Rclone not working on steam deck using distrobox


[deck@Arch ~]$ rclone config redacted piokug96:
type = drive
client_id = XXX
client_secret = XXX
scope = drive
token = XXX
team_drive = 
### Double check the config for sensitive info before posting publicly

Output (censored by me):

[deck@Arch ~]$ ls /home/deck/GDrive-piokug96
'Folder1'  'Folder2'   File1   File2  'Folder3'

ok, everything is working now.

But I don't see any file in the Dolphin /home/deck/GDrive-piokug96/

the rclone mount is working.

perhaps post at their forums.

It's not... A few days ago i reboot my Steam Deck, before reboot everything was working - I could see all files. After rebooting, I decided to not interfere in the system files and use distrobox with the Arch container. Right now, I see files only when I use sync or copy function - it's temporary workaround.

Dolphin is KDE's file manager, it's not possible that shows files once using sync/copy or using rclone directly in the system and whrough distrobox not. It's also not distrobox problem, because sync and copy functions work perfectly.

Please, I need help. I'm newby linux user and I don't want to mess with system files again (thats why I decided to reeboot my Steam Deck)

for now, you have something that is working.

at this point, your questions are not about rclone.

take your time and learn basic linux, it an be overwhelming at first.
the internet is full of guides and can post at forums for steam deck, distrobox and arch.

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