Stuck in rate limit and retry loop in Google Drive for large(er) files

No, I am not using any VPN. But I think this infinite loop has been happening for days before I could notice, which might have labelled the IP as suspicious.

Update regarding the problem, no noticeable difference.

Since I had manually deleted all tasks and the loop was stopped for around 10 hours, I thought the rate limit might have cooled.

But the first retry of the same file immediately brought back the problem.

This is the exact place it gets stuck again and again in infinite loop.

Is there any way to pause transfer and resume instead of abandoning 71% of the progress made? Because the retry works well after 5 minutes just to fail once again.

Each of these error is from the same file.

More info:

I tailed the debug log. The rate limit 429 happens almost evert second, but rclone seems to keep uploading. But rclone seems to quit the task after some time altogether (maybe after time delay or N errors). Any manual control over this behavior with any parameter?