Rclone API rcd header for BOX API

I am facing another issue.
I am using rclone rcd to run the server and only interacting to rclone with APIs. I am transferring the same files and deleting them for testing purposes.
I am facing cache issue which I do not understand how works.
When I run the following command it starts to copy the files. It works fine and start to copy files.

rclone -P --drive-impersonate user@example.com  --header as-user:000000000 copy remote-1:/  remote-2:/

But when I run it without --drive-impersonate and --header as-user It does not start the copy process. I have impersonate in my config section for both remotes.
And when I try the following it does not copy files. It works only when there is a different folder at the destination i-e "dstFs": "migration-1-88:/Testing/",.

    "srcFs": "migration-1-1:/",
    "dstFs": "migration-1-88:/" 

Here are my server logs when it does not copy and also the files on destination have been deleted.

2023/09/06 21:37:54 DEBUG : fs cache: switching user supplied name "migration-1-1:/" for canonical name "migration-1-1:"
2023/09/06 21:37:55 DEBUG : Copy of Capture0.PNG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -131ms, within tolerance 1s)
2023/09/06 21:37:55 DEBUG : Copy of Capture0.PNG: Unchanged skipping
2023/09/06 21:37:55 DEBUG : Copy of Copy of Capture0.PNG: Size and modification time the same (differ by -237ms, within tolerance 1s)
2023/09/06 21:37:55 DEBUG : Copy of Copy of Capture0.PNG: Unchanged skipping

I want the rclone server to not cache any thing at all. Is there a way to achieve that.

I don't understand why you have those in the command line and in the config.

Note that you should use --box-impersonate rather than --header as-user as it will likely be applying the header twice if you have impersonate = 00000 in your config file.

This says that the copy already happened and the destination has the files in the source. That is what the "Unchanged skipping" logs mean.

I started working using this command. It worked so I did not changed it. I will modify it.

This happened when I had deleted those files even from trash. So there were no files but it was still skipping it. But I transferred them before using the same API call and it worked fine.
So I used rclone API to transfer those files. Then I deleted them and used rclone to transfer them again then those logs happened.

Let me know how you get on.

I am not using commands anymore.
I am only interacting using rclone rc APIs.

Windows is not the perfect OS to work with rclone. I am using Linux and Docker containers.
Not facing that problem anymore.

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