Rename via Radarr directly to encrypted mount?

Hi guys.

Is it possible to rename directly on an encryptet mount via Radarr? :slight_smile:
I want to rename my tv shows to Plex friendly titles .

Will rclone download and reupload to the mount?

Thanks :slight_smile:

I can't recall recently if that was fixed in mono or not as it isn't a rclone item.

You'd have to find one and test and see what happens as memory just isn't there.

The mono call used to reupload and download because of the call being made.

Test it out for science :slight_smile:

Just tried it - seems to be working just fine :slight_smile:

Renamed the first two seasons of The Walking Dead , so far so good :slight_smile:
Once its renamed, I can see that Plex_Autoscan updates the seasons and is available asap :slight_smile:
/me pressing the rename button

Nice. I recall them in a few spots talking about fixing it and maybe it was @darthShadow mentioning it, but I'm forgetful these days so maybe not!

I just renamed all seasons of TWD - took under 5 mins :slight_smile:

Yes, a workaround was added in Sonarr to fix it even for older versions of Mono 6.x which don't have the upstream fix.


+1 for my memory!

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Haha great :slight_smile:

Renaming my entire tv show library.

Not fixed within the next couble of hours lol