Rclone copy Google Drive to Dropbox slow

Another question gyus: Whats the API call per day limit at DropBox?

Nobody knows but dropbox - if you see errors slow down. Check forum for other people experience. Only way

Dropbox does not have a daily API per day limit.

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Is there any site explaining dropbox limits? I was under impression that it is all fuzzy and nobody knows

Google has daily API quotas (found in the Google Admin console), a daily download limit, a daily upload limit and rate limits.
Dropbox has no daily API quota, no download quota, no upload quota and has rate limits.

Neither Google, nor Dropbox share their rate limiting specifics.

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Thank you. Sort of expected from unlimited storage.

any source? As it wold allow some planning

I have no idea what you mean by any source.

Any dropbox link where they explain such details.


I also have massive transfer problems to copy my stuff from gdrive to dropbox via blackhost UNM Core located in Amsterdam with 1 Gbps bandwidth.

I am using following command:

rclone sync gdrive_backup: dropbox: --transfers 12 --order-by modtime,desc --checkers 12 --tpslimit 12  --cutoff-mode soft --dropbox-batch-mode async --fast-list --checksum --dropbox-batch-size 1000 --dropbox-batch-timeout 10s --bwlimit 50M:60M --progress --ignore-existing --bind IPSERVER --verbose

I am getting following transfer speed :frowning:

Transferred: 95.238 GiB / 95.238 GiB, 100%, 1.036 MiB/s, ETA 0s
Transferred: 30 / 30, 100%
Elapsed time: 8h24m51.5s

Any suggestions? This speed realy hurts ....

Please open new thread and provide all info as per template.

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