Rclone 1.51 release

I think your patch to make_manual.py looks very good :slight_smile: I think it should be make_manual.py that changes the link references - was that what you were thinking? Otherwise the linking won't work on the website where the docs are separate pages.

@ncw, thanks for having a look at my patch, and sorry for taking so long to get back to you ("real life" intervened,as usual...).

My initial approach was to solve just the manual.md/manual.html linkings; I did not consider the individual HTML pages. I will get back to it and have a look at this as soon as I have some free time again.

-- Durval.

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When adding Jottacloud to my new rClone installation on MacOS I get the error: "illegal base64 data at input byte 264".

Sample of my 'Login token': eyQ1c2VybmFtZSI6Imphbm5pY2tuaWpzb2x0IiwicmVhbG0iOiJqb3R0YWNsb3VkIiwid2VsbF9Abm93bl9saW5rIfoiaGR0cHM6Ly9pZC5qb3R0Y1Nsb0VkLmNvbS9hdXRoL3JlYWxtcy9qbQR0YWNsb3VkLy53ZZxsLWtub3d2L29wZW5pZC1jb25maWd1cmF0aW9uIiwiYXV0aF90b2tlbiI6IjQ1RTVFNkM0NTRG5DY0QTU3QjA2ODU1MEY0NURTMThDQn0 (changed a lot of letters and numbers, but same length)


Please create a new post and fill the question template.

I heard that there was a --backend-encoding parameter added. By the way, I don't understand readme.html.

How do I take advantage of this option when mounting a GDrive on Windows? How can I get rid of the "'" character?
