Rclone RC does not detect mounts

Hi all,

I've set up rclone RC using the following command in a service:
rclone rcd --rc-user <user> --rc-pass <pass> --rc-web-gui --rc-web-gui-no-open-browser --rc-enable-metrics --rc-no-auth --rc-addr :5572

The RC loads, is connected to rclone, shows my mount points and I can browse my remotes.

I am using a separate daemon to mount specific mount points using rclone mount, however, they don't show up in the RC. Can rclone RC somehow import existing mounts?


No, you need to mount them on that rclone.

You can use the RC to launch several mounts at once though.

Ok understood, so the Web GUI is not a GUI that attaches to a single process, it instead launches its own process. As a matter of fact, if I use a cron job to periodically move files from a harddrive to a s3 remote with rclone, the Web UI also won't show any metrics, becuase the move process is from a different process. Is this correct?

The main reason I wanted to spin up the remote console is the /metrics end point. I want to monitor rclone performance, ant the prometheus metrics seemed a good idea for that.

But that doesn't help if it's not catching metrics from different processes.

Is there any other way that rclone mount, move, etc would expose metrics?

Ok, I found a solution I thought works, i.e. using rclone rc mount/mount... However, turns out I have an issue there as well.

I converted this mount command:

rclone mount \
  --config=/home/florian/.config/rclone/rclone.conf \
  --log-level=DEBUG \
  --log-file=/opt/rclone/logs/rclone-mount.log \
  --user-agent=idrive \
  --umask=002 \
  --gid=1002 \
  --uid=1000 \
  --allow-other \
  --timeout=1h \
  --poll-interval=15s \
  --dir-cache-time=12h \
  --cache-dir=/opt/rclone/cache/imedia \
  --vfs-cache-mode=full \
  --vfs-cache-max-size=4G \
  --vfs-cache-max-age=12h \
  idrivee2-crypt: /mnt/idrivee2-cloud

to this:

rclone rc mount/mount fs=idrivee2-crypt: mountPoint=/mnt/idrivee2-cloud vfsOpt='{"UID": 1000, "GID": 1002, "Umask": 2, "CacheMaxAge": 43200000000000, "CacheMaxSize": "4G", "CacheMode": 3 }' mountOpt='{"AllowOther": true }' --rc-user <user> --rc-pass <pass>

Now I get the following error:

        "error": "failed to mount FUSE fs: fusermount: exit status 1",
        "input": {
                "fs": "idrivee2-crypt:",
                "mountOpt": "{\"AllowOther\": true }",
                "mountPoint": "/mnt/idrivee2-cloud",
                "vfsOpt": "{\"UID\": 1000, \"GID\": 1000, \"Umask\": 2, \"CacheMaxAge\": 43200000000000, \"CacheMaxSize\": \"4G\", \"CacheMode\": 3 }"
        "path": "mount/mount",
        "status": 500
2024/07/31 16:52:46 Failed to rc: operation "mount/mount" failed: failed to mount FUSE fs: fusermount: exit status 1

FUSE is installed.

Any ideas what might be wrong?

The answer is most likely in the debug log you capture in your command.

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