Rclone is giving error in several files

Rclone is giving error in several files. Failed to copy: resourceModified: ETag does not match current item’s value

Can you give a bit more info please?

What is the rclone command line you are using? Which cloud provider? And do you have any log messages. The more log you can provide the easier it is for me to work out what is happening!


Estou usando o comando “rclone sync home/teste onedrive:teste” sincronizando com o OneDrive
Vou mandar o log

Did you try the latest beta?

Good morning I’m using a rclone v1.39

Can you try the latest beta?

Yes, I can, what would it be? Thank you

I put a link above.

Or if you are using a linux/macOS then you can do this

curl https://rclone.org/install.sh | sudo bash -s beta