Rclone has been banned from Amazon Drive

Odd… an “acd_cli ls /” is still working but when I run the acd_cli init, I just got “[CRITICAL] [acdcli.api.client] - Error getting endpoint data. Response: {“message”:“Token has expired”}”.

ls is offline operation for acdcli (just gives you the result of a query from the local db).
try sync, it will be the dreaded “rate exceeded” message (AKA the beginning of the end).

crap… i was hoping…

17-06-02 14:32:55.299 [CRITICAL] [acdcli.api.client] - Error getting endpoint data. Response: {“message”:“Rate exceeded”}

Correct. :frowning: Sorry guys…

I believe MultCloud uses their own servers. I haven’t seen Cloudsync before, but it looks like it could be promising; my server has a 1000/1000 connection.I don’t see a Linux client though; I take it you’re on Windows?

I hope someone hears you … HELLOO ! Sounds like a rclone - we can get it back - solution !!!

Thanks for post !

yup unfortunately windows, i run esxi on my datacenter server so i just spun up a windows VM and using that to transfer the data 2.7TB so far transfered in approx. 24 hours only another 21 to go :stuck_out_tongue:

You can install Goodsync inside wine.
If you have access to a native Windows machine, configure a Goodsync “sync/backup” job inside the windows environment and export it as a .tix file. Import the .tix inside your /linux/wine/goodsync environment.
Review the importet job, otherwise you could delete allready existing files inside your destination by mistake.

Goodsync also got a linux cli, but it’s not really easy to setup the jobs cli

I have Goodsync running inside a Windows VM. It takes much longer than rsync to complete the analysis stage, but it is working. I hadn’t thought of wine but based on Ari’s message I am going to give it a try. The instructions for the Linux CLI are not sufficient for a dummy like me to use. By contrast, the rclone instructions are clear and easy to follow.

a loooong time ago i applied to amazon cloud drive developers with an app i never actually realized 'cause i found rclone, and now i have a security profile for my app where i see this:

Security Profile Description: Profile to test Amazon Drive APIs

question: is it useful? can be perfected in a production profile? if it is i am willing to give my client id and secret so rclone can work again.

please let me know

Just run rclone config add Amazon and add your app I’d and secret. If authorization works and rclone gets it back you are good to go. Note you have to add the localhost return URL in your profile.
So if it works and rclone uses it with auth server etc still it will get banned. The public credentials excuse by Amazon has already been dismissed as they banned other similar apps without having their secrets exposed…

actually it does not work, i already tried.
i get

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An error occurred when we tried to process your request. Rest assured, we’re already working on the problem and expect to resolve it shortly.

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400 Bad Request
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i hoped it was because they were test credentials and, some way, they could be promoted to production… sad

Shame on you, Amazon.

I am looking forward to so long, but still wait until bad news…
I am ACD new customers only charge once, I only use rclone for ACD.
Hope this is not the end result…:disappointed_relieved:

Just cancelled my ACD account and had no issues at all getting a full refund. All the process done through the ACD website, 1 message was enough, they seem to be aware of all the hassle created.

I’ll be probably moving all my data to B2, but if you guys know of a cheaper, but reliable, alternative please let me know. My data is around 4TB in size, for this kind of storage B2 is the best alternative I’ve found. I used Hubic in the past, but speeds were really dissapointing.


You can install Goodsync inside wine.
If you have access to a native Windows machine, configure a Goodsync “sync/backup” job inside the windows environment and export it as a .tix file. Import the .tix inside your /linux/wine/goodsync environment.
Review the importet job, otherwise you could delete allready existing files inside your destination by mistake.

Goodsync also got a linux cli, but it’s not really easy to setup the jobs cli

Rclone is the best cloud transmission software I’ve ever used.
I used to rclone in ACD almost full speed transmission(multi transfers like 8~16)
Others like GoodSync can only have 4 file transfers to run in parallel ,that is too slow.
Hope as soon as possible there are solutions
It is annoying ACD this overbearing condition!

strings binary | grep -B1 amzn
one can wonder why this one is still allowed when rclone is not if the sin is the same.

Finally I’ve just switched to Microsoft Onedrive. I’ve only 400 GB so 1 TB Office 365 Personal subscription is enough for me.

Hey guys,
Amazon is changing their pricing plans:

In brief, $59.99 for “every” 1TB.

Goodbye Amazon Drive

At least we can all stop caring about ACD support coming back.