Swapped over to vfs from cache and now getting download quota exceeded

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

Download quota had been exceeded. I was running rclone with cache with no issues. I am moving servers and thought it would be wise to setup with vfs as that seems the way everyone is going. I followed @Animosity022 homescripts. I only have plex setup in my dockers as I wanted get every it up and working before adding sonarr/radarr. I did confirm in my plex config I do not have "Perform extensive media analysis during maintenance" and "Enable Thumbnail previews" off. The only change I have made before this post was, I removed the --poll-interval 15s from the mount thinking that was the cause, but I believe something else. I do have a pretty big library. Is vfs just not cut out for large libraries? Is there anything I should be looking out for?

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

rclone v1.54.0

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

lsb_release -a

No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
Release: 20.04
Codename: focal

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Drive

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

/usr/bin/rclone mount gcrypt: /mnt/md1/gcrypt --allow-other --dir-cache-time 1000h --log-level DEBUG --syslog --poll-interval 15s --umask 002 --rc --rc-addr :5572 --rc-no-auth --cache-dir=/mnt/cache --vfs-cache-mode full --vfs-cache-max-size 500G --vfs-cache-max-age 336h --buffer-size 500M

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = drive
client_id = 705885577246-hjr43rikice57qe319ffha9tr80kbmn1.apps.googleusercontent.com
client_secret = X
token = {"access_token":"x","token_type":"Bearer","refresh_token":"X","expiry":"2021-02-05T12:50:23.701528905-08:00"}

type = crypt
remote = gd:CloudDrive
filename_encryption = standard
password = x
password2 = x
directory_name_encryption = true

A log from the command with the -vv flag

Feb  5 19:38:41 media rclone[1071]: media/movies/Behaving Badly (2014)/Behaving Badly (2014).mp4: vfs cache: failed to download: vfs reader: failed to write to cache file: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: The download quota for this file has been exceeded., downloadQuotaExceeded
Feb  5 19:38:41 media rclone[1071]: media/movies/Young Adult (2011)/Young Adult (2011).mkv: vfs cache: downloader: error count now 3: vfs reader: failed to write to cache file: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: The download quota for this file has been exceeded., downloadQuotaExceeded
Feb  5 19:38:41 media rclone[1071]: media/movies/Young Adult (2011)/Young Adult (2011).mkv: vfs cache: failed to download: vfs reader: failed to write to cache file: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: The download quota for this file has been exceeded., downloadQuotaExceeded
Feb  5 19:38:41 media rclone[1071]: media/movies/Winter's Tale (2014)/Winters Tale 2014.mkv: vfs cache: downloader: error count now 4: vfs reader: failed to write to cache file: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: The download quota for this file has been exceeded., downloadQuotaExceeded
Feb  5 19:38:41 media rclone[1071]: media/movies/Winter's Tale (2014)/Winters Tale 2014.mkv: vfs cache: failed to download: vfs reader: failed to write to cache file: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: The download quota for this file has been exceeded., downloadQuotaExceeded
Feb  5 19:38:41 media rclone[1071]: media/movies/Zambezia (2012)/Zambezia 2012.mp4: vfs cache: downloader: error count now 4: vfs reader: failed to write to cache file: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: The download quota for this file has been exceeded., downloadQuotaExceeded
Feb  5 19:38:41 media rclone[1071]: media/movies/Zambezia (2012)/Zambezia 2012.mp4: vfs cache: failed to download: vfs reader: failed to write to cache file: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: The download quota for this file has been exceeded., downloadQuotaExceeded
Feb  5 19:38:43 media rclone[1071]: media/movies/Young Adult (2011)/Young Adult (2011).mkv: vfs cache: downloader: error count now 4: vfs reader: failed to write to cache file: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: The download quota for this file has been exceeded., downloadQuotaExceeded
Feb  5 19:38:43 media rclone[1071]: media/movies/Young Adult (2011)/Young Adult (2011).mkv: vfs cache: failed to download: vfs reader: failed to write to cache file: open file failed: googleapi: Error 403: The download quota for this file has been exceeded., downloadQuotaExceeded

The debug log would be key to see as it has the information to validate a few things (at least the first few lines).

Generally, that means you ran out of download quota.

rclone.log (3.4 MB) Is there anything I should adjust?

Was something with plex, not sure why it was trying to download all the media even with the scanning off. Seems to have fixed it self.

Plex scans media when:

  • It's new and first time it's een
  • Path changes
  • Size / modtime changes
  • Intro Analysis

are a few things off hand. So depending on what you setup, that would explain what Plex was doing.

I have the same issue. Was thinking, that cache will allow me to get rid of the quota. Plex library is fully scanned and all the "hard actions" (like detecting intros, audio volume analize etc) are switched off. After viewing around 9-10 episodes each about 5Gb size i'm getting this error. I'm pretty i'm not even close to reach the limit (750Gb).

The local disk used for caching

--cache-dir=/media/8TB/rclone_cache \

This is used for caching files to local disk for streaming

--vfs-cache-mode full \

This limits the cache size to the value below

--vfs-cache-max-size 3000G \

This limits the age in the cache if the size is reached and it removes the oldest files first

--vfs-cache-max-age 720h

This sets a per file bandwidth control and I limit this to a little bigger than my largest bitrate I'd want to play

#--bwlimit-file 20M

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