Recommended OneDrive mount options for streaming 4K

Thanks for answering my question!

I am not sure, however I can't see anything like that in rclone logs. I have seen others post logs where rate limiting happened and it's very clear in the logs, however mine don't contain anything like that when the freezing happens (or anywhere else).

What exactly is the recommended settings for --tpslimit for OneDrive?
And would that help you think? Now my library is all set up, rescans happen very quickly, I don't think I've ever had a problem/slowdown when rescanning. Would Jellyfin/rclone hit API limits when just playing a single file?

EDIT: Since you mentioned throttling (even though I am not seeing this in the logs), I found this thread below, where the conclusion seems to be that the rclone defaults are best for transfers of up to 50-100GB or over a few hours, but then more throttling might be applied. I believe some of my freezing issues have been on very large files and after the middle of a movie, or after having watched at least one movie and going on to another one. But I have not kept detailed notes; I seem to remember once or twice it happened after a few minutes of watching something.

What do you think --tpslimit should be to avoid any extra throttling while still allowing large files to stream without issue?