rclone on a pc?

fwiw, not sure that is a good idea.
as i explain in my howto guide, rclone smb remote lacks support for file verification using checksums.
that is why i always use native mount

and another thing i would not do, especially if this is your first time working with smb/samba shares.
to share a folder on your windows machine, unless you are 100% sure how to lock down the share.
must create a new username and password and only allow that user to access the share.
otherwise, can expose your entire windows machine.

instead, i would create the dedicated share on the NAS, then run rclone or any copy tool, on the windows machine.

but if you must create a windows share.
then on the NAS, to access the windows share.
use native mount as per my wiki
create a smb remote - https://rclone.org/smb/