Rclone moving files that are still being written

Everything should point to your mergerfs mount location with the exception of you rclone move script.

Sonarr and Radarr are set to the mergerfs mount

NZBGet downloads direct to ~/data/local/downloads

That's wrong, it needs to point to mergerfs.

I changed it and will test it soon. I'm not sure how that would change anything since the downloads would go to the same place.

Also, could it be possible that setting Sonarr and Radarr to remove completed downloads in the downloads client section would be causing the problem?

I shared that before as you can't hard link across mount points and if you are linking from your local disk to your mergerfs, it won't work.

Here is the example that shows it.

felix@gemini:/local/NZB$ touch test
felix@gemini:/local/NZB$ ln test /gmedia/NZB/test2
ln: failed to create hard link '/gmedia/NZB/test2' => 'test': Invalid cross-device link
felix@gemini:/local/NZB$ cd /gmedia/
felix@gemini:/gmedia$ cd NZB
felix@gemini:/gmedia/NZB$ ls
completed  intermediate  nzb  nzbget.lock  queue  test  tmp
felix@gemini:/gmedia/NZB$ ln test test2

That fixed it 100% Everything is so much faster now.

Sorry I didn't understand before. I was researching somewhere else that said mergerfs could automatically detect mount points and I misunderstood that too.

Happy you got it working :slight_smile:

My thoughts are keep asking until I understand and it works!

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