Solutions for SAFE and STABLE Uploading? - Windows

after deleting the trash I still have more space :joy:

well, the cache is not at /temp/

the cache are files are at

i have delete all folder and log files

i have restart server now... it does not work

please explain what does not work???

I was referring to the fact that the remaining space on the OneDrive disk is not shown.

Even today, after several reboots it hasn't recovered, it still doesn't show the remaining space.

as we dicsssued, you are a way too complex setup, with incorrect command, incorrect flags and errors.

at this point, now, we have no idea what commands are you running.

Yesterday they were complex when I played three records.
Now why would it be complex?
I'm doing everything as you suggested.

Now I only have this disk mounted.

The launch command is this:

mount --vfs-cache-mode=full --vfs-cache-max-age=4h --vfs-cache-max-size=12G --drive-pacer-min-sleep=10ms --drive-pacer-burst=200 --cache-dir c:\rclone\temp onedrive-crypt: H:

with nssm

no, that is not correct, you are still using wrong flags.
--drive-pacer-min-sleep=10ms --drive-pacer-burst=200

anyhoo, at this point, not sure what you need help with?

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I also removed these flags and restarted the disk, still nothing appears.

Sorry if I'm disturbing.
Up until now I have always avoided opening a topic, trying on my own to understand how to optimize streaming with Plex and optimize uploading without using the cache.
It's not easy, also because it seems that many people don't insert their own commands for editing, but only some flags and you often have to read entire topics to understand that that flag is useless for me.

So that's it.
If you can suggest me some good montages, I will opt your solutions which are very useful.

ok, no problem.
but you also have to help, to explain what you need help with?

no idea what you mean, what do you need help with?

What I show in the screen is the problem I have at the moment, that is, it doesn't show me the amount of space available.

Then I wanted to know from you who are more expert than me, if the start command is well configured for streaming with Plex?
Then I wanted to know from you if I need to start a second disk for uploading, because I don't want to use the cache for uploading.

For streaming I want cache and for uploading I don't.

I hope now I have made myself understood better, sorry but I use a translator, so some words may not be correct.


I used chatgpt for the startup command.
How does that sound to you?
It says it's optimized for downloading, and doesn't use cache for uploading.
rclone mount remote:path X: --buffer-size 256M --dir-cache-time 72h --drive-chunk-size 32M --fast-list --vfs-cache-mode minimal --vfs-read-chunk-size 64M --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit off

  1. --drive-chunk-size 32M . need to use
    --onedrive-chunk-size 32M

  2. --fast-list, does nothing on a mount.

  3. --vfs-cache-mode minimal.
    given the error was Can't read and write to file without --vfs-cache-mode >= minimal
    not sure how that flag would help you.

anyhoo, at this point, just give it a test and then you will know.

i am just a volunteer in the forum, i will not get into a debate with chatgpt.
good luck!

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then very simply.
tell me how to have download cache and no upload cache.

I have little space and I have to leave free space for download which is more important.

And when you want to upload without cache where the file is? in some magic space? Or on disk? It will use space regardless if you use cache or not.

It is not clear at all what you want to do. You have 10GB file you want to upload? Then move it from disk to mount - now it will be just in different place but will not occupy any more space. And will be removed automatically when upload is finished and cache is needed for other things.

Or as mentioned few times already - use rclone sync instead.

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