Question about db_path = and chunk_path =

Trying to set a custom location for the above parameters, but for some reason it simply doesn't want to work.

Working version (can see gcrypt):
type = cache
remote = gdrive:
chunk_size = 32M
info_age = 7d
chunk_total_size = 20G
workers = 8

Non-working version (can't see gcrypt):
type = cache
remote = gdrive:
chunk_size = 32M
info_age = 7d
chunk_total_size = 20G
workers = 8
db_path = C:\Cache\gcache.db
chunk_path = C:\Cache\gcache

Is there a parameter missing from the second example?

I can't see anything obviously wrong with the config. Here is a working example for reference:

type = cache
remote = Teamdrive:
chunk_size = 32M
info_age = 8760h
chunk_total_size = 10G
db_path = C:\RCLONE_DB
chunk_path = E:\RCLONE_CACHE
workers = 4

My best guess here is that you may not have deleted / flushed your cache and you are seeing some kind of old data because if it? it's an easy mistake to make if you are running a few different test setups. I'd try deleting the whole cache and DB folders and letting it reconstruct from scratch just to make sure it's not that.

EDIT: actually - i notice that you seem to try to point to a file in your DB path. I've always pointed it to a folder and the DB file will be put there. Not sure if that matters, but you may just want to shorten both to C:\Cache to test.

Stopped the nssm mount and deleted the entire C:\Cache folder

Changed the rclone.conf locations to C:\Cache and remounted nssm

I see the folders being created in C:\Cache ... but I still can't access either the cache or the gcrypt.

Bizarre ....

Have tried:

db_path = C:\Cache
chunk_path = C:\Cache
db_path = C:\Cache\gcache.db
chunk_path = C:\Cache\gcache
db_path = "C:\Cache"
chunk_path = "C:\Cache"
db_path = "C:\Cache\gcache.db"
chunk_path = "C:\Cache\gcache"

None want to let me access cache or gcrypt

Yet if I remove any reference to db_path and chunk_path in rclone.conf, it works ....

Has to be a path issue.

Any other ideas?

Figured it out: the nssm rclone mount owns the C:\Cache folder ... rendering it unwriteable to rcloneBrowser

I changed the rclone.conf to:
db_path = C:\Cache_rclone
chunk_path = C:\Cache_rclone

... and now it works :smiley:

Oh yea, that would make sense. You absolutely should keep the cache folders separate from the VFS folders as they are completely separate systems. Glad you got it sorted! :slight_smile:

Good to know for troubleshooting in the future: you can run your rclone with -v (verbose output) or -vv (debug output) to get more info. I think the output from either would probably have notified you of permission errors in this case.

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