Rclone Sync never ends? Schedule is needed?

Sorry about not using the template, it's a short question.

I have a scheduled job at 1:00 AM, rclone sync "mydisk 1,4TB" "mydrive:/Pathforsync"

If i move a doc in the source, it moves on the destination, now at afternoon. It's correct? The Sync never ends? Then... Do we need a scheduled job like me or it is not neccesary??

I want to sync all my local drive with personal data. Now I'm only trying with a couple of folders.

hello and welcome ot the forum,

when you posted, you should have been asked for some information.
can you supply that.


What is the problem you are having with rclone?

None. Its only a question about how it works

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)


Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

Debian 10

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Drive

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

 rclone sync /folder1 "mydrive:/sync"

I have a scheduled job at 1:00 AM, rclone sync/folder1 mydrive:/sync

If i move a doc in the source, it moves on the destination, now at afternoon. It's correct? The Sync never ends? Then... Do we need a scheduled job like me or it is not neccesary?? Or maybe only when the system reboots?

I want to sync all my local drive with personal data. Now I'm only trying with a couple of folders.

Sorry, I thought it would be a simple question about how rclone Sync comand works.

rclone sync doesn't keep running. It will run until the sync is done.

So yes, you will need a scheduled job .

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