AUTH TLS before logging in.


i do not know.

start a new topic with this in the title
"NewFs: ftpConnection Login: Please use AUTH TLS before logging in."

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