`sync' command doesn't track file movements but deletes and completely re-uploads moved files

Alas no, because crypt doesn’t support any hash types.

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Any other suggestions on how to best rename and sync across 2 cloud providers without having to download/upload it all ?

Hopefully we can get it soon(ish), it pains me to think that if I would stick with encfs it would work.
( and half of other things that rclone offers would not )

Yeah not sure the best route to take here. I think I may just have to slowly filebot things on both providers separately or bite the bullet and kill some bandwidth with a new sync :frowning:

damn you crypt :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Currently running this to do my renames :frowning:
This will slowly go through each dir in the directory and rename the files in those dir then trigger filebot again vs having filebot try to do them all at once.

find /home/tools/acdmount/Movies/ -maxdepth 1 -type d | grep -v /$ | sort | while read dir; do printf "Renaming $dir\n "; filebot -script fn:amc --conflict skip -no-xattr -non-strict --def excludeList=amc.txt --def “movieFormat=/home/tools/acdmount/Movies/{n.replaceAll(/:?/,’-’).replacePart(’’)} ({y})/{n.replaceAll(/:?/,’-’).replacePart(’’)} ({y}){’ - part’+pi}{’ (’+fn.match(/Extended/)+’)’} {’[’+certification+’]’}{genres.take(3)}[{vf}{’.’+source}{’.’+vc}{’.’+BITDEPTH+‘Bit’}{’.’+af}{’.’+ac}{’.’+fn.match(/DD5.1/)}{’.’+fn.match(/IMAX/)}]” ut_label=movie “$dir” --action move ; done

maybe @ncw can squeeze it in 1.36 milestone, its a shame to have rclone features working with encfs (or any other encryption) and not native crypt.