Silent installation of rclone config and mount

Hi @asdffdsa
Its not like I can't use Fixed Disk. This is because of the stability as it is mentioned in your guide,

If you mount an rclone remote using the default, fixed drive mode and experience unexpected program errors, freezes or other issues, consider mounting as a network drive instead.


in all my time using rclone mount and on all the computers i run it on, never used --network-mode

at this point, have you tried my approach, using fixed disk?
what was wrong with it?

You should not worry too much about this, it is not a very well-founded claim. When @asdffdsa says he has been using fixed disk mode without issues, then don't let it stop you from trying his approach. :+1:

Edit: And if one is determined to use network mode, it is actually possible - but in an indirect way, somewhat similar to @asdffdsa's approach: Use mklink /d to create a directory link to the network drive, then share that directory (or parent). Source: file - Sharing a Windows mapped drive - Stack Overflow

where does the claim originate from?

Good question... :thinking:

i forgot about that option but it is docmented in my wiki about VSS and rclone

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