Sync: Keep local directories and files, only download if files do not exists

I am in a difficult situation because I have executed a complex operation. Is there any way to solve this problem? I'm planning to patch rclone to disable delete operation against local directories and files.


  • S3 bucket and local directory had been synced.
  • External service created new files and directories on S3 after last sync (>1,000,000)
  • I created files and directories on local to merge other bucket (>100,000)
  • I modified files on local. (>100,000)

What I want to accomplish:

  • Download created files on S3 if the file does not exist on local
  • Keep modified and created files on local


rclone --checkers 32 --transfers 32 --progress sync wasabi:foobar /foobar

  • New files and directories on local will be deleted
  • Modified files on local will be overwritten

rclone --checkers 32 --transfers 32 --ignore-existing -progress sync wasabi:foobar /foobar

  • New files and directories on local will be deleted

rclone --checkers 32 --transfers 32 --ignore-existing --exclude-from keep -progress sync wasabi:foobar /foobar

  • It seems to work but it is too slow to sync. (ignore list has over 100K lines)

This is almost right, but use copy instead of sync

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hello and welcome to the forum,

might try using --fast-list.

might try --immutable
might try --ignore-existing

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Finally, copy and --ignore-existing accomplished this task. Thank you for your advice! @ncw @asdffdsa

rclone --checkers 32 --transfers 32 --fast-list --ignore-existing -progress copy wasabi:foobar /foobar
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