Sonarr w/ Rclone and Unionfs

I’m running version 1.36-22 of rclone. I’ve been experimenting with both ACD and GDrive. I have this weird issue where sonarr loses it’s mind and thinks the file is not there, when in fact it is. I have all my applications pointed to UnionFs.

The symptom is sonarr doesn’t think the file is there, even though it is. It copies it back to the local drive as it’s attempting to sync all the shows and files. It’s almost like it can’t read the file for some reason.

Has anyone ran into this? For Plex I tell it to not empty when it can’t find something. Radarr doesn’t experience this problem, only Sonarr.

This really came up yesterday when ACD took a dump.

Here are my mounts

rclone mount --config /home/plex/.rclone.conf --allow-non-empty --allow-other --acd-templink-threshold 0 --buffer-size 500M --stats 1s -v --log-file=/home/plex/log/rclonemount-gdrive.log gdrive-crypt:/ /home/plex/gdrive

rclone mount --config /home/plex/.rclone.conf --allow-non-empty --allow-other --acd-templink-threshold 0 --buffer-size 500M --stats 1s -v --log-file=/home/plex/log/rclonemount.log encrypt:/ /home/plex/acd

unionfs-fuse -o cow,allow_other,direct_io,auto_cache,sync_read /home/plex/upload=RW:/home/plex/acd=RO:/home/plex/gdrive=RO /home/plex/union-acd-upload/