Rclone limit ram cache size


What is the problem you are having with rclone?

rclone cached memory ram keeps infinitely increasing, i'd like to know a way that i can set a limit to cached memory ram, so when it hits the limit it starts to de-allocate the oldest ones.

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

rclone v1.57.0

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Drive

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone mount --daemon gdrive:/ --allow-other /var/www/html/redacted

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = drive
scope = drive
token = {"access_token":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","token_type":"Bearer","refresh_token":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","expiry":"2022-01-04T02:05:40.839748046Z"}
team_drive =

A log from the command with the -vv flag


hi, a little confused what you are asking about.

that rclone is using too much memory, RAM?
edit: i see that since i posted, you re-edited your original post/title, to make clear, you mean RAM

so you are using rclone mount to host a website?
do you have a lot of users accessing the website, as each user will use some RAM.
but rclone should release it, not to increase it infinitely.

there is not a way to hard limit the total amount of RAM used but you might test

tho not sure --use-mmap does anything when --buffer-size=0

yes, rclone is using too much RAM, at the moment i have 30 GB of RAM, and when i start rclone, it slowly increases it up to reach the limit, i'm not sure but i believe even if i put more RAM it will reach the limit again.

so i have made a workaround to clear the cached memory, i created a cronjob that every minute clear cached ram, is it wrong to do this?

and yes, i'm using it for a website, it's hosting multiple movies and series that are on google drive.

this is the last command that i have tried rclone mount --daemon gdrive:/ --allow-other --cache-db-purge --fs-cache-expire-duration 0 --cache-chunk-no-memory --vfs-cache-max-age 0 /var/www/html/redacted

If you can't share a log file or more details, we have no idea how to help.

Your problem doesn't make sense as rclone won't use 30GB of memory.

is it right? only generated this..

root@rclone:~# rclone mount --daemon gdrive:/ --allow-other --use-mmap --buffer-size=0 --cache-db-purge --fs-cache-expire-duration 0 --cache-chunk-no-memory --vfs-cache-max-age 0 /var/www/html/storage777 -vv
2022/01/04 02:15:07 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.57.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "mount" "--daemon" "gdrive:/" "--allow-other" "--use-mmap" "--buffer-size=0" "--cache-db-purge" "--fs-cache-expire-duration" "0" "--cache-chunk-no-memory" "--vfs-cache-max-age" "0" "/var/www/html/storage777" "-vv"]
2022/01/04 02:15:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive:/"
2022/01/04 02:15:07 DEBUG : Using config file from "/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2022/01/04 02:15:07 DEBUG : Google drive root '': 'root_folder_id = 0AI8rjOeF0bqhUk9PVA' - save this in the config to speed up startup
2022/01/04 02:15:07 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "gdrive:/" to be canonical "gdrive:"
2022/01/04 02:15:08 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.57.0" finishing with parameters ["/usr/bin/rclone" "mount" "--daemon" "gdrive:/" "--allow-other" "--use-mmap" "--buffer-size=0" "--cache-db-purge" "--fs-cache-expire-duration" "0" "--cache-chunk-no-memory" "--vfs-cache-max-age" "0" "/var/www/html/storage777" "-vv"]


You need to use -vvv and —log-file /some/path/rclone.log

And recreate the issue and share the full log.

Show something that shows rclone is using memory. Top output or something.

2022/01/04 02:46:52 INFO  : Signal received: terminated
2022/01/04 02:46:52 ERROR : /var/www/html/storage777: Failed to unmount: exit status 1: fusermount: failed to unmount /var/www/html/storage777: Device or resource busy
2022/01/04 02:46:52 INFO  : Exiting...
2022/01/04 02:48:16 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.57.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "mount" "-vvv" "--daemon" "gdrive:/" "--allow-other" "--use-mmap" "--buffer-size=0" "--cache-db-purge" "--fs-cache-expire-duration" "0" "--cache-chunk-no-memory" "--vfs-cache-max-age" "0" "/var/www/html/storage777" "--log-file" "/root/rclone.log"]
2022/01/04 02:48:16 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive:/"
2022/01/04 02:48:16 DEBUG : Using config file from "/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2022/01/04 02:48:16 DEBUG : Google drive root '': 'root_folder_id = 0AI8rjOeF0bqhUk9PVA' - save this in the config to speed up startup
2022/01/04 02:48:16 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "gdrive:/" to be canonical "gdrive:"
2022/01/04 02:48:16 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.57.0" starting with parameters ["/usr/bin/rclone" "mount" "-vvv" "--daemon" "gdrive:/" "--allow-other" "--use-mmap" "--buffer-size=0" "--cache-db-purge" "--fs-cache-expire-duration" "0" "--cache-chunk-no-memory" "--vfs-cache-max-age" "0" "/var/www/html/storage777" "--log-file" "/root/rclone.log"]
2022/01/04 02:48:16 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive:/"
2022/01/04 02:48:16 DEBUG : Using config file from "/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2022/01/04 02:48:17 DEBUG : Google drive root '': 'root_folder_id = 0AI8rjOeF0bqhUk9PVA' - save this in the config to speed up startup
2022/01/04 02:48:17 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "gdrive:/" to be canonical "gdrive:"
2022/01/04 02:48:17 DEBUG : Google drive root '': Mounting on "/var/www/html/storage777"
2022/01/04 02:48:17 DEBUG : : Root: 
2022/01/04 02:48:17 DEBUG : : >Root: node=/, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:17 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.57.0" finishing with parameters ["/usr/bin/rclone" "mount" "-vvv" "--daemon" "gdrive:/" "--allow-other" "--use-mmap" "--buffer-size=0" "--cache-db-purge" "--fs-cache-expire-duration" "0" "--cache-chunk-no-memory" "--vfs-cache-max-age" "0" "/var/www/html/storage777" "--log-file" "/root/rclone.log"]
2022/01/04 02:48:17 DEBUG : /: Lookup: name="movies"
2022/01/04 02:48:17 DEBUG : /: >Lookup: node=movies/, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:17 DEBUG : movies/: Attr: 
2022/01/04 02:48:17 DEBUG : movies/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxr-xr-x, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:17 DEBUG : movies/: Lookup: name="animacao-infantil"
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/: >Lookup: node=movies/animacao-infantil/, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/animacao-infantil/: Attr: 
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/animacao-infantil/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxr-xr-x, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/animacao-infantil/: Lookup: name="43875.mp4"
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/: Lookup: name="14_romance"
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/: >Lookup: node=movies/14_romance/, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/: Attr: 
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxr-xr-x, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/: Lookup: name="43560.mp4"
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/: >Lookup: node=movies/14_romance/43560.mp4, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: Attr: 
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=763676174 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: Open: flags=OpenReadOnly
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: Open: flags=O_RDONLY
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: >Open: fd=movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r), err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: >Open: fh=&{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=0
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.openRange at 0 length 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : /: Lookup: name="series"
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : /: >Lookup: node=series/, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : series/: Attr: 
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : series/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxr-xr-x, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : series/: Lookup: name="Segundo Sol"
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : /: Lookup: name="movies"
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : /: >Lookup: node=movies/, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/: Attr: 
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxr-xr-x, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/: Lookup: name="acao"
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/: >Lookup: node=movies/acao/, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/acao/: Attr: 
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/acao/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxr-xr-x, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/acao/: Lookup: name="43287.mp4"
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 0 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=131072
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 131072 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:18 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=262144
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 262144 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/animacao-infantil/: >Lookup: node=movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4: Attr: 
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4: >Attr: a=valid=1s ino=0 size=746464879 mode=-rw-r--r--, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4: Open: flags=OpenReadOnly
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4: Open: flags=O_RDONLY
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4: >Open: fd=movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4 (r), err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4: >Open: fh=&{movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4 (r)}, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=0
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4: ChunkedReader.openRange at 0 length 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=393216
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 393216 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=524288
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 524288 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=655360
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 655360 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=786432
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 786432 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=917504
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 917504 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=1048576
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 1048576 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=1179648
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 1179648 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=1310720
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 1310720 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 0 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=131072
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 131072 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=1441792
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=1572864
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: waiting for in-sequence read to 1572864 for 20ms
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 1441792 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 1572864 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=1703936
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 1703936 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=1835008
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 1835008 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=1966080
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 1966080 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=2097152
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 2097152 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=2228224
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 2228224 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=2359296
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 2359296 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=2490368
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 2490368 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=2621440
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 2621440 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=2752512
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 2752512 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=2883584
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 2883584 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=262144
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 262144 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=3014656
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 3014656 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=3145728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 3145728 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=3276800
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 3276800 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=3407872
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 3407872 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=3538944
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 3538944 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=3670016
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 3670016 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=3801088
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 3801088 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=3932160
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 3932160 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=4063232
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 4063232 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=4194304
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 4194304 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=4325376
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 4325376 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=4456448
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 4456448 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=4587520
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 4587520 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=4718592
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 4718592 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=4849664
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 4849664 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=4980736
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 4980736 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=5111808
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 5111808 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=393216
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 393216 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=524288
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 524288 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=655360
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 655360 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=786432
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 786432 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=917504
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 917504 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/animacao-infantil/43875.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=5242880
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 5242880 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=5373952
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 5373952 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=5505024
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 5505024 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=5636096
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 5636096 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=5767168
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 5767168 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=5898240
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 5898240 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=6029312
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 6029312 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=6160384
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 6160384 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=6291456
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=6422528
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: waiting for in-sequence read to 6422528 for 20ms
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 6291456 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 6422528 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=6553600
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 6553600 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=6684672
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 6684672 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=6815744
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 6815744 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=6946816
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 6946816 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=7077888
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 7077888 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=7208960
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 7208960 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=7340032
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 7340032 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=7471104
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 7471104 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=7602176
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 7602176 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=7733248
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 7733248 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=7864320
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 7864320 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=7995392
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 7995392 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=8126464
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=8257536
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 8126464 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 8257536 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=8388608
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 8388608 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=8519680
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 8519680 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=8650752
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 8650752 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=8781824
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 8781824 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=8912896
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 8912896 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=9043968
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 9043968 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=9175040
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 9175040 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : &{movies/14_romance/43560.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=131072, offset=9306112
2022/01/04 02:48:19 DEBUG : movies/14_romance/43560.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 9306112 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728