Rclone v1.55.1 throttling and worse on OneDrive copy to GD

Hey again @Ole

All done. Copied over 1TB to Google Workspace account. Seemed that no matter what i did, OneDrive was sensitive. What i found was:

  • When i left things overnight and started again using clone --ignore-existing --transfesr=4 --checkers=16 copy... , i would get ~80-90GB before seeing exceeded threshold on the OneDrive side of things. Speed was as you said, around 13-20 Mbyte/s.

  • I could then restart after a few hours using the previous flags or also dropping the transfers to 3, each time i would get speeds on large files up to 30-50 Mbyte/s before it would settle to the previous rate. This would only last for about 20-30GB before having to pause again for a few hours. If i didn't, i could see the execution threshold pause time growing by minutes.

  • Didn't really see any difference between the above flags and the other method -checkers=8 --multi-thread-streams=2. Moving the data from a Google One based account to a Google Workspace has a ridiculously high threshold compared to OneDrive in my past 3 days of migrations.

  • Years ago, i found some university guy who shared his optimal settings for Google transfers (Google to Google) and these work flawlessly for me everytime but, in truth, i don'y fully understand why but it was fast, 40-60 Mbyte/s without errors using -vv. Here are the flags i use for G to G data moves:
    rclone --ignore-existing --transfers=5 --checkers=16 --drive-chunk-size=16384k --drive-upload-cutoff=16384k copy -P....

Hope this helps someone but thanks for the amazing community and support guys!