Rclone to respect a soft-kill termination

i am getting errors

here is the build script

cd /d C:\data\l\go\go\bin
go.exe build C:\data\l\go\src\rclone\rclone-master\rclone.go -ldflags "-H windowsgui"

and here is the output
can't load package: named files must be .go files: -ldflags

cd into C:\data\l\go\src\rclone\rclone-master

then go build -ldflags "-H windowsgui" on its own should do it

did that, rclone.exe is created
when i run rcone.exe --version or rclone.exe config, there is no output at all.
no matter what i try to do, no output.

but when run this command,
go.exe build
rclone.exe is built and usable.

C:\data\l\go\src\rclone\rclone-master>rclone.exe --version
rclone v1.49.4-DEV
- os/arch: windows/amd64
- go version: go1.13.1

That is what that flag does - make all the output disappear so it doesn't depend on a console window.

Rclone should still run (I think) and you should be able to use --log-file too.

there is some issues with the rclone.1.49.4-dev.exe that i built.

  1. i am not able to mount, see error below.
  2. see output of rclone.1.49.4-dev.exe --help, mount is not listed.
  3. i compared the --help output for both versions and the only difference is mount is missing from the dev version.

rclone.1.49.4.exe --version
rclone v1.49.4

  • os/arch: windows/amd64
  • go version: go1.13.1

start /b rclone.1.49.4.exe mount wasabiwest01:vserver03-bjv.h.vserver03.g.ampe01\ l: --log-file=log.rclone_1.49.4.txt --log-level=DEBUG

rclone.1.49.4-dev.exe --version
rclone v1.49.4-DEV

  • os/arch: windows/amd64
  • go version: go1.13.1

start /b rclone.1.49.4-dev.exe mount wasabiwest01:vserver03-bjv.h.vserver03.g.ampe01\ m: --log-file=log.rclone_1.49.4-dev.txt --log-level=DEBUG

Run 'rclone --help' for usage.
2019/10/04 10:02:20 Fatal error: unknown command "mount" for "rclone"

rclone.1.49.4-dev.exe --help

Rclone syncs files to and from cloud storage providers as well as
mounting them, listing them in lots of different ways.

See the home page (https://rclone.org/) for installation, usage,
documentation, changelog and configuration walkthroughs.

rclone [flags]
rclone [command]

Available Commands:
about Get quota information from the remote.
authorize Remote authorization.
cachestats Print cache stats for a remote
cat Concatenates any files and sends them to stdout.
check Checks the files in the source and destination match.
cleanup Clean up the remote if possible
config Enter an interactive configuration session.
copy Copy files from source to dest, skipping already copied
copyto Copy files from source to dest, skipping already copied
copyurl Copy url content to dest.
cryptcheck Cryptcheck checks the integrity of a crypted remote.
cryptdecode Cryptdecode returns unencrypted file names.
dbhashsum Produces a Dropbox hash file for all the objects in the path.
dedupe Interactively find duplicate files and delete/rename them.
delete Remove the contents of path.
deletefile Remove a single file from remote.
genautocomplete Output completion script for a given shell.
gendocs Output markdown docs for rclone to the directory supplied.
hashsum Produces an hashsum file for all the objects in the path.
help Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends.
link Generate public link to file/folder.
listremotes List all the remotes in the config file.
ls List the objects in the path with size and path.
lsd List all directories/containers/buckets in the path.
lsf List directories and objects in remote:path formatted for parsing
lsjson List directories and objects in the path in JSON format.
lsl List the objects in path with modification time, size and path.
md5sum Produces an md5sum file for all the objects in the path.
mkdir Make the path if it doesn't already exist.
move Move files from source to dest.
moveto Move file or directory from source to dest.
ncdu Explore a remote with a text based user interface.
obscure Obscure password for use in the rclone.conf
purge Remove the path and all of its contents.
rc Run a command against a running rclone.
rcat Copies standard input to file on remote.
rcd Run rclone listening to remote control commands only.
rmdir Remove the path if empty.
rmdirs Remove empty directories under the path.
serve Serve a remote over a protocol.
settier Changes storage class/tier of objects in remote.
sha1sum Produces an sha1sum file for all the objects in the path.
size Prints the total size and number of objects in remote:path.
sync Make source and dest identical, modifying destination only.
touch Create new file or change file modification time.
tree List the contents of the remote in a tree like fashion.
version Show the version number.

Building rclone with mount on Windows is a little more difficult. You'll need mingw installed and WinFSP and build Rclone with the flag -tags cmount

There is a .bat file in Rclone's bin directory which shows what environment variables you need to set.

I'm not at my computer right now but hopefully that is enough help. If not I'll elaborate further when I'm at my computer.

thanks, i will give it a try and let you know if i need more assistance.

I wrote what I did last time I set up a windows dev environment in the wiki

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