Rclone copy using regex expression using include multiple expression for file name

yes correct in addition in case source files change in size or updates then it should copy the file to dst.

then i think that my suggestion should work.

  1. on source: rclone copy sftp:/incoming /datasync --compare-dest=/alreadyprocessed
  2. on dest: application processes files in /datasync. do not delete the processed files.
  3. on dest: mv /datasync/ /alreadyprocessed/
  4. goto 1.
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Let me test this and update you
Thanks for your help so far

i see that you marked this as solved, great!

curious as to how my suggestion worked out for you?

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I follow the same process you mentioned ,

  1. rclone copy /datasync/ minio:bucket/ --compare-dest=/alreadyprocessed

2. rclone move minio:bucket /alreadyprocessed

So by comparing /alreadyprocessed to sftp/incomming it is not copying the files which is already in present in /alreadyprocessed and copying when the new files there or change in file
3. Then step 1 again
Only thing due to comparisons we need to keep double space one for local directory and one for intermediate directory

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