Rclone fatal error mount not ready

again, that is not helpful. i cannot see into your computer, please, just post the needed info.

You said replace the key so I did.
It gives this really long key starting with SL like I posted above.
You said replace it with the non expiry one so I did.

Enter a string value. Press Enter for the default ("").
config_token> cd  {"y":}                       7 Couldn't decode response - try again (make sure you are using a matching version of rclone on both sides: invalid character 'c' looking for beginning of value

type = dropbox
client_id = 
client_secret =
token = {"access_token":"lh","token_type":"bearer","expiry":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}
chunk_size = 125Mi

start a new topic,
how to use non-expiring token with dropbox

is this still not working?

--daemon --daemon-wait=5m

I have the same issue. Any tips for solution?

hello and welcome to the forum,

it appears to be an issue with wackbox

try the update guide if you followed the original guide from whatbox.

screen -dm rclone mount --buffer-size=32M --dir-cache-time=84h --vfs-cache-mode=minimal --vfs-cache-max-age=6h remote: ~/mount/

Thanks and regards. .

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